THE PIXAR BLOOPER THEORY: an alternative to the pixar theory

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this is the Pixar theory the Pixar theory the Pixar theory Pixar Multiverse Theory the Pixar theory the Pixar theory the Pixar theory Pixar Theory Pixar Theory by far the most popular fan theory of all time in any media is the Pixar theory the idea that every Pixar movie exists in the same Cinematic Universe and all the hidden Easter eggs referencing other Pixar movies are actually carefully crafted hints that can be used to explain how all of these very different different movies exist in one Universe it was created by John Negron and has since been restated and added on to by hundreds of different people across the internet and for good reason I think the Pixar theory is such a fun and clever way to think about these movies and the amount of connections they were able to find is really impressive but I also think the Pixar theory is fundamentally flawed the theory heavily relies on the logic behind Easter eggs and Pixar movies to construct its narrative I'm not really going to explain the theory in this video but stuff like the reoccurring by and large logo being proof of machines taking over or the fact that the witch from Brave somehow has a solely carving being proof that she's actually Boo from the future I'm not saying you can't use Easter eggs in a fan Theory I use them all the time they are very useful in theory crafting but if you're going to claim this Easter egg as evidence in your theory then how do you explain Buu having a Nemo toy in Monsters Inc or all of these bugs life toys in Toy Story 2 or all of the other many many many references to other Pixar movies you can't just say oh those are just fun Easter eggs referencing other movies they don't count if you're also saying this Easter egg now now this one is actually proof of time travel and these movies being connected either they're all intricately placed hints about the lore or they're all just references that don't matter you can't have it both ways and if we're being honest 99% of Pixar Easter eggs are just references that can't be explained by any in Universe reason and look I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun here I know most people are already know this and still choose to enjoy the Pixar theory just because it's a fun way to think about these movies even if there isn't actually any hard evidence that's at least how I enjoy it but what if I told you there was another way to connect these movies a way that doesn't just rely on Tiny background Easter eggs an alternative way to look at this Theory based on actual concrete indisputable evidence of these characters existing in the same universe evidence that I have never seen even mentioned in another Pixar theory that must sound too good to true right there have been hundreds of different theories trying to connect these movies over the years how could there possibly be anything else to say well what if I told you we've all been looking in the wrong place this is Alex bal's Pixar metaverse Theory I'm calling it Alex Bale's Theory by the way so that if all these other Pixar Theory channels start covering it they they got to give me credit okay this is my theory you want to eat the best but cooking is a mess Frozen store-bought meals seem easy but the results will make you queasy not anymore introducing Factor meals America's number one ready to eat meal delivery service Factor's delicious Chef repared meals take the guest work out of eating well so you can eat healthy without the hassle and that's not all there's no prep work no mess Factor meals arrive prepared and ready to eat in Just 2 minutes or less that's right just 2 minutes or less but we're not done yet Factor offers over 34 nutritional meal options and over 36 add-ons like smoothies keto shakes desserts and more I love Factor meals because they taste so good and they're super convenient for my on thee-o lifestyle that's right it's me Alex Bale I've been speaking this whole time this is what I sound like now I just started talking like this and now I can't stop please help me and that's not all if you use the link in the description or scan the QR code you can get 50% off your first Factor box that's right 50% off your first Factor box and if you're still not convinced we'll throw in free wellness shots for life that's two free wellness shots from the three available flavors in every order but this incredible offer won't last so use the link in the description or scan the QR code with your phone now offer only bot for new customers with qualifying Auto renewing subscription purchases see terms for details please help me I'm trapped inside of an infomercial I'm in horrible pain and all I see is Darkness hey before we start the video I just want to say I'm back to making theories this is not a part of the don't feed the use ARG that series is over and I am done making SpongeBob theories but I do have one last special thing planned for you SpongeBob Theory fans I'll talk about that a little more at the end let's finally begin the Pixar metaverse theory when Pixar was first starting out they used to include these little bonus segments during the end credits of their movies speed marker and action are you saying I'm stupid marker should that just be part of the movie now these were bloopers where they would reshow scenes from the movie but the characters would suddenly forget their lines or mess up and break character go get him Mr Solomon you idiot it's Solomon not Solomon what you're messing up the speed sorry never going to work in Hollywood [Music] again does this mean we can break for lunch what what's so funny Woody it's something you'd expect from a liveaction movie with real actors but these are obviously animated movies with fake computer generated characters and environments meaning the creators went out of their way to make these fake bloopers just to make the movies feel more real they even sometimes Show The Crew filming them now obviously these are not canon they're just funny gags where we get to pretend like the characters are real actors on a real set it's something that other animated movies have also done 1527 take one that's close as I can get right now I'm on a seafood diet I eat I see Seafood never mind but if that's the case if this is just a