Despicable Me 2 Is NOT What You Think…

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does anyone actually remember Despicable Me to one year after the widely unexpected success of the original Despicable Me movie Universal Pictures officially announced that a squel would be released in the near future people just couldn't get enough of these weird yellow beans they're super weird it's hilarious just trust me well I actually watched Despicable Me too for the very first time recently and turns out it might be way deeper than most people think it's got a lot of similarities to the first movie it's still very goofy it's still very weird but if you look slightly below the surface turns out the sequel is also very complex choosing to tell an emotional story entered around rejection and childhood trauma and even literal war crimes I'm not kidding these minions are actually insane in a recent poll I made most people seem to agree that the first movie is the best one however I did get some comments stating that the sequel is actually better so today I'll be watching theable me to in full to see if it's a secret hidden gem or just another pack of mindless sloth I'll be explaining in depth what happens in this movie while also giving my own opinion here and there so grab your copy of Mario party for the Nintendo DS and let's jump into a sequel that's often understood the one the only Despicable Me too but wait what's this Ru is getting a video call from today's sponsor huge shout out to skillshare for sponsoring today's video skillshare is the largest online learning community for creatives with thousands of classes led by industry experts across film illustration design freelance productivity and more with Summer rolling in it's the perfect time to explore your passions and hobbies with skillshare what I think is really exciting about skillshare is how it empowers you to learn at your own pace with stackable lessons and thousands of creative classes in countless categories raging from beginner to advance seriously there's a bunch of these you can pick what you want learning is actually part of my bucket list this summer since I'm excited to dive into this cinematography class I found since you guys know I love movies and I've always wanted to be able to film with my own camera and make it actually look cool and guess what the first 500 people to use my link in the description will receive a one-month free trial of skillshare get started today so if you're ready to take your skills to the next level and make this summer your most creative one yet click the link in the description and start your 1 month trial with skillshare once again massive thank you to skillshare for sponsoring today's video and providing people with the opportunity to explore their creative side let's continue to learn grow and create [Music] together our adventure begins with two Russians playing cards at a top secret laboratory in the Arctic somewhere there's gambling there's guns these are the two most Russian dudes I think I've ever seen the game is cut short however because a giant magnet appears in the sky and steals all the equipment used at this facility I'm not going to lie to you half the people here probably end up dying but since this is just a goofy kids movie you know we got to put a toilet joke in there somewhere of course there is he looks like Dr neocortex from Crash Bandicoot this is when we cut to our main man Gro if you haven't watched my video on the first movie yet watch that first it's a banger but if you have watched it you know that Gru isn't just super duper evil but he's also a super duper dad now you see turns out today is Agnes's Birthday everyone say happy birthday to Agnes she deserves it she's the best this movie seems to pick up right where the last one left off because in this one grew as extremely caring and protective of all three of his girls he threw this big birthday party for Agnes everyone's having fun even the minions are here which is nice and what better way to introduce them than to have them commit literal gang violence within the first 10 seconds of their appearance so like I said GW is trying to make this party perfect and part of that involves him dressing up as a fairy princess to put on a show for all the kids don't be confused this moment is actually really heartfelt but it's also kind of cursed this reminds me of every single Discord pfp in the official genin impact server anyway we skip a little later in the day now and Gru is making his dog pee on the neighbor flowers proving that grw still has that super villain dog in him damn I need a dog like that dude the weeds in my yard are getting out of hand but then the peeing is cut short when a character named Lucy appears gr thinks she's a threat so they have a quick 1 V one sadly though Lucy does get the better of him since she has some sort of lipstick taser thing and it's just super op just trust me okay you'll see this thing is overpowered crew is now passed out and not waking up anytime soon so I'm not kidding Lucy straight up just stuffed some in trunk and kidnaps him two random minions also get involved out of nowhere but since minions are usually pretty stupid they don't do much they just kind of exist the kidnapping ends up in the water and enters some kind of Submarine which is when we find out that Lucy actually brought Gru to the headquarters of the anti-villain League this is basically just a group of good guys who try to beat up the bad guys very complex so far I know basically the league wants Gru's help for a new case because as an ex villain he has a lot of value and also everyone just sees him as