The Easiest Fusion Comp Ever - [Fusion Compositing Basics for Beginners]

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oh hello there casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about compositing infusion this is supposed to be just about the easiest most basic comp that actually looks like a comp and isn't just some text or something that you can do in fusion this is for absolute beginners if you've never picked up fusion this should be a great little intro here's a look at our nodes what we're going to be making if none of this makes sense it's okay this is a beginner thing you know what i'm saying let's take a look at what our comp is really what we're doing is taking this photo we're putting some text on top of it but then putting it behind these rocks this is about the most simple composite you can get it's just putting something behind something else splitting this into different planes so it looks like everything's kind of in one picture for this one we aren't gonna deal with video at all we're basically just making a still graphic but all the things that we learn are applicable to video things but that's like level two you know what i'm saying this is level one first thing let's do is open up our media pool in the upper left hand corner click on that and i'm going to right click anywhere in the empty space and say new fusion composition that's going to ask us some stuff we'll just call it fusion composition 3 because we're so pro create and then we'll bring this into list view and double click fusion composition 3. so that opens up our blank composition i'll just go up and close our media pool now because we don't we aren't going to need that and if you've never used fusion before there's a couple parts to the interface up here are where the viewers go that's where you view what you're actually doing down here are the nodes this is kind of the building blocks of what you're going to be making and here in the middle these little icons this is our toolbar and you can grab these icons and drag them into the nodes to make all kinds of fancy nodes so what is a node well a node has one job it does one thing so if we want to make a black background this far left node called the background node we can drag this in and all this does is make a black background if we want to look at any node we can hit either one or two on the keyboard and that'll bring it up here in the viewers you have two viewers you can either view this on viewer one or viewer two or both and you can pick any node from down here to view on the viewers we'll get to why in the world you would ever do that here in just a second but for now this note has one job to make a background you look at the background here on one of the viewers and if you want to change the color of the background basically anything that you want to change about a node happens over here in the inspector if this isn't open make sure to click this little inspector button and this is kind of the properties of whatever you have selected and that's pretty much how it works all throughout resolve but right here where it says color let's make this green sure and now we have our green backgrounds here i'll just hit one on the keyboard again just so that we only see this once just in our second viewer and you can go ahead and make this any color you want it doesn't matter at all because we're not ever going to see this what we're going to do is just set our background size with this background node i'm going to put this over on the left and then you'll also notice another node down here just hanging out creeping on us media out one and media out one has one job anything that we connect to this node it's going to render out when we actually export this comp so to connect something to a node all you do is just grab this little gray square and drag it to connect onto one of these little triangles then i can hit two on the keyboard and now we're looking at what media out will render so if we wanted to make this comp i can go over to edit and in a blank timeline i can just grab my fusion composition drag this down and now we have this orange comp so whatever we connect to our media out here infusion is what's going to show up here in the timeline now let's bring in our picture there are a ton of different ways to bring in a picture but the easiest way is just to find it on your system and drag it into the nodes here we have this photo i'll just drag that into our nodes and then i can select this and it will make a node called media in one this node's one job is to bring in some media so if we hit one on the keyboard we can see this as bringing in this photo by the way if you want to follow along i have a link to this photo in the description it's just from unsplash but what we want to do is actually put this photo over our background now you'll notice in fusion there's not really any layers there isn't a layer panel or anything like that like you would see in photoshop or other compositing apps so how do we put something over something else well remember we're building with nodes and each node has one job so towards kind of the left of the middle of our toolbar here there's one called merge if i grab that and drag that down this makes a merge node what a merge node does is put stuff over other stuff how do we hook it up well instead of connecting our background one to our media out i'm just gonna grab this little connection and connect it to our merge put our merge down here and connect our merge to our media out and now we have nothing going on yay you'll notice the merge has two little triangles one is yellow and one is green the yellow one is the background and the green one if you mouse over is the foreground so we can take the output of our media in one and now look what happens it's putting this photo over our background but it's really huge we we don't want that so why don't we add another node let's move this media in one up a little bit and we're going to add a transform node because we want to transform this photo before we put it over our background we want to change the size and position and stuff of it this little icon just to the left of center right here is called transform you can grab this and you can drag it down here in the nodes but you could also just drag it over a connection here and when it turns blue that will actually hook it up in between one node and another when you run something through a transform you can select the transform and adjust what it does so we can go over here to our inspector and adjust the sizing we can even grab this little widget and move it around now we can see yeah this is being put over the orange background and we're just gonna maybe size this up a little bit and get some nice framing here something like that for our final comp now just a reminder media out one is in our right hand viewer which is what happens when you select it and hit two on the keyboard so this is what the timeline is gonna see if i switch back over to edit that's what we see on the timeline but remember you can choose any node to display in either of these viewers and right now i'm looking at my media in and it even tells me the fancy resolution here 3900 by 2600 which explains why it came in pretty big over our 1080p background but if i select the transform and then hit one on the keyboard we'll see it's sizing this down before we put it over our merge so you can kind of look at different pieces of your comp just by selecting the different nodes and hitting one on the keyboard to kind of preview everything so you can kind of look at little pieces this way and i pretty much always like to have media out in the second viewer because it kind of feels like the edit page right you have your kind of final viewer right here and over here is your source viewer which is kind of the same thing like you can preview media and everything on the left side and what everything will look like on the right side kind of the same thing that i like to do in fusion although either one could be any part of your comp so now that we have our image over our background let's add our text so let's move over a little bit in our nodes and i'm just going to push this media out to the right a little bit and let's grab another icon i'm gonna grab this one right here this t this is for text plus i'll grab that and drag this over and we'll just put that right here again this