15 Minute Beginner Stretch Flexibility Routine! (FOLLOW ALONG)

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[Music] what is that my bodyweight warriors and welcome back to another video today i am back with a full body beginner flexibility routine this routine is designed to be able to be done at pretty much any level of flexibility it's going to work pretty much everything from head to toe and give you a very comprehensive flexibility workout it's going to take around 15 minutes so feel free to follow along and get stuck in wherever you are if you haven't got time right now you can go into the description and you can download the free pdf of this routine so you can do it anywhere regardless if you have your internet connection on you let's jump into the routine we're going to start with the neck because the neck builds up a lot of tension so we're gonna do is you're gonna lean your head to the right hand side you're gonna extend out your left arm away from you place your right arm on the top of your head and then you're gently gonna pull until you feel a stretch in your left hand side of your neck we're going to hold this position for around 30 seconds you should feel as i said a nice deep stretch in your neck you may even feel it going to your shoulder you may feel it going to upper back into those upper traps kind of wherever that tension is often there's a lot in the sternocleidomastoid which is one of those neck muscles that gets very tight when we end up sitting a lot it's just going to hold this position remember to breathe nice and deeply during these holds i'm going to swap to the other side so you're going to lean your head to the left-hand side extend out that right arm and then gently use the other hand to assist during this routine i'm going to be saying we'll be holding for 30 seconds but this is just a rough guideline if you feel like you're particularly tight in an area then you may want to hold it longer i'm just going to keep remember to breathe nice and deeply nice and diaphragmatically that's a key to flexibility training just keep breathing okay almost done here and i'm going to switch around we're going to go onto our knees and then we're going to perform some shoulder extension reaches so you're going to grab both your hands behind you you're going to pin back your shoulders and you're going to extend it towards the floor here you want to try to open that chest up try not to arch too much through the lower back and you just want to pull your hands backwards so you should be squeezing your shoulder blades together opening up that chest and don't forget to breathe should feel a nice stretch among maybe your chest all the way down into your shoulder into your bicep a nice general release for the upper body i'm going to hold this position for around 30 seconds but if you feel like you're getting a nice benefit from it feel free to hold it a little bit longer keep opening that chest up keep breathing all right we're going to scoot back a little bit and we go down into a child pose so you should feel a nice kind of tension kind of drop off on that lower back you're going to push your chest down into the ground and we're just going to breathe that's what we want to do it's going to breathe and relax you might feel a nice stretch in your lower back feel free to kind of move about you can move your knees out just get comfortable next we're going to focus on the lat so we're going to do is we're going to shuffle our knees back and we're going to do a similar position but this time we're trying to push our shoulder blades down into the ground so here you should feel a nice stretch on your lats so that's the muscle that comes right underneath here i continue to push try to push your chest into the ground to try to arch that back open that chest up this is stuff that gets usually quite tight if we are sat at a desk working so we just want to open that up what we're now going to do is going to put our arm our right arm out to the side and we're just going to twist away from it and push that chest into the ground that's going to give us a nice stretch across the pec you can kind of move backwards move forwards try to find where you have those tight spots for me it's around 90 degrees straight out from the side and keep pushing that chest into the ground keep breathing i'm going to hold this for about 20 to 30 seconds and the other arm's just assisting to the side so we're going to push back up bring that arm in bring the left arm out and do the same stretch so again twist away from the arm that's extended out and push that chest into the ground to feel a nice stretch over your pec maybe even into your bicep into your elbow you can release all that tension those are usually very wet muscles keep holding this position keep breathing all right we're going to go forward put our arms out and go into an upward facing dog position from here we're actually going to do a slow press up down to the ground keeping your hands where they are they should be just underneath your shoulders you're going to push back up and breathe out breathe in come back down to the ground and do five of these so breathe out push up there's another couple of these i'm gonna breathe out on the way out you're breathing yourself up breathe in and breathe out all right so we're actually gonna from here we're gonna flip ourselves over into our back and all we're gonna do is like flat out back we're gonna bring our knees to our chest and it's gonna squeeze you can rock backwards and forwards a bit if you want again this is going to be designed to open up and loosen up that lower back a little bit you can if you want you can extend your legs out and you can kind of bring them back up just gonna release that touch in there gonna bring them down to the ground and both your feet on the ground and we're gonna do is we're gonna let our knees drop first to the left-hand side and then once the other side we're just gonna do five reps on each side just letting the knees drop as far as they want to bringing them back bring them over to the other side doesn't matter if you can't touch the floor here you should just feel a nice kind of stretch that goes into that lower back again across the hip flexor possibly so three to another couple on each side last one on each side from here what we're going to do i'm going to bring our legs back to the center we're going to move our left hand leg out to the side slightly hook that right leg over and you're going to pull your right knee to your opposite shoulder so i'm going to be pulling this right knee to my left hand shoulder right now you should feel a pretty intense stretch in your glute if you can only pull it so far don't worry put it as far as you can down to that left hand shoulder we're gonna hold this position for about 30 seconds what you can do here you can do a little bit of pnf so as you breathe in you're going to push your knee into your hands so you're going to contract that glute as you breathe out i'm going to relax and try to pull it a little bit deeper i'm just gonna do one more of those pnf so push into my hand i'm gonna breathe out get a bit deeper should feel a really nice release here this is often very very tight so you might spend a little bit more time