The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 175

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Monday live stream time although hasn't been for the last few weeks for balers Gate 3 cuz balers Gate 3 is a big game so we've been trying to jam in lots of extra hours in here but today I was uh traveling back from out of town visiting my parents and family for Thanksgiving had a lovely time we're back here for some bg3 I'm a little tired lots of uh staying up late at night lots of getting up early in the morning because of all the kids we're going to do our best right had a lovely Thanksgiving thanks for asking do we had some great food um I made my uh apple crisp that I made on Friday turned out beautifully I was so happy with it because I've never made an apple Cris before but it turned out so good um we played a bunch of games uh we played several card games we played some rounds of settlers of Katon um uh what else do we play Just Desserts great card game kids love it I don't know I brought I bought the Just Desserts card game ages ago and then one time I brought it over to a family thing and the kids just like fell in love with this game they're obsessed with it and this was like 5 years ago at this point and it's still like the number one thing they look forward to playing when we get together for family events so it's it's so shout out to a game called Just Desserts if you're uh interested it's a good little card game what apple crisp so apple crisp is just like um a baked dessert uh with like like sort of you know your apples with sugar and cinnamon on the bottom and then the top layer is got usually you do it with like oats and brown sugar and a little bit of flour um and a couple other things so when it bakes you get this crunchy crispy topping on top of your your sort of Apple pish kind of content other other things that are similars would be apple crunch and apple buckles um and I think there's another word that I can't remember uh uh that have similar you know topped apple dessert apple pie for people who are afraid of making pie crust ah I mean it is legitimately I I was surprised how easy it was I like oh shoot I should do this more often uh but I really like the like hop cross crumble thing even if I were making an apple pie I'd probably give it a a crisp crumble top let see you ever played the flex series of games TG on right up front Flex or do you mean flux brother beard cuz yes um I have uh I have eof flux um and I've seen the TNG one be played uh ages ago on the tabletop YouTube series with will weaton willon I need to make some apple C tonight we have all ingredients yeah go any who um we're not going to uh dole any longer because we were only playing for two hours today so we need to get moving on last episode um now I don't know if it was specifically time to like this area or it's just something that could happen whenever but we we came through this doorway I think it might have been this one or maybe a previous doorway um and some like laelle burst out of it of course we didn't have lelle in our party um and you know it was pretty clear to all of us fairly early on that most likely this was Orin playing games and indeed it was what came as a surprise though as it turns out Lazelle has been kidnapped and in fact may not have been in our camp for some time it is entirely possible that the laelle that was in our camp had been a doppelganger for a while cuz we' heard word from I think it was gortz who lead the laid the seed of uh ooh there's a Doppel ganger camp and I assumed it was the little girl but maybe it had been lasel for a while who knows these things I don't know um so I have to make that a priority Mission really uh is to get her back and the the deal for it is really I have to go and um and take out Orin uh or sorry take out Gort uh so Orin abducted lelle she'll told us she'll release her if we kill Gort and that's okay Gort is definitely on the schedule it's on the to-do list there's no doubt about it uh but before we do that we're going to go with plan uh somehow disable the steel watch um because if we do that presumably Gort will be a little bit more vulnerable so that's what we're going to be looking to do we're going to go to The Foundry and either convince the nobes not to play along or we'll blow it up with our big giant bomb um we are going to advance a little bit more into these sewers though just cuz I expect to find a fast travel point and so I figured we should at least push on to there and then we'll go and figure out how to get to the uh to The Foundry very well let's start moving on I think yeah this side just some dead refugees which may or may not have been because I I stepped on this little trap over here when we're fighting some cultists lots of very intense sounds in this place you have a name Refugee farbs uh oh we don't have to speak with dead running looks a little like Gort uh uh speak with that corpse too damaged now I've heard that like larion had gone and like mutilated some corpses to prevent like to have to cut back on how much speak with dead uh We've needed now I don't think we've really encountered a lot of that in act one so it might be more of an act three thing okay so this to me lever we've got a kind of a rope thing going on presumably pull this thing back and forth I mean I don't know if the lever does it and it's a little out of range although someone could jump