DAY FOR NIGHT COLOR CORRECTION in Resolve 17 - DaVinci Resolve Color Correction Tutorial

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[Music] ha i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about color correction wait a minute you haven't subscribed what are you do come on man hit that sub i'd like to hang out again and if you think i'm begging for subs well you're right today we're talking about day to night conversions basically shooting something in the day and then doing color magic and it turns to night time hey baby i knew we could do it let's go so here's a look at what we're going to be making it's this little nighttime shot with the with the lit up window in the middle it's pretty nice but let's take a look at this before this is without any of our work this is how the shot came in so how do we go from this to this well we're gonna ju we're gonna show i'll show you i'll just go ahead and duplicate our shot and reset everything so now we have the shot as it came in i'll switch over to color and here we are in the resolve 17 color page first thing i'm going to do is get rid of our timeline and our clips and our gallery just because we don't need all that stuff right now this will be a little easier to see what the heck is going on the very first thing about a day to night conversion is you want to probably shoot this not in direct sunlight you don't want things to be super bright you could make that into moonlight i've seen people do that i feel like things look a little better if it's kind of an overcast day which luckily in oregon we have a lot of those so pretty easy to get so it's easier if you shoot with this kind of thing in mind if you'd like some practice and you want to follow along on this exact shot well boy howdy is where you want to be here towards the top under assets click on free assets and scrunch on down to the bottom and look at this free day for night practice assets download it and practice and follow along what the heck is he that's amazing unzip it throw it in a timeline open up the color page and you're just you're with me if you want i'll i'll wait if you want to do that i'm not gonna wait that long you should have paused the video okay moving on so we have a couple of jobs here the first one is to make everything basically darker and look like it's nighttime and then we also want to brighten up whatever window we want to be bright so the first thing is making everything look like it's nighttime a great tool for this is the custom curves because you have a lot of control over what is bright and what is not and so we're going to try and get like 80 there with this one node just with the curve i'll take this and i'm just going to push this down bring up our scopes and i'm going to bring this down like halfway and then push the middle down a lot too and the shadows push them down a lot basically we're just making everything really really dark because you know guess what at night time things are pretty dark something like that okay that's probably a good starting point we're also going to want to make things a little bit blue because we always think of night time as kind of this blue color so i'll grab my gain wheel and just pull that a little bit towards blue just a little in the gamma wheel push that pull that just a little bit towards blue somewhere in there then it's just a matter of kind of figuring out what looks good messing with the curve a little bit pushing stuff down maybe desaturate it just a little bit until you feel like most of this is pretty dark now one thing is that our sky is pretty bright so what we can do is color correct our sky to be separate from the other things so i'm going to do that using a serial node here in our nodes i'll hit alt s and that will add another serial node and let's label this just to be a good kid right call this sky and we'll call this most other stuff what we'll do with the sky is just go to our windows palette right here and i'll grab the pen and i'll just draw kind of a rough shape sort of along the roof line here and then just make a shape that's a lot bigger than the top part of our shot i'm bringing it off of here because we're going to soften this a lot and i don't want the softness to come in on the sides or the upper part so yeah something like that and now if we go to our highlight we can see it's just selecting inside of that window so now we can grab the curves for this and bring down the sky to look a lot more nighttime-ish there now we're going to have this horrible line which obviously looks bad but the idea here is that we'll take our window and under softness i'm going to push the inside up and the outside up and we can really soften this out to be a very gradual kind of effect on our whole shot now we still might have gone a little bit crazy with our color correction here so we can kind of adjust this to look at least sort of natural kind of blend with things a little better but still do some work on that sky so something like that maybe maybe we'll push a little more blue into the sky so now here's before and here's after kind of just doing some darkening on that sky so this is the point where you know if it looks too dark or too light for you mess with it but that's the general idea of making this kind of look like night but what really sells that this is night time is to have a little bit of color contrast here a little bit of some artificial light and you could do this basically any way you want what we're going to do today is just lighten up one of these windows and to do that we're going to use a very special node that uh i don't think i've really gone over a whole lot in my videos but it's called a layer node so up here in our nodes i'll hit alt l and that's going to make a layer mixer and a new layer whichever node is connected to the bottom input is on top of everything else because they made this wrong on purpose as a joke i imagine i i don't know there's probably a reason for that it's probably really smart but i don't know what it is the other thing that will happen is that this is not really hooked up right what's happening right now is that we're doing our first correction and then we're taking this corrected image and piping it into a new layer and then putting it over our sky which it's effectively just skipping the sky correction and that's why we have our brighter sky here so if we go over to our nodes and unhook that and take our input pipe it into our green input for our node now we're doing something a little different we're taking our original footage and putting it over everything we just did basically making it just look like our original footage so why are we doing it this way the reason is we want to use the image before we do any of this color correction because if we're going to add things that are bright we might as well just use the bright image right instead of brightening up this dark image that we've already made dark it just doesn't make any sense to do that this layer is going to be things that are lit up we're going to do a window today but you can honestly really do just about anything i could grab a circle window like this and you see it kind of becomes a light right so anything here is kind of lit up and maybe there's a light that kind of comes from off of frame here to kind of light up our truck a little bit then we can kind of just push the gain a little bit more towards yellow and now we have a light kind of coming in this way it doesn't look super convincing but you can do stuff like that if you set it up right if you're careful you know but what we're going to do with this node is we're going to select just our window and then we're going to do some fanciness to it so with this upper layer