The Disturbing World Of The Incredibles

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[Music] hold up does anyone Remember The Incredibles if you're a fan of animated movies you're probably a fan of The Incredibles this thing's got everything from phenomenal voice acting to memorable writing to gorgeous visuals well at least for 2004 it did you see if you're like me you probably remember the basics of this show the strong dad the fast son the stretchy mom but what if I told you this movie is a lot more disturbing than you might think dealing with themes such as infidelity treachery and even death it's not super uncommon for animated movies nowadays to have deeper meanings that way if you're exactly like me and have chronic back pain and have no idea what a skiy toilet is you can still enjoy what you're watching but the truth is The Incredibles goes above and beyond when it comes to its mature themes so much so that after you finish this video you might not ever be able to view this movie the same way again I mean I'm overreacting a little bit here okay but still this movie is crazy so today I'll be taking a look at the movie The Incredibles in full while analyzing The Good The Bad and The downright creepy scenes that make the show in alltime classic so if you're ready to jump into it like I am grab your copy of Stuart Little 2 for the Game Boy Advance I really need to start covering movies I actually have games for and without further Ado let's watch Pixar's very own The Incredibles also real quick remember to subscribe to my channel if you haven't I make videos like these all the time and I'm trying to hit 25,000 subscribers before my birthday in June it would mean the world to me okay I'm sorry for asking onto the movie Our Story begins with Mr Incredible we see him driving somewhere when all of a sudden there's a mention of a high-speed police ch chased nearby Mr Incredible being the altruistic man that he is switches a dial on his car around which activates superhero mode this must be the new Tesla update those things basically drive themselves he's going really really fast when all of a sudden an old lady walks in the middle of the road and gets ran over at 150 mph obviously I'm kidding it wouldn't be very super of him to flatten an old granny like that would it no the old lady just wants her cat out of a tree and because he's super strong Mr Incredible saves the cat and then rotates the tree 180° and stops the bad guys on the road remember how he was behind the bad guys like 2 minutes ago they must have taken a detour I guess Mr Incredible gets back to his car when he realizes there's another person inside it but don't worry this isn't a bad guy this person just so happens to be a huge fan of Mr Incredible and also he's like just a kid I'd imagine this is what it feels like to be a teenage white girl when there's a new serial killer documentary on Netflix I'm your number one fan anyway the kid wants to tag along but Mr Incredible says no I don't think so I'm your number he knows everything it's crazy bro got needed out the Tesla a little later now and in the middle of some bad guy conf ration Mr Incredible runs into elastic girl that's elastic girl one word I've actually been pronouncing this Elastic Girl for the past 20 years but turns out I've been wrong this entire time her thing is that she's very stretchy it's pretty cool she can move around a lot the main thing to take away from this scene is that there's a lot of sexual tension between both of these Heroes they flirt a lot to enter clearly into each other they should get married or something now this movie has a lot of dark scenes coming up but this next one is the first glimpse into that world if you're under the age of 12 please click the isow speed stream you have't you recommended in this next scene we see some gu standing on top of a very large building and jumping off in an attempt to commit thankfully Mr Incredible hits the QuickTime event successfully and times has jumped perfectly to catch him in the air and bring him into the building he jumped off of this guy is either the luckiest or the unluckiest guy of all time with this random dude saved you'd think that the day is over but his fate would have it turns out this building they're in is a bank and it just so happens that there's a robbery going on this is when we meet the most underrated character in the entire movie bom voage he's a French mime his name is clever because bon voage in French means like good trip in a kind of haha see you later loser kind of way listen this is like his only scene in the entire movie I just think he has a funny name Mr Incredible is ready to take him on when the kid from earlier randomly shows up and then screws everything up remember him surely he won't turn into an evil Tony Stark or something that would be crazy anyway the kid just wants to help but he ends up screwing everything up like I said bomb Voyage attaches a bomb to his cape Mr Incredible jumps on him and manages to eventually take the bomb off but not before it blows up an elevated train track which Mr Incredible stops with his bare hands usually I'd praise a scene like this for conveying such an icon premise into visual form but Spider-Man 2 came out like 4 months before this movie did and it had a scene just like this so I don't know El Bozo bro thinks he's Spider-Man the next shot here is wouldn't you know it a wedding Mr Incredible and elasa girl are getting married this movie does that goofy superhero thing where Heroes wear a thin eye mask to hide their identity and when they take it off like no one recognizes them at all it's like every