The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 183

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live stream that's happening this week because we've got some other things happening uh for those of you who haven't been uh didn't catch the update before uh this Wednesday no stream instead we're streaming Thursday we're starting super early 10:00 a.m. eastern time we're going to do two hours of Galactic Civilization 4 followed by City skylines 2 because the Embargo for City skylines 2 uh for live streaming and stuff lifts on Thursday at noon eastern time so that's that's going to be the plan for Thursday a double feature sponsored gal 4 right into some City skylines 2o how's everyone doing on Monday a dipl is fun a diplodocus is more fun yeah we hav we haven't used our um our dinosaur form you know maybe maybe we'll have to give it a try at some point but at the same time we can be an owl bear why do we want to be anything else [Music] right uh what do you mean to say is that wday stream will start 22 or 20 hours late depending on how you view it there you go yeah that's it yeah yeah just starting 22 hours later than normal or 20 hours from our old school starting stream time that's an excellent point waiting for the mod let's you play as a rat Druid um we are currently in a basement so um lelle has been kidnapped and so we're kind of making our PR to see what we can do to get her back um and that means you know and and and so Orin got her and she said go kill Gort and like well we want to kill Gort anyway and again deloras mostly believes what he is told kind of directly so he's like well the only way to get LEL back is to kill Gort which we're fine with and then and then totally we'll get her back and then we kill Orin you know certainly um now step one to going after Gort Ash involved shutting down the steel Watcher Factory which maybe didn't go as clean as we'd want we did end up setting up the bomb and blowing up the whole thing um which many bams died my bams I mean worshipers of of gond and mostly a lot of gnomes died as a result of us setting up the bomb um but hey the steel Watchers are offline so theoretically the next stop is going to be for us to go and deal with Gort um we did a little bit of walk around the district where The Foundry was uh we went into this one house because I think oh this is one of the one houses that was this person was on list of uh people to kill of of the um the the Bight assassins uh so we thought we may be coming to warn them turns out they're already dead and we found a mysterious basement behind this person who's like a conspiracy theorist so I'm all excited to investigate a little bit more of balder's pizza gate and see what the deal is there or did we was it Pizza balers gate balers Pizza gate I think balers Pizza gate is uh is what I was saying so uh and uh there's a stone wall that we haven't opened so that's going to be how we're going to start things off today more booms today well we'll see that's thepry I thought it was playing dressed up I mean maybe a little bit we have been enjoying uh throwing some new outfits on people now that we're finally in balers Gate 3 and we have access to some quality tailor right bald Pizza Couture B the wall open uh yeah I've have been following the fact that there is a uh yeah an audio book in the buff Buffy verse uh um Universe um the The Buffy reddits and Buffy yub tubs have been all all Twitter about it and it's very exciting you know co-written by um by Amber Benson who of course played Tyra in Buffy and who has written uh quite a few books herself I think she's done a lot of um ya novels like with in a sort of like supernaturally kind of vibe um co-written by like Richard golden or something something like that who's written actually like quite a lot of Buffy novels from like back in the day from like 97 99 and things um and then the uh the audio book is being I mean it's more like a radio play than an audio book because it's being voice acted by tons of old um buff alumni uh and it's supposed to be kind of redemption Arc for some of the characters especially Charisma car Carpenter with Cordelia who was kind of dirty on Angel and you know we're not going to get into like Joss weed and crap but yeah so anyway um very interesting uh and yeah I'm we're probably going to be picking that up in the household here to see what the deal is you're watching Buffy recently I was shocked how much better it was written in the modern TV show I mean it's strong and the thing is a lot of the stuff that um we sort of take for granted these days um in terms of um television shows with season long arcs that was new that that you didn't do that back then there was like maybe like one other show that had dabbled with I can't remember what else was around that time that it sort of dabbled with it but it was really Buffy that like um um that that really brought it to like a little bit more of an acceptable mainstream to get kind kind of vibe because the thing is television bag then you know no one had DVRs DVD sales weren't really the same thing and everything so most shows want to be purely episodic because if someone missed an episode they be screwed otherwise but you know they they took some risks on Buffy to do that and I mean and um they still had some you know some Standalone episodes but