How To Fix Shoulder Pain [SIMPLE STEPS]

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hey guys i'm doctor and horsham and today i'm joined by elite weightlifter darren barnes and we're going to talk about how you can fix that nagging shoulder impingement pain and get back to lifting some heavy weight hey guys thanks so much for stopping by the youtube channel today we're going to be talking about how to fix shoulder pain specifically the diagnosis so many doctors give out shoulder impingement now first off i'm going to say this is something that we're actually working through right now with darren's shoulder on his left side so uh just hint for all you 55 kilo weight lifters out there uh darren's on the comeback be on the lookout coming back shortly so let's first talk about what shoulder impingement is because literally this is a diagnosis that is given out by so many people and it's actually a very bad diagnosis it's almost a black hole of shoulder diagnosis because there is so much that can go into a shoulder impingement and not all impingements are created equal here's what i mean if we look at your shoulder anatomy here's just our simple shoulder model we got your shoulder blade on the back your humerus is your arm bone and the shoulder blade connects to the humerus like a golf ball sits on a golf tee now like i said not all shoulder impingements are traded equal because there's many different types there is an external shoulder impingement which means that things and structures on the front side of the joint are smashing together there's an internal impingement which means that structures on the back side of the shoulder are smashing together there is a primary which basically describes how this little notch bony notch on the front side of the shoulder may be for some people more hooked shape than others which leads to an increased susceptibility for pinching of structures and then there's a so that's primary secondary impingement which could mean a number of things the big thing i want you guys to take away in when dealing with shoulder impingement is that the screening process is imperative to understanding what is going on and how you should go about fixing because there is no one-size-fits-all to fixing a shoulder impingement so if you literally google how to fix shoulder impingement and this video doesn't show up likely you may not be getting the best information because there is no one-size-fits-all it has to be found with the correct why you have to illuminate your cause that's what i'm going to show you today so first things first when you have a secondary impingement remember primary there's that increase in bony overgrowth right there that's something we can't fix short of surgery most people are going to have those issues because of a secondary impingement meaning that there is an issue in either mobility stability or coordination at the shoulder joint and the way it's moving that is leading to the pinching of certain structures in eventual pain so what i'm going to show you is my step-by-step process that you can use to uncover what the cause is for your shoulder now first things first we are going to look at mobility now i'm gonna have darren lay on his back and head down on this side most of the time when people are dealing with a shoulder impingement they're gonna have pain as they uh as the arm goes overhead so i may be able to bring him up here and out that hurts right there he's unable to bring his arm completely overhead without a pinching pain on the front side of the shoulder one of the reasons for that could be stiff lat muscles remember these run right up here these are the big v-shaped muscles and they attach on the humerus now your lat muscles do internal rotation they keep the shoulder internally rotated so if they are stiff or tight they're going to internally rotate the shoulder which is going to lead to a smaller joint space for when you're overhead so what we're going to do is show you a way that you can screen for shoulder lat restrictions so first things first we're going to put the arm into internal rotation we're going to turn the thumb down take your hand and sort of secure the shoulder blade so we don't get any cheating out of that we're going to bring that arm as high as we can overhead so you can see right here i'm about at the front side of his ear okay i don't want that shoulder blade to come up so keep it nice and secure right there okay about shoulder right at about the height of his ear what i'm gonna do next is do the same thing but i'm gonna twist his arm out so we're externally rotating placing a stretch on the lat muscles we're gonna secure the shoulder blade again and bring it overhead now for people who have stiff lats as a contributing factor to their impingement remember keeping them into internal rotation right there they're not going to get nearly as far overhead with the thumb turned out so they will get to about there that means that one of the weak links in creating that impingement is a stiffness or a limiting flexibility factor of those lat muscles now for darren you can see he's got pretty good motion so lat stiffness was not one of his limiting factors but you can see right here if someone did have that here's what we're gonna do so first things first mobility test we need to do a test retest here's how you would clear that up first things first jump on up what you can do is grab a ring this can be a band that's maybe held up high let's say we're going to stretch out his left side you're going to take that hand place it