Where are the Heavenly Principles [Genshin Impact Lore Theory]

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the Heavenly principles have been a contested Concept in the lore of genshin however their biggest mystery currently is where in the world are they according to Nita ever since the cataclysm they've been silent and now after 500 years and the many many questionable things that have happened in devat this question has never been more relevant so today let's expand on the question what happened to the Heavenly principles after the cataclysm disclaimer these are all just theories and speculations and none of it is indicative of the final product we also need to respect the fact that information about the Heavenly principles is currently very scarse and sometimes even contradictory to each other so this is an open discussion what I want to do is to introduce this question so that you guys can also make your own theories and speculations but let's begin what are the Heavenly principles the simplest way to define the Heavenly principles are in two ways one is that they're the gods that Pride over tat and the archons as a primordial creators of the Mortal realm the lore surrounding this definition is somewhat contested by other things but it is an acceptable speculation that the Heavenly principles are entities in of themselves a says that cona fell to the Heavenly principles Nita hypothesized that this is the first sender and the artifact lore hints that there is someone up there pulling the strings and two is that they're the basic foundations and rules of devant that everything has to respect these definitions are interchangeable in the lore but today we're more so interested in the God's version of them the current speculative explanation on who or what the Heavenly principles are is that they are fness and the four Shades or the primordial one which include the shade of time and the shade of Life they were the ones responsible for the Reformation of the world into Dev what we know today they set the Commandments on what you can and can't do and they punished those that trespass beyond the limitations they have set for the universe Heavenly principles first came to this world as aliens Waging War against original leaders of the land known as the seven sovereigns furthermore the ru in tat is to act as unforgiving and immovable forces of nature that police external forces from infiltrating theot from Beyond the firmament they wage war against forces from Beyond this world that either physically attack the people or people have wrongfully summoned they forced down Celestial nails that laad waste in the Mortal Realms in hopes of cleansing the land from the pollution of forbidden knowledge but in turn actively destroying everything from the old civilizations this is evident in the opening of kenchin impact and the trailer of we will be reunited where Celestia intervened and mandated that the archons go to cona to assist furthermore the Heavenly principles themselves became involved and punish the conans and presumably sent down the nail to wipe out the whole land however Conor was the last time that we have allegedly seen the Heavenly principles with Nita commenting that they have been quiet for the last 500 years you know that this is the case because no other major event regarding Celestial nails or mass executions by a Celestial verdict have been carried out the actual artifact lur also never mentioned the Heavenly principes presence after that so let's dive into the theories some contradict each other some build on the others but nevertheless let's begin Theory number one the Heavenly principles were heavily depowered after cursing the people of cona and sealing away the traveler the most popular theory is that the Heavenly principles are all dormant because it took more effort to cleanse the cataclysm from what we know the Heavenly principles only intervened at the very end of con's demise where the Forbidden Knowledge was already spreading to the other nations and had caused havoc and irreversible corruption to the Seven's domains now keep this in mind because the common misconception is that the Heavenly principles were completely the cause of con's fall when in reality it was already their doings that started the cataclysm in the first place the Heavenly principles only intervened at the end to deliver the final verdict of the Neils now this theory proposes that they required more strength than ever to completely cleanse cona compared with other civilizations before them first they had to completely cleans Conor from the lingering monsters that remained in the city proper this was done with the help of the archons but you also need to consider that not all of the archons were present there since some of them were also dealing with their own things the second course of action was to cleanse the land similar to the other ancient civilizations that they've um saved you know with the nails the third is that the Heavenly principles cursed the people of cona to not only become monsters but also with the of immortality but the most crucial part of all of this is number four they had to deal with extraterrestrial creatures in the form of ether and lumine something that they haven't had to do for centuries the last time the Heavenly principles dealt with another descender as far as we are aware was more than a thousand years ago meaning that the scene where the twins are sealed could have exerted more energy than needed which may have been a double-edged sword considering everything else that they had to do the battles between the descenders especially the first and the second were one massive catastrophic Wars that nearly destroyed the foundational order of tat as we knew it so I theorized that the sustainer wanted to avoid the situation of having to directly Kill The Travelers but simply seal them away now this actually connects with the pon is a Heavenly principal Theory the popular conception for Pan's Origins considering her strange Cosmic motifs her crown to her name being in the Arisha to her having the ability to warp through spaces and have stars in her Motif similar to ather and line is that she herself is an owered Celestial