Will The Archons (And Neuvillette) Help the Tsaritsa Fight Celestia? [Genshin Lore Theory]

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The Narrative of the nois continues to be one of the more sideline main plots in genshin where in the beginning we are told that these mysterious artifacts are supposed to be the evolved forms of a vision and the connection of the aransa Celestia nowadays it's just another throwaway call back that seems to be passing hands without any real weight the noes have taken a backseat amidst everything happening in the story so much so that even the archons aren't bothered with their alleged boost and power being taken away from them but what if this was intentional could there be a reason that the archons are so ready to part themselves from the nois and what if the archons are supportive of the plot for a new world order against Celestia disclaimer this is all just a theory and speculation and none of it is indicative of the final product this Theory stems from a long line of questioning of why aren't people really focused on the nosis but before we begin with the archons themselves we have to ask about the Serita and the harbingers the harbingers and the Serita aren't too secretive with their ultimate goal goal of establishing a new world order through their own mysterious means the fatui harbingers are politicians first before they are warriors and have actively interfered or assisted in the plans of the other nations but the main goal of the seritas harbingers is to prepare themselves for an ultimate war against the common enemy and to even unite the entirety of dvat as ordinary humans against a long fight however while the vatu harbingers are questionable people and sometimes downright criminals them advocating for peace through unification may not be out of left field besides venty their methods for getting the nois were done through trading so it isn't too far-fetched to theorize that the Sita would enlist the help or at least the Silence of the other seven in not intervening on her plans regarding the nosis so the next question is which of the archons would have the most motivation to actually plot against Celestia or at least silently support the serita's way if there was one God that would be the most privy to the lawfulness and strictness of Celestia's ideals it would be Jong Lee let's begin with the one that's confirmed to have connections with a already we are told in the Leo archid Quest that Jong Lee already made a contract with a Serita for her to Aid him in his retirement and his final test of the chasing and the adep and for that contract to be consented to Jang Le should have asked the Serita about her motivations regarding his nosis the importance of the ideal of contracts is that consent is formed through the knowledge and risk acceptance of both parties which is why a contract cannot be broken or forced jongi is the oldest among the seven archons hence he has both more wisdom and cynicism regarding Celestia he knows the deeper Secrets behind the visions and even what happened to diab's Sibling he also knows that his erosion is amongst his contracts with the Heavenly principles and it's because of this pre-existing knowledge that could have contextualized deeper why he allowed ferita to take hisn nois in exchange for his retirement I do believe that Jong Le wouldn't be too pressed if there was a creation of of the new world order as long as it didn't jeopardize the people of Leo but after seeing what had happened with past civilizations because of Celestia's numerous verdicts for war jle may have considered that establishing a new world may be the right way to maintain Leo's Prosperity without the interference of the Heavenly principles joh has also come to terms that the era of divinity is now long gone and perhaps that also extends to his thoughts regarding the harbinger's uprising if the Heavenly principles were to be removed is there chance that Humanity will finally be a soul determinance of their fate jangi is a God that has lived among the humans for a very long time even before his formal retirement so personally I theorize that because of this careful consideration he could believe that is's plan with his nosis is a good enough gamble for Leo's Prosperity out of all the archons I genuinely believe that he is the one that would be the biggest supporter of the serita's plans or at the very least the most knowledgeable ventti is a difficult character to to discuss he is an enigma amidst all of the other archons and a wild card that seems jovial and happy but knows more than he lets on however what distinguishes him from John Lee is that he wasn't present consistently enough to really have a grasp on the situation from what we know allegedly vanzi has been asleep for intermittent periods of time because he wished for monad to rule freely without intervention from an archon the gaps between these rests are unknown however his current Reawakening was recent enough that the name storm Terror was unfamiliar to him he also apologizes to dealin for his absence before the traveler intervened so for him to collude with Thea before the stealing of the nosis is impossible and Fenty asks what she could have been planning in those 500 years he's never seen her he also couldn't believe that she would plot to steal another God's nosis which thus put the scene into perspective if venty was really trying to resist against Senora but in my opinion this was already an attack that he foresaw and that he allowed in the earlier part of the Aran Quest the D and Jean are wondering what is the point of the fatou's goal in mingling with the storm Terror Affairs venty