The Emergency Food Theory [Genshin Impact Paimon Lore And Theory] [The Paimon Chronicles #1]

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foreign [Music] has continued to be this mysterious entity that just goes through the Traveler's Journey alongside them the more we think that we know pymon the less we actually know about her so today welcome to the emergency food Theory where I explored a strange joke that has plagued the entire character of pymon and the theory stands that she's a hidden protector and guide of the traveler that will eventually be vital to the unlocking of their true power thus emergency food this came to me as an idea at 3am so let's just see where this Rabbit Hole takes us oh boy this is about to be a weird video disclaimer this is all just a theory in speculation and none of it is indicative of the final product anyway let's begin with pywon's Origins before the traveler or the strange lack thereof hymon strange Origins are sprinkled even from the beginning of the game with her strange attire to the fact that she can fly and teleport without any problem to even having her own pocket Dimension that she disappears to hymon also knows a lot about savat's history acting as a travel guide and seems to have trouble under understanding human emotions or the nuances of interactions that are more mundane is also derived from the artist Galicia the same Source material for other creatures like Barbados morax booer Baal and other major players in celestial events Mona also points out that pyaman's faith is unreadable and she is not quite sure what to make of that fact albeda was a question pymon's power before but promptly dismissed that after pymon states she has no real idea where that comes from and that she confidently states that she simply does pymon but we know that there has to be something lingering about pymon considering she's really different from a lot of the creatures we've seen so far how you also sprinkled this one really suspicious sign in the 2.2 event Quest about powerful creatures regaining their power over lost memories heard that those with memory loss so familiar Place why don't you try going back into the domain as for your memory loss did you ever hear those stories you know the one where someone loses their memory and forgets about the incredible Powers they had once they remember they become invincible again and here's a fascinating line from 2.4 that had a lot of people raising their brows seeds of story brought by the wind and cultivate the thing however her power doesn't seem to be strong enough to even warrant a Divine status was able to knock payment out alongside the traveler and she doesn't seem to have much physical power at the moment or even any real recognition of her past we also know that she is also connected to the urban cell because she doesn't remember the greater Lord and had no recollection of the balladeer until the traveler cleared the air up so now I propose a theory on why pymon is the way she is and where she came from because a second claim is pymon is the third shade I made a video before called Barbados as the god of death where I dove into how animal was element of death and gentian's universe but someone actually pointed out something really fascinating that stuck with me I can't find the original comment but they said that Barbados couldn't be the god of death because that title is observed for one of the four shades when I asked for their Source they presented me with a theory about the artifacts essentially the theory goes that each of the artifacts represents a shade and the primordial one so we have Life Death sanity or Reason spacer void then time Mr Roth being the shade of time is a really good solid connection to this but if we're going to continue I argued at space as a sustainer's delegation because of how to compress a traveler's power into small cubes and the Mysterious abundance of cubes in important places that have been destroyed the cause of anchondria being good examples now I believe that pymon on the other hand is a shade of logos or reusiting sanity and words and there are three reasons for this first is that playman's role in The Narrative is more so a guide the circlet of logos comes from the concept of word reason and discourse logos is a term used in Western philosophy psychology and rhetoric and refers to the appeal to reason that relies on logic or Reason inductive and deductive reasoning hymon acts as a sort of middleman for the Traveler's lack of understanding of the world and the people around them oftentimes being their voice articulate their intention it's also fascinating that Hyman was the one who taught the traveler how to speak the language of devot as well as basically teach them about all the statues of the seven and the archons when when they first survive heiman essentially becomes our voice whenever we travel around the world the second is a connection of the symbol on her chest and her crown to the domains this symbol closely resembles the upside down flipped version of the Celtic symbol known as a strikuetra now its original version is known for being a symbolism for the Trinity amongst Cosmic deities it can represent the three stages of Life the three Moon sisters and other known trinities in philosophy and religion the symbol being upside down doesn't really have a complete interpretation some people say it's a bad Omen some people say it doesn't