random throwaway gag for the credits and not something we should actually think about then why did the creators go out of their way to make the crew filming A Bug's Life also bugs actually it wasn't even my IDE it's a weird detail to include for such a quick little nothing gag right but this detail has some very interesting implications for this weird little meta alternate universe where all the characters are just actors who know they're filming a movie like this has to mean that in this universe these actors are actually real talking bugs right like I first assumed maybe the implication was that they were just like humans in bug costumes but there's no way the crew would also be in costumes too so this means that they must all be real talking bugs we are looking at a universe where talking bugs are making movies about talking bugs with tiny cameras and Tiny film equipment and they're not alone the Monsters Ink bloopers also feature monsters on the crew filming the movie and while we don't fully see the crew in the Toy Story bloopers and they seem to have human hands they're the same size as the toys and in one shot if you look closely we can see enough of the arm to reveal it has the exact same weird bendy elbow that Woody does meaning they are all actually toys all of these fictional in Universe movies are being filmed by the actual Talking sentient creatures from their respective movies meaning talking bugs toys and monsters all actually exist in these weird meta blooper universes okay that's pretty interesting but why does any of this really matter at the end of the day these are still just little bonus segments that exist in their own separate continuities it's not actually Canon to the real Pixar universe that we care about and that's true but unlike the Pixar Universe these bloopers actually feature for the very first time ever concrete connections between these films let me try again you know I can't believe you make hey hey how was that Woody shows up as a crew member on A Bug's Life the bug show up in Toy Story 2 and Rex shows up in the Monsters Ink bloopers and these are not just little background references these are indisputable crossovers where the characters interact with each other so no this is not a theory about how the story in the Pixar movies connect this is a theory about how the Pixar metaverse the fictional Universe where all of these stories are just movies filmed by liveaction actors connects together and believe me there is so much more here than you would ever realize before we continue I just want to say that this Theory does not replace or disprove the Pixar theory or any other theories about these movies just because they acknowledge in the lore that these are just fictional movies doesn't mean you can't still theorize about the fictional movie plots also as I'm recording this I did just find out that another YouTuber the theorizer did kind of briefly mention the bloopers in his video and his Pixar theories do get pretty meta but but as you're about to see my theory goes in a very different direction and as far as I'm aware no one's ever actually talked about the literal crossovers in these bloopers but you know what still go check out his video he's got some fun stuff go ahead and compare it to mine and check out any Pixar Theory I show in this video I think they're all really cool and definitely worth a watch also now that we're getting meta we're doing kind of a television Theory I just want to clarify that when I talk about Pixar Studios from now on I'm referring to the fictional in Universe Pixar Studios that is implied to exist in in this metaverse I am not trying to make any claims about the real life Disney Pixar Studios I am strictly theorizing about fictional lore here please do not sue me Mr mouse let's [Music] continue so from now on I'll be referring to this connected behindthescenes Cinematic Universe as the Pixar metaverse a term I'm blatantly stealing from Quinton reviews we now know for a fact that the world of the Pixar metaverse has actual talking toys bugs and monsters that all coexist and make movies together about talking toys bugs and monsters unfortunately only these three movies had these bloopers so we don't really get a ton of information about how this metaverse world works it seems like the main difference between the metaverse and the world of the Pixar movies is that humans are most likely aware of all of these talking creatures existence we don't see any humans in these bloopers but the fact that humans are also acting in these movies seems to imply that they're working together one of the monsters even says they're working in Hollywood you're messing up the SC sorry we're never going to work in Hollywood so yeah humans and talking toys and bugs and monsters all peacefully coexist in this world and even though we never see it I think there's a good chance that talking rats and fish and maybe even superheroes all exist in the same world and everyone knows about it and it's not a big deal there would be some exceptions like the films that depict entirely different worlds but even if the worlds in those movies are fictional in this metaverse I don't see why there can't also be talking cars and robots and even straight up magical creatures just walking the streets you know if magical talking toys exist I feel like they all could exist in the same world at the same time peacefully coexisting and that's where I was going to end the Pixar metaverse theory it's not the most complicated in-depth idea it kind of just explains itself once you think about it but hey I'm not complaining you know easy Theory means easy easy video I got no problem with that but then right when I was about to record this video I felt a little itch in the back of my head the same itch you get when you look at bad MAP animation or an unlicensed knockoff of a popular character the kind of itch that tells you there's something off here that behind the laughter and the Kookie hijinks is something profoundly wrong so I rewatched the bloopers over and over again for weeks I couldn't sleep without thinking about these damn bloopers and then one day I finally realized what it was that was bothering me so much it was this one single clip from the bugs life bloopers marker oh wait stop I think I swallowed a bug I think I wait a second how if if he's a if he