a good guy now since he returned the moon in the first movie which like I'm going to be be honest he never actually did return the moon okay the moon just got bigger and I guess flew right back into space on its own but you know no one really knows about that part now do they this guy's name is Silas Rams bottom he's in charge of everything around here I won't be talking about him too much since he's honestly not that important but he does deserve a mention for that last name alone Rams bottom seriously should have just called him like smash butt or you know thrust cheeks or something the case they need G's help with has to do with the stolen laboratory at the start of the movie they explained that this place was devoted to conducting experiments using some kind of special serum that for lack of a better term just makes things go insane oh no holy that looks like a Clash of Clans enemy or something anyway so gur has to find out who has the serum because obviously injecting people with some sort of bioweapon probably isn't a good thing I'm looking at you Elon Musk Original Gangster lucky for grew however the anti-villain league has narrowed the search down to one of the shop owners in the local mall how convenient to everyone's surprised grew actually declines the work since he's happy just being a father now and also turns out he's invested all of his money into creating his very own line of jams and jellies this kind of comes out of completely nowhere and I'm not kidding is a useless fact they bring up multiple times throughout the movie you'll see just wait anyway before guu leaves Lucy gives him her card that way he can call if he changes his mind I'd also like to mention that it's night time now which means guu most likely left the girls home alone for hours with no one but the minions to watch over them don't worry they're extremely safe later that night when he's back home grw is talking to the girls before bed when the topic of dating comes up this is when guw gets a sudden flashback from his childhood it's this moment where he asked a girl out but got rejected in front of everyone I can easily make fun of this scene since grw just looks kind of goofy to be honest but it's also kind of sad cuz it further proves that grw was just an outcast growing up anyway the past is the past so Gru doesn't Focus too much on it it's clear here that Gru's focus is mainly his girls and that he cherishes all their time together as a new father he wants to give the girls what he was never given that being attention and care which you'd think would be like the two most basic necessities for a child growing up but that's sadly not always the case and people wonder why kids are addicted to skiy toilet that's literally their father figure that's who's raising them God damn anyway Gru enters his secret lirer which is filled with minions as usual but this time around everyone seems to be working in perfecting this special jelly formula again don't expect a great payoff to the side plot you will be underwhelmed one minion Falls in a giant batch of this stuff and contaminates all of it but no one really cares cuz I don't know minions are just insane dude ruin some minions eventually try this new formula and turns out literally everyone hates it if you gave this to a newborn baby it would probably be considered torture it's that bad but this is when the movie gets a little sad you see Dr nefario Who's basically guru's sidekick says that he misses doing evil work so he's decided to get another job the jelly life just isn't for him and sometimes it takes 700 hours of Animal Crossing to figure that out so with that Dr nefario straight up quits and we get the proper send off he deserves with some Extremely Loud fart sounds that were probably taken from Adobe sound effect Library F salute why is that sooud my ears what the hell Dr nefario makes his official exit at an extremely slow speed once again proving that he probably plays Mario Kart on 50cc while this is happening important to mention that a random minion upstairs just straight up gets abducted what could anyone possibly want with a brainless yellow marshmallow that can barely communicate I don't know maybe they need a punching bag or something I honestly have no idea the next day now and the girls are up to some Shenanigans you see they all really want to have a mom and they can tell Gru is a little lonely at times so they decide to make guu an online dating profile they use a website called create which when you visit the URL yourself just doesn't exist anymore so chances are this is probably just some fishing site that the girls use to get scammed they probably just downloaded like 13 viruses on the family laptop well done however this scene is when we get some of the most iconic Gro pictures of all time seriously some of these are hilarious and actually in the movie they're great grw finds out about what's going on really quickly and again gets immediately awkward because he's never texted a woman in Dain his life probably but that whole scene was just for the memes because now is when guu is going to the mall where all the suspects are located guw took the job in helping the anti-villain league by the way I think I forgot to mention that he like yeah he's doing it he enters this cupcake shop which acts as a cover since this whole mission is meant to be like an undercover type thing it's also a two person type thing apparently because Lucy the girl from earlier is actually joining grew on this Mission the league randomly paired these two up together surely the relationship will be strictly professional for the remainder of this movie a little more