The Scott Peterson Case

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Watching right now! See in this ole video...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dugjewdee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Surprised he covered this. He normally does the cases that aren’t very well known.

None of this was new information but I thought he did good !!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sharkfest473 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Entertaining as always

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coach_craw πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
yes I had a relationship that was inappropriate and unfair to a lot of people and I apologized to everyone involved in that to all the families it had nothing to do with Lacey's disappearance I had nothing to do with Lacey's disappearance and we need to start looking for again because people aren't doing right right now hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna look at a pretty old case and a famous one that the case of Scott and Laci Peterson buckle up buckaroo Laci Peterson disappeared in 2002 on Christmas Eve while eight months pregnant her husband of over five years Scottie Pete Peterson would later be convicted of her death and put on death row where he remains to this day so we're gonna look at the who what why where when Andy growing voices that Scott Peterson is in fact innocent I mean easy though maybe if you squint [Music] so let's go back and begin at the beginning Laci Peterson born Laci Rocha in 1975 grew up in a farm in Escalon California described as being happiest when she was outside gardening with her mother pulling plants on weeds her parents divorced when Laci and her older brother were quite young Laci moving to Modesto with her mother who later remarried growing up Laci was a cheerleader in middle school and high school before going off to study ornamental horticulture at the California Polytechnic State University loved her flowers so she did I mean she grew up on a farm so let's move on while at university Laci met Scott Peterson Scott was tree years older than Laci they met at a restaurant where Lacey's friend worked and Scott he also worked there this was in 1994 our boy oh boy did they hit it off that was baseball that taste that said didn't give it away wouldn't day during that summer she actually rang her mom saying I'm gonna marry this dude one day isn't that something Scott Peterson the youngest of seven children was a very talented golfer even enrolling at Arizona State University on a partial golf scholarship however he had a habit of well drinking on girls and so he was kicked off the golf team later transferring to California Polytechnic State University majoring in agricultural business anyway things between Scott and Lacey they got pretty serious pretty quickly and they moved in together two years after they started dating now it was reported at around this time Scott started having maybe one or two affairs with some unknown women don't really know much about I thought to put anyway in 1997 Lacey and Scott got married and Scott woods he was a bit of a cooz hand you know to me after they both graduated from university they actually opened a sports bar called the shack after getting a loan from Scott's dad seedy name is interesting because one thing Scott didn't actually like was getting shacked up well we'll come back to that later they would eventually sell it in the year 2000 and move back to Modesto and buy a house lacy got a job as a substitute teacher Scott worked for a fertilizer company and in 2002 lacy announced she was up the Duff pregnant baby with a baby and the due date for a baby Connor would be in February 2003 at this time you know friends and family describe them as they always do it was the perfect marriage but something unspeakable would happen to their idyllic life dun dun dun in November 2002 Scott met a massage therapist named Amber Frye and he had number one of those affairs he just loves to have so much he told her at the time that he was single so and about a month later on December 24 2002 with lacy being eight months pregnant she disappeared [Music] the day before the last time anyone spoke to Lacey Lacey and Scott went to Lacey's half-sisters work where sheets cut Scott's hair while they're on trip today Scott made sure everybody knew he was going golfing flick which he just loves so much guys I just love golfing so much I'm gonna do tomorrow I'm Christmas Eve golfing Christmas Eve have I told you that yes me golf Christmas Eve remember that however the next day he went fishing at the Berkeley marina instead on his new 14-foot aluminium boat about his family didn't know he owned 90 miles away from his home on Christmas Eve when he was supposed to be having a big family dinner that day okay he would later tell the police the last time he saw Lacey was a 9:30 a.m. that morning as he was heading out the door to go fishing quote/unquote she was watching some cooking show Martha Stewart and she was just gonna muck about the house for today do some grocery shopping walk the dog she was last seen maybe and this is a big maybe in the local park at about 10:00 a.m. walking her dog now about 10 people say they saw her but did they I don't know we'll talk about it in a bit at 10:30 a.m. a neighbor found the Peterson dog alone muddy with the leash attached the neighbor returned the dog back to the Peterson yard not really thinking too much about it Scott tried to call Lacey a few times for today but got no answer because she disappeared when he got home he found her car in the driveway her purse still in the house so he arrived home nothing really seemed out of the ordinary but her than the fact that his eight months pregnant wife who's gonna be around the house all day is not there and she hasn't been there for errors as he tried to call her and couldn't get through to her but Scott you know he's they had a hard day fishing when he didn't seem to get any fish by the way came home had a nice tall cool crisp glass of banja that's milk couple of slices of pizza and then had a shower to wash the smell of the San Francisco Bay often cuz he didn't catch any fish missing pregnant wife back in wait come on don't worry about it all right he then after doing all that started calling friends family members neighbors asking about Lacey and then just before 6 p.m. that evening she was