under like that so left hand under so we're externally rotating placing a stretch on the lat and then you're going to put this hand on top to keep it there okay and you're just gonna lean back chest forward now from right here this lat spans all the way down to the pelvis region and it attaches up here so we're externally rotating we're getting a really good stretch on this now if you come and view from this side if you're doing this correctly you're going to get a good stretch in that lateral armpit region now this should not recreate that pinching impingement pain if it does it's just not right yet for your body at fixing that flexibility issue so let's come back up if you were programming that maybe three to five reps five deep breaths in and out but drop that what we're going to do is something else to improve flexibility of the lats without pushing into that harmful pinching sensation daryn's going to come over here and do this for a second you're basically going to pin this ball where those lats run all the way up on that outside part of the armpit and roll in and out like this and then roll up so let's try that i want you to get a feel for what that is going to feel like very good so you're going to roll in and out and your goal is to find spots deep within that muscle where it's going to come up and attach and i'm telling you if you have some stiff lats you're going to find some restrictions this is not going to be too much fun going to the pancave a little bit shouldn't hurt too bad but from right there you can then flex that arm over the top so we're getting a little bit of flexibility work as well sort of that pin and then tack and stretch very good something like this you're maybe going to do one to two minutes then jump on up so soft tissue mobilization has been shown to enhance uh flexibility the muscles right afterwards this could be very helpful for then us doing some movement work over the top so again you would always test retest to make sure that what we're doing is efficient and effective at clearing up the restrictions that we're trying to treat so again you'd get back here turn that thumb up yes or no did we get more range of motion with less pinching in the front side of the shoulder clearly that was not one of darren's issues so we can move on past that so like i said mobility restrictions that's step one what else can cause an impingement you can have a stability issue so the muscles on the back side of the shoulder are not doing their job at keeping the shoulder blade pulled back and in a good position so let's roll over on your stomach i'm going to show a little anatomy for this whenever we're looking at the back side of the shoulder again this would be the right side there's a number of muscles that attach onto the shoulder blade you have your mid trap your rhomboids your low trap that spans this way and then you have some of your rotator cuff muscles that sit on the back side of the shoulder and actually attach the humerus now their job whenever we're doing exercise is to keep the golf ball centered on the golf tee right there if there is an imbalance where the muscles on the front side of your shoulder like the pecs your anterior deltoids are overly strong and over facilitated compared to the muscles that lay on your backside which is a very common muscle imbalance we see with weight lifters or power lifters you're going to get sort of that anterior sitting of the shoulder joint so the golf ball is going to roll more so towards the front side of the joint as you're doing different motions especially when you're pushing anything over your head so one of your goals first should be to test to see whether or not those muscles are weak or not so let's do his left side so darren out to the side like a t so in this position right here we're going to strength or we're going to test the strength of the mid trap in the rhomboids he's going to hold out like that don't let me push down hold it hold it hold it and relax you can see that was a little tough for him if you were dealing with uh an impingement i want you to make sure that you are testing right and left sides to see if there's a big difference side to side um but again you're pushing and you're holding for a few seconds don't just do a quick push we want to see whether or not those muscles can turn on and whether they can remain in tension for a couple seconds okay then we're going to go up at a y so we're going to look more so at those low trap muscles in this position because of their pull they're more so going to be pulled and called into maintain stability so hold hold hold and what we're doing in this position is not only looking for whether or not he can hold his arm up but also if he's compensating you'll see some athletes that their shoulder will literally shift all the way up they're going to shrug to try to call in that upper trap to maintain stability that shoulder so look for those compensations we want that shoulder ideally to remain nice and stiff and tight in this position now here's the deal let's say you came out to the side and you could just push down and that arm just drops down they have no strength in the back side of that shoulder your first step is going to be doing a horizontal abduction which plain and simple we're going to do a single arm lateral raise while laying on your stomach so he's going to grab a weight you can do this with anything light i promise you i've had some big guys that can bench over 600 pounds start off with one pound on this exercise so what we're going to do is go straight