The Difference between Indian and Native American Mysticism 🙏 With Sadhguru in Challenging Times

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Sadhguru: (Laughs)   Namaskaram.   Namaskaram,   Namaskaram   to   everyone wherever you are. Well,  the musics, Sounds of Isha, Ah,   the Native Americans who  are referred to as Indians,   and of course Indians (Laughs)  from India, it's nice, a good meld   of these two cultures in the form  of music. Wonderful. Here we are at   Bear Lake, Utah. A little over 6:30, Sun  is yet to come up; no sign of him (Laughs).   Temperatures are somewhere around  six to seven degrees centigrade, hmm,   fire is all around me. Ah,  but as you know, hmm, the,   the virus is still picking up momentum in many  parts of the world, including United States   and India, and a few other countries. Still  in India, deaths are over a thousand per day.   United States, around nine-hundred per day.  Well, though in India, the fatality rate is low,   as economy opens up, different  social activity opens up,   we're seeing surges happening. In United States,  ah, people are predicting an autumn surge. Largely   I think economic activity here is reasonably  on, at least on the roads, on the highways,   all the trucks are plying, maybe, at  least, sixty percent of the usual traffic.   And unfortunately, the President of  United States and the First Lady,   also have fallen victims to  this, hope they recover soon.   Well, many ministers, many people in the  administration including our Vice President   of India also Covid infected. I hope, Shri.  Venkaiah Naidu recovers quickly, considering age,   they must take care. I'm sure doctors will do  the best, but this is of great concern that   people who are well protected,  if it's happening to them,   the regular population which needs to go out and  do things on the street, the challenges of it. And some of the statistics or some of the  studies show that seventy percent of the   people who get infected don't spread  the virus to even one more person.   But the ten percent who are  considered as super-spreaders –   in case they are very happy, they’re in  some way super – this ten percent is giving   to… at least ninety percent of the  infections are because of them.   That means each one of them is giving to a  minimum of nine to ten people. But seventy percent   is a responsible population – once they test  positive, they're not giving it to anybody else.   That's fantastic news. We just have to make this  seventy percent into hundred percent. That is   the real solution actually for virus problem  and various other problems that we have. So,   people who are calculating, “Post pandemic, what  do I do?” Please don't jump into that too quickly.   Nobody told you, it is like some  kind of a thing on a particular date,   we can say, “Virus over and we're going to do  something new.” No, it will not happen that way.   We… I hope… I know like the important thing is  that we must come up with the treatment protocol.   Like we have managed various other killers,  like tuberculosis, malaria, dengue,   we have a (an?) effective treatment protocol.   Because of that we think we are free from  it – but it's all over the place anyway, but   we are managing without being worried about those  things because we have a treatment protocol. The same needs to happen with this, that we  must have an effective treatment protocol.   I'm sure lot of work is  being done in that direction.   And that could be one of the reasons for the  number of recoveries. Ah, but at the same   time there is still no consensus on, “This is  the way to treat this.” That needs to happen. Today happens to be the World Animal Day. No, I'm  not talking about you (Laughs). I'm talking about   the World Animal Day, 4th of October is the World  Animal Day (Laughs). I'm sorry. A little bit of   the fire smoke in my eyes. The wind is changing  direction, hmm, it’s okay. It's all right. Ah,   just to give you – if you already do not know   – two-hundred million animals  killed for food, daily on land.   And three billion including aquatic life   everyday killed for human consumption. Two-hundred  million land animals and three-billion aquatic   creatures being killed for human consumption of  7.6 billion people. This amounts to seventy-two   billion land animals, and 1.2 trillion  aquatic animals for food, every… every year.   In the last fifty years, hmm, I’m sorry.   In the last fifty years, the  meat consumption in the world   has gone up six-fold. One reason for  this is the weakening of the soil   and vegetable matter not having substantial  strength in it; substantial nourishment in it.   This is one reason why meat consumption have  gone up. And another reason is meat industry   is aggressively pushing their products. And  another reason is, unfortunately, whatever   is done in the West, particularly in America,  everybody thinks that is the right thing to do. Now, every doctor in the world is telling  you, but… that red meat could be the cause of   various ailments. Whether it is cardiac problems,  whether it is cancer or various other issues   are because of consumption of red  meat, it has to be brought down.   