info about Lucy now despite what you might initially think she's described as a goofy enthusiastic and cheerful person she's kind of dumb sometimes but also always ends up getting the job done think someone like Deadpool if he was only allowed to make PG jokes and also she dances like a fortnite character there's also this moment where one of the minions Daydreams about kissing Lucy which is kind of weird considering the minions are apparently 2 to 4 billion years old I'll explain that later it gets pretty weird this random guy walks in out of nowhere he's one of the other shop owners in the mall he's very big and stands out a lot I wonder if he'll be important at all after introducing himself he leaves and Gru immediately says that he recognizes him as an evil villain called el macho back in the day Elm Macho was one of the toughest guys out there until he supposedly died while air surfing on a shark while 2 150 lb of dynamite was strapped to his chest and blew up as he entered a hole in an erupting volcano what is this GPT how do you even think of something like that sounds like El Macho's pretty dead they never found the body they probably wouldn't find a body if it was true like d blew up in a volcano later that night Andrew is helping Agnes rehearse some lines for some sort of Mother's Day show whatever that means this is obviously just a setup for Agnes to get really sad about not having a mother again grw is very lonely and the girls just want a mom whatever will they do I'm about to cry a bit after and the minions are having some huge party cuz what else is there to do if you're trapped in the basement all day which is when Gro calls two of them by name to follow him upstairs I'm not sure how grw can tell who's who if I'm being honest sure some of the Minions look a little different but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of Minions that look the exact same this is when two completely different minions who are outside get abducted as well out of nowhere never to be seen again and now you might be thinking that this movie isn't anything too crazy yet it just seems like your average cartoon for now but I swear okay things get crazy later and the lore behind it is actually insane so now grw magically TPS to the mall with Lucy which is when they break into El Macho shop to find some Clues speeding through this they don't actually find anything and just end up having having to run away with the help of some minions but not before hitting El Macho with a car at 80 mph um excuse me what the actual [ __ ] the next day and there's this ice cream truck nearby so naturally all the Minions trample over some kids and try to buy some ice cream sadly though this is straight up just another kidnapping this time in broad daylight this is getting a little creepy now there's a lot of minions missing and like an ice cream truck abduction is a little wild so I won't lie back to grew and Lucy and they're investigating another shop in the mall since El Macho's Place didn't have anything of note really but before they do turns out the girls are actually here and get to meet Lucy for the very first time they're all pretty excited since I guess she's a potential mother to them or something we get this one line from Agnes which I'm pretty sure is inspired by every valerant player when they have a girl on their [Music] team are you single during these brief moments Lucy notices just how much of a caring person guu actually is at least when it comes to his girls but now it's time to focus on the mission so guu goes undercover into another shop which is when we find out that Gru actually has a horribly uncurable disease turns out Gru is bald disgusting I know you are bald and that is bad the shop he enters is some sort of wig shop I think the dude who owns it is obsessed with hair he's got a bald eagle next to him which is ironic RW looks around the shop for Clues and actually ends up almost finding something but then two of the three girls show up and let grew know that Margo is actually on a date with a boy I guess earlier the girls were hanging out and some random guy came up to Margo and asked her out or something that's her name by the way she's named Margo I don't think I mentioned that one time in the first video because of this news grw activates his over protective dad mode immediately and leaves the shop to find Margot eventually he does find her in where else but El Macho shop which is actually a restaurant turns out not only that but the boy who's talking to Margo is actually El Macho's son so there's some more conflict for you my dream is to one day play video games for a living bro just wants to play rot Escape or something I respect it anyway turns out El Macho's family is having a big cinco de mayo party soon and so grw and his family are all invited to show up and wear like a guacamole hat or something I don't know I've never been also I want to point out a little clever moment in the writing real quick I was going to mention how the use of Sinco de mayo and Mother's Day contradict each other in this story since if the dates don't line up it wouldn't make any sense it was going to be a good gotcha moment where I seem really smart but as fate would have it the two days are actually very close to each other so it makes perfect sense for them to both be mentioned GG illumination you win this time GW is back home now and I should let you know there's this reoccurring bit that I haven't mentioned yet essentially this one girl that grew knows has been trying to hook him up with one of her friends grew has been uninterested up until this point but for some reason at this point