it's very similar to like anyone who's watched um you know Supernatural for example it's the same sort of thing every now and again you get him monster of the week episode but then you get these season long arcs that that anyway and a lot of them are really really good xfiles did a little bit of that um where they would have uh what are they called did people refer to them like as like Mythos or mythology episodes or something like that like I think xfiles was like mostly Standalone episodes and then they'd have a few here and there that would build like this part of this greater this greater AR anyway yeah no I think the show holds up mostly there are a couple of dated things like you know some language choices and some you know some opinions and stuff which you got to remember even like Buffy was fairly fairly Forward Thinking and Progressive at the time like substantially in a great many ways but there are still some aspects that were you know productive at the time [Music] the episodes where they didn't have the text the truth is out there musical episode yes well and that's the other thing it's like it is so many other shows have tried to do musical episodes and there hasn't been there are very few examples that hold up as well as the Buffy musical episode I mean what musical episode it's great watching uh YouTube reactors react to Buffy that don't know anything about it and then suddenly they hit once more with feeling and like what the hell is happening I'm like right that's exactly how we felt at the time anyway I think that's given people a chance to get into the channel let's go ahead and read the reubs and then we'll uh we'll go and get started exploring this this super dank basement who is it we had AA jbr start us off today with a 15mon resub thank you very much AA Dr Shawn is at six months a half year from Dr sha snowly is at 65 months thank you snowly Billy O Negative is at 20 three and says happy birthday to me and thanks you to quill 18 for a constant flow of fun and encouragement all the best well happy birthday Billy O Negative oh negative that's like the universal donor blood right okay someone going and capture Billy we like uh we'll string them up in a basement somewhere and drain them constantly I mean what what are we talking about Jack Meisner is at 22 months and says pizza oh right because balers Pizza gate is what we're investigating here and just now or just uh the last one is chariz Zord coming in with their eighth month resub thank you thank you very much all right let's pop this door open in the basement and see what's what now this is the basement with the very annoying trip wire traps that we couldn't disarm we just had to jump over which seems odd like I've never experienced that anywhere else like it was not possible disarm the trip wire I am noticing all of a sudden that it does have hit points so I guess we could just attack them should we notice any more of those so there's another trip wire over there so here's what I well I don't know how d it is first of all let's see if it's possible to disarm this one for any reason traps how considerate no see it's got the little thingy but it doesn't work H so I'm going to see what happens if we just attack that a quick save in case it collapses the entire basement on top our stay idle Shadow heart then you may be a paladin now but you still have your Firebolt okay well that seems fine still breathing despite you know what I don't even know like I I thought oh maybe it's only possible in combat it wasn't even possible in combat I I I don't know I guess you do it as a throw action instead of activating the bonus action I we'll probably just sell it I'll try it one more time in combat random great sword never wanted the easy path rainforest chest key don't touch me is it even locked that's key for something else oh what one step at a time that's it man I've been waiting a freaking week to open this door how how is this all there is back here at the ready there is work to doen just so I don't have to micromanage any jump can on my way out here I don't even know what if that key was supposed to be for that or if it's another must be for another chest that we probably already picked our way into let's see bizarre I don't know am I missing anything from that room again we have you know no spoiler kind of thing but if there's anything cool that was left to poke there let me know otherwise we're going to start mov look at this guy's house like holy cow my dude he spent too long investigating conspiracies and not a l enough time doing some home repair I think we did find a a dribbles body part down there yeah I still have a quest marker for murder Target Alexander but yeah I guess none of them have gone [Music] away something Block No One fixes anything unless its hurts them we're here okay we're going to keep going east and we're going to do these I do I am very interested in pursuing the let's save LEL Quest but we're right near a few actually maybe I'll backtrack this murder Target of Nisha like it feels like we're right near some people who are like on the cusp of getting murdered and that's kind of important to deal with as well um I think it's this upper area get to get what the one go that's see that I can't help incredible what the hell just happened I was off screen I already um hello oh my silk