The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 187

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it's you she's upstairs but be warned she's not as you remember her do she have a really viny face El in Boss Journal here goes nothing your humble cleric seeks the power to journals written in elegant hands on each page a gauntlet with a staring eyes carefully drawn I was lost when I came to the city a coward a drunkard I thought everything that made me worthy had been Stripped Away by by the honest head I'm going to say honest and then Marina found me she helped me remember the tenants I once fought for courage honor duty duty she brought me back to helm she saved my life now my savior my friend is in pain he hag hexed her trapping her in the body of a sheep with my job to protect her and the others I failed if she dies I will not I will be not long following her there's a safe on the wall not a very deep safe hel let us not some of this might become un theft once we clear it out where did that laughing sound come from there's an ink spatter Journal over here too lady Marina the journal is written sloppy ink spattered hand and dotted with drawings of stick figures CL Med some nice people they didn't laugh when CL told them about the red cats and the rats and the hag CL thinks he finally made friends the landlord is angry he says all the weird things happening are all fral but they're not the landlord doesn't care he says we have to leave my friends are sad which means clad is sad CL wants to help CL found a place to stay it belonged to old garlo but he doesn't live there anymore my friends are really happy they thank cl cl is happy he did a good job I am not worthy let my life alone be the one the hag takes all right let's talk to CL he seems like a cool dude please pleas help lady Marina she's nice and kind and sweet to cled to uh everyone you think Marina is sweet I found more Sor to be honest well yeah but she was going through a rough time you and Marina sound close friends only lady Marina is too pretty and kind for the likes of Cl oh dude you got to get some self-esteem hex CL will take care of her feeding shearing scratching behinder can we recruit cled CL will do his best he could be the official um dog and Owl bear Handler in our camp any idea how to remove the hex no CL isn't good at hagm you SE her husband can't help sweet lady Marina I'm not going to say these others let's talk to JLo what are you you a dragon born convenient you showing up like this you may have the others fooled but I shall be keeping a close eye on you really want to get a good screenshot of Dell's face I might just randomly change the thumbnail of the series Marina's an old friend I wouldn't hurt her I mean I mean we'll go for it but and stop wasting my time and go help her all right oh his eyes are flaming you see that hold on no wait I'm not I don't want to talk to the water Meridan are you here to help marinaa or simply flame effects on the eyes is that the thing that all dragon born have or if I did I would not be we got a wooden hatch in the basement that might be another way to get in here but oh that's was laughing probably dragon born and demon eye colors and the Character Creator flame in the Nam okay um sorry I want to talk to meina damn it this the last time I saved you you hear me this aler Marina it's me I'm here to help are you all right listen to to me the doll the doll what doll what are you talking about okay I've already seen the doll but I guess Dell hasn't yet sure do yeah yeah we're going to find the do hey Connor how's it going man good really you don't say lady Marina hoof hoof trotten diary the page starts off written An Elegant curse of but soon devolves into scrawling mess I dreamed of ethyl again she laughed mouthful of my guts as she ripped my baby from my stomach with her teeth I screamed and so did the babe and then wait is she still pregnant right now while she's in sheep form I screamed and so did the babe but then it changed into a doll a horrible looking thing I woke up freezing cold and but burning hot while I ever escape the godamn witch I saw the doll again but it was no dream CL was telling me about a nice Cloud he saw outside when I spotted over his shoulder staring at me I screamed and poor CL started screaming too so I lied and said I saw a mouse I think I just need to sleep the doll it's everywhere I tried to warn the others but I can't speak can't walk my fingers stiffen as I write Adrian get the page ends in a bizarre off-kilter scroll there's a Jonathan Colton song called creepy doll that I'm reminded of all of a sudden for some reason that I I don't know why all right oh we got some rotten floorboards over here which we can probably yeah we can smash if we want all right let's poke the voodoo doll what a strange looking dll [Laughter] uhhuh where did it go off to we just to keep poking it what a strange looking and then eventually something will progress or is it just going to keep moving us around here maybe I should just back it instead of poking it okay it went back over there it's got hit points bad Omen there's something suspicious about this doll you don't say when what a strange looking dog all you're going to say every time huh you're new place I'm going to I'm going to click you a few more times but I'm I don't feel like anything's coming of it I suspect it's just got a few different spawn spots to go okay let's try to set it on fire well there is remove curse as a possibility but I don't know hag magic is pretty brutal and I kind of like plan setting things on fire let's see what happens when