But in India, many doctors are saying, “You  must eat meat. Otherwise there's not enough   nourishment.” They're not very wrong beca…  Unfortunately they're not very wrong, because   it is said that in the last twenty-five years, the  vegetables that you buy in the market in India,   their nourishment value has  come down by forty percent.   This is the first generation where we have a clear   picture of the value of nature and  the grave situation we are facing.   Maybe we are the last generation who can do  something significant about it right now.   I hope that significant action happens. I've  been meeting important people in America,   who could, Ah, who have the necessary  technologies, and also access to fund,   so that significant things can  be done in tropical lands because   fixing the tropical lands is the quickest way   to turn the climate change effects, reverse  the climate change effects upon the planet. Just the Cauvery Calling project by  all estimates shows that if we plant   these 242 crore or 2.42 billion trees in the  Cauvery basin of 83,000 square kilometers,   it would sequester anywhere between  nine to twelve trillion liters of water   and eight to twelve percent of  the carbon sequestering that we   as a nation and India has promised the world  in Paris accord, whatever we have promised,   eight to twelve percent of that could be fulfilled  just by this one project. You know why (Laughs)   I'm pushing it like I'm possessed with Cauvery.  Yes, I am! If you are not, you will be sorry. And   your children, the next generation of people  will look back at us with resentment, not with   pride, not with respect, not  with regard, but with resentment. Well, out of the fifty-one million square  kilometers of land used for agriculture,   forty million (Laughs), forty million square  kilometers, that is seventy-seven percent of   the agricultural land is used to raise Ah,  meat-giving animals and their food. Yes,   seventy-seven percent of the agricultural  land is used to raise cattle and their feed.   If only if you reduce this two-hundred (million?)  animals killed for food daily to hundred million,   that is, if you reduce your meat diet by fifty   percent – I'm not even asking you to  give it up, if you reduce it by fifty   percent – twenty million square kilometers of land  would be available to do tree-based agriculture. One important thing that every one of you must  strive to do right now is at least thirty percent   of your diet should come from trees, please  everybody commit yourself to this, because this   is the saving grace for future that thirty  percent of our diet is coming from trees,   not for mono-cul… not from monoculture  of three-month, four-month crop patterns.   Average decline in the animal population,  that is the vertebrates on the planet,   from 1970 to 2016 is seventy percent,   seventy percentof the vertebrate population  is gone in a matter of less than fifty years. Well, the animals or the animal world is hiring   professionals to curse humanity, to use swear  words at humanity. It seems it happened – Five   African gray parrots in Lincolnshire  Wildlife Park in UK had to be separated   after they kept encouraging each other to swear  at visitors with the choicest of words (Laughs).   So, when they were kept together, each one of them  knew a few words but they learned from each other,   and every time they use filthy swear  words, people laughed. Looking at this,   they started using the swear words and  they also started laughing by themselves,   and among the five of them, they  picked up substantial vocabulary,   everybody were happy because it just  reflecting the society in which we are living   that we swear at everything that sustains us.   We damage everything that sustains us. We  damage everything that's a part of our life.   And now in the weekend, children were to  come and visit the park, so they had to   separate the parrots and put it away from display  because the words that they were teaching are…   would be an unfortunate lesson for the  children. So, I think maybe the animal world   hired these five parrots to tell us  who we are. It’s time we get the point. Being here, exploring spiritual America,   going through various Native American  reservations and meeting people and feeling out   sites and spaces where things  have happened in the past…   wonderful things and painful things,   glorious things and shameful things, all happened.   One thing that stands out about the Native  American culture is their love for land.   It is even inappropriate to  say, “Love for land” because   it is not that they love the land. They are  the land (Laughs). Even you and me are land   but most people don't get it till you bury them,  that we are land. We are just an outcrop of land,   which can prance around a little bit  but still land. This is a piece of land.   