Bella Poarch: 89 Million in 24 Months (deserved?)

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her name might be somewhat unfamiliar to you but you've certainly seen her face across various parts of the internet and whether these sightings were witnessed on instagram reddit or youtube she actually originates from the mobile application tick tock i'm a savage yeah classic turkey roast beef her name is bella porch and the story behind her rise to fame is in reality like no other only 12 months ago she was a nobody another girl walking down the street indistinguishable from any other citizen trudging along the footpath however in the 12 months since being a nobody bella porch has racked up a casual 60 million followers equivalent to around 5 million followers per month or 165 000 followers per day considering that's more than mr beast's youtube sub count as well as the population of canada and australia combined it's safe to say that bella porch must know something or have something that many others don't what could that special ability possibly be [Music] let's cast our mind back a little bit before bella porch hit 50 million followers before she'd be drowned in unwanted criticism for simply being famous hell let's go back to before bella porch would even gain her first follower on tick-tock there are some fundamental things which need to be covered in order to set a baseline understanding for her unprecedented level of growth bella porch was born in the philippines on the 8th of february 1997 making her just a touch over 24 years old at the age of 13 she would move to hawaii with her family and after seven years in hawaii at the age of 20 she would enroll in the us navy bela porge would serve in the navy for three years up until 2020 at which point she would quit and begin the endeavour that would turn her from a nobody into an international superstar bella porch created her tick tock account in april 2020 and it's safe to say that from the get-go she had her exact target audience mapped out um horny teenage boys i just care she's hot or not i mean her first video would be a video titled playing online for the first time in which she would mix her attractive appearance with a relatable caption specifically targeted at the gaming community you shut up that's why your shoes raggedy that's why your mama did dead as hell ultimately resulting in the beginning of her tick tock journey bella would then continue with other videos that ultimately related to the aforementioned audience of teenage boys posting videos such as telling the squad i didn't make it out of the gulag and watching your friend turn into an xbox which was mixed with the persona of being a cute gamer girl these elements made it incredibly difficult for our audience to resist watching and from the get-go bella's follow account will grow by around 50 000 per week but it seems like being an attractive female is almost a sure way of gaining a tick-tock following bella had all of the boxes ticked in the list of traits that are attractive to males she was somewhere between 4 11 and 5 foot 2 tall she was small and had generally cute facial features for this reason she'll begin to gain a reputation as being the cute girl on tick tock bella is adorable she should speak more often and laugh am i the only one that loves bella's voice bella's voice is so cute and pretty bella's voice is a dorbz oh my four king bella is so cute on top of this bella would even begin to hashtag her videos with hashtag cute and considering it was somewhat difficult to pull off her image without somewhat of a lucky genetic predisposition this was an element that made her stand out from the crowd and considering that let's be honest people were only watching because of her physical features bella porch would move on to what can only be described as lip syncing various songs while pulling various faces this would lead her to receive more than 200 000 followers after only two months on the platform however this was nothing compared to what was on the way for bella porch on the 18th of august 2020 approximately four months after starting her tik-tok account bella porch would post a video lip-synching the song m to the b by millie b and to say that this video went viral would be the understatement of the century dude this has been on my tick tock so many times you have no idea brah i can't be the only one who finds it satisfying she's the most beautiful and unproblematic girl on this app prove me wrong why is this so adorable and satisfying at the same time within only one week the video would gain over 100 million views and 10 million likes at the time of posting bella had 1.4 million followers however only 14 days or two weeks later she was at 11 million gaining at a rate of approximately 1 million followers per day and 28 days after the video was posted it would become the most liked video on tick tock with a grand total of 32 million likes this just became the most like tick-tock video of all time having over 34 million likes no why following the success of this video bella would post many other tick tocks with a similar lip syncing premise many of which receiving well over 100 million views bella would end the month of september 2020 with a little under 30 million followers a gain of around 29 million in only 40 days since mid-august her newly found follow account would lead to collaborations with other famous individuals like tiger and even james charles the collaborations would lead to further growth hitting 35 million 40 million 45 million and eventually 50 million followers in december 2020 only eight months after creating her account however there is no day without night no ups without downs and no fame without hate despite this video exploding bella porch into the mainstream as expected it also came with its own set of problems for the newly famous creator at this point i don't even question who gets famous on tick-tock it's just her making faces oh look she didn't i think god damn it i'm sick of seeing her face i don't understand why this is big bella backyard over here contorting her features to be all cutesy like gives me the rage to take down the chinese government from the inside and she just gets so much hate because her videos are like low effort or whatever people's like oh you're so talentless you don't deserve all this fame people started to get angry at the fact that bella was able to gain so many followers likes and ultimately fame for putting in very little effort or offering very little value to the audience tiktok the only platform where you can get praise for moving two muscles in your face i cringed so hard while watching this trying to find out how this girl is famous and even jesus christ himself stating that he did not die for people to become famous by bobbing their heads wtf and it's a reasonable argument let's be honest even in the context of explaining her story what is there really to say besides she's attractive she bobs her head in front of the camera and