matter so we won't be focusing on that for now but what I do want to focus on is that haiman's jurisdiction could be the domains and the pocket universes that contain a branch of the urban cell if nahida's power is to oversee the information and the urban cell taiwan's power could be the precursors of that almost like if Barbados is a threat of a thousand wins then wisdom is a byproduct of logic and discourse the third is her correlation with the pymon of the artist Galicia he is described as a divulger of Secrets and all the Arts I as well as revealing hidden treasures and truthfully answering questions asked by The Conjurer in the abrameline king tymon's powers include knowledge of past and future events clearing up doubts making spirits appear creating Visions acquiring and dismissing servant Spirits reanimating the dead for several years light remaining underwater indefinitely and general abilities to make all kinds of things and all sorts of people in armor to appear but if my argument is that pymon was a shade the question is what happened to her because now we move on to why pymon is with a traveler I always find myself asking why was pymon underwater and I have a few theories for this hymon being in the water could be symbolism of her Defiance against Celestia and her newfound friendship with the traveler genshin has a fascinating connection with water being a symbolism for creatures and deities that are outside the jurisdiction of the seven for example in the byakya koku Chronicles water was used to describe the Bishops and their realm orabashi fled to the dark sea the people of encanomia were sealed into the waters and the Seas and oceans accepted those that rebelled and those that did not kneel in literary terms water in the sea became symbolism for betrayal or abandonment so my theory is that pymon being in the water is representation of her loss of power and Defiance to the rest of the Heavenly principles there was a two-month gap between the Traveler's Awakening and pymon meeting them meaning that during that time frame pymon could have conspired against other Shades in favor of assisting The Traveler throughout the journey it also helps that nahida states that the Heavenly principles are currently missing in action ever since the cataclysm incident but we did hear a mysterious voice in the end of The Ballad years our Conquest interlude that suggests something more Divine is still present despite everything it's a really fascinating concept we know that around the time of the cataclysm the sustainer of heavenly principles was battling with The Travelers and is the Roth allegedly assisted Makoto with the arbitrary plan of creating the sacred Sakura but giving the seed to a that leaves us with two missing Shades now the question is why why well my theory is that taiwan's Disobedience has something to do with the Traveler's role of Ascension according to the Traveler's lore the keeper is fading away and the creator has not yet come perhaps pyman's Ascension has something to do with the traveler Awakening 500 years after the cataclysm with pymon's ultimate goal being to help the traveler reach their final destination not really to just be reunited with their sibling but also to gain as much power as possible to perhaps usurp the current Celestia or change the world for the better hymon's depowering could either be self-imposed or even worse a punishment by the other gods and then casts her aside into the sea as we last found her but now that we have pymon's history theorized about let's begin with her relationship to the traveler me tackling the concept of eating in this video is going to be a weird change of tone but stay with me Kenshin has this weird way of foreshadowing certain events by playing them off as jokes and soft references every now and then a good example is the balladiers entire story being a connection to the song Bohemian Rhapsody so the question is is genshin doing that as well for the other characters and I want to open pymon's connection to eating pymon's jokes about eating lots of food is really really hammered down by the story and before I begin with any assumption or Theory can I just say that these jokes are always too on the nose like you can't have a quest where it isn't just Pokemon talking about treasure or food to the point that it's kinda annoying but I digress it could be a sign that pymon is slowly regaining power and food is just a symbolism of her slowly gaining back her energy perhaps every time the traveler gains a new power or a skill or a new element hymon is also slowly being recharged now this is where the emergency food Theory comes full circle the final claim is that pyman's ultimate role is to be the final protector of the traveler if all else fails and there's no one that's able to save them this whole theory is actually based on Albedo's own hypothesis about paima in the Traveler's relationship in which pymon is a sort of external organ while I don't think that's actually the case and Albedo also shuts that down I think Albedo's claim has a little bit more Merit what if payment's correction to The Traveler is both a surveillance and a protector payment is regaining power alongside the traveler and is also on the journey to find the truth of the world alongside them but also inadvertently preparing them for the inevitable fight against whatever they're supposed to be against whether it be the abyssio or the