what are the chances it's you and ah the heart stop yeah this is the blood Mage ever since I last I didn't realize you hadn't and moonrise you out of my mind nor have I no matter how hard I try forgive the mess your blood is far more volatile than I'd anticipated are you detonating vampire blood are are blood caused that explosion it's a breakthrough I'm sangin Arts the likes of which the world has never seen the grand m matriarch will have no choice but to restore house oblodra after I present her with my research but listen to me rabbiting on about myself when I have you the prize bleeder on my very doorstep if you'd come inside we could discuss something far more exciting than Dr politics yeah you know what I still feel really guilty about some of this the first time but wait oh she's talking to Shadow heart how interesting I hadn't noticed actually I mean she's interesting so why not yes that is do you think do we think it's a trap can't give up now I Le I had Shadow heart selected and move just got XP what discovering something new that might be worth a look oh Crimson DS hatch key you pay Patrol back up cuz I'm going to go and take this that Bott are you patrolling back and forth just out of you oh I feel like I'm going to die oh father can I go are you trolling back and forth hang on I came inside are we going to have a conversation or you going to be like something's missing okay hold on she's going to be really annoying I should have waited for the key thing I I was expecting her to go downstairs and like go into something I'm just doing this to stop her from being like hey someone stole something it's here stay away from the gate can't be long now well we're not going through Baldo's gate right now yeah we talked to figuro we're still trying to make our way over here all right what the hell was that sound there keep there keeps being crazy sounds when I'm off screen here we get explosions you the God's damn disease of the what is happening I'm just trying to I'm walking here told me everything oh how you and the blade of Frontiers slaughtered his own father how he craves ultimate power how he means to make the city bow to him and him alone first I finish you then I finish the Duke's traitorous son well I kind of regret not having will with me right now jeez okay all these history checks and things like that seem fairly safe to do cuz you SU Ed or not and then you usually get a new conversation option if you succeed so we could probably do a relevant thread of knowledge pokes your mind explored we could probe her mind we've got we're balans so we can do this I guess I guess it's just our custom origin and then some of the regular Origins that have this like I'm always surprised like what do what do we have this all the time but I guess some of our we could be playing as An Origin character and therefore not have this option I wonder is the durge not baloran is that possible H ha see who's left standing carac looked a fresh just have to say I mean she's looking great in that outfit I do I do like the new look for um for shadowart although I suspect we can still do better let's do a little history check I don't have my hat of smartness on but who needs smartness you remember the stories of alter L's fall the city was dragged into the hells at zari's beest and Raven guard along with it zarel stunt destroyed countless lives maora is her minion you can't trust her I mean I think that's fair let's try that well you don't think underd dark races have the baluran tag if you're playing Dr but that's probably because you have like so many Dr interactions I wonder what it's like yeah playing um if you play the dark gnome or dark dwarf h stand down I believe you the battle Lord help me what Darkness has fallen Upon Us listen there's something will should know on his way from elel ravengard sent a messenger with word of the cult he knew about the absolute I thought little of it at first but he realized the danger before anyone else did he understood that if the cult was successful in raising an army boldest gate would be doomed I mean that sounds about right knew that to protect the city one trained in the ways of the great Champions would have to Rouse the worm living beneath if I'm not mistaken that would be will wait okay first of all I really regret not walking around here with Will secondly one train of the waves of the great Champions have to Rouse the worm living beneath I mean the whole thing with Will becoming a warlock in the first place was he was stopping a ritual to raise kit which would destroy bald's gate now it feels like oh no after all we do need to raise a dragon ha wait you mean there's a dragon living under the city a bronze dragon to be precise no no [ __ ] sing beneath us the worm goes by many names Ansa The Waiting storm the AR of the gate he made boulden a binding promise to protect the city when its need was greatest seriously the cities survived countless threats but ravengard knew its walls would fall we get a dragon Ally with him gone and the city near ruin your call is to unleash the heart of the gate yeah take this the legend of Ana the BS call it a tall tale but every last word is true follow its path to the worm or do not and let the coast be drowned in blood no no we we like dargon um yeah henka henka says bronze dragons are nice and that is