swallowed a bug but but he's a bug what in this same clip they remind us that these are not just people wearing bug costumes the crew clearly also looks like bugs but then H how did he swallow a tiny bug are are these things not actually bugs and if so what are they and look at their reaction I think I swallowed a bug they're not horrified like he just consumed an equal member of their society they're laughing the way you or me would laugh if we Swallowed a Fly and it's not like flies are tiny in this world either they're the same size as the ladybug it's an extremely weird contradiction but I soon realized it was far from the only one speed maroo I don't remember eating that c I can't believe this that's a fifth time is that guy in sorry everyone I I had that bean burrito for lunch I had that bean burrito for lunch toys don't eat toys have never eaten in any of these movies the closest we get is maybe Bullseye licking cheese dust off a finger but that's just tasting they don't have internal organs they they can't actually consume food this would seem to imply that the actors are not toys but remember the offscreen crew also looks like toys and not to mention in this clip there are tons of identical Buzz clones that sound exactly like him even when they're out of character C I can't believe this that's a fifth time is that guy in which implies they are real toys but toys don't eat and why is Rex so big compared to the monsters monsters are supposed to be bigger than humans and much bigger than toys and why did the bugs look tiny compared to buzz even though Woody was shown to be the exact same size as an ant and why is this bird a mechanical robot when everyone else is a talking living thing and wait wait wait wait wait wait if if they're just supposed to be actors pretending to be fictional characters why does Buzz call Woody Woody out of character what what are you laughing about huh real funny Woody like wouldn't Woody's actor have a different name that buzz would call them when they aren't acting what what's so funny Woody huh darn it Woody none of these bloopers make any goddamn sense and the fact that they don't make any sense doesn't make any goddamn sense because the creators clearly went out of their way to add details to clarify the lore of this metaverse world while also going out of their way to add details that directly contradict what they've set up like literally in the same shot they're contradicting themselves if they're not bugs then just make the crew human or just don't show the crew you can't have both okay so I think the answer to this is obvious this is all just [ __ ] it's a kids movie they were just making random [ __ ] up and I've wasted weeks of my life overthinking this I I acted all cocky in the beginning of this video like oh I've discovered this amazing new evidence that no one was smart enough to even consider but the reason why people don't consider these bloopers is because they don't make any [ __ ] sense and they only made three of these tiny little segments we haven't gotten another blooper in 22 years there is not nearly enough content here for me to make a proper Theory and even what we do have is full of contradictions this whole video has been pointless and I should just scrap it and work on something else but then I got that itch again believe me I wanted to scrap this video and work on something else but I couldn't shake the feeling that there must be something somewhere out there that gives us just another glimpse of this behindth scenes metaverse world so I kept searching and searching and searching and searching everywhere I could think of the Pixar Wikipedia the Disney plus spin-offs and short films I even watched [ __ ] Mater's Tall tals and there was still nothing I could use but then I realized I was looking in the wrong place Pixar always re-releases their movies on DVD and a lot of these DVDs have special features and bonus content like Creator interviews deleted scenes old promotional material and most importantly the blooper segments if there's more metaverse content out there I bet you it's on these DVDs so I bought as many DVDs as I could find and started looking through every single menu item until I found a little something called character interviews we've arranged to go live via satellite to the stars of Toy Story Woody and bugs hello guys hello hello The Toy Story of bugs life Finding Nemo and The Incredibles DVDs all feature character interviews thank you for letting us in on the set hi hello this is a set for Andy's room it's where all Us toys live in the movie oh well you know we really shouldn't give too much away these are interviews with the animated characters talking with real live-action humans trying to promote their movies come see Toy Story 2 I'll certainly try this is 100% in the same metaverse as the bloopers and we now have almost 15 minutes of new content to analyze so let's begin so immediately there's a lot of similarities between these interviews and and the bloopers like the bloopers the interviews also act like what we are seeing is not animated it's being filmed by actual film equipment and cameras Oh My Gosh is that a camera hi I'm Dory and again even though the characters are presented as actors behind the scenes they still have the same names as the characters they play my name is flick and I guess you could say I'm the hero of the picture this will get them into the theaters and drobes Buzz it's not true now the Toy Story bugs life and Finding Nemo interviews don't really tell us anything that we didn't already know but The Incredibles interviews are very very interesting may I say that it's an incredible pleasure to be here unlike the other interviews these aren't disconnected video calls The Incredibles are actually in the room with the liveaction human interviewer which is very weird and uncanny looking Nancy I love that outfit thanks elas a girl good to see you you look great but even stranger when asked about being in these movies The Incredibles have a very different response now that you have finished filming The Incredibles are you looking forward to getting back to your regular life and settling down a little bit um I didn't really make the movie this whole movie is a cartoon you know it's a cartoon is a computer generated exaggerated thing unlike every other instance of the