SpongeBob - The POLLUTION theory

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have you ever wondered what those floaty flower things over Bikini Bottom actually are are they just some quirky design to make the place look pretty and fancy or is there something else going on here these are the questions that very few people have ever asked but the conclusion to our Theory will answer all of them get ready for the weirdest SpongeBob Theory you've heard in a while this is the pollution Theory everybody knows that applying logic to SpongeBob SquarePants is pretty pointless it's a show about a talking sponge Hi how are you but honestly there's just so much of the show that's worth talking about that any theory is worth delving into well today's Theory we'll dig into some of the background lore of Bikini Bottom that you never knew existed partly because it doesn't really exist but even theories deserve to be tested let's get going in every single episode of SpongeBob SquarePants the sky of Bikini Bottom is shown to be a beautiful blue ocean with what looks to be floating flowers now these are generally cons considered to be clouds just like our world which makes sense but what if I told you that these weren't actually clouds but propellers from boats or possibly submarines honestly it makes total sense when you really stop to think about it if you take a look at boat propellers they all have similar properties to the floating flowers and bikini bottom they all have three to five leaves or blades and some of them even have the kind of groovy imperfect design that these clouds have too and let's not forget that we're talking about an underwater world here so if there was is going to be any place for boat propellers it's definitely under the sea but let's address something I think you're going to ask about why are they so colorful why are they so blurry okay we'll come back to the blurriness later but let's focus on the color thing for now honestly it's a pretty easy thing to explain algae algae is a kind of underwater plant that grows based on sunlight and nutrients you'll often see it growing on rocks that have been underwater for a long time and more often than not it's extremely colorful usually it's green but there have been unique blue red and brown algae found in the world so if you think of them as propellers it's highly likely that they would have become something of a breeding ground for algae that means they're just a natural thing and the residents of Bikini Bottom think they look pretty of course it could also just be a simple trick of the light making the colors change I don't think it really matters how the propellers became this color but I think it makes more sense for them to simply be abandoned rather than magical floating flowers let's get an example and try to prove this in the episode Karen's virus Plankton's computer wife Karen hangs out with a sick computer and gets herself sick in the process determined to save her Plankton reaches out to SpongeBob believing him stupid enough to help he transports SpongeBob inside Karen to defeat the virus throughout the episode the virus eats at Karen's programming making her act in ways that are unusual and out of character for her but one particular moment sees her hurling a car into the sky right at one of the sky flowers and when it makes contact it knocks the flower out of the sky now if that was just a simple cloud like in our world there's no way the flower would fall let alone shatter it would have to have something tangible and solid to knock it out and I mean when we really think about it the flowers are all different sizes suggesting that some are closer than others but they're never right beside one another or overlapping like real clouds and I think this could be because the boats or Subs couldn't really be that close without colliding and it happens again in the SpongeBob Movie sponge Out of Water the movie opens with Plankton attacking the Crusty Crab to steal the Krabby Patty formula but after fishlyn manages to do it leaving a false document in its place but when SpongeBob and Plankton fight over it the secret formula suddenly vanishes leaving the residence of Bikini Bottom without their beloved Krabby Patties Bikini Bottom turns into a weird kind of apocalyptic Wasteland and we see one of the flower clouds drop here's what else is so interesting about this when Bikini Bottom turns apocalyptic you can see the clouds moving in a way they never do in the show but they don't move horizontally like our clouds do they seem like they're sinking which again is something that implies they have a little bit of weight to them like propellers and even in sponge on the run which is not the greatest SpongeBob movie I'll admit the opening shot even show one of these flower clouds embedded in the sand and it's pretty obviously not a cloud so unless they built a sculpture dedicated to this thing I think we have our answer now I think the propeller Theory makes a lot of sense but you could also possibly argue that the propellers have just been abandoned in the Pacific Ocean Steven hildenberg said he came up with the idea for the show when he was trying to think of an idea that could raise awareness of ocean health so it would make sense and would you believe me if I said the Bikini Bottom is extremely unthinkably polluted one of the theories online suggests that the clouds might not be propellers at all but remnants of some kind of pollution I mean think about it when a city is extremely polluted and full of smoke and fumes light tends to refract in strange ways creating new and interesting images and shapes Things become distorted and unfamiliar despite being things we might see every single day and when you're at the bottom of the ocean it makes sense that the same thing would be happen in on a more common level besides does a talking sponge and a starfish know that this kind of thing isn't normal