Paimon's True Identity | Sun & Moon Pt. 1 | Genshin Impact Theory

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paimon the navi of gentian impact listen she goes by many names little pixie floating elf companion emergency knows exactly what you're going to say that joke stopped being funny a long time ago despite being our travel buddy and oftentimes annoying mouthpiece paimon is one of the most mysterious characters in the game the girl is hella sus we know she's gotta be important i mean she's the game's mascot and everything but how important is she good is she evil or is she neither this video will be my first entry within the sun and moon series that i intend to release over the coming weeks and hopefully i'll be able to answer a lot of big questions like what is going on with the sky what the heck is the abyss what the heck are the travelers and why hasn't anyone thrown albert in horny jail yet bear in mind as we maneuver through this journey together these videos will be nothing more than my own theories and speculations no reason to raise any pitchforks or nothing my aim is not to be right but it sure as hell feel good if i was also i am considering aether as the canonical protagonist and lumeen as the canonical abyss princess for all videos i will ever release sorry lumeen mains it just seems like mihoyo constantly chooses ether as the protagonist in their promotional materials now who is paimon let's talk so what do we know about her let's go down the list ether fished paimon out of the sea two months before the start of the game based off the traveler and paimon's voice lines it's likely that paimon taught ether the language of tavat during this time too paimon seems to know a lot about tavat and its history which is kind of odd because no one seems to know anything about who or what she is and the gods who should know the most are pretty quiet about her like no one comments on her on a deeper level save for a few exceptions and they all happen to be human for the most part how we don't even know the full extent of what ether knows about her after all he is somewhat unreliable as he chooses to withhold information himself either way we know paimon is obviously not human she can float disappear at will to god knows where and possibly has more than one stomach also she shoots out constellations every time she moves probably from her second stomach definitely not something humans can do maybe some of y'all do that i don't know what kind of chalk it up to your nasties well a lot of people seem to think that she's a god of some sort and that is highly likely she basically admitted to it in the about yoshiordi islands voice lines are you a god hi monsieur as your bodyguard is the god of perfection she's being real cheeky about it but i think we should take this seriously i mean she does not leave the traveler's side at all and barely lets him out of her sight except when the two are around archons have you noticed that she briefly left at the end of venti's story quest and also did not enter the plane of euthymia with ether the first couple times he went in i mean it's possible she was secretly still around in both of those scenarios but i just wanted to mention that anyway many people have pointed out that her design looks very similar to structures that we relate with celestia her crown is also very similar to the ring that forms around the statues of the seven when you upgrade them to level 10. there's also the origin of her name to consider paimon is a king of hell mentioned in the lesser key of solomon the only characters in the game thus far who have had names based off demons in the lesser key of solomon are the gods and they share a lot of qualities with their demon counterparts paimon is no exception the demon paimon is described as a man with a feminine face adorned with a crown and riding a dronedery camel he's knowledgeable about the earth its waters and winds and all affairs of the world answers all questions truthfully can reveal hidden treasures as the ability to bestow dignities and lordships clears up doubts can remain underwater indefinitely and has a knowledge of past and future events oh and he's also extremely loyal to lucifer i know that sounds bad but that's actually a really good thing many of you may know the christian interpretation of lucifer however the figure himself is not unique to christianity the word lucifer means lightbringer in latin and in greco-roman folklore he was a personification of the morning star otherwise known as the planet venus he even has an evening aspect that the roman poet catalyst called noctifer which means nightbringer remember catalyst because we'll be talking about him again later in the series anyway in roman poetry lucifer was romanticized as herald of the dawn a son of it in some cases so lots of light and star references even if we look at lucifer in his christian context he is a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven for leading a rebellion against god that sound familiar no you're right he sounds like the travelers who are constantly symbolized with light the stars and were even cast out of a heaven of sorts by a god at the very beginning of the game ether and lu means color palettes even reflect morning and night so if they are gentian's interpretation of lucifer