Pixar metaverse The Incredibles claims that their movie actually is animated no it's a cartoon it's animated man I'm not in the movie it's a cartoon do I look like a cartoon to you they are very insistent that The Incredibles movie is just a cartoon that they didn't even act in it was just something inspired by their real lives I mean I didn't really do anything I mean they paid me a fee to use elements of my life story we just get pict our permission to be inspired by I guess is a legal term Our Lives which is weird because they are clearly cartoons especially when compared to the real life human interviewers in front of of them they even acknowledge this in the interviews do I look like a cartoon to you kind of like huh these movies not being animated was the only consistent thing about the metaverse but now they're contradicting that too it's a cartoon it's animated how am I supposed to make a theory about this I've looked through every possible Avenue for more metaverse content and only found more contradictions look obviously Pixar puts a lot of time and effort into the World building of these Awards winning animated movies but clearly they don't give a [ __ ] about these bonus behind the scenes Clips there there's no Theory here I I I give up I I'm sorry I I just I can't wait a second these awardwinning animated movies oh my God how did I miss this Pixar has been nominated and won many different awards for their movies but sometimes during the Oscars guess who presents these Awards wow the Academy Awards the nominees for best animated short film are and the Oscar goes to that's right characters from Toy Story A Bug's Life Monsters Inc The Incredibles cars and even up have all made physical appearances at the Oscars this thing is so heavy and I know your immediate instinct is probably going to be to say oh come on these are just cute little gags for the Oscars they don't count but why not like the bloopers in interviews they talk like their actors in a movie excuse me Buzz I had the leading role technically but I carried the picture they even show a character interview for the movie up so what does this nomination mean to you huh what what is that I will explore it now for the little like it or not these award shows are absolutely Cannon to the metaverse and the reason why that is such an insane thing is because they are not the only animated characters at these Awards Trek Aaron Warner of course it's a tremendous honor to be nominated happy Fe George Miller mom I've got an Academy Award Jimmy Neutron Roy genius yes I am now claiming every single non-pixar character that shows up alongside the Pixar characters at these Awards is now officially a part of the same metaverse look they even interact with each other Mike and suly react to losing best animated picture of Shrek and Lightning McQueen literally talks to Happy Feet wa look at you get this is no longer the Pixar metaverse theory this is now just straight up the animated movie metaverse Theory it's all Cannon they're all connected all right so uh let let me pause for a second I I may have just lost a few of you guys there at this point you might be realizing that I haven't really done a lot of actual theorizing yet I've kind of just listed off a bunch of increasingly absurd and contradictory facts and now I've just gotten and connected a million other franchises from other Studios like what do I have to buy all their DVDs now too well first off I'm still going to mostly just focus on the Pixar characters technically yes all of these movie characters are now connected in the metaverse but this is still just a Pixar Theory but more importantly we are finally done searching for new evidence and we are ready to start the theory that I've been building up to for this entire video and that's because in these award shows is a single clip that can be used to explain every single loose end and weird contradiction in the metaverse a clip that fundamentally changes our way of viewing this world the clip I'm referring to is the presentation for best animated short film from the 71st Academy Awards this thing is so heavy hi we're here to present the award for best animated short film because we are animated and we are short for the first time ever flick refers to the bugs life characters as animated we're animated and at first this just seems like another contradiction in the massive pile of metaverse contradictions but this little piece of information can be used to solve everything how could flick possibly be animated if he's physically on the stage at the Oscars in front of a crowd of real human beings and I'm not asking how is this literally done in real life I know it's all just special effects and none of this is actually real I'm asking in the lore of the metaverse world where all of this is Canon how could this possibly make sense how could any of these actors be animated when we are shown time and time again that they are real physical living things that can actually interact with the real world and require a crew and equipment to film them because we're animated because we're animated what does the word animated actually mean we assume it means just a fake CGI creation but the word literally means full of life so here is the actual Theory I've been building up to for this entire video every actor we see in the the metaverse is animated but they aren't just soulless computer programs they are actual living things that can physically exist and interact with the real world just like in real life all the characters were created by Pixar to star in their movies but in the metaverse Pixar actually somehow physically brought them to life this is supported by a little comment Carl makes during his Oscar interview what is that I will explore it now Carl says Ah For the Love of Pete which is another way of saying for the love of God but I think Carl replacing the word God here with Pete is also a sneaky little reference to the fact that the director of up was also named Pete up directed by Pete doctor so in the metaverse lore Carl is essentially saying that Pete doctor the director of up is his God aka the person who literally created him and brought him to life so no this metaverse is not a world where all bugs and toys and cars can talk this is a world where Animation Studios can literally create life in whatever form they choose