chooses music that seems to be popular amongst a specific demographic bella porch blowing up on tick tock was an estimated 10 talent and understanding the algorithm 90 just being attractive and considering her looks while somewhat shaped by the way she carries herself are considered to be a blessing from her genetics rather than from hard work it makes sense as to why people would consider this to be unfair but i mean as cliche as it sounds life is kind of unfair in this sense people are born rich poor smart dumb ugly and in bella's case sometimes with the perfect visual complexion that appeals to the general tick-tock viewer and it's worth it she's hot oh my god oh my god however people thinking that she doesn't deserve the fame that she's been awarded is really only the beginning of the controversies as previously mentioned one of the main reasons bella seemed to blow up in the first place was for her unique look which was in part completed by a range of different tattoos and piercings one of these tattoos is a japanese rising sun flag which she got in march of 2020 around one month before she would even start tiktok when bella would get the tattoo she was oblivious to the meaning behind the rising sun flag but would later be notified by her audience that it had somewhat of a dark association with the japanese and koreans of world war ii and of course with the internet being the internet always going out of their way to try and find something that offends them they decided that bella should be cancelled for getting what she originally considered to just be a cool tattoo bella obviously somewhat flustered by her first major controversy would go ahead and make a tweet stating i apologize to koreans because six months ago i got a tattoo of the red sun with 16 rays at the time i didn't know the history but when i found out i immediately had it covered and scheduled for removal i'm ashamed of myself for not doing my research i sincerely apologize she would then stay true to this having the tattoo covered by a snake with two heads only one month later this creates a question will these controversy slow down the growth for bella porch or perhaps a better question might be for what period of time will bella porter's growth continue as mentioned there are many people that seem to be unhappy about the fact that she's gained such an incredible following with what many consider to be basically no talent and while this often angers a lot of people it's also a problem that usually fixes itself naturally in order to stick out and gain a following on any social media it helps to have something within your content of value that no one else possesses we say this with creators like zack king thank you i got it hey it's too small wait a second i have an idea his videos are so unique that no one else even knows how to make them or at least to the level that he does this ensures that he retains a position of relevancy because he's got something of value that people continually return for now let's apply this to bella what skill does she have that sets her apart from everyone else the thing that made her blow up in the first place was that she's cute and you might even go so far as to call her hot but like this is tick-tock it's not like there's a shortage of hot girls on tick-tock the problem with having her physical appearance as the underpinning of her popularity is that attractiveness fades over time when she first blew up her cuteness was novel but as people see her every single day in a new tick tock on their feed they get bored and simply move on to a new hot tick tock girl to follow bella has no impressive top-tier editing skills to bank on she hasn't really branched out to say youtube where she could maintain relevancy through an alternate avenue and honestly she doesn't even really have that much of a personality there's no examples of where she's done a podcast she's only in one third-party video on youtube where she seems to be the quietest of the three featured creators and when approached by paparazzi on the street she doesn't exactly go out of their way to display a larger than life personality you recently got raided by tick tock insiders with one of the next big duke talkers to blow up how do you feel about that and don't get me wrong i'm not trying to fault her for being introverted or not responding to paparazzi because having someone shove a camera in your face involuntarily wouldn't exactly be the most pleasant experience but if you compare her response to some of the other people she's collaborated with like james charles good is this did you shake your head did you like it that is really cool i like it there's an element of charisma that bella just doesn't seem to possess but in this scenario it's best to let the numbers speak for themselves because if we observe the graph displaying her subscriber growth we can see that the slowdown has already well and truly begun for bella porch as mentioned earlier during her peak month of september 2020 we can see that she gained 6.5 million followers during her most popular week on the platform however this has been met with nothing but a decline in weekly follower growth it hasn't even been kind of up and down it's pretty much just been pure decline now we should clarify that this isn't her actually losing followers it's simply that her growth rate has been on the decline ever since she hit her peak but who knows if the graph continues her growth could very well stagnate and begin to go into the opposite direction the assumably desired outcome for the many saying that she never deserved her fame in the first place regardless of whether bella porch deserves her provision of fame or not it's still awe-inspiring to see someone gain a follow account of 60 million in the space of only 12 months and if we do take a second to look past what many consider to be an undeserving position of status she actually points out one of the most fundamental parts of social media success it helps significantly to have something of value that no one else possesses and whether it be something that requires years of hard work or simply a genetic composition that appeals to a specific demographic bellapooch has set an example showing that somewhat comedically almost anyone can become famous if they simply give it a shot
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 3,635,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bella poarch, bella poarch tiktok, bella poarch voice, who is bella poarch, bella poarch apology, bella poarch crying, bella poarch m to the b, bella poarch tattoo, m to the b, m to the b tiktok, bella poarch tiktok comp, bella poarch tiktok tattoo, bella poarch tiktok hate, bella poarch age, how is bella poarch famous?, what happened, documentary, youtube documentary, narration, video essay, entertainment, sunnyv2, downfall, sunnyv2 downfall, tik tok, tik tok video
Id: Tljx6r1Ydy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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