Ali-A Has Fallen Toward Irrelevancy (Fortnite)

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his videos have become the purest form of cancerous clickbait who misses when elia used to play the actual game instead of just showing characters dancing and emoting for 10 minutes why on earth would i watch one of his videos when i have no idea what's in it because the thumbnail and title are blatant lies alia has now become an insufferable fortnight clickbait he's facing his thumbnails with them over the top reactions just make me want to put my fist through the screen why does ellie a get so much hate ellie is clickbaiting the get out of his video he abuses it like there's no tomorrow the epitome of trash he's never actually given away anything it's been a long journey but i guess it's coming to an end i'm seeing a lot of youtube content not doing quite as well as it normally would at the beginning of the season during his peak month in march 2018 alia gained a whopping 207 million views his bass boosted intro appeared in every fortnight main video across youtube people respected his opinion on whatever game he happened to be discussing and his fortnite content was at peak relevance however in recent times following a fairly linear decline in popularity alia's viewership has dropped to around 15 million views per month this is 90 to 95 percent fewer than at his peak and while 15 million views per month is still pretty reasonable comparative to his own past performance the last time ali a received only 15 million views in a month was july 2012 over nine years ago there's no doubt about it aliye has fallen from grace when considering how many people grew to hate him over the course of his career we have to ask was ali a a misunderstood positive creator who has simply forgotten about as better more creative content took its place or was his demise a case of raw karma coming back to haunt him after years of click-baiting his audience well i want you to keep in mind one specific thing while you watch this video alia's youtube relevancy was heavily tied to the popularity of the game he was playing there's no coincidence that ali a and ninja's viewership graph looked like this side by side both of which having two very similar peak months at 200 million views each they were playing the same game with the same audience however fortnight wasn't the first game where ali had experienced this phenomena in fact alia had gained over 9 million subscribers before fortnite had even been released beforehand he had been a call of duty youtuber who covered updates game announcements and general news dating all the way back to 2010. hello everyone i'm alia allister and this is the second you can get in a row alia would begin to experience this same scenario where his viewership would fluctuate based on something completely out of his control how popular call of duty was it should also be noted that since alia was covering news and announcements within the game the only people watching were going to be the current player base if you were making something like gameplays even people who were no longer playing the game might have checked in occasionally to be entertained by the skill but when covering specific updates the only people interested are going to be the people playing the game at that current time this whole phenomena also seemed to be the reason for why he eventually stopped making call of duty videos in the first place stating my fortnite videos would get more views in the first few hours than a cod video would do in a day i was struggling making content the views were not very good and at the end this was also observable by looking at his graphs by 2017 as the interest in call of duty declined with every new release we can see that alia's views dropped from around 50 million in 2015 and 2016 to around 20 million in 2017. was the quality of the content getting worse no there was simply less interest in the topic so understandably when fortnite was released he saw an opportunity to jump ship alia did so but once again made a deal with the devil being that his viewership would be directly tied to the popularity of fortnite however alia's game switch also created a new problem that would eventually contribute to his demise yeah there was definitely some backlash from the cool juicy community when i decided to depart the part ways and go towards fortnite you left cod how could you do this to us upon leaving call of duty alia's reputation took a bit of a hit as much of his audience began to dislike him for departing cod for fortnite with the goal of gaining more views now the game change made sense from aliea's perspective only two months into making fortnite content his monthly view account had tripled unfortunately his call of duty audience was slightly less rational and saw it as somewhat of a betrayal with some reddit comments stating he did exactly that he forgot about the fans that made him as big as he is this began what would be the early stages of a universal dislike towards alien and once a few people start it doesn't seem to take long for a whole group of people to jump on the bandwagon and suddenly that number grows purely because their friend hates him however there were further reasons as to why people were losing respect for ali a after switching to fortnite he would cover updates general news and future announcements for the game just as he had