So this is a culture which lived consciously  that they are land. They lived as land and   always willing to be one with land. Well,  that kind of sensitivity needs to come back. If Native American mysticism and spiritual  process doesn't come back in its full flow… full   form as many people may not be able to relate  to it but this dimension of their spirituality   is very relevant for today and tomorrow; for  this generation and the next that people live   understanding, knowing, being conscious that “We  are just land!” Only if land is good, we are good.   Only if this soil is good, we are  good. When we say, “Mysticism,”   mysticism is not some philosophy  or a belief system or an ideology.   Mysticism, is an outcome or a consequence  of the natural longing within a human being   to know, experience and explore dimensions,  which are beyond limits for us right now. What are our limits? Our limits  are our senses. What we can see,   what we can hear, what we can smell and taste  and touch. These are our limits. The boundaries   of your expo… experience, the boundaries  of your knowing are just your sense organs.   So the longing to know beyond this,   is a natural intrinsic dimension within  human intelligence. Human intelligence,   if it is not contained by dogma, if  it is not crippled by belief systems,   if it is not stymied by absolutism, ‘This is  it! That is it. God said this. God said that.’   If you don't cripple your intelligence, it is  natural for human intelligence to long, to know   something more than what it knows right now.  The consequence of this longing is mysticism. So, I'm saying this because I'm getting a lot of  questions people asking Sadhguru, “How do you find   Native American mysticism different  from the Indian mysticism?”   Well, culturally, we may be different but  when it comes to mystici…. mysticism, there   is no such thing as, ‘Indian mysticism,’ ‘African  mysticism,’ ‘American mysticism,’ – there is no   such thing because mysticism is just exploration  of the reality of existence, which is right now   beyond physicality because of which  your senses are not able to perceive. Physical nature itself is a vast process.   Modern science has made significant  strides in exploring physical spaces   but though it is exciting and intriguing, they  also know this is quite a hopeless effort because   now we are talking about millions  and trillions of light years,   when are we going to explore the whole cosmos?   So the physical space as exciting as  it may be, is in terms of exploration,   it is a endless exploration. It may keep generations and generations  of people busy or traveling or hurtling   through empty space we may get bored and we  may give up that exploration after some time.   Because from one star to another star,  from one galaxy to another galaxy,   your interest and your excitement  may not stay and it will not stay.   So mysticism is not looking  at exploring physical spaces,   it is about exploring dimensions beyond the  physical nature. That means fundamentally,   using some method, doesn't matter what;  some method to transcend the limitations of   sense perception, so that we can touch and  experience dimensions beyond the physical. The mystics of this world, right from ancient  times, have been of various kinds. One will not   resemble the other (Laughs) because  everybody does it in their own way,   everybody finds a little passage of their own.   But there is a whole science, the yogic  sciences, are about this, that you can   work systematically to transcend. It need  not necessarily be a chance happening.   So Native American mysticism is of a certain sort.   We will bring many aspects of their  pursuits and their experiences.   But one thing we need to understand – being…  today, almost everybody having been to school,   they naturally have misunderstood  memory as intelligence   because whoever could remember every word  in the textbook looked smart in a classroom. Well, we must understand this  is not accumulative knowledge.   Cumulative knowledge is not going to help.  Knowing and knowledge are two different things.   Knowing is like dayl… daylight, just beginning  to happen here, sunrise (Laughs)… is just there.   Knowledge is accumulative or an accumulated  dimension that you have to carry.   It is a sack on your head and it's heavy (Laughs).   So, it is important to understand – mysticism  is not a philosophy, not an ideology,   not a belief system, not of this land or  that land. It is an intrinsic longing in   human intelligence because human intelligence has  reached a certain… certain level of evolution.   You cannot keep it satisfied  with what you already know.   