Almost scammed for £32,000

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this video shows the extent which scammers will go to coach a victim into parting with his money as you joined the video this guy already has access to 91 year old man's PC and he's already logged into his Santander bank account critical alert for my gosh and how far is your branch can you just let me know half a mile and how long does it take for you to reach down to the branch as always you'll only hear the scammers voice in these videos okay bye walk or boy car and you still drive alright Oh lovely that's lovely you're 91 and you still drive that's a lovely being okay hahaha that's lovely alright I've never expected somebody like at the age of 90 will be driving a car alright you can almost hear the Glee in this guy's voice he doesn't care that he's gonna rip off a ninety-year-old alright the adventures and the thrills they are just keeping up with you all right toe to toe alright the last long line check the last long line check the last long line this is the part of the scam where the scammer wants the victim to read out the message which the scammer has typed out on this command line the message says that there are hackers hidden in the accounts and that somehow his local branch of Santander is involved operation is required to remove the hackers exactly now can you see now out sight is identifying you like one hacker is hidden into your branch now that is probably the only reason you are not able to log into your online banking with your tea tales okay because you were facing problems because one hacker is there in your bank who is simply tampering around with your details before the start of this video the scammer helped the victim to log in to his bank account by going through the normal password reset process of course it was all just to gain access to this account no no I'm talking about the bank now somebody yes somebody from your branch from your Santander crunch it's trying to tamper around with your details now that might be a bit of a surprise all right now it was amazing all right all right because when we found out about it we were amazed as well just like you are at this point of time all right but you are vulnerable and you have got no other option but to track them down because at this point of time they have compromised your bank details this story may seem far-fetched but obviously the victim is unaware that the person on the end of the phone is trying to scam him and the scammer takes full advantage as part of the operation what we are gonna do is we are gonna help you out with some money into one of your accounts okay we are gonna help you out with some money into one of your accounts all right now the money that we will be providing you will be used for the tracking purposes okay and later on once the money has been created into your account I will be giving you a non-existent virtual account shortcode and account number virtual accounts shortcode and account number this accounts are basically meant for tracking purposes you just have to pop down to the branch and you have to transfer that money whatever money that we'll be providing you into our virtual account but you won't be able to disclose anything inside the branch like there are hackers or you were facing problems because as you have seen if you tell them inside the bank those hackers will run away with your money and that hacker in your branch will simply run away all right and he will block your accounts all right so be very careful okay be very careful as I told you you have to make the transfer and you have to make it look like a personal transfer okay you have to make it look like type down your customer ID type down your customer ID out here your Santander I've sped up the bit where they get him to log back into Santander account once more and now a the next part of the scam as you've seen in some of my previous videos that will begin editing the HTML so that looks as if they've added money to one of his accounts logged into your accounts can you see that okay okay okay now as we told you you remember like we are gonna set up a trap and we're gonna send some money into your account you remember that okay just to catch down the hack is so I want you to exactly make a note of all of your available balances that you have in all of your accounts okay so that you don't make a mistake with that noting carefully the balance of each account is a very important part of this scam they wanted to look as if they have added money to one of those accounts at this point in the scam they have to turn the man screen black so that he can't see that they're editing the HTML he becomes concerned that a screen goes black and queries this hello hello yes all right not an issue that is its scanning and it is uploading the firewall at the same time do not touch anything have you got that printout with you have you got that printout of all of your available balances they now move 32,000 pounds between one of his accounts and another because they're both this man's own accounts and nothing to do with the scammer this sort of operation doesn't need any sort of confirmation the hack is you have to go down to the branch and you have to transfer that money into our virtual account that we will be providing you as I told you at virtual account is an account all right which are exclusively meant for tracking purposes we have set up lot of words will accounts and you have to make it look like a personal transfer you cannot talk about beat thief gonna talk about us helping you