with call of duty this worked extremely well as people were constantly desperate to know about what was going to be put in the game next often helping allied to gain up to 8 million views by simply talking about new additions to the game it's update day in fortnight and loads of things have been added i'm going to let you guys know everything is new however the part that started to erode his reputation and turn more of the community against him was that ali a would go all out with the clickbait many of the most viewed videos on aliea's channel display a complete lie of a thumbnail new secret chess found in fortnite displaying a chest that wasn't in the game the hulk challenge in fortnight when the hulk wasn't even in the game opening the secret bunker what's inside when the bunker couldn't even be opened misleading title photoshop misleading thumbnail this is exactly what's wrong with youtube in my opinion it's so easy to game the algorithm there were even posts on reddit with around 400 upvotes stating the one thing i can't stand with aliye is his fortnight thumbnails and how fake they are all he ever does is put omg or insane in his title and puts fake ass stuff as the pitcher i used to be a fan of his until he became the most clickbait guy of all time i cannot stand him upon clicking on any of these videos you'll be greeted with an over-the-top excessively happy and genuine persona welcome everyone to another for tonight friday i am we've talked about this in another video but i like to use the example of ninja people liked him in the beginning because he was genuine when he was happy he was happy when he was annoyed he was annoyed when he felt toxic he was toxic people respected it as he was willing to show water and all however alien gave off a different vibe he was constantly smiling everything was exciting always with a high-pitched oh what's going to happen next kind of aura now this might be a little far-fetched but i think people can sense that humans aren't really like this and therefore dismiss this kind of personality as fake and unlikable in relation to this one reddit user stated yes every time i open trending gaming on youtube and see his fake omg expression face i want to vomit however there is one exception to the rule it works with children it's ali a the most cancerous person on youtube nobody but 13 year olds care for his opinions by observing his thumbnails titles and persona people quickly figured out that his audience was almost exclusively kids now this has contributed to his demise in a few different interesting ways from a reputation standpoint people seem to have a natural dislike towards creators who simply appeal to a younger audience perhaps it's because there's an underlying vibe that young audiences are the low-hanging fruit of youtube and will simply watch anything or maybe there's a touch of jealousy and resentment for the fact that most creators with a young audience simply get insane view counts owing to the massive pool of kids on youtube additionally viewers who are older seem to distance themselves from creators who have a young audience because they don't want to admit that they enjoy content that's painted towards children now these are some reasons for why having a young audience damages a creator's reputation but the other problem is that with enough time children eventually get older and become teenagers and adults we saw a similar phenomena when examining the downfall of stampy the whole video was summed up with a comment being that stampy didn't have a downfall we all just grew up fortnite is pushing four years old now meaning that the 13 year olds that might have been enjoying aliea's clickbaity content towards the beginning of the game are now pushing 16 or 17 years old and have more than likely moved on to more mature creators in 10 years time the 11 year olds who were the early fans of alia will be 21 years old and unless the content changes they will no longer be interested in the videos being produced as one reddit comment stated well there's no chance you watch ali a videos if you're 16 or older but what made it worse was that alia also seemed to be scamming his young audience to some extent in a video titled fortnite sent me a secret package what's inside alia would unbox a bunch of different fortnite merchandise items while pinning a comment stating let me know which prize you'd like to win leading to 300 000 comments on a six million view video additionally ali a would stay finally make sure you subscribe to the channel so i can get in touch with the winners once they've been decided which was once again a blatant lie as youtube isn't a social media like twitter where you can just get in touch with a subscriber penguin zero or critical was the first person to cover this topic in a video titled ali a master of clickbait and scams which spread the negative reputation of ali a even further and in a nutshell alia is what it looks like when you sell your soul to make money he's youtube's premier clickbaiter for children he'll play whatever games just really following this other commentary channels jumped in on the trend spreading the hate exponentially his youtube name is ali a and he makes some of the most shallow and money-grubbing gaming content on youtube eventually if you picked a random player out of the population and asked them what they thought of aliye it was the same response every