The Hunt for Edwin Lara

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Mike has been making so many great videos one after another, you can tell just how much effort he’s been putting on them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mike and Jim can't swim are doing a few of the same cases recently. Mike, you smashed it as always.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/virtualtourism πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just introduced a friend to your channel with this one. She's currently binging all your videos. Great content man.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tmartinez1113 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey you.... Thanks Mike. I have been sharing your channel all over. I appreciate your humor. You make me laugh despite the subject matter. Lets see if ya read this. Next vid, grab your earlobe when ya say hey youu.... it would make my day!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/twerp66 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excellent video as always Mike! I like that you put so much effort into making these and putting them out there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jaggededge21 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this whole video we're gonna talk about a guy named Edwin Lara and a woman named Kaylee Sawyer ring any bells well Edwin Laura he was up to no good let me tell you he was responsible for a missing woman Kaylee Sawyer went on the run after he told his wife about it who was a police officer by the way then what he taught was a real good idea was to take another woman hostage and then he shot a guy yeah it's crazy probably even crazier than it sounds his little rampage so I guess you guys let's stop faffing about and get into it [Music] this story begins in Bend Oregon Bend is a beautiful city nestled right smack dab in the middle of old Oregon and that's where Kaylee Sawyer lived Kaylee grew up in Bend her parents divorced when she was young she did have step siblings but she was the oldest she was described as someone with a big happy personality always smiling would talk to anyone she worked as a dental assistant in the city of Bend and in 2016 she was 23 years old living with her boyfriend of two years Cameron on the night of July 23rd 2016 Saturday night Kaylee was out with her friends celebrating a bachelorette party they were bar hopping in downtown fent they were all having a good time drinking and such sounds like fun at one point Kaylee's friends noticed she was flirting and dancin with a guy who was most definitely not her boyfriend Cameron but you know they're all a little bit drunk it wasn't anything too bad though it was fine so then at around midnight as the party is dying down Kaylee rings of Cameron ring ring come get me on that ride home Kaylee and Cameron got into an argument presumably stemming from well drinking and dancing with the other guide so forth when they arrived home the argument continued in the parking lot of their apartment near Central Oregon Community College with Cameron frustrated eventually going upstairs he then came back down ten minutes later and Kaylee was gone during previous fights you know Kayleigh she would usually go for a walk after just to cool off you know cooler heads prevail some time anyway um so she'd usually go for a walk would be back pretty soon but this time she left for a walk and was gone gone and staying gone Cameron then began texting her tick tick tick hey maybe do you want to come home or something it's getting pretty late please come home the argument continued over text with Cameron just saying it's very late please come home and Caylee we just was just like my phone's dying goodbye and so eventually she stopped responding the next day her phone keeps going to voicemail Cameron alerts her family unless the day goes on the were enos level goes up a notch she had left her car at a friend's house before they all went out on Saturday night she hadn't returned to it Cameron and Kaylie's mother then called 911 and report her missing it's about how can I help you hello hi um I'm not sure if it was quite the right number to call last night I got home from the bars my girlfriends she got upset at me and ran off and I chased her and wasn't able to find her and I still haven't heard from her phone's off I called all our family and they haven't heard from her so I'm wondering what you recommend idea we put in a call we can have officers deputies look for her okay yeah she was mad at me so I walked inside and told her to come meet me and then what she's like calm down come on I went back out in ten minutes and she was gone and I called her a few times and she said she was walking down the street and then I guess she said her phone's about to die haven't heard from her since and so Monday morning arrives on Cameron and her friends and family start to become extremely concerned they thought that you know maybe she had just gone to a friend's house and her phone was dead so she would show up but then as I said Monday comes around she doesn't show up her dental assistant job in Bend something is wrong the police they look into the guy she was dancing with nothing there they look into Cameron as you know a lot of these cases when somebody goes missing or whatever does tend to be the partner usually