node has one job all it does is make text if we want to adjust what the text looks like we have to go up here in the inspector but before we can actually see anything we have to merge this text over what we have so far which again i could grab a merge node like this and drag it down and connect everything like that but an easier way to make a merge node is just to grab the output of any node and drag it over the little output square of any other node and look what happens it makes a merge node automatically and it connects the one that i grabbed first and makes that the foreground so now when we type some text here that goes over our background let's type adventure and pick a decent font and we'll make this a little bigger and we'll put it up here a little bit something like that maybe and you can do all kinds of different things with this text plus node there are a ton of different little options for color and sizing and animation and stuff definitely check that out one thing that i'm going to do is go to the fourth tab over which is shading and right here where it says select element i'm going to go to element 2 and click enabled and what that's going to do is add a outline here let's make the color something else i don't know something like that just to make that pop a little bit make it a little thicker and this is a huge deep world that you could jump into but that's what we're doing great so now we have a pretty basic comp we have some text over a background but now we're going to get fancy we want to take this text and put it behind these mountains now we could do this a bunch of different ways we could for instance trace out these mountains with a pen tool and make a mask and do that kind of stuff but that's a lot of work so what we're going to do instead is actually key out this sky that means just select the range of colors that's in the sky and kind of delete them and then put another copy of these mountains over everything so that it looks like these letters are behind the mountains so the first thing that we're going to do is copy this photo right here and the cool thing about nodes is you don't actually need to make a copy i could certainly grab this media in one hit ctrl c double click off of this and hit control v and do things that way and merge this over everything and that would totally work but the cool thing about nodes is that you can actually connect them to multiple things so i can use any part of this node tree in multiple places at once so if i wanted to take this media in one and merge it over everything i can just grab it and merge it over our last merge here and that will make another merge and it will put this image over everything and that totally works if we were to move this around we'd see that's on top of everything but we have a problem this is sized wrong because remember we took this image we brought it in and then we sized it and then we put it over stuff so what we should actually do is take it from here after it gets resized so let's just break that connection i'll take the output from transform and put it over our merge and now we have what we should have if i turn this merge on and off we can see we're putting this scaled image over everything so how do we get rid of the sky well we're going to use something called a delta keyer and here's a special little trick if you double click somewhere here in the node graph and then hit shift spacebar that'll bring up a fancy little secret and let's just type key k e y and we get all the different things that are called keyers what we're going to do is just grab delta key here and hit add and that's going to add a node right where we double clicked and this is an effect that we're going to run this transform through before we even merge it i'll take this connection and just put it into delta keyer and take the output of delta keyer and put it into the merge and now nothing's really happened because we haven't selected our sky yet with the delta keyer selected here i can go up to where it says background color and grab this eyedropper and drag it onto where i want to which if i move around a little bit we can see a preview of what's happening look at this it's getting rid of the sky color so we can see that text behind everything let's look at just what the delta keyer is doing if i hit one on the keyboard we can see what it's doing is just deleting anything that's kind of that blue color which is totally fine for what we're doing all we're really worried about is this edge right here we want this edge to be really nice and right now it's not really nice it's kind of it's kind of black so let's fix that i'm going to bring this delta keyer up in the second view just so that we can see on the screen recording next to our inspector let's zoom in here and there are a bunch of different things that you can adjust with this delta keyer but i'm going to go to the third one over under matte and there are all these different controls to make this edge a little bit better one thing i'm going to do is clean the foreground and clean the background a little bit and then this erode dilate slider if you push this back and forth it kind of eats away more of the edge or less of the edge depending on how you want and if you grab the number and move your mouse to the left a little bit you can kind of push this out to where it doesn't have that kind of bluish white fringe anymore and maybe we'll blur it just a little tiny bit so now we have a much nicer edge on this mountain that for what we're doing if i hit 2 on the keyboard for our media out is going to work pretty great we still have a problem right here though because of that what we'll do is just push our clean foreground up a little bit and that will do a pretty good job of cleaning that without a whole lot of work now this isn't the very very best way to do a key but it will totally work for what we're doing and we can always see if there's problems by clicking on and off the delta keyer right here so this little switch if we turn this off and on we can see the difference between when it's on or off and we do have a little bit of problem here in the windshield it's doing some funky things so one thing that we can do is just grab this threshold slider and push this up a little bit and that should get rid of most of our problems we turn this off and on we won't see too much difference it'll still look pretty good up here not dilate this quite so much and there we have our text behind our mountains pretty cool so again let's go through and figure out what we're doing here here we have our background again it doesn't matter what color it is it could be black it could be whatever all this is doing is setting the sizing for the comp which is 1920x1080 and then what we're doing is taking an image this big image here scaling it down and then merging it over our background then we're going to take some text and merge it over our photo then we're taking our photo again and keying it to get rid of the sky and putting that over everything so that it looks like our text is behind our mountains and that is what is going to be rendered to the timeline so if we switch back over to the edit page there we have our comp so yeah that's some basic compositing inside of fusion i hope that makes sense for any of you fusion noobs out there and i hope that you can go on an adventure of your own because adventures are where life happens in adventure life life adventures it's where it happens believe me hey thanks for staying all the way to the end you're the best go ahead and hit that like button if you like this so that i know that you do that and you did stay to the end you know what i'm saying okay cool cool
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 13,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 17, resolve 17 tutorial, how to use resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 for beginners, fusion tutorial, fusion compositing tutorial, basic compositing in fusion, blackmagic fusion tutorial, blackmagic fusion vs after effects, blackmagic fusion studio, blackmagic fusion motion graphics, blackmagic fusion animation, blackmagic fusion 17 tutorial, blackmagic fusion vfx, basic davinci resolve 17 tutorial, fusion nodes explained, copy fusion nodes davinci resolve
Id: qDN8SGhzC0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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