over there may we could Mage hand it got a grease bottle go curious so I don't know why the game doesn't have your characters just stop when you spot a trap cuz it would be pretty convenient I thing is when I saw the grease bottle I was like huh it looks like the setup to some sort of trap or something like that yep yep yep okay lock door keep a blade close there in please challenge so who should we bring with us to The Foundry cuz I think we're going to want um we're going to want will around and um um carlac when we go and challenge Gort cuz I mean well yeah both they both have personal reasons for that um do we bring aarion do we bring shadart I mean we kind of bring Shadow heart for everything so it kind of makes me think we drop Aion and just pick up Will don't linger for that what this Cranium rat are the gods truly this Petty shadart just got another like pain event from her wound stay interesting I have to speak with dead one day I'll catch a break I have something to ask a cranium we see we no must have been some other oozing stinking lump floating Downstream H I'll keep forgetting what so shut out carlac one more I mean if Will doesn't have anything terribly notable for the gorach encoun or right sorry uh first yeah first The Foundry is there anyone I should bring for The Foundry specifically so because I'm thinking I'll probably just go with this party as is for oh we got a waypoint excellent that's exactly what I was hoping for because yeah I so I want to go to The Foundry um so if we can just come back to the sewers later very conveniently and it looks like that's going to be the case that's what I want to do sh show find the steel watch Foundry Foundry is in lower City down by the docks okay so just open up this map but we're definitely underground do we have a waypoint [Music] to lower City itself I'm not [Music] sure oh okay well up here there must be there must be some sort of ladder or hatch going upwards over here because we have a bunch of markers including the uh steel watch Foundry um and avenge iron hands so I guess from here we do go north this way all right let's do that or is basilis gate lower City oh [Music] okay thanks the reubs who's who's got Vision over here is that the rat tast great I think the rat is breaking our inv Viv which is kind of a little Annoying now how swim I'm just going to start the fight the hello so we popped a grease method which presumably exp loods into a bunch of Grease which then lit on fire oh a bunch more stuff just join the fight over here okay no choice but to keep that's a little unexpected but fine how come I have a sword oh I yeah I just have a random sword in my hand because it was giving us a boost to something yeah bonus saving throws against spells I wonder if we can reach over here for an AOE like if Dell moved over to here do you think we could land something there cuz that would be quite nice like just like a like a SLE storm or the um oh we don't have insect plague even just a spike growth it looks like the answer is [Music] yes so that will hit everyone right away hang on you're not alive are you no okay good I mean you're just a cultist so I guess it doesn't matter May the gods take you first oh my God even more R uh uh who the hell are you okay this this may be a little bit more intensive a fight than I expected but I guess that's fine let me just pop under cover here with Dell shall we cut and run all right we're not going to want to F around here we're definitely going to want to deal some serious damage where we can this is outside normal range we're still 95% chance though despite the disadvantage although if I screw up a little bit more there you go 99% watch me still get xomed over here you explode into grease no you do not I'm not as worried about you hiding and in fact I'm wondering if I should split up I don't know what kind of AOE might happen but I don't know seems worth breaking line of sight maybe still water Elemental if I bonus action Elemental warp I can jump forward and we can provide a target for these guys that isn't one of my Mains whack whack whack yeah explode some more that's that's fine I'm sorry is my water Elemental burning listen I don't know much about physics and chemistry and phrenology but I kind of feel yeah it's a grease fire yeah but still if anything he should be just causing little mini explosions by walk around I guess I'll move out of the fire here H I really would like it if I think I want them to come closer before I do anything with carlac here although they probably can't reach her this round if I just put her here that should break most line of sight yeah it's a little sucky that she's basically doing nothing on this round but I think that's going to have to be the way it's going to have to be I'm sorry what hithra Voss okay I wasn't expecting you there did see ad me Us in the sewers but I still wasn't expecting that we stopped right on the edge of the uh Thorns luckily these things all have pretty low hit points and seem fairly likely to chain some explosions so they a the flying movement they might be able to go over the the things although actually I think we've seen these like sort of hover creatures before oh you're doing the thing where you're summoning more I think a lot of them don't um oh no it isn't taking damage from the spikes okay is it possible these things weren't necessarily going to be hostile I mean I was like oh I'm going