Hip Mobility for a PERFECT Squat

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hey what's up guys I'm doctor imported a I'm gonna show you my top 5 hit mobility exercises for a perfect squat okay so you get to the gym and it's time to warm up and you've got some really really stiff hips let's talk about my top 5 hip mobility exercises to perfect your squat step 1 find a box we're gonna do the pigeon stretch now all you're gonna need for this is a box about this high you can do it on a lower bench but if you have options to get on a higher box it's going to be a little bit more helpful what you're going to do is get your foot into this position your lower leg into this externally rotated position you're gonna get your leg into a good extended position on the back side push down on the knee and from here you are going to lean into the stretch you should feel a great stretch on this outside this is a great hip opener we're producing hip external rotation at this area while also making sure that we're getting a good extended hip position on our back side we're leaning into the stretch and then back out you can also take your belly button and point it a couple different ways and see if that's able to hit maybe your individual restrictions so let's go here lean into the thigh that brings out a pretty good stretch for me and my glutes on this right side and then we can also do the same thing to this side belly button to heel good back position and back something you can also do right here is that contract relax try to open the hips up a little bit more and create that neurological response to allow for a little bit more opening fluid movement so you're gonna be here you're gonna push push push push push as hard as you can I'm driving my knee down into the box and then I'm relaxing and then going into a little bit more of a stretch okay so you can do back like that the big thing I do not want to see is this he's rounding that upper back when you get there and going weak on that back leg that's not helping us improve our mobility in a way that's gonna carry over to our barbell lifting technique we want that back to be nice and braced and we are only moving and creating movement the hip joint I don't ever want to see that back collapse because we don't want to see that in any of our barbell list so we want to mobilize in a position that is going to help carry over to efficiency and our technique so again this is the pigeon stretch up on a box like this now for some people you don't have very good mobility of your hips and when you do that you get a lot of pain in that outside part of your hip I didn't modify it we're just going to go down to a box you can do this sitting in the chair as well from here you're going to sit down we're gonna take that leg and you can pull it up into this position and from here you're gonna do the exact same movement so chest is tall we're then going to drop down like this and again I'm feeling a very good stretch in my hip you can play around with the position of your leg as well if you want to go completely flat or you have the ability to go completely flat in this set that quartal move only about the hips don't allow that back to collapse like this and again we're maybe holding this for about 15 seconds 20 seconds and back up and again we're doing this on both sides let's say this brings out a little bit of knee pain on this side what do I do I'm gonna bring that up and then down so that can create a little bit of a better stretch for some people in the hip joint with less irritation compression on that outside part of the knee so that's our modification for the pigeon stretch so that is stretch number two let's go to stretch number three let's get a good goblet squat this is something that I've shown before you're just gonna pick up a weight I love using just a 10 kilo plate when I'm at the Olympic lifting gym today we're at Kacy weightlifting you can also just use a 25 pound plate dumbbell kettlebell anything that's gonna help offset your body weight set your feet in your same squat stance for me I have a fairly narrow squat stance so I want those feet to be in a good position and then I'm gonna squat all the way down the weight is offsetting my body weight so it allows me to squat just a little bit deeper and still keep a good upright chest when I'm still feeling a little stiff this is maybe for some people tough to get into first thing in the morning when they walk into the gym so from here we're just sitting down here in this position you can sort of shift side-to-side you can get those ankles while you're here but the big thing for the hips what I want you to do is not only sit down here for a couple seconds but I want you to do a little bit of contract relax that's really going to help get those glutes turned on and also open up those hips so from here what you're gonna do is you're gonna come up just a couple seconds watch this hold one two three four five sink back down can open the hips and back up and then let's do another contract relax so we're gonna come here we're gonna contract come up just a few inches and hold for a couple seconds one two three four five squeeze my glutes as hard as I can sink back down and again once I sink back down I feel like I'm able to open my hips just a little bit more sink with my hips a little bit lower towards my heels and again let's open those hips up side to side so this is a great one to do every single time this is the goblet squat stretch so maybe a minute or two on that stand back up drop the weight you should feel like you're able to get into a little bit of a deeper squad afterwards so that is stretch number three let's come over here let's talk about how we can affect the hip capsule so if you look deep inside your hip it's a ball in socket joint so you have the end of your femur that is shaped like a ball and your acetabulum or your hip socket is shaped in this position and it fits deep inside like that surrounding that is some really tough tissue called your hip capsule that allows everything to be very stable inside the joint well if you have developed some stiffness in that area it can limit your ability to open those hips up and freely move those hips like you need to in order to get into a very deep squat good receiving position for your clean and snatch we can affect that mobility with banded joint mobilizations now they need to be a very very thick band here's a monster' band by road fitness and I'll have a link to these in the very bottom of this youtube video description but the first way we're gonna work on is hip external rotation getting those hips open you're going to get that band really high into your hip we're going to come out to the side and get into