5 More HUGE Concepts in Fusion - My BIG Tips for Compositing and GFX in DaVinci Resolve 17

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[Music] welcome back my name is casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about five more fusion concepts that are essential for making awesome stuff inside of fusion the last video that i posted about the basic concepts that you need to kind of wrap your head around did so well i said you know what maybe we could do for another dose of that maybe we could so here we are docent we are here i have a little composite which just happens to illustrate a lot of the things that i want to talk about so if you don't understand everything that's going on that's really that's okay that's okay so we're going to take this one little bit at a time first of our new group of big concepts is that some nodes need a render node for you to actually use them there are certain types of nodes inside a fusion that you can't connect directly to a merge let's say for instance this text 3d if we break this we can't merge this over anything it doesn't really work we can't really run through things through text and so you're kind of like what what does that do well this text 3d at minimum needs a node called render 3d so if i take this and pipe it into my renderer 3d here we have our 3d text being rendered to the screen merged over everything else and what we can do if we want to add more things to our 3d scene is put everything inside of merge 3d and then take the merge 3d and put that into renderer merge 3d again cannot connect to any 2d node same thing for any lights or really any 3d thing they have to go through a renderer before they get merged the renderer controls what everything looks like and kind of some of the options for the quality and stuff like that so that's why that needs to be there so if you're confused about why the heck you can't connect certain things to certain things well maybe it might need a renderer the things that need that are anything that's 3d also shapes like s ellipse again you can't put over things you need to do a s render which is short for shape render in order to actually use it on things same thing goes for particles that's why we have these three little buttons here p emitter merge and render you can't connect merge to anything you can't connect emitter to anything you have to connect the render to your 2d nodes okay okay that was a big confusing thing for me for quite a while the next concept that i think is really important to understand are masks versus mattes when to use them what the differences are we could probably do a whole video on this but in short a mask is a shape that you draw and i can just hit one on the keyboard to bring this up and this will limit where things happen so whatever node that you're using like let's say some fast noise if we were to attach an ellipse mask to our fast noise bring this up in the second viewer the noise is just rendered inside of that circle so a mask is generally a shape that you would draw directly on something or you would apply to limit something a matte is sort of like that in fact a mask really is kind of making a matte if we look here on the left viewer this is our ellipse mask viewed as a matte a matte is just a grayscale image that shows what parts of the image should be at 100 and what parts should be at zero percent so 100 is white and zero is black so a mask can attach directly to something but it can also be used as a matte with its black and white image the image that a mask puts out is just this black and white image so you can use that for something that you'd use a map for let's take a look at an example of a matte here we have this little time lapse video of these clouds going by we're looking up at these buildings and let's say we want to just adjust this sky and all the reflections in the building without affecting all of the colors in the image well we could go through and draw a mask around every single window until we have this selected but that would be just about the worst possible thing ever so instead what we like to do sometimes is make a matte and a matte just takes an image and often times you can just adjust the brightness and contrast like i did with the curves here and make a really high contrast image that's dark where you don't want things to happen and bright white where you want things to happen so all i've done is taken the curves and just really pump up the contrast here so that we have solid white on the sky we have white on the windows and any place that you wouldn't really see the sky or the reflection of the sky is going to be black so now i can do something like apply this to my blue background here and by default it wouldn't really do a whole lot if you connect curves to a mask it's not going to do anything because generally if you connect something to a mask input it's going to look for something like you know an actual mask which not only makes a black and white image but it also has transparency because it's just a circle shape all over nothing and so it will look at the transparency and use that as a mask by default but if you select whatever you're trying to apply your matte to and you go over to the inspector under this third tab settings you can adjust how this mask channel is treated and if we're feeding a black and white image to this we can select channel right here and go down to luminance and now it will make anything that's black in that matte transparent and it will keep anything that's white and the matte opaque and so now we can just overlay this blue on top of everything i have this running through emerge with a soft light mode right here and it kind of makes the sky a little bit more blue so here's before and here's after and it's just applying to the sky and the reflection of the sky up here in this red building if we turn this off and on it's only applying in the reflections so this is a really great way to do some pretty advanced detailed stuff without a whole lot of work if you want to learn more about mats and masks again this could be a huge video so please let me know if you want a video about that next let's talk about just more of a big general concept inside of fusion which is there are lots of ways to do each thing for instance let's say we wanted to put some text over everything here we could pipe this into a merge and let's type some text some text