ESO - 2021 Complete Beginner's Guide!

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hey guys it's lucky ghost here and today i'm going to be going over the complete beginner's guide to esl i'm going to tell you absolutely everything that you need to know to make the most of your start in elder scrolls online there is going to be a ton of information in the sky to feel free to digest it piecemeal or to go through the entire thing all at once i'll be putting timestamps in the description below so that you can easily refer back to anything that you learn at a later time but before we get into the game let's talk about how to acquire the game in case you haven't done this yet purchasing elder scrolls online can be one of the most confusing parts of the entire journey a lot of times you'll be looking at your options either on the website or on steam and you're not sure what do i need to get what do i need to get started and does this include everything that i need so what i recommend you do is head over to the elder scrolls website i'll put this link in the description below and here you can easily see what each version of the game comes with if you look at it it's going to say this one's checked so it gets the base game it also gets morrowind and somerset and elsewhere and graemore these are the annual expansions this game calls them chapters but every other game you're used to calling them expansions so these are the major expansions in the game and if you bought this the greymars collector's edition you'd get all of those expansions as well as some digital collectors edition bonus items right on the flip side you could also get the gray more standard edition and still get all of the content you just miss out on these digital goodies whereas if you buy these the elder scrolls online standard edition you're only going to get the base game and morrowind usually this is the cheapest option of the bunch because you're not getting any of the extra chapters despite that there is hundreds or maybe even thousands of hours of content uh tucked away in just this base version of the game once you have assessed which version of the game you want to buy you can either buy it here on this page or if you're the type of person that likes to have all of your games on steam you can buy this game over on steam as well the pros and cons of buying it on steam and not buying it on steam would be well the pros are you don't have to log into the game you don't have to type your password when you boot it up you just boot it up in steam and go if you buy the game through the website you do have to type your password in every day when you log on on the flip side here however there is one pro for buying it directly from the website and that's if steam ever goes down you can still get into the game if steam goes down for some reason and it does happen albeit fairly rarely but it does happen uh you can't log into the game if you're not already in the game when steam goes down you can't get in until steam comes back up which version of the game should you get well gray more standard edition is going to give you all the chapters but if you just really want to try the game out and you don't want to spend a lot of money until you know you're going to love it then you can't beat the elder scrolls online standard edition that's more than enough to get your appetite wet all right now let's talk about eso plus what is eso plus going to give you eso plus is the optional monthly subscription you do not have to subscribe to eso plus however if you enjoy the game in my opinion it's very much worth it but again it's by no means mandatory you can definitely get hundreds or thousands of hours of playtime out of this game even without eso plus eso plus is just gonna give you a lot of quality of life and additional content so let's go over the option the items here eso plus is going to give you all of the dlc packs and i'll go over those next because there are a ton of them we get three of these dlc packs every year so every year you get three dlcs which are included in eso plus and a chapter expansion they've over the years they've really added up which means eso plus is a better deal every year than it was before because you're getting more out of it you're getting more crafting storage as in an unlimited crafting bag this bag will hold an unlimited number of any crafting material and once you get into eso and you start picking up every little thing you find you'll begin to understand how incredibly useful this is there are so many different types of crafting materials just like elder scrolls games always have and they are literally everywhere if you don't have eso plus your inventory will fill up really fast and you're gonna be playing a game of is this worth picking up or not should i carry this item or should i just sell it to a vendor basically without eso plus you should just ignore the crafting game for the most part and that's okay you don't need crafting to survive or even to do well it's just something that's nice to have and can be beneficial especially in the long run next you get free crowns you get 1 650 crowns per month and you can use these crowns in the crown store the crowd store is basically it's just this game's version of a cash shop right it's where you can go and sink some cash if you want to support the game or if you just want a really cool looking mount you can go spend some money here on things like cosmetics and mounts and pets you also get to double the size of your bank space your bank space is a type of inventory that all of your tunes have access to so it's an easy way to transfer items between all of your characters or just a store or something in case anybody needs it on your account more gold than xp you get 10 more gold than xp it's not nothing but it's not a significant amount it's not gonna make or break your character to have this boost if you have it you really won't notice it but it is nice to have bonus to crafting you also get 10 increase in crafting and inspiration and trait research rates that's nice uh i literally didn't know this was a thing until just now and i've got thousands of hours in the game so it is one of those things again that's nice but it's not critical by any means at all if you decide to get into the housing and in this game housing is quite extraordinary this will double the number of items you can have in your house so instead of being like 350 items you could have 700 items without eso plus you can't die costumes there's various costumes in this game that you can get and you can change the color of for free this is nice again but totally not necessary but it is nice to be able to do when you unlock a costuming game next item is transmutation crystals these are an item that you use to retreat items i'll go into way more detail on this later on in the guide right now i'm just talking about eso plus and what this gives you um it's gonna double your currency cap for those things which is going to be incredibly useful this is one of the ones where just like the unlimited craft bag this one is huge this one is huge and then last but not least exclusive deals what this means is that oftentimes in the crown store there's going to be things for sale and if you have eso plus you get them at a discount all right so what's the verdict on eso plus is it worth it or is it not worth it in my opinion it's a hundred percent worth it it basically doubles the size of the game let's talk about that one item i said i would come back to the dlcs that you unlock by having eso plus now you've got two options with the dlcs you can either buy them all one at a time outright and not have eso plus which means you'll have this content but you won't have any of those other bonus items the crowns that you get every month the unlimited crafting bag the double transmutation crystal cap right all those nice little things you get you won't have those but you can buy these outright so that you're not paying a monthly fee that's an option but there are a lot of them and it's gonna take a lot of money to buy every single one of these uh so that's one more point on the side of eso plus so let's look at them you get mark hart stonethorne raymore harrowstorm hold scale breaker elsewhere wraith stone muric meyer wolf hunter summerset dragon bones right they just go on and on there's a ton of them here because they have about four new content additions a year three dlc's in a chapter these are really starting to add up all right i'm going to talk about one last item before i start getting into the meat of the game and that is the crown store a lot of people want to know before they jump into a game is it pay to win what's tucked away in the cash shop so let's go over that really quickly the short answer is no this game is definitely not pay to win you cannot buy power in the crown shop you cannot buy your gear in the crown shop none of your best in slot equipment comes from the crown shop the crown shop is mostly for cosmetics you can buy outfits here and see we can see check out the bundle and boom this is what my character would look like in this outfit it's just something i could buy if i was interested in and as you can see here we've got the normal deal and then oh you're an eso plus member so it's only 1600 pounds and so you get that little bit of a discount you've got furnishing packs but you've got tons of stuff in the crown store that you can buy none of it that you have to buy it is all 100 optional you do not need any of this content in order to enjoy the game and there is no pay to win so feel free to look at the crown store feel free to never open the crown store it's totally up to you your budget and what kind of stuff you enjoy in the game now the game does have crown crates and you can basically buy these crown crates and they work like crates work in every game where you basically buy a bunch of crates and you hope that you get something good inside of them and the main thing that people want out of these is these radiant apex rewards right you've got these mounts that you can get um that look really just you know these are the top of the line mounts and then there's also some mounts that are slightly more likely to drop below you should know if you do start participating in this surprise mechanic that this mount here these radiant apex mounts at the top have less than a point five percent chance of dropping it is incredibly rare but it is possible so don't go into it expecting to get one of these instead be surprised if you do okay just buyer beware there's a lot of um there are a lot of other consolation prizes that you can get out of here you can get skins and other things so even if you don't get the mount at the top there's a lot of little neat cool things that you might get so you know buy at your own discretion and uh and that's basically what the crown store is in this game it's mostly for cosmetics all right next up let's talk about character creation in elder scrolls online you start out being able to have as many as eight characters if you have a version of the game that came with elsewhere and the necromancer then you will have access to 9 character slots you can double that by purchasing additional character slots from the crown sword for a total of 18 like i have here it's my opinion that you will end up with a lot of characters and elder scrolls online it's a game that very much lends itself to creating alts to having multiple characters it makes it easy and rewarding to have more than one character because all of your end game levels are shared across your entire account you can create an alt and be max level almost instantly not only that when you have an alt you can do daily quests on that alt too to double your rewards for that day or do it on a third to triple your awards but my favorite reason for having multiple characters is because variety is the spice of life some days i want to get on on my nightblade and some days i just want to get on my swork and some days i just want to get on my dragonite every day is different and some are suited better to some tasks than others so play one character or play 18. it's up to you okay let's say you want to make a new character though what does that entail so the character creation process is a little bit confusing at first but that's primarily because of the option that involve race and alliance uh so i'm gonna elaborate on that process make sure you understand it so you know what you're choosing to do because some of these choices are semi-permanent the only reason they're not permanent is because now in the cash shop there is a way to change your alliance and to change your race so technically nothing is permanent permanent you can use crowns which are the cash shop currency to change these things at a later date if you change your mind so don't stress too much there is a way to back out but let's explain alliance and race so by default unless you've purchased the any alliance any race package so by default when you create any of these races threaten orc redguard it's going to end up in the daggerfall alliance when you create one of these races high elf wood elf khajiit it's going to end up in the aldemary dominion and finally the ebon art pact consists of argonians dark elves and so if you don't have the any race any alliance package which is something you can buy in that cash shop i mentioned then when you choose one of these races it will automatically get dumped into the alliance that it's affiliated with now does this matter how does this impact you well if you don't have friends already pvping in the open world pvp in this game in one of these alliances it doesn't matter this literally doesn't affect you at all the only reason this would matter is if you wanted to go to cyrodiil or into imperial city sewers and pvp with a friend who is on the same alliance if that's something you want to do down the road then it might be worth it for you guys to coordinate which alliance you're going to choose if you're not interested in pvep and all you're going to be doing is pve content then the alliance thing will literally it will never affect your character at all you can do the quest for all three alliances and it becomes very non-factor for you that's the most confusing part of this process for most people i think beyond that you've got your typical options you're going to choose what class do you want to play there's currently six classes in the game the dragon knight the sorcerer the knight blade the templar the warden and the necromancer all of the classes and elder scrolls online can play all of the roles i'll do a much more deeper dive of the roles later on but the important thing to know while creating your character is that any class can be any role so a dragonite can be a tank a healer or a damaged dealer same with a sword same with the nightblade and so on they can all fill all of the roles it's something that's very unique to elder scrolls online and it's something that allows for quite a bit of build diversity and it's one of my favorite parts about the game i have an entire youtube video on all of the classes i'll link that in the description below if that's something you're interested in but i'll go over them lightly here as well just so you have a feeling for it right now the dragon knight is a class that deals largely with fire and poison the sorcerer deals largely with wind and lightning the night blade deals with like shadows and darkness the templar uses light and solar energy the warden uses nature and animal companions and the necromancer uses skeletons and corpses and things like that which class is the best class well that changes every patch the meta is ever changing and ever shifting all of the classes are always capable of doing all of the content that is the important thing to know there is no wrong class there is no bad class there is just a class that's slightly better than the rest every patch but it changes approximately every three months or so so choose the class that looks the most appealing to you rather than choosing the class just because it's the best today because tomorrow it might be second best it might be the third best you just don't know but like i said the important thing is that the worst class is never very far behind the best class they've done an excellent job of keeping every class relevant after you've chosen your class you've got a bunch of options here you can make your character you know large it's all your usual cosmetic options i won't go into it too much here but you've got all of the stuff you expect to have maybe even more than you expect to have you get to fine-tune everything you can do the chest you can do the posterior i know those are two favorites on the argonian so classes with tails uh posterior is actually your tail instead of your butt so that's nice um and then of course your face you can modify your face all that you want you can pick different hairstyles and you can change the age um these are these changes are probably a little bit more obvious on say a more human looking class here we come to the face and see he gets a little bit older looking but the system's fairly complex it can and it allows you to create a very unique character for yourself that you're going to love all right so once you've made your character you're going to start off in one of these zones here let me clear off some of this debris so you can see what we're looking at every one of these places in the game is a zone either it was part of the base game or it was a dlc zone such as mercmire that was added later on but the important thing to know is that you're going to spawn in one of these zones the way the game handles this is it spawns you when you start in the newest piece of content you own so if you bought the version that comes with morrowind and nothing else and your friend buys the version that comes with skyrim or graymore they're going to start in graymore and you're going to start in vardenfell the important thing to know is that once you spawn in those places you can leave the second you get there and head off to whichever zone your friend is in or whatever zone that you want to quest in first the order that you do the zones is entirely up to you and there's no huge benefit to doing them in any particular order it's really do you want to do them in the order that the story intended or do you just want to do the newest content first there's no right answer there's no wrong answer it's up to you so in elder scrolls online there's the zone stories that i mentioned right every zone has its own compartmentalized story and then there's also the main story which is just kind of like the prologue of the game it was the main story when it first came out and it explains a lot about what's going on in all of these base game zones such as doman and things