10 Minute Mobility Routine (FULL BODY)

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in today's video i'm going to show you a full body mobility routine that takes less than 10 minutes [Music] hey guys thanks so much for stopping by the youtube channel today i'm going to show you mobility routine that you can do no matter where you're at and takes less than 10 minutes to show you let's start my timer okay the first one of the day is going to be the world's greatest stretch it's called that for a reason as you're going to find out you're going to start in a big lunge position like this make sure your front foot is out now in this position you're going to start off by taking your hand and placing it next to your foot you're going to take your back leg and extend it so we're working on that hip extension of the back leg knees driven out to the side now in this position what you're going to start with is taking your free hand and dropping it as far towards the ground as possible now if you can't get down very far just go as far as you can and you'll get a good stretch in your mid back hold for a couple seconds deep breath in and out and then you're going to come up and out and hold for a couple seconds there too so it's down and back up now while you're doing this you're actively engaging your hips you're driving your back leg to the sky and knee out to the side so you're squeezing your glutes so not only are you getting upper body but also a little bit of lower body so from right here on this side hand down knee out to the side squeeze the glutes i can feel a light stretch in my hip flexors knee out to the side a little bit of adductor stretch and again down as far as you can good mid back stretch up and out to the sky hold it for a second and then back down again we're doing three of these you can do a couple more with pauses if you want in each position so that is number one the world's greatest stretch number two we're going to work on mid back what you're going to use is a foam roller this is the prayer stretch now if you don't have a foam roller you can just put your hands right on the ground there's not a problem with that at all you're going to start in the kneeling position place the foam roller in front of you hands on top of each other and you're going to drop your chest towards the ground so right here drop your chest take a couple deep breaths in and out and then back up now if this creates shoulder pain you're just going to move your hands out to the side and you can place your thumbs straight up and down this will allow you to get a good mid-back stretch without any anterior impingement for some of you guys that may be dealing with some shoulder pain at the same time so like this and then drop and one more again the idea behind it is that we're working on mid-back thoracic spine which often throughout our day because we're forward shouldered looking at our phones all day long we have problems in opening up if you can't open your mid-back up you're going to have problems getting your bar into a good position for a back squat or any pressing movements overhead so the prayer stretch can be a great one now next you're going to be doing something to work on your lat flexibility this is an area that often we develop stiffness because we're doing so much pulling especially on my strength athletes and not enough pressing overhead to balance that flexibility so what are we going to use a bar in the rack if you're at home and you don't have a bar just grab a banister from your staircase or anything that you can get your arms into and pull back on from right here we're going to externally rotate your shoulders now remember your lats these big v-shaped muscles on your back are powerful internal rotators so if you're doing a lot of pulling and keeping the bar close to you those muscles can get stiff and tight and limit your ability to externally rotate which will limit your ability to get the bar overhead or get back into a good back squat position so what you're going to do is externally rotate grab the bar like this place your other hand on top to keep it in place from here you're going to sit back and then shift to the side in order to bring out a good stretch in your lats that run all the way up here more like your lateral armpit region so this is what it's going to look like back up about a 5 to 10 second stretch back up we'll do three and then you're gonna do the same thing on your other side so palm up hand on top sitting back and then shifting side to side until you bring out a good stretch in your lateral armpit all right so right there we've done the world's greatest stretch we've done the prayer stretch we've hit our lats now what we're going to do is a deep goblet squat stretch this is something that you can do with just a plate a kettlebell a light dumbbell or even a heavy backpack throw some books in your backpack what you're going to do is find a weight that can offset your body weight and allow you to sink into an even deeper squat than you may be capable of without that weight so from right here what you're going to do set up in the ideal squat stance that you want to use whenever you're lifting hold the weight away from you and then you're just going to sit down as deep as you can don't let your elbows touch your knees and you're going to sit down as deep as you can and then elbows can go on the knees and from right here you're just going to almost freestyle side to side and feel