hero just has 99 sneak or something anyway Bob and Helen which are their real names get married and everything is pretty much perfect we're superheroes what could happen What could happen the Govern the so because Mr Incredible was trying to save that one guy who is skydiving without a parachute the world basically turns on Heroes overnight the idea here is that this random guy wanted to die but Mr Incredible stopped him from doing that and in the process broke his neck or something you know that one meme that's like this is my face when Hulk throws my car at a villain well in this world that actually happens and innocent civilians get hurt all the time because of it there's like a bajillion lawsuits against superheroes and so superheroes as a concept are banned from society they're allowed to live their normal lives in secret but it's illegal for them to use their powers and that's basically the whole intro sequence to this movie honestly dabbling into topics like politics social outrage and even death in the first 10 minutes of your animated kids movie sounds like a horrible idea on paper but I promise you this is good [ __ ] okay just trust me we then skip 15 years into the future when we see Bob living a regular boring life at his regular boring Job Bob looks kind of sad and he just really hates the life that he's living how relatable he has an angry boss who's always angry he's very angry that's like his only trait on the bright side since we move 15 years into the future Bob and Helen now have kids three of them to be exact 's Dash he can run really fast because of course he can his name is Dash there's violet she can turn invisible and she mostly wears purple because you know her name is violet and her favorite character from Breaking Bad is Marie and finally there's the baby of the family his name is Jack Jack he's a bit different than the rest because not only does he not have any known Powers at this point in time but his name also doesn't make some extremely obvious observation about his appearance like I'm surprised they didn't call him Spike or pointy or something like that anyway everyone's home for dinner now including Bob who's really mad because he had to trade his awesome Tesla in for a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe 30th Anniversary car large Edition everyone's eating and kind of arguing at the same time the mom is disappointed because your son is using his powers at school the dad is kind of excited when he hears this because even the slightest mention of someone using their superpowers brings this guy a tiny shroud of Hope and an otherwise miserable and depressing life rated T for by the way depression's awesome the dad gets so excited that he breaks a plate so he leaves and then the oldest siblings fight over some random [ __ ] I don't know it's not important also to keep my tradition up of pausing the movie at random moments just to find goofy little frames here's frame of Dash being squished like a pancake he's like running and then oh wait for it wait for it hey look at hey hey but then everyone stops fighting immediately because a secret mystery person rings the doorbell is it a super villain or a CIA agent maybe nope it's actually just a close friend of the family named Lucius but you probably know him better as Frozone if somehow you don't know this guy he can spray ice out of his hands pretty much ice of you to drop by never heard that one before he's like that's so funny dude off anyway the reason this guy showed up is because it's Wednesday which means it's bowling night at least that's what these two tell their wives because what Frozone and Mr Incredible actually do is sneak out and use their powers to stop bad guys and save the innocent as much as I'd love to see a guy who can lift up a car go bowling for 2 hours that unfortunately doesn't happen here two important things to note before we continue one Frozone mentions an ex Superhero by the name of gazer beam apparently he had trouble adjusting to a regular life and no one has seen him in a while and two there's a lady in a car literally right across the street spying on our two Heroes like literally within talking Distance by the way they could probably hold a conversation if they really wanted to anyway there's a fire or something nearby so Bob and Frozone take it upon themselves to save everyone who might be stuck there this on paper is a horrible idea at least for Frozone considering his entire thing is like completely useless when surrounded by fire also maybe he has super strength as well he's carrying like three adult bodies on his back in this scene which like you know even if they're only 100 lb each would still be a lot to like carry around and run with does he have more Powers is this just a silly cartoon goof let me know in the comments these two save a bunch of people and then there's Shenanigans where they have to like freeze someone it's it's really cool but eventually our boys get away and go back home but here's when Bob has to overcome his biggest obstacle yet an angry wife in the middle of the night I'm shivering this is genuinely terrifying so Helen almost immediately finds out what Bob's actually been up to which causes a big argument it's mentioned that Bob is always trying to relive his Glory Days which is a problem Helen doesn't let their son Dash play sports because he's too fast which is a problem Violet doesn't get mentioned at all because I don't know him I guess anyway speeding through this next day now Bob is at work and wants to die his boss is being a big meanie as he does so Bob finally decides he's had enough and just straight up