WHO IS PAIMON | Genshin Impact Theory

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payment is without a doubt the most mysterious character in the game and she has multiple theories about her identities and that would be our topic in this video starting off with her most popular Theory her being the unknown goddess people claim that the unknown goddess drained her powers when she fought the Twins then became small and turned into payment but this is very very unlikely because she was trying to stop us and she's the main reason why the Twins were separated and payment on the other hand is trying to help us find our twin one more thing I'd like to mention is that the unknown God didn't even struggle while fighting the siblings she was literally floating in one place and didn't even move the whole fight and she basically bullied the Twins with no difficulty the identity of the unknown God would be a topic for another video next we have the shade of time isteroth people think payment is asteroth because she moves when we pause the game but this is just a game mechanic because we haven't seen her use any time related abilities Laura guys people also like to say that she gave us the ability to control time but first of all payment did not give us such a thing and second of all we don't even fast forward the time we wait people also say that payment is a store-off because we found her near the nameless Island which is associated with istroff but I would like to remind you all that we didn't meet payment in monstat we met her in Liu and specifically in guyan Stone Forest I believe you're a bit confused now so let me clear up some stuff after I awoke I was all alone right up until I met you two months ago yeah really owes you for that otherwise I'm unlikely would have drowned traveler and payment met in lieu two months ago before starting their journey in Monster as I said before payman was fished out from gaian Stone Forest Gillian Stone Forest where I sealed many gods with my Spears it's basically a graveyard where morax sealed multiple gods and payment was found there which would open up a new possibility that payment used to be one of those gods that were defeated by Rex lapis but again this is less likely to be the case moving on to the next Theory payment being a Sealy payment shares some similarities with the sealies as they teach humans languages and as well as guiding them which is literally what payment did for the traveler as she teached the latter the language of tavit during those two months she also refers to herself as the Traveler's best travel guide and companion but this theory has also been debunked that's because the sealies were cursed and stripped out of their mind and the one and only Celie that was able to survive and maintain herself was Nabu malakata the flower goddess next up we have the theory of payment being one of the Moon sisters because her color scheme is white just like the moon and she was also compared to the moon but once again this theory is very less likely to be true because in the volume 3 of moonlit bamboo forest we learned that the moon sisters killed each other and the moon we see in the sky is a corpse and now since we've got every Theory out of the way I would like to introduce to you my favorite payment Theory but before I start please make sure to watch this video because this payment Theory heavily relies on the things I explained there but I'll still give a quick summary right now thousands of years ago a war happened between the ruler of Celesta the primordial one and an intruder known as the second who came the latter won and started impersonating the identity of the primordial one and use the Urban Soul to make everyone believe that he's the primordial one and is trying to hide the truth from David but if there's anyone who somehow finds out they will be killed as for the fate of the primordial one we will discuss it in this video [Music] as you are not from this world I am unable to give you a prediction Mona is incapable of predicting the fate of the traveler because they're a descender this this Scrabble companion of yours do you know anything of her Origins no matter what I cannot seem to discern a single shred of information regarding this floating fairy's fate Mona is also incapable of predicting the fate of payment which opens up the possibility that payment is also a descender now I know you may be wondering how would payment be a descender if she forgot Scaramouche and Ruka devada well let me tell you that payment could be acting in order to avoid suspicion because it's not the right time yet for her to reveal her true identity to The Traveler well who knows payment could be faking her stupidity and ignorance and she might be some kind of omniscient being [Music] and now we will analyze payments design starting off with her most noticeable feature her crown apart from the Kings payment and the primordial one are the only individuals who wear a crown and their crowns look very similar and precisely when payments Crown is upside down now moving on to what she's wearing the things on her sleeves and boots are literally the things that are on the celestial pillars and Celesta is built by the primordial one which proves that payment is related to Celesta now payman's hairpin is a star which looks like the Prima Gem and it's called a primordial gem adding on to that the primordial one is symbolized by the circlet of logos which is once again a crown with a star Motif one more thing is that the hero's journey icon is a crown with wings which also symbolizes the primordial one and as you can see there's once again more star motifs payment doesn't only has a star hairpin but she's also connected to Stars time on what a fascinating being you two give off not only the essence of wind and Earth but also of yes the Stars huh the fragrance of what now it's the weirdest compliment Island's ever heard I'm pretty sure you're tired of me mentioning wings so let's talk about them now as you may already know the primordial one has wings but payment doesn't but after all the whole point of having wings is to fly which is something she's already capable of doing but if this isn't a good evidence to you then let me show you something that you probably haven't seen before this is an official art of payment holding a spear and if you look closely you'll notice that the spear got Wings this was posted on Twitter all the way back in 2019 which is why not many players are familiar with it thank you in honkai Impact there's something called the imaginary type symbolized by a triquetra now ingension impact we see the triquetra on Mora and Genesis Crystal they're both currencies that represent an imaginary concept money is an object that holds an imaginary value which is why Maura and Genesis Crystal have the imaginary symbol [Music] but payment is an exception the triquetra on her clothes is different it's upside down and when a symbol is upside down then its meaning would be the opposite so this is how it would be therefore the triquetra symbol on payment means