TES4 Oblivion Deconstructed - The Long Cut

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Channel: Private Sessions
Views: 208,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retrospective, in retrospect, story, rpg, role playing, role playing game, rp game, 1440p, 60 fps, long-form, long-form analysis, analysis, video game analysis, review, game review, bethesda, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls, empire, tamriel, cyrodiil, mages guild, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, fighters guild, septim, mythic dawn, tes4, the elder scrolls 4 oblivion, the elder scrolls iv oblivion, tes iv, the elder scrolls 4, the elder scrolls iv, shivering isles, knights of the nine
Id: WEqdqcfA4N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 401min 23sec (24083 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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