An Enlightened Being Has More Karma Than Others !! #SadhguruOnKarma

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namaskaram sorry you said that depending upon how compulsive we are and as per our Karma we attract certain situations our life arranges itself accordingly but for an enlightened being who has no karma what determines the nature of situation he or she gets into or the way life pans out we have seen you face some of the most challenging situations what is the mechanics behind this the questions should be about you so whoever told you an enlightened being does not have Kerman an enlightened being as immense karma much much more than others yes because without karma if you are at a certain level of energy without a certain weight edge of karma you cannot remain grounded this is why 90% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time because if you do not consciously ground yourself with substantial waiting kind of karma then you cannot stick to the body first thing to understand is that karma is not some negative trash it's only because of karma you are who you are when we say karma we are talking about layers and layers of memory which makes you who you are there is evolutionary memory which makes you a human being suppose your body lost its evolutionary memory well you may start crawling because you're a human being not by knowledge by a huge amount of evolutionary memory invested in every cell in your body which makes you be human you have seen when we do certain programs which are connected to getting into or putting our fingers into deep levels of karma like samyama certain people start crawling certain people start doing things this is simply because we are sinking certain things deep inside it's touching their evolutionary karma and things are happening well there is an immense amount of karma starting from the evolutionary or even before the elemental karma is there we will not go into it it's too complex but you understand the evolutionary Karma let's say I see right now the frogs are happy in the evening for whatever reasons they're doing work work why I don't know who found the connection about kissing the Frog and turning them into human beings all those things but suppose you lost your evolutionary karma and somewhere around amphibious life somewhere around a frog you stopped after that what memory you had is gone suddenly you may be a princess but you will turn into your frog yes because it's this memory which is so invested in every cell in your body which gives you a human form and a sense of being human being so who you are essentially the shape and form of you it's just Karma because it's memory like this there are many levels of it I will not go into all of it now there is a genetic karma because of that you have a particular kind of nose a particular kind of you know a skin particular behavior aspects certain amount of capabilities and in capabilities genetic karma is there after that your own stuff is there articulate in articulate and now conscious karma now karma is not a negative thing if you know how to use it but if you do not become conscious enough to use it then it runs like a software let us say there is a software on the computer you use or the phone that you use I think computers are gone only a few people seem to be using computers everybody is only this so phone is a computer in a way so whatever software that is on it well whatever work you're doing let's say every 11 seconds I'm choosing that number intentionally every 11 seconds usual do boom-boom-boom every 11 seconds is good boom-boom-boom believe me after a few months you yourself will start doing every 11 seconds boom boom boom yes you will but the software is only in the phone but if it keeps on doing it every day see right now the chant is going on around are some some of you why is it going on all the time but slowly unknowingly yoga that's how it is we are programming you towards liberation many people and you yourself may be programming yourself to bond H because a whole lot of people are always trying to build bonds with something or the other because they think only by trying themselves to something or somebody they will feel safe if you have a bond with age it becomes bondage now I'm just playing with you but all bonds unconsciously developed and unconsciously it exists with you become bondages well bonds are like you know a sailor I will throw an anchor in a place so that there in case there is a small storm the boat doesn't go away somewhere so you put an anchor she's a very good thing if you want to be safe in one place but you are in a damn boat because you want to sail so if you keep on putting five ten anchors obviously you will be safe but you will never sail so you have to make up your mind you want to sail or you want to be safe so oh you have seen me go through all kinds of situations all kinds I don't know who is asking this question how does you know what all I go through do many things all kinds of rubbish lots of wonderful things also lots of absolutely wonderful things but lots of trash also comes from my way well what's his name that's his real name Nishant Shashank sono song has been very closely around me to see all the nonsense that comes my way anyway if Shashank is well-informed because he has access to somebody around me or he's just reading it in the news all the nonsense unfortunately in the news only the nonsense they're reporting all the wonderful things that happens to me they don't usually report that's their Karma so lots of absolutely wonderful things every day being thrown at me if nobody throws anything anywhere I said very wonderful wherever I am but some trash also comes my way well