3 Core Exercises You Should Do EVERYDAY!

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alright guys so today we're gonna talk about the three core stability exercises you should do every day now if you heard that one word in that phrase it was stability I'm not going to talk to you guys about the three dynamic core exercises to work your abs this is a stability video meaning the emphasis is on limiting excessive or unwanted motion at our spine so that we can have awesome carryover to the exercises that we're looking to perform in in the gym like your squat your deadlift your bench your clean and snatch if you do these exercises I promise you you will feel much more powerful in each one of those movements so let's talk about what the exercise grouping is called the McGill big three now these are based off of the research from renowned back expert dr. stuart mcgill now dr. McGill has spent his entire life working on how to stabilize the spine and understand how the way in which we use our spine leads to certain types of injuries now whenever we're trying to keep our spine resilient injury under load we want to brace it blacken into place and then move about our hips so the different exercises that we do today starting off with the curl up are gonna emphasize that now when a lot of people work the front of their core what do they do they do crunches they move their spine look at my spine right now it is flexing up and back down now well that's not a bad exercise at working the front of your core through movement to strengthen your rectus abdominis or six-pack muscles I want to emphasize stability I want to limit any motion at my spine so what am I gonna do drop one foot now if you're not in pain doesn't matter which one you're gonna have your hands underneath your low back now these hands are pressure sensors they're going to pick up if you round your back so keep your hands here to feel for whether or not that happens what you're gonna do is brace your core you're going to turn all those muscles on and then you're gonna pick your head up just slightly off the floor and hold for 10 seconds the hold is the most important part of this we're not just moving our spine we're trying to emphasize stability about getting those muscles to kick on and that's fine in place so this is what its gonna look like brace pick the head up slightly hold for ten seconds three four five six seven eight nine ten and then back down now if you're feeling your neck is a little turned on and maybe just a little bit stiff while you're doing this all you're gonna do is tuck your chin first so just tuck your chin a little bit and then pick up and that may help a lot as far as taking some tension off the front of your neck but again this is a slight pick up of the head what I don't want to see is this don't pick your head up this high all you have to do is pick it up slightly and by holding it here and keeping your core braced all these muscles on the Front's are your spine like your rectus abdominis your transverse abdominus all those muscles are turning on we're really really hard to basically stiffen the spine now back down something like this do six reps in a row and I promise you you'll feel those muscles working now what is that exercise do like I said it's working the front of our spine there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to hitting all the parts of your spine because there's a lot of muscles that surround that make up the core so we need a different barrage of exercises to really hit all parts now the next one let's do how do we hit the side side plank now you're gonna get down on your side from your elbows now the modified version is usually one of the most easy go-to exercises you're just gonna pick up and hold in this position now this is a great exercise for hitting that downside part of your core and your lateral hip your glute medius so if you have a very weak or poorly coordinated glute medius the lateral hip muscles you'll feel this work in there too again ten seconds and then back down something like this six reps on each side now if this is really easy how do you modify it let's go to a full plank from here and you put our hands here it's a step one if that's too easy put your hands here again we're holding for ten seconds we're turning on those muscles of the spine we're limiting excessive unwanted motion I want that spine here and I don't want to twist we're limiting excessive or unwanted motion to spine and stabilizing and locking in so again six reps each side ten seconds now we're gonna go to the last part we've hit the front we've hit the sides let's hit the back now when most people think how do I work the back what do they do they're trying to work back extensions Superman's things like that you're again you're moving your spine into an over arch into extension what do we want to do we want to limit excessive or unwanted motion to spine locking in place in a neutral position and stabilized around that the bird dog is a great exercise for that very low load on the spine but working those muscles the erectors of your spine very well this is what you're gonna do get on all fours now again find that neutral position so you're not rounded you're not over arched find that middle position from right here you're gonna brace your core and you're gonna go opposites so we're gonna go right hand extension left leg kick out we're gonna go out and we're gonna hold it for 10 full seconds now after that 10 seconds keep the spine brace this is the part where a lot of people mess up on is we're gonna slowly come back not move your spine touch back out hold for another 10 seconds we're sweeping under our body if you think about this what's happening at my hips selection and then back this is like a squat as far as the motion that's a current back flat no motion at the or motion at the hips I don't want this because what just happened I lost my neutral spine in my back so as you go out you're holding you're keeping that core braced hold for 10 seconds sweep back under the body touch and then back out now common mistakes I see with this exercise first kick the leg weight you I now watch my back while this happens I'll just do the leg movement but people do this what happened to my back it over arched it extended I want that foot only a couple inches off the ground watch the difference over arch I'm gonna keep it just a couple inches off the ground you see the difference so we're able to keep that core in a little bit better position because we're keeping our hips moving as they should because the hips directly affect the spine next thing I want you to think about really making a fist as hard as you can with your arm and when you do that you're going to light up some of those muscles of your upper back as well if you do the bird dog correctly and create as much tension from fist to foot this is gonna be tough you should be sweating by the time you're done with this so watch how I do that with a lot of emphasis also in my fist making a lot of tension so we're here brace fist out four five six seven eight nine ten under tap back out and again ten seconds now if that is too tough for you and you're wobbling all over how do you regress you can do that with only the hips so just be here and just extend the leg hold that for ten seconds and back or if that's even too tough you can do it where you're just moving your arms but again the end goal is just going all the way out in holding a way that you can again progress that if you want to add in just a little bit more dynamic movement of your arms is going out and you can draw some squares again emphasizing core stability while extremities are moving that the end carryover that we're looking for in our core stability work because it's applicable to the way in which you move in the gym stable core movement of extremities I have been doing personally the McGill big three before every single workout for the past year and I've seen crazy carryover into how well and how powerful I'm moving during my workout on my off days I still do this I do a set of six for 10 seconds of each exercise if I don't have a lot of time if I have time I do a descending rep scheme pyramid six reps four reps two reps if you want to do more eight six four two but again the whole the most important you must do a 10-second hold to emphasize that stability to limit the excessive or unwanted motion of the spine moving we want to keep that spine locked in place while we move the rest of our extremities but again the mcgill big three I want you to start doing this I promise you we will find a huge carryover to how you feel and how you're moving in the gym hope you guys like today's quick video if you did please subscribe to my channel like it and in the comment section below let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about in next week's video until then happy squatting
Channel: Squat University
Views: 1,038,508
Rating: 4.9605694 out of 5
Keywords: core stability workout, core stability for athletes, core stability training, core stability exercises, core stability progression, core stability and strength exercises, core stability for beginners, core stability back pain, best core stability exercises, core stability circuit, core stability drills, mcgill big 3, mcgill big 3 exercises, squat university, mcgill big 3 core exercises, core exercises for men, core exercises at home, core exercises at the gym
Id: 2_e4I-brfqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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