but Cameron no he's clean as a whistle Haley's family loved him they knew he would never ever hurt Katie I'm Alex piston an unusual missing person case has hundreds of central Oregonians concern and on the lookout Ben police are working to find Kaylee Sawyer and tonight Jennifer we'd spoke with Sawyer's parents Jen how long has their daughter been missing Alex Sawyer was last seen early Sunday morning near her West Bend apartment parking lot walking toward nearby Central Oregon Community College her mother says her daughter is very close to her family and it's very unusual for them not to hear from her for two days they say they are worried thick and just want to get there Kaylee back she has for four younger brothers who desperately want their big sister home missing 23 year old Kaylie Sawyer has much of central organ on the lookout thousands of concerned residents spent the day putting up fliers and sharing their concern on Facebook and we just contacted everybody and said please get her face out there the incoming COCC student and been native was last seen at 1:00 a.m. Sunday near the parking lot of her West Side apartment near COCC and so the search continued so what did happened to Caylee that night as Caylee was walking down the road that night after she left her and Cameron's apartment a car pulled up beside her a Central Oregon Community College security car she got in the car presumably thinking this guy may have driven her home but we don't really know why she got in the car but you know after all he's a security officer his job is to help people technically unbend it's a nice town but that's not what happened instead he asked for sex and when Kayleigh tried to escape call for help he strangled her until she was unconscious he then drove to an isolated parking lot and when Caylee woke up he choked her again then he dragged her unconscious body out of the car and smashed a rock into her head he then raped her when he realized she was still alive he smashed another even bigger rock into her head he then left her body there and drove back to campus he then returned to the scene of the crime in his own car put her in the trunk and dumped her body in nearby Redmond and then finished up shift for the nights he returned home and got into bed with his wife that's - Kaylie but at this point no one had any clue that man was 31 year old college security guard Edwin Laura and his wife Isabel Ponce Lara was a rookie police officer in Bend two days after the brutal murder Isabel was up in the morning watching TV when all of a sudden Edwin came down from their bedroom visibly upset his bail was like what's wrong what happened and he tells Isabel that he had accidentally hit somebody with his car and driven off he had done a hit and run as he's talking to his wife Isabel about this that he hit somebody and then fled the scene accidentally he then decides to take her gun under car and do a leg er Isabel you know she was a police officer rookie but she had heard the news of Caylee Sawyer being missing you know that's a nice and put two and two together and this is when the case goes up a notch Isabelle then went to the police unturned Edwin in but no one knew where he went I was just waiting for him to get out so we could start the morning so he comes out of the room and it's eyes are all teary it's a release it doesn't so I do not that you eat anything it just says that it's like I thank you I won't - what is that I'm like what do you mean things like I ate her with the car and did he tell you which car he said the security the the job the car the things are the job and what and what did you say to that so I'm like what do you mean where where what do you mean you hit her and it's a guy hit her in that panic no my what did what do you mean by you either panicking what did you do did did he say I hit her in a panic he'd say I don't remember exactly the words that he said like something that if he hit her with the car and then he panic so then I asked him like that's what I was trying for him to explain to me so you hear what the car that's an accident why what do you mean you can egg what what do you mean and what did he say you just kept saying I panic and at that point he's already like he got up then these already like going into the room and walking back and forth and I'm not really quite understanding what he's telling me and then I'm like so what did you do with the body what he's like I hit her it was just him moving around I'm not sure he I don't think he grabbed anything other than you did grab my gun from my purse and then he just kept saying that I need to go I need to go and then right before he loved he's like there's her stuff in the show he's he's a something in Reverse so there's her stuff is in the shed and first episode hunt for Edwin Laura it done began police then searched the home of Edwin and Isabelle and in the shed they found a white bag with Kaylee's high-heeled shoes her purse a blood-stained rock and a clump of her bloody hair police then had a pretty good idea of what happened to Caylee that it wasn't no accidental hit-and-run that you know she's most likely dead but they didn't have a body but so the case it switched from a missing-persons case to a homicide case so where did Edwin go I wonder the day he fled his home with his wife's good know us he drove to Salem Oregon he was looking