we don't know exactly how this happens maybe they were grown in a lab or maybe it's like Toy Story where the power of love and Imagination brought them to life from the little details we do get it does seem like a computer is involved somehow but I personally feel like it's probably some kind of mix of technology and some sort of toy story imagination magic or whatever computers alone did not create Toy Story Toy Story carries a human spirit that shines even brighter than its computerized glow again we don't have enough information to figure out the exact mechanics of it and that's okay that's not what this theory is about my theory is that in this metaverse world Pixar and every other Animation Studio brings these characters to life and uses them as the cast and Crews of their movies and it's okay if you don't fully believe me yet because I'm about to show you that this idea idea can be used to explain every single contradiction in the metaverse so let's take a look first off how does slim swallow a tiny bug if he's supposed to be a bug I think I swallowed a bug well he's not he's a magical animated representation of a bug and the bug he swallowed is an actual real bug that made his way onto the Bug's Life set this also explains why the toy actors need to eat I had that bean burrito for lunch it's because they're not really toys sure they actually look like them on the outside but they probably have internal organs and all the same basic needs as any living thing okay okay fine but why do the actors in The metaverse Still call themselves by their character names even out of character what a my name is Fleck now come on Buzz you're right whaty well if we're going off of Toy Story logic when the actors are created I think they're also given the same beliefs and personality of whatever character they're supposed to represent it's like in Toy Story 1 when Buzz literally thought he was a real human Space Ranger despite being a tiny toy I'm Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Universe protection you actually think you're the Buzz Light here it's because he was made to be that character in fact this is probably also why Bullseye or the Queen's aphid two characters that are meant to be just regular non-speaking animal pets Bullseye go go go go isn't that right a oh you're such a cute little aan still act like pets even when they aren't filming boy no no down bullseye bullseye stop horsey W uhoh towel I need a towel over here God it's because this is the belief they were imbued with and it makes sense because you know if you believe you are a character you're going to give the most believable performance okay okay but here's a tough one how come the bird from A Bug's Life was actually a fake animatronic robot oh you know if Pixar can easily bring to life any animated character they want why bother building a robot for this scene doesn't this kind of disprove my whole Theory actually it helps Prove It In A Bug's Life this bird is a regular unintelligent wild bird all it does throughout the entire movie is just mindlessly attack other bug characters so if Pixar was to actually bring this bird to life it would always have the belief that is just a Mindless wild bird that wants to eat bugs all the time even when they aren't filming just like Bullseye or the apit which would obviously be way too dangerous for a film set full of bug characters hence why they have a fake animatronic bird instead starting to all kind of makes sense isn't it uh what else do we got what else do we got why are the sizes of the toys bugs and monsters all so inconsistent in the bloopers well if Pixar can create life in any form they choose there's nothing stopping them from just creating an extra small or extra big cop Cy of a character in fact we already know Pixar sometimes makes many copies of the same character I can't believe this that's a how was that guy in and the two instances where we see these size differences are both jokes that rely on the characters being way too big or small hey T good morning the gag just wouldn't work if they were all the same size so yeah I think Pixar just created extra small bugs life characters or an extra big Rex just for this one gag or honestly this is probably just the same giant Rex from the opening of Toy Story 3 all right cool so this Theory seems to fix a lot of the weird small contradictions in the bloopers but what about the biggest contradiction in the entire metaverse the one I've been avoiding talking about I'm of course referring to The Incredibles interviews this whole movie is a cartoon you know they paid me a fee to use elements of my life story I was paid to allow this fiction to go forward man I'm not in the movie it's a cartoon do I look like a cartoon to you my theory lines up so perfectly with everything in the metaverse until we get to these damn interviews where they're like no we're not animated we're not cartoons we're real people just like you we weren't even in the movie it was just inspired by our real lives and yeah it probably would ruin my theory if it wasn't a damn lie you liing deceiving bastard I didn't even realize that rone claims he's not a cartoon and the interviewer clearly does not believe him do I look like a cartoon to you kind of because yeah he's lying they're all clearly animated characters when compared to the real human interviewers in the room and the reason they're lying about this is because they're ashamed of the way they were portrayed in the movie these characters don't look anything like me or my family I was never that out of shape they did they exaggerate the way wait part I'd rather forget the way I am portrayed in this movie P yourself together I am not abrasive I just wish the filmmakers didn't feel the need to exaggerate everything I'm not saying the film is lialis but our lawyers are looking into it I mean ju just listen to how defensive they sound when they're trying to pretend like they're not in this movie it's a cartoon no it's a cartoon it's animated do I look like a cartoon to you The Incredibles is a move and the interviewers don't even believe them they just ignore them and keep asking questions about them being in the movie it's really funny it's a cartoon okay you look really pretty great in this movie I'd put my money on maybe special training no it's a cartoon well you know what they