Morning Mobility Routine - Long Version

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[Music] hi this is Andy Pet Roenick and I'm here today to talk you through my 10-minute mobility sequence this is something I designed to help keep your body moving well make sure it's prepared for life and to help keep all the joints in your body supple mobile and above all else happy let's get to it the first movement in this sequence is called a two-legged bridge what you're going to do is you're going to bring your feet up flat on the ground your knees bent and you're going to raise your hips up into the air you're going to do this by squeezing your butt cheeks and rolling your hips up so you're moving up one vertebrae at a time and you're moving back down one vertebrae at a time as soon as you've done five reps on one leg you're going to move to a single leg version which will intensify it makes it a little tougher but it's exactly the same movement I'm really focusing in on keeping my body moving up one vertebrae at a time and back down one vertebrae at a time at the very bottom you can't see it in the video but I am actually arching my back so I'm going from an arch back to a flattened back and then rolling up in the air the next movement we moved into is called the twist and reach bridge it starts in the same position as the two legged bridge but with the hips up in the air and the thing you're going to see me doing is reaching and twisting I'm reaching up over my head and stretching out extending my body as long as possible and reaching with my fingertips as far away from as I can from my toes my body is extremely active in this mobilization each time I come back down I'm actually pulling myself back down using my hamstrings so I'm extending and pushing myself up and away and I'm pulling myself back down using my hamstrings you'll also notice in the video that my butt never comes back to the floor the next movement in the series is called the straddle twisting pushup you're going to start this by sitting up on the floor taking your legs out in front of you and straddling them taking them as wide apart as you and then you're going to rotate your torso back behind you and do a push-up it looks simple it's not so easy the one thing you're going to find is you go through this movement is on every single repetition your legs are going to want to pull back together your job over the 15 or 20 reps you do is to keep your legs as far apart as you can there really is no definitive width to your legs but you should feel that straddle position at all at all times you're also going to notice that the opposite foot from the side that you're going to in the push-up is going to rotate it's absolutely fine it's part actually of the mobilization next in the sequence our floor sweepers laying face up on the floor with your arms stretched out to your side you're going to take one leg and sweep it up to the opposite hand you're going to try to do this and keep that leg as close to the ground as you can as if you're trying to like squeegee the floor or like a windshield wiper sweep the floor you're not actually going to touch the floor and you you may or may not touch your hand if you're super flexible you'll go up beyond the height of your hand and if you're not so flexible you won't even get close to your hand either one is fine do it to the limit of your ability these are supposed to feel good by the way he shouldn't be incredibly difficult or intense part of the magic in doing these mobilizations as opposed to stretches is it's kind of like moving a rusty door hinge you're you're moving it back and forth enough times so that that joint becomes more mobile next we have scorpions this is done very similarly to four sweepers but instead of laying face-up you're going to lay facedown with your arms stretched out to the sides the first thing you'll see me do is to reach my leg up above me as high as I can kind of like the Stinger of a scorpion then I'm going to drop that leg toward the opposite side and twist and reach I'm trying to actually get my foot to come up and touch my hand if you're extremely flexible already we'll probably have no problem touching your foot to your hand for most people that is like a pipe dream it's taken me a long time to get so that I can actually touch my foot my toes to my hand you might find as you go through 15 to 20 reps of this that your body starts becoming looser each of the little facet joints in your back start moving more fluidly and they'll just slide slowly and sub subtly give you a little bit more range of motion it's really important that you get that first I hesitate to use the word kick but that first extension of your leg and glute up into the air before you do the rotation next is the prone torso twist and me list this is probably the most technically difficult movement of the sequence so don't feel bad if it takes you a while to get it you're going to start this face down and big thing to remember is your legs don't twist your lower body does not twist so what you do to start this is you rotate your upper body your arms say spread apart and 180 degrees and you're going to rotate until your chest turns from face down to face up once you get to that position you're going to pull your knee up so that your knee comes up almost like you're trying to touch your elbow and then you're going to rotate the other way like I said this is really technically challenging and it's going to take you a while to figure it out and to get it once you do you'll probably have it kind of like riding a bike but it might take you a bunch of attempts to figure this one out and to get your body moving the way that I do in the video next we have the thoracic cat-cow you get into this position by starting with your shoulders directly over your wrists and your hips directly over your knees and then you push yourself back tucking your toes under you can see I'm getting a stretch on my big toes and my feet and my butt is pushing back into my heels this brings this movement more up into the thoracic spine on every one of the movements I'm exhaling as I'm pushing by my back up and I'm inhaling as I'm coming down I'm tucking my head under and I'm moving my pelvis pulling my hips under squeezing my butt cheeks and then extending I move immediately into the thoracic cat-cow with a horizontal rotation this it also takes a little bit of practice to get good at I don't even know if I'm good at it yet I'm moving in a horizontal circle as I do the cat-cow I do probably five of the thoracic cat-cow and then I go into somewhere between five and ten of the horizontal rotation cat-cow to the left and then five to ten of the horizontal rotation to the right like I said this one is one that's challenging to get the movement on if you don't get it at first just do a bunch more of the plane cat-cow and continue to work your way toward getting that horizontal rotation next up we have something I call the toe to heel squat you're going to squat down toward the ground and I don't care at the beginning whether you're in your heels or you're up on your toes and the balls of your feet what you're going to do once you're in that position is you're going to move back and forth between your feet flat on the floor and you're up on the ball to your feet you're trying to make the movement look identical so that your body isn't moving when you go from heels to balls of your feet you can tell that I'm absolutely moving my butts moving my whole my body tips over forward as I move into my heels I'm trying not to do that I'm doing my best not to do it but I haven't mastered that yet I go immediately into what I call single knee drop squats so staying in squat position up on the on my toes if you're comfortable in your heels you can do it from your heels but I'm going to drop one knee toward the opposite foot it's kind of a rotational movement I'm you can see also that I'm keeping my shoulders relatively quiet I'm not necessarily rotating my shoulders as I do this and the next thing I'm going to do is to move in to something I call double knee drops lots and the only reason this is called a squat is because you're starting in a squat you're going to lower your knees down toward the floor together and I'm trying to do this delicately it should not feel or sound like a Big Bang when you get down to the floor you're going to lean back extending your hips opening up your hips and then drop your knees to the floor moving back and forth between the two positions well that wraps it up hope you enjoyed it remember consistency is key keep doing this or my four-minute mobility sequence on a daily basis and I promise people pay huge dividends
Channel: Whole Life Challenge
Views: 131,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WholeLifeChallenge, Whole Life Challenge, mobility, morning mobility, stretching, stretches, how to stretch, morning streches, flexibility, Andy Petranek, mobility sequence, stretching sequence, exercise, health, fitness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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