we do that says it's cursed got a condition cursed well that's an idea and hold on what if it is her baby that's been turned into a voodoo doll that would be pretty bad let's get going I think D can cast remove curse I'm not sure what a level four spell isn't it maybe it's level three maybe maybe cleric maybe Druids don't have it I think it's immune to fire anyway yeah it's not I don't think it's level two I think it's level three and he doesn't have um Gail might be able to do it we might have a scroll that's true too oh yeah probably have a bunch well not a bunch but two looks like that hurt get it off [Music] your it was the Dragon Ball you removed my hex oh was your hex that's annoying what I wanted to play a little longer Auntie likes her toys broken what she's not going to be happy I had to get my hands dirty what a Twist you're hex you're behind this they want to hurt Auntie they have the book I will die before I let anyone touch your hair on her head a book I'm looking for heg Charmed you don't you're saying don't know anything about this book if nothing to do with it and I know 10 ways to kill you before you can blink we do I mean I wish I could do aion's voice and I know 10 ways to kill you before you can no I do like that we got a rogue option you serve a perversion of Nature and this now before I end you because of course aerin's also a ranger and finally we're also a fighter you're outnumbered out match stand down I think we're going to we're going to say the Rog line for a Stan here the others I will leave to rot in this house but you I will gift Auntie your corpse wrapped in your own intestin uh yes he's assassin gloomstalker two levels of fighter for uh action searge all right where is he oh he's over here no again oh we see a red cap oh yeah makes sense blood lost five turns cre Tri can attack three times regains hit points if it lands a killing blow Ethel's Twisted blessing as one of eth's loyal servants this Red Cap additional oh yeah gets a bunch of stats that's why cuz he was like he's level five listed but he doesn't look like level five this red Cap's blood loss is subdued when they're trace of alcohol and targets blood which which means they will primarily Target creatures who are sober I'm sorry you can get drunk to counteract this person's [Music] damage well that's interesting I wonder if that's like um sometimes the only way out is through like a historical story thing all right it's not standing on there let's turn someone inside I mean we can do some attacks I'd ra i I'd like to have we have Advantage so we're going to have sneak attack bonus regardless so I don't have to worry wor about like threatening or anything like that I mean I can't see this thing being a threat well see this coming we freeze him mobilize him yeah maybe yeah cuz what if I mean it sounds like he's going for us but wa what if you goes for the uh the friendlies maybe I should have um ining strike but too late we can't do that right now so let me eat let's prep our BRAC both of celestial light excellent there eat frightened status oh my God the Stan's not even fair and you deserve this treacherous prick deserve this treacherous prick wow don't mind my step let's have a look my love my darling Auntie has sent you a little present a hex doll just from Merina use it to scare her and her little cronies off or butcher them I don't care just find that book or I'll rip out your lungs and feed them to your brothers lots of love Auntie that's ly I'm so tired how do people do this all day hang on I want to go downstairs and I'm worried I'm missing out some conversation here but I got to upstairs first there's a ladder I want to see what's up [Music] here yeah you can you can do the um the Assassin build can be even more deadly if you abuse like getting out and re-entering combat going until but we don't do that'll soon the our there's an argument to be made that the um the thief subass with its extra bonus action um maybe stronger even if you're not doing like dual wield crossbow stuff which isn't as brok as it used to be because the Sharpshooter thing has been corrected um and if you and if you're not abusing the Assassin re-entering combat stuff then you know maybe the thief would be better and I'm not I'm not doing that but I think it's still pretty good and that first round like Alpha strike is insane that's the thing you can you can reset the the combat entry with if you want then assassin something good here I hope all right um CA are you you okay there camera thank you Marina need a quick word how you and your husband doing Ling scaly little [ __ ] thanks for knifing the bastard you know what I think I'm starting to like her you've saved me I'm starting to think you're my guardian angel look at me and how Angelic I look good to see you again you you made an adorable sheep you know what I kind of I want to kind of Raz her a little bit you made an adorable sheep thanks but my m mouth tastes like mutton and I'm itching in hard to reach places I'm going to make the witch that did this pay and I have the see I like this may ARA a lot more than the first time we met her is made of survivors people like me who've been hurt by hags I brought them together to fight back we tracked a hag to the city but lost her Trail right after she feels like they should have updated her makeup though snatch little girl any leads on the missing girl none her mother has no idea of what she's up against poor woman thinks the fist will be able to help her the moment I started investigating the missing girl I felt the hag's eye on me next thing I was sprouting wool and bleeding