out you cannot talk about hackers because if we disclose all those bad people all right the hacker inside the branch will run away with the money okay we'll run away with the money okay so be very careful all right the coaching is obviously vital if anyone in Santander got wind of what the man was really there to do they will alert him to the scam this is a personal transfer I'll make you all right and I'll I'll show you how to do it neither hitch tml editing can begin in earnest he edits the account which has just lost some money and - back in again alright he knows that the HTML editing can be kept a minimum if he moved the desire to mind between a person's accounts just like he's done the scammer finally reenable this man's keyboard and mice under moves the black screen so they can see the new total now has your screen come back okay now what is the available balance that you can see into your current account right now yes here's the first current account the first current account yes yes and just check the printout what was your previous balance just check out the projector printout and of course comparing this new balance to the printed out previous balance helped to reinforce the fact that this man thinks he's Ricky and 32,000 pounds into one of his accounts 32 yes yes now can you see yes can you see a fund of 32,000 has been transferred into your account okay from the accounts Department okay just for tracking tracking down this hackus all right yes just check just check just check can you see that the balance has gone up in your current account can you see that unbeknown to the victim if you just refresh this page the true balance would reappear it has gone up by 32,000 because the year thirty two thousand thirty two thousand okay I I am gonna make a note of the details okay the money we have transferred is thirty two thousand into your current account okay now as we told you we are going to prepare that mutual account we have prepared that virtual account okay and we are giving you the details one by one okay now you will print it out once I tell you to print it out you're gonna print it out the name the shortcode the account number the amount that you're gonna transfer is thirty two thousand back to us okay thirty-two thousand okay your previous balance was thirty two thousand and we have transferred thirty-two from our end okay the shortcode will be three zero nine seven nine seven okay it's on the notepad check your notepad it's written in capital letters block letters you can see that right on your computer screen just check your computer screen yes I have blurred out these details because there's a good chance that the person whose account they're using is themselves a victim of a scam it's certainly not the scammers account and it's in the UK so there's a good chance this is another innocent victim note down the shortcode and the account number as well yes yes you know how to print it out the notepad print it out okay just hold on just hold on I'll help you hold on hold on hold on I'll help you out hold on I'll help you out yes they even coached this man to tell a story when it goes into Santander they're going to ask him to say that he's transferring money to his sister who has a UK bank account and the branch is in Burnout if the bank ask you like why are you paying this money to all right or where you're paying this money as I told you you have to make it look like personal you have to tell them I'm transferring this money to my sister - my sister - my sister okay okay or you can tell them she's your daughter all right she's yes she is your daughter yes she is your daughter okay and and just remember they will be asking you like where your daughter resides okay the address they will be asking you the address okay all right now if they ask you where your daughter resides tell them it's Birmingham all right Birmingham bombing them okay now we will print you out these details okay we will print you out the details as well okay they spend a little bit of time trying to get the man to print out all of the instructions that he needs to be able to transfer the money to this recipient when he's in San town there they coach him further and what to say when he gets into the branch and the reference his personal daughter and she resides in Birmingham and the bank's name is TSB okay now sir be very confident inside the bank well let me tell you two things this bank people will try to manipulate you as well okay now they don't give them the copy don't show them this copy only tell them whatever they ask you look at look at them from your own side and just verify it you just verify it okay don't give that agape and they might tell you like why you are transferring the money you can tell them my daughter is about to buy her house she got my as she's married she's about to buy a new house so I as I promised her some money I am paying it to her alright at this it is the time of Christmas okay and the aunt she resides in Birmingham okay and they will ask you like sir have you got a call from BT or anything what will you tell them I get the impression that this scammer has run the scam numerous times unless all the bases covered as I told you you won't be able to disclose all these things inside the branch about BT about hackers about anybody calling you up about anybody giving you a call and giving you money to track down the hackers because if they ask you all these things and if you tell them the hackers in the branch will automatically run away alright will run away with your money just tell just tell them I