Sarita pymon's here to make sure that the journey is complete I made a video before regarding pymon's Allegiance and I argue that pymon will not betray The Traveler and I still stand by that theory when the traveler asks what pyman could possibly be the god of time on jokingly says protection since she's the Traveler's best friend I believe that payment's goal in helping the traveler is truly genuine if she were hiding any original ulterior motives I don't think it's to hinder The Traveler even if it is surveillance if the gods really wanted to intervene or kill the traveler there have been plenty of opportunities for them to do so but I genuinely think that pymon especially in her current state of lacking memories and Powers is really just looking out for The Travelers well-being every time that the traveler is at the brink of death there would always be something or someone intervening to save them and yes we would normally call this plot armor but stick with me in Inazuma it was yaimiko kazuha and felma in liwe it was Xiao and the Traveler's own power and in summer it was nahida but there was one time where there was this mysterious power that actually protected The Traveler it was during the lead with arkhan Quest vsile when the Jade chamber was first dropped if you freeze the frame you can see two differently sized boxes first but second now I will be honest with you I have no idea what that is but if I were to put that in the context of this Theory it's pymon's Lathan Powers somehow protecting the traveler prior to teleportation of the adeptide and just in case before we cut back to everyone being teleported out now this is all just a theory and I will tell you this right now that scene was so suspicious the first time it popped up so it's possible that pymon's power only truly unlocks if there is really nothing left but the catch is that pyman herself doesn't really understand when those moments are and is up to fate to decide now for some extra notes because I do want to know where this Theory lies in the midst of all the other Pokemon theories and it's that why can't pymon be is the Roth actually I really like the five one is estera Theory but I wanted to Explore More on different threads or theorizing because where's the fun in a one-track mind but there is a difference between her situation and booer and marchosius's pymon and isroth are given separate our scoisha names while Mark chocius isn't we don't want the case for Brewer being a shared name between the two Gods but I imagine with a line of succession and how the statues of the seven also adopted kusanali's form this could also be the case but again we don't actually know if the greater Lord had a different arsugowisha name the problem is that we just don't know much about israth so anything really goes for that theory now another one is that if pymon is the god of logic insanity why is there a need for a god of wisdom and why was pymon affected by the Urban Soul this is also a really big counterclaim against this Theory but I think it all boils down to power heiman's Faith could inadvertently be changed when she depowered and thus somewhat registered her into the Urban Soul something that could have also happened with this sibling considering they weren't supposed to be a part of the urban cell either but are maybe pymon is also the case for that and the last but certainly not the least is why can't pymon be the god of space in all honesty there really isn't that big of a reason why she can't be the god of space other than the circlet of logos and her General disposition we don't know anything about the sustainer of heavenly principles so let's humor the thought that penguin is the shade of space instead it would explain her teleportation and the eating allegory is connected to the quote unquote black hole that is her stomach she's like those Infinity bags that look really small but are actually really deep if you stick your hand into it the emergency food Theory would also be accompanied with a goblet of the anotham which in other languages is translated to emptiness void and space pymon's constant eating would be a symbolism of that continuous regaining of Power by trying to fill up a never-ending void a potential sign that she herself has a copious amounts of power this interpretation would relegate sustainers to the circlet of logos so there's that though I do think that if Taiwan was going to be a shade her being the shade of space would not be that bad but anyway then that's just an alternative speculation and theory on time one as a character I actually have a lot and I mean a lot of theories on pymon because we have no idea what she is anyway my name is Aston thank you for chilling with me happy 3.5 time and time again hymen has continued to be of course I can't talk like the moment I press the card
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 85,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, youtube, genshin impact youtube, yt algorithm, bless the yt algortithm, genshin 3.4, genshin impact 3.4, genshin impact 3.5, genshin 3.5, genshin impact 3.5 lore, genshin lore, genshin impact pantalone, genshin theory, genshin character, genshin kusanali, genshin archon quest, genshin 3.5 lore, paimon, genshin impact paimon, genshin paimon, paimon theory, paimon lore
Id: AEQkmstJslA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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