You cannot keep it satisfied with absolutism  of religion or textbook level of science. So, we will take you through this to whatever  extent ah been… we have not being able to   process many things because (Laughs) we are riding  from place to place and not been able to deliver   the goods to you, in terms of the exciting  things that we see and experience. Ah, we'll   do with the…. we'll do this as we go by. Be with  me, ride with me. If there are questions, please. Speaker: The first question is from Mr.  Shankar from (Overlapping conversation). Sadhguru: Louder, please. Hmm, please read. Speaker: The first question is from Mr. Shankar  from Thrichinapally. “Namaskaram Sadhguru…” Sadhguru: Thrichinapally. Speaker:   “My wife is a wonderful woman, but she has such  a sharp tongue (Overlapping conversation).” Sadhguru: Oh, I'm glad! But she…. Okay there  is a ‘but,’ please tell me about the ‘but.’ Speaker: “But she has such a sharp tongue.” Sadhguru: Oow… Speaker: “Sometimes I'm afraid even to go home.   Why are some women made like this? They  are wonderful on one level but quite   terrifying on another level, please  throw some light” (Sadhguru laughs). Sadhguru: Light is coming  up. Well (Laughs) because…   because generally… generally I'm saying, because  some women will argue about this. Generally,   women have less muscular strength than a man.   When situations go little  out of control, man (Laughs)   wants to use his hands  because that's all he is got.   So a woman, right from her young age, she sharpens  her tongue because she knows her muscles are not   as big and strong as a man's muscles,  so her tongue is maybe way sharper than   yours. You can’t wag it like it… like her.  Generally this could be true, for most people. So (Laughs),   it's not just a sharp tongue;   you know in India – you're from Thrichinapally  – I think Navaratri is close by. It's all about   the Devi’s or the goddesses in India. Except a  few who are very civilized kind, rest of them,   you’ve heard of them? Rakini, Dakini,  Lakini, Chinnamasta, Chandi, Kali, Bhairavi –   you’ve heard of all of them.   Whoo, these are terrifying women, usually  tongue hanging out, you've seen (Laughs),   blood dripping sometimes from their  mouths because they'll bite off your   head (Laughs). But we’ve made such  women worship-worthy in our country   because of some other quality that they have; like  your wife, she's a wonderful woman, tch, tch, tch.   Wonderful on one level but quite  terrifying on another level.   So… so is by Bhairavi, so is Chandi, so is Cha… so  is Chamundi, so is Kali, so is Chinnamasta, tch…   many, many, many of them. They are wonderful on  one level, quite terrifying on another level.   So it is your skill to get the wonderfulness  of their… of their quality towards you   and their terrifying quality goes  towards somebody else (Laughs). The wonderfulness should come for you.  That is a skill you have to learn tch.   But the whole idea of why the goddesses are like  this is – for you to understand, if there is a   wonderful quality, either in terms of talent  or intelligence or brilliance or some genius   within a person – right now  we're talking about women.   If there are such qualities in a woman  that she has certain streak of genius   or she has extraordinary talents or  she's super wonderful in something,   we don't want to surrender her intelligence, her  brilliance, her genius, her talent, her skills   at the altar of good behavior.  Because you can train your puppy dog   to behave well. If you want good behavior… that's  why everybody these days instead of getting   married, they’re getting a dog, you know? Because  you can train your puppy for good behavior.   So if good behavior is all you're looking  for, then that's what you should settle for.   But if you're looking for other possibilities,   not necessarily always but sometimes  it comes with not so good behavior. Maybe sometimes with certain amount of nastiness;  it depends what values you're looking for in your   life. But I know… you are saying, Mr. Shankar….  Hey! What's your second name? Pillai (Laughs)?   Now I’m…. hmm… now I'm getting ideas (Laughs).   Well, if you're… if you're that  one, I'm sure you're skillful enough   to handle this (these?) terrifying  situations. Well, but never surrender   human intelligence, genius, brilliance, talent,  competence at the altar of good behavior.   Good behavior can be learnt,  intelligence cannot be learnt.   Genius cannot be learnt. You have  to unleash it, you cannot learn it. In the process of unleashing   a significant possibility; in case,  not necessarily, don't take this as a…   as an endorsement of your bad behavior – I'm not  saying that. If you want to have some bad behavior   you should show some extraordinary talent  or brilliance or intelligence, otherwise you   have no right to throw yourself around (Laughs).  