The Continual Disappearance Of Daequan

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[Music] on the 16th of march 2020 tsm daquan will post a video on his twitter titled sundays with a sad face playing the song lonely in his car while zooming in on a chick-fil-a fast food restaurant this video seemingly insignificant at the time would be one of the last videos he would post before completely disappearing off the internet and when considering the depressive nature of his final internet moments it creates numerous questions and concerns relating to his current whereabouts what happened to tsm daquan there have been other popular videos posted on the topic by both that denver guy and redexlogic however these videos are getting quite dated and there have been numerous advancements and updates in the story that are yet to be discussed the current state of his mental health overlooked clips that almost perfectly outlined where tsm daequan ended up and most notably his updated november 2020 which gave everyone an indication as to where tsm daquan is today while incorporating these new advancements as well as other points that have previously been missed let's talk about what happened to tsm daquan before daquan would go missing before he would begin to struggle with various mental health problems hell even before fortnite season 2 everything seemed to be going well for daquan he was a humble new streamer with an ability to dominate season 1 solo v squads better than almost any other player let's go baby how are you rocking head learn his skills by playing other various games such as destiny black desert online and most notably guns the duel when fortnite came out it was a game whose skill set was very similar to a game i played in the past called guns you guys while playing solo v squads in the first month of daquan's streaming journey he would accidentally leave philon which would result in him being queued up with popular stream and decoders i left phil on on accident and i got into dakota's gun dakotas and daquan will perform extremely well together in that first game i got 16 kills he had a ton we slayed out so i was like dang this guy he taught me like he was doing crazy pyramid strats i remember it man leading them to add each other and ultimately become good friends daiquan and dakotas were then gone to later win 27 squad games in a row beating the world record of 26 that had previously been set at the time dakotas who was already a popular streamer at this point noticed daquan's skill and would ultimately invite him into the fortnite invitational competitive scene the first fortnight skirmishes that were going on like the practice ones i got him into it because because because i was like dang this guy is super good you know and i think he could really give people a run for their money so i got him invited to it jacqueline will go on to win many of these competitive games let's go baby what i told y'all what i told y'all get out of my face let's go it's nothing baby and considering these pro matches were being played by other large youtubers and streamers daquan would receive passive exposure and begin to get recognized as one of the best players in the content creation sphere while simultaneously getting a reputation for being the founder of the double pump strategy he was the originator of the of the double pump like nobody was rocking double pump at that point daequan literally came in and just double pumped everyone let's go baby let's go you don't know about the w key baby this ultimately led his streams and videos to grow in size and daquan would receive a whopping 1.9 million views during his first month on youtube providing him with the status of instant sensation this would turn into four million the next month then 10 million then 20 million displaying his continual ability to grow in popularity daequan stood out from the crowd not only for his skill but also for his bizarre sayings while playing the game come here give me your toes what are you doing brother my toes now stop order my eyebrow now this game's trash hey brother what do you mean i don't care if they're taller skinny i want them toes yeah then only four months into daquan's content creation journey he would break the world record for the most kills in a single game which cemented him as one of the best players in the history of fortnite this increased his viewership once again and would give daquan the ability to play with other pro players such as ninja high distortion and pokemane look at that easy points girl let's go oh my god we did it his increased status led daequan to be invited into tsm forming a team with myth and hammonds while also moving into a streamer house together chef myth and chef ham sus the hand okay really all of these elements continued the exponential growth of tsm daequan leading up to a peak in august 2018 where he would receive 68 million views and daequan seemed to be happier than ever i'm the type of person that's like just i'm just happy to be alive not a lot of people are like that just happy to be alive however it would be in this same month of august 2018 after hitting his peak in viewership and becoming comfortable with his fans that tsm decor revealed some details about his past giving us an indication of where he might end up in the future and then i got extremely sick bro like i got extremely sick i was sick for three and a half years like very very very sick on the 14th of august 2018 tsm daecon would upload a video titled daquan depression and sickness explaining that in the past he struggled with an unknown sickness that caused various symptoms rendering him unable to function as a normal person from day to day at all times it just felt like i was being stabbed in my stomach i had been to so many different doctors so many different specialists and like nobody could tell me what was wrong with me right this unknown sickness caused daiquan to cease both employment as