say the camera adds 10 lb this whole movie is a cartoon you know there were a lot of scenes that looked quite dangerous in this movie how'd you pull it off the obvious subtext of these interviews is that they are all trying to hide the fact that they are the animated characters that were in these movies so no this does not not contradict my theory okay so that is my metaverse theory We Now understand what these actors really are and we've been able to explain every contradiction there is clearly a consistent internal logic to these clips but I didn't make this video just to explain away a bunch of inconsistencies and a few random bonus Clips if that's all there was then I wouldn't have even bothered making this video in the first place the real reason I am making this theory is to answer a single question what is the relationship between these living animations and their creators now this may seem like an innocent question at first but understanding this relationship is key to unlocking the full truth behind the Pixar metaverse trust me you have no idea how dark things are about to [Music] get in the Toy Story movies the toys kind of view the kid who brought them to Life as a god at least for the most part and their entire purpose in life is to make their God happy you're Bonnie's toy you are going to help create happy memories that will last for the rest of her life we're Andy's toys woody we'll be there for him together Rhino Stu made a great video talking about the religious themes in Toy Story I highly recommend it but is this also the case with these living animations created by the studio well that's what I ini thought but the bloopers paint a bit of a different picture the actors have lunch breaks I had that bean burrito for lunch does this me we can break for lunch trailers I cannot work like this I will be in my trailer even Agents come On Monkey that's it I draw the line at Monkey get my agent on the phone and even other acting jobs that they're able to take outside of the Pixar movies what are you going to do next well I'm up for this villain in a toothpaste commercial wow really great and also the the fact that Pixar took the time to build an animatronic bird for A Bug's Life implies that there is some kind of safety requirement on these sets so these actors are not slaves it seems like they have the same agency Free Will and rights that any human actor has including a reasonable expectation for safety they probably even get paid which is good because unlike in Toy Story these actors need food and probably other Basic Essentials I mean come on they're even showing up and winning awards at the Oscars their life doesn't seem that bad if they've got that kind of food in the green room I can't wait to taste what they have at a Governor's Ball so yeah even though they were created by the studio for a specific purpose it seems like these animations have a lot of say over how they're treated or what they do with their lives you know I I was kind of expecting like a dark twist where the animations would be horribly mistreated or something but uh it kind of seems like everything's okay in the metaverse but then why do I still feel this itch why do I look at these clips and still feel like there's something very very wrong here but I I checked I checked everywhere everything points to them being happy and treated fairly they have a good life they even get to accept awards at the Oscars wait do they accept the awards I mean yeah they they show up when they're nominated and sometimes they even get to present the award so surely they'd be able to accept this great honor if they won right the academy rules specify that animated characters must remain in their seats only real people can accept the award the academy rules specify that animated characters must remain in their seats only real people can accept the award huh is that actually a rule at the Oscars like they'll they'll allow them to present the awards but not accept them because they're not quote unquote real oh oh I get it this is just like a funny little joke they're making you know the Oscars they always got these funny comedians coming up with their funny little jokes like this the academy rules specify that animated characters must remain in their seats only real people can accept the award huh 5 years later and a different presenter says the exact same thing word for word the academy rule that animated characters must remain in their seats only real people can accept the award it sounds like this actually is a rule at the Oscars they are saying that even though these animated characters are alive and physically exist in the same world they still aren't real enough to accept the award for their own movie only real people are allowed to do that and look I know these presenters weren't actually trying to carefully set up intricate lore for the Pixar metaverse but regardless it's still part of the metaverse and I'm going to use it intentional or otherwise because just listen to what they're saying animations remain seated only real people accept the awards doesn't that just just sound like animated characters are viewed as some kind of lower class in this world and even when they are allowed on stage to present the awards we hear this now a small favor of the winner I I realize this is your big night you know and stepping on the little people is a Hollywood tradition but please when you come up to accept your award just watch your step thanks they're afraid of real people stepping on them like what of course it's a tremendous honor to be nominated with such a a prestigious group what's the secret of Kels are all cartoons I thought we got nominated like a real movie Mr Fox Says I thought we got nominated like a real movie he's upset because he wasn't nominated for best picture but instead best animated picture because he knows in this world animated movies and animated people are treated as lesser than real movies and real people you know which is true in the in the real world Oscars as well this gives a whole new context to why The Incredibles were lying in their interviews they're not just pretending like they're not in the movie they're trying trying to pretend like they're not even animated do I look like a cartoon to you kind of The Incredibles are lying because of the way animated characters are treated in