up a storm you were going to give your kid to a hag willing ly maybe this is the same you know what we're going to call her out a little bit more When someone tells you day in day out that you'd be a useless mother well you start to believe it who knows what she's done to this woman look I know you're busy with big time heroics I mean we kind of need to save the world a child's life is on the line and her mother is the best lead we've got I mean yeah yeah of course of course of course thank you with you at our side that hag won't know what hit her check the safe in the back I've done my homework on hags since we last Tangled with Ethel take whatever you need I know it by heart anyway I know the husband in the background knocking about bassilus gate at the flame what if we'd stolen her husband when we had that chance oh Marina than thank us for helping to rot out the spy in their midst you receive staff of interruption plus two oh it's got counter spell buil Inay close all right well that's very interesting I can open the safe now without counting as that ases of dried fa flow which lets you make PS Bane here's Stan Journal this book seems part diary part scientific study detailed diagrams of hags from Green honest to Dune fill the margins this page is written in a harsh sloping scroll sentences are blurred but will look like tears the girl is dead we were close so close affecting it another day and she would have been safe but we were too late it was too much for the mother I found her swing from the rafters this morning Helm forgive me for not saving her forgive me for not saving her child 2 years old and eaten alive by a hag what is wrong with this world but it doesn't have to be this way I'm on to something I need know it hags have powerful digestive systems it's what allows them to turn a child into a hag however their gut Flor is incredibly sensitive to certain alchemical agents the right ingredients and helmet our side could theoretically Force Amis emesis or whatever this is um vomiting right just say okay so what we need to do is we have to find a child cover it in the solution and feed it to a hag yeah causing the hag to vomit up a stolen child I both pray this works and that'll never have to use it detailed instructions follow on how to make what the author calls TS Bane I know Conor but just a little longer all right feel like staff Interruption need to summon a few sheep or something throughout the spell cter a hunter's guide to hgs I promise an exerpt from a hunter's guide to hags by the Legendary dwarfen Ranger amandine Hartwood text in this exerpt has been underlined several times all but the most arrogant of hags from Knight to Burr know that death is a possibility as such they won't hesitate to bend the rules of the material plane to escape death's clutch returning stronger than ever to do this hags use of all things the common and humble mushroom by imbuing the spore producing fungi with her Essence she can endlessly revive herself neither blade nor bow will do these fungi lasting harm the very Twisted magic that heals the hag defends them instead fire is your ally burn the mushrooms to ashes and your blade will strike the hag's True Heart true but a warning Hunter even in death a he is dangerous be quick be Swift and be deadly you know we did find um mushroom circles anti place a while ago hags Bane grenade so any Essence and Ashes of DED Fay flower force a hag that has consumed doed a child to discor it instantly all [Music] right good I guess what was the loud bang when you first attack with the stering boat in this fight I wonder if it was the proc of the um uh the The Guiding strike or whatever it's called this is all my fault Marina was hexed M days after the dragon born joined us why didn't I see it EG and their agents are liars and cheats by Nature lucky I was here to save your asses Wen stupid that's no excuse they're very deceptive I know what they're like yet still I welcom the dragon born with open arms Marina was right about you oh it was it probably wasn't a proc hold on for saving her when I couldn't it was probably I used uh I used the Bose's ability the bolt Celestial probably sound first and then hey how you feeling Dragon Bor was cl's friend friend why why would he hurt lady Mar or he's only pretending to be a friend it was all a ploy Marina can be very annoying you need to do a better job protecting Mar Marina I mean depending on how this is like I don't want to like I don't want him to feel guilty but it's like you know be ever that much more like you know Vigilant around her guard her that much more carefully I don't know one or three probably doesn't make a difference but feel first one gets that across a bit too though yeah I guess that's true we go one but lady Marina was kind to him to us anyone who works lady Marina is cl's enemy but anyone who helps her he's cl's friend find thank you all right my way glad we could work that out buddy what's this hatch lead to tr careful I bite traps how considerate I have more questions there are traps about actually what's next let's make sure theid is in here delicious be careful what the hell is going on down here I wonder if they set these up to prevent anyone from coming up from below You' think they would have said something and by the way be careful if you're going to the basement we set it up the bomb that's curious why would the hell there would be a pressure plate there to disarm now I'm actually wondering if I shouldn't have disarmed it if I should have walked on it open crooked touch oh did I M freaking Guidance the Meridan have a locked on my mind and