Arlecchino: The Black Swan Theory | Genshin Impact Lore

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upon delving into every available resource about roria I stumbled upon a discovery that led me down a rabbit hole related to arino you might be wondering how is she related to roria discovering the melody of Vesta if you're familiar with Roman gods you might have noticed that the one Melody we can hear from roria is known as The Melody of Vesta and Vesta is the god of the Heth this SP my interest prompting weeks of research into Greek and Roman mythology as well as genin's law in search of links and clues to decipher this connection while I can't claim absolute certainty with my theories there's certainly something intriguing there now let's dive in in The Echoes of the Ancient World quest we learn that the kingdom of roria revolved around music and used phonetic notes as a writing system the enchanting song We uncover is known as The Melody of Vesta which Legend says can transport people into a Dreamscape this Dreamscape is likely where Remis went during his Slumber while his kingdom was given by its harest Vesta godess of the Hearth in real world mythology Vesta is the Roman goddess of the Heth home and family often depicted as the Eternal Flame of her Temple she embodies both feminine and masculine traits symbolized by the Eternal Flame and the fire stick there's even a tale about a Fallas appearing in the Flames of Her Sacred Heth leading to the birth of Rome's Founders Romulus and Remis vesta's priestesses known as the Vestal virgins were responsible for safeguarding sacred objects within the temple preparing offerings and tending to the temple Hearth their lives were comfortable but their rules were incredibly strict since Vester guarded the Eternal Flame allowing it to extinguish was seen as her withdrawing protection from Rome resulting in severe punishments for the priestesses even worse was guilt of impurity which could lead to a horrifying fate being buried or burned alive alino parallels to Vesta this strict ruling resonates with how arino manages the house of the Heth but especially to do with impurity due to her role in protecting Lynette from potential harm as a child while we don't know the full extent of the punishments arino meets out the description from The Wanderer about her suggest punishments that sound pretty severe too a wolf in sheep's clothing to exert a higher level of control over people she puts on a graceful and cordial front most of those who have seen her true crazy self have gone poof and from the latest argon quest in 4.1 Lenny is terrified of being viewed as failing her even at the risk of his siblings lives considering vesta's association with fire alino also aligns perfectly with her pyro vision and her color scheme of red black and gray the hand of Glory connection furthermore her constellation which appears to be a hand holding a flame likely draws inspiration from the hand of Glory the hand of Glory was a dried hand of a criminal combined with a candle made from their fat believed to render anyone motionless upon viewing it it had the power to unlock any door and could only be extinguished with milk these characteristics align perfectly with the covert operations undertaken by arino and the house of the Hearth enabling her to open any door and immobilize adversaries would be an incredibly useful ability and the fire of the candle could represent her pyro Vision 2 arino a potential harest with arino possessing a pyro Vision leading the house of the Hearth ranking fourth among the 11 fouille Harpers just below the top three who are as powerful as gods and likely having similar abilities as caterpillar it leads me to think of her role as one of reis's unknown harist as for how she was a member of the House of the Hearth recently if she was so old this can be explained exped as her being able to shapeshift or use Illusions like Caterpillar who chooses to appear as a child even though he's hundreds of years old I think that rather than arino being the god Vester shfit being one of the four harist that Remis granted divine power to and maybe Vesta was just her name with there being no God name Vesta in genin's World either that or Vesta was a god Remis was able to share the power of with humans but that gets a bit more convoluted to make sense of whichever path the story takes it aligns well with Celestia viewing this act as reis's greatest sin as granting Divine powers to a human with threaten their order and be deemed offensive if the god Kings possess Powers equal to or greater than the archons as suggested by des's Apparent strength AR Lino would possess formidable abilities but not not the full might of a god king which to me makes her fit into the number four slot of the harbingers perfectly above the creation of a God but below actual God level harbingers Soul transference so why do her hands resemble caterpillars it's possible they both underwent the same process Remis used to place the souls of his harmer into Golems as Rene's research on the golden troop of roria suggests the two known harist buus and cador appear to have undergone this process if Renee lacked a Gollum to house caterpillar's Soul he could have used the body of a Hiller instead with the markings on caterpillar's arms appearing due to the soul transfer process and not because he's a Hiller who can't hide them if arino Soul was separated from her body it would have been stored in the golden ior before being placed into a Golem this could mean that some residual memories were left behind and mixed with the sea when roria fell which could be how Carter or caterpillar accidentally gained some of her memories and abilities after Renee removed his soul from his body using similar methods the power of suggestion just as caterpillar is called a wolf in sheep's clothing like she is arino should have the ability to influence the minds of others too if I'm on the right track since I ended up in mpede before doing the AR conquest and discovered caterpillar's hands and Powers I was watching every little thing arino did and I'm almost positive they had the same or similar abilities the way she talks to finina and nearly kills her without knowing that she's basically powerless says to me that she doesn't have any fear or respect for archons which would fit with her being one of the unnamed harist of roria and seeing herself as above them even if she wasn't as powerful she communicates in a commanding manner steering conversations to her advantage and