to start up a sneak attack but now of a I'm like hold on if they're being led by a dude maybe we could have done some talking oh well too late so I have to remember that shadart is a paladin now we did change her around to do that um she can't reach super annoying I can probably do like a jump and then close in we could also have her set up a spell which actually might not be the worst thing in the universe we could have her start up a moon beam and just try to start applying some damage and then next turn she can just keep focusing on that um but a smite's pretty good feel the face we could drop some blesses too which honestly isn't the worst thing uh so I probably could do a jump and engage I could also just drop some blesses and move forward I think I'll probably jump up and engage this guy although if we kill him he'll probably explode and lead to more fire but you know what tough oh no death but second attack yep I mean we're not taking very much damage ree is the word yeah shoot first talk to the dead later there you go cannibal all right yeah the fact that these people are immune to all the ground based conditions so Dell's opening oh I think that skeleton might be glowing Dell's opening move may not have been the best although it might be slowing down those big guys they are stacking up very nicely for maybe some Fireball Shenanigans we're going to take a look at what kind of resistances these things might have this the grease balls takes tons of damage they immune to difficult terrain so they're not getting slowed down either all right so all in all this is actually really annoying uh where the heck are they going they trying to find another way to path that doesn't involve going through the spikes I suspect that's the case although they're I suspect it's probably very helpful to us that they're mostly spreading themselves out now Aion are you going to get some kind of angle on any of these guys no so over here yes which I think we're going to want to pop those methods while they're out of range yeah we will have disadvantages of the range uh I'm going to go ahead and risk it anyway there we go that's what I was hoping You're vulnerable to fire huh okay I mean makes sense grease ball and all survival is all that matters ah Dell well I guess I could drop my Spike concentration and just start a concentration on carlac for haste instead since the spike trap's not doing much although again it might be slowing down these big grease Elementals they might be leery about going through this then what else I mean I wish I had a fireball uh but unfortunately we do [Music] not I know plan haste carlac is like probably pretty good I don't know I kind of want to leave this up for one more round though so what can Dell do instead is this a bonus action no cuz I didn't do the thing cuz that would have been the great way to do it burn off the concentration with concentrated blast and recan another spell but I don't think Dell has a really good alternate option for a standard action I mean we could just shape shift but then that doesn't put me in a very good place for me to haste carlac next turn you know we could look into Scrolls is that I like the idea of all right we only got the one but that's fine no wonder if the gods are watching me I know this is going to put you at some amount of risk are you out of movement I should have done a flight right from the start oh wow yeah I really don't have much in the way of movement um I mean I could do a shadow step over here for an angle but I don't really like that fudge H just throw some flaming W well I even throw I won't have the range uh fire Shield really oh you know we could prop a glip for warding um why am I not able to select the variant right now is it because I wasn't casting it from my [Music] inventory so sleep is quite good can i c no oh there we go all right that's good it'll get triggered when an enemy walks in there and that's going to be fine okay oh hello you uh I'm not going to side backlash in case I want to use reaction or something else that is actually somewhat annoying attack me not like sari not like her I really wonder what this guy would have had to say to me if I had uh walked up first on the other hand I we did get to engage from a distance and kill off a lot of things without being surrounded we're going to have to heal her next round action she's going to have to raise rage this time the Sleep clyff didn't cast properly okay I wondered about that yeah yeah yeah fire blah blah blah and then she doesn't have any extra movement oh she's just out of movement now well not totally I didn't realize I hadn't actually killed this grease ball I was I thought I had I know you're going to take a bunch of damage there us but hopefully you can get in range for your range attack yeah there we go carlock's on fire Carl doesn't care yep I mean the heat of aus is her you know her native experience right I wonder if she does is she the tling variant that does have the resistance to fire so we can check that what are you up to you're yeah summoning some friends yeah they're all temporarily hostile so it would have been possible for me to actually run away and reset the fight as well I don't know if all teth Lings have resistance to fire I didn't know if it it mattered what their variant was in terms of resistances I don't know I don't play a lot of tlinks earling Grease so rude you concentrating on oh