then paimon being loyal to lucifer is a really good sign and is also more proof of her actual identity which we'll talk about a little bit later in the video i'm not going to delve too deep into the lucifer conversation right now despite there being so much more to say we'll be talking about the travelers in depth later in the series so for now just keep in mind that they and a few others are gentian's interpretation of lucifer tavat's glittering morning stars going back to that voice line paimon refers to herself as a god of protection and again although it sounds like she's being sarcastic she is definitely the traveler's protector i mean sure it looks like all she does is eat ether's food spend his mora and talk his ear off but i promise you she's doing way more than you might think it's been implied by characters like albedo that paimon is the one who channels the elements into the traveler after he touches the statues of the seven she's like the rava to his wand in avatar the legend of korra juan the first avatar can only house one element within his body so rava holds the others within herself passing through his body to confer the power of the other elements to him paimon may work similarly constantly channeling energy through ether so he can manipulate multiple elements himself and she is the one teaching him how to use his powers for combat along with them observing the natural environment as inspiration and such hymon's like a signal and ether is the receiver or in more specific terms hymons like ether's vision in fact ether and paimon pretty much confirmed this in their voice lines about the vision hunt degree if you are caught by the tamriel commission you also can't surrender your vision in exchange for your life i can tell them that you are my vision another reason wait what if this is true then paimon presumably can manipulate all forms of elemental energy and now that i think about it that might be why she loves to eat slime so damn much you know the big balls of condensed elemental energy okay so she can presumably manipulate all forms of elemental energy keep in mind too that she's channeling the elements from statues of the seven without the arkhan's knowledge so she's gotta be a god of some sort and a powerful one at that but which one the answer is actually rather simple even obvious overall i think she is at least three different things all of which intersect with each other the first being a celie [Music] the sealy are solemn spirit-like creatures scattered throughout tavat they once covered every inch of the world and the dark sea too until a calamity befell them and they lost their glorious humanoid forms forgetting their memories and dwindling away into the diminutive forms we see them take today many of the ruins that we see scattered about the land might have belonged to them especially any ruin with buildings that you see a triquetra on more on that in a moment since their fall they've evolved like in the case of dragon spines pyro aspected celie and the electro sealy of inazuma and they probably have more forms in other places too nowadays though they just wander aimlessly waiting for an adventurer who strikes their fancy to guide them back to their sealy courts after which they will reveal treasures also they're cute as like look at the little baby and the little noises they make their appearance is based off sea angels also will of the wisps creatures that have been attributed to the work of ghosts fairies or elemental spirits keep this in mind many have called out that paimon is very sealy-like she's got a scarf much like other celie and it and she move in a similar way to the sealy paimon is also obsessed with treasure and helps ether solve puzzles to find it much like sealy do she's also constantly referred to as a fairy-like creature in scottish folklore which is where the sealy are based from the sealy court is comprised of the fae aside from that much like how people don't know what paimon is most people in tavat don't seem to know what the seelie actually are or their story and because their voices were taken from them they can't tell anyone it's actually really really sad there's so much more to say about the sealy and i'm gonna dissect them more in the next video so for now just keep in mind they are incredibly important to the deeper story of gentian impact now i personally think this theory on paimon is true but we can take it one step further she is so much more than just a sealy i think she is one of the three gods that ruled over them arya sonnet and canon [Music] thanks to moonlit bamboo forest we know that long ago in tavats history there were three bright moons in the sky who were sisters that ruled the celestial heights and thanks to heart's desire we know their names were arya sonnet and cannon they would change places in the sky three times a month riding around on a silver carriage if the sisters didn't do a switcheroo a calamity would happen the same day guess what happened for an unknown reason the sisters came to blows with each other which led to their eternal party two moons crumbled away and only one remains in the sky as a pale corpse ever shedding its cold light that's what we're told anyway but there are some massive red flags here really big ones like damn why did two moons crumble away and one