for somebody who's looking for a woman and as Andre Amaze was leaving her customer service job at t-mobile she was getting into her car and as she turned the El Kheir on she was she's out there in her car flicking through social media you know after a hard day's work when all of a sudden Edwin Lara shows up right next to her with a gun in her face and he demands she dry they then began to drive said at first Andrea oh she didn't know what to do and when told her he had killed somebody and that they were going to California he then took over driving after several hours driving south towards California Edwin helicoid so they pull into a roadside motel he took Andrea with him [Music] in the room he hung cooked her to the bed frame and forced her to take sleeping pills and just when it seems like he's gonna you know her phone alarm goes off literally just her alarm but Edwin he's like police it must be hot on my heels are you working with the police what is that it's not like a tracker or something what the hell so so really quick thinking by Andrea this this is pretty good actually she's like no no no no the alarm on my phone that's to remind me to take my is to remind me to take my STD medication yeah I got an STD it's gross as [ __ ] you don't want to know it's make you sick taro so thankfully that was enough to you know Edwin didn't didn't hurt her thankfully but that was this pretty good [Music] the next day Edwin and Ray are back on the road but cloak andreas carats [ __ ] spring and spring and oil and [ __ ] all over the road they need a new car they then pull over at a motel in Yreka California in the parking lot Edwin he saw a guy loading his car and he walked over with Andrea and they meet Jacques levy loading his photography equipment Edwin demanded his car keys and when Jack called for help and when she shot him in the stomach ya know thankfully Jack levy you he'd be fine he would survive even though he had got good shot he was ok but you know the gun shot that was enough to scare Edwin off he was like drat police are gonna be hot on my ass so he just left Jack there I'm still grabbing and dragging and drea with him they run to a gas station across the road then I thought gas station he carjacks a car with a woman and her two teenage grandsons inside and he brings a dray along with him and so the five of them continued driving south and edwin tells andrea this woman and her two grandsons have you ever had the urge to kill because he's got a hot case of it he eventually drops the family off at the side of the road but keeps Andrea as a human shield hi everybody I just want to say that I apologize for everything had done what might be I'm doing it calm and sorry about that girl my background and Morgan and I have one with family members betrayal that she's mine and she will be fine as the so far she's being going what I've been calling do you know any people still wondering if I wonder stinker them alright I'm not that kind of guy imagine how you kill that other girl you know him I regret it I regret Kilner she's kept screaming and counseling the river so chocolate nations combined driving as you we all pretty soon and sorry to her grandma and her family members and her boyfriend you know I'm sorry thing that I thought and so here pretty soon okay fella cop said stop issue it up if you demand that's not my mom okay sorry everybody fine then driving near Redding California a highway police officer is on their ass after Edwin begins driving around 120 miles an hour Edwin then calls 911 said he's going to turn himself in here's how it bends Edwin Lara and I'm the guy on interested Interstate five four and a high speed I know you guys have the shopper off me already yeah and yeah I just want to say I am going to turn myself in okay where are you at okay I'm on i-5 I think just reading if I'm right you know I am wanted for murder in the state of Oregon okay Edwin where you at right now can you stop I am going to stop once I head ready are you by yourself or not someone with me I getting after an Oregon chip in today her name is Andrea okay are you hurt at all in RIA no no okay the officer sees you and are you able to safely stop yeah I can stop up but not right now I'll stop being horny what's the difference of stopping now in Corning I used to want to stop right here in the middle of the road you know putting myself in danger and putting everybody else in danger more in danger I guess you know there's no way I'll let them know they won't but if you can stop Safety's I just don't want you to run there thank you kind of run or anything okay and we do you have any weapons with you yeah that's what I was gonna say I do have a gun on me I am not enough nice to done but you still not to shoot me I don't want to die I get used to how you want I'll let them help ya I'm not yeah I'm gonna let him milk you know don't hurt Andrea you know she's a nice girl I am I am wanted were the death of Katie foyer she was really drunk and I didn't feed her and I run her over okay she was still breathing and then she was screaming and I decided I'll endure forever you want me to throw my tongue out of the window right now now all right how can you get it to one grab you she wants to kill me no no no you don't want to do that to her and yourself well basically organically it illegal to talk on the phone and dry right you know if you're