Even then you have no right but never surrender   significant aspects of human life in the form of   intelligence, competence, brilliance, genius  at the altar of good behavior because good   behavior can be learned and it's only socially  significant; it has no life significance as such. So, the wonderful wife that you have,   ah if she’s like a rose plant – she has two  roses or one rose and one-hundred thorns,   you just have to nourish her so that there are  also one-hundred roses for the one-hundred thorns.   Well, the number of thorns for the size of the  plant it is, it stays constant but the number   of flowers, can be enhanced. I think that's what  you should do with this wonderful wife of yours.   I'm sure she's a wonderful woman but little  tongue lashing department is strong. Ah… tch,   you must find some other victim for her and you  must get the wonderful part of her (Laughs).   Please. Speaker: The second question  is from Priyanka Joshi.   “Namaskaram Sadhguru, I wish to thank you for  your contribution towards making our life happy.   It is great to listen to your videos. Kindly  enlighten me how to teach the kids the most   important aspects of life-satisfaction,  so that the new generation will try to   achieve internal happiness and not to  run towards an oasis” (Sadhguru laughs). Sadhguru: You think there is an oasis somewhere?  Oh, I think now… the camera should be taking in   The Bear Lake much better, enough light.  Huh? So a fantastic lake out here –   beautiful, large. I really don't know how large  it is. It looks like… somebody who comes from   West Asia said, “It looks like Mediterranean Sea”  (Laughs)! Yes it does, it's quite large (Laughs). Well, there is no oasis outside.   Even if there's an ocean,  people can still drown in it.   There is no such thing as internal happiness.   Happiness has always been internal, not only  happiness, even misery has been only internal.   Joy has only been internal. Suffering  has been only internal. Though, you know   poets and hoof…   others went about saying, (Talks  aside: It’s okay, it's getting warmer).   “Love is in the air.” No, no,  that is also always internal.   Everything that you experience is internal. If you  ever thought or deceived yourself to think that   there is an oasis of happiness  or love or joy somewhere,   well, you will be deeply disappointed after some  time. Because many times it looks like that.   Many times it looks like that, that there is  an oasis or an ocean of joy somewhere else. No,   all human experience is generated from  within you. It's up to you what kind of   experience you generate. Well, everybody  wants to guide the youth or the children,   because you think children are the  problem (Laughs). No, they're just   a miniature… miniature version of you. And if  they are looking like such a serious problem,   I think you need to have a close look at yourself,   because they're just a small,  you know, small prototype of you.   So, if they are looking terrible,  you need a close look at yourself.   Children are not the problem. If the adults  transform themselves, you don't have to worry   about the children. “No, no, no, Sadhguru, my  children…” Oh, if your children are a problem,   I'm just… as I just told you that is a miniature  problem. The larger problem is sitting here.   So… and you said you're  listening to my videos also.   (Laughs)You must listen some more because  I've said a lot about this aspect.   If you are really interested in  making your children wonderful,   if you're genuinely interested –  because I'm using this word genuinely,   not to insult you, but to (Laughs) stress on  this, because most parents are only interested   in their children being little  better than the neighbor’s children.   “How much marks did you get?”  “How much money did you earn?”   “What is your social status?” This  seems to be the concern of most parents. When it is so, naturally your children are looking  for a stupid oasis which doesn't exist somewhere.   Because, it is you who has given them this idea   that everything of value for a human  being is somewhere outside in the society,   either in the money that you gather or wealth that  you gather or status or symbols that you gather.   Feathers in your peak. So, you change  that. First you transform yourself,   then you will see there is very little work to be  done with your children, very little, believe me.   So without transforming yourself, you want  them transformed (Laughs). What is your idea   of transformation? They must listen to you.  There is scientic… scientific evidence to show,   if you are over thirty-five years of  age, your children whatever age they are,   anywhere over twelve years of age, they are much  more intelligent than you. There is scientific   evidence to show this. So why should they listen  to you, I'm asking. Or if you go with your own   thing, you're talking about satisfaction, let me  upgrade that thing. Between you and your child   who is more joyful in a given  day? If the answer is your child,   then you tell me who should be a consultant  for life. Definitely not you, it's the child.   So, this attitude that children are born  wrong and you are going to fix them… (Laughs)   creator has made a mistake – no, it’s  your mistake, you should know that.   