was left completely fine how can we be absolutely sure two of them aren't somewhere hanging around well records of zhu yun vol 4 tells a slightly different story to the moonlit bamboo forest according to it after disaster struck the graceful and heartbroken celie and the sisters grew more withdrawn each passing day to the point where their wondrous forms withered away leaving fragments of their former selves scattered in the mountains and ruins where they turned into tiny little life forms this implies the sisters didn't die at all at least not all of them but became fragmented instead that might be why the word crumble is specifically used to describe the fate of two of the sisters they broke down into their finer parts until they were mere shells of themselves what if paimon is in fact one of these fragments it almost fits too perfectly i mean look at paimon's design she's got silver hair the color of the moon and moonlight blue eyes with stars in them like a night sky her scarf is also like the night sky and again she stretches out constellations heimon even looks like the person depicted on the blessing of the welcome moon welkin meaning vault of the sky or firmament i.e heaven speaking of the shop notice how we purchase items from paimon by using masterless star glitter and stardust you can even purchase a quaint and intertwined fates to wish for characters with these two currencies in the lesser key of solomon paimon can make all kinds of things and all sorts of people and armor appear at the behest of her caster it almost implies that paimon has something to do with the stars and their maintenance like the moon sisters may have done ashikai explains this idea a lot better in her pokemon video so i urge you to check that out if you want to hear more it's definitely worth the watch if you haven't seen it already though i imagine a lot of you probably have either way the link will be in the description box below please go check it out as well as the rest of her amazing content also she got a voice like butter it's beautiful moving on the biggest indicator towards paimon's relation to the moon sisters is the triquetra on her clothes the triquetra is an ancient symbol that has been found in several cultures across the world in archaeology the term is used to define any figure that consists of three arcs including a tri-scalion a symbol that has also appeared in the game in neo-paganism the triquetra can symbolize the triple goddesses often referred to as the maiden the mother and the crone like the holy trinity in christianity or the fates in greek mythology they are often depicted as three aspects of the same being they can represent the division between the heavens earth and the underworld a stage in a woman's life cycle and also a different phase of you guessed it the moon in fact in modern day the moon is the ultimate symbol for the triple goddesses which phases they represent has been different over time but in modern day the maiden represents a waxing moon the mother a full moon and the crone a waning moon if we take the origins of the triquetra in mind and apply them to gentian impact then it's likely the triquetra represents the moon sisters it would make a lot of sense this is everywhere in the game it's on the door to every domain inside of every domain it's on a lot of ancient architecture and items and morax thought it was important enough to put on mora on that note leo's name means jade moon just a testament to how important the moon is in the fact that it features on paimon's clothing is telling and the fact that it's in a reversed position is also significant maybe this was simply a design choice that this orientation ended up looking better now that's if that out your damn head mihoyo's world building team pays way too much attention to detail for that basic ass i think this reverse triquetra is further proof of paimon's dissension from her original godly form that she is a mere echo of what she once was much like a certain someone more on her later we'll be discussing arya sonnet and canon a lot more throughout the series so for now i will just leave you with this quote to mole over from the moonlit bamboo forest these three luminous moons shared but one love the stars of daybreak only at the fleeting moments when day and night converged could one of the three sisters pass the fading stars and gaze upon the chambers of the morning stars the chambers of the morning stars huh okay so there's some strong evidence for pymon being a sealy and more importantly a moon sister i said i thought she was three beings though so what's the third i think you guys know come on say it with me no paimon is the god of time according to the sacrificial weapons in the distant past the clans gun hilder lawrence and emon lauker worshiped the masters of animo and time together who were intimately related the clans would put on elaborate plays on the cliffs overlooking the eastern sea of monstat most likely referring to star snatch cliff and the thousand winds temple although the god of time was worshiped by these three clans they ironically were eventually forgotten so far we don't have any indication that any of the three clans remember them we haven't even met a member of the iman louker clan yet if they still exist i'm hoping varka will be a member but we'll