like that you can always find out which quests you're doing by opening up your quest log on pc you just press j for journal and it will bring you to this screen here and it separates your quest by zone i've got questionaridin numbra and then even down here it says main quests i've got my main quest and then things like pledges down below it keeps it nice and neat and organized and you can have up to 25 quests active at a time so feel free to go to one zone and do all of them you can do this the main quest the side quests the daily quests before heading on to the next zone or you can spelunk around and end up with a few from all over the place the choice is yours that leads me to the next item while you're questing in elder scrolls online occasionally you're going to die and a lot of people wonder what does that mean what happens exactly when i die well besides the obvious what's also going to happen is you're going to need to have a soul gem on you here you can see i've got tons of soul gems first you have an empty soul gem and then when you're killing things they fill up you will find these all over the game there are tons of mobs dropping tons of these jams i've never had a problem having way more than i need i'm usually just vendoring these items to the merchants for some extra cash as you can see i can sell each stack for 6 000 gold that's not bad money so that's what i'll do when i get too many of them on me like i kind of have right now i'll go to the vendor and i'll just sell a couple stacks i'm just making sure to leave enough on me in case um i have a really rough raid group or a really rough trial because you do need to sold gem to rez yourself and you need a soul gem if you want to res someone else in a boss fight you will always be able to res yourself if you're not fighting a boss whereas in trials during trash fights or boss fights or anywhere else in the game during boss fights someone else will need to res you until the battle's over at which point you'll then again be able to rent yourself using one of your soul gems alright so my character has died this is what the death screen looks like you can see at the bottom there i have an option to res right here using one of my soul gems i can either choose to save that gem or if i don't have a gem i can just press r to spawn at the nearest way shrine in this case it looks like it's going to toss me right here back in town where you choose to spawn is up to you sometimes spawning at the shrine is where you wanted to be so you could do that and sometimes you want to resume your battle and get revenge on the mob that killed you we'll go ahead and rez here so you can see what that looks like so you'll rez you'll be a ghost for a little while you're immune to damage for a short while and then after a time you will become able to cast abilities and to be attacked again dying increases the durability loss on your armor this game allows you to repair your gear once it starts to break when a piece of gear breaks and elder scrolls online it is like you are not wearing that gear at all so it's very important that you're not running around with gear that is broken because you might as well be running around naked this is also very important because elder scrolls online uses sets and if one of the pieces of the set is broken it's like you're not wearing that piece so instead of having your five piece bonus you'd only have your four piece bonus and if two of them are broken now you don't have five piece bonus you have three piece bonus and so on the next thing that's kind of confusing for new players where it pertains to gear this doesn't have anything to do with deaths but your enchants on your weapons have a charge and this is the other thing that soul gems are used for as i use this weapon this blue bar in the middle there is going to go down over time eventually it's going to be empty and my fiery weapon enchantment will no longer be procking so what i would have to do is right click the item and click charge now it's going to use the soul gem and now it's fully charged again you do not need to re-enchant the item you do not need to buy a new one all you have to do is right click it and charge the item with the soul gem which again you have tons of soul gems you'll most likely have more than you're ever going to need so it's not a big deal all right as for the user interface the important things to know about your user interface are you've got your chat box over here you can grab that by the word chat and move it anywhere that you would like you can also reshape it you can press the period on your keyboard or open up chat to move your mouse around and select things and move them if you would like some things you can move anytime you want some things you might need an add-on in order to move it my ui is going to look a little bit different from yours if you're a brand new player because i have add-ons installed i'll go in depth on add-ons next but i have a really good video on all of the best add-ons for elder scrolls online and i'll link that down in the description below as well for you but beyond that you have your skills down here these are your five front bar abilities and elder scrolls online you have a front bar and a back bar basically two weapons that you alternate between constantly in battle depending on which skills you want to use so you've got your front bar and then you can swap to the back bar you can have five abilities active at a time as well as your ultimate so six abilities at a time for a total of 12 abilities at your disposal at any moment over here you've got your consumable that is quick slotted for consumables the important thing to know is that you can open up your inventory and then press your consumable button on computer it is q that's going to bring up your hot wheel these are all of your quick slotted consumables the things that you can call anytime anywhere at a moment's notice uh you can select these and use them health potions your magic potions the food that you're always using your merchant or banker what have you and when you do that over here on the right it will have all the items that are eligible to be slotted onto the quick slot wheel it's worth noting that up here at the top you can see there are more than just consumables you can actually slot tools mementos which are basically little character animations assistance which is my merchant and my banker and even cosmetics beyond that you've got your menu system which has got has inside of it the crown store brown crates this is where you would open your crates if you happen to win one by watching for instance one of my streams when drops are enabled or if you purchase them from the crown store you've got your inventory which is what we were just discussing a moment ago the inventory has filters at the top which will allow you to sort by item types such as weapons armor jewelry and then below that you can also filter even more by necklace or rings and so on or if you just want to search all and you just want to find that one item that you know is in here like for instance your essence of spell power right or your essence of magicka you can just start typing the name and the item will come right up if it's in your inventory you also have your craft bag if you have eso plus this is why eso plus is so worth it this may be the most worthwhile part of having eso plus it's this craft bag right here which is absolutely monstrous as you can see i will be scrolling for a very long time showing you all of the materials i have in my craft bag these this craft bag is account wide so any crafting materials that you pick up will be dumped into this craft bag automatically no matter what tune you're on and then if you ever need them you can grab them out of here from any tune and as you can see we are still going there's just a ton of crafting materials in this game eso plus isn't required but if you want to get into crafting it is incredibly helpful and almost required the next tab in your inventory is your currency tab which is going to show you how many alliance points you have these are something you earn for pvping your crown gems these are what you get if you get items in crates that you don't want you can deconstruct those items for crown gems uh let's say you bought a bunch of crates or you or you got one for free from watching the stream and you opened it up and it's just a bunch of stuff you're not excited about it's potions and poisons and and trivial items that are of no use to you or anybody for that matter you can deconstruct those and turn that into a currency and these crown gems are kind of like pennies one of them will get you absolutely nothing but if you save them up for a while you will buy incredible mounts such as um this one right here i bought with those very crown jams it's one of my favorite mounts in the game right now and i was able to buy it just by saving those things up over time as i was opening crates from drop stays and things like that and uh you know i didn't like the things i was getting so i was deconstructing them and then boom one day this was up for sale for gems and i purchased it so that's something that these gems can get you then you've got your crowns you've got event tickets these there's about one event per month in elder scrolls online and each event is usually accompanied by a way to get tickets you can use these tickets to buy cosmetics and other things depending on the event what you can buy with the tickets changes you've got your gold you've got your outfit and change tokens you've got your telvar stones uh this is a pvp currency from imperial city sewers you've got your transmute crystals now i have a 1000 transmute crystal cap if you don't have eso plus it's a 500 transmute crystal cap transmute grizzles are incredibly important and i'll go into exactly what those do a little bit later you've got your undaunted keys these are also incredibly important we'll go into those and your writ vouchers the next screen in the ui is your character screen you can open this on pc at any time by pressing c here it will show you your character's attributes every time you level you get a point that you can invest into your attributes up to 64 points in total you can also see your stats such as max magicka health and stamina and any buffs that your character might have on you including a food buff if you're running one in this menu you can also choose to show your outfit or not so this is the gear that i'm actually wearing and there's an outfit station that allows me to change my appearance regardless of what i'm actually wearing and i will tell you more about that and how to take advantage of that later and then you've got titles here you can choose a title for your character and slot that here if you're into titles the next screen is our skills screen now again yours might look a little different than mine because i've got add-ons that are adjusting the way this appears but essentially the important thing to know about your skills screen is that the first thing on the skill screen is going to be your class skill lines every class has three skill lines one two three and they all have an ultimate five abilities and some passives down below each skill line not only can you choose a skill but once you have chosen a skill you will have an option to upgrade that skill into two different morphs so every skill has a base version and then you can always morph that into a second version and there's always two options for every skill along with all of your class skills you've got your weapon skill lines every weapon has its own skill line that's right so each weapon if you're using it for this guy he's a magicka tune so he's using a destruction staff which has five abilities on it that i can choose to use or not and a ton of passives that we can unlock and upgrade as well as an ultimate so what you do is you're gonna grab your favorite abilities from your class skill lines from your weapon skill lines and then there's even armor passives and abilities that you can grab you would like there's guilds passives and skill lines as well so as you can see there's tons of different skill lines in this game tons of different ways to earn them to unlock them to upgrade them you there's a lot of customization in this game to allow you to create a character that is truly yours now not all characters are equal and not all will be as good as the rest some will be a lot better than others as is the case with a lot of games that allow unlimited customization on your character it's very easy to create a character that's not very strong but it's also easy to create one that is the important thing to remember is that nothing is permanent you can always respec i'll go into how to do that here in a moment either play the game the way you want and don't worry about your build just grab what looks interesting to you or go ahead and follow a build like one of the ones i've got written up on my website i'll link that in the description below as well that website is where i have tons of group builds solo builds and more races are an important choice in elder scrolls online they're not going to make or break your character but they can provide a decent swing in the amount of damage output somewhere between five and seven or eight percent of your damage can be obtained from your race if you're going for maybe the best race for your class as opposed to the worst so there's definitely a difference but like i said it's not gonna make or break your character so if you really just wanna pick a race that's not totally suited towards what you want to do that's okay it's not going to ruin your character but again it can make a difference so if you can pick a race that is more suited towards your type of a build then i would advise doing so so which race should you choose well let's start with the meta here the meta choices meaning they're just the most powerful for that role orc is going to be best for stamina damage dealers magic damage dealers are going to go high off these races allow for the most damage output possible runner-ups for stamina are going to be red guard wood elf dark elf and khajiit not necessarily in that order but all of these are acceptable alternatives redguard is going to give you sustain so you'll have a harder time running out of stamina what else same thing dark elf is going to give you almost exactly as much damage as orc does for stamina tunes and then lasts you've got the khajiit as an option as well for the magic it tunes the high elf like we mentioned that's gonna put out the most damage followed by the dark elf breton is gonna be your sustained race if you need magic a sustained bretton reduces the cost of magic abilities and also increases the amount of magicka you regen over time so it's like bretton and redguard are the sustained races for magica and stamina respectively dark elf is unique because it provides the exact same stats for mag and stam so it's like your closest thing to a jack of all trades for damage dealers if you don't know if you want to go magicka or stamina yet and you don't want to decide before you make your character you could go dark elf and it's a really strong choice for both for healers the meta choice is breton this is gonna give this is because of the sustain we just talked about as long as you don't run out of resources as a healer you're gonna be doing your job just fine alternatives are going to be argonian for healing passives ielts for increased magicka and spell damage which applies to your heals and then khajiit again as for the tank the best race is going to be nord the reason nord is considered the meta choice is because it's got passive resistances built into its passive tree it's also got ultimate regeneration that allows it to regen it's all faster than it otherwise would which is great if you're running support abilities as your ultimate like horn which is going to make your whole party do more damage or if you need to use a more selfish old to keep yourself alive in a pinch alternatives for tanks could be red guard which is going to be great for your stamina sustain you use stamina anytime you block imperial and argonian great options as well and as we mentioned why are these the best well oryx and hypes are currently to provide the highest dps output bretons allow for the best sustain so that healers can keep on healing and nords benefit from the best damage mitigation passives and ultimate regen do you have to pick one of these no remember these will not make or break your character but they will make your life easier it will be easier to hit those damage goals that you want to hit it'll be easier to maintain your magicka or it'll be easier not to die on your tank the difference is noticeable but it's not so incredible that your character is broken without the right race and just to quickly touch on each race you've got argonians which give you max magicka max health six percent healing done some disease resistance which is really insignificant it might not as it might as well not be there same with disease immunity it's one of those things where you don't ever notice it or think about it while you have it the big passive for argonians is 4 000 health magicka and stamina when you drink a potion for everybody else when they drink a health potion all they get is health when they drink a magical potion all they get is magic and when they drink a stamina potion all they get a stamina not the argonian they get 4 000 additional health magicka and stamina on top of what that potion was going to give them so every potion is like a tripod for argonians which is one of the reasons they actually make decent tanks you also have this superfluous stat down here at the bottom 15 resto staff skill line xp and some swimming speed it's another one where you just it's nice but it's really not important brenton's they've got 2000 max magicka minus seven percent cost of their magic abilities and magic of recovery these three lines are what is important on the bretton this is what makes your sustain so good on bretons and why they are incredibly useful for magicka builds they also have this spell resistance which is actually very nice and you do take a bit less damage from spells as of this and then you get additional spell resistance if burning chilled or concussed and 15 line armor skill line 1 alliance point gain again this is just another stat that might as well not be there you won't ever notice it dark elf the important stats for the dark elf are these ones here as i mentioned earlier you're getting exactly the same stats maximum stamina maximum magicka and weapon and spell damage that is a lot of weapon damage that is a lot of spell damage there's a lot of stamina and magicka and this is why the dark elf is so uniquely qualified to be the second best race or any damage