uh Shield of Faith okay not the most critical of memorization stuff I think I might just get um Shadow heart to Misty steep aort over here and just whale on this guy oh I lost my concentration from his flame Shield right right right um oh is this the ranged version not what I want I need M can't move um maybe I mean he's pretty stuck in as is I think we're going to do is we're actually going to like intentionally use okay well it missed anyway so it doesn't matter um a Divine Smite to try to apply some more damage to this guy so are you going to die oh you're going around oh what interesting pathing we forced on these guys okay so as much as was complaining that Dell Spike growth wasn't doing much it seems to actually be doing quite a lot although maybe a big guy literally couldn't squeeze through here that might have been what was going on you say bg3 is one of the best tpgs ever made just one of the best made recently oh definitely one of the best like made like period um in fact like a candidate for one of the best games I've ever played period you know if I I can't imagine a situation where I'd make a top five list of games and boulders Gate 3 wasn't in that top five it's hard because there's some you know there's always recency bias right but all right so we qued you we don't have a bonus action do more stealth things so we'll just going to go ahead and stay here and beat you up um I don't remember do we have an arrow that silences is that a thing that exists and is it one we have Arcane interference I only have the one though it's been a little bit I think U maybe I should have wait made sure I got Advantage before using that Arrow because if it misses it's terrible uh that's awful what was that it was rainor with the pineapple Olive and jalapeno pizza thank you very much hey cheers that's a spicy Hawaiian this time this is the one that all derived from a conversation um about a scene in uh Deadpool 1 I like I like olives and I like pineapple but I'm usually choosing one versus the other to put on a pizza and I said I would never combine the two and then I in Deadpool one uh uh way does and I was like I wonder like what that would be like anyway I we put it on the treat stream by demand and there it is turns out Delicious By the way well you were right on one L's early game Divine Divinity oh yeah I've never played any of the Divine games other than Divi Divinity original sin one and two and I never finished one so Dell was still was going to have maybe plans Hasting carlac let's assuming he can get there well I'm sure he can with his flight powers yeah I think that's probably the way to go now I'm going to engage flight mode oh wait I forget haste has got a range in bg3 doesn't it so I think it's a touch spell in most games but that should be close enough going do that which is going to drop the spikes which I think is fine now I could also drop a healing word here but it doesn't seem worthwhile at all so I think are people trying to get around this way way I mean eventually but it's a long way Dell could peek around there maybe what I'll do now is maybe I'll swing myself back over this way with the plan of having Dell help out against Alis here just trying to block some line of sight still this light power is so good I do kind of want to give it to all my characters but invigorating flames the corps of nearby grease Elementals resurrecting them as lava Elementals okay I'm going to counter spell that with Sonic dominance right yeah we're going to just counter spell that one that sounds bad yeah shove might be interesting right there my God what is their AC it's only 15 that's actually kind of embarrassing the absolute pass all right carlac you're hasted uh I going to go and second win yourself for your bonus action and that's probably a decent idea finish that one off wait for the animation wait for the animation wait for it wait there it is okay it's my delayed blast imp ball could drop some butterflies here cuz there's a couple of people stacked but I don't think they'll stay that way oh this guy here is probably going to stick around you know what I will go and I'm going to enjoy this butterfly this area you still have another attack well let's go and finish off the methods I mean he yes they keep exploding but fine okay so this guy wants to engage me he's going to have to walk into the butterfly area step back a tiny scooch just to make sure in case this guy's got some weird reach stuff I think that's what I'll do I'll just pull back a tiny little bit here there now you'll stand in the butterflies very explicitly um oh he might decide to come this way for us which isn't necessarily the end of the world or us can just go behind here and then try range attack on greas element or on this GRE over here maybe that'll be the thing to do I know he's standing in fire deal with it we're all standing in fire nice hit good a Greek method yes tell me a word any word and I will tell you why that word is Greek or the roots of that word is Greek there it's been a long time since I've watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding love that movie great fun great fun turn me on to pineapple and jalapeno I mean what a great combo I mean hot and sweet oh yeah all right this jerk face is getting down kind of low jerk face I don't know anything about them really I'm kind of the Baddie but no that that'll have to be the case um can we position ourselves