Gods Of The Dunya

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[Music] [Music] we have a problem in this day and age with identity many people don't know who they worship and they really are confused of who they are first of all we find right through the ages that many gods have been worshipped even during the time of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in the ka'ba there was 350 idols they were worshiped when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam address them and convey that message to them that there is no god but allah they become arrogant they used to say these quotes are we to leave our gods for a mad poet for a crazy man that means the prophet sallam allahu almighty has said verily he has come with the truth and he has confirmed the messengers he has confirmed the message of jesus and moses and ibrahim and noah they all came to convey this clear message which is worship one god and disbelieve in all false made-up innovated gods respective brothers and sisters even though that we're living at a time where education is widely available you'll still see people worshiping with god other gods and now the gods have changed there's different things that people worship there's now abdel facebook fashion there is so many different gods in this day and age now am i saying it's haram for me to be rich and to wear nice clothing that's not haram the prophet has said he said that allah loves the one has consciousness of allah the one who is rich and the one who does things secretly between them and allah some of the sahaba were rich abu bakr allah was rich the one who funded the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was his wife she was rich and she was a businesswoman earthman radio one was rich was rich money is not evil if you know how to control it on the other hand we find the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said miserable is the worshiper of dirham and dinar these were currencies that were used at that specific time and now we find people worship the dollar indirectly they worship material things from the time they wake up all they think about how they're going to earn money whether it's through forbidden source or lawful source it doesn't matter that's all they care about their next house their next car their next clothing that's all they focus about so they attaching themselves with material things they are not attaching their heart to the creator subhana but make sure that the love of the creator who has given us everything is above all the prophet salallahu said to every nation there's a trial there's a test and the test of my nation is money money how many people divorce because of money how many brothers have cut ties because of money how many brothers are disconnecting with others and they have hatred and animosity to others because of money make sure that your money is in your hands not in your heart the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he was hearing one of the sahaba reciting this amazing chapter in the quran it has preoccupied you abundance until you visited the graves people are so occupied in accumulating wealth they forgot the purpose of existence and they dropped dead so the prophet has said sallallahu the son of adam says my money my money in other words that's all they talk about and there is nothing from his money or her money except what they eat and discreet and where and it becomes worn and they give in charity and that will remain and remember what the prophet has said he said miserable is the worshiper of dirham and dinar my beloved brothers and respected sisters asa jesus peace be upon him the first words that he uttered he said verily i'm the slave of allah because that's where honor is because whether you like it or not you're a slave to something whatever takes much of your time and you focus on so much and you forget about the purpose of existence you are worshiping this indirectly yes you are not prostrating nor bowing to it but if you were to look closely at your life that's all you're thinking about so that becomes a god salam when he was just born and he wanted to defend his mother she was accused of being unchaste he said in allah and allah has recommended that i perform pray and pay zakat why aren't allah commanded him to be dutiful to his mother because he doesn't have a father when your true slave to allah allah will defend you because allah has said this be with allah be true slave to allah subhanahu wa and allah will defend you it doesn't matter respected sister what they accuse you of as long as your conscious is at ease and you haven't committed that crime don't worry about them they're giving you your good deeds if people accuse you of something and you have not done it they are giving you their prayers or their sadaqa and if they don't have any good deeds you gonna give them some of the bad deeds that you've done but the most dangerous god and the most obvious god and the the most hidden god is the god of one's inclination whatever they feel they do you come up to a brother you come up to a respected sister and you say brother allah the almighty has said such and such the all-caring the most loving your creator your maker to all compassion the all expert tells you to pray for example i don't feel like it i don't believe in that you're worshiping yourself you've made yourself a god please do not ever forget this quote from this great man he said the two thing that i fear for you most is when you prolong things later on i'll pray later on i'll abstain from alcohol later on i'll respect my wife later on i'll be a bit into my husband later on we'll educate our kids later on i'll be good to my neighbor this later this ideology of later ali said i see that for you most don't say later because there could be no later for me in you and followings one's inclination ayn's desire they do whatever they want he said i fear that for you so the one of the biggest gods that is worship in this day people they worship their own selves subhanallah and we've sent to mankind so many examples so many parables but verily mankind quarrels much you bring evidence to people you give them proof and they're still not willing to accept they reject the truth i want to ask you a question do you really worship allah when you hear for example that allah subscribe to connect with allah come to succeed with allah that prayer is better than sleeping do you get up or do you say that sleeping is better than prayer prayer my beloved brothers and sisters is a connection between you and your creator you see we're living in one of the best of countries in the world but if you were to look across the board crime rate is skyrocketing why even that we we have education widely available why because people have connected their hearts to material things they have not connected their hearts to their creator one of the greatest scholars has said in this life there is paradise whoever does not enter into the paradise of this life will not enter into the paradise of the hereafter i swear by allah respect the brothers and sisters when you start implementing islam you will sense a sense of happiness within you the prophet salallahu said he and she will taste the food of faith whomever is content that allah is their lord and is content that islam is their religion and accepts that muhammad sallallahu islam is the messenger of allah you will taste the beauty of faith the prophet has said another hadith three things if they're in you you will taste the sweetness of faith what is at first that you love allah and his messenger more than anything else now some of you might say i don't feel this when you plant a tree it takes a while to provide fruits it'll come just take your time it took me a long time to reach this level for that reason our beloved prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to say allow us to rest by prayer bilal get up and make adhan bilal get up and make akama so we can pray because that's where they rest for that reason the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam has said the example of the person that recognizes allah and remembers allah and the one that doesn't it is like the living and dead yes beloved brothers and respected sisters please be a true slave to allah allah has said in al quran and those who believe they love allah more yes brother love your wife it's an act of worship love money no problem love status no problem love your occupation no problem but make sure make sure that the love of allah is above all love allah has said subhanahu wa is addressing us he's addressing us with an advice that all you who believe do not put forward an opinion and idea in front of allah and his messenger allah cares more about you than you he's the most gracious he's the most merciful everything that you have on you is from allah he's our creator so we should be proud to be slaves to allah because you're a slave at the end of the day so you either should try your atmosphere to be a slave to allah or slave to something else for that reason muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said don't over exalt me don't lift my status so high as the christians have done then he said i am a slave say say to people that i'm the slave and the messenger of allah i ask allah the almighty to make us of those that are true safe to him allah bless you for being great listeners allah you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 37,737
Rating: 4.9454432 out of 5
Id: wd9jzrz3Cdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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