a lunge position now from here this band is pulling laterally so we're getting a little bit of lateral distraction on the hip joint itself we're going to get down into this position and from here we're just gonna move that hip in and out now if someone has a hip impingement as you get down into a deep squat you feel a pinch or block sensation in the front side of your hip this can be very helpful for some people at alleviating some of that sensation and allowing that hip joint to move a little bit better but from here we're just going side to side and again a little bit of contract relaxed pmf let's push out squeeze squeeze squeeze those lateral glutes and then relax and allow your body to move a little bit more free usually something like this I'm moving in and out maybe 20 times and then I'm again checking to see how I feel after usually I like to be in a good lunge position like this for the lateral bandha joint mobilization another fun way to improve hip mobility is with internal rotation with the band now what is internal tation if we sit down and we move our hips external rotation is the ability to move the hip this way whereas internal rotation moves the hip that way and as you can see I do not have a lot of hip internal tation today because of how stiff my hips are and just the way my anatomy is built you need internal rotation of the hips in order to set your feet in a fairly straightforward position in order to squat deep if you do not have enough internal tation your hips your toes will spin out to the side as you go down now how do we improve hip internal rotation you're going to take that band and get it up into that very high position you're going to get down on the ground into what we would call a quadruped at or all fours position now from here you're going to prop your foot out to the settle a bit watch out one more time we are internally rotating at the hip now from here you're just gonna sit down and then go back and forth see how I'm leaning in and out of this stretch so I have a lateral maybe a little bit of a posterior pull on the hip joint and I'm rotating in and out and then you can every once in a while prop that foot out a little bit more into a little bit more hip internal rotation back and forth pop that foot out a little bit more back and forth and I'm feeling a pretty good stretch deep inside the joint this is not creating that Pynchon sation at all I'm going back and forth and you can even do this in a very posterior pull as well so I can go straight posterior on the joint I'm in a flexed position weight bearing my knees driven into the ground so this is gonna be similar to the position requirements for a deep squat so knee is into the ground I'm driving my foot out to the side I'm going straight back a little bit in and out hold for a couple seconds you're basically in researching out spots that may feel a little stiff but that's always test-retest watch how much internal rotation I now have because of that so from right here you can see how much more it's not a lot more but it's a lot more ability to internally rotate that hip after performing that now last one for today this is our fifth exercise this is called a teepee bird or hip airplane and we're gonna do this as an active stretch so this is not necessarily your static stretch like laying on your back pulling your hamstrings to your head what we're gonna do is you're going to find a rig you're going to get into a single leg or DL bottom position and then from there you're gonna rotate your body up and down steering your strength as dr. McGill would say of your hip so what you're gonna do is you're going to get into that bottom position so like we're doing a single leg RDL you can use your hand for little balance assistance if you need to but we're gonna drop down take my belly button and point it towards the wall and I'm bringing it out a good stretch in my lateral hip and then I'm gonna rotate open so I'm rotating up and over my hip in a flexed position feeling a good stretch on the lateral part of my hip right here maybe holding for a couple seconds and then back up so if you think about it what motions am i going through right here as I go over I'm going into hip flexion this is what's needed to get into a good deep squat from right here as I drop down I'm internally rotating that hip feeling a really good stretch on the outside part of the hip and then as I come up I'm extremely rotating a little bit with that hip and back down now something like this eventually you can progress to doing it without any balanced assistance let's see what this looks like it can be a pretty difficult exercise to do at first but you're gonna be here back away completely straight go over hold for a couple seconds rotate up rotate down [Music] back up to neutral and back up feel for when you are rotating up you're feeling that lateral hip turning on to move yourself up and when you go down that lateral hip should be stressful a bit so you on my left side from here back leg straight going over put your hands out to the side a little bit rotate down feel good stretching that left lateral hip rotate up don't let that foot wobble around back to neutral and stand back up no that's again I did a couple of those on my right side it seemed much more internal tation I have again maybe a little bit more on that side not a lot just because of the way that my body's built but let's see what that deep squat looks like again so from here squat all the way down feels like a good stretch in that bottom position so that is the top five hip mobility exercises for a great looking squat I hope you guys liked today's youtube video if you did let me know in the comment section below subscribe to my channel share the video with your friends and let me know in the comments section if there's anything else that you would like to learn about in future videos until next time guys happy squatting they say that and then she flows where attention goes so I'm paying don't mind well waste my time with all these negative cat scratches so caught up in their egos these people
Channel: Squat University
Views: 321,124
Rating: 4.9770579 out of 5
Keywords: hip mobility drills, hip mobility workout, hip mobility flow, hip mobility warm up, hip mobility for athletes, hip mobility squat, hip mobility exercise, hip mobility and flexibility, hip mobility band, hip mobility for squats, hip mobility squat university, pre squat hip mobility, front squat hip mobility, hip mobility exercises or squats, hip mobility for deep squat, improve hip mobility for squats, back squat mobility, squat mobility, squat warm up
Id: 888Fod2Fcmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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