The Dark Side of Ninja's Life

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so unhealthy i hope everything is all right i haven't seen ninja in a long ass time dude is minutes away from being skeletor why is it that every time i see ninja on this channel it becomes more and more sketchy when you reach the top the only place left to go is down there's one thing that almost everyone can agree on ninja certainly isn't what he used to be at one point he was what many considered to be a god a master of fortnite a master of streaming and in many cases even a master of public image particular that you've been impressed with all the man all of them yeah absolutely however ninja as a respectable pillar in the gaming community seems to be somewhat of a dated view an opinion held by a minority of his fanbase in comparison to when he was at his peak and while ninja's descent from grace has without a doubt been hard on his ego it's also revealed numerous elements relating to his dark side a clear decline in his physical health associated with what many consider to be a potential substance abuse problem his descent into the madness of today's political landscape including matters relating to race and privilege and a dark hidden deceptive incredibly fake persona always pretending to refute ideas and actions that when digging a little deeper can be identified in his own behavior when ninja was at his peak the controversies were few and far between and honestly it's not like that's very surprising how much controversy are you gonna find when investigating a dude who's so careful about his public image that he wouldn't even play with females in fortnite i don't play with girl streamers man especially in the position that i'm i'm in right now dude it's just not worth it it's not worth it it's all it is now sure he certainly wasn't the most liked streamer mainly owing to the fact that he was simply one of the best players and therefore an easy target to hate any chance any excuse to hate our ninja sign me up but in terms of genuine controversy ninja was somewhat skilled at avoiding it but as h social media began to decline in popularity his personality also seemed to change from a genuine guy who would say whatever he was thinking you're averaging three kills a game if i'm gonna be honest with you because you're being honest to me that's terrible three kills a game is not good to a dude who seemed to be constantly playing a persona do not pick on anyone there's no there's nothing funny about it and this is the first element of ninja's dark side a constant persona that's hiding how he truly feels about certain topics there's a hilarious video uploaded by coulier titled do not bully people ninja in which ninja is giving a monologue about how it's not good to bully people if your friends are bullying someone you should tell them to stop and if you're the one bullying someone then you need to just stop followed by numerous clips of ninja bullying people familiar you shut up when i'm talking to you you shut your mouth and this kind of behavior is the basis for exploring the dark side of ninja's life it's that he's constantly saying things that are incongruent with his actual personality in order to appear as someone who he isn't he bottles it inside him to try and make himself look better but i think this is really how he does act and how he really is you know he's really not like that and he's putting on a show for the kids but it was gonna come out eventually and it has take the don't bully people example it's clear that ninja is saying don't bully people to portray himself as an innocent person who would never do something like that to another player but does he not realize that almost everyone is aware of his past everyone's seen the clip such as you kid you're adopted now in reality there's nothing all that bad about talking dirty to another person on a game when you kill them because it's simply a part of gaming culture the pathetic dislikable dark part comes in when you begin to pretend to be something you're not pretending like you never did something in your past to save your reputation instead of just admitting that you've got an equally dark toxic past as any other quote-unquote bully this can also be replicated in more recent examples like when ninja went out of his way to discuss how he's apparently never said anything racist in the past obviously he seems like you know besides like that race which i never did and always hated when people would still do and somehow some people still do 100 not okay say that but anyways never said that anyways in the last couple of years anyways you know i digress which is once again another example of him trying to play a politically correct persona when his past tells us that political correctness really isn't in his genuine personality the fundamental problem as a whole here seems to be that ninja is constantly trying to be something he's not which leads to a response from the audience along the lines of that you're just a piece of [ __ ] no matter what you do uh if you try to be you know if you try to make a change for the better uh you know you're either fake or a sellout and then people just say that they miss the old you but ninja fails to realize the reason people perceive him as fake is not because he's toxic not because he's family friendly it's because once again he's trying to be something that he's not in order to appeal to an audience instead of just being who he truly is people liked him most when he was the old toxic ninja that's what i'm talking about dude what is that because they could feel that it was genuine i was so used to just swearing and saying whatever the hell i wanted even you know not really caring or if i offended anyone and it wasn't just ninja going out of his way to be toxic in order to appeal to the old audience so how's your protein doing that how's your protein doing that you know this is the reason why people began to like tifu more when he first started to gain popularity it's that he did bully people and he did talk a lot of smack but i want to waste all my mass on this guy when i know i could probably just show him but he simply owned it and was comfortable and honest about the fact that sometimes he was a bit of an [ __ ] if epic games is watching my stream go [ __ ] yourself tiffy maintain this kind of attitude where he was unapologetic about his genuine personality and as a result he's had a loyal fan base ever since he blew up back in 2018 but going back to ninja an interesting question to answer might be why did this dark side of his persona only seem to come into play as he began to decline in popularity well when ninja was at the top he had no reason to pretend to be something he wasn't because people simply watched him for nothing but his gaming ability he could be as toxic as he wanted as nice as he wanted as genuine as he wanted and his viewership would not change at all purely because it was the gameplay that people were there for but perhaps as he's declined in popularity in order to maintain relevance ninja feels like he has to play a persona of someone who his audience would like such as the new politically correct ninja but fails to realize that this just makes people like him even less because the audience can tell