tries to suffocate him but of course he can't really do that because this is meant to be a kids movie so instead Bob decides to hit him with the old Falcon Punch Falcon Punch Bob obviously gets fired here because he like straight up just killed his boss but thankfully there is some sort of NSA agent that takes care of all the iffy stuff this guy pays people off he erases some memories that way Bob isn't revealed as a superhero to the world around him cool way of doing it I guess they just like men in black everyone later that night Bob is at home when he notices a weird tablet in his work folder top of the morning turns out the lady who was spying on him that one night planted this tablet at work while he was choking his boss this tablet says a secret message me specifically for Bob basically saying hey call us back we like your powers and we want to work with you we'll give you lots of money and it's funny cuz the show Wast like no time because the very next day Bob who I will now be calling Mr Incredible officially is on a private jet and getting debriefed on a special Mission it got smart enough to wonder why i' had to take orders we lost control now this movie was talking about Rogue AI back in 2004 that's actually pretty wild so you're probably wondering to yourself Dar when does this movie actually get pretty dark don't worry we're almost there it gets pretty up anyway so Mr Incredible gets dropped off and is on an island to fight this big AI robot that's Unstoppable apparently this girl saw his powers she hired him to fight this robot it's really cool this thing proves to be a serious match for Mr Incredible it takes some hits it Dodges and counters some attacks it's the real deal or should I say Real Steel get it cuz robots anyway this fight is super epic it's basically Nar versus Sasuke just trust me eventually though Mr Incredible actually gets inside the robot which gets the AI all confused and the robot just starts hitting himself which sounds very stupid honestly and is the gaming equivalent of killing your own teammates in CS2 Mr Incredible beats this thing basically no problem and is later having dinner with the Spy lady her name is mirage by the way I forgot if I mentioned that there's a fair bit of sexual tension here again Mirage is definitely flirting and Mr Incredible definitely does nothing to stop it at all so add infidelity to the list of adult Dem this movie has the next day now and Bob is seen being a lot happier with his family he actually shows affection towards his wife and kids he spends time with them he also kisses Violet on the nose in a weird way like why did he do it like that this leads into a montage where Bob goes back and forth between fighting evil robots for this random company and being really happy with his family honestly it's kind of the perfect gig for him the only real problem with it if you want a nitpick is that you're constantly lying to literally everyone you love and you could possibly die at a moment's notice but other than that yeah perfect gig but then it's here when we're introduced to arguably the most memorable character the entire franchise Edna Mode Bob visits this Mansion which belongs to a person named Edna she used to be a costume designer for all the superheroes and still kind of does exactly that but like in secret now I guess also side note I didn't mention this earlier but I probably should have the NSA agent gazer beam and Edna can all be seen attending the wedding at the very beginning of the movie just thought it was a clever thing wanted to show you so Bob's here to get a new suit from Edna he's got a bunch of ideas which are taken into consideration but the Only Rule Edna has is that there cannot be a cape great look dude cape in the boots no capes no capes true no capes pretty sure everyone hated capes after this movie that's funny later that day while enna gets the suit ready the incredible household gets a phone call turns out it's Mirage and she's calling Mr Incredible for another job not sure why she's calling the house phone and not some secret cell phone or something Helen just straight up hears the conversation because of this and now thinks her husband is cheating on her so Mr Incredible is now on the island again presumably to fight another robot but this is when we finally get the big reveal on what's really going on here Mr Incredible gets caught by the robot and just as he's about to disconnect from the server buddy shows up that's the kid from the very beginning of the movie that loved Mr Incredible like with the bomb and everything you remember him so yeah that's him but now he's going by the name syndrome which that's definitely the name so syndrome monologues about how he looked up to Mr Incredible but he never gave him the time of day which disappointed him giving truth to that one saying that you should never meet your Heroes because of this syndrome vowed to become super himself and ultimately take those who've wronged him out or something like that I'm not exactly sure his intentions become more clear later on is he does you got me monolog I that's what I said important to note that syndrome is just super powerful here by the way he doesn't have any actual Powers but his Tech is so Advanced that he could literally whip Mr Incredible around like he's an NPC on GMod and this is the point in the movie I think when this story takes a serious narrative turn Mr Incredible jumps into the water and ultimately ends up in a cave in an effort to hide from syndrome he's hidden for now but in this abandoned cave he finds none other than superhero gazer beam now when he finds gazer beam he's