states that a fatou aren't interested in defance power but instead we're using the dragon to draw out the god of Animo himself therefore it's possible that he had a hunch that this was going to happen that he himself was going to beat the target but why I believe that venty supports sir's plan is because he some muchat empathizes with her plight despite being surprised and maybe even betrayed the desita would actually execute her plan he mentions that he was once close with her prior to the cataclysm and he'd even impersonate her staff or write tales about her during the performances he has as a Bard perhaps it was also through dis closeness with her that made him reconsider how such a gentle soul could be pushed to retribution vendy is an empathetic character and also understands Celestia is not the beautiful paradise that the Legends make it out to be this could also be deepened by the fact that ventti is a thread of a thousand winds and has direct connections to one of the shades of the the usurper is the Roth venty himself is interwoven into the foundational principles that created tat and maybe that could help him realize why the foundational principles have done more harm than good challenging Celestia is not something that I was considering until I really understood her positionality Nita is a god that is not loyal to Celestia due to her not completely understanding her past and is a blank slate whose motivation is to seek out the truth as the god of wisdom this is what let this is what led her to seek out what happened with sumaru and Forbidden Knowledge unlike the others Nita is more LAX unlike the others Nita is more laxed when it comes to Celestia it understands them as nothing more than a concept or a point of discussion this could also be rooted in samaru lore itself where forbidden and exotic knowledge are freely shared with little to no regard of the repercussions perhaps this is also reflected with Nita Nita has also not been opposed to using her Divine Powers as a bargaining tip for the sake of knowledge and also has not been against using the heril for her own personal purposes such as helping The Travelers scour information that could otherwise be considered illegal which is why I believe that much like her capacity for trading the two nois for information she would not be opposed to assisting the Serita if the knowledge and protection she would Garner for her people is of equal value but another aspect is her genuine curiosity and concern regarding the ancient civilizations of sumaru this is evident with her interaction with the dendo dragon AEP one of the sovereigns because of this I believe that if Theo were to collude against Celestia it would be because of the usurpation of the original gods and her want to understand the descenders who came here from years ago and maybe her concern for a pep is honest and genuine and could even lead her to a pat similar to fossor Nita's priority is not only to protect her people but also understand the truth of the world and perhaps the Serita and her harbingers are the key to Nita's end goal because not only do they have an extensive collection of knowledge about Divine matters grander than the heril but they have also found something worthy within theosis that they're willing to take it from the gods finina as a character would be virtually absent from this conversation as at the moment she is taking her very well-deserved break from centuries of Anguish so this decision will be for nolet on one hand I want to think that nolet would support a notion of a new world order if and only if it is for the betterment of Fontaine and as a form of Justice against the foundational principles that let sto away his kind's power nlet already mentions that it is by his authority as a fully-fledged dragon of water that he must fulfill his oath and obligations even if it means returning the Waters of this world back into the heavens nlet has not shown signs of being directly opposed to using the divine's powers and authorities against the usurpers furthermore discussing with a Serita would give him the benefits of understanding what the nosis are and how he personally has remnants of the alleged third descender and lastly it is within Net's obligations to finally judge the usurper king and the Very foundational principles that have changed the land of humanity however the caveat here if he was to agree with isita or at least to show his support is that he must assure the safety of fontain while nalet is not opposed to a physical altercation if he must he would rather not jeopardize the people's safety the Great War that the harbingers are plotting will burn the entirety of the world away in favor of a new one and that leaves a question of where would Fontaine be after all of this there is also no guarantee that the harbingers will win against the common enemy which could plunge all of Seven Nations into severe Divine punishment if the foundational principles deem them unworthy the second is that noet would be willing to collaborate with someone who he considers as a usurper if his goal was to judge all of the seven that also means that desita is amongst the list so the question is how willing is nalet to contribute to a plan like that especially to a god that has questionable motives in my opinion outside of just not knowing the current situation around the Serita and the noes due to A's isolation for several years I believe that she would be actively against any kind of intent of usurpation and New World Order A's relationship with the nois is seeing it as nothing more than a tool meaning her relationship with Celestia wasn't one built with genuine loyalty