don't I don't know what you're talking about if they ask you why you are depositing this money tell them it is Christmas as I promised my daughter I have come to the branch as it is a block vast amount I have come to the branch to do it okay just to make sure I don't make a mistake alright now now and they will be also asking you this thing okay like like serve from where you have got this money we have showed it as if it you have transferred this money from one account to your other account we can show it like that so if they tell you like have you transferred money from your other current account to this current account what will you say you will say yes I have done that personally I have done that personally okay all right now everything is clear is there anything that you would like to ask me you can ask me 100 times there's a few questions that I would like to ask this guy but where he picks his conscience as he rings up these pensioners sorry my name is Thomas okay as I told you earlier Thomas Brown of course Thomas Perel is not this guy's real name I have gathered quite a of evidence about who these scammers are and I have passed at all to the relevant authorities I hope that someone in India will eventually act on this information which has been passed these guys are in Kolkata and there is a Kolkata Cyber Crimes Division now no no no we are gonna do it in a secure way help me out with your mobile phone number first because I am gonna go to the branch along with you I will be on the mobile phone alright so that I can hear like if these people are murmuring or whispering behind your back alright we will be on the mobile phone so help me out with your mobile phone number the mobile phone number is of course used for extra coaching whenever the guy gets into the Santander branch itself they don't want him to say anything which might alert staff to the fact that he's being scammed okay now sir if the bank people ask you like has anybody called you up has anybody pressurized to you has bt called you up how did you get a call from the police what will you say I don't know what you're talking about right now sir have you we can see out here like you have moved the money from one of your current account to your other accounts and then you are making this transfer so are you the one who has done that or somebody else has done that what will you say I have done that now why have you come to the branch what what will you say why have you come down to the branch to do it he's got all the possible questions covered yes just tell them like yes it was a large amount and you needed to transfer it to your daughter immediately today that is probably the only reason you have come down to the branch all right okay now that's good all right that's good okay now what what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna call up on your mobile phone number take me along with you while you will be driving I want to be talking to you but once you reach the branch it is an important drill that all the customers that have to follow all right once you reach the branch you have say hello once you speak to me for a minute then only get inside the branch once you park your car speak to me for a minute then only get inside the branch okay then only get inside the branch I will be on the mobile phone all the time while you will be doing it alright I'll be looking whether somebody's whispering anything behind the back or not so take your debit card the first account of your debit card alright the debit card of your first account one two three current account and and and your valid driver's license and go to the branch okay go to the branch okay now I will call you up on your mobile phone just now first pick up the call on your mobile phone then leave for the branch okay I am calling you up on your mobile phone at this point I took the opportunity to also call the victim on his mobile phone before the scammer got there I explained to Norman that this was a scam and eventually he believed me I checked up on him sometime later in the evening just to make sure everything was cleared up hello hello hi is that Norman yeah hello Norman my name is Jim browning I actually phoned you a little earlier today yeah because someone was trying to scam you earlier today oh yeah yeah I'll try and explain but I'm hoping that you didn't go ahead and gonna transfer any money anywhere I'm good okay right my name is Jim I went on to explain to him exactly how I got access and how I knew this cameras had called him I probably don't sign very convincing but really it's all I can do I called booth Santander and Lloyds TSB the two banks affected Santander wouldn't talk to me unless I was with Norman which I guess is probably understandable but surprisingly Lloyds TSB were not interested in me telling them that one of their accounts was being used by scam to receive funds they said that I should go to the police with this and were not interested in gathering intelligence however I'll keep bringing these scam awareness videos to YouTube and if you can support me there's a link on the screen and in the description about how you can support me on patreon I also have a Twitter feed at Jim browning 11:00 and finally thanks again for watching my video [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,046,300
Rating: 4.9680209 out of 5
Keywords: bank account scam, money transfer scam, bt scam, openreach scam, cold call scam, add funds, tsb scam
Id: uo5JdX-CzoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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