in the movie he caves and goes on a date with this random girl later that night he's on the date back at the mall there's a lot of time skips in this movie and they just keep going back and forth between the mall in the house it's it's pretty annoying I'm not going to lie anyway the date goes about as good as you'd expect which is to say not at all Lucy randomly shows up and ends up shooting Gru's date with a sleep Dart she must be a balloon's tower defense Pro or something this leads grw to ditching his date and hanging out with Lucy for the night the two share some moments of vulnerability with one another it gets kind of deep and it's honestly kind of cute and then the night ends with Lucy giving Gru a little kiss on the cheek how adorable we then get a montage of grw being the happiest man alive since he finally found a woman who seems to be interested in him it's like he unboxed two knives in a row on CS2 he's in a super good mood now but the happiness is cut short however because going back to the mall now and turns out The anti-villain League found some serum in the hair guys shop so the mission now is technically complete which means Lucy will be getting transferred to Australia there's really no reason for her to specifically be transferred to Australia other than like it's really far away so once again elb Bozo plus no women plus never happy plus big nose Drew does get to talk to Lucy before she leaves which is pretty awkward I won't lie they both fail to say how they really feel towards one another in a final Act of appreciation Lucy gives Gru her lipstick taser which is the thing she used on him at the very beginning of the movie bye Gru bro if they kissed wouldn't gw's nose just like poke her in the eye or something so now grew is pretty sad because he just lost the love of his life that he just met like one week ago or something it's very similar to how he felt towards the girls in the first movie GW has to overcome his childhood fear so he can properly accomplish what he desperately desires that being an intimate relationship in this case this is when we skip to the minions now turns out after all the kidnappings they've been brought to this tropical resort thing I guess some are tanning some are enjoying some music and some are choosing to get naked for some reason it it's just you and the boys who cares while relaxing one of them gets sucked into the water because this isn't an actual tropical island but some sort of simulation inside of a giant bubble we end up seeing two minions tied up to a chair and being injected with the serum from the beginning turning them into these weird purple monsters so now instead of being dumb and yellow they're aggressive and purple it's like they put all their stats into anger or something we'll get back back to that later though because it's now time for the guu family to attend the Cinco Deo party it's all fun in games until El Macho's son tries to RIS up Margo guu doesn't really like this but like every Reddit user who has uncontrollable acne he just can't stop it from happening there's this quick dance sequence and then GW is all sad and alone at the table he also straight up has a guacamole hat let me know if this is a real thing it feels very impractical this is when guu decides to follow Elm Macho into a secret room since he still believes Elmo to be the main bad guy despite not finding any proof earlier I'm not going to drag this out gr is 100% right in his assumption Elm Mao was up to everything he framed the hair guy from earlier Case Closed GW has a massive brain you'd think here that El Macho is a little more hostile than he is but turns out that he actually asks Drew to join him on his evil plan you see Al Mao kind of admires grew a little bit and this is when we get the big reveal and when I'm finally going to try to explain what's really going on here El Macho shows off that he's been kidnapping the minions and injecting them with some serum so they become these indestructible Evil zombies essentially he shows off how he's got hundreds maybe even thousands of them in cages ready to go this honestly kind of makes no sense since he also shows one of them eating a literal police car so like they could definitely just break free from these cages if they wanted to those bars aren't doing anything I'm going to be honest but you might be asking to yourself why he wanted the minions to begin with like sure there's a million of them but why the minions specifically all right here we go a big question I had in my first video was asking what the minions even are they're obviously not human so what could they possibly be well although I don't know the exact answer from my understanding they're these weird yellow Critters that spawned in randomly a long long time ago as far as I know their main purpose throughout history has has been to find the most evil person on the planet and serve them throughout their Journey this is why El MAA wants them and why they're with grew right now but this is also why there's a widely accepted theory that the minions are just insane you see if they always seek out the most evil person in the world that means at one point in time and bear with me they probably serve people like fascist dictators and evil terrorists I know this is obviously just a little internet haha but if you choose to believe it because it actually is backed up by the official lore it means that most of the minions have probably committed multiple war crimes they definitely do actual bad things in these movies like instinctively beat each other and have no care for anyone's safety and listen at the end of the day you can believe