reported missing to be police yes my fellow long-haul he's been saying all morning 9:30 my daughter consistent that this morning she ate my pregnancy forgot for a waffle of heart a dog came always his beliefs are right my name is Ron I'm her husband Peterson the police began to immediately question Scott Peterson obviously according to them he was cool calm and collected during the questioning not exactly too worried that his missing wife she'll show up one way or the other he also initially told the police he had been golfing that day before changing his story and saying he'd been fishing however when the police asked what kind of fish were you fishing for he couldn't answer it was like just you know a fish a fish type fish that kind of fish sturgeon sure yeah although then you know family member would say yeah I go fishing where he goes fishing in the San Francisco Bay all the time at the Berkeley marina and he left pretty late he didn't leave the house at 9:30 a.m. so yeah they also found in the house a phone book remember them opened to a full-page ad of a defense lawyer he's gonna need one for sure but not quite yet remember something hopefully at least you got up and went soup and she had some chill breakfast each time she wakes out but why she couldn't stand she's pregnant I laid around that long Guernica of it hit a clock probably or so showers we were watching her favorite Oh Martha Stewart you know once whole thing parking song I mean some sort they talk about what to do the brain and I can't remember your house you have the converted garage areas a TV run like this number you were then we did you eating breakfast yeah okay and then what do you realize you're gonna go fishing all right that was a morning decision so play off of the club fishing okay too cold so she was getting juices in the hand okay so Bob she told you what she did she take dog for a walk and then she's going to the store buy for Christmas morning breakfast tomorrow and that was going to be a involve prep so that was trying to finish prepping breakfast she's going to make gingerbread cookies first night there was no sign of a burglary no sign of forced entry Laci Peterson was just gone a massive search was carried out for missing Laci helicopters searchlights heat sensors nearly everyone they knew and nine hundred people helped in the search in the first couple of days a 25-thousand dollar reward was offered for information leading to her safe return on Christmas Day and as the weeks and months went by this would end up being increased to half a million dollars and the police are very interested in Scottie P suspecting him of doing something maybe nefarious or something like that he also refused to take a polygraph and you know speaking to the police he had a number of inconsistencies in his story but even though the police were pretty you know on his ass from day one they never announced this to the public they always kept that hidden you know cuz his friends and family and Lacey's family they they believed him he was innocent he didn't have anything to do with whatever happened to her C Modesto police wanted the public to know that they were tracking down 175 high-risk parolees and sex offenders who lived nearby not Scott who lived next door during this time the police also placed a tracker on Scott's car maybe he might lead them somewhere and while you know where they were searching for Laci they would they would get a photographs of her so everybody knew what she looked like and Scott would always inspect the photographs that were gonna be publicly available to make sure he wasn't in the pictures he didn't want anybody to know what he looked like or really know anything about him he was always like we got to make sure this is about Lacey not about me you know so let's just have pictures of Lacey and only Lacey make sure I'm not in the pictures I wonder why well because I ran this time with Scott being a person of interest amber Frey the person Scott was having an affair with contacted the police so you remember Scott had told amber he was single a but he wasn't and she learned of this when a friend of hers saw Scott on TV you know appealing for his missing wife she told the police about their affair and that Scott had told her he was a widower 14 days before Laci disappeared and that the upcoming Christmas would be the first he had without his wife it sure would be the first Christmas he had without his wife a number obviously sick of Scott's [ __ ] she didn't know she was having an affair with a married man she then agreed with the police to record calls between her and Scott maybe they hoped he might admit something during one of those recordings he told amber he spent New Year's Eve remembered just about a week after his wife disappeared he gave Harry at little they were sorry French people when in fact he was out of it'll for Lacey he would call her telling her he was bopping around Paris on Europe all the while never leaving his home he did this by giving her a fake European phone number not just rerouted to his cell phone this then exploded when Amber Frey went public about their affair on public opinion on innocence poor Scott Peterson swiftly changed while the search for Laci continued Lacey's family maybe took a step back from Scott finding out that he was banging someone behind pregnant Lacey's back and then Scott went on TV a few times the clears name poor guy start playing by asking you why why are you sitting down with reporters now why did it and it's been weeks your family has gone in front of the camera Lacy's friends have gone in front of cameras lazy's family but but you haven't I know my silence previously was intended to keep the media involved in this case it's a rationale that we developed after perhaps the third day that she was missing we know from experience of others from unfortunate thousands of people that are missing that it's up to a family to keep the media and that's our biggest tools of media at this point unfortunately it has reached a point where suspicion of me is keeping people from searching for Laci its lost that they're focusing on me we need to ask people what was last time they really thought about Laci missing as opposed to when they thought about the suspicions that swirl around me currently so you felt that Laci was getting lost in you know she's definitely got lost in this yes you know I I the volunteers to date have been amazing so many people