God nevertheless that theory connects with this Theory where maybe the Heavenly principles are absent because they either lost their memories or they're currently dormant in Celestia Theory number two the Heavenly principles are meant to be stoic gods and are forces of nature more so than actual entities this theory is meant to be a tad simpler than the others the main reason they haven't intervene is because they have no need to for at least the past 500 years there have been no world-threatening breaches from the abyss that would warrant intervention the last 500 years have been relatively peaceful with the questionable things Brewing the background but that was none of the principal's concerns well at least for the stions that fall within the gazes of the Gods this is important since we know that the abyss Mages and the conans are causing troubles for the seven so why haven't the Heavenly principles intervened that's actually an interesting Counterpoint maybe they don't see it as necessary or maybe they think that the archons could handle it or rather they were just simply just people that were living out the punishment in the eyes of the Heavenly principles it didn't matter as long as nothing was broken from the firmament or it didn't matter as long as nothing was being corrupted Theory number three the Heavenly principles will be resummoned by the Serita who is meddling with the seven nosis let's open the discussion of the nosis the nosis are one of the most important representations of control that the Heavenly principles have in tat they are also the tool that connects the god Ides to Celestia itself Pali bloves Satori with the idea that the Heavenly principles will reawaken if she does a grievance as large as destroying the nosis she assumes that the Heavenly principles will be resummoned because they wouldn't just stand by while their laws were disrespected so we contrast that with the sesa's mysterious goals of reuniting all seven of the nois now here's the important part it doesn't seem like the sesa's plan involves the seven authorities that's an important distinction because one of the seven authorities is currently in Net's possession or maybe he's the actual Authority I'm not quite sure either regardless simply tampering with the seven noes may be enough to Warrant backlash from the Heavenly principles especially if they find out that the archons have been willingly trading or giving these noes to the Serita there is also a matter of the serita's own want to burn away the old world in favor of creating a new one free from the foundational principles but because the Serita is a native hence a creature bound to the fate of dvat she doesn't have the power to change the world in the same way a descender does which may be why she wants theosis so if an archon is purposefully trying to achieve the power of descender it isn't out of the blue that the Heavenly principles will step in Furious and livid that Humanity has yet again tried to Step Beyond their limitations and let's hope that this isn't the case because the last thing that we would want is for the Heavenly principles to be reawakened if the next thing we're going to get is a gone snaa Theory Number Four The Heavenly principles assuming a new world order by using the traveler as a successor this Theory stems from an old age question of why was The Traveler sealed away for 500 years but seem to have awoken at the perfect time in fate they awoke in an era where venty also woke up to confront the volin the fatui are making their move on the nois the Fontan prophecy was said to be executed Inazuma was in the middle of the sakoku decree and John Lee was planning his retirement not to mention that the traveler was also faded to ascend one day day once The Keeper of the world completely faded The Traveler was woken up at the perfect time to be a witness to everything and I don't think this faithful Reawakening was a mistake because the fourth theory is that the Heavenly principles are purposefully absent because they appointed The Traveler to become their successor this is a theory that I considered when I Mt over the current state of celesa and the usurpers as we know it while the Heavenly principles are known as foundational laws of devant they are actually not absolute remember there was already a primordial order in the form of the seven sovereigns and according to Net's story The usurper oranus can no longer use their absolute authority to suppress the original order of this world and had to create the new Seas along with the second descender to subdue and control the resentments and the loathing of the world and there is a possibility that the current gods that preside over this world are slowly dying or fading away Alice has mentioned that something has been happening with a border of devant and with the Heavenly principles being at the brink of Decay choosing a successor that not only has the physical power to integrate itself into this world as well as being exempt from the foundational principles but also have the compassion in understanding all Seven Nations and their plights beyond the God's distant wisdom that is a perfect successor and it would also help Supply why the traveler has a mysterious guide watching over them a seemingly innocuous guide that knows nothing about her past it may be years before we ever find out what happened to the Heavenly principles and frankly does it matter right now in the story nlin is coming soon and we've got a long road ahead of us so the Heavenly principles will just have to wait and stay gone for a little longer my name is aster and thank you for chilling with me happy March everyone
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 28,632
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Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin impact story, genshin best story, genshin lantern rite, genshin impact lantern rite, genshin impact lantern rite story, genshin story, albedo, celestia, genshin 4.5, genshin impact neuvilette, genshin furina, venti, zhongli, ei, furina, genshin story lore, story lore
Id: hruSWnO6pr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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