true um metallic dragons well I mean okay so with with 50 and things like that in um um alignments are are less strict and various things but generally speaking the idea is metallic dragons are the good dragons chromatic dragons the ones just labeled by colors like red dragons and things like that are evil so metallic good uh chromatic evil um and then you get some like really funky like gem ones and things like that I don't know if they're they're still in like the standard monstrous manual or whatever but um you would get like the amethyst Dragon which was like and stuff like that I think a lot of them had like more neutral kind of Vibes and things like that but yeah but generally speaking you would expect a bronze dragon to be uh to be goodly um I mean they're still dragons they still very an Y and hotty and all those things but you know not overtly malicious your faith in us is well founded we sck the war and ask for it help I mean yeah please you're staking the city's future in a fairy tale let the dragon sleep with the the absolutely no no no no no no no no dragon I was right to lay down my arms F yeah you were right to not try to murder Us in the streets gather allies we'll join you in your hour of need free the worm and may his thunderous Wind Drive the absolute from the Coast okay well let's read this book The Legend of ansur someone's attacking training D me okay the legend of anur balder's great great balduran's birth oh balduran founder do veneration is Guardian Dragon ansur tremendous in worth uh this is overwrought a savior below our Eternal Elation to worm way Neath prison's deepest level to be found by not a soul nor devil note entrance is in warm Rock prison you are who's you are who's making notes over here oh probably ravengard or one of the Raven guards um with a lightning shock a true hero spark flickers the Torches a light the worm's eyes shall awake a glitter something about Sparks and torches use lightning skills um I was about to say I think bronze dragons have have a lightning breath um I think they often the bronze dragons I think often live in the water and have a lightning breath I think so uh it's trials no common Adventure May exceed when each day sends forth new ones to their Fates but one great hero of Founders will decreed shall only once grant our age the heart of the gate only great hero can pass the trials and awaken UNS sword I mean I suspect we probably can but it feels like maybe it's the sort of thing that will should be doing worms brison okay what's this wonder what a dragon born have to say about this Quest oh my God you're right there's probably totally something contextual over there that's the basement of fim's cargo too okay which is somewhere over here there's a manhole cover hang on what is this shop a glitter Gala wait oh no that's next door I was going to say is this the clothing place but that's the clothing Place crime Ste opportunity to work with a master Artisan dear Madame Oma I'm a master Artisan from ELR recently up El I thought it was going to be um what was his name damson or whatever the uh the blacksmith that we've dealt with a few times no uh recently I pred for my home due to circumstances Beyond My Control perhaps you've heard of me I've certainly heard of you have wanted to visit your fine establishment for years now delighted to finally have the opportunity you see I believe this unfortunate turn events in my life could prove richly fortuitous for yours I believe there's a gap in the market here for work such as my own permit me to descend upon you with a small sample and perhap entice you with the possibility of establishing myself as resent Jeweler look forward to meeting you in person yours elwin glamrock glim Rock sounds like a Nish or dwarfish name we met this person it say you need to hear this G Thomas it has been too long and what Adventures I've had I'll look forward to telling you all about them in the AL song when I'm back but in the meantime I met this Jamie Trader in my travels who put me onto a rare metal they called pyoh hydrum they make pipes out of them now pipes are all well and good but I'm fairly sure that in your hands this material could make the most excellent flute you see it heats up the very air that's blown through it while it's being played which makes for a sonorous and grandiose Timber the like of which I've never heard a bag of ores here for you to sample when I'm back cannot wait to hear what you make to all my love Eric H in the city we've got a couple of rings and things here that aren't considered what might be worth a look oh this potted plant was a key there who keeps hiding these random keys I have something to ask drab attire lackluster skin my clothes is nice darling you need my gems they'll brighten even a ghoul like yourself I mean to be fair my face is kind of effed up or if you are the practical sort I also stock Enchanted Stones as magical as myself it's the sewer entrances the markers okay keep updating I see I'm sorry did you just call me a ghoul a skeleton would be more accurate you have good bones darling you just need decoration and you're in the right place what use do I have with gems that's a silly question show me what you got so first of all we're going to go and just quck quickly uh sell off anything I've tag of some wearers here which includes the