the trash is coming not simply simply because when you have nothing to lose and nothing to gain you can do whatever you want either you can go sit in a mountain cave simply blissed-out or you can get active in the world you can do many things you can be somewhat active somewhat withdrawn or all loud active depends what's your choice my choice has been shaped by the needs in the world not by my women till till I consecrated the ANA Linga there was only one intent because I am somebody slave I don't want to tell you all those terrible things which have been beautiful to me a man who doesn't even want to touch me with his foot he touches me with a stick I served that man for three lifetimes so that's a terrible story but with fantastic results because I'm result-oriented I value the result I don't resent the touch with the stick many of you have these issues that's why I'm telling you should guru didn't even look at my way he doesn't so because my activity since Deanna linger till then I was not bothered about anything else just one thing I thought that's it and with that I will even end because I had not created intent in my mind as what I will do beyond that so things collapse things happened whatever that's all history now every one of you know it's probably when the body begin to collapse very badly when my basic structure got very badly damaged and became almost like what to say little crippled then it became like a challenge let's see if we can get back and there were also some absolutely wonderful and dedicated people around me who are willing to give their life if necessary so for their sake and also as a challenge if we can really build back the system we took up certain things and started working which is another kind of Karma well those of you who have seen me since 99 that is 1999 because a whole lot of Millennials who do not know there was a 20th century so in the year 1999 if you had seen me and today you're seeing me well in terms of physical well-being I'm leaps and bounds ahead of what I was 20 years ago in 20 years decline should have happened but in 10 20 years I am way better than what I was it's clearly visible in every way so once we successfully built back the system then the question was okay what the hell do we do my long-term dream you know that I will right away across the world not a care in the world simply full tank open road gone that was a dream of that time even if my stomach was empty didn't matter motorcycle tank was full road was empty this virus time this lockdown time should be really nice to ride almost every road is like a racetrack but I am NOT allowed to ride so so that dream my thoughts shall I revive but all the people around me without them I wouldn't have had the intent to go through that enormous driving that it took of almost three years or three and a half years to build back the system I would have had the intent without all these people looking hopefully at me if I didn't have that I would have had the intent to build it back so then naturally got involved with people their spiritual process then when you went to teach spiritual process then you saw people are hungry somebody's sick nothing happening for them so we got involved in the social process then we saw even if somebody is just about getting enlightened there is not even a tree in the village so we started planting trees to point where people are calling me tree planter so all this karma but what do you think look at me and tell me you think this karma is taking a toll on me sometimes I might not have slept where I lie my left little butt does it does it look like it's taking a toll on me because I want you to understand all of you get this straight the simplest way to deal with all the humongous mountains of karma that you may have because if you have a Himalayan sized thermic karmic background it's very good that means you have a complex structure but if this complex structure tortures you and you will use your torture to torture everybody else around you then it's a disaster but if you use this complexity because complexity is needed to come out with very significant solutions if you have no complexity usually you are called a simple fellow in England in India we call them simple tunnel people will have compassion for you but no passion for you yes it's a sad way to live so now if you want to deal with your karma the simplest thing is you sit here absolute this passion for this one total passion for everything else this is all right now the problem means people have enormous passion for their life but they have dis passion for other people's well-being and suffering and whatever is happening this is why this is why right now the world is saluting the doctors and nurses who sticking their life out there to work for somebody because they are showing passion for other lives and dis passion for themselves this is a sure way of release so this is all you have to do you must reverse the equation too much passion for yourself no passion for others no absolute passion for every life around you total dispassion towards yourself you don't worry about all these karmic nonsense you are gone you are free from this rubbish [Music]
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 1,209,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru 2019, sad guru, Sadguru, satguru, sathguru, jaggi, vasudev, jakki, isha, yoga, spirituality, wisdom, mysticism, seeking, karmic cycle, bad karma, good karma, enlightened people, what is enlightenment, destroy karma, how to finish karma, An Enlightened Being Has More Karma Than Others
Id: 3WBhpSnfcEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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