what you want okay it's just a movie I just think it's funny that every child wearing a minion shirt is just secretly supporting some sort of terrorist organization like isn't that a real world plot twist minions are actually like a hate symbol or something anyway after the big reveal grw basically says no I don't want to join you and then leaves during this Margo is also really sad because El Mao's son is dancing with another girl now so that plot line kind of went nowhere at all after they leave the party who else but Lucy shows up turns out on her way to Australia Lucy realized that she had feelings for grw so I'm not kidding she decided to jump out of the plane mid-flight also during her realization there's this funny scene where she starts seeing gr's face everywhere it got a good chuckle out of me I won't lie I just did a boom boom yeah that that that would be pretty annoying on a plane she has no idea about what just happened with all the minions and stuff so she gets lured into a trap later that day and Dr nefario actually calls guu further warning him about what's going to happen and about what happened to Lucy turns out nefario was working with elcho this whole time by the way but he like regrets it now because he's a bad guy but not really that bad so also Dr nefario calling here kind of makes no sense because then guw leaves to go save Lucy but at the same time Dr nefario shows up in Gru's basement to save the girls from some purple minion or something like why call him if you were going to show up at the house 2 minutes later that's kind of weird whatever gr goes back to El Macho's house which is when things go really badly and he's about to die but then Dr nefario the minions and the girls all show up to save the day I guess Dr nefario just has an antidote that'll change all the Minions back to normal by the way the big jelly payoff of this movie that I mentioned is that Dr nefario mixed the antidote with the large amount of jelly that guw had made at the very beginning of the movie this part kind of tricks you into thinking the whole jelly thing had a purpose but if I'm being honest you could have just definitely mixed the antidote with like water or something or just like deliver it raw not sure why it has to be mixed with anything at all it just seems kind of random if I'm being honest anyway it's super epic the girls and everyone else turn the minions back to level one we get one final standoff between guu and Elm Mao which is when we not only see Lucy who's attached to a shark covered in explosives referencing that one Elm Macho story back at the beginning but we also see El Macho himself take some of the purple serum so it turns into some giant Beast thing that's a pretty ballsy move to be honest not sure he thought this went through anyway you might be thinking this is going to be some crazy fight scene but instead grew remembers he was given the most OP item in any movie ever remember I told you guys that he uses the lipstick taser on him and El Macho immediately dies or something and the date is saved there's this bit at the end where Lucy and G are actually about to die in a volcano but they just jump in the water and everything is fine then when 147 dates later which is like probably 2 years or something grew and Lucy get married so now grw is very happy and so are the girls oh are they going to have trouble kissing oh see I said it I said he poked her in the eye I called it there's also this weird bit where Agnes says the speech she was practicing earlier in the movie for Mother's Day we established that a good amount of time has passed since then so did Agnes remember this random speech from school for over like 2 years or something I don't know it's cute regardless I guess and that was the movie Despicable Me two is it that bad honestly with the amount of slander I saw in the comment section I thought it'd be worse I definitely don't think it was as good as the first movie but it's still not really even that bad the ending is kind of weird cuz the whole movie these girls really want a mother and instead of learning from that impulse they just add Lucy In the Mix and are like yep you guys have a mom now like there could have been a message about learning to appreciate what you have as opposed to always wanting more or something but again it's still not really that bad learning that the minions are basically the most evil living beings on the planet and destined to be enslaved forever is pretty wild but I guess that's just part of the fun all in all good movie would recommend if you have an extra dollar consider becoming a member it helps the channel and gives you access to exclusive member content which I actually have been started yet but we'll start sometime soon thank you to all my current members you guys are the best I appreciate you all so much Paul Abdel scores this one a solid 10,000 war crimes out of five and yeah thanks for [Music] watching my dream is to one day the the boom boom
Channel: Darzii
Views: 148,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Darzii, Darzil, Funny, staydank, cartoon, movie, tv show, review, walkthrough, rating, film student, explination, timeline, facts, where to watch, nostalgia, was it good, old cartoon, new cartoon, free online, full episdoe, watch along, reaction, video essay, lone noise, bad guy movie, grew, agness, daspicable, despecable, mii, ending reveal, funny scene, steel scene, dance scene, moon part, best moment, adult them, sad scen, downfal, shrin, l macho, real name, lucie, date scene, loved
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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