using speech as a weapon to poke holes in people's confidence since roria was a nation of the Arts and beus had the musician title I wonder if she was associated with the Arts too she could have been a conductor director actress singer or a dancer and that could explain why her powers seem to be to get people to act their part in her play and I think I might have found a character or two that would fit as an inspiration for her the Black Swan the ballet Swan Lake has two characters we'll be focusing on odet and odal odet was a princess cursed by an evil sorcerer to become a swan in the day and only return to her human form at night Prince Sig freed sees her human form and falls in love with her but to cut a long story short the sorcerer disguises his daughter odile as oette at a ball and the prince says that he loves her due to fairy tale logic this means that everything is ruined so odad and SEC Creed jump off a cliff to be together in heaven odad was represented by Purity and water while odile was the opposite as described by Joan Emory sea who played them both the white swan is water very fluid and transparent and the Black Swan is fire seductive strong alluring and dangerous assuming arino had her soul put into a Golem made of Black Stone it could be that she once represented the white swan Odette but was affected by the process as well as her Newfound Divine powers and became more like the Black Swan odal this transformation is represented in more modern media such as the movie Black Swan so it might explain why she has bird feathers on her outfit as the Swan Maiden in many folktales usually owns a piece of clothing with Swan feathers attached to it that when stolen renders them helpless maybe in aro's case it has some to do with her disguise as she doesn't seem quite human it also fits with her being similar to Natasha or Raven from hankai Impact third who owns an orphanage runs covert operations and is associated with birds there's also something called a Black Swan event which is when something massive but completely unexpected happens maybe something to do with her real plans being revealed in one version of the Swan maiden's stories she's one of seven others who steal the golden apples from a tree in the King's Garden and reminded me of a story caterpillar told us the girl and the garden the story unfolds with a girl residing in a garden cared for by a giant who built a towering wall to keep Intruders away he told the girl that the outside world was dangerous and that the garden was the safest place to live one day a witch of appeared and persuaded the girl to pick some of the garden's purple flowers which the giant had denied the witch previously the witch claimed that she needed the flowers to heal her sick friend so feeling sorry for her the girl gathered a bunch and was carried over the wall on a gust of wind conjured by the witch after handing over the flowers the girl looked back to find the garden had vanished when she asked to return the witch posed a chilling question but what can you give me in exchange Chang now the story ending on an ominous note I speculate that arino was the girl in the story and caterpiller inherited these memories through the soul transfer process the witch and the purple flowers in Greek mythology one of the most famous gardens was the Garden of the Hesperides where golden apples grew the inhabitants were three four or seven nymphs and the serpentine Dragon Leon that guarded the apples Leon is based on the constellation Draco like lotan or Leviathan a title associated with nalet of particular interest is the name of one of the nymphs Hestia the Greek goddess of the Hearth equivalent to the Roman Vesta let's introduce one more character into the mix for some Intrigue Aris who was said to have stolen one of the golden apples and used it as the golden apple of discord inciting the Trojan War if the theory about Alice being being Loosely based on erys holds true the witch in our story could have been Alice seeking secret knowledge as she did in anomia with the dragon bone orb created from dragon bone flowers the timing might better align if the witch were one of remises seers like sabila although the overarching theory isn't heavily reliant on the identity of the witch regarding the symbolism of purple flowers they are likely associated with the abyss as we see beneath suu on the Thorns which also appear in the hexen circle story teaser curiously the Temple of Vesta is adorned with the carvings of hibiscus flowers with purple variants symbolizing mystery and knowledge so let's go through a potential timeline the garden was guarded by a Hydro Dragon and arino lived there as a child Alice or sabila arrived and desired something related to mysterious Knowledge from the garden but were refused by the dragon they tricked arino into delivering it to them instead leaving her to fend for herself or possibly taking her on as an apprentice if the witch was sabila it would align well with aro's journey from being taken in by Remis to Rising as one of his harest if it was Alice perhaps the hexen zle will play a role in our battle against arino much like n did with Scaro so with all of that said there's one thing I didn't cover yet why arino wants to use the hydrosis before handing it over to the Serita this could be the Black Swan event I mentioned earlier my guess would be either to get revenge on the witch the tricked her to restore her body to its original form or the most dangerous route the Revival of roria of course this video is just a bit of fun and very speculative but if her backstory is tied to many fascinating stories like roria nalette or his previous Incarnation and the hexon circle it had make for some great law for us to enjoy that wraps up the topic for now I hope you enjoyed our journey down the rabbit hole let me know if you have any additional points I didn't mention or any theories of your own as I always appreciate reading them if you like the video consider leaving a like and subscribing to let me know if not thank you for watching until the end with wishing you the best of luck on your wishes and I hope you have a wonderful [Music] day
Channel: The Laughing Man
Views: 47,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin lore, arlecchino genshin, arlecchino lore, genshin impact 4.1, yt:cc=on, genshin theory, genshin impact, eleven fatui harbingers, house of the hearth genshin
Id: CDnLe4Uyp20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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