What does it take to Access Akashic Records? | Occult & Mysticism | Sadhguru | Adiyogi

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akash is a boundless dimension when the composition of akash is enhanced then boundlessness becomes the nature of one's being if not boundlessness at least a boundary that you cannot see and feel if one wants to extend his antenna to larger dimensions of life if one wants to explore the mystical nature of our existence then enhancing the akash is a very vital and necessary aspect the five elements that we recognize [Music] as the basic ingredients of life this elemental magic i'm calling it elemental magic because just with five things not five million just five things [Music] with five things too much has been done with five things what is presenting itself is cosmos what is presenting itself is life what is presenting itself is everything that we can see hear smell taste and touch [Music] is well beyond the permutations and combinations that we can think of if something goes beyond the permutations and combinations then it's no more mathematic it is magic so this elemental magic to master this elemental magic is the most fundamental dimension of yoga essentially when people want to be physically robust then earth would be important but for one who is in the spiritual path one who wants to perceive the most important thing is akash why akash becomes most important is in the making of this human form 72 percent of water 12 of earth 6 of air 4 percent of fire is largely determined the rest is our cause when we said rest we did not mean six percent we said rest now if you increase the proportion of akash within the system [Music] if you increase the proportion of akash in the larger scape of who we are then our ability to perceive is tremendously enhanced [Music] if this proportion remains low or akash is at its minimal in one's making then their ability to perceive will be very minimal even if they have a great intellect this intellect will forage in mundane things it can never rise to perceive something more than that so in this context one important aspect of spiritual progress one important aspect of big han or which is gyan if one wants to perceive beyond five senses if one wants to perceive that which is not physical in nature if one wants to extend his antenna to larger dimensions of life if one wants to explore the mystical nature of our existence then enhancing the akash is a very vital and necessary aspect akash is a boundless dimension when the composition of akash is enhanced then boundlessness becomes the nature of one's being if not boundlessness at least a boundary that you cannot see and feel this gives the individual person a great sense of freedom a great sense of not being tied down to anything this lack of bondage within oneself is an essential amount of space that one needs if they want to have some mastery over these five elements this goes for human system also to keep the system well to keep the system in an efficient and effective mode but not being identified with it is a very important or the very important step one has to stake if one has to have mastery over elements once there is a certain amount of mastery over the five elements one will find there is no such thing as what is inward and what is outward [Music] because elements don't respect your boundaries to put it in the simplest form as you sit here you breathe there does not respect your boundary it is constantly in and out this is not just air this is happening with everything [Music] the food that you eat and whatever substance we relieve ourselves off and everything else is in constant transaction or the elements do not respect the boundaries of your body the boundaries of your body [Music] are only for your psychological comfort but the five elements have no respect for that and they anyway transact without your permission so if you have some access to experiencing the nature of the elements then you also lose the boundaries of your body or in other words you have sacrificed your privacy because there is no such thing as privacy because you know everything is seeping in and everything is seeping out constantly when one wants to gain mastery one of the things that are commonly done [Music] is those of you sitting in america or anywhere else in the world right now including india don't try to do this you will see the the spiritual moments of the past whether you take the yogis the nagas or the gorak natis or the jains one of the things that they do at the at at the basic level of sadhana is first thing is to expose themselves to elephant elements because they want the transaction to happen freely as today walking around naked in the world is not a possibility though in india it is still in practice you will see thousands of them walking naked not bothered about the social norms that is not a possibility for all of you [Music] so one simple thing that you can do is move to a loser level of clothing well you may not look shapely but there is no shape to you on the elemental scape it is in constant transaction to facilitate this to be able to be conscious of this one important thing is there is a little bit of space between your body and what you wear that it is not tight fitting clothes this is one step that one can take to if you pay attention [Music] you will see beyond this breath a whole lot of transaction is happening constantly across the body if one pays enough attention to this transaction then one will also slowly understand the nature and the composition of the elements within us then enhancing one dimension or increasing the akash in the system [Music] through appropriate practice becomes a possibility and of course once i say this the first question is sadhguru what is that practice practice doesn't come fast attention comes fast by attention if one knows that there is transaction not by intellect but by attention if one knows that there is a transaction then how to tweak the transaction in our favor is something we can do first thing is to take charge of the most obvious transactions [Music] the most obvious transactions are breadth food consumption of water and the temperature of the body and the temperature outside these are the most obvious transactions just pay a little more attention to these obvious transactions it always amazes me how breadth which is such an obvious transaction and it doesn't happen quietly it moves the entire body but most people never ever notice it if you can't notice your breath how to notice anything subtler than that because breath is a noisy activity it is happening if you bring attention to these things how you eat how you drink how you breathe how you touch everything that you touch you will see the experience of life will rise to a completely different level these simple things most human beings are not doing they're gulping down what they eat and drink they breathe completely unconsciously they touch anything and everything without knowing what they're touching or feeling it largely it's happening like this for most people if you bring awareness to that if you bring let me not even use the word awareness because it means many things to many people bring more attention to that if you are far more attentive to these things then without slowing down anything this is important because people think that when you're breathing you should not be doing anything else just you must be breathing when you're eating you must be eating when you're drinking you must be drinking no that is the beauty of being human that we have a cerebral capability of conducting complex activity within us and still be able to pay attention it is like you're driving and you can still have a conversation with somebody so two levels of attention are happening just like this you could be doing whatever you're doing but pay attention to the breath breath is one thing that is always happening so you can pay attention to that you can also pay attention to the food that you eat and water that you drink let it not happen all the time so the possibility of knowing the dimensions of the beyond the possibility of dipping into the mystical nature of the existence is very much rooted in the elemental composition of who we are bringing about a transformation in this [Music] can do fantastic things to you but one must also understand that fantastic things can also turn your life upside down [Music] that is the nature of fantastic things me
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 331,134
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Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, akashic records sadhguru, akasha sadhguru, sadhguru akasha, akashic records, akasha by sadhguru, akashic record, what is akasha sadhguru, sadhguru on akasha, sadhguru on akashic intelligence, sadhguru about akash, adiyogi channel, akashic, access akashic records sadhguru, akashic records by sadhguru, sadhguru on akashic records, sadhguru on occult, akasha, sadhguru akashic intelligence, sadhguru akash, akash sadhguru, sadhguru akasha elements
Id: U2LNx1O6ePU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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