well as exercise stating that he was unable to do anything besides sit in his room for three and a half years i had to quit my jobs i couldn't dedicate to the schedule or anything you know i literally couldn't do anything i couldn't go to the gym anymore i couldn't hang out with my friends i was literally just sitting in my bed following this daquan got extremely depressed because the sickness had gone on for such a long period of time three months went by and six months went by and then a year went by and that's when i really started getting depressed i was just i was super depressed man like it was really bad but perhaps one of the most important things that daquan said in this video was when daequan said this to this day like i still never knew what was wrong with me and i still have those feelings sometimes in my stomach but like i just kind of like i don't know i just kind of like fight through it and ignore it as if it's not even there he still felt that he hadn't fully overcome the sickness that at one point knocked him out of the game for three and a half years and if he hadn't identified focused on and fixed the problem that had demolished his state in the past what was stopping it from happening again in the future well this is exactly what happened in may of 2019 dakwin will post a tweet stating the worst type of stomach pains are the ones where you don't know what the cause is so you're just always in pain slash nauseated and you don't know how to make it go away sorry for the luck lately it's high key driving me insane hopefully we figure it out soon i'm trying now it was obvious what this meant on the surface at least anyway daequan was back in pain and it was obviously hindering his ability to stream as well as make content but just as previously mentioned this was only the surface there was clearly a bigger issue here this was also a pretty good indicator for the return of daequan's depression and the reasoning dated all the way back to when daikon was at his peak in august 2018. daequan first uploaded that video titled depression and sickness in august 2018 which if we recall detailed his past health problems as well as the fact that he was now feeling much better now let's once again look at the social blade of daquan and look at the month of august 2018. it happened to be the best month that he had ever had on youtube and would be the final month before his viewership began to decline now why is this significant well when things are going well we party we get more confident and we feel as though nothing could ever go wrong for daquan during his peak depression likely felt like a distant memory a place to which he wouldn't return given his newly found status but the unfortunate truth behind twitch and youtube is that success can flip at a moment's notice and what happens to content creators when what they've built begins to come crashing down well certainly a decrease in enthusiasm on the light end and the possibility of a full-blown depressive episode on the heavy end and considering daquan was already prone to such events there was certainly a possibility that a decline in popularity might trigger another depressive episode for tsm daequan between his peak month of august 2018 and may 2019 the month during which he would announce that he was back in pain daquan's viewership would drop from 68 million views per month to 20 million views per month now it's hard to determine whether his depression was causing the drop in views or whether the drop in views was causing his depression but it's more than likely a mix of both daikon was able to observe a linear drop in his viewership almost every month and even the most optimistic creator could tell that the eventual outcome of such a decline would be a dead channel only one month after tweeting about the return of his pain in may 2019 decon would take his first extended break from streaming and uploading which resulted in another extremely sharp decline in views from 20 million per month to only 3 million per month throughout his break decline would post various optimistic tweets about his mental health such as we're starting to feel good baby i'll be back soon miss and love y'all thanks for all the love i see everywhere i look i feel better than i used to not to where i want to be because i'm not 100 but i miss y'all so much that it depresses me a little more time and we live i feel like i have so much more energy in everything than before and i honestly can't wait to be back soon now despite the optimism in the tweets the tweets still had a depressive aura and tone attached plus it's important to apply the age-old saying of actions speak louder than words and if daquan was really feeling any better he would have just gone live instead of tweeting about how he was apparently in a better place and despite saying that he was in a better place daquan wouldn't stream for another month and a half finally breaking his streak with a toxic grandpa stream somewhat displaying an improvement in his emotional state [Music] daquan's return to twitch will be followed by a return to uploading on youtube beginning with a video titled where have i been in which he would once again detail that his break from both streaming and youtube was owed to a further decline in his health during my whole time grinding i was dealing with all those health issues even through those 16 hour days or however long it was on top of this decline detailed the passing of various family members and close friends i lost my grandma on both my mom and dad's sides i lost one of my favorite aunts bro two more of my friends passed away from gun violence that we had all escaped before you know once again owing to the decline of his mental health however there was another important fact slipped into this whereaby bean video that related to the health of not only daequan but also his girlfriend she ended up eating at a restaurant and catching e coli which is pretty much