This video holds the potential to change your life -Sadhguru (best speeches) Happiness booster

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[Music] people are asking what is the god-given purpose of my life whatever is the source of creation what makes you think the source of creation which created this cosmos for which you do not know where it begins where it ends even keeping account of you forget about giving your specific purpose maybe the source of this creation doesn't even know you exist hello because this very solar system is a tiny little speck in this cosmic space isn't it tomorrow morning believe me if the entire solar system evaporates nobody will notice it that's how small it is in that spec planet earth is a microspec york city is a super super micro spec in that you are a big man this is a serious problem you think there is a god-given purpose for you this is the peak of human arrogance because all this is coming from the basis that has been spread in the name of religion and faith and whatever that the existence is human-centric existence is not human-centric we just one more creature which happened recently according to the evolutionary sciences yes as human societies we have issues we have problems your struggles whatever you think needs to be sorted out and whatever you think is your aptitude to sort out you pick up that damn thing and sort it out it's not any god-given mission you've got to do something do something useful because there is some joy in solving something this is all the choice we have you can either be a part of the problem are part of the solution if you enjoy being part of the problem do it there will be consequences yes sometimes it's fun to create problems yes it is but it'll have its own kinds of consequences the only thing you have to learn is do whatever the hell you want just do it well but for every action you perform there is a consequence when the consequence comes your way if you're able to joyfully go through the consequence you can do anything you wish but when the consequence comes you cry if you're that kind then you must control your action you are creating such a level of conflict within yourself for every simple thing that you think you could always be doing something wrong something wrong something wrong well joyfully do something wrong it's okay hello nobody knows really whether they're doing the right thing or the wrong thing do they know 400 no so don't bother yourself too much about is this right is this wrong it is just that when you do something is this bringing well-being to me and everybody around me that's all your concern is why don't you awaken the humanity within you why don't you become a living humanity humanity means just this already we spoke about this animal nature means fixing boundaries human nature means expanding or including everybody into your boundaries because this is a natural longing wherever you are you want to be something more something more what is this this is because your intelligence has come to a place where it doesn't like boundaries it wants to expand this is human nature human nature is naturally inclusive animal nature is exclusive it wants to fix boundaries so instead of being in boundaries of right and wrong even if somebody is wrong let's include them and do the best we can so do not waste your time in right decisions wrong decisions when you are reasonably balanced and clear and happy not frustrated about something make a decision throw your life into it something wonderful will happen you may not do the right thing but you will do a great thing you may do a wonderful thing that's good enough how far will i go what will happen well that depends on various things your own intelligence your competence and the times in which we exist you should not discount the times in which we exist at different times in history different things take off we may be in sync with it what we are may be appreciated today or what we are maybe appreciated tomorrow or what we are may be appreciated after we are gone but whatever we did in our life we did with total involvement because life is in its involvement life is not in its correctness your involvement must be unbridled whatever you do see how everybody's well-being is included in this if you are an inclusive process and you're involved it is fine are you right or wrong right or wrong till the last day of your life you cannot really decide what is right and wrong a human being at least on this planet you are the peak of evolution physiologically at least yes if other behavioral aspects if you may have questions but physiologically at least the most evolved creature on the planet what the most evolved creature on the planet means is it has the most complex neurological system and it has the highest level of cerebral capability that means you can think you can remember you have memory you have a very vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination an ant doesn't have such a vivid sense of memory nor does he have any great imagination yes some but he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living [Music] because the education systems that you're going through right from kindergarten level is such that it is about everything except you it's about everything else somebody's phd in tourism somebody's phd in biotechnology somebody's phd in something nothing about this how does this function there is no attention at all a human being functions you know you have a kala bhairava temple here what this means is a human being exists in three times he lives because of the richness of his memory how rich is your memory determines what you will do and what you will not do right now isn't it so so memory is important the present experience is important and how vivid is your imagination for tomorrow is very important right now the problem is these things have all gotten mixed up because discipline of faculty has simply not come nothing has been taught to our children that there needs to be discipline means people think english kind of discipline walking like this like idiots [Music] discipline of faculty is not there because of this your own mind turns against you what happened 10 years ago you still suffer hello what may happen day after tomorrow you already suffer because there's no discipline of faculty you don't know how to use your memory you don't know how to use your imagination your memory makes you suffer your imagine makes imagination makes you suffer and you think you're suffering your life you are not suffering your life you are only suffering the two greatest faculties of being human vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of humor imagination isn't it so if you suffer the greatest faculties that you have what can we do with you if you suffer a ailment understandable if you suffer a disability understandable if you suffer your ability hopeless case yes or no you are suffering your capabilities if you're suffering your disability it's all right you're suffering your capabilities because what life throws at us is not our choice always we try to manage it to some extent but it's not entirely our choice life may throw all kinds of things at us but what we make out of it is 100 ours if this one dimension if we take charge of this no matter what life throws at me i will make this into a tremendous process for myself let it throw whatever it doesn't matter what life throws at you you will turn it into a possibility you will not make anything in your problem because you are not a problem this is a choice that every human being has either for every situation when i say every situation there are only situations and situations and situations in our lives when you don't know how to handle a particular situation you call that a problem what is the problem for you may be wonderful possibility for somebody else usually is isn't it there are no problems in life they're just situations you can either make it into a possibility or a problem you can either you yourself become a possibility or a problem this is a choice every human being has but to exercise this choice you have to be in a certain way within yourself within yourself you are in a certain state of equanimity balance and exuberance that no matter what life throws at you you will make it into a wonderful possibility life can throw all kinds of horrible things don't underestimate life it can do things to you yes essentially the important thing is this is a life for every one of you your life is precious isn't it hello it's a precious life if something is precious where do you want to invest this life into what do you want to invest this precious life if this is a worthless life throw it somewhere if this is a precious life what do you want to invest this life into [Music] if you look at it this way you will find something truly worthwhile to do if you think in terms of how to earn a living how to get this kind of thing that kind of thing then you will do something silly that you will regret for the rest of your life most people are a regret that's why they're going around joylessly because they're not doing what they want to do they're not creating what really matters to them they're doing something for a living this precious life where are you going to invest it are you going to invest it in something that's truly worthwhile or are you going to throw it away as a worthless thing this is the important thing because what you call as my life is just a certain amount of time and energy isn't it yes as you sit here your life is ticking away or no you are young you may not be thinking like this but actually it's sticking away what is ticking away is not time what is ticking away is your life yes or no so this energy that you call as my life how are you going to invest it because it's going to if you're doing something truly worthwhile it gets over before you know what happened only if you're doing something worthless it feels like a long life have you noticed this on a particular day when you're very happy 24 hours poof it went off like that like a moment you're miserable 24 hours feels like 10 years have you not noticed this so only miserable people will have a long life joyful people life goes away like that as if it's a couple of days it passes away like that if you are creating what you really care to create see if you want to get somewhere in your life get somewhere does not mean be better than somebody do this and this that no as a life your experience of life should become a fantastic experience so right now all the crazy things that people are doing in their life why they drink sexuality temple this meditation whatever they're doing why they doing because they want their experience of life to become pleasant yes or no somebody hits the bottle somebody hits somebody else and somebody does something else but essentially looking for pleasantness [Music] if your body becomes pleasant we call this health i'm talking yoga now to you officially if your body becomes pleasant we call this health if it becomes very pleasant we call it pleasure if your mind becomes pleasant we call this peace if it becomes very pleasant we call it joy if your emotions become pleasant we call it love if it becomes very pleasant we call it compassion if your very life energies become pleasant we call this blissfulness if it becomes very pleasant we call it ecstasy if if your if your surroundings become pleasant we call this success only for this last one to make our surroundings pleasant we need the cooperation of many forces around us many things have to fall into place but to keep your body pleasant mind pleasant emotion pleasant your life energy is pleasant it's 100 your business not good for the business isn't it 100 your business to keep this body this mind this emotion and this energy pleasant within yourself i'm asking all of you tell me on a day when you're very happy are you willing to do lot of things or a day when you're depressed you're willing to do a lot of things when you're happy you're willing to bend backwards and do everything possible when you're little unhappy how difficult it is to move you isn't it so why do you say if you're blissed out you'll do nothing it is just that you will no more be a vested interest you are not in pursuit of happiness your life is an expression of your bliss now what will you do you will do what's needed every human being should be doing what is needed isn't it right now they are trying to milk happiness from the world destroying the world in the process completely destroying the world see today what is it that this ecological disaster is unfolding what do you think it is in pursuit of human happiness isn't it nothing else in pursuit of human happiness we have turned this planet into a bonfire and people are not even happy forget about being happy most people are in different state of struggles so it's very very important what is in your hands first all those things must be taken change charge off what we do in the world let us see to what extent the world allows us to do it your body your mind your emotions and your energies must take instructions from you isn't it so hello [Applause] right now it is taking stimuli and instructions from