this world they are clearly not considered the same as real people okay so that all paints a pretty bleak picture of the metaverse world but at least in the bloopers when they're on a film set it seems like they're treated pretty well you know they've got agents looking out for them and safety regulations and yeah that's all true but now that we have the new context in mind let's take another look at that Rex clip again hey T good morning hey how was that was I scary do I get the parts can I do it again Rex asks did I get the part this is not just an outtake this is an audition was I scary do I get the parts thank you and that's strange right why do they have to audition when they were literally made for the role they're playing like who else would auditioned for the role of Woody or Buzz other than the Woody and Buzz they literally created for that role but remember they didn't only make one of each character C I can't believe this that's a fifth time what was that guy in we see tons of Buzz Lighty years all of them alive with Buzz's same voice even out of character the only reason I could see them needing an audition process is if Pixar is creating multiple copies of the same character and then forcing them to audition and only one gets chosen again we already know Pixar makes multiple copies of their actors these blooper characters are most likely just resized copies obviously this giant Rex isn't getting a lot of work after his one scene in Toy Story 3 so it makes sense that he tried an audition to be in Monsters Inc and just imagine for a second if this is true if you were created with the belief that you are Buzz Lightyear from a Toy Story and created for the sole purpose of being the star of a movie and then you don't get the part the part you were literally created for the only reason why you exist yeah the actors who get cast in top roles all get agents and trailers and maybe even prestigious Oscar awards but what happens to the rest of the actors they created who don't get the part and again it's not like they're the same as the Toy Story toys who can just patiently wait to maybe get played with one day these animations need food and probably all the other Basic Essentials that all living things need but it's fine you know they they don't have to be in Pixar movies no one's forcing them to do anything they can just get a part in something else but think about it if you were made specifically for one role and only that role who would really hire you for anything else and it's not like these animations can change the way they look either when giant Rex auditions for Monsters Inc he still looks like a plastic toy dinosaur with very obvious hinges even though the role obviously calls for a realistic monster and no he doesn't get the part an actual realist istic Monster toy actor gets it hey P good morning and even when they do get other roles it's something small like a villain in a toothpaste commercial what are you going to do next well I'm up for this villain in a toothpaste commercial actually no he's he's not even cast at it yet he's just up for it but still the other aliens act like this is the role of a lifetime wow really that's great because for them it probably is Pixar made hundreds of these tiny alien copies that never return after this scene a villain in a toothpaste commercial is probably As Good As It Gets for these guys who are stuck looking and sounding like this forever it gives a much darker context to this blooper clip where two monsters Panic about messing up their lines go get him Mr Solomon you idiot it's Solomon not Solomon what you're messing up the seam sorry we're never going to work in hallwood again let me do it over shut up keep rolling you're making it worse they are terrified of never working in Hollywood again because they know the studio could easily replace them with an identical copy and their prospects for finding other roles in this industry are extremely limited okay that sucks but they don't necessarily need to be actors why don't they just get a different job but remember this is a world that treats animations as a lower class and some of them are tiny animations who have to worry about getting stepped on what possible role could they serve in a society run by real humans the best they could get is probably working as a crew for other tiny Pixar movies and that's exactly what we see all the crew members we see in these bloopers are not just random animations they are characters that we see in the movie they are filming so either these actors are also working as crew members on the same movie they're in which sounds unlikely or these are the reject copies of actors who weren't lucky enough to get the part so now their only option is to work as a part of the film crew which probably pays less and comes with a lot less perks you think these guys get trailers and agents remember when we saw Woody holding the Slate while they were filming A Bug's Life let me try it again okay tail was this just a fun Cameo or was this actually one of the many rejected Woody clones who didn't get the part and even for the lucky animations who do get the part and all the perks that come with it what happens after their movie ends sure some will go on to make sequels but what about the actors from A Bug's Life who never got a sequel well we know exactly what happened to them you know I can't believe that you talk them into making A Bug's Life too I can hardly believe it also but there's a little baby tiny thing I forgot to tell you what's that H It's Not A Bug's Life too well then what I I don't understand what is it then [Music] action they never got A Bug's Life too so the best these former leading actors could get is a small cameo in Toy Story 2 where they're basically the butt of a joke actually wait these aren't even the same actors from A Bug's Life they're the extra tiny copies that the studio made just for this one gag and then never used again these guys are screwed also all of this recontextualizes a lot of the cameos or Easter eggs we see in Pixar movies hear me out if they're willing to create living animations just for this one tiny gag that's barely visible in the actual movie then what about the other many bugs life toys in the background of Toy Story 2 are these just lifeless props or are they actually living animations I think every time