dealing class if you're a stamina build you have the stamina and the weapon damage lines that are so crucial to doing more damage on a dps build and if you're magicka you've got the magicka and spell damage line which are so crucial to doing more damage as a magicka dps then you've got flame resistance which is nice you know it's something you won't really notice it all that much and some burning immunity which is handy you know but it's not major but it is nice to have and then of course you've got the superfluous line here down at the bottom increased dual wheeled skill line xp and minus 50 damage from lava you won't ever really think about the fact that these that you have these after you've created your character hi elf the important lines for the high off are the first two here you get 2 000 max magicka and spell damage which is why they are the best magicka dps tune but only just barely they just barely edge out the um dark elf right it has 2000 max magicka instead of 1875 right it's just barely ahead of it but it is a head and so it is the best this is really nice every six seconds you can restore whichever of your resources lowest after activating a class ability so it's good for your sustain um you've also got five percent reduction of damage reduction while casting abilities that is kind of nice especially if you're channeling an ability at the time and then the superfluous line here 15 destruction staff skill line 1 generic xp gain it's it's it's not nothing but it's not far from nothing imperial imperials get 2 000 max health 2 000 max stamina this is one of the reasons they are one of the best in slot tank races that is pretty huge they also get a minus three cost of all abilities and they restore health magicka and stamina when you deal direct damage so this is good this is great for their sustain staying alive as a tank is all about managing your resources if you don't run out of resources on a tank it's almost impossible for you to die when a tank dies it's almost always because they ran out of one of their resources they didn't have enough stamina to block or they didn't have enough magicka to heal this helps you maintain those resource pools and then the superfluous line here fifteen percent increase one hand and shield skill line xp and one percent extra gold gain again this line might as well not be here you'll never notice it so don't ever pick your race based on this last line you max out these weapon and armor lines so fast this bonus xp that you get to those lines is so completely unimportant so don't pick your race based on this line right here okay uh the important thing to note about imperial it is not a base game race you must buy this race from the crown store it's an added race that you have to purchase separately fajits the khajiit have 825 max health magic and stamina khajiit are kind of the jack of all trades race in the game they're good at everything but they're not great at anything they've got this health recovery line which is you know that's nice it's something it's not something that you need or you're ever gonna wish you had but it's nice that it's there you've got 85 mag and stem recovery that's a little bit more sustained for your character you know again jack of all trades theme going on here it gives you mag and stamp then you got 10 crit damage and crit healing which makes it a decent healer and a decent damage dealer again jack walt trades minus 3 meter stealth detected radius so if you want to just kind of rp want to role play you want to make a thief and you want to go around stealing things this can be useful you know it's something there it's fun but it's not something that's ever going to be used in group content you will never take advantage of this passive just a heads up and then there's this last skill line once again you know your superfluous passives 15 medium armor skill line xp and 5 increased chance to pickpocket this one's actually not terrible if you're making some character just to go around pickpocketing and rping a bit it's kind of useful all right next up nord the best in slot tank race why they get extra stamina they get extra health two things that tanks need very badly right because every time you block an attack it eats up a little bit of your stamina pool you got tons of built-in resistances boom almost 4 000 physical resistance almost 4 000 spell resistance making it that much easier for you to hit your resistance caps these resistances make you take significantly less damage once you hit that cap you've got cold resistance on top of that less chilled immunity which is nice and then this line right here is also incredibly important five old regen when taking damage well you're the tank you're always taking damage you're always getting this five old regen tick every 10 seconds allowing you to use that support alt all the more often which in endgame content is incredibly powerful then you've got the superfluous buffs you've got 15 increased two-handed skill line xp again never pick your race because of this passive i can't even explain how much it doesn't matter then this one right here is not too terrible 15 extra minutes on drink buffs i mean that's something that will be useful for the lifetime of this character food and drinks typically last either one or two hours so another 15 minutes on that isn't huge but it is substantial uh next you've got the orc your best in slot stamina damage race why you got stamina 2 000 max stamina you've got 1 000 max health and you've got 258 weapon damage these three right here are why the orcs do the most damage and you're thinking why is he including the health line as a reason why they do the most damage the reason that's important is because you get health as a passive you can spec more into damage when you're building out your character and you can spec less into getting to your health threshold right damage dealers and healers they want to be around 18 000 health boom we're 1 000 health closer and since this is a passive health it scales with buffs that you get in the party so it's actually a very significant 1 000 health meaning we can stack even more into our stamina pool and more into our weapon damage on the items we're wearing allowing us to do more damage oh and by the way the more magica you have on a mag dps the more damage you do the more stamina you have on a stamina dps the more damage you do your damage is partially scaled off of your total resource pool value so the more of that resource you have the more damage those abilities do and then orc has one of the best extra passives in the game 10 sprint speed and minus 12 sprint cost this is incredibly useful in both pvp and pve on melee tunes you get to the enemy faster and it costs you less of your stamina to do so very nice again we have the last line your superfluous passives increase heavy armor xp okay that's fine and 10 increase inspiration that just means when you deconstruct items you level up your crafting bench that much faster these two stats are only relevant for maybe the first one of your character's career then you max out these lines and this passive is dead and that's why this passive line is not important on any class or any character and why you should never pick your character based on this line because you're gonna max out your armor skill line so fast right and you're gonna max out your crafting bench so fast uh and then will be the other 99 of your character's career and this this line is doing nothing on any of these classes redguard the red guard was our stamina sustain race why because you got 2 000 max stamina 8 weapon ability cost minus 15 snare slowing this is pretty nice right but this is why they are the best sustained race this eight percent is pretty huge and then the 2000 stamina so that's helping you do damage that helping you sustain longer plus minus um ability cost right there that's great minus 15 snare selling is very handy you know it's not bad it's one of the reasons it's kind of useful on tanks and then you've got stamina restore when dealing direct damage five second cooldown that's nice on tanks and on damage dealers it's another form of sustain right you're getting stamina back every five seconds and a good chunk of it at that that's very nice and then your superfluous line here one hand and shield skill line okay that's fine and then 15 oh and then 15 extra minutes on your food buffs okay that's nice these last like two hours so now they last two hours and 15 minutes it's it's you know it's nice for the superflys buff line this is one of the more useful ones all right next we've got the wood elf this is the last race so bear with me uh they've got 2 000 maximum stamina 258 stamina recovery so the wood elf kind of falls into the category of kind of good for dps but not great for dps builds because it doesn't have a weapon damage line but it does give you a bit of sustain which is nice you've got the poison resistance which you don't ever think about or notice same with the poison immunity same with this stealth detection and this dodge roll you after the dodge roll you gain move speed which is nice and physical and spell penetration is fine but you're not really you don't ever use this no one's dodge rolling to get extra penetration um outside of perhaps pvp where you're accidentally dodge rolling a lot to dodge your damage but in pve content you know this you know it's not really that important and then you got this bow line extra xp 10 fall damage protection ball damage in elder scrolls online is pretty severe but 10 is not enough to really notice um you're never gonna live through something you go oh man um my fall damage reduction really saved me there it's just it's it's ten percent isn't significant enough to make this an interesting passive line i wish they would increase this and um and then just replace some of these passive lines altogether like this one um oh and then also you know it's important to know that if you choose to be a wood elf elder scrolls lord does dictate that what else do eat other people they are cannibals they neighbors family members um so be wary and if you'd like to know more information about this research the green pact okay a tree told them they need to eat other people so that they don't destroy the greenery in the world think of like the anti-vegan next up i'm going to talk about add-ons add-ons are only available on pc for the time being you will not be able to use these on console add-ons are going to greatly change the way some of your ui looks it's going to give you a lot of quality of life upgrades it's going to do things like warn you about incoming one-shot mechanics or tell you how much damage you're doing or tell you what percent of the party's damage you're doing or make information a little bit easier to discern if you decide to go ahead and get add-ons and i highly recommend that you do if you're on pc and again check out my add-ons guide where i go in depth on all of the best must-have add-ons for elder scrolls online again that link's going to be in the description below but you're going to want to use this program called minion the great thing about minion is that you can search for add-ons it'll list them in the order of popularity right my favorite add-ons i'll well i won't i won't go in i'm gonna go into depth on which add-ons you should get now again that's in the video but there's a lot of really good add-ons for this game that you just can't pass up and i highly recommend you use minion because every patch all of these add-ons get broken right there's a patch that comes out by the devs and it breaks your add-ons right and so then all of these add-on authors they have to update their add-ons and if you don't use minion you've got to go and download the add-on one at a time the zip files and then go into your folder unzip it right it's just a lot of work or every patch you can just do this update all and that feature right there alone makes it worth using minion for all of your add-on needs not only that it's pretty handy i mean whenever you're looking for one you could just search for it in here and um the one that you want will come right up once you've installed your add-ons you can open up the add-ons menu in game go to your options hit add-ons and you can see these drop-down right so this here if you hit this button it'll show you which files you need a lot of add-ons are going to need lib files if an add-on has a red name it's got a missing lib file here i've intentionally got some disabled so that you can see what that would look like so after you install your add-ons just come in here and make sure the text is white for the name if it's white then your add-on is likely working if you install your add-on and it's not even showing up here you installed it to the wrong folder if it's red you're missing a lib file just go to minion search for lib media provider right and install that now this one when you reload your ui type slash reload ui or slash ru and when it comes back up you open this menu again and this will be white now this one will be accounted for the add-ons that people come up with for this game are absolutely amazing can't stress it enough if you're on pc give them a spin try them out especially the ones i've recommended in my video alright next let's talk about the roles in elder scrolls online elder scrolls online has your three archetypal roles you've got your tank who's taking all the damage you've got your damage dealers who are dishing out the damage to the mobs that the tank is tanking right the tank maintains taunt on them so that they attack the tank and then the damage dealers do all the damage and take that mob down then you've got the healer who's responsible for keeping everyone alive now each of those roles has a few more responsibilities beyond that the tanks while they're tanking they're also going to be buffing and debuffing and the healer while it's healing is also going to be buffing and debuffing and the healer on top of that the healer also throws out synergies for the tank and the dps i'll get more into synergies later but the important thing to know is that you've got three primary roles your tanks your damage dealers which composed of your stamina damage dealer and your magic of damage dealer and then you've got your healer all of the end game content in elder scrolls online is going to require a combination of the three some of the earlier content you can get away with just having all dps and then some of the mid game content you can get away with not having a tank or not having a healer but then once you get to that end game content those trials and things like that you are going to need all three roles and if you are curious which role is in the largest shortage it is by far the tank if you want instant cues all the time anytime become a tank you will be loved you will be wanted you will have no problem finding people to play with we are always looking for tanks for dungeons for trials next up would be the healers and then the role that we have way too many of of course is the damage dealers just like in every mmo if you're a damage dealer you are going to have the longest dungeon cues just a heads up it doesn't stop me from rolling damage dealer it's just what i love to play all right let's talk about attributes and elder scrolls online i kind of touched on this earlier you've got attributes you've got 64 in total you get one attribute point every time you level for the first 50 levels you get 50 levels in elder scrolls online and then after that you've hit max level and then you get champion point levels so your levels are that character only so this character every time i level them up it's only this character leveling but your champion levels are your account leveling up every time you get a champion point that is applied to the entire account and all of your characters can invest those champion points how they see fit but before we jump into champion points let's talk about your attribute points you've got three places you can spend them magicka health and stamina typically your damage dealing builds are going to go all magicka for mag builds or you might go mostly stamina for a stamp build then you might dip a little bit into health to try to get your character up to 18 000 health typically try to reach that 18 000 health number by using some of your attribute points by using food or by putting health and chance on your gear the important thing to note is that if you're a magic a damage dealer you want to have a ton of magicka if not all magicka and if you're a stamina damage dealer you want to have all sam if you're a healer you want to go all magicka and if you're a tank you will often split between the three in a ratio that is suited towards your play style or towards the build that you're following and the reason for this once again goes back to the fact that your damage is also based on the size of the pool so if you're a magic damage dealer the more magical you have the more damage your abilities do right that's a part of the equations and with stamina the more stamina you have or damage your stamina abilities do right that's so it factors in your stamina pool size it factors in your weapon damage and your critical right and it combines all of these things along with the abilities damage you know calculate how much damage you do all right so once you've got to 50 you got all 64 of these points you start unlocking champion points which is this tree right here and this tree looks confusing everybody's intimidated by it the first time well the first hundred times they opened it up and even there's people that are 810 and they have no idea what's going on in here they're just doing what their build tells them to do and that's fine that's fine that's totally fine but don't be intimidated by this basically every time you level you're gonna get one red champion point and then the next time you level you'll get a green the next time you level you'll get a blue and then the next time you level you get one red and the next time you get one green and then one blue right so it's gonna go red green blue red green blue one at a time so every time you level you get to invest in one of these trees the blue points can be spent in blue green and green red and red right that's all fairly obvious that makes sense so far right and your blue this is where it gets a little bit tricky blue is not actually magicka based green is not actually stamina base red is kind of what you think it is this is your this is your damage mitigation this is your survival your health right the way to look at these is actually blue is increasing your damage whether you're mag or stam it's gonna there's passives in here that increase magicka tunes damage passives that are in here increase stamina tunes damage this is just damage these passives are so all of the passives in