already long gone his flesh and organs have already decomposed and his bones and clothes are the only thing that remains as a kid honestly I had no idea what was going on here but really when you think about it it's pretty dark and again it's not really the most disturbing part of this movie but you know like I don't know this guy's dead it's kind of weird there's some sort of drone that enters the cave and scans the area to see if there's any signs of life Mr Incredible somehow avoids this so now syndrome thinks that he's dead and he's also got the smuggest look I think I've ever seen on someone's face ever like this is anime girl levels of smug during this on Helen side we find out that she herself is visiting Edna because she suspects that her husband is up to something your husband suddenly leaves to go on business trips like every other week how perceptive she's so like weird I don't know Edna Mode she said it she said the thing and guess and guess I love that part this scene with Helen and Edna is kind of just there to showcase the rest of the family's superpowers for later after Bob visited Edna made suits for the entire family which is also important the suits all do special things to accommodate for everyone's unique powers but perhaps the most important part is that every suit comes with a Tracker pre-installed this means how can look at this very early 2000s device to find out what her husband actually is remember this it's very important back to Mr Incredible now he finally leaves the cave and comes up with a plan to find out what's really going on it's obviously pretty heroic of him to put his life on the line to figure all this out but also he's kind of trapped on this island forever if he doesn't find a helicopter or something so watch your jet bro watch your jet Mr Incredible sneaks around for a bit he then kills some guys it's a fun time he eventually makes his way into the main building and then into a secret Command Center where all the information is held and this is where things get dark Mr Incredible is alone in a room with just a single walkway leading to a single computer he slowly navigates his way to a folder labeled supers he clicks enter or in this case return it's the same thing what plays next is a sequence of images showing specific superheroes on the left and specific robot models on the right one by one the matchup on screen crosses out either the hero or the robot shown people like Universal Man psywave macro burst blaz Stone down burst hypers shock there's a lot of these guys the robot side however keeping the name omnid Droid whilst only changing its version number the robot side getting eliminated at a much slower Pace while the hero side sometimes losing matchups five times in a row the overwhelming shock covers Mr Incredible's face as he realizes what's going on for each of these matchups the robots only got stronger while each of these Heroes just became another statistic and then probably the moment that hits the hardest when you understand the context of everything gazer beam pops up and is shown to be eliminated Mr Incredible quickly searches his own name and is finally shown to be eliminated himself this is a giant database keeping track of every hero that has stepped on this island and fought these robots before every hero shown here has died and was brought up the same way Mr Incredible was but sadly they weren't so lucky so all that to say this movie is pretty dark sometimes Helen is pretty worried about her husband cuz she just has no idea where he could be so she activates the tracker on his suit and what's probably the best example of cod timing I've ever seen godamn Mr Incredible gets captured and it's really sad and stuff the next day Helen decides enough is enough so she somehow gets a private jet and flies all the way to the island that the tracker is coming from of course there's some wacky cartoon problem and it turns out that the older kids snuck onto the jet with their mom and are now coming on this Mission with her it's only the two older kids though the baby Jack Jack is just chilling with the babysitter what could go wrong during this the bad guy is talking to Mr Incredible nothing really happens here except he does hit a big red button which of course sends a bunch of missiles towards the jet everyone's in they try to dodge it Star Fox style but obviously they can't do that so Helen who I'll be calling alter girl from now on one yells at her daughter to put a force field around the plane I forgot to mention that by the way but yeah Violet can turn invisible and create like these weird energy force field things it's pretty cool the jet is too big however so just when everyone is about to actually die elasa girl grabs both of the children to protect them from the blast they survive this because of the special suits they're wearing and land safely into the ocean because not only can alaster girl turn into a parachute but also an actual fing boat not sure why but this is just like really funny to me it's weird I love it I'll Crush her that sounds a little dark for you yeah it is dark like breaking a toothpick Jesus this actually kind dude what the hell eventually the family seeks Refuge inside a cave this looks familiar but a bunch of stuff happens and they have to leave the cave or something it's pretty cool watch the movie if you're interested it's not really that I don't care about this scene it's just really hard to condense an entire movie into a 20-minute video plus explaining plot points plus giving my own opinion sometimes I'm doing my best here okay this is a great movie thanks to Mirage switching sides out