that all he's doing is trying to put forward a certain ingenuine image which overall is a huge component of ninja's dark side and this whole component is a basis for the next element of ninja's dark side and that's his bizarre foray into the world of politics not his political opinion as such but more specifically why is he even getting involved in politics at all he's a gaming streamer there have been numerous tweets over the last 12 months relating to ninja standing with the black community and his wife stating that ninja does his part for white privilege and racism but this just goes back to the previous point of being ingenuine with his audience ninja is a multi-multi-millionaire white guy spending his time playing video games who also seems to be somewhat low in compassion judging from the way he treats his enemies after he kills them who do you think you're fooling ninja you're just making yourself look like an idiot because everyone can tell that you don't really care about these societal issues and you're just saying words to maintain relevancy and keep up your reputation one of the greatest creators on youtube xerbia sum this up perfectly you can jiggle and rearrange words trying to trick your audience into coming away with a particular feeling or sense but they know when you're bullshitting or trying to be a smartass i've heard this time and time again on youtube and found it myself if you make something trying to pander to what you assume is popular people always know somehow when you post something or make something pandering to what is popular such as the hot topic of racial inequality even the people who agree with you on the topic lose respect for you because they can sense the lack of authenticity and the fact that you're only posting it to appease your audience on top of this all ninja is doing is alienating his audience and speeding up his demise because as sneko said best successful people don't play any side politically because they're too smart to know that they'd just be alienating 50 of their clients ninja argues it's not my job to educate kids who make racist and sexist comments ninja's moronic venture into politics is simply giving journalists a reason to pin click bait on him doing nothing besides making ninja's life more difficult while giving him exposure for all the wrong reasons what all of this shows is that ninja isn't a very genuine person he always claims that he hates being called fake and that people just love to hate him because he's popular but he's totally oblivious to the fact that he is fake he's always trying to put on this persona based on whatever his fans want or whatever a hot topic is instead of actually just acting out his natural personality and ninja's fakeness has gone beyond just trying to constantly play a persona and has reached into the realms of being secretive about what's going on behind the scenes in his life the final and certainly most interesting part of ninja's dark side is without a doubt the decline of his appearance and physical health the topic first became a point of interest on the 26th of january 2021 when a screenshot from a recent stream of ninjas went viral on twitter ninja don't look too good i think the league would get worse he looks kind of sick and if that's the case i hope he'll be okay why does ninja look like the yes the concerns seem to be somewhat valid because when watching a video from literally only 10 months ago i'm proud of how i you know i handled myself i showcased uh myself and you know obviously just continue to work hard and grind we can say that his physical decline has been somewhat rapid and with such a rapid decline his fans have speculated that the cause may be more than a simple nutrition problem i'm not sure the ingredients in red bull are good this dude looks like a straight addict lola ninja looks so pale and raw it looks like one of them dope heads that look dead walking around my town sleeping while walking ninja looks like he's really into drugs or something he's looking super rough and he just looked a lot happier in his early days various websites also began to spread a somewhat similar message of ninja leaves fans worried with sickly physical appearance and meanwhile over on reddit almost everyone seems to have a somewhat similar opinion relating to a possible substance abuse problem you know that look where celebs get vegan end up looking real rough compared to a few years ago i just saw a video showing ninja's face and was surprised it looks completely changed maybe even unhealthy anyone watching frequently is he doing okay otherwise i'm late here but i just so happened to turn on ninja and couldn't help but notice his appearance looking at him now compared to only two to three years ago he is insane philip's ungodly skinny he's constantly fidgeting and he has scabs former professional call of duty player adam killer sloth said that nobody talks about performance enhancing substances because everybody uses them the reason killer had to retire from professional gaming was because without the substance abuse you simply couldn't keep up with the other players who were doing it and this certainly wasn't the first time a pro had made a claim along these lines back in 2015 after winning a 250 000 cs go tournament pro gamer semphys credited much of the tournament win to the use of performance enhancing substances we were all on adderall like it was pretty obvious like if you listen to the calms people can hate it or whatever and tom everyone everyone does the adderall at escalante yeah is there a possibility that ninja has had to take a similar path in order to become a pro on valrant ninja isn't stupid he knows that the reason he blew up on fortnite in the first place was because he was simply the best player and in order to become one of the best players in valorum it's certainly a possibility that ninja is cutting corners and losing his physical appearance in the process the overwhelming theme of ninja's dark side appears to be a general lack of authenticity constantly playing a fake persona that he thinks will appeal to an audience pretending to care about social issues in order to gain virtue signalling points from his departing fanbase and a lack of transparency with what's going on behind the scenes in relation to his physical and mental health ninja seems to have some dirty skeletons in the closet being hidden in order to maintain his personal image but with a declining fan base we really have to question whether or not this is such a good decision for his [Music] career
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 3,527,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja, Ninja Fortnite, fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite storyline, documentary, youtube documentary, narration, video essay, entertainment, sunnyv2, fortnite downfall, sunnyv2 downfall, epic games, battle royale, youtube, the dark side, dark side, dark side of spotify, barely sociable, fake streams, ninjashyper, ninja highlights, ninja clips, ninja rage, twitchtv, twitch highlights, ninja best moments, ninja, fortnite ninja, ninja reacts, t f u say to me, fortnite fails
Id: OSFpePuSfiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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