green are going to reduce the cost of your abilities they're going to reduce the cost to run or to bash or to cast things they're also going to increase the rate at which your magicka regens or the rate at which your stamina regens right this is your sustain and then red is your damage mitigation and so you take less damage if you invest into these and you um and also you heal faster right so red is kind of what you expected to be blue and green are a little bit tricky before i go further into each of these the thing you need to know is the first hundred points you put into each of these colors will give you an additional 20 percent of your resource value for that color so blue the first hundred points will give you an additional 20 magicka the first 100 points will give you an additional 20 stamina the first hundred points will give you an additional 20 health this is why cp 300 is the first um soft cap for your character this is where your character's resource pools stop going up because you're leveling that cp 300 which is when you've got a hundred points into each until cp 300 all of your pools are going to continue rising a little bit at a time as you invest points in but and then just to kind of elaborate on what these look like once you get into them so once you're in here you've got all these passives and if you hover over a passive it's going to tell you what it does precise strikes increases your critical damage and critical healing with stamina ability right so stamina characters are going to bump into this ability to increase their critical damage then up here you have passives and it tells you there in green text unlocked at ritual rank 10. so once i've put 10 points into this blue tree right because each one has three trees this blue constellation this blue constellation this blue constellation once you've got 10 points into this one now you've unlocked the first passive once you've got 30 points anywhere in here right any of these so i could have 10 in piercing and 20 in precise strikes i'd have 30 points in this constellation that'll unlock this passive perfect strike increases your weapon critical by 3 that's pretty significant that's a nice passive and then there's some so some of these passives are really significant some you know they just don't matter at all so when you're choosing where to spend your champion points consider the passives that you might want to unlock sooner than later and this applies to each tree right and then if we look at the green ones you've got shadow board which reduces the cost of block right this is your sustain this is making it so you run out of resources less fast or that you regain them faster and then again for um the red tree you increases your healing received right so you heal faster or hardy reduces your damage taken from physical poison and disease damage by 12 and champion points are the primary reason that characters have significant power creep over their lifetimes and entire accounts for that matter because as i said champion points are account wide so what this means is when you create an alt right you can have 810 champion points on your level 1 alt the second he steps foot in the world you can open up this tree and you can spend the 810 points however you choose for that character turning him into a literal level one god right now of course you've got to throw some gear on him but he is so much stronger than he otherwise would have been at that level because of these points making the leveling process of alternate characters so much easier really quickly i'm going to touch on named buffs and debuffs if a buff or debuff is not named it doesn't have a name like minor force or major force that means you can stack it with anything if it's named it cannot stack with itself so if we look at an ability like probably one of the most common buffs that every dps is going to use is minor force so if we look at barb trap it says right there grants you minor force increasing your critical damage by 10 for the duration so you cannot stack this minor force with for instance the psijic order channel the acceleration which is going to also give minor force you can choose one or the other but you may not stack both right so the important thing about named buffs and debuffs is simply that you can stack a minor with a major but you cannot stack a major buff with a major buff of the same name you can stack two different major or minor buffs right you can stack minor evasion and minor force but you can't stack minor force with minor force all right are you still with me all right let's talk about next mundus stones mundus stones are a passive that every character in this game gets and they're very powerful passives and it's a passive you can change anytime you want for free all you have to do is go interact with the corresponding mundus stone so typically damage dealers will take the shadow mundus right so if i look at these it tells me which one they are this is tower thief steed this is the shadow mundus right here and so i've got boon the shadow increases your critical damage and healing by 12 anytime i want i can come here and i can interact for instance with the steed and that's going to change my bonus my passive buff on this character to the steed increase your movement speed by 11 and health recovery by 281 now you can change these anytime you want and you can do it for free you can either teleport to someone's house who has them in it that's kind of rare as they are pretty expensive mundus stones can also be found throughout the game in various zones and in various places so be sure to google the mundustone you're looking for and find out which one is the most accessible you but the important thing is that the mundustone is free you can get it as soon as you get into the game make your way over to one get that buff sooner than later don't forget about this it's easy it's easy to forget about it so be sure to grab it as soon as you have a chance even if it's not the one you want for the rest of the game you can grab the first one you come by because hey any buff is better than no buff at all so be sure to grab one as soon as you can typically damage dealers are going to go for the shadow for the increased critical damage dealers are going to go for thief for the critical healing now in elder scrolls online a level 10 player can get grouped with a level 810 player and there's a reason that this works it's because the world is scaled for level 50 players now the level 810 players are going to have no problem conquering the content in that world because they are very overqualified whereas a low level 10 player should struggle but he doesn't because at level 10 you're given a buff that makes you capable of competing on the level of level 50 players and as you level that buff is stripped away so what you're doing as you level up is you're finding armor for your level and then every time you level you're losing a little bit of power but you're also finding armor that replaces the power you lost from this hidden buff that scales you to other players level so if you level but you don't get more gear effectively your character just got weaker so be sure as you're leveling up to constantly replace the gear that you're wearing so that your character doesn't start getting weaker on you the most important item to stay on top of is your weapon improving the quality of your weapon or finding a better weapon from time to time is very important to make sure your character continues to do some decent damage as you level next let's talk about respecting what you can respect in game and the answer is almost everything everything that's important really so your attribute points that you invested you can respect those anytime you want for a fairly negligible b your abilities that you leveled up and you chose and the morphs that you took therein you can change these at any time all you have to do is come up to these shrines you come to the shrine of ariel and that'll allow you to change your attributes 3200 gold which in the grand scheme of things is next to nothing if you go to the shrine of stendarr right here interact with that you can choose to change your your skills outright or just change the morphs for significantly less so if you can get away with just doing the morphs do that because as you can see here it's almost one-tenth the cost now if you're new the cost for respecting goes up for every skill point you have now i have a ton of skill points on this character in fact i have every single sky shard in the game so i've got tons of skill points which is why it costs 20 000 gold to respect my skills which is obscene but at my point in the game it's also not that big of a deal whereas my morphs i mean this is nothing okay so if we chose to do morphs you can see here this menu comes up and i can choose uh i don't want this morph i can upgrade blast bones to the other morph boom and i would take that one instead it's that easy to change you just come in here you pick the skills you want to take your point out of see i've got skill points eight put it into this one now i've got seven i can take one out of here and put it somewhere else but i can never take the base skill out because i'm in the morphs menu all i can do is unmorph back to the base version and then put that point somewhere else i can't take points out of passives in the morph menu but if i went to skills we go if we click the skills button we can take points all the way out of passives all the way take them all the way down to zero we can take these all the way down to zero we can take all those points out the points are coming back and i could choose to invest them somewhere else if i wanted but as you can see it's incredibly easy to respec you just come up to one of these shrines and boom you can be done respecting in a matter of seconds and while i'm here you can also talk to this priest is always next to the respect shrines and this is where you come to get cured from being a vampire or a werewolf if you decide you don't want to be one and it's just as simple you just talk to him tell him you've been infected and you tell him you know i'll pay you 69 gold giggity to have myself cleansed of this filthy disease that i have as you can see this game is very fluid it's not trying to lock you into a decision forever it's quite the opposite it encourages you to experiment to try things out and to mix it up if you don't love what you've decided to do in the first place now i've talked about sky shards a moment ago sky shards are littered all over the game there's something like 16 sky shards in every single zone as you can see here in your map completion grid on the left of your map over here 16 sky shards in every zone every three sky shards that you go and pick up will give you a skill point to spend in your skill point and passive menu so you'll go running around grabbing these if you ever see one be sure to grab it and this might be the most useful add-on in the entire game it's called map pins the one i'm using is called map pins and it puts these on the map for me otherwise these won't show up on your map you'll have to find them randomly while running around this incredibly massive world which frankly is nearly impossible to do on your own without looking up the answer anyway yeah you're gonna run into some randomly on accident but there's a lot of them that are tucked away in places you probably wouldn't have looked or places that you would have never visited on your own so so when it comes to finding these things be sure to consider checking out one of those add-ons next let's talk about guilds there's two types of guilds and elder scrolls online there's the guilds that you're usually familiar with those are um it's like you and a group of your friends and you form a guild and you do dungeons together and you do quests together and you do trials or raids together right that's like your normal human interaction guild and then there's also another type of guild which is a skill line and a passive line and this is more your rp guilds right these are guild lines you can pick up by doing quests by interacting with the game and they will give you access to various passives and abilities that you won't have if you don't go pick up those guilds you can join as many npc guilds as you want you can join every single one of them that's in the game if you please in fact i have them all listed right here the dark brotherhood the fighter skill the mages guild the sidgic order the thieves guild and the undaunted guilt stamina tunes are almost always going to have the fighters guild and the undaunted guild whereas magicka tunes are almost always going to have the mages guild the psijic order and the undaunted guild these are all very useful to the magicka tunes tanks are always going to have undaunted and sometimes they'll have mages and sometimes they'll have psijic and healers will also go with undaunted you can see everybody gets undaunted we'll talk about that a little bit later it's very important in fact why don't i just go into that now we'll dip into why each of these guilds is important the dark brotherhood and the thieves guild are rp guilds you'll find almost no use for these passives in group content that's dark brotherhood and thieves guild they're incredibly fun and there's some fun passives in there but as far as dungeons and trials go your raid content they're not going to provide anything for you there then there's your fighter skill this is the one that i mentioned is great for stamina tunes because it's got some incredible abilities in here some good buffs some great ultimates and some fantastic passives um there's three guilds i recommend you join on every single tune that's the fighters guild the mages guild and the undaunted guild even though your stamina tune is probably never gonna use mage's guild abilities this first passive persuasive will is great when you're questing it opens up dialogue options that you wouldn't have had it says allows you to persuade npcs in conversation same with the fighter skill that's got that intimidating presence which is going to allow you to intimidate npcs right so it doesn't matter what you are that first passive in those two trees is nice when you're going around questing and sometimes you'll get the option to just bypass some trivial part of the quest you can instead intimidate the nbc um and then undaunted everybody takes undaunted because in here you get resources back for grabbing synergies which everybody needs and then you also increase your max health stamina and magicka pools by having this passive down here and then last you have the sigic order which provides some unique abilities some of these are really good abilities and the use in a lot of builds technically you could make a build without any of these and it would be fine but almost every build would be improved by utilizing some of these now back to your player guilds real quick player guilds can have up to 500 members and you can be in up to five player guilds at once the reason this game lets you be in 5 guilds is because you also have to be in a trading guild in order to sell gear and items you find to other players so what it does is it gives you multiple slots so you can have any combination of uh rating guilds dungeon guilds trading guilds uh that you want to get the most out of the game that you want to get out of it if you like doing more raiding join more raiding guilds if you like doing more trading join more trading guilds if you want to rp join an rp guild right play it in the way that suits you and if you're new to the game and you're looking for a guild be sure to hit me up we're always accepting new members just swing by my twitch stream sometime and i'll get you in next let's talk about one of the newer skill lines in the game the antiquity system it came with excavation and scrying antiquities is a three-step process first you find a lead and when you find a lead it shows up here in your lead list and it says you can go dig this up somewhere right so in this current zone i could choose to open this menu which is in my journal and then i click the antiquities tab here and i can say hey i want to go dig this up and then scrying begins this is what is referred to as scrying i've got a guide on all of this stuff don't worry if you feel overwhelmed i've got a guide just for this process i won't go into too much detail now because i don't want to overwhelm you but when you get to scrying in the game be sure to check out my guide for it basically it's a mini game that you use to unlock abilities so once you scry this once you complete a scribe it's going to show you on the map somewhere it's going to say go here and dig or excavate right so that's where the second skill line comes in excavating so like i said it's a three-step process so you find the lead and then you scry it and when you scry it it's going to narrow down its location in the world and when you get to that location on your map you've got excavating which is going to allow you to dig it out of the ground passives here are going to make it easier to do so it's a nice little mini game it's a lot of fun but most importantly the stuff that you can dig out of the ground is amazing you can get mythic items these are one piece set items right they're very unique in this game no other sets give you a complete bonus or only wearing one items that's unique to the mythic items so they're very powerful but you can only equip one mythic item at a time i highly recommend for instance the ring of the pale order is a fantastic mythic item as i'm showing you here it restores 18 of the damage you deal as health but basically it's giving you life leech or lifesteal it gives you life every time you hit the enemy based on how much damage you're doing to them very powerful for solo content and it's not that hard to get it takes a few hours of participating in the antiquities games and then boom you dig up all the leads and you assemble this thing and you have a very powerful mythic item again all the guides for this are on the website at all right so eso has a very unique feature known as our front bar and our back bar we've got our front bar weapon which is going to have uh you know sometimes you'll put like a maul on the front bar and then sometimes you'll put a bow on the back bar or in pvp it's very common to put like a two-hander on the front bar and then to have a sword and a shield on the back bar so you have the two-hander when you want to go on the offense and you have a sword and a shield when you need to turtle and go on the defense and try to survive because you're getting attacked on all sides depending on what type of content you're doing you're going to have a different combination of weapons here the important thing to know about this is that when you do get to end game content