well in it of course I did this way AR darling could you please come back here is that blood someone there um please tell me that's wine it doesn't actually tell me what it is but a Stan's not reacting as if it's like blood so I'm assuming Quick St it's just some wine barrels this guy really protecting his wine barrels that carefully um greeting to this home's new occupants to whom it may concern we shall never meet but I'm garlo and I've spent most of my life in the walls in which you now find yourself I served long within this home such that it was left to me when my master died I devoted myself wholly to a life of service but found once my time had finished that I had hardly lived for myself a single day that's changed now I depart for [ __ ] Sham in the morning and hope to see the world from there please take care of this little place it was my whole world best garow well that's not what I expected garlo's retirement plan list of things to do climb a tree have a truly exceptional sandwich I feel that I feel that I'm getting quite peckish all of a sudden spend a whole day reading visit Water Deep get a massage swim in the konar buy a new coat get a cat well I'm a little surprised by this basement but all right I'm still confused by the traps certainly still breathing despite everything no I have not climbed Mount house yet yeah we got to talk to him again the easy path as us that's all right guess some more loota bles you blood in down no wouldn't want that I was ignoring on the way in cuz it was going to feel rude all right there some blood down [Music] there is that a cave that what if it doesn't work that sounded like um the song that the um The Bard uh was playing from the drw oh I'm sorry d d you can literally fly D so embarrassing let me mass stealth everyone just so the rest of party members are stealth in fight breaks out and I can get them to join in here properly this calls for careful footwork plea to Gort judging by its many wrinkles this note has been crumpled unfolded and Rec crumpled countless times dearest Lord Gort your almightiness resplendant master balers thanks to a punishment most just I have come to know the error of my ways and the wrongness of my heart I hereby renounce my previous alliances and vow my undying loyalty and Service as proof of my good faith I am willing to offer you the names and locations of all gnomes I know who conspire against you in your infinite wisdom and Grace I'm certain you would reunite me with my husband's Span in exchange with grave sincerity Phoenix lons breathe deep and [Music] move drenal of aan worker oh oh then I knew that that's a that's a reference to the sitcom Family Matters and the character Steve Urkel um artifice can outdo magic given the right Smith and good set of RAM materials I've carried these words with me all my life and now I'm beginning to question whether it's really true whatever they're doing here with all the steel it's not for good forgive me gond but if we get out of here alive I don't think I'll ever touch an anvil again something over there did they just wash up here oh it's not a cave burgundy these boots have seen everything that it then just just bodies of guilt guilt generating bodies really does look like it might be something but it's not feel slightly insult you felt the need to clarify the reference suggesting it is somehow old or outdated yeah I don't know you know I'm sure everyone is fully aware I water meran can follow us with flight which is kind of nice can't slow down all right so you know we got a a little heaping of [Music] guilt this place more Quakes damn it Daisy I talk to you sorry but I'm a little busy here I'm I'm okay oh Autos saving Gods I knew I should have done this before guard Counting house door oh somewhere one hello I need a loan I have no collateral whatsoever everyone's queuing it's not required but it is nice to have it buys a number of ways to keep life interesting calm that's true one of the Gnomes did betray the others that is that is true house family Vault list Cur to put my hands on everything someone who wants to take hang on ravengard can we'll open the ravengard vault Bank alarm machine we just do it a heist hang on hang on hang on but for some reason there's no cue for this line for over here I don't know why welcome to the counting house I'm head clerk me honey how may The Fellowship of financiers serve you a relaxed tone and easy smile but the halfling Shi have a lot of collateral damage though something has him rattled uh is someone holding you hostage you know I think I want to do the mind reading for it because my thought is like is someone like holding a knife to him behind the scenes or something and we don't want to overhear let's just let's just do a probe thoughts will this one start breaking bones like the St Lord hin horn defeat I should have been a baker who's the stone Lord the who the what all right fine a rather large and heavily armed fellow has taken head Banker glitterbeard below he used that name he's an unusual sort of CER twice if you need help the head Banker said he'd handle it so quill Heist probably doesn't involve any stealth blow the doors down take everything in his nail down just fine stealth is for people who can't fight o specific sourcer persuasion I wield magic with the ease of breathing perhaps I could help maybe check on your head Bank well I me we'll say that I mean it's really the magic of nature that would be most unusual but then so is our visitor's most liable character so far should have been Baker temporary Vault pass and should my Superior ask keep my name out of it the vaults