out to the side but it's all about how you're performing this exercise that makes all the difference most people they're just going to relax the shoulder blade and just try to move their arm out to the side now that's going to keep that shoulder in a very forward or anterior dominant position right there as you go out to the side you're probably going to feel that shoulder working very hard on the front side or maybe even creating that impingement so what we're going to do is start by setting the shoulder blade so he's going to pull back and in keep that elbow straight so you're going to retract don't turn on that upper trap and then go out to the side in that position we are calling upon the mid the low trap the rhomboids to pull the shoulder into a good position prime those muscles to do their job while then the arm is moving so we're moving in a more optimal position that's going to keep the shoulder joint in a good nice and safe place so back down something like this i start off my programming two sets of ten for a five second hold the hold is key because we're not just working strength because remember strength is your ability to produce force stability is your ability to limit excessive or unwanted motion so i want him to come up squeeze by pulling the shoulder blade in holding up here we're not overly dominant with that upper trap so make sure they're not shrugging in this position five second hold and then back down something like this you're going to do two sets of 10 and then we'll go on to our next exercise now let's drop that down and stand up another thing that's very important to look at when we're dealing with shoulder impingements is your external rotation strength and stability now oftentimes we test for that down by the side so we hold here we push the hands in we say resist hold hold hold now for a lot of athletes specifically my weight lifters power lifters crossfitters if you're a good athlete that's gonna be nice and strong but that's not where you feel your shoulder impingement down here right you feel it when you're going above your head so you need to also make sure that you're testing extra notation in an elevated position so you would bring their arm up and say hold right here don't let me push down hold it and again let's say this is this pain-free side nice and strong but then we go over to the other side and we say right here elevated position hold nice and strong and what you'll see is some compensations they won't be able to hold as strong they'll maybe get that upper trap will shrug a little bit showing us that their reason for developing that impingement thing smashing together is because we have a deficit in creating that external tation torque strength and stability when in an elevated position so how do we fix that what we're going to do is an external rotation exercise and a tall kneeling or half kneeling position so i'm gonna have you kneel down right here and let's do this with your right arm so we can show everyone okay so from right here what you're gonna do is start off by getting a little retraction so you're gonna pull your shoulder blade back okay he's then going to row to 90 degrees now in this position right here we just locked in the back side of the shoulder blade priming those muscles to create that stability trap is not overly dominant on the upside and then you're going to externally rotate pull that shoulder blade good arm back again holding that position five four three two one bring it down very good and then punch straight forward so again let's do that one more time so it all starts here bring that shoulder blade back good elbow back from there externally rotate keep this tensioned on nice and strong very good and then down keep this tight keep this tight and then punch forward okay so that is the external rotation exercise you can even add in a press at the very end if you wanted to down the road but that is a start for how you can diagnose and then fix impingement because there is no one size one-size-fits-all could be a mobility issue it could be a stability issue or a coordination issue you have to understand the why behind the diagnosis so you can really make sure that your first step is leading you towards optimal recovery i hope you guys enjoyed today's video if this was at all helpful for you if you felt like the value was there in the content please subscribe to my channel i'd really appreciate it like share it with your friends and family if there's any questions you have on the video let me know in the comments section below and if there's anything else you'd like to learn about as far as injury or performance goes in future videos let me know as well until next week guys happy squatting they say that energy flows where attention goes so i pay no mind why waste my time with all these negative cats scratching so caught up in their egos these people have
Channel: Squat University
Views: 852,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix shoulder pain, shoulder impingement stretches, exercises for shoulder pain, shoulder pain stretches, exercises for shoulder impingement, shoulder pain exercises, shoulder impingement rehab, home exercises for shoulder pain, shoulder impingement exercises, rotator cuff exercises for pain relief, shoulder pain relief exercises, exercises for rotator cuff pain, rotator cuff exercises, shoulder pain, tone and tighten, physical therapy, shoulder impingement, rotator cuff
Id: CGuTduLud9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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