you will be using both bars very fluidly you'll be switching back as if they're an extension of your body you'll go back to grab one ability and then you come to the front bar to use another and then you might switch back to use one of those abilities and it all becomes second nature to you when you first start playing you're gonna feel like all thumbs as you try to learn how to use abilities from two different bars it's gonna feel very awkward but don't worry that face will pass and soon you won't even be thinking about the fact that you're doing it the main thing to note about front bar and back bar without going into too much detail is that um anything that's buffing the front bar only buffs the front bar and anything that's buffing the back bar only buffs the back bar for instance this ability says while slotted your damage done is increased by three percent now that's only true while i'm on this bar if i was on the front bar and that's not there anymore that i no longer get that three percent buff okay so just remember only the weapon that's out and the abilities that are showing are uh giving you those buffs now if you put a buff on and you switch bars you have that buff but if it's a buff that specifically says hey just because this is slotted you're getting this buff that only applies while you're on that bar and then the other thing to note is that if you're wearing a five piece set right and this is going to kind of lead us into our next topic sets in elder scrolls online what does a typical loadout look like ninety percent of loadouts and elder scrolls online consist of this two five piece sets right one two three and then r five right if you're using a two-handed weapon that counts as two pieces of a set or you could be wearing one and one two one-hinders and that's two-piece set the thing that you just need to know is that it's gonna add up to five pieces right and then you've got five more pieces up here your your chest your belt your boots your pants and your gloves this is another five piece set so there's one five piece set and there's two five piece sets right you've got a total of two five piece sets on and then the third thing you usually wear is a monster set a monster set is called a monster set because it's named after the monster that drops the helmet for that set every dungeon in the game has its own monster set and so for instance this is baylor's mask it's uh it's a helmet fashioned to look like baylor he's one of the bosses in the game and it's a it's got a two-set bonus a very very powerful two-set bonus so most builds will run one of these monster sets because the two-piece bonus is very powerful and it fills out nicely right you've got five you've got five and then you've got two pieces left which is perfect for the monster set boom you slot that on the back bar is typically going to be either what you're wearing on the front bar so that when you switch back you still have that five piece set now notice if i take this item off right uh i take this item off right i have five pieces i'm on the front bar i switch over to the back bar now i only have four because i took this off right so if i took this off too and i swapped to the back bar now i've only got three pieces of that set so like i said before when you switch to the back bar you lose the bonuses that you got for wearing the front bar so you have to have that set on the back bar if you want that bonus while you're on the back bar and so then i would put eternal vigor on the back bar if i wanted to have eternal vigor on front and back arena weapons are very commonly slotted on either the front or the back bars so what happens is you lose your five piece bonus briefly to take advantage of a two piece bonus on the back bar this will all start to make a lot more sense but the important takeaway here is that what you're essentially doing is you're wearing five pieces of one set you're wearing five pieces of another set and then you're wearing a monster set and some combination of gear and your weapons down here typically the back and the front bar are the same thing until you do an arena and get an arena weapon and then you slot that in the back bar now note that you'd you could actually wear like i could wear a ring of the eternal bigger boots and i could wear my new moon acolyte on the ring and i would still have pneumonic like five pieces right because i would have five pieces of new moon you don't have to wear them in these slots you could mix and match this chess piece could be uh my eternal figure and then this ring could be uh new moon acolyte i could swap those no problem it's not a big deal now that being said while you can have an like mix and match any five pieces so long as you're wearing five of each you get the bonus but it is beneficial to try to stay consistent right so what we typically do is we try to get five of the body pieces and then we try to combine that with five of another set wearing jewelry and weapon why do we do this this makes it easier to mix and match sets down the road so when you want to upgrade a set um maybe you want to swap this eternal vigor out for another set boom you put on those same five pieces and it's a clean switch you've just changed sets without breaking one of them and if you want to change pneumonic light you know that you just have these pieces in your inventory and all of the sets that you might put on your body are always these five pieces it means you can easily switch between sets anytime you want to it just makes for a nice clean experience for yourself and then you can have an add-on like this like it's called dressing room and i can click any one of these buttons and i'll load a different combination of gear and skills that's more suited to that situation if i want to alright next up let's talk about your mounds mounts are a mobility tool in this game just like you would expect them to be however they have within them 180 different upgrades that you can upgrade right well really it's three upgrades that you can upgrade 60 times a piece so if we talk to the stable master here view stable we can upgrade our speed 60 times we can upgrade our stamina 60 times and we can upgrade our carry capacity 60 times your carry capacity is just an extension of your character's inventory my character can hold 210 things at a time 60 of those things can be held because i have maxed out my carry capacity on my mount stamina just allows you to take more hits from things as you're riding without being knocked off your mount your carry capacity increases how much you can carry and your speed of course increases how fast your mount moves you can upgrade your mount once every 20 hours so basically what this amounts to is you can upgrade it once a day so if you do it every day it's going to take 180 days one strategy is if you know you're going to be making a few characters down the line you can make them up front and start upgrading those mounts every day to kind of get ahead on their move speed because this move speed when it's level zero it can be quite painfully slow especially once you've gotten used to the 60 move speed of your main character's mount it can be tough to transition to a new character and be moving like a snail so you know you can get ahead of that if you know what you're going to make next go ahead and make it now and then just log into it once a day upgrade your mount speed just so that when you do eventually play it it's moving at a good clip you can find these guys by looking for the stable master on the map sometimes it's going to be a horse um sometimes it might be next to something else and so you'll actually have to look for the word stable master to pop up when you're hovering over the very symbol in a town but he will be in every major city next up let's talk about the banker the bank looks like this this little treasure chest on your map and it's a place where you can store items right so your character can only hold um 210 at most items so what do you do with the rest of the stuff well you store it in your bank the nice thing about the bank is that all of your characters can access your bank so if you put it in there on one character any character can grab it at any time so very few items almost nothing in this game is character bound everything is account bound once you've equipped it the only items in this game that are character bound are level up rewards and that's to stop you from abusing the leveling up reward system so you don't just keep creating new characters you get the level up rewards to pass off to a single alt right so only level up rewards are character bound everything else is a count bound which means you can put it in the bank and you can hand it to another character any piece of gear any item you find it'll only ever be account bound okay and so what that looks like when you interact with the bank you pull up this screen right and you can withdraw from your bank any of your items it looks a lot like your own inventory and you can also choose to deposit items from your inventory in there you could also choose to deposit currency or withdraw currencies it works exactly like you would think a bank would so once you actually head into one of these banker areas and you talk to the banking npc and it brings up this menu right here you've got guild bank if you're in a guild you can see the items in the bank if you have permission to see those items you may or may not be able to withdraw from there as well depending on what permissions you have next you have guild store this is going to come in handy if you're in a trading guild if your guild has a guild trader somewhere on the map and not all guilds do not most guilds in fact do not have a guild trader so if you list something on the guild store and you do not have a guild trader only the people in your guild can see that and only they can buy it if you're in a guild with a guild trader and you list it in the guild store everybody in the game has an opportunity to purchase that item so if you're looking to sell items to other players it's very important to look for a guild with a guild trader you can do that by the way by using the guild finder tool just press g to open up your guild menu or whatever that button is on console or click on this or click on this tabard here in the menu system if you're on console and then click this and choose guild finder once you're here you can search for various types of guilds trading pve role playing social pvp questing crafting right so if you wanted to sell stuff you'd browse the trading guild okay the next thing i'm going to talk about because it's incredibly important in mmos to look good some would say it's the most important thing so at the outfit stations you can change your look you look for one of these stations here there's some of them out in the wild or they're sometimes in a guild member's house or a friend's house look for this little outfit station you come and you interact with it and in the outfit station you can change your dies on your gear you can change it to just about any color you can think of so long as you've unlocked that color in the game every one of these dies has been unlocked through various types of content in the game the more you play and the more you do the more colors you will unlock you can see that even i with thousands of hours in this game still have some things that i haven't unlocked because they just happen to require random achievements that i've never gone after all that to say you've got tons of options when it comes to colors next in the outfit station you can change the styles of your gear okay so i'm gonna reset my colors so i don't look total mess and i'm gonna start randomizing my head my chest my shoulders right there are so many right you can collect so many motifs i've got so many unlocked and so many that i still don't have right so many this game is one of the best as far as customizing what your character looks like goes you will just have almost endless options because of the just sheer quantity of different styles that you can equip on your character to make your character look like anything you want right so what it's doing right now is it's throwing on random sets and there's going to be a lot of hideous combinations because i'm just telling it to randomly grab various things in the game from my entire catalog of items here okay in order to unlock these styles what you have to do is find them in the game um they're called motif pages or style pages and you can unlock them by participating in various types of content motifs drop in dungeons and trials and also can be earned as a reward for daily quests so there's tons of ways to earn within the game tons of different styles and it's one of my favorite things about eso and of course you can also change uh the appearance of your weapon changed to all sorts of things if you would like tons of options here whatever your heart desires all right traveling how do you travel in elder scrolls online well it's actually quite convenient to get around especially after you've been somewhere before there's these things called waste shrines all over the world and if i hover over this way shrine you can see that there's a gold cost attached to it 718 16 14 and it's continually going down basically this will go all the way down to 164 for me the price varies depending on your level um but it it maxes out at about a thousand gold and if you try to teleport back to back it's gonna cost that max cost if you don't teleport right next to each other then it goes down to a minimal fee of 164. so basically you can teleport anywhere anytime for a very negligible cost and if you just happen to teleport once before it's going to sting just a little bit being a thousand gold but all you have to do is open up your map go to the zone you want to go to you know and then click on the shrine you want to go to and you can teleport there instantly anytime and it's going to say hey are you sure this is going to cost you this much gold now alternatively i'm going to teleport to this one as an example and i'm going to show you something else about fast travel and elder scrolls online all right so now if i open up the map and i wanted to teleport somewhere else it's like boom a thousand gold holy cow right because i just used instant teleport alternatively what i could do is you know if i'm feeling ambitious or if i'm feeling maybe a little less lazy than normal i can run over here and interact with the shrine direct now i can teleport anywhere in the game for free over you conscious spenders out there you can do this you can just run to any shrine in the game and then teleport anywhere that you've already unlocked for free no matter how recently you teleported this is always free if you go from one shrine to another the only time you have to pay is if you leave the shrine and you're anywhere else and you want to teleport somewhere so it's always free if you're using the shrine very important to know a lot of players don't realize that until they've spent thousands and thousands of gold teleporting around the world not realizing that if they had just run up to the shrine interacted with it they could have gone for free so there you go all right next let's talk about group content for a bit there's multiple types of group content in the game there are dungeons which are four man content there are trials which are this game's version of raids and those are 12 man and then there's arenas there's two different types of arenas there's the group arenas which are four-person arenas and then there's also solo arenas which are solo arenas so in order to queue up for a dungeon all you do is press p and then you click on the dungeon finder or you click on this symbol up here the group symbol so once you've got this open click on dungeon finder and then queue up for a random normal dungeon or if you would like to kill for a specific dungeon maybe you're looking for a set and you know it drops in a specific dungeon you can choose to do so you can say hey i want to go specifically to [Music] city of ash right so then you can come to city of ash click that and then you say join q after it finds the other three members of the party or however many you're missing it'll throw you into that dungeon with those people and you guys will go spelunking through there's multiple difficulty levels for content okay there's your base game dungeons which you can do at level 10. then there's your dlc dungeons which start right here blood root forge okay see how we get this alphabetical list that starts right here starting with blood root forge this is the first dlc dungeon and everything below it is a dlc dungeon that means it was added to the game later through a dlc and the dlc dungeons are significantly harder than everything above them every non-dlc dungeon though you are not allowed to join these dungeons until level 45. at level 50 you unlock what is known as veteran content bettering content veteran dungeons are the same as the normal dungeons but harder the loot that drops is the exact same but it's a higher quality level so instead of dropping blue it's going to drop purple now if you're just farming gear it's still better to farm it most times in normal and then upgrade it to purple yourself which is something that you can do and we will get into that once we get to crafting but just know you can farm all your gear in normal you don't need to do it in veteran and when it comes to dungeon key it makes no difference so the thing about veteran content is it unlocks at 50 but i really highly advise against doing it until you are at least 160. the reason i say 160 is because at 160 you go and you farm your gear your max level gear your gear stops getting better at level 160 that is the max level for a gear so gear always drops at your level if you're level 50 it drops to level 50. if you're level two it drops at level two and if you're level 160 it drops at 160 but if you're at level 700 it drops at 160. 