time i hate his videos now if you bring up ali a in a conversation a lot of people don't like him i mean come on on most youtubers first video there'll always be a comment stating 0-0 a legend was born but on ali a's first video the top comment is zero-zero amine was born alia's reputation could be summed up into three words he wasn't respected however another thing that ali a had to come to terms with ultimately adding to his demise was the lack of re-watchability on his channel many channels can stay afloat for months or even years after an initial blowout period simply because the content is timeless in the four night space c-day is a good example of this many of his videos from one or two years ago are still hilarious and easily watchable despite the fact that the game has changed substantially because the gameplay and editing underpins the quality of the video he still gains over a hundred thousand views per day despite the fact that he hasn't uploaded in a year and a half but with alias content a video about an update or a new skin that came out two years ago is completely useless in today's environment ali a style requires him to churn out constant videos on novel parts of the game but the issue with this is that most of the videos are totally irrelevant after about a month with a creator like noah's noah you have comments on almost every video along the lines of noah's noah is the only reason i'm still watching fortnite and that's because his content continues to appeal to people who no longer play the game similar to c day the content is underpinned by comedy unique editing and specifically entertainment as opposed to alia's informative videos which appeal to only the current player base all of this also assumes that there's even a demand to know about the new updates from the current playerbase which is a problem that alia has also had to deal with the hype around a new update in recent times isn't even closely comparable to the hype for a new update back in 2018. when the game was first released everyone was constantly on the edge of their seat wondering what the next new game-changing item was going to be people were so desperate to know that the clickbait worked perfectly new season 5 map changes gained almost 5 million views because people actually wanted to know about what the new map was going to look like however a video from only four months ago teasing the new battle royale map gained lea less than 400 000 views because people simply couldn't care less about the map they're going to be playing regardless additionally in the beginning there was also loads of hype around new cosmetics and skins in the game a title such as unlocking free legendary skins lured the kids in without any problem whatsoever as people were desperate to know about what the next cool skin might be but recently a title such as epic gave me the new zero batman skin early simply doesn't create the same height because whatever it's just another skin we've seen it all before so people simply don't watch the videos but to the credit of ali a the decline in his viewership seems to be a primary result of fortnite's declining player base if we compare his graph to say muselk and lachlan we can see that they all follow a very similar pattern despite the fact that they all still make very good quality videos and to take it one step further if we compare these to the google trend graph for fortnite you can see that there's almost a perfect correlation however it also without a doubt has a lot to do with this fairly tarnished reputation owed to the years of clickbait elia has another call of duty channel called allier plays which so far has seen far less success than his fortnite channel this might be because there's not a huge audience for cod content on youtube anymore but i also have a sneaking suspicion that the game's older audience refuses to watch alia as he's already established himself as a cringy kids fortnite clickbait youtuber which an older audience might distance themselves from for reasons mentioned earlier but to refute this claim once again ali a has a third channel with seven million subscribers called more alien on which he posts reactions to random non-fortnite videos hilariously this channel now gains about double as many views as the aliea main channel at around 30 million per month so perhaps it's unreasonable to say that alien has become irrelevant maybe his viewership has simply switched to a different type of content perhaps ali a will simply pivot once again when the next big game comes out as he did initially with call of duty however this time around his reputation is significantly worse off and such a switch might not be so seamless [Music]
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 4,006,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what happened, tsm daequan, tsm, daequan, daequan loco, tsm daequan fortnite, where is tsm daequan, fortnite, what happened to daequan, daequan youtube, thatdenverguy, fortnite storyline, documentary, youtube documentary, narration, video essay, entertainment, sunnyv2, fortnite downfall, downfall, sunnyv2 downfall, fortnite battle royale, epic games, battle royale, Ali-A, Ali-A intro, Ali-A fortnite, Ali-A intro meme, fortnite history, fortnite evolution, rise and fall, ali a
Id: 2iArthAxLrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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