see none of the texts concerning monstat's history even mention the god of time or their identity in any meaningful capacity the only other information we get about the god of time concerns the world quest time and wind which involves the thousand winds temple and the nameless island to the east of it and frankly that quest doesn't really tell us much about the god of time either but it is the first quest in a likely chain so makes sense despite the severe lack of information the idea that paimon is the god of time has been a popular theory for a while for that reason no one remembers the god of time no one remembers who paimon is so she fits the description there most people think she's this god because every time you open the menu screen paimon seems to stop time interestingly though this only applies to living bodies like the traveler npcs and animals it also applies to celestial bodies like the sun and moon it does not however apply to the wind and what the wind blows through and also does not interrupt the flow of water wind and time are intricately related right or so we're told and the moon is responsible for tidal forces on earth's large bodies of water not to mention the demon paimon and the lesser key of solomon has knowledge over the earth's waters and winds hmm a simple design choice or another clue there may be something there but we need more another reason people think she's the god of time is thanks to where we first met pymon ether fishes her out of the sea that star snatch cliff overlooks and is not far from the nameless island coincidence i think not speaking of one of the many things in gentian that people play for the rewards and then never play again remember the fishing event lunar realm the whole point of the quest was finding the lunar leviathan right and it turned out to be a school of moon finn have you read the description of this fish oh my can y'all don't read gentian text listen closely moonfin a rare butterfly fish that emits light amidst the pitch dark ocean they love to swim in schools and when gathered together they form the image of a moon that has fallen into the sea a moon that has fallen into the sea couple that with pymont's love of fish and the fact that the lesser key of solomon states that paimon has control over fish i couldn't help but think of her if you really think about it a moon god having the power to manipulate time or more accurately space-time makes a lot of sense moons can be incredibly important for a planet's day and night cycle thanks to a process called tidal breaking take earth's moon for example the moon tugs at the earth with its gravitational force which slows the earth's rotation about its own axis and the earth's rotation affects how long a day on earth is millions of years ago when the moon was a lot closer to earth and the earth's rotation was a lot faster days were as short as five and a half hours but by the time of the dinosaurs tidal breaking slowed the earth's rotation such that days were 22.5 hours it may not seem like it but i think title breaking is incredibly important to some of the weird things going on with tavat so we'll be expanding on that a little later all you need to wrap your pretty little heads around for now is that moon's effect day and night cycles on their parents planets among other things concerning time we good we're good and there's even more moon references when it comes to the god of time remember during the time in wind quest you have to fight an eye of the storm twice near the sun dials or perhaps more accurately moon dials but in order to get it to spawn you have to disperse three wind clusters and defeat some monsters you can only do this between the hours of 2 and 5 am 2 and 5 3 hours 3 wind clusters 3 moon sisters triquetra and these two locations are in monstat monstat meaning moon city need i say more maybe all of this is just a happy coincidence like surely there isn't more evidence to taimon being the god of time right [Music] take a look at pymon's crown it's got two unconnected parts to it with triangular shaped notches on each side and two arrows between them one arrow pointing up and the other down doesn't it kind of resemble a clock i tried looking at as many angles of pymon that i could both in game and in her official art and i counted about six notches on each side of the crown totaling up to 12 which is how many hours are represented on a standard clock and the arrows well those are the hands the arrow pointing up is the shorthand and the arrow pointing down is the big hand in fact take a look at the moon dials see the golden parts combine both of them and run the arrows on the dials through them and you may get something that kinda looks like paimon's crown also kind of is reminiscent of the king chess piece but i'll let island xd explain that one if you haven't already seen his video about the eighth element it is an excellent video along with the rest of his content the man just knows what he's talking about the link for that video will be in the description box below now couple all that information with the fact that the demon paimon in the lesser key of solomon knows the past and future and we've got our prime suspect for the god of time case closed or maybe not in order for this theory to be really true something else needs to also be