you say true shreds you say know go through the like the main door hold on I to talk to this guard here hello Captain needs to see your pass what's up for discussion account holders only from here Vault pass we saw the one guard wearing this armor and this who's supposed to be on duty here who's drunk I wonder if that's relevant to anything uh yep here it is right descend and know upon entering the Vault you foro the protection of city and church law alike which is to say keeps your own voice and you'll be fine should I have will does it matter there is a ravengard vault and much like I might want to have a conversation about I just wonder if we need will for like what's about to happen down here get does anyone know I mean I don't want any spoilers but if like you know what there it's extra cool if whatever then [Music] yeah there is someone you should have huh it's not will oh Gail Stone Lord St going down a special deposits all right calm down cuz here's the thing um we are going to want to grab will soon to go the sorcerer suies although s sun has got to be inside of balers gate proper right it's not in the lower area here so there's not necessarily a rush for that for the dialist here I want to have um I want to have the hell Squad which is carlac and will and probably lelle um just because like obviously freeing orus is LEL and going to hell I want carlac and I want will which leads us to an interesting position first of all it means not bringing Shadow heart which like hurts me in my soul but may have to be the case of that um but in terms of party composition things feel a little awkward uh well do they not really I mean again Dell is a Divine Caster so we got that we got a couple of range people and we'll have a melee one I guess that'll work fine because I say I could respect someone you know just because um there's some overlap between carlac and lasel um which is fine I mean two strong Mele layers is good but there might be some overlap in fighting about their equipment although weapon wise maybe not cuz Lazelle is probably going to use the sword the soul breaker and then other than that maybe it doesn't matter so much Carol K someone older oh wait is this related to goddamn Minsk [ __ ] is this where it comes into play that's crazy I you know what I might not bring jira then just because we haven't really included her in our story and it would be odd and arbitrary and if it is something Minsk related I kind of like like the idea of a bunch of people who don't know who the hell is is meeting him now that might not be the case but I have heard like I think from like ages ago but like yeah he's like petrified or something cuz Minsk is human right be only explanation why he's still alive yeah I don't know if we'll bring I think we might just try to mark down as is but I will do a hard save in case I ever want to just come back and like see see the actual event I mean again ideally no one back home will ever this different I'll give you know on a different new save no I don't want to click on the water Meridan he has conne wait I have no doubt that it's wow the the clipping here is kind of funny I mean that's that it's just the way it looks but with the camera down low it looks like a graphical glitch un um camera what you mean you have the natural Elegance of a oh please he was nervous well let's keep walking without clicking on anything right just need to see your Vault pass please yep here you go walks in order blessed day to you uh blessed day to you too whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa never mind beard it's me on his good B you want to be in okay and smile I'm assuming that we're not setting off traps because we've got our pass and otherwise they would hit a button or maybe these just set off alarms like will your sh be over soon nothing more valuable than wants to know cam please wants to take you for a drink well I think what we're going to do is put a cut in here think you accidentally clicked on one of them oh that might have been bad yeah I tried to disarmed and I was attacked okay uh we are going to end this here because it is about 4 o'cl stream for four hours as a reminder this week no stream on Wednesday instead Thursday we have a stream that starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern time it's going to be two hours of sponsored Galactic Civilization 4 Supernova stream and then we go into City skylines 2 City skylines 2 the Embargo for streaming lifts at noon on Thursday that's October the 19th and then we start streaming some City skylines and so it's going to be probably a long streaming day I'm going to stream for as long as I can after the two hours already of galv 4 uh we'll do the best that we can do um we're going to wrap it up here for now uh Saturday is probably also going to be some City skylines then Monday probably back to balers gate something like that we'll see uh thanks a lot for coming out everyone we're going to send a raid to channel I don't know if she's live quite yet cuz we're a couple minutes early but we'll see about sending the raid over there and otherwise I'll see you on Thursday for a big massive double feature I hope a lot of you uh make it there as long as we have the poop Lake we'll work on it absolutely thanks everyone bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 3,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, baldur's gate, baldur's gate iii, bg3
Id: 0CBBqhh48TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 15sec (2355 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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