160 is the gear cap so that's why at 160 that's when you start farming for all of your end game gear your best and slot gear because it's as good as it's ever going to be for you as you can see here if you look at my character's armor i'm wearing baloric's mask it is level 50 and champion level 160. if it has a cp level attached to it it's always going to be 50 by the way it can't be level 40 cp 160 that's not a thing it's always going to be 50 160 so the level 50 there is very redundant and totally unnecessary once you've got your level 160 five piece sets that's when you start jumping into veteran content and you'll come here and this is where you will get your monster helmet right because monster helmets only drop in veteran but you have to come here to get that monster helmet and you will definitely notice a step up into difficulty standing in the red is actually going to hurt now standing in forecasted damage abilities is going to be fatal often times whereas in normal if you stand in the forecasted ability it tickles you um in veteran it's no longer a warning it's a death threat okay it's a step up and the enemy's damage is a step up in their life so you've gotta do more damage and you're gonna take more damage if they hit likewise elder scrolls online has trials located throughout so there's different trials all throughout the game there's ethereal archives helro citadel sanctum ophidia then you've got mauvelarkage fabrication clockwork city cloud rest sunspire and kinds aegis so far and that's all of the raids in this game this is 12 man content which means you typically go in there with about two tanks eight damage dealers and two healers for a total of 12 players they require a lot of coordination especially on veteran and just like the dungeons the dlc trials are much harder than the non-dlc trials that came before them but normal trials in general are really a pushover so don't be afraid to jump into normal trials at 160. if your build your following suggests wearing a trial set go ahead and go get it at 160 go into the normal trial and get that trial set normal trials are easier than veteran dungeons i'll say that one more time normal trials are easier than veteran dungeons if you're going into veteran dungeons you're more than ready to go into normal trials typically i recommend people be 160 before going into normal trials that way the gear that you collect in there is good forever if you go in there at 150 or level 40 and you get a trial set it's gonna be completely irrelevant when you hit 160 you're going to have to go farm it all over again and so there's not much point in getting it in advance just wait till you're 160 then go jump into the normal trials and get your gear and it'll be good forever now unlike dungeons there is no trial finder currently although i wouldn't be surprised if they added some kind of normal trial finder down the road but presently the only way to get into a trial is to form a group with your peers or to go to a zone called craglorn this one here on the map okay it's right here in the middle you go there it's called the craglorn and you stand here in bel belcarth or anywhere in the zone and this is the zone where trial groups are formed where people are constantly talking in zone chat about which trial they're making a group for and then you just whisper them and say hey i'm a dps looking to do that trial and they'll send you an invite if it's a normal trial there are no requirements usually as long as you're 160 they're not going to have a problem with you going now if you're trying to get into a veteran trial they might have some questions for you to make sure that you're ready for that type of content because veteran trials can be quite difficult if you really plan on jumping into the trial scene and doing lots of raids in this game i highly recommend that you join a trial guild a guild that's focus is doing that kind of content you'll have a much better time this way especially if you find yourself going to belkarth all the time going to craglorn to look for groups just join a guild that's doing them every day you know they'll have they'll have a consistent roster and sign up sheets for you to you know join and do them much easier than coming here to look for pugs all the time and also the pug experience as you may be aware can be sometimes a great experience and sometimes the worst experiences so you know results may vary when it comes to joining a group with a bunch of random strangers last but not least we've got the arenas that i mentioned such as black rose prison this is just four man content that is not a dungeon it's an arena which means you stand in arena and then waves them enemies spawn and you have to kill them before they kill you in each of these arenas there's five different arenas or 10 different arenas that you actually move your way through so you'll beat all the enemies to death in one arena and then you'll step into the next one and you'll beat the waves that come at you in that one and then you'll step into the next one and so on and each one usually concludes with some kind of a boss fight arenas are a ton of fun and they're a source of great and powerful weapons so i highly recommend diving into these when you're ready just like the rest of the content in the game normal arenas are very easy to do especially once you have your gear your five piece sets you're ready to jump into these things and start having fun don't be afraid of them now veteran arenas can be incredibly challenging black rose prison here that i'm looking at is one of the most difficult pieces of 4-man content if not the most difficult piece of four-man content in the game presently the difficulty of these things definitely goes from very easy to very hard now that we've talked about the fact that you can do normal and you can do veteran trials and normal and veteran arenas what does that mean for you why would you do a normal arena or instead why would you do a veteran if normal so much easier well the reason is perfected year so when it comes to arenas and trials they drop perfected items okay so perfected items will have a second stat on their last bonus right so if it's a two-piece set it'll have two two-piece stats right so this perfected dagger has 103 stamina recovery and dealing damage with blade cloak grants you spectral cloak for two seconds right it's got two stats there if this was the non-perfected version it would not have that stamina recovery stat so effectively because we ran it on veteran i got the perfected version of the item which means it gets an extra stat so perfected can be quite handy now typically the perfected version is only a very very small and insignificant bit better than the non-perfected version because they are trying to prevent too much power creep but it is a little bit better and uh and if you're and if you're sweaty and you want your character to be the best that it can be you'll eventually go and grab these things even if they're only gonna increase your damage output by maybe one percent or two percent dungeons however and then and then to circle back to the dungeons just for clarification dungeons do not drop perfected gear only trials and arenas drop perfected gear when you do them on veterans dungeons just drop purple instead of blue some of you guys are pvpers so let's quickly touch on pvp you've got three forms of pvp you've got the battlegrounds here in the queue system right you can click on the group content and go to the battlegrounds and you can join a queue for battlegrounds so you can either search for random battlegrounds or you can search for solo if you're by yourself i highly recommend the solo random battleground so that you don't get paired up by yourself against sweaty pre-mades that are going around just stomping people that happen to wander into battlegrounds by themselves you might have a much better experience here in the solo queue if you're a solo player that's the battlegrounds battlegrounds are three teams of four battling it out against one another in various types of modes it's death match where everybody's killing each other there's capture the flag modes where each team has to try to capture the flags on the map and the first team to 500 points wins so battlegrounds is 4v4 v4 instant respawn if you want constant action constant battle with no downtime in between your deaths battlegrounds is where you want to go now if you want large-scale open world pvp where it's dozens against dozens you're gonna want to go to cyrodiil that's the zone right here in the middle of the map dead center it's called ceredo and in ceredel there are keeps and castles and walls and it's large battles where it's large forces attacking large forces using catapults and siege weaponry and they're trying to knock down siege doors how do you participate in this what you do is you press l on your keyboard or you click the alliance war button up here at the top of your screen and you choose the mode you want to go into if you're below 50 you'll go into the below 51. if you're above 50 then you've got a few options you've got alliance locked or cp and no cp pick the one that sounds the most appealing to you and jump on into the combat once you get into these zones look for a party type in zone chat say hey i'm looking for a group um and just say that every once in a while while you go spelunking head towards these points of interest you'll see this icon that looks like it's exploding that means there's people attacking and you can see who's attacking so if you're ebonheart packed the red and it says ebonheart pact is attacking this you can you know spawn here teleport to this one and then run down here it's uh the basics of this area are you can teleport to any keep that there's a line attached to right so we could teleport all the way to here from anywhere in here but we could not teleport to uh let's say red owned this one over here we couldn't teleport to it because there's no red line connecting to that okay so if that if you wanted to get over here man it is a long run cyrodiil is massive so get ready for some long horse rides especially if your mount speed is not upgraded i highly recommend getting your mount speed upgraded as soon as possible especially if you're going to be running around in cereal it's going to make a big difference for you this is where you go for that large-scale battle okay you want to go to cereal now there's one type of pvp that falls in between the instant and constant action of small scale battle in the battlegrounds and the somewhat intermittent action and large scale where it's dozens versus dozens instead of 4v4 there's something in between the two and that's here in the middle of cereal it's called imperial city now just like cereal you get to this by pressing l or clicking alliance war and clicking on imperial city right you open this up and you click on the one you want to go to just double click it and it'll jump you in there if you have champion points i highly recommend going into the cp imperial city because if you go into no cp imperial city it's a pve zone right it's a pve zone where you can pvp so there's a lot of pve mobs running around and they're very hard to kill without your champion points each fight takes significantly longer if you have cp take advantage of that going to cp imperial city now if you're really low cp like you have 10 or 20 or 100 cp or 200 cp yeah you might want to stick into no cp just because you don't want to run into an 810 player and have him demolish you burial city has a combination of small scale and medium scale battle there's one v1s and there's also going to be one v10s in here sometimes you run into a group of 10 or 12 and sometimes you run into one other lone wanderer you never know what you're gonna get in here so just be ready sometimes you're gonna get zerg sometimes you're gonna get that intimate one-on-one battle and sometimes you're gonna get something in between you never know in here you come here to collect talvar the cool thing about imperial city is that you can either pve which gives you telvar which is a resource you can spend to buy some really cool stuff in game or you can kill other people to steal the telvar they've collected by pve so there's a nice combination of pveing happening and then ganking happening where you're killing things you run by until you find a person and then you kill them and you take the talvar they gained while they were killing things while they were looking for you and so it's very high stakes in here and if that's your kind of thing then perfect try out imperial city sewers it's worth noting that if you die they only take half of the telvar that you've earned so when you spawn again in your base you still have half your tail bar you can deposit it any time once you deposit your tel bar in your bank if you die you won't lose it it's safe there so basically what you want to do is go out collect some telvar maybe kill someone take their tavare then head back to your base and deposit it so that when you die you don't lose all that hard earned talvar and those are the three forms of pvp and elder scrolls online right now all right next let's talk briefly about the combat in elder scrolls online combat in elder scrolls online consists of locking by holding down your block button this is going to make it so that you take significantly less damage when something hits you and it is a significant reduction in damage however every time you block it's going to eat up a chunk of your stamina now this is important because when you run out of stamina and you block your block is not going to reduce the damage like it was before and you very well could die so you can see as i'm blocking this damage my stamina bar is going down now you can also bash things so if i see her start to channel again i can bash her to interrupt that so and the next thing is you can interrupt boom so i interrupted her she stopped doing that channeling ability on this mob and if she was doing an ability on me i would interrupt her as well puts that dizzy swirl over her head which means she's off balance and then i can do my ability damn uh if you heavy attack that means hold down your attack it's gonna give you stamina back if it's a melee weapon it's gonna give stamina back if it's a staff and you heavy attack right just hold the button down uh it's going to give you magicka back with a staff stamina back with a melee weapon stamina back if it's a bow and that's all you really need to know about the combat basics everything else is gonna come with time this game is basically a game of getting your dots and your buffs up and then using your spammable while they're all ticking and then when a dot or a buff falls off you recast that and you go back to your spammable and continue unloading on the enemy so synergy is a really important part of elder scrolls online you'll see i put this ability down and this is a fairly unique ability because i can grab my own synergy which is perfect for this lesson but i put it down and you see right at the bottom there it says press x use grave robber right down here now what that's going to do is a few things for me okay when i grab that synergy it's gonna it says you are an ally standing in the graveyard can activate the grey rod burst synergy dealing 12 000 frost damage to all the enemies in the area and healing you for the damage done there you go you get 12 000 damage burst seal you get a synergy right so it's a nice little bit of damage it's a nice little heel every synergy has its own effect sometimes you grab a synergy and it buffs you some synergies will say it's going to make you do 25 more damage for 6 seconds whatever the synergy gives you it's also going to give you this undaunted passive here called undaunted command activating a synergy gives you four percent of your max health stamina and magicka bag so on this character if i grab synergy i get 632 health 1 000 stamina and 400 magikarp so if your team is constantly throwing out synergies which healers will be doing you can constantly grab them and that's gonna give you a bunch of your resources back and this is gonna be very important for your sustain in long combat all right next let's talk about consumables there's two primary consumables that you use in elder scrolls online the consumables are one your potions and two the food that you eat food buffs laughs food buffs last for roughly two hours and they give your character a significant amount of either health stamina or magicka or some combination thereof right these things are going to increase how much health stamina or magic you have and they're also oftentimes going to give you recovery of one of those or two of those resources so that you don't run out of them as fast that is what food is for it's for your sustain and it's for your max resource value and as we touched on earlier your damage on damaged tunes is determined in part by how large your max resource value is so food in elder scrolls online is very important i know in some games you eat the food and it's like oh that's nice it's a little bit of a buff you know if i have it great if i don't not a big deal no and elder scrolls online without food you are significantly weaker okay whether you realize it or not especially due to the sustain that is built into some foods such as the lava foot right that's giving you 500 recovery of stamina every second that's huge that means that is the difference between you constantly being out of stamina and not right so if you're constantly out of stamina maybe you need to go ahead and try a food with stamina recovery or if you're out of magicka take one with magical recovery and that's going to make all the difference in the world for you that is one type of consumable your food you can only have one food or drink active at a time you may not stack a food with a drink right only one thing at a time then there's potions you can use potions and food at the same time okay potions are their own thing you chug potions these last 47 seconds when you've got the passives for them they last like 40 seconds when you don't have the passives and you're gonna use these basically on cooldown so anytime your potion is on cooldown in combat you use your potion again in some games you use potions when you need resources or when you need help not in elder scrolls online in pve content you use the potion anytime you're in combat and until that battle is over you use the potion every time it cools down why because potions in this game aren't just there to give you resources back if you look at what this potion is doing it is giving us massive massive buffs every time that we use it right or the entire duration of this potion right and the potion lasts for as long as the cooldown so that means you can have 100 uptime on these buffs grants major brutality increasing our weapon damage by 20 and it's major savagery increasing our critical right grants major endurance increasing our stamina recovery by 40 while also giving us 7 500 stamina so not only is this keeping our resources topped off but it's turning our character into an absolute machine while the buff is active so i can't stress this enough and it's a mistake every single new player makes including myself when i was new i waited too long to to dive into what foods i should be using and what potions i should be using i was worried about the cost of them and get a load of this okay your food lasts for two hours and it's gonna cost you this food costs about 94 gold when you're running through a dungeon that takes maybe 15 minutes to run through maybe 30 minutes if you're in a slow group you will find thousands of gold worth of items in that run right every white item you find is