or strength but A's purpose for the sakoku decree was out of her genuine fear that should in auma Prosper the way that it does it would fall to the hands of the Heavenly principles similar to cona and her colluding would her a plot against celesia may be seen as a betrayal of her obligation as the electro archon the risk here in directly involving herself in a plot against them would be in Zuma's direct targeting however one motivation that she could have for assisting in the plot against the Heavenly principles is not only for the sake of Inazuma but also in consideration for her sister's words the vision that they have for Inazuma is for it to be free from the clutches of the Heavenly principles much like how the sacred Sakura Blooms from the darkness they both simply want the Eternal prosperity of inuma and the Heavenly principles are a hindrance to that goal so would a be willing to risk everything to allow theara to continue onto this path even if it means risking Inazuma be caught in the crossfire we were already told in the iduma Aran Quest that whatever the gold of foui has does not allegedly impede in her vision so perhaps she already has an idea now the most important question here is why what is the overall point of agreeing with a if the harbinger's intention is to burn the old world away and wage war if anything the risks are very very high even if you say that they are just being ignorant or silent about the whole situation we know that that doesn't fare well with Celestia and even if you're not involved you are it's also important to consider that the harbingers are also morally ambiguous and powerful people they're not completely to be trusted so the risk the archons would be taking is relatively massive so what makes it all worth it well there's three main reasons why I believe that the archons would be motivated to take that risk first is just a genuine survival of their people while cona fell because of their own insolence and ignorance we don't know what happened to the other civilizations that were simply caught in the crossfire the hundreds of civilizations that Quest the gods or who met their end with a nail and cania for example was simply punished for taking refuge in the dark sea in a time of a war or the people of Sal vinder who met their end with the nail but we have no idea what they did to Warrant such a punishment another reason would be that the gods would be colluding with the harbingers is to finally free themselves of their obligations and their erosion some archons don't even want the responsibility anymore some are slowly losing themselves and their memories and some have no true motivations to be loyal to Celestia and maybe with the last reason is just a genuine guilt and their personal belief in Justice the power of the noes that the archons possessed was Ill gotten and a product of not one but two Wars so it's possible that some archons are willing to part with the nosis because of all the pain that it caused in the past and perhaps simply giving away that nosis is a way for them to make amends for Celestia's history there are crucial risks and repercussions if an archon or at least a God or a reigning Sovereign would be involved in a plot like this first if they were to succeed who would be in control while the Seven Nations are under the clutches of the Heavenly principles there is a reason they are called the fundamental principles to Define existence what happens when you shatter that security and is the New World Order of the harbingers truly for the betterment of the people or perhaps maybe it's just another iron grasp similar to The Heavenly principles are the archons really making the right call by allowing the Serita to have control over the nosis and then what happens to the archons when this is all over we know that for our divine authority to be returned from once it came the archon must perish through Divine means if the noes are connected to the Divine author authorities and asita would do something drastic and maybe even on the same level as fossil or sacrifice what would that entail for the other archons that that nosis is Ted to and of course the biggest repercussion is what happens if they lose the Heavenly principles have been known to punish creatures that directly defied their obligations and history has told us of multiple accounts where Divine envoys were punished for giving Humanity knowledge and power just because they are the archons or just because they are gods does not exempt them from this punishment if anything it puts a bigger Target on their back if this all goes south so who is to say that Celestia wouldn't see this as a form of Uprising against them and punish everyone inat even those that are not directly involved well that's a story for another day the archons plus nalet plotting against Celestia is definitely an interesting question but what are your thoughts on this do you think that the archon simply just don't really care about the nosis do you think they're scared of the harbingers or do you think that they actually support the serita's goals for creating a new world order my name is ason thank you for chilling with me bye-bye
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 39,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin impact story, genshin best story, genshin lantern rite, genshin impact lantern rite, genshin impact lantern rite story, genshin story, albedo, celestia, genshin 4.5, genshin impact neuvilette, genshin furina, venti, zhongli, ei, furina, genshin story lore, story lore
Id: jyyuGZ-xbnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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