from where you may have some stiffness within your hips or your ankles if you have some stiff ankles all you're going to do is drive your knee directly over your toe until this brings out a really good stretch in your calf now it's very important that when you're doing this you want to mimic the ideal mechanics that we want to see in the squat i've seen some people before do this with their toes real far wide out to the side and then when they drive the knee forward you can see that knee is well over the inside of the toe that's just mimicking that knee cave position we want to be as optimal as possible so that we get as much carryover to the ideal squat mechanics so set your feet in that toe angle that you use when you squat or maybe even a more exaggerated forward position and then that knee should drive over the lateral aspect of your foot but from right here i may be doing a five to ten second hold on each calf stretch i'm swiveling side to side i'm getting in a little bit of activation those muscles by driving the hips open holding for a couple seconds and back down but again this is more of a dynamic stretch and mobility routine not necessarily a static stretch okay so we're doing maybe a minute down here you can come up and rest and then do another one okay squatting down a little bit side to side that's it that's pretty good right there and i can tell directly after how good my squat feels so always test and retest and see how do you feel afterwards and if it's right for you you should feel like you're able to squat down much deeper and have that more freedom of motion now here's the deal mobility is not just your ability to stretch and do simple flexibility exercises we have to be able to control that new motion that we get into so that's where mobility is different than just static stretching it has a control component so we worked on all that upper body opening let's work on controlling it just a little bit more with a very simple kettlebell motion this is called a kettlebell windmill and it's a great mobility and control exercise combined that can be sort of the last icing on top of the cake movement in our mobility routine so what you're going to do and at home again if you don't have a kettlebell with you a light dumbbell you could even do this with a jug of water basically any light weight can be very helpful you're going to be in a kneeling position and we're going to start watch my back leg i'm going to take it to the side now from here i'm going to start overhead in a good ideal starting position shoulder blade is locked down not shrugged up and from here i'm going to hinge back see how my hips go back and i'm pointing it to the roof now as i'm doing this and coming down my shoulder blade is coming to my mid-back i'm pulling and retracting my shoulder blade so i'm coming down hinge my hips back and i can feel all those muscles on the back side of the shoulder working as i'm now working that shoulder and the mobility and the control within a full range of motion now i'm in a pure abducted motion out to the side all the way up into flexion so i'm teaching my body how to use that new extended range of motion that i was just trying to get with all the prior mobility routine but because i'm using a little bit of weight i'm basically teaching my body how to lock in that new motion so from right here down and back up and you'll notice that when you're done with this you just have so much more control of your upper body especially for all my weight lifters and crossfitters who are going to be training overhead this is going to be great for you so maybe just three to five on each side there you go so let's look at our clock where we at nine minutes and 40 seconds and that's with a little bit of talking in that explanation so right there that shows us that this can be a very simple mobility routine that you can do at home to hit all parts of your body and have you feeling like you're moving better after you can use this as a warm-up you could also use this as an active recovery day again we're not stressing the body a lot so it allows you to regain your movement your freedom of control things that your body should be doing and you're going to notice if you use this on as an active recovery day you're going to feel that much better the next day so that is it for today's uh youtube video i hope you enjoyed the full body mobility routine in less than 10 minutes if you have any questions let me know in the comments section below and thank you guys so much for watching the video and please if you're enjoying the content i put out please subscribe to my channel until next time guys happy squatting they say that energy flows where attention goes so i pay no mind why waste my time with all these negative cats scratching so caught up in their egos these people
Channel: Squat University
Views: 146,093
Rating: 4.9867778 out of 5
Keywords: mobility workout, mobility, mobility stretches, mobility training, mobility and flexibility workout, mobility athlean x, mobility and flexibility exercises, mobility beginner, mobility before workout, mobility before bed, mobility bodybuilding, mobility cool down, mobility circuit, mobility crossfit, mobility drills, mobility doc, mobility exercises, mobility exercises for shoulders, mobility exercises full body, mobility powerlifting, mobility routines
Id: dBYjU7iBpck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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