all sorts of people so how the hell do you think you will go where you want in your life when somebody else and somebody else can make this body with this person do whatever they want at least what happens within you must be determined by you what happens around you it will never be 100 determined by you if you work hard a little more influence otherwise little less influence but never 100 outside situations will always be like that and they should be like that because if the whole world happens the way you want then where do i go little bit your way a little bit my way a little bit somebody else's way it's fine but what happens here must be my way if this one thing happens your way will you keep yourself blissful miserable depressed what [Music] so essentially you must understand you can call it stress anxiety misery depression whatever you call it essentially your intelligence has turned against you that's all that's happened to you because there is no any kind of knowledge in your education system from abc to till this day how to take charge of the faculties that you have within yourself when he is fully shattered what can he do the question is do you want to allow yourself to be fully shattered that's a question and many things that don't work out in your early life you will see later on it is a great blessing even if you put through the most horrible situations either you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess so whenever something hurts you there are two options you can either become wounded or you can become wise this is the choice the more things hurt you early on in your life the wiser you should have become isn't it but unfortunately most people become wounded this is simply because they just need an excuse to turn their own intelligence against themselves that's all especially if the world around you turns against you is it not very very important that your intelligence stands up we we are misunderstanding consciousness as just mental alertness mental alertness will help you to survive better consciousness is not about that see you know exist you know that you exist right now only because you're conscious isn't it you're conscious right now that's why you know that you're here suppose you fell asleep you don't know that you exist isn't it you don't know the world exists nor do you know that you exist simply because you're somewhat unconscious does it mean to say you're completely unconscious no you're still conscious when you're sleeping but not conscious enough to notice the presence of many things so consciousness is not whether it is present or absent it is always there the question is only the intensity and the volume of it if we have to use the analogy right now see the lights are focused on us so both of us are clearly seen there are people hiding in darkness suppose you dim the light further all these people will disappear only two of us will be there if you increase the voltage suddenly they will all appear they were always here they were here all the time because the lights were dimmed i could only see you and nobody else if the lights were up then you could see this is all consciousnesses everybody is conscious question is how conscious so to increase or to raise consciousness what have we done in the societies our entire education system is just about survival one being better than the other how can you be conscious when you're competitive when you're all you want to do is be better than somebody your only joy is other people's failures how will you be conscious when you're enjoying other people's sufferings other people's failures this is what being number one means i am the number one means what you're number ten that's my joy so i think this is sickness from kindergarten you're spreading the sickness into children and you expect them to be fantastic it won't work like that you're paying too much attention to everything around you not enough attention to this one but the quality of your life is essentially determined by how you carry this one this moment what kind of clothes you're wearing what kind of car you parked outside what kind of home you live in does not determine the quality of your life this moment how joyful are you feeling within yourself determines the quality of your life isn't it so nothing has been done about it you think it will happen in consequence and you're setting impossible goals for your happiness if i have to be happy my wife should be like this my husband should be like that my children should be like this the world should become some other way well these are impossible conditions you're setting for your happiness and peacefulness now that you have compromised yourself to peace why i'm saying compromise yourself to pieces because a lot of people have given up aspirations for being ecstatic or blissful if i'm just peaceful it's enough even the so-called spiritual leaders are going about and saying peace is the highest goal in your life peace is not the highest goal in your life if you want to enjoy your lunch today you must be peaceful yes or no if you're not even peaceful there is nothing in your life that you can do in a worthwhile way to be peaceful essentially means this that you're not messing your mind to be peaceful means that your system is at ease you know how to conduct your mind you know how to conduct your emotions your body and your energies you are peaceful it is not a rocket technology it is the most basic thing you have a dog at home you give him his food he sits peacefully maybe not ecstatic but peacefully many times they're ecstatic also yes if your dog is able to sit piece oh he doesn't have to run my industry that's not the point he's got his own stuff going see it has nothing to do with the external activity that you're doing it's got something to do with the internal systems as to how they're functioning essentially it means either neither your body nor your mind or your chemistry nor your emotions nor energy are taking instructions from you they're doing their own thing once your machine is not in your control being peaceful is impossible i'll tell you you get into your car and now you go there and you want to turn this way you do this to the steering it goes this way can you peacefully drive this car can you no anxiety is natural isn't it this is what has happened to your vehicle it's out of control you've never done anything to find out where the steering wheel is first of all this is not that simple as a car this is a super super computer now the problem is most people have not even bothered to find the keyboard they think if they do this somehow