have to keep going let's actually try the thunderous Smite for the 3 meter knockback oh they just went thr I just realized if I did send him in here I might not be able to loot them so that might have actually been poor uh yeah of course will theine SP Smite on the crit sure this pathing is excellent uh yeah okay he's about to go so we should finish him off um is a Stan the way to do it cuz I could also finish him off like magic missiles from Dell or yeah he could just go up there and whack him I mean the melee is not really a thing oh Dell can actually shape shift at this point too since he's got his concentration going on maybe I should shape shift and then bounce on this guy and then Ain can focus on um hitting something a lot more stuff he do oh he does have this Mark for the uh this is our hunting go right nothing important is I think I like the idea of trying to just stomp on this guy's face we want to L crushing flight good he's dead o we got a key what does it say small Iron Key Cinder mooth cloak creature that damages the wear within 2 meters receives burning oh plus two Quarter Staff and a scroll of fly I just want to fly all right park yourself there you can leap across next turn and then aarion let's move reapply Hunter mark oh outside normal range but just barely though can you do it from here perfect just an explosion of numbers War report you have been turned brutal as well which is nice let's cut with fire baby nice uh let's go and have you drink a greater potion of healing or the biggest potion of healing we've got supreme healing probably Superior okay oh Supreme um this will be fine 69 hit points it's pretty nice uh I guess yeah the butterflies isn't a concentrate thing she's going to have to run through her own butterflies yeah she doesn't care need to learn the hard way hello friend raise the Crickets I'm like you want me to roast some got cold sweat thinking about it uh I like uh real crickets very tasty oh um oh it's a one turn cool down for synaptic discharge interesting I was just going to blast away again well I think the fight's going okay I mean we're certainly taking some damage is that owl bear cubs in your party roster how do you selected uh I don't know not the ow bear cub I have us and I have water Elemental and of course I'm an owl bear not an ow bear cub I'm a full-on owl Bear all right um long walk around we can use another spell slot to Misty step over here that actually going to work I don't think so on the move oh maybe will there we go uhum okay interesting walking option and now you don't have enough movement Shadow heart seriously um yeah saved that's a shame Shield blow oh yeah her hit points are a little lower maybe I should have given her some defensive spell instead what the Crickets tastes like to you it's like that like popcorn I mean they don't actually have a lot of flavor so usually you like throw in a bunch of seasoning and stuff trying to figure out the best place to be here so I can walk up yeah it looks like about here I'm not sure that's going to be close enough I think we're going to due for a rest pretty quickly after this so I'm going to go ahead and just Misty step up which means I won't get to reapply my um my hunter Mark but that's okay can you get an angle on this guy this way oh yeah butterflies oh no I lost my concentration uh we can turn off the Sharpshooter for this there you go and that got rid of one of the Summers um summons the only way out is through oh we can't even see the flight there it is oh I didn't think I was going to land in the moon beam I thought it was fine there there we go I find the moonman radius so hard to judge it feels like it's much it looks to me like it's a lot smaller than it actually is now obiously not really concerned if the water Elemental end up ends up dying that seriously pull in new grease balls wow this is going to feel good you know what I think you're just going to have to pull out your bow here just to maintain your rage I don't think this one's in combat although it might become in combat if I head anywhere towards it I mean that might be fine so jumping down here is going to lead to some damage right H oh [ __ ] that stuff is death okay don't get shoved into that you know what us go ahead and make the jump down I know you'll take some damage and the butterflies the fall fire nice crit buddy concentrate I mean the chance of Landing prone is kind of annoying seems simple enough especially since it will break concentration I can't cancel the butterflies right no it's not a concentration effect there how come you didn't uh she she used her bonus action but didn't actually do the jump which also means I can't heal I'm like I could heal instead but I guess that's not going to happen that's too far away for the Moonlight oh everything about this is very annoying actually okay let's just do an up casted heal wounds on yourself then and we'll figure out what we're doing with you next turn that is not a lot of healing actually I wonder if I should just pull back at this point get a little closer be nice to get rid of the disadvantage here blood comes easy these days now let's just go Theo Gins turn off the glow do this okay yeah it's not covering that one move a little this way don't actually draw an attack there we go oh we actually out of combat um if not over then through make it back over here please grp up everyone come herey coming good okay all