worth almost this much and you find dozens of those in one dungeon this lasts for two hours so you are always coming out ahead when you're eating food do not be worried about consuming food the price is negligible for the time that it lasts as long as you're doing something while it's active same with potions now potions are a little more expensive these kind of potions are a little more expensive you can use the basic trash pots that you find off of mobs you can buy them from guild traders for nine gold a piece making them trivial as well if you're not doing hard content you can use your basic essence of magicka or essence of stamina potions pull one of those up that's what these look like right they're the green ones for stamina the blue ones for magicka and they cost eight to ten gold it says or six to seven for the stamina they're very very cheap and you just use these anytime you're just doing something that it doesn't require you to be spending money to get through it you're gonna get through it just fine you know your basic potions and that's really all you need to know about the consumables is hey you know don't underestimate how incredibly necessary and effective these are if you're running around as a new player and you're constantly out of resources you're not using these right once you start using the right food and once you start chugging those potions your your sustain problems are going to largely go away all right next let's talk about the transmute station because the transmute station is more important than it's ever been i mean it's an amazing tool to begin with and just recently it was made more amazing and i'm going to talk about why at the transmute station so out in the world you're going to pick up all kinds of gear and it's going to drop however it drops right we're used to gear dropping with various stats sometimes good sometimes not and in a lot of games what you have to do is you have to basically go reform that gear over and over until it drops right well in other schools online we have the transmute station where let's say i have this ruby ash inferno staff right this gold ruby action for no staff i can put this in here and i can tell it that i want to have instead of the infused trait that it has i can tell it that i want it to be training and then i can spend 50 of my transmute crystals to change that trait so this is going to come in this is going to become very important for you once you start putting a set together and you start collecting pieces of gear and you're like oh man i found it but it's not in the right trait which is what's going to happen most of the time as a damage dealer you're often going to say oh man i need to change uh you know i need to change this armor to divines right devines is the go-to dps trait on gear or bloodthirsty on your jewelry so for damage dealers you're almost always going to put divines on your gear bloodthirsty on your jewelry if you want to just go with that that's going to be right 99.9 of the time if you're a tank or a healer it's it varies follow whatever your build says to do so that's what their transmutation does it changes these traits for you and if you hover over them it tells them it tells you what they do yeah the trait is the second stat there the first one is your enchantment the second one is the trait okay so if you're ever curious which one's the trait the trade is the second one the first one that says something something enchantment that's gonna be your enchantment enchantments are really easy to change you just buy a glyph from a guild trader or you find one on the floor and you just apply it to the item that you want to apply it to if it's a magical recovery glyph you just buy a truly superb glyph of magical recovery and then you apply it to your piece of jewelry that you want to apply it to and you can do that at for any time you want for a fairly trivial cost they're usually only a few thousand gold not bad at all okay so changing the trade is is the original and primary use for the transient station until markarth and now we can reconstruct any item that we have found and bound to our character so in order to craft an item that you've already found before you just click on the reconstruct tab over here and then you look for the set let's say you wanted to make mother's sorrow so you click here and you choose the set you want to craft and you just double click it choose the quality you want to make it choose the trait you want it to be in right so we'd go gold divines robomother sorrow and boom if i craft it i have that piece and just like that you have a new robo mother sorrow now why would you craft it what are the reasons for crafting a set of gear that you already have there's a couple of reasons you may want a set for one of your alts so that you don't have to transfer it between characters constantly or alternatively what you could do is see this here it says cost 50. now if we're going to retransmit a p a piece of gear here right it costs 50. this one costs 51 for the mother sorrow every piece you find reduces the cost of creating a piece of gear so the more of the mother sorrow set i find and bind to my character right it'll fill this catalog up and this will go all the way down to a cost of 25 so then it becomes more transmute efficient to just craft in the right trait as opposed to retransmitting right it's half the cost when you have everything so if your limitation is transmutes you may want to craft it from scratch and then upgrade it to gold now if you have gold jewelry right it's incredibly expensive it gold out a piece of jewelry so instead of crafting it all over again and retrading it what you may want to do when it's gold jewelry is just retrain it with your 50 transmutes eat the cost of transmutes save the hundreds of thousands of gold it costs to gold out a new piece of jordan so basically there's a give and a take to creating new pieces of gear and if all you're doing it for is to change the trait well then you may want to consider based on how much it's going to cost you to do it the other way and so that's what the transmute station is for either retrade an item or craft an item that you already own the cost of transmutes now how do you get transmutes there's a couple of really easy ways to get transmutes and elder scrolls online one doing a random normal dungeon every character can do one of these every day and every time you do it it's 10 transmutes per character so if you do it on five characters that's 50 transmits per day you could earn if you do it on one it's 10 transmutes per day uh random normal dungeons are incredibly easy so it's a nice easy way to both get a good chunk of experience and some transmutes alternatively if you are up for some pvp you can go to cereal and get yourself to reward tier one all you have to do to get to reward tier one is spend uh usually it takes about a half hour in cereal sometimes a little less sometimes a bit more depending on how active it is and if your side is winning the battles that you're participating in basically what you do is you go and join a campaign but for before you go into that campaign you must you must do this one step you must right click it and set it as your home it's already my home so it says abandon rather than set his home you must set it as your home campaign if you don't you'll be in there this bar won't move and you'll be like why is my bar not moving and it should be like full by now well you forgot to set it as your home most likely or you're inside of the campaign that you didn't set as your home so you set something else your home you went into the wrong one so make sure you set the one you want to be in as your home and then make sure you go into that one and get your ap there your ap is the experience you get in cereal for participating in victories and defenses and things like that when this gets to one at the end of the campaign right here it says 17 days left right now this is the downside there's an upside to this and a downside the upside is it takes somewhere between a half hour and an hour to get it done realistically and you get 50 transmutes for doing that on one character so it's bang for your buck it's it's hard to beat right that's a lot of transmits for a pretty small investment in time but you have to wait for the campaign to be over this campaign ends in 17 days so you can do this and then just you know when it ends you get boom you get a nice chunk of 50 transmutes if you hate pvp or you don't want to wait 17 days well then you can always do your random dungeons ledges will also give you a few if you do pledges but we'll talk about those coming up all right next let's talk about crafting stations every major town has all of the crafting benches in them they look like this here's your clothing station here's your jewelry station right here's your provisioning station although this can look like a lot of things based on where you're at sometimes it's a kettle um it varies and then you've got your blacksmithing station and your woodworking station uh the one thing that trips a lot of people up is when they go to um craft a shield or to upgrade a shield they want to go to the blacksmithing station but actually in this game we call it sword and board because your shield is made of wood so when you want to do something with shields you will want to come here into the woodworking station to upgrade your wooden shield uh the blacksmithing station is responsible for heavy armor and weapons melee weapons whereas the woodworking station does staves bows and shields then all of your light and medium armor is going to be here at the clothing station and your jewelry is going to be here at the jewelry station the way these work is whenever you find gear out in the wild i highly recommend you deconstruct it after you find it if you're not going to wear it deconstruct it deconstructing it is going to level up a level of that bench all the way up to a maximum of 50. very important that you get this up to 50 and you start getting your passives there's a lot of really powerful passives that you should learn especially on your crafter so make sure you deconstruct items that you find to level this up and it's also going to do something else for you when you deconstruct items it's going to give you materials that are going to end up here on the refine tab this is where you're going to go to refine any materials and then you click on it and i would hit refine that's going to combine these raw materials that we find out in the wild that we get from deconstructing things right those raw materials we're going to refine them and turn them into materials that we can craft things with or upgrade things with in here you can craft various things there's the crafting tab creation movement is where we can go if i have a purple item and i want to make it gold i come here i click on it and i click on this to go down then there's lastly the research tab okay so here you can if you have an item on you and you want to learn how to retrait stuff remember how we were re-trading things over at the transmute station well before you can retreat something to a specific trait you must learn how to do that and the way you learn is to find a pair of boots with divine straight and then you take it to this bench and basically you destroy that item you consume it learn how to craft it so you would come here with the divine's boots and you would say i want to research divines on these boots and that would teach you how to put divines on any pair of boots that you find as long as they're the same weight so like these are light boots so i would have to find divine's light boots and then i could change divine's light boots now if i want to change medium or heavy i've got to go find divine's heavy boots and learn that and then i'll be able to retrain divine's medium or heavy boots still with me i know this is a lot uh the crafting stuff is one of the more confusing things but it's also very simple at the same time there's just a lot to it but it's all very simple and if you have any questions don't don't hesitate to ask in the comments below i will do my best to answer every one of your guys's questions and then there's one very important thing that i want to add to this right so here's the crafting table every crafting table has its own passive tree so i'm at the clothing table right so if i click on clothing i have a bunch of passives that relate to this table tailoring is going to allow me to craft higher level things while also increasing the level of the things i find in the wild if you don't max this out half of the nodes you find out in the wild will appear at a lower level than you want them to so make sure to max this out eventually it's going to make you find higher level materials kenai is going to allow you to see nodes from a farther distance so that you can grab them they make them glow for you so they stand out quite a bit better when you have this passive outfit hireling up to twice a day the hireling will send you some mail with some materials in it and this will happen every time you log into that character twice a day now if you don't log into a character that day the hireling will not send the mail so the only way this works is if you log into the character so if you have multiple characters with this passive in order to take advantage of it you have to log into each of them uh at least once a day unraveling now this is probably the most important passive that i want to talk about in here well there's two of them that are really important but this is one of them this says it in it maximizes the chances of extracting clothing ingredients and allows the refining of the most powerful tannins from raw materials okay so remember i was talking about that refining tab you only want to refine materials on your crafter on the character that has this passive maxed out otherwise when you refine you're not going to get nearly as many good materials right so do not use the refinement tab until you've maxed this out on your character okay so you're going to go to your bench you're going to hit refine right and you can refine all these things and you press the button and it's going to give you a list of materials and if you've got that passive these materials are going to be significantly better than if you didn't all right so don't waste your materials make sure you get this passive maxed out make sure you have at least one character kind of devoted to that um get this passive and also get this passive more than doubles the chances to improve items with tannins this is going to reduce the cost right so if i want to upgrade an item from purple to gold it costs eight drag wags greg wax is fairly expensive and it's costing eight if i did not have that passive maxed out it would cost 20 rag wags so significant reduction in costs right you never want to upgrade gear or refine your materials without being on the crafter the crafter is the one that's going to do all of that for you because it is very expensive if you do it on the wrong character okay so max out this one and max out this one for each of these lines each of them has a passive that says extract better and upgrade improved okay doubles the chances each one of these has that blacksmithing clothing jewelry woodworking they all have that it's very important to get all of that on all of them all right leveling how do you level in elder scrolls online when the answer here is kind of complicated because there's no wrong way to level i've got guides on things you need to do in each level interval i've got guides on how to power level and there's there's different ways to approach it if you want a mind-numbing speedy experience there are those methods where you know the fastest way to level also happens to be the least fun but you could do that if like that's all you want is levels i don't recommend it um you know so i have a guide for that if you want it but then there's also the other ways to level where you actually get to enjoy the game along the way and also probably uh become quite a bit more experienced and quite a bit more prepared for the levels that you earn uh so that you don't hit max level and then wonder why you're still not good at the game well it's because you never played it you just grinded out this one mobs these ones domains for 800 levels and you really have no clue what the heck you're doing still but you know there's multiple ways to attack the leveling process there's no correct way no wrong way one way that is a nice combination of speed and experience is going to be random normal dungeons as you can see here it's giving me a ton of experience this scales with your level so the higher level you are the more experienced it gives you a random normal dungeon on at least one character a day and if you don't hate pvp doing a random battleground will give you that same amount of xp again so you can double dip on this daily experience right here just do one of one dungeon one battleground for a huge chunk of xp every day beyond that you can do each dungeon right so every dungeon you do for the first time there's a quest in there and when you turn that quest in there it gives you a chunk of xp and a skill point so it's very important to do every dungeon at least once it's going to give you a lot of xp you're going to learn a lot and it's going to give you a skill point that you can spend on skills or passives or whatever you need that's my preferred way to level on all my new tunes i do a lot of dungeons doing dungeons gives you a lot of things it gives you undaunted experience that levels your undaunted guild it gives you fighters guilty experience leveling your fighters guild it gives you experience just leveling your character it gives you a skill point the first time you complete it so there's lots to be gained from doing dungeons it's a very effective way to spend your time is to um hone in on the ones you haven't completed yet now if you're looking at the game without any of the add-ons i've recommended you won't see this list over here don't worry that's okay you'll just have to keep track of that in your head or go into your achievements menu press j for your achievements and then look at that specific dungeon and see which achievements you're missing and if you've never done it on your character you won't have the achievement for completing it this is quite a bit more difficult to do so i highly recommend checking out those add-ons all right now i'm going to briefly talk about the different types of content in elder scrolls online and what kind of builds you're going to want for that content because it's a very common question can i use the same build to solo with that i use in group content or can i use my group build in pvp and in pve and these are all fair questions and the answer is no it's a hard no you cannot use a