it'll work if you make when you're given such a highly sophisticated machine if you do not conduct it properly it will cause many problems to you if you come to the idea of mortality once in a way it'll make you depressed it will make you fearful if you live with it every moment it will make you absolutely exuberant in a life because it is just this one thing [Applause] that this is not forever this is just for a brief period of time and the more joyful you are briefer it becomes if you are ecstatic it will just vanish in no time yes so if you want to stretch it you need to make yourself truly miserable otherwise it'll be just gone in no time if you come to terms with this if you live this way that every moment you appreciate one thing and only one thing because the most important thing in your life is you're alive right now to be alive fully alive 100 alive is the most important thing because only if something is 100 alive can you make it ill something beautiful say you have a little plant in your house or let's say a mango tree in your house which is like this which is just imitating you [Music] can you make it come out with lot of sweetness no it's alive in a big way now you can expect sweetness from that nobody has to teach the mango tree which is alive please give sweetness anyway it will pour out isn't it miserable people have be to be thought please be loving please be nice to people gentle to people do this do that all these things necessary because in some way you become half a life if you are exuberantly alive it is natural for human consciousness to bleed sweetness every moment of your life we don't know what great things you will do or not we don't know whether you will climb mount everest or not we don't know whether you will run faster than mr bolt or not we don't know whether you will become the richest man or woman in this world or not but this one thing you must do to yourself this one thing you deserve this one thing is 100 in your hands that you can live here as a joyful human being this much is possible for every one of us [Applause] our ability to fix the world around us subject to various realities some things work some things don't work because this involves too many forces sometimes it falls into place sometimes it doesn't but in our lives will we do everything that we can do or not is determined by this that only if you're joyful by your own nature that is you have no fear of suffering only when you have no fear of suffering will you dare to walk your life full stride everything that you can do you will do in our lives if we do not do what we cannot do this is not an issue but if we do not do what we can do we are a disastrous life i know money is important but money doesn't come because you desire money it comes because you do something well instead of going on thinking about how much money you want to earn if you look at what you want to create and if what you create is truly worthwhile money will happen this idea see for example right now the modern examples well there are narayan murtis there are zuckerbergers there are all these people these people didn't bother about money these people bothered about creating something because what they created was valuable to everybody money naturally comes in and above all if you are creating what you value if you are creating what you see as an immense value to everybody's life you have the joy of creating it how much money depends upon times it doesn't matter what is your level of intelligence what is your level of capability introvert extrovert this that doesn't matter do you have the courage and commitment to make the possibility into your reality that's all the question is so if you focus whatever you're doing right now it doesn't matter what it is how simple an act you're doing right now it doesn't matter if you're absolutely devoted to that that you're doing right now depending upon various aspects things will unfold but because of western influences we become too goal oriented goal oriented means we are interested in the consequence but we are not interested in the process if you are not interested in the process you should not be an artist yes process is an end in itself if you are absolutely devoted to the process depending upon various aspects something will come out but now we are interested in the consequence not in the process this goal orientedness i want to get there i want to get there where the hell do you want to get no i want to win the race see if you treat life as a race if you have to win it you have to get to the finish line soon isn't it you want to hello if you get to the finish line ahead of all these people you won the race you know what the finish line is we'll be negotiating where to bury you so particularly being in creative arts don't ever think of a goal what should i become how should i be what should i create don't worry about these things if you're devoted to the process something will come out something more beautiful than you imagined will happen because you're devoted to the process without devotion i'm specifically using the word devotion because people think devotion means going to the temple church or mosque no without devotion either in sport art music spirituality politics business anything any arena of life has anybody done anything truly significant without being absolutely devoted to what they're doing have they no mediocre things you can do so do not think of art and aesthetics as a way to earn a living living will happen because if a human being stays focused on something inevitably it'll yield how can it not heal the universe will yield to you if you're focused i'm telling all of you young people do whatever the hell you want in your life but you must be intensely focused on something if you're not investing in anything your life it will just go waste because as i told you in the very beginning one basic ingredient of your life is time and this is just going away if this one thing is done within the human being then every situation is a possibility once every situation becomes a possibility this human being will blossom to a full-fledged life and this is the aspiration of every life to somehow become a full-fledged life
Channel: Smarter By The Day
Views: 2,190,131
Rating: 4.819705 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, inspiration, joy, happiness, motivation 2020, sadhguru, life, success, goals, spirituality, mystic, in, ner engineering, smarter by the day, handle problems in life, stress
Id: T1Uuu-mK79Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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