probably not that also explains why some of the shapes are so unique and strange they're likely all more or less the same design but being refracted through the toxicity in the water but what if it really isn't anything to do with propellers or boats what if we're just looking at pure pollution itself how would that even make sense actually it makes a lot of sense when you consider that bikini bottle is inspired by a real place with a controversial history in the episode Sp sp129 Spongebob and O Squidward's so much with his demands to play that Squidward hides himself in the freezer but when SpongeBob leaves him alone Squidward realizes he's locked himself inside forced to wait for someone to find him 2,000 years later the door finally opens and Squidward discovers that his savior is spongetron a robotic descendant of SpongeBob honestly it's best if you don't really think about it too much anyway sponge Tron throws Squidward out and offers him a chance to go back to his own period of history in a time machine but squid Rd instead decides he's going to go back to a time before SpongeBob was ever born he ends up traveling so far back that he finds nobody else and enjoys the piece but then A Primitive sponge and Starfish arrive and you can guess how that goes what's interesting here is that we're getting a look at the original bikini bottom and if you look at the sky you'll see that there are no flower clouds anywhere it's pure un civilized Wilderness this suggests that something must have happened that would have cleaned this place up enough to create an entire atole at the bottom well yeah Steven hillenberg has confirmed that Bikini Bottom was at least inspired by and is believed to be underneath the bikini atole in the Pacific Ocean now if you happen to know anything about bikini atle you know why that's so interesting but if you don't let me briefly explain back during the days of World War II the United States military began using the bikini atole in the Pacific Ocean as a nuclear testing site however the amount and scale of the testing was so intense that the creatures within died pretty quickly due to the nuclear contamination in the water even today bikini atle remains one of the most contaminated bodies of water on the planet uninhabitable for many of the animals on this planet and I think in a way that makes the show work even better it definitely explains why we have all these talking animals who thrive on fast food and seemingly nothing else I mean think about it SpongeBob himself is designed to look like a kitchen sponge which doesn't really make a lot of sense unless you imagine he was just some Castaway piece of trash that ended up in the ocean he himself is a piece of pollution something Squidward would absolutely agree with by the way but he's a piece of waste that has been brought to life by the remnants of this nuclear testing you can also look at Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy two human characters who seem to have the impossible ability to breathe underwat and talk to fish I mean there's no way you can do that unless you've somehow been given superhuman abilities and the theory goes that these two are navy divers who got caught up in the Bikini ATL testing I mean let's not think about how that happened or why but well I never really stopped to think about how they surviv down there until now and I guess this does make more sense but let's look back to the colorful pollution flowers a few years ago there was a theory floating around on social media that linked the pollution Theory to the regular oil spills we see in the news and the comparison is surprisingly believable a quick Google search will show you a whole bunch of unbelievable images of oil spilling into bodies of water and creating these unique colorful patterns that are completely alien to Nature try to tell me they don't look similar to the so-called flower clouds of bikini bottom and I think it would make sense that nuclear testing and the dropping of bombs would undoubtedly leave behind a lot of mess am I suggesting that the clouds of Bikini Bottom are toxic oil spills gradually sinking down over the residence yes that is exactly what I'm suggesting oil companies are killing the residents of Bikini Bottom while the propeller theory is pretty solid and would make sense this one makes even more sense to me especially given that the clouds are shown to be able to move and shift with the changing of the water I guess the only downside to the theory is that it doesn't make a lot of sense as to how they were able to fall when Karen threw the car at it but as for the rest of the theory I could buy it entirely and honestly I would not be surprised if Steven hillenberg did intend Bikini Bottom to be the leftover remnants of a nuclear testing site welcome to the apocalypse Mr Squidward I hope you like better I mean if you wanted to make a show that was promoting ocean Health then setting it in the brutal aftermath of a bomb site makes total sense thankfully he found a way to make it look way way better than that sounds but I honestly think it makes the show more interesting to consider it in this light that the residents of Bikini Bottom have been created in the aftermath of nuclear testing it's not quite as violent or terrifying a story as Godzilla but it makes the show seem more optimistic somehow even after all the chaos and disaster there will always be this little atole on the bottom of the ocean flipping burgers and throwing cars at one another the flower clouds will continue floating above them no matter what or maybe they're just floating flowers in an underwater atole full of talking fast food loving fish I don't know man I just like cartoons look at
Channel: Flixtoon
Views: 13,917
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Id: 1MQ8WeDlo0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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