of nowhere Elastic Girl and Mr Incredible are able to reunite it's very emotional and a little predatory honestly Violet and dash finally have their own little moment in this film to get into some trouble and are forced to use their powers to get out of it it's honestly very cool and probably all around my favorite scene in the entire movie not going to lie again you should watch this movie if you want to see it because it's it's really cool sticking to the main plot points though the entire family finally gets together but it doesn't go so well because syndrome shows up with his mod status and instab bands everyone from the server user disconnected from your channel the family gets captured and then syndrome finally explains what the whole point of this is turns out he's been building up this giant killer robot that no super could beat but that he has direct control over the idea is that he lets the robot loose in some City and then it like kills a bunch of people and no one can stop it but then because he has like a remote control thing he can pretend to beat it and then everyone's going to love him for like saving the day or something not sure what he's going to do when there's like an actual really powerful bad guy that shows up but yeah anyway to make a long story short the family escapes because obviously the Giant Killer AI robot is making its way destroying a city and then we get this scene that's probably the most famous line in any animated movie ever honey where's my super suit where is my people are dying because the robot is evil but luckily for them Syndrome has arrived his plan is actually going really well that is until the robot becomes fully sentient out of nowhere and syndrome loses control of it entirely who saw that coming The Incredibles family finally arrives in an RV which is the second Breaking Bad reference in this movie despite releasing four years prior everyone works together including Frozone who we finally get to see in action in full force it's super epic and kind of perfect in every way I love this man ultimately none of their powers can defeat the robot though so what they end up doing get this is using a piece of its own claw to pierce through its armor it's a really clever way right and it and it kills the robot the robot's dead but let me remind you this is the exact way Mr Incredible initially defeated the earlier version of the robot all that time ago like I thought the point of bringing the supers to the island was to improve the robots but this one has the exact same weakness as the last one did I'm not sure what they improved from that version to this version but apparently it wasn't its one crucial weakness how strange the day is saved and everyone just likes Heroes again now but then our story isn't over because syndrome is a petty piece of garbage and will do anything to win so once the family arrives back home we see syndrome kidnapping Jack Jack just cuz you know Mr Incredible I guess but sadly for syndrome this is when the audience finally finds out that Jack Jack does actually have powers and it's like a mix of a lot of things he lights himself on fire he turns himself into tungsten he transforms into a level three Goblin at one point it's pretty cool eventually the family does get their baby back and the final chapter in syndrome story ends with probably the craziest and darkest moment of all this is when his cape gets caught in a turbine engine of the plane above him and he gets sucked in and just dies n and that's the end of the movie The Incredibles there's the actual last scenes where Dash is allowed to play sports and violet is more confident in herself it's all really nice obviously I skipped over a lot of the good detail that makes this movie so good but this video is already long enough as it is I figured I'd stick to the main plot with all that to say yeah this movie is pretty dark people die in this movie like a lot of people die in this movie there's a bunch of things here that I just didn't understand as a kid like the whole cheating on your wife thing or the whole side thing remember that that was wild but even through all the extremely mature themes this movie still finds itself being very entertaining past that it's the reason clueless children and cynical adults can both enjoy this movie at the same time it explores some crazy topics but it's also just a fun ride that most people can enjoy and at the end of the day that's all I really wanted to say about it good movie thank you guys so much for watching the video like comment and subscribe I'm trying to hit 25k before my birthday that would be awesome become a member if you can afford it and want your name at the end of all my videos for the world to see thank you to all my members I appreciate you guys guys so so much Paul AB duel scores this one a solid omn Droid version five out of five and yeah thanks for [Music] watching sounds a little dark for you yeah it is dark actually
Channel: Darzii
Views: 193,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Darzii, Darzil, Funny, staydank, cartoon, movie, tv show, review, walkthrough, rating, film student, editor, explination, timeline, facts, where to watch, nostalgia, was it good, old cartoon, new cartoon, free online, full episdoe, watch along, reaction, video essay, mister incredibe, purple, dashy, elastic girl, ending erevealed, best scene, super suit meme, theory, dark, disturbing, downfall, deepermeaning, those who know, evil moment, why did they, kiss scene, best moment, funny mome
Id: L8wdnPiTtrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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