let's go if i want to make this text bigger really the only way that is good for me to do this is the size inside of the text generator because this is actually increasing the font size and if i make it really big it's still going to be nice and clean there aren't going to be any jaggies or anything but let's say i want to rotate this i can rotate it within the text node if i want to just by grabbing this handle i can also grab the merge and rotate it kind of the same way in the merge and i could even make a transform node between the text and the merge shift spacebar and then type xf that'll bring up the transform node and with the transform node selected i could also rotate it just like this so what the heck is the right answer if there are so many different ways to do something most of the time i would say a lot of the time it probably doesn't matter for something like this it's more dependent on do you want a transformation or whatever you're doing to happen at a certain time in the chain so do we want to make some text and then rotate it and then merge it do we want to make some rotated text and then merge it do we want to make some text and merge it and then rotate it that's going to be kind of dependent on what you're really doing so let's say i wanted to have a bunch of different copies of this text it might be something where i'd like to output this to a couple different merge nodes i could take each merge node and move these around just in the transform settings of the merge node and then rotate them all individually right and that might be something that i want to do for my comp if i want them all to definitely have the same rotation i can rotate them within the text node and i can have them all have the exact same rotation it just really depends on what you're after and it's unique to whatever situation you are creating so don't be scared that there are multiple different ways to do it just know that you do have options especially like this that kind of depend on do you want to rotate the text itself or do you want to rotate each instance of the text next concept that has been kind of annoying to learn is that sometimes an effect will affect everything in the image when it should really just be affecting like one part of it and so there's a little trick to kind of get around this for instance let's say i want to color correct this text you'd think that i could grab a color corrector node and put it in between my text and my merge 5 grab the color corrector and if i do something like push the lift down that it would make the text darker but it affects everything this is one of those things that on some nodes if you run it through an effect it just affects everything instead of using the transparency and so what you have to do is select whatever node is doing this go over to the inspector and there should be somewhere in there under the color corrector it's under options there should be a option for pre-divide post multiply and look what happens when i click this it uses the transparency from that node that i have connected to the color corrector instead of just doing everything so if you're having trouble with that definitely click that little button that will save you so much headache oh boy last but not least the final concept inside of fusion is expressions expressions are helpful and most of the time they're not that hard let's say i want to add some fog here i just have my fast noise over everything else and let's say i want that fast noise to kind of move from right to left well i could start at the beginning of my comp and keyframe my center here i'll click keyframe and then go to the end of the comp and move a keyframe over here and that would totally work when i play this back the fog goes from right to left but let's say i want this to be faster or slower well i have to go to the end keyframe and move this over to be faster move it this way to be slower and that works okay but let's say that i actually want to make this comp a little bit longer i would have to not only extend the comp and everything but i would have to re-keyframe this well i'll show you a simple little expression that will just help kind of do this keyframing without us actually having to add any keyframes so i'll just undo a couple keyframes here and over here in the inspector under center whatever i want to add an expression to i can select this and hit equals and then type in whatever expression i want now this is a simple expression called time time just gives the current frame count right here so that would be 119 and then what i'm going to do is just say divide by minus 75 which i happen to know from messing around with this is about the right speed and everything to animate our fog going right to left and now what that's doing is every frame driving this animation with that expression it wasn't that bad right i don't even really have to know what all this means if i want to reset it i could just remove the expression select this and hit equals i could just do time that's going to move everything a lot faster way too fast but there's a lot of little tricks like that to where it's not very hard but it'll save you a lot of headaches animating things if you just need something to simply move left and right forever this is a great way to do it i hope that this tutorial was a great expression of your time oh boy that was really something wasn't it wasn't it building you you know don't think you don't know cause you do look at you you're all foggy you've got a blue sky we did all kinds of good things look we even have we now have some text to go over you aren't you lucky building aren't you lucky i forgot that the fog was way too way too speedy
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 13,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 More HUGE Concepts in Fusion - My BIG Tips for Compositing and GFX in DaVinci Resolve 17, davinci, resolve, fusion, blackmagic design, tips, tricks, concepts, vfx, how to, davinci resolve 17 tutorial text, fusion davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 effects, davinci resolve 17 free, davinci resolve 17 fusion, how to use davinci resolve 17 free version, how to use fusion in davinci resolve 17, fusion basics, blackmagic fusion, how to use fusion, fusion tutorial
Id: kmc0lHxd7u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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