we've seen a toy Easter egg from another movie it's actually been one of the many animated copies who are only able to get acting work as a silent background Easter egg remember none of these animations are being forced to do anything they have their own free will and rights they don't have to work on the crew or do these demeaning Easter egg rolls but what else can they do they need money to buy food but they're made in a way that makes them only useful to the Pixar Studio they've got the system rigged so so that no one's being forced to do anything no laws are being broken here but they aren't really given any better options there's even a really distasteful joke that was removed from new releases of the Toy Story bloopers that's clearly a reference to the casting couch prospector how about you and so you two are absolutely identical you know I'm sure I could get you a part in Toy Story 3 I'm sorry are we back oh all right girls lovely talking with you yes anytime you'd like some tips on acting I'd be glad to chat with you all right off you go then it's hard not to see the obvious parallels between this and the real life problems in the film industry but unlike the real film industry the actors can't unionize and strike for better rights because the studios can just create copies of the exact same actor to replace them that's the Insidious thing about these bloopers they show all of these actors laughing and having a good time on set oh everyone's friends here but it's all to hide the corrupt reality behind the scenes that's the itch I've been feeling ing this entire time it's probably why the in Universe Pixar studios's first movie was Toy Story a movie that more or less shows us how these actors were created except Pixar betrays all these toys as happily subservient to the humans who gave them life over in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest you are his toy we're Andy's toys woody we'll be there for him together they don't mind that this is their whole purpose for existing they love their humans and would do anything for them they don't even need food it's great you don't need to think about how we treat our animated actors look they're having a great time in the bloopers they love their life look everyone's joking around oh Woody pranked Buzz they're all happy it's great it doesn't matter don't think about it don't think about it and that is the Pixar metaverse theory Alex Bale's Pixar metaverse Theory okay I I came up with this Theory you got to give me credit if you wanted just restated in your YouTube videos or your Tik toks okay all right there you go that is my version of the Pixar theory who knows if any of this was actually ever intended by the creators but either way the implications are there and I think it's fun to think about regardless I am no longer the SpongeBob Theory guy I am now the meta Theory guy pointing out how every movie or show is actually a movie or show about filming that movie or show oh it's meta it is funny how many of these properties have a secret meta layer to them and and I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up making more theories about other topics essentially saying the same thing but you know it'll still be different and unique every time uh I I know I promised my next Theory would be the big final SpongeBob Mega compilation that reposted all of the old theories but with new evidence and a bunch of new Mini theories you know I I was originally hoping that that would just be an easy cash grab video where I could just recycle old content uh but it turns out I actually have a lot more to add to that than I thought yeah the the new bonus content alone in that is actually bigger than several full SpongeBob theories combined so that video is going to take a little longer to get out plus I wanted to post a theory sooner after the big break I took to make don't Feed the Muse 3 uh what else can I say um thank you for the support on the final episode of don't Fe The Muse and my film what the heck is going on which ironically has a plot that's very similar to this Theory uh so go go check that out I am am currently working on my first ever feature film probably won't have any news about that for a while honestly it'll probably just be like Theory stuff on this channel until then yeah I don't know I got two other non SpongeBob theories coming out they are really fun uh what else what else um if you want to support me I got merch I got patreon you can get access to videos early behind the scenes content and sneak peeks at Future theory topics I've already announced all the upcoming SpongeBob mini theory topics on there and I just announced one of the non-s SpongeBob topics on I'll be covering in the future thanks for all the support on both the films and the theories I will see you next time get ready this is the Pixar metaverse theory the the the theory sorry what what did I say I said Siri all right let's roll again and action [Music] [Laughter] who can we can we use that one okay everyone back to one is a sneaky little reference to the fact that the director of up is also named Alex oh wait oh I said Alex no let's go again let's go again Woody shows up as a crew member on A Bug's Life the bugs show up as toy excuse me can I can I help you Goose get out of here and why is re so big compared to the monsters monsters are hey why is everyone laughing what oh who did this which which one of you guys did this cool yeah do we did we get it we're all done awesome awesome please help me please help me I'm a prisoner here they're forcing me to do this please help this was just a a bit by the way I'm not trying to set up any ARG lore stuff in these videos
Channel: Alex Bale
Views: 1,113,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Bale, Pixar, the pixar theory, the pixar metaverse theory, pixar bloopers, pixar outtakes, Pixar conspiracy, pixar connected movie theory, the dark side of pixar bloopers, spongebob conspiracy, spongebob theory, don't feed the muse, happy meat farms, the magic school bus theory, mrs. puff theory, factor, the time travelling ghost pirate theory, game theory, matpat, the theorizer, supercarlinbros, film theory, a bugs life, toy story, monsters inc, the incredibles
Id: cIzxO4YCgsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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