calling an emergency and you know what this is just a total different circumstance okay he told the arresting officer he was wearing body armor when asked why he said I came to trow down bro he didn't actually say bro but he may as well huh but he said he came to a TRO down whatever that means Edwin was then arrested Andrea was also arrested you know the hostage she was arrested on suspicion of murder on kidnapping of the attempted murder of Jack levy but eventually she was cleared you know because she was the victim and all of this she was a hostage for two days and so Edwin has taken it I'm shooting this news myself cos we know a little bit right all right so here's the thing I just want to get to the meeting we can you please help me find her body immediately before we start talking about anything else oh the reason why I'm asking you that is I've done this a bunch of times I want to tell you where the body is yeah I do I don't think you're a bad guy right I think the things have spun completely out of control sir-sir right okay and you know this man what's it doing max so before can I say this Laurie whatever yeah as your drawing please or whatever whatever you'd like to do that's I wait for what happened man what happened like two straight up what happened so it's putting the signs up I say well detectives so I was gonna consult on the night manager area and I didn't see her she was wearing all black so I was in a hurry so it was my fault and I wasn't expecting anybody you know that type of I'm so likes tournament and I mean I've been a header that Hardy's bunker with control card ones at the front wreck and she fell down and I first I thought you know they know us all killed dream about being a header of the heart so I got off the car and she was really drunk and then she looks at me and then she started screaming she started screaming at you she bit like a mannequin eyes forever over shut up shut up shut up she passed out hold on back control car drove her up the beat and then I was panicking I don't know do here a series she saw a face uh-huh so I open the door and that's when she came back she started screaming get it so I did she was struggling to scream it's like the water down to do that I Drive the body behind the tree there breathe her best friend during the interrogation he says that oh yeah I did hit Caylee Sawyer but but she no guys it was an accident then he says he thought she was a prostitute and he killed her when she screamed and then had sex with her body so couple things you need to understand and we're finally getting to the real problem here where they are is you knew she was never getting out the car the moment you shut that door well let me finish you need to let me finish right because I know this okay because you said we were hookers right no immediately go to keeping your purse and your phone why did she wasn't gonna get out I mean she wasn't gonna survive that accomplished no because you can't wait for a letter okay but she can't make a phone call it will have it we can't let her live Edwyn we're missing something here man look yeah I know what you guys are thinking and it makes perfect sense because why would you ask for her purse what was in your head the bid you want her purse because you know just in case she had a gun she could defend her site she was gonna use your phone to call 9-1-1 so but listen that listen to this according to your story this is where it does not make sense if your intent isn't already there to do some kind of harm or some kind of evil to hurt some friggin evil that's there bro it's there you just gotta face it down man you can't counter away from it you place the can take out right now if you know the only way if you don't have intent in her head your thought is I gotta keep that phone away from her because she's gonna call from out before anything happen you've already made a decision am I right or am I wrong tell me so I made the decision the science to kill her I must be real when you say silencer you eat kill her is that correct when did you make that decision when she's thirty screaming because she has seen my face but you already grabbed her phone you already kept her away from making a call for help or contacting someone so you're already preserving yourself so I'm thinking it's before when you ask for the purse I think you already know in your head I'm going to silence her I'm going to kill her the sound that you heard I could the strike in the first rock before you hit her with a second exactly you know this it's the sound of legs leaving her body it's the sound of the life God breathed into her leaving her and her life meaning I'm going away being done it's a sound of everyone loving her morning it's a sound of her blood crying out from the frickin earth right you know this it's can enable no no you know what it is you need to hear it though okay I respect you enough that when at this point that I I've asked you for detail and now I'm gonna give you my ass okay those are the cold hard facts does God still love you will he forgive you will he bring you back into his heart really questions you have to answer for yourself but the truth of the matter is that her blood prize out man that her life is gone it will never be replaced the truth of the fact is this what you mistook for a hooker was an absolute angel was the apple of her mom and