Quick Shoulder Warm Up (3 MINUTES)

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hey guys i'm doctor in horsham today i'm going to show you three quick shoulder warm ups you can use to optimize your performance whether you're dead lifting squatting benching or performing any of the olympic lifts all right guys so you get to the gym and it's time to warm up your shoulders here's three simple exercises that you can use with any band to improve your shoulder stability turn those muscles on to help optimize your performance whether you're doing any type of barbell left in the gym now what we're going to use today to show this is a theraband i'm also going to show with most gyms we'll have a band like a rogue fitness monster loop i'm going to show you how to perform them on that also but what we're going to take you through is three simple exercises that you can do now most of the time when we are performing any of the exercises that we want with barbell training we want to really emphasize the posterior shoulder and the muscles that attach to our back like our mid trap our low trap our rhomboids muscles that control our shoulder blades because often if we don't have those muscles primed efficiently we're not going to be moving as well as possible and we're not going to be performing as well as we can so here's what we're going to be doing the first one external rotation you're gonna take a band elbow stay by the side pin your shoulder blades back and down as if you were to set up for a back squat a bench anything like that from here we're gonna externally rotate out to the side now here's the deal you're not just moving you're also holding and this hold at the very end this isometric contraction is going to be very very helpful at turning those shoulder muscles on in a way that's much more beneficial than just the motion of external rotation so palms up or thumbs out to the side this way or this way you're going to go out to the side hold for five to ten seconds and then back now not only is this going to be working the muscles of the back of the shoulder like your rotator cuff muscles but it's also going to be working your mid and your low trap muscles that attach to your shoulder blade the next one that we're going to do is horizontal abduction or just a lateral pull apart so from right here elbows are going to be straight you're going to go out to the side keeping those elbows completely straight the whole time and again hold for five to ten seconds don't let those elbows bend and then as you come back right there this is going to be working specifically more of those mid back muscles like your rhomboids and your mid trap ones that are helpful with scapular retraction setting those shoulders in a good position again five to ten seconds and then back and then the third one is going to be a cheerleader you're gonna do this both different ways arms out in front and you're going to go up and out at a diagonal hold for a couple seconds back down switch sides up and out for a couple seconds make sure you're not shrugging on that side that's going up and then back down now this one specifically is really good because it's going to work the body in ways very specific to overhead lifting as well so let's say you're getting under the barbell because you're going to do a jerk we want those shoulder blades to be retracted pulled back and in a good position but then as you go over your head in order to lift the barbell over your head you need that shoulder blade to pull up slightly so that's upward rotation in poster pelvic tilt or posterior tilt to the shoulder blade in order to allow that humerus to get all the way above the head without things smashing together so when you are going up and out you're going to allow that shoulder blade to pull out to the side we're not excessively shrugging but we're holding it in that position for a couple seconds while we're retracting on this side and then back again other side elbows straight not shrugging five second hold or so and then back down something like this i will be doing 10 reps of each one of those you should be able to get through this shoulder warm-up in just a couple minutes and you're ready to go now let's say you don't have a band like theraband at your gym a lot of gyms will have these bigger monster loop bands here's one from rogue fitness again we're about the inch diameter so it does not need to be a very thick one something like this you're not going to get as much motion but we can still perform the heavy isometric at the end so from here you're going to externally rotate and again 5 to 10 second hold if you're holding this hard those muscles are gonna be really turning on hard on the shoulder you're gonna feel this burning pretty good okay then you're gonna go out to the side now again you don't have to go all the way to hit your chest just go out to the side as far as you can while maintaining those elbows straight feel the shoulder blades pulling together you can then go up at the angle and then down the other way okay again you don't have to go all the way to hit your chest the hold is key on these so again about 10 reps each one of these you want to be doing about 5 to 10 second holds at the very end range but after i went through all those my shoulders feel like they're turned on the muscles on the back side and on the lateral side of the shoulders are ready to go and i'm going to be able to perform to my greatest potential and as a side effect decreased risk of injury for a lot of people especially all my weight lifters power lifters and crossfitters who are already very anterior dominant this is going to get those muscles primed up and ready to go i hope you guys liked today's quick video try this out let me know in the comment section below whether or not this works for you and if you have any other questions or things you'd like me uh to go over in next week's video again if you're enjoying the content that i'm putting out on squad university youtube please subscribe to my channel like this video share it with your friends and see if we can help some other people out prime their shoulders up to get ready to lift some big-ass weight until next week guys happy squatting they say that energy flows where attention goes so i pay no mind why waste my time with all these negative cats scratching so caught up in their egos these people have
Channel: Squat University
Views: 261,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shoulder warm up, shoulder warm up powerlifting, shoulder warm up weightlifting, shoulder warm up crossfit, shoulder warm up bench, shoulder warm up squat, shoulder warm up snatch, shoulder warm up jerk, warm up powerlifting, crossfit warm up, squat university warm up, shoulder pain weightlifting, shoulder pain, shoulder pain fix, shoulder pain powerlifting, shoulder pain squat, shoulder pain bench, shoulder pain overhead press
Id: ztQRlsR44M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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