something that you get when um like somebody prepares your food and doesn't wash their hands you know now the main problem with daquan's girlfriend catching e coli was that it had caused further problems by the time it was found by the doctors the doctors took so long to find it that she was getting like beginning symptoms of other infections stemming from the e coli you know like the beginning after two months of on and off streaming decline will post on twitter my girl has life-threatening health issues now and it's low-key destroying my mental state man we go to so many doctors and hospitals and specialists and they have no idea what to even say to us anymore i don't know what to do anymore and she needs help we should once again be accompanied by yet another break from streaming and content creation during his hiatus daiquan will post a twit longer explaining that 2019 wasn't really his year but by january 2020 daquan would be back in quote a hundred percent full swing of things and that 2020 was gonna be his year however this would once again be a scenario where his actions would not match up with his words daikon would not even post a single video in january 2020. he would simply continue his break and not post a video until the 26th of february almost a quarter of the way through the year not only would daquan take two months to post his first video in 2020 this would be the only fortnight video he would upload all year as in march he would upload a singular warzone video post a tweet about not having any toilet paper and completely disappear the point at which many consider daquan to have quit content creation dakwan's disappearance this time would last 8 months from march 2020 to november 2020. at the end of his eight-month hiatus daiquan would post on both twitter and instagram stating that he was feeling better than he had in years always thankful daquan was back he was feeling better than ever was this the return of tsm daequan the famed fortnite streamer well not really since daikon posted this four months ago he hasn't streamed and made any videos or posted anything else on social media and i think the hard reality we all have to accept is that daquan often talks about feeling better or that he's back on the mend or this year is going to be his year but as mentioned earlier in the video he seems to be somewhat notorious for saying things that rarely match up to his actions for this reason daequan stating that he's feeling better than ever could just be another statement to bring comfort to his fanbase similar to his tweets in june 2019 that preceded a hiatus showing that they really weren't all that true now that's one reason for why decor might be yet to return to streaming or content creation the things he has said simply don't align with how he truly feels and he's not in a mental position to return to content creation for the time being because of the way that i was feeling like i never felt like streaming or anything however here might be another reason as to why daquan is yet to return to content creation and it actually has to do with the game fortnite itself i just missed the feeling of waking up so ready to play a game that i fell in love with and i haven't had that feeling in a very long time i started dislike fortnite once i started playing pro as mentioned by late 2019 just before dakon would disappear off the internet he mentioned that he didn't even enjoy playing fortnite anymore and considering that was over a year and a half ago now with many people stating the game is now worse than it was back then what incentive would he have to return perhaps one of the main issues is that daequan simply wouldn't have a game to stream if he were to return we see this with people like ninja who's playing valorent and tifu who's playing minecraft once they got bored of fortnite they kind of went into limbo and just streamed whatever because they knew they had to stream something but if daquan doesn't have to stream then perhaps without a game to play he's just deciding not to stream at all and the reward from streaming a random game simply just wouldn't be worth the pain that it puts daequan through the most likely reality is that it's probably a mix of both for tsm daequan a decline in his mental and physical health as well as a lack of desire to play fortnite once again and until daequan gets himself out of the rut that he's in it's unlikely that he'll return to content creation anytime soon however the best thing is that tsm daequan got out of this before and it's likely that he'll get out of it once again he even had some excellent advice for his own scenario the worst thing that you can do is let whatever situation you're going through holds you down bro you gotta look and i think we're all hoping that daquan takes on some of his own advice from back in the day you gotta wkey up about your situation and you're always gonna be like that because it's safe to say that seeing a return from the great daequan loco would be a benefit to everyone on the platform no matter how you feel no matter how depressed you are both you gotta you gotta chase something you gotta move towards something positive and that's literally or literally the depression is just gonna consume
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 5,562,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what happened to tsm daequan, what happened, tsm daequan, tsm, daequan, daequan loco, tsm daequan fortnite, tsm daequan funniest moments, tsm daequan missing, where is tsm daequan, reddxlogic, teamreddx, fortnite, what happened to daequan, daequan twitch, daequan youtube, thatdenverguy, fortnite storyline, documentary, youtube documentary, narration, video essay, entertainment, sunnyv2, fortnite downfall, downfall, sunnyv2 downfall, fortnite battle royale, epic games, battle royale
Id: wlX9miouMsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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