node selected we'll grab our pen and i'm just going to draw a shape kind of along the white part the white sill of this window like that and what that will do is just composite this original window image over our color corrected stuff here so now we have a super strange bright looking window over everything else perfect we're done yay but this is almost the opposite of what we want right the outsides are really bright and the inside's really dark and if this is a window that's lit up in the middle of the night we're gonna probably have more of a silhouette with these bars and it's gonna be brighter inside so we could mask out every single little rectangle here and that would take forever and it would be miserable or we can do a color trick using this color trick we're going to make the darker parts lighter and the lighter parts darker and this happens in the curves again man curves is just the friend of day to night conversions so check this out this little slider on the curves i don't know if you've seen this but when you slide this it changes the contrast so if you slide it down a little bit it'll change the contrast of whatever you're correcting but if you slide it way down it'll invert the image so now we have a bright window with the dark slats you know what i'm saying you see where we're getting here and so now if i just soften my mask here see it we're working on a window and this mask is called a window so we're making a window window if i make the outside softer on our window window we can kind of just adjust this to look nice right and if we can get this to look decent like this we're going to be home free so now if you had bright heavenly stuff were happening right there just piping out of this window and that might be what it looks like so that's cool let's adjust this just a little bit let's kind of adjust the levels of the darker parts and the lighter parts which we would normally do in the gain and lift and we can still do in the gain and lift but remember everything here is backwards yeah it's there and so when i boost up the gain it actually darkens the darker parts crazy so i'll boost up the gain to just darken the darker parts and take down the lift to brighten the brighter parts and the gamma still works in between although when you push it up it darkens things and when you push it down it brightens things kind of crazy so i'm going to push it up a little bit just to get a little bit more detail here in the window and just kind of play around with stuff until it kind of looks like it's a reasonable silhouette of what's happening right so i don't know maybe something like that and then it's just a matter of playing with our window until it doesn't look weird i'd say that's looking better and now let's kind of tint this yellow which again it's backwards day right so normally we would take our gain and push it towards yellow but instead we're going to take our lift and push it towards blue and that's going to do what we want so we're going to just push that a little bit more yellow and depending on what you think looks good you can push it more to saturate it whatever you want to do so something like that maybe we think that looks pretty good that's overall kind of how it's done what i like to do just because this still looks a little bit cheesy a little bit fake to me so now i want to just make this look a little bit less smooth so that it can be a little more realistic because you don't always get this nice even lighting over stuff right so let's add some shapes to kind of be curtains and everything so in the same node i'm going to go to the windows palette and up here i can add another power curve so i'll click on that right here that'll add another pen shape window here and now i can just draw a shape that let's say is going to be the curtains something like this and then down in my windows i can click on this little button that kind of looks like window shades man this is just so perfect look at this i click on this and it does what we want so good and if we take this opacity down we can adjust the transparency of the curtains look at that so maybe we'll just take this and just make it slightly darker and we'll soften it a little bit something like that just to add this little streak here and now it's already selling it a little more you know maybe we'll even adjust the softness here bring the opacity up a touch and now we have this just not looking so uniform we could probably do the same thing for the other side again i'll just add a power curve and kind of the same thing boop and turn it to window blinds mode soften it a touch and turn the opacity down to like 30 maybe see that's looking better so there's our window looking pretty nice now let's see if we can blend this in a little better cool thing about the layer mixer is we can right click on it and go to composite mode and we have all these different types of transparency modes that we can go through and we can just mouse over each one and figure out which one looks more realistic so difference looks pretty good but it's a little dark maybe look hard light that looks kind of cool you can imagine some of these even if you just adjust them a little bit might look pretty nice lighten linear light see so linear light looks pretty cool it looks like it's kind of actually looking through curtains there so we'll select that but now this part that's really really black just looks really bad so what we can do is take our gain which remember in opposite land is our shadows and we can push this down until it kind of starts to blend and make more sense so you know something maybe like that until it starts to look a little more realistic maybe this middle part is too dark we can add another power curve and just kind of cut that out just draw a little shape around that and again turn it to window blinds mode look at that no problem soft knit a touch and now our window's looking pretty good i'd say looking pretty good so that's kind of the general idea behind a day for night conversion it's starting with color correcting most of the shot and then the sky if you need to and then putting the original footage over itself kind of masking and tinting anything that needs to be brighter and it comes together in a pretty cool little uh pretty cool little composite you can do in the color page it's not neat you could shoot a whole movie like this if you wanted to you know that would be uh that would be plenty of work but this would definitely get you through if you need a night shot and you just can't get out there you don't have big enough lights to kind of bring up this light level this is a great way to do it so there you go easy as pie easy is crumb pie night pie pie pie at night easy as pie at night more color correction tutorials resolve 17 tutorials all of those things if you want to learn more that's how you do it if you don't want to learn more we'll just close the tab right now when you come back when you're ready to learn sir ma'am you person um
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 13,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DAY FOR NIGHT COLOR CORRECTION in Resolve 17 - DaVinci Resolve Color Correction Tutorial, day for night, color correction, color correction tutorial, color correction davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, how to do day for night, tutorial, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners, how to color grade in davinci resolve, blackmagic design, how to color grade in davinci resolve 17, resolve 17, how to fix white balance in davinci resolve, color grading, color grading tutorial
Id: dmPLq3UJX5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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