And you are going to fix the mistake. No,  nothing like that. Life has come well;   it is just your messing, which is the problem.  So whatever mess up you're done with yourself,   if you fix that, there will be little…  very little to fix with your child.   Maybe you have to do just teach them a few  survival skills to survive in this world   and the rest of it, that life  will figure out in its own way.   Or you said, throw some light, is it? No. Ah,   that happiness is within.   I want you to look at something very fundamental.   Did you find a job or start a business  or decide to go after something   in search of happiness, thinking  that it will get you happiness,   or you found happiness within you and as an  expression of joy you went out and did this?   Now you have a child means  you're married, I believe.   So did you get married in pursuit of happiness or  in expression of your joy? Did you have children   in pursuit of happiness or in expression  of your joy; you must look at these things.   Don't make your children  listen to this video (Laughs). You should listen to it and get it, because   this is very important that you understand  you, yourself have been looking for that   oasis all your life. And now you want  your child to find inner satisfaction   or inner fulfillment or joy. How will this happen?  You are definitely not qualified to do that.   So, qualification is not in  some learning. Qualification   is just this simple realization – human experience  can only happen from within, that’s all.   Whatever it is, joy or misery,  can only happen from within.   Fulfillment or disgruntlement, both can only  happen from within. If you know this one thing   absolutely, do whatever you want. What's  my problem? You like frustration, enjoy it.   You like to be disgruntled  enjoy it. What's my problem?   But you must know it is caused by you, nobody else  but you. That's all. As long as you know this,   then what you want to cause  to yourself is up to you.   So the same thing the child should know,   whether it's joy or misery, fulfillment or  frustration, both are caused from within.   He should know it's his responsibility  to cause what he wants to himself. Well, this is an insurance for the rest of  the world also. One who is in some sense   fulfilled within himself or herself or  one who is joyful by their own nature,   have no issues with the world around.   Because when your well being does not depend on  anything around you, then you will do what is   needed. Sometimes what you needed may need gentle  handling. Sometimes it may need forceful handling.   Sometimes it may need loving handling,  sometimes it may need tough handling.   You will do what's needed. Only when you're  able to do just what is needed, will your –   what is called as human intelligence,  which is a phenomenal process,   is not just intellect of thoughts –  human intelligence will find expression.   But if you are tied up in knots, “This will bring  happiness to me, this will bring unhappiness   to me, this I enjoy, this I suffer.” Once  you're tied up in these boundaries and knots,   your intelligence is frozen. It will  never melt (Laughs), it will never flow   like water, it is frozen. Well, frozen  ice has its purposes; frozen ice is a…   good for future. I mean to say when you go to  heaven, maybe your intelligence will unfold.   But there they say everything is fantastic.  You don't need to be intelligent, God manages   everything for you. So you won't need it  there also. And carrying a block of ice   and carrying a block of anything as a head   is a wasted life. So the moment you identify,  “What makes me happy, what makes me unhappy,”   what you enjoy, what you don't enjoy  – the moment you identify this,   you must understand your intelligence  is frozen within the boundaries of that.   So if you want your child to be released  from that, you must set an example,   not give lectures on how to find  inner satisfaction (Laughs).   Suppose your child stands up and asks, “If you  were so fulfilled, why did you get married, why   did you bear children,” what will you do? I hope  you don't have to face such ugliness in your life.   So please, transform yourself. Don't  try to transform your children.   If you transform yourself, you will see child  will be the first one to react in response to it,   respond to it. Of course they'll  be very sarcastic in the beginning,   because you know you have past karma, they  have seen you. But in terms of responding   to any transformation, you will see a child or  even a youth will be the first one to do that,   because it's… it is the nature of life, a fresh  life always has more response capabilities   than a conceited life (Laughs) which has  formed ideas and opinions about everything. So age is just this, what is being young  and what is being old, if you ask me;   it is all a question about how many  conclusions have you made about life.   