nationwide even and we need to continue that so it was a strategy at first to keep silent certainly certainly I if people want to see what they haven't seen so the idea was to keep the media coming back with that but it's reached a level now where they're not searching for Laci instead they're you know following me and that seems to be the story but it's not the story that's what this is not about this is about a missing sister daughter wife and child it's been incredibly brutal it's been a lot of the questions I get are how do you stay focused and keep working and that's real simple because she's out there somewhere she should be and we need to bring home to our families it's so easy to focus on that that is the only goal that we have it's got um Lacey's family has come out in the last we have stated that they no longer trust you in part because they say you lied to them about the affair why did you wait so long why did you keep that from them for so long and why did you lie to them no that must have been a difficult thing yeah it's um is an unfair relationship to everyone as I've said I didn't form Lacey about it I informed amber about it after Lacey's disappearance because she did not know that I was married Lacey's family and friends are amazing wonderful people and we're all working together to you know to bring her home your wife's been missing now for a month now your unborn child Connor and you know there's a possibility that they they may never come back at this point I know it's that's not acceptable possibility to us so many people in the public have but kind of suspicious and a part of it's probably because you haven't spoken out now that's why you're coming out but can you can you can you understand why folks my visas well did you listen to statistics on you know who's involved in something like this they're pretty dramatic obviously you know the silence you know didn't help this guy said police have said repeatedly over the past weeks that they have not ruled you out as a suspect right have they told you why they haven't called you out as a suspect oh my indications are that you know you can't rule someone out as a suspect until there's some resolution to the case do you have any idea what happened what do you think happened to your wife yeah we said we know the two things we know I saw her here 9:30 that the dog came home at 10:30 with leash on and a speculation beyond that even though I yes I have theories would I think hinder or focus an investigation or maybe with focus people's thoughts to narrowly so we should talk hope so we can gather all the information that we can what do you say don't worry Scott she can hear this yeah just with hot water back home yo she does how much she's loved be strong and they were working to get your home things are you in any way connected to Lacey's disappearance I have nothing to do with lady's disappearance and again even if people out there question that if they would just look at their hearts and make the effort to bring her home to her family I don't care what you think of me did you ever hit her did you ever injure her no no no violence towards women and this unapproachable it is the most disgusting act to me but I know that the suspicion has turned to me and then it's its turn to me one because I'm her husband and that's a natural thing and I would answer your question because of suspicion that it's been turned to me and it turned to me because of the inappropriate romantic that I had with Amber fried your call has been forwarded you have one unheard message first message except that this mom is about four to one different you know I just got a call from one Ron flowers he said Marina and it was a boat anchor of course when you knew it was not lacy but I just wanted to know I'm gonna call your house in case you don't get this message her right finally about Trina half months after Laci disappeared on April 13 2003 a couple walking along the San Francisco shoreline found a male fetus the umbilical cord still attached and torn a loop of nylon tape was found around his neck and the fetus had been cut the next day Lacey's body was found washed up on the rocky shoreline of the San Francisco Bay one mile from where the baby was found the previous day the body was decomposed to hell almost unrecognizable the head arms most of the legs and all internal organs were missing except for the uterus it's believed that happened after she entered the water because of death was undetermined Abul and it was concluded that the fetus was expelled from Lacey's body Scott Peterson was arrested on April 18th four days after Laci was found the police were feeling pretty urgent about this they knew he was in San Diego at the time and feared he might do a runner south of the border he was taken in while at a golf course where he said he planned to meet his dad and brother interestingly Scott's hair was dyed blond he had grown a goatee and his car was loaded with [ __ ] now Scott said the reason his car was loaded with [ __ ] was that he was living out of his car because of all the media attention he just needed to get away but then they found in the car camping equipment survival gear a shitload of clothes fifteen thousand dollars in cash and Willie stiffening viagra pills they took all of this as more of a sign that he was gonna go somewhere and not return down Old Mexico Way on April 21st Scott Peterson was charged with two felony counts of murder he pled not guilty his trial began on June 1st 2004 the judge actually moving the venue of the trial to a neighboring City as they felt the mood and modesta wasn't quite impartial the defense maintained someone else had kidnapped Lacey and killed her the evidence against Scott utter than him being maybe a little squirrely after his wife disappeared was that they found a single hair of Lacey's on a pair of pliers in Scotts boat he also added two porno stations to his TV after Lacey went missing which honestly seems kind of ridiculous why that was brought up that he added to porn stations to his TV cable network you know so we like to slap the hand pull his woman who doesn't however the prosecution took that to mean he knew she wasn't coming back and then combining that with the fact he was planning on selling his house and had traded in Lacey's car well he was therefore responsible for her death he definitely knew she wasn't coming back he didn't mind watching porn in the middle of the day all