right it ended woo okay let's do a short rest real quick I can keep going oh even my minions heal from that that's nice let's do some Luda boots although I suspect that outside of the um the wizard there's probably not much notable here be great to have the consol's um AOE loot there was a dead cultist here but no that's not worth anything rotten another one here nope okay looted that oh capture orders the wizard is a lunatic who's already murdered one of his close companions out of sheer paranoia is likely none would believe his tale of tadpoles no matter what truth we saw but end him all the same Orin will Brook no failure when we are so close and even a lost soul will make a fine offering to our lord well I guess we did the work of the absolute by killing that guy but you know XP and loot and all those things okay hold on are you blowing sarin skeleton there's no time to waste insert item still alive so that's progress with pleasure h well ends not as bad as it could have scorched book a barely legible Journal a page was marred by Scorch marks in blood lat a score belonged to Enver Gort tried to lay low with scor Ball's crew but he's lost it lumped in with this cult says Gort will find us wherever we go sarin knows a place in the sewers Sarah's not acting right she's hidden The Score says we been acting crazy she's not wrong about bki punching the corner muttering prayers if the old gods can ward off this absolute Shooks him sense into bki and he agrees sarin trust her she's the only one who knows the way in and out of here she's if she's with the cult betray no choice we make it clean all right I'm going to try this PE with that no what do you mean no Target for did the developers just give up on speak with dead in act three wait do you not have a head oh I don't think it has a head so that's why there's a like the the um combine interface we can add a head over here I don't think we've picked up anything like that where's that other slime Mo it's over there careful I might leave the TRS might be the last thing left from the Shadows you do have oh you didn't even have this ah crape didn't re-hide again but turns out that's fine sounds like fun s why so op just non-stop 99% chances to hit massive insane damage yes please check that oh we have to do jump you know what it's not going to have anything I don't care door door door I want to talk to Voss I think Voss is the setup for going after the oric hammer and stuff and right now I'm I'm too too concerned with um trying to save Lazelle to deal with that I might not bother with the boss right away um and I'd probably want laselle with me for all that so uh I need to get away from Alis for a while we've been hiding down here for a while the dark is beginning to get him he keeps pushing his fire further and further further into the tunnels he almost burned barki before we could get him out of the way those two can't keep their head straight then I'll have to for all of us something about heads all right painted chest the element of surprise I want to click on lock Pi please hey not 20 H what's that what's what oh a loose Stone I'll just help myself the painted key probably for the painted chest Scroll of cloud kill I'm no expert on water but that looks lethal htic brine abandon sistern okay I'm still thinking we go and maybe go up to the surface um there was a ladder over here so again since we kind of have plan we want to save lasel I think that's the thing to do I mean if there was anything nearby I was going to go for it but I think we'll we'll come back to this later why is that pillar glowing that what's all that about we don't need no we don't need to sneak anymore one step at a time huh do the door wear vosses I think so but there's a lab over here so we're going to take that we might have to Camp too I am holding very still go ahead and scan watch oh my God they're rping as steel [Music] Watchers slow butt cinnamon and pumpkins all right what do we got here uh murder Target figuro oh Nesha Alexander I mean we should probably let people know that someone's trying to kill them wasn't that sure the person was just wandering here a second ago they're up here somewhere shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times moving in shelter man oh this is a flaming fist area Sparky hey Sparky hold on I got to talk to the dog run run run run run run oh friend hello I think Bella gets in that mindset sometimes run run run run run run run run why are you running around in circles this running is brilliant your own is calling for you you should probably stop running stop running but you're right but then I won't be running anymore no I get it man rushing isn't that good be careful I heard dogs only Run 100 times in their lives ah no see I like this one running will feel even better tomorrow if you take a little break for the day I like that hey I can animal friendship for Advantage I'm warm I think the uh I think the heat's on well it must be on cuz it's snowing today and if you guys don't know the basement here is always inverted temperature because it's so well insulated compared to the rest of the house that if we've got the heat running the basement gets real
Channel: quill18
Views: 2,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, baldur's gate, baldur's gate iii, bg3
Id: dLyPwzdVHR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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