If you have lot of conclusions,  you will become ancient right now.   If you have no conclusions about anything,  you're willing to look at everything fresh,   then you will see you will be bubbly  and very childlike. So it's up to you   that you want to be an adult boss who  molds this ‘born-into-enslavement’   life. I'm talking about your child.  Children are born as slaves, unfortunately,   in this world still – I wouldn't say  that for every parent, but largely,   because he is supposed to sit when you say,  because you yourself do not know yet. Most of   the people still do not know what to eat, what not  to eat. But they know what the child should eat.   How many wrong things have been fed to  them (Laughs), both in terms of food,   ideas, belief systems. How much mess up has  been done from generation to generation, because   you're trying to teach something that  you yourself do not know, don't do that,   the best and the most wonderful thing that  you can do with your child is admit to them   that even you do not know, you just made a  mistake of coming a few years early, that's it.   Otherwise what the hell do you  have that the child doesn't have.   At least he has fresh brains.  You have frozen one’s (Laughs). There are lots of fishermen out here, fresh  fish and frozen fish. Just like that. So,   live brains and dead brains. Brains are dead  because more and more conclusions you make,   the more and more you cripple yourself. The reason  why every human being is not naturally a mystic   is simply because they have belief systems,  they have ideologies, they have philosophies,   they have moral codes, they have ethical codes,  and they are also well behaved, tch (Laughs).   So they've done all the wrong things with life. So  exploration has stopped. When exploration stops,   life will not happen as an explosion, it happens  like a trickle, like surviving… survival existence   but no exuberance of life. So your  child has some exuberance, don't kill it   with your silly ideas and philosophies. Please see  if you can infuse that exuberance into yourself   and if you are an exuberant life, you  don't have to do much with the child.   They will grow up well and if you don't start…   if you don't stop running after some mirage of  an oasis, it's just a mirage, there is no oasis   that it looks like it's going to satisfy  everything. But when you get there, doesn't work.   You must see the advertisements. If you   look at the commercials on the planet,  you will understand what I'm saying. There was a… because you're using the  word satisfaction, there used to be one   ad in India, when we were growing up, “Action  for satisfaction, Scissors, smoke the cigarette   and you will be satisfied.” Well fortunately  that brand has gone out, I think (Laughs).   Scissors, it will cut your lungs from  inside, that's what they were saying.   You didn't get it. Generations of people smoked  it. Ah, here somebody is advertising, “You buy   this car. That's it. Your life is fulfilled,  you will be joyful for the rest of your life.”   Well you can… I'm not even… I'm not encouraging  you to smoke but you can smoke a cigarette,   you can buy a car. But smokers don't look joyful,  nor drivers look joyful. Just watch on the street,   all those people who are driving their dream  cars, are they bursting with joy? They're not. So,   the oasis only is a mirage. If you don't see  that, don't expect your child to see that.   You have to show it to him by  example, not by your teaching. Namaskaram, this week, because both in United  States and in India, they're expecting a surge   of the virus, ensure that you are not… you  don't catch it. Ensure that you are not   one of the superheroes who are super-spreaders.  Please be a responsible sensible human being.   Stay alive. That's the biggest responsibility  right now. You and me should stay alive   and ensure everybody around us stay alive.  Just make that happen for yourself because   we're in such times that this will be the  best thing you did, that you stayed alive   and you made sure everybody around you is alive.  That's the best thing you can do right now. Ah, fantastic view of the Bear Lake  for you. So today, we are moving to…   today or tomorrow probably we  are moving to Salt Lake City,   for certain important conversations.  See you next week, namaskaram. Sadhguru: One thing that we can know from  birds, if we listen to them carefully,   we would know the metrological conditions.  By raising your udana prana, your ability   to utter sounds in a way it is most impactful.  There is a long tradition of initiating people   with the sound. That sound gets imprinted in  you and you hear the Guru's voice continuously.
Channel: Sadhguru
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Id: XXxAjoSaNjk
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Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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