real I'm sure you're confused on what this would mean but don't worry we will get to that later just hear me out have you ever wondered what does genshin mean it means original God as well as these two other meanings which perfectly describes the primordial one since he's the original God of Teva and the creator of all life here's another detail that you might have missed there's a crown and a pair of wings and specifically on the word gentian which means that gentian is the primordial one but you might ask me how would this tie with payment well it's simple really payment is the mascot of gentian impact and now we finally know why the triquetra symbol on payment means real because the primordial one is the real and original god well after all you can't spell primordial one without payment foreign [Music] doctor what have you done just a type of sound wave that can quickly put defenseless people into a dream as I expected it doesn't have any effect on gods according to the doctor he used a device that makes non-gods sleep and it seems like it worked on payment but as I said before payment could be faking her stupidity and isn't Clueless it could be that she saw the traveler fall asleep first and then she did the same as an act still payman called herself a God if you pinch piemon you'll be able to see a crying God are you a god I'm on sure it is as your bodyguard highman is the guide of protection at first you might see this as a joke but it could be a big foreshadowing for the end of the game because she will protect the traveler from someone I'll explain more in details later foreign [Music] there's something called the Omni element and symbolized by a triquetra it's basically the combination of all elements hence why it's called Omni because that word means all also an amazing detail that I noticed the reason why the triquetra symbol in TCG is in that specific angle is because the Omni element in TCG is imaginary because we don't actually use the elements during TCG it's just effects therefore it's not real so if the Omni element in TCG looks like this then the Omni element would look like this in the real world does that remind you of someone well now payment not only has the symbol of the Omni but she's also Associated to it [Music] well the reason I'm mentioning all of this is because the primordial one also has the Omni element because Teva and everything in it was created by the primordial one and it stated that the elements are the building blocks of tavit and the elements flow in the Ley lines but if payment has all this great power why is she so weak as I said in my previous Theory video the primordial one and the second who came fought each other and the primordial one lost now what if the primordial one used a lot of power but became small just like what happened to Ruka devada and guba exhausted her strength and her form became that of a small child how strange for he placed all of his power into the land itself to quell the calamities his power spended and his wits greatly reduced thus his body decreased in size by the time he parted ways with us he wasn't even the height of a human it's also very likely that the reason that the traveler is able to manipulate the elements is thanks to payment since she got the Omni element but since she doesn't want to reveal her identity to The Traveler she uses the statues as an excuse for the Traveler's source of power you are caught by the tenrio commission you also can't Surrender Your Vision in exchange for your life I can tell them that you were my vision now you're able to able to freely manipulate elemental power is something I'd like to ascertain and this floating child is connected to your body in some way it was merely considering the possibility that you were an external organ perhaps there is some invisible force connecting you oh and that rules out that possibility you wonder did pymon guide the elemental power to you but that would mean that pymon's elemental power would be enough to break through a mountain rock at least 10 meters thick or cause the waterfall south of Springfield to flow backwards [Music] give off not only the essence of wind and Earth but also of yes the Stars Heyman was also shown to be capable of having a resistance to some phenomenons that non-vision users won't be capable of resisting we received word that a section of the Avidia Forest seems to have become contaminated I hear that strange things are happening to people who cross through that region so this is the contaminated region that everyone's been talking about oh it definitely looks different from normal it's like really creepy and suffocating do you feel unwell at all good it's as I predicted elemental power confers a degree of resistance against the contaminated Region's influence while the traveler was having headaches probably caused by the Raiden Shogun payments seem to be just fine and whatever was happening to the traveler in the scene payment again seems fine don't you have secrets too [Music] nope definitely not [Music] I don't know if you noticed yet but almost every payment theory has some sort of a connection which is that they're all created by the primordial one which would make more sense for her to share some traits and similarities with all of them okay now into the real conclusion I will try to guess the end of the story based on all the hints we've got so far after the brutal War happened the second who came became the new ruler of Celesta making him an imposter while the primordial one lost and got small in size and lost great amounts of power then turned into payment and fell in the ocean thousands of years later The Traveler fished out payment and then became best buddies but despite her being once a powerful God she decides to keep that a secret from The Traveler for now until the right time comes and she secretly gives the traveler the power of the elements and in the end of their Journey The Traveler will unlock the Omni element and now once the traveler has reached his Peak potential he can finally face Celesta to save his sibling but to his surprise he will be confronted by The Imposter the second Throne of Heavens The Traveler will be overpowered by his enemy and will lose and as he's about to get killed payman will transform into the primordial one and then protects the traveler [Music] and together they will defeat the Imposter and save the sibling and this is how the story of gentian impact comes to an end [Music]
Channel: Kim
Views: 177,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: who is paimon, paimon, paimon theory, paimon unknown god, paimon primordial one, paimon phanes, paimon istaroth, paimon god of time, paimon seelie, paimon moon, paimon moon goddess, paimon moon sister, paimon gnosis, Triquetra, genshin triquetra, paimon triquetra, primordial one theory, celestia theory, celestia, genshin, genshin lore, genshin theory, genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory
Id: 34XNa6GPD3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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