day having a grand old time at the trial the Peterson housekeeper told the court she had cleaned the home on the 23rd of December using water and a pine oil based cleaner however investigators found indications that different cleaning chemicals had been used on the floor suggesting someone cleaned the floor after the housekeeper the motive they argued was his affair his financial difficulties and his desire to not be a father and be single again the trouble started in November 2002 prosecutors said when Scott met amber at a bar slept with her the first night and then started scheming to get out from under the burdens of a lousy job and dull marriage all complicated by Bubba on the way his sudden interest in saltwater fishing when his wife and baby were found in the or near the water was incredibly suspicious they also found he had been researching tides and currents in the Bay he had also fashioned at least five concrete anchors then on December 23rd or the morning of the 24th he strangled her loaded her body into his truck then into his boat attached an anchor and dumped her overboard sniffer dogs had previously days after she disappeared caught a trail at the Berkeley marina where Scott fished the day Laci disappeared the trail ending at the water and this would only be about a mile from where Lacey's body would eventually wash up on November 12 2004 31 year-old Scott Peterson was convicted of first degree murder for Laci Peterson and second degree murder for his unborn son Connor the foreperson is my understanding that the jury has arrived at a verdict in this case state of California versus Scott Peterson we the jury in the above entitled cause find the defendant Scott V Peterson guilty of the crime of murder a place he Denise Peterson in violation the penal code section 187a as alleged in count one of the information file period dated November 12 year 2004 for person number six a month later the jury recommended the old death sentence and there he sits to this day let's look at some of the interesting things that have happened after in 2006 Congressman William II Donna Meyer of California wrote to the Attorney General saying he believed Satanists were behind Laci Peterson's death Wow Wow he cracked the case and I quote Lacey Peterson's body washed up on shore with her head both hands and both feet missing the press reports conjectured that the fish did it it is absurd to believe that fish would remove a body's appendages symmetrically and then eat off the head reporters what did I know the lamestream media in addition the baby's body washed up on shore the very next day reportedly in the same spot and reportedly had no loss of limbs or head why would the fish attack an adult's body and not a baby through dismemberment in this fashion is the hallmark of satanic cult killings a style of a killing that is not foreign to California or many other parts of the United States a number of law enforcement leaders in major US cities have set up special task forces to investigate satanic cult killings specifically of which Lacey Peterson's murder fits the picture the evidence of satanic cult involvement in the Laci Peterson case is stunning and yet it was not even mentioned during the trial why did you waste Scott Peterson's time could it be that high-level political or civic leaders in California are involved in practices as has been found in other states in the u.s. could it be that they are using their agents people like those in the brown van known to be involved in the other numerous crimes occurring around the same time and in the same location as Laci Peterson's disappearance a subsequent murder could it be that California law enforcement personnel are involved in the cover-up could it be it could be in 2012 Scott's defense attorney filed an appeal alleging that Scott was denied a fair trial three years later they appealed again arguing that neighbors had seen Lacey walking their dog after Scott had left the house remember that maybe maybe they hadn't however the state's attorney general replied that there was overwhelming evidence that Scott and murder Laci that must have been someone else they saw obviously as I said many people still believe Scott Peterson is innocence the fact that people saw Lacey after he left the house in fact ten people say they saw her walking her dog no blood or evidence was found in their house in the boat or anywhere else either however those sightings of Laci Peterson have just been dismissed and the fact that they haven't found any evidence well maybe he just did a good job cleaning up remember somebody had cleaned the house after the housekeeper so there were also reports that the house across the street from the pearsons was being burgled not very morning on Christmas Eve and that Lacey had confronted them leading to her death now that's never been investigated or rather rather the police say the burglary happened on the 26th of December not to 24th when neighbors say it did happen and this is also something which many many reporters who were count outside the Peterson home on the 26th refused the neighbors say the house across from the Peterson home was burgled on the 24th and that lacy confronted them and maybe something happened however the police say no it wasn't burgled under 24th it was burrowed under 26th according to our reports the outside of the Peterson home which again was directly across the street was a media circus it's unlikely burglars would have been able to you know there's a lot of people in that area don't know why burglars would choose the burgle then Scott's attitude after Lacey's disappearance certainly helped convict him you can watch any doctor report on this case [ __ ] Nancy Grace and you'll hear he wasn't there individual he didn't seem sad or upset yeah yada yada but who knows how someone will react when this happens as always please let me know what you got going on in your old noodle about this case and thank you so much for watching I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourself my camera
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,699,822
Rating: 4.8324656 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, scott peterson, laci peterson, amber frey, scott peterson interview, laci peterson missing, laci peterson case, scott peterson case, scott peterson trial
Id: pGCDD6uzE3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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