pvp build in pve and you cannot use a pve build in pvp at least if you try to you're gonna have a bad experience in at least one if not both of those places pvp builds are very different than pve builds pve builds are very much glass cannons you've got the tank taking all the damage you've got the healer healing all the damage and your dps and your job is simply to do damage now if you go into pvp with that build and you don't have damage mitigation abilities and you don't have self heals you're gonna have a really bad time and if you're wearing gear that is meant strictly to do damage and not to defend against it and has no passive abilities attached to it that are going to aid you in surviving that onslaught well it's going to be tough for you and you probably won't have very much fun so if you're a pvper i highly recommend putting it together a pvp build and then if you want to dabble in both pvp and pve get yourself a setup for both it's going to be worth it you know wait till you're 160 so that you're only having to get this set up put together once and then put together a set of pvp gear and some pvp skills and a pve gear and pve skills right and then uh and then just swap between the two depending on what you're doing you will do significantly better in both venues if you do this now what about solo builds solo builds can work okay in group content depending on the solo build and the and how good it is right some solo builds are very much just meant depending on the creator of that solo build and what they wanted to achieve with it um it might just be meant for like questing and it might be very much an rp build where you know it's a lot of fun it's interesting and unique but it's not ever going to put out very much damage it's not going to be good in a group setting and if that's the case then that solo build won't work well in a group i've got a lot of solo builds that put out incredible damage both cello and group play and you don't have to tweak them much to have them perfectly set up for group content so be sure to check out all of my solo builds if you're interested in a solo build that also works really well in group play and is able to easily do all of the solo content in the game no problem okay so next thing we want to talk about briefly is if you're if you're a damage dealer uh you'll hear the term parse a lot to parse or when bars thing or i need to go parse or have you parsed yet right and that simply means did you go attack one of these dummies like this guy right here until it died and when you do that it's gonna spit out a number for you right that tells you how much damage you did per second you can also use an add-on like combat metrics right pull this little up here and it's going to tell me what my damage per second was on that little spriggan i was fighting earlier okay so i did 637 damage per second because we were just standing there blocking the whole time and then we just light attacked him right so really low dps you can you can do as much dps as uh it's like a hundred and fifteen thousand dps i've seen i think in this game right now right around there like it's a big number right so 637 would be a horrible parts so that's what people mean when they say have you parsed basically you're just finding out how much damage your build does per second this is very important in elder scrolls online because there are things called the dps checks and essentially what that means is there's fights where if you don't do enough damage you won't beat it in time and some mechanic will trigger that wipes your group either another wave of ads will spawn and if you fall behind on those spawns like eventually they'll just keep adding up and adding up until they overrun your group or perhaps if you don't kill the boss in time he does a room-wide explosion that just kills the group right there's all kinds of dps checks and so it's not really a suggestion to do a certain amount of damage some content requires a certain amount of damage it's not really an opinion it's just a fact some content requires x amount of damage and so what people have you do is parse you come beat on this dummy and he will spit out a number when it's over and he'll say hey you did 60 000 dps and you're like sweet uh i didn't need that much so i'm actually ahead of the game for this content that i wanted to do next cool it's a good way of finding out like if you change an ability or you change some gear or maybe you win and you got 50 more champion points and you're curious hey how how am i doing now you know did my damage go up a lot won't come and parse or you gold out your weapon for instance right um you go down your weapon now you're gonna do quite a bit more damage when you parse than when it was blue so that's what parsing is and parsing is how you improve your damage you're gonna practice your rotation the important thing about parsing is keeping your dots up and light attack weaving in between abilities okay that brings us to the second important term that you're going to talk about when it comes to improving your damage and that's light attack weaving light attack weaving is simply this i use my light attack and then i use an ability then i light attack and then i use an ability i am weaving light attacks in between my ability okay that's weaving now you are supposed to weave light attacks between every ability that you use in elder scrolls online that is just a hard fact the way the game is running right now because light attacking is on a separate cooldown from your abilities so you can only use your abilities so fast right you can only use them this fast and you can only light attack so fast but they're on separate cooldowns so you can do both at the same time which is why light attacking it's free damage while you're waiting for your global cooldown on your abilities to reset so that's what you do you light a tag and then use an ability and in order to take advantage of the fact that they're on separate cooldowns that's where we come into probably the most controversial term in elder scrolls online and that is animation cancelling it sounds scary but i promise it's not scary at all um a lot of people think it's way more involved and complicated than it is and so they basically shut down they're like what i have to cancel animations that's this is too much work i hate this i hate this game it's impossible before wait wait you know hear me out so what it what animation canceling is is you're canceling the light attack animation okay this animation here see how long that is from start to finish see and so and then he's done right there his foot comes back up it's a long animation we cancel most of that animation that's animation canceling the way you cancel it is you press your light attack and then your ability now if you press light attack just a split second before your ability it cancels see how much of that animation we canceled you see the sword hit the guy but then he doesn't do the whole back swing and then step back into place right we're skipping most of the animation that's animation cancelling so you just hit your light attack ability light attack ability now we are weaving and animation cancelling just because we're hitting light attack right before the ability so it's just a matter of rhythm you go da da da da da da rather than light attack ability light attack ability right it's more of a ta-da and you get into that rhythm it's more like a heartbeat rhythm as opposed to uh right you're just canceling that light attack animation and now you're doing something you're getting free damage in between every ability when you would otherwise just be waiting for that ability to cool down you get to you get to swing your sword once in that time so not only is that free damage but also if we use our ultimate okay now look down here i just use my alt so my alt is at zero charge okay it's at zero charge right now watch what happens when i light attack the boss it starts going up three six nine twelve right it starts charging my ultimate when i light attack now what happens when i use an ability it's not moving right so if you're not light attacking your alt is going to go really slow but then the second i use the light attack there it goes it starts going up three at a take okay it's very important for getting your old back fast and alts are incredibly powerful in this game don't underestimate your ult and how significant it is for your damage you want to get it back as soon as possible everybody does because you want to be using that thing as often as you can for all of those reasons stated primarily your damage and your old reject and also there's a lot of more complicated things you're going to be procking enchants on your weapons i'm not going to go into that yet it's too soon for you uh once you've got all this other stuff digested and you're in the game and you're going around and you start parsing you know check out one of my parse videos or one of my weaving videos um or one of my guides or just come by my stream and ask me the finer details about this kind of stuff and we can talk about how it's gonna trigger enchantments and then your rocks and your weapon damage procs and there's just there's a lot more to it but you don't need to know all that just yet just know that there is more than just the reasons stated for light attacking they're going to be very useful for your character now here's another term you're going to hear people say a lot domain or geysers or dragons or harrow storms all of these things are events inside of a zone and now these are not like holiday events or celebration events that will happen once a month in the game these are uh little events that happen at these symbols on the map okay so in alec your desert for instance you've got dolmen so it looks like this looks like a little cyclone symbol on the map and if you go there you shut down the domain the lore behind it is explained in the main story but basically these are a great source of xp you can go to alec your desert and dome and grind you can go to uh western skyrim and you can aerostorm grind see how it's the same symbol just means hey there's an event that happens here from time to time and if you're here when it happens you get a burst of xp when it ends and you get some loot this is where you get the zone jewelry in southern elsewhere and northern elsewhere you've got dragons and you'll see dragons flying around the map little white dragons whenever there is one around so if you're in one of those zones just head to the dragon and then there will be a large group of people killing it hopefully if there's not a large group of people at one of those events they can be quite difficult to take down by yourself or with a small group so just be prepared for that if you run into that situation but there's almost always tons of people at all of these types of events all right so the next thing i want to show you real quick is let's go over the um the justice system in elder scrolls online it's a very simple system if you do something illegal like steel right if you go around you can see if you hover over an item that's not meant to be yours it's somebody else's you have the option to steal it and if you do it without someone seeing you you're fine you can go fence it or if it's something you can use you can use it if you do without being seen you're fine you can go fence it or what have you uh and you won't be attacked by the guards however if one of them sees you they will be upset um likewise there's certain things you can do in town that have nothing to do with stealing nothing to do with murdering somebody in front of a guard right because you can also murder people in this game like these npcs you can go back behind them and you can just kill them there's a lot of nbc's you can kill these are quest givers don't think you can kill them um but now there's other things you could do right i'm a perfectly good law-abiding necromancer this character all i do is save the world i save and i save and i save but you know if i summon one little skeleton you know he flips out now look at this over here i've got a bounty right it's 277 gold um and the guard just murders me okay toxic super toxic now i rez here uh he what he did was he took 277 of my gold and my bounty went away as you can see the guards you can run away they are not instant kills uh they can be impossible to kill though they've got uh 10 or 20 million health and uh so what you want to do is either just let them kill you and pay your fee or run away hide and then this does go down slowly but surely it will expire okay this will go down um with this with this kind of a fee it probably wouldn't take much more than maybe five or ten minutes to go it's not bad unless you kill a lot of people and you get it up into the thousands and then you know yeah so let's see we'll let him kill me now so we can move on with the tutorial here and again he's gonna kill me he's gonna take that 277 gold and then boom we're fine it's like nothing ever happened everybody forgets um you don't go to jail there's no major downside it's a very honestly it's very forgiving you know if you get caught stealing or whatever and so if you want to go around stealing things feel free to you can't necessarily sell items you got to go fence them if you steal something and that's when you would go to the outlaws refuge and inside of the outlaw refuge you see the symbol on the map that's your outlaws refuge they're all over the game in every major zone you go there and there's a fence in there you just talk to the fence and you tell them hey i wanna i wanna fence some items that i sold and they will take a finite number of items per day yeah do it unlimited you reach a threshold so if you want to sell more items per day you can come in here and upgrade the trafficker passive in ledger domain ledger domain has one of my favorite passives it's a totally optional skill line it's all 100 rp based but it does have locksmiths so you can walk up the chests and you can just kick them open you don't have to play the lock picking minigame you instantly open them uh when you interact with them however there is a small chance that you will fail all right so i found a chest so i can demonstrate for you here this one's simple right so that means i have the best chance if i press e at the bottom it says force lock 85 chance if you do not have that passive it's going to be significantly less than that i think it'll say something like 15 chance it's almost certain you'll fail so if i press it boom i skipped the whole game and it just opened the lock immediately um and that's what that passive does all right last but certainly not least let's talk about housing elder scrolls online has one of the most robust housing systems in any game i've ever played possibly the most robust housing system of any game i've played i can't think of anything that comes close to it you've got dummies you can put in your house to parson you can build literally anything you can think of i've put a spaceship in my house just because i could i've got uh i don't know some kind of magical mist coming out of the bottom of the rocket engines i mean you know and that's just you know next to my house another parse dummy here we've got inside of the house you can have crafting stations you can have anything you want i've decorated this one with lots of paintings that's my thing i just like shiny paintings you can have storage coffers for additional storage space you don't have enough room in your bank or you don't have enough in your inventory you can get storage coppers and you can store more stuff in your house you can have npcs in your house such as your own banker and your own merchant standing around you can have nbc's that you can interact with and talk to and just kind of hang out in your house you can make them walk around set up your own little living situation you can put pets you can put everything you can put a restaurant in your house right i've got like a little sushi bar that i've been making slowly but surely with my little cook bag here this guy makes some mean mean crunchy rolls okay and it's good it's good it's all very good right the housing system in this game is incredibly robust you can even put crafting stations you can craft gear you can upgrade gear you can put them under stones that i showed you earlier i mean there's really almost no limit to what you can put in your house they can be quite massive and incredibly fun to fill with things that you collect along your way you can dig up things almost everything you see in my house is something that i have found on my journeys in elder scrolls online a mob dropped them or they were part of an antiquities um dig that i was participating in just about anything you do has a chance to earn you a furnishing and so you can keep the cooler ones that you find maybe like stained glass or paintings or the lights that you find the big light up there that i've hidden um this treasure that i've got really there's tons of stuff that you can put into your house and just kind of make it your own and no two people's houses will look similar because there's just so many ways you can go with them and for some people it is the end game and wow and that is it guys that is the essentials that is the basics of elder scrolls online i know that was really long if you stuck through this the entire time can you let me know in the comments below i would be fascinated to see how many people watch this entire thing uh you're an absolute legend if you did and i know that was a lot if you forget any of it feel free to come on back i've got the time stamps in the description so you can refer to any section of this video when you need to i've got tons of other youtube videos where i go more in depth on each of these topics don't be afraid to search my catalog of youtube videos if you're ever looking for more information or just swing by my twitch channel at lucky ghost tv where i stream myself playing elder scrolls online five days a week throughout that entire stream i'm helping new players get acquainted with the game helping them farm gear and teaching them the mechanics of trials and dungeons so if you ever want to hang out with someone else who loves eso please come swing by i'm happy to hang out with you and if you found this video to be helpful please please don't forget to give it a like and a subscribe that's going to help me out a ton as always guys i hope you have a fantastic day night or evening wherever you might be and i will see you in the next video take care
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 581,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZkaOH5dkyQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 39sec (8799 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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