true the animal god and time god are intimately related right that means we need to have a connection we can draw between venti and pymon one that exists outside the traveler one could say well they're both gods but that doesn't provide any conclusive evidence and as far as the game would like us to believe the archons have nothing to say about pymon who so is there a connection something that ties the two together something that proves venti specifically knows exactly who or what paimon is yes there is he needs some milk but it's not in the game it's in the manga this is where things get highly highly speculative on my part so i ask you guys to expand your minds a bit buckle up because we're going into interesting territory oh and keep in mind that the manga is entirely canon not some obscure material so i'm not just pulling things out of my ass okay cool let's dive in a thousand years prior to present day when the vile aristocrats ruled monstat venti awakened from a long slumber and began to wander the streets of the city he meets an apple cellar and after singing a song for some apples i'm surprised he didn't look for alcohol then t asked what happened to the city of freedom the streets are empty the city this is what the apple cellar had to say the city is in peace just as the lord and his magnates want it to be make no mistake they will keep it that way we are then shown the most mysterious panel in the entire manga so easy to miss especially if you don't have context this the apple seller's words make venti think of three people three silhouetted figures amidst a starry sky with musical notes bouncing in the background i think this is undoubtedly a reference to the sealy and ultimately arya sonnet and canon that being said i don't think all three sisters are depicted here only one and that person is on the far right with the crown if we take the apple cellar's words and compare them to venti's thought then i would say the one with the crown is the lord and the other two are the magmates doesn't the lord here look really familiar a lot like an adult pymon the hair the crown even the boots look similar in shape to pymons they're even wearing a long scarf a staple feature of the sealy and just look at the color of the silhouette it's the same shades of blue and white that are used in pymon's cape as well as in her eyes and there's even a hint of rose gold sure you could say that the crown is slightly different it's much larger and seems to have a diamond in the center but keep in mind paimon's crown has been represented in many different ways the arrows in the middle of it have often been replaced with a diamond it happens on the official genshin logo and keep in mind that paimon is potentially a fragmented existence so differences are to be expected right as for the other two characters here they don't look like anyone we've seen in the game so far yet but like i said i don't think they're the other two moon sisters the one on the left looks fairly masculine to me and the one in the center looks quite androgynous so they could be either or i think i can answer this mystery of who these two characters are according to the ars galatia which is a part of the lesser key of solomon if paimon is summoned alone you must make a sacrifice to summon labal and abolum two kings who serve under paimon could these two magnates be genshin's version of labal and abolum i know i know i'm taking a lot of liberties here and making a lot of assumptions and we'll need way more information before any solid theory could be made about this but i think there's something here i really think this is pymon and if it is this shows us then he knows exactly who she is and that evokes a lot of questions regarding our already sus windborn bard which is why part two in my sun and moon series will be devoted to questioning everything we know about our beloved animal archon well that was the plan but then i changed my mind i have to talk about the other two sisters there's just so much so much we gotta go through guys so my whole venti video about who he really is is going to have to wait a little bit longer but until then travelers thank you so much for watching happy holidays and i'll be waiting for you in part two let's board the silver skiff together [Music] [Music] to that's day and night both seem particularly short the skies here are full of stars but they aren't the same as the ones seen from my home the stars the sky it's all a gigantic hoax a lie sorry i haven't approved i'm also unfamiliar with the god you describe no matter how weak the god the power that flows forth when they are slain is beyond the strength of mortal coils to bear when the darkness sees the long night did it envisage its end at the hands of a shooting star now that we have a better understanding let's put some of the pieces together [Music] you
Channel: The Little Onion That Could
Views: 574,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact theory, genshin impact, genshin impact paimon, genshin impact theory paimon, genshin impact moon sisters, genshin impact aria sonnet canon, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, paimon, paimon genshin, moon sisters genshin, mihoyo
Id: iZ5PJztNLEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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