on this one i'm enjoying it right we're going to bring that foot back down same position move that right leg out left leg hooks over i'm going to bring that left knee to our right shoulder again you should feel a stretch kind of in the glute so around this sort of reason right on the outside of your hip should feel a pretty decent stretch again you can perform that pnf so breathe in push in and breathe out let's do one more on this one all right we're going to go up and we're going to go into a seated position i'm going to turn a face you just so you can see what i'm doing our feet are going to be roughly shoulder width apart we're just going to let those legs drop to the left-hand side and then we're going to go back to the middle and let them drop together it's called a hip swivel and it's just working your hips through full external and full internal rotation so good for loosening up the hips i'm gonna do 10 reps in total so five reps on each side just moving from one to the other letting those knees drop so we're on six number few on each side as i said you may find that one side is a little bit tighter than the other for that if it's a little bit tight you can kind of do another set another rep on that tight side before alternating backwards and forwards so do one more here i'm going to come back into the middle we're going to push ourselves up into a squat if you can only get down into a squat that's fine if it's only here lower squat as you can and just kind of relax if you have to you can come forward a little bit use your hands to assist from here we're going to do some squat into a pipe position we're going to try and do is going to try and keep your chest really close to your legs push as far up into a pike as you can hold pause this position trying to think about touching the floor and then go back down into a squat position as again if you can only squat down to here that's absolutely fine that's all you're going to work towards so you're going to keep going up into a pike we're going to perform a total of five of these nice and slow deep into a squat as you can and as deep into a pike as you can so we're going to form just one more we're going to pause in this pike position we're going to try and get a nice stretch in that hamstring all you want to think about here is you want to try and think about sucking your stomach in to try to pull your chest in towards your leg so you get a good stretch in that hamstring just relax try and breathe move about if you want and then from here you're going to take a step back but for me i'm going to change i'm going to go into a low lunge you're going to bring both hands inside of your leg and we're going to be in a lunge position if you can you can bring your elbows down to the ground if you just want to kind of be as low as you can you should be feeling a stretch in that front leg kind of right in the adductors in the groin nice deep stretch you can move around if you want as i said if you can't get down that low just have your hands but if you can ideally get your elbows to the ground just swing around in this position trying to get a nice find any of those tight spots i'm going to bring that knee in i'm going to sit up into a lunge so we've got our right leg down we're going to bring our right arm up and we're just going to lean over to the left-hand side and push that hip forward here you want to keep that right glute engaged making sure you're pushing that hip forward you should feel a nice stretch deep into your hip maybe even up into your side of your back okay keep breathing i'm going to hold this position for about 30 seconds breathing is so important you've got to keep remembering it right from here you're going to twist around and we're going to go into a frog position so this is when your legs are spread nice apart going to bring our feet together at the back and then all we're going to do is going to spread our knees out as far as we can we're going to rock backwards and forwards so just going as deep as you can keep trying to push those knees out if you can go a little bit deeper each time you rock here you're looking to have quite a deep stretch into your adductors so these muscles on the inside of your leg and it's just going to help open you up if you tighten your squat this is actually a really good drill to help open up your legs it's going to keep rockers and backwards and forwards for about 30 seconds and we're going to go to a lunge on the opposite side so i'm going to twist to my right hand side right foot goes forward i'm going to lift into that lunge position and as i said if you can get down you can get those elbows to the floor that's great push that knee out but just go as deep as you can in this position if you're up here that's absolutely fine wherever you're getting a stretch it's going to wiggle about again find those tight spots might be a little bit painful for you but it's a really great stretch i'm going to hold this position again for 30 seconds and then what we're going to do is we're going to do the same as last time i'm going to put that knee down and stand up into a squat lift that left arm above your head lean over to the right hand side and push that hip forward i'm going to keep breathing pushing that hip forward make sure that left glute is engaged think about squeezing that left glute your support the hip keep breathing in this position keep pushing opening up that hip from here we're going to do is we're going to return to that original frog position feet together throw it on the floor keep rocking backwards and forwards and that is basically the routine done from here you might get back into a squat and you can kind of rest in this position or you can go into a pike move around kind of find where it's tight but that is basically the routine as i said the full routine is available for a free download in the description down below you can download as a pdf take it with you print out use it absolutely anywhere you don't need any equipment for this all you need is yourself and preferably a slightly comfortable surface if you enjoyed this routine hit that thumbs up button so you like these kind of videos support the channel if you have any questions you can leave a comment down below join the conversation let me know your thoughts and opinions how you get on with this routine while you're down there why not hit that subscribe button and join the bodyweight warrior tribe to make sure you don't miss out on any of more of these future videos but that has been it for this week guys have a strong and stretchy week peace [Music]
Channel: Tom Merrick
Views: 18,790,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: follow along, flexibility routine, mobility routine, beginner flexibility routine, stretching follow, stretching follow along, flexibility follow along, yoga follow along, mobility follow along, beginner stretching, beginner stretching follow along, bodyweight warrior, tight hamstrings, follow along stretching, stretching exercises for beginners, stretching exercises, stretching for flexibility, beginner stretches for flexibility, beginner workout at home, stretching
Id: L_xrDAtykMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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