The Dream Visitor reveals their full story - who they are, their powers & goals | Baldur's Gate 3

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that was too close don't look at me like that I am a mind flayer yes without me you would be a slave to the absolute and so we should Swoon and offer a kiss Abomination ah I would not even know where to plant it you may call me the emperor I came from Baldur's Gate though I was never one to be constrained by circumstance [Music] that longing brought me to moonrise Towers on a search for Treasure to a colony of Mind flayers who call me changed what I am now [Music] I serve the Elder brain the one you know as the absolute I was enthralled like any other but I was fortunate I broke free and started a new life in my own City I sustained myself on Criminal unclamorous but there are plenty of them rarely missed and they fueled me when I did my work I had the Good Fortune to make Duke Stillman we formed a partnership and through her I became the governing force behind the Knights of the Shield the largest Mercantile operation in Baldur's Gate people referred to me as the emperor such was my influence though of course they had no idea what I really was my needs were sated I was happy for a while until my true nature was discovered by the Tyrant himself Lord gotash told me from my home and brought me back to the brain where I became a slave once again slave he continued to call me the name was intended as a slight to remind me of the Heights from which I've been but I have grown fond of it it encapsulates well who I've become not all mind flayers are alike I have always valued Freedom Above All Else in my past life present there's been a burning need within me for as long as I can remember his humorous knows no bounds to enslave me that was his nature but to enslave an elder brain a questionable decision I shall look forward to sharing his Downfall with you rather than the potential future allies like you we fought to tame Prince Orpheus son of gith herself in power has been the source of your continued protection against the voice of the absolute the power to disrupt hide mind communication it has the same power that enabled orpheus's mother to bring about the form of the elated Empire ill a power she passed on to him and that I leveraged for you when orpheus's mother left usurper took a place Blackheath declared herself Queen to get Yankee lackath wanted his power but obvious Rose against her and so she sealed him earned his honor guard within this prison Bound by infernal chains awful awfully Bound by duty is God never would they were close to breaking my homework Prince if they had succeeded I am relieved you have embraced your potential enough that you could help me eliminate them alone Orpheus will be much easier to control certainly Orpheus he is a threat to her Reign some goth Yankees still Revere him in defiance of their teachings blackheads were safe as long as they believed him to be dead but as you can see it's very much alive she kept him this way because she was reluctant to eradicate such power power that she might One Day wish to take if they get Yankee ever find out what she has done there will be civil war blacketh will be finished no God has sent me on a mission to retrieve the astral prison I was one of many but the first to find it Al gortash or the other chosen learned of its existence I do not know the moment I found it I felt a change my free will returning I followed the feeling inside and found Orpheus I realized what the prison was for containment while my body was within the prison's bounds my mind was free the Elder brain all I needed to do was subdue Orpheus and find allies in the outer world that would be a terrible idea the moment he is free he will attack you your only defense would be to kill him and in so doing you would do us both even though he is subdued he feel obvious as revulsion a pulsing hatred that cannot be contained the emperor is telling the truth to him you were just another wretched and lipid you carry a tadpole as far as Orpheus is concerned you are already elated a sworn enemy just like
Channel: PerfectParadox
Views: 33,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, tips, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, trophy, achievement, trophies, help, how to, fight, remastered, trailer, theory, analysis, tutorial, ps4, xbox, pc, console, lets play, let's play
Id: _dLQq8IX2ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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