spider egg that I'm finally just getting rid of um yeah generic weapons here see you just sell Gems and Jewelry okay remember a life without glitter is no life at all take care now feels like you should have gone for a rhyme of some kind wait chess key chest key so the same key is available in a couple of different places yeah but I just feels like just straight up theft stuff not what I'm interested in I mean I'm sure this is a heck of a robbery place like we can probably make tons of money stealing from these people Thomas customer corus come DOA you look like someone who knows their way around the loot or perhaps you enjoy the drums makes me think of Garrick the Taylor from DS9 I think it's the no the Frills here liar Who you calling a liar I prefer for the sound of Nature's chorus oh we're back I remember way back in start of act one I felt like all the Druid options were super pretentious so it's nice to see us like revisit that kind of vibe oh well no matter my instruction oh as a Bard it would be great to come in here I'm sure you'll find something for even the most contrary of bars you do have magically flagged instruments no they're just rare they don't seem to do anything they don't imply like a boost to your performance or anything like that you do different songs with them we got a music box dangerous Tunes escapades of fundango gloven I don't feel uh I don't feel the need to buy any of those things thank you for it's nice to know it [Music] exists oh right the training dummies Apple lemon refugees okay so yeah that Quest marker is just for the sewers let's not worry about that uh figuro we've already talked to you Ramer thank you very much for the gift sub to the channel you gave it to Tuba Gooding Jr that's a good name that's a good name C initiating all right so I want to go back over here cuz I do want to go and talk oh I guess we want do more so I do want to go back and talk to the uh the the blood Mage this is a cool Inn I'm assuming this is an inn the blushing mermaid that's curious oh oh wait I'm sorry the dirt Mound is considered Seft how in interesting also is someone dead there or just unconscious I'm going to leave the dirt Mound welcome to the we've got rules and they will be followed cool place finally no I don't want to talk to the water Meridan I want to talk to BOS and ganet no pissing or [ __ ] if you break it you pay for it any fighting and Captain how drunk are we going to get here got it that looks like an actor um wait what if I really need to use the latrine then piss in your cup like the rest of us no you good welcome to the blushing mermaid where you got if you're here to complain that the booze taste like piss I know maybe anything else maybe it's because people keep pissing in their cups and you probably don't wash them properly if you must wait you're you're upset that I might buy things from you enjoy the blush what a weird ass [Music] vender Target sh oh here you [Music] are my friend dared me to come here alone for a couple of mugs of Ale so here I am oh who's your friend make yourself scarce there's a kill lose and you're a Target come off it mate who would want me dead honestly I think it's kind of random but that aside hair is excellent Fair Point must be taking you for someone uh please Len to me others have died already you're in danger I do time to die it never occurred to me could we do the murders and then use that as our entrance to like the ballite temple that that's for the uh that's for the durge Run please listen to me others have died already you're in danger bam 31 baby oh [ __ ] you're serious look at hair see it in your eyes I've got [ __ ] I've got a t to settle [ __ ] uh wow yeah a lot of people are just passed out drunk all right dare uniform drunk guard you mean track this uniforms neat isn't it very shiny but why am I oh wait I had a shift at the counting house oops all right [Music] um where were you right over here oh here we go all right hopefully you've forgotten about the fact that I like one of your keys is stolen see I just assumed when I came in something would progress or she'd be walking somewhere I guess we go in and then we talk to her follow her downstairs and then have tra yeah there's a oh my silk what are the chance and ah oh it's restarting the conversation because I didn't talk to her as volatile than I'd anticipated BL was footing I didn't know it could do that oh was it my blood that did it it's a breakthrough in the sangin okay that's the same text same text come inside lead the way first oh a staring disapproves I I guess I should have gone with the Sigh instead what a mess okay we're inside oh my God I keep clicking on the godamn water Meridan could you stop moving could you stop moving around for two goddamn seconds a cozy little spot isn't it she's very frustrating with her patrolling have witnessed greater alchemical triumphs than the keep of Erath jond and now that you're here the crown jewel of my research is soon to be faceted all you have to do is drink formula gruna I trust you haven't forgotten what happened when I drank something she offered this a formula won't be any kind of to you um so I have some questions formula gruna well yes formula aru through Fu were spectac is that the Dr alphabet but gruna gruna is different believe me I mean Dell is inclined to believe most people