dad's I was the breath that they breathed but they spent and cultivated all their life raising and growing and she is gone forever with your semen all over her that's the truth man okay it's brutal it's hard to say it's hard to sit in here but you gotta face it before you can look your God in the eye I asked for that forgive me and be able to receive it I think all throughout my life I struggle with someone out there urge care does this addressed to dad again okay I think it would play pretty well on recording if we read this out loud my church shows some of your emotion might show I would love even read it thank you sir I mean trying to ask Amy for forgiveness I don't think her so here's my client because Scott this and I'm helping devil talk to angels however I know Katie here to you and if you find it within your heart peace ask for three degree please I beg you please I know that I will spend the rest of my life ask you God to forgive me but I don't think he will sir this is regular that I'm not sure what your name is but I know for a fact that you brought your daughter today my game don't have no heart please forgive me please forgive me a piece ask your wife to forgive me too I fell you I found my community I felt everyone including my family I am really sorry unfortunately though when it came to trial that entire interrogation was inadmissible you know why when Edwin was arrested in California when he was taken in he asked for a lawyer so that was all kind of useless a big blow to the prosecution but you know I think they had enough to go forward anyway Caylee's body was eventually found it was pretty horrific police discovered it after Edwin alerted them to a note he left in the car he abandoned in Salem before he took andraia May's hostage the note three times had the number one 8700 though there is no context as to what that number meant police were then able to use this number to turn up an address on highway 126 Caylee's body was dumped just off the side of the road and wasn't covered with rocks or bushes topping your newscast tonight a day of major developments in the Kaylie Sawyer murder case a grand jury has indicted former COCC Public Safety Officer Edwin Laura on four counts of aggravated murder the indictment released today reveals that prosecutors believe Laura kidnapped Sawyer tried to sexually assault her then killed her authorities say Laura fled to California and shot a man and carjacked three people before leading police on a high-speed chase down Interstate five and we now know more disturbing details about what happened to Sawyer and when Lara may now be looking at the death penalty Edwin would plead guilty to murdering Kayleigh Sawyer so no death penalty he got life in prison no parole possible today Kaylee's grandfather addressed the court and his granddaughter's killer but he will die in prison and will be a lifetime experience for you they'll probably wish he'd been in the death sentence Raphael you have no idea how much irreversible damage this piece of [ __ ] has done to my extended family with that said I'm not much of a religious person but I have my beliefs and one of them is an eye for an eye so if you will give custody to this piece of [ __ ] to my extended family we'll take them out in the desert we'll let the Eagles the Hawks the Coyotes and the maggots eat that piece of [ __ ] alive and then when the buzzards are done pecking his frigging body I'm gonna [ __ ] in his face and piss on his carcass and I want to feel his carcass full of lead he also got a second life in prison for kidnapping Andrea Mays he's still awaiting charges for the shooting Oh Jacques levy and carjacking that family but it's unlikely he ever will get any you know two life sentences no parole it's not really a so there's not really a whole lot more they can give him thankfully he got the worst what a case that [ __ ] he consistently said Edwin consistently said throughout the entire ordeal that he had an urge to kill which then led police officers to think you know when they are investigating him that he could be a serial killer they actually contacted the FBI to investigate him to see if he actually was thankfully they didn't find anything linked him to any other murders or disappearances but well yet that is but you know I mean if he and confessed to his wife about what happened to Caylee Sawyer he hadn't gone on this crime spree who knows you know what else you'd have done well kind of lurking in the shadows and even you know the crime spree he did go on he could have very easily killed Jack levy he could have done God knows what - Andrea Mays there's a lot more people he could have killed if he finally you know didn't decide to to turn himself in but uh he did some pretty sick [ __ ] but thankfully he's got a yeah not sure a life in prison and I think Kaylee Sawyer's grandfather said it best when he said and there you have it thank you so so much for watching I really appreciate it I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves my Kim [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,753,965
Rating: 4.8858371 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, kaylee sawyer bend oregon, edwin lara oregon, edwin lara andrea, edwin lara, kaylee sawyer, bend oregon
Id: zJtyNUt2KlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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