and especially when they're pretty so uh what will this do when you first entered this home you saw the incredible latent power within your blood exposed in all its nuances formula gruna will unleash that power within you risky but um safe I mean we've done Dumber things for Worse reasons right probably handle a little fire but I'm not sure about the rest of you okay carlac you drink it I mean bad decisions right all right hand it over what could possibly go wrong oh marvelous I've never been so excited for anything in all my days just stand over there far over there and drink up we kill her and take her armor it's really cool looking wonder why so did you actually give me a potion oh yeah mysterious potion one to four damage slashing is it like filled with glass and it's just going to cut up my insides well we already saved so you know sure explosive I guess I really should have been a little further away and also not broken some concentration on people um listen oh my my Heavens you lived you're supposed to drink the potion eat the vial I'm seeing Stars you just try to murder me see surprised did you expect me to die what did you do to me you tricked me you'll pay for that magic magic incate I mean we've got our one level of sorcerer but I it's not usually the vibe we're going for um had you expecting me to die cuz I'm just saying I'd hypothesized you wouldn't my friend and you've proven me absolutely correct you are the world's first detonative sanguinor to put it simply from this day on your blood goes boom big boom it's incredible it's all it needs I can't hate her is a spark she's um is my blood now gasoline and how's that going to impact like sexy times with carlac later I mean she's nuts right but I I do love araj here um wait is this going to kill me certainly not not but it might do damage to anyone who makes you bleed without your yeah so we've got a new permanent buff naturally I always ask first I'm I'm extra spicy now there are other necks available for biting of course if you were so inclined I mean you're you're crazy you know that right you say mad I say extraordinary we have that in common my friend now let me offer you a little treat in exchange for the ensest vile of your marvelous blood I'll give you something that'll really throw your enemies for a loop I'll only ask a nominal fee in exchange D like well I kind of want to know what have you missed Punisher apparently yeah all of our blood has been replaced with nitroglycerin so that's new I I got sure you really are I have to know what you're offering me oh you're a vendor now okay what you got well some of these might be the same things that she had for sale over in Moonrise Tower uh Dash Arcane charges the risky ring okay I know this is actually sick good I've seen so many like unbelievably degenerate builds that are based around the risky ring um but I I don't want to use it Rob Focus yeah the plus one bonus to save DCS the problem is with like in this game is all my um all my clothies are all like going to wear actual armor um because they're you know it's Gail who's human and and will who's human right so not really helpful to us there's that graceful cloth which is really good but not for we're not doing any of those builds I think a lot of the stuff is just stuff we vendored to her actually yeah well you got a potion of superior healing we'll take that and yeah bunch of stuff we sold to her previously oh and supreme healing we'll buy that as well just a good idea to keep thr around all right I think I think that's good until next time reward percentage sign percentage sign percentage sign empty so we have a broken uh localization string I guess here we survived the effects of the experimental potion araj oblad derived from our blood now we've got fire in our veins and someone willing to give us explosive blood potions oh yeah hold on where trolling is so annoying a little more work on my notes and and House of bloder will be restored ah my friend certainly where are these explosive blood potions fire resist may have been relevant and yet those are dyes malice potion of invisibility eh whatever until next okay so does it show up as a buff here no does it show up on a buff in a character sheet unstable blood your blood is now highly flammable will explode in the contact with fire in the contact with fire you know something makes me feel that maybe this exchange with araj hasn't been Q8 as much as some of the others we'll explode in the contact with fire percentage sign percentage sign percentage sign that mean I I could I could kill her and take her stuff what do you got in the basement there's a hatch down here a little the under dark not and house ofer will be restored hang on D get into a conversation with her yet way up here ah my friend good stuff now if you have any more blood we're just going to drop over to a Stan here now I had still in the one key and drops hatch key using magic Pockets sanguine laboratory there we go hey these are disarm you know aan has no love for her so he's definitely like fine with oh okay that that's not an actual detonation but I guess we'll try to disarm these in case we miss a trigger probably just linked to that trip wire um there's a lot of nasty [ __ ] going on down here you know I don't know why but all of a sudden I'm getting a feeling that maybe this like Dr Blood Mage is not not entirely like a nice person mine flare parasite yeah is a staring going to come up and just want a ganker that was having a long conversation with her anyone in chat tell you the post City skylines 2 made today about performance issues and no steamwork support ever um so no no one talk to me about that um I am probably Limited in my ability to have conversations about certain CS2 stuff City skylines 2 stuff uh until Thursday um but yeah the minimum recommendations have come out uh they're pretty high up that yes the the silly Skyline specs are pretty high up um yeah it's interesting um steamwork support what Steam Works would that would that mean like steam like the Steam Workshop like mods not being supported that seems odd I mean admittedly that's a lot of sever body parts here although none of them are Bel belong to the clown I suspect we can always come back um admittedly finding things on the steam work shop for City skylines 1 is like kind of a pain in the ass because there's so much and there's like 10,000 individual buildings and things like that which isn't the most convenient to work with but it worked as a great way to get like mods out uh secondly we're introducing Paradox mods the new mods platform City skylines too oh okay because that's actually like valid because one of the problems in this I think if you didn't I get if you don't have City skylines on Steam then most of the mods were not available to you in any kind of convenient way whatsoever um so by having their own mod platform for City skylines 2 it means that if you're picking it up on other platforms maybe even for moob uh for um consoles yeah there you go uh modding cap capabilities extended players across platforms those PPC and consoles I mean assuming it works well then that will likely be better but that's a big if I mean the nice thing about you know using the Steam Workshop is it just runs on Steam and then you're okay but yeah the city skylin uh performance the requirements are um they're they're certainly there they're certainly there there's no denying that if you've got you know maybe if you not the newest computer or maybe you're on a laptop that's not the most powerful gaming laptop I not sure you're going to have a great time with City skylines 2's performance at release um be and as as we can tell from the system requirements so we'll see how that shakes out more on that on Thursday so the sample of blood that Adventurer gave us was rare find oo it's hot ready unyielding just like myself after spinning it for an hour it didn't separate after boiling Rec recondensing it it reformed exactly the same it was I think the droplets will be willing to attach themselves to even the trickest of substances liquid go C sulfur Mercury hair chalk and Clay will make a special Brew able to adapt to any Elemental quality but which to choose so those are the notes presumably on my own blood oh got some Acorn Shuffle in there I do feel base okay here's the thing based on those system requirements right if it comes out like let let's assume City Skyland 2 is like the best awesome everything is great everything we ever wanted for more City sky right let's assume that I think that reviews will still be rough on it on the basis that the system requirements are surprisingly high is it the same key for this no it's got a different lock they's still in conversation with her upstairs keeping her busy DC only s what is Aion finding down here I was expecting like to find a prisoner or something um a dead giant spider and that's it oh and a skeleton with just a bottle I mean it was only dc7 so it kind of makes sense that it wasn't the hardest check in the universe yeah several skeletons maybe a body bag I mean is she murdering people kind of feels like maybe we should kill her I mean she's turning people's blood explosive right like that can't be good for the the world chat do we do something about her or do we just leave her be yeah well I mean aerin definitely doesn't like her she's standing over there there'd be potentially some witnesses I don't know what site con belongs to who here well we could wait until she patol somewhere else yes but you do go down well she didn't force explosive blood on us that's true but there's also all the dead bodies yeah we could we could leave her for now come back later it's true don't wor about that murder Target Alexander oh no we've dealt with you that's fine and then yeah I had plann on going east some more yeah speak to luron finally those sound a bit out of my price range it comes to mag do have anything this no but I'd really spare no expense may we use slim cobblers walk in a paa strut out a Juke s Flynn and bra say You' chosen a special day to visit the family home of arch j k gach we're celebrating our this was gort's magal home achievement with a special run of might be able to find some interesting here Gods GES has a mother I assumed he sprang fully formed from a L's ass crack or something um yeah we're going to mind read her I need some info on context might not she might be lying she might be help me
Channel: quill18
Views: 2,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, baldur's gate, baldur's gate iii, bg3
Id: b8lIuMChpfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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