When a Stormtrooper WISHED Darth Vader a Happy Birthday!

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we all know that the life of Darth Vader was mostly harsh as Anakin he spent his life joyfully becoming a Jedi until it wasn't that fun anymore he was more interested in power once he got the power he wanted he then fell into a complete despair with only himself to blame not his old friend Master wife nobody around to really wish him a happy birthday this is one of the more comical versions of what I think was a reality for Darth Vader he lived with this for a long long time with being alone utterly alone in what is one of the few comedic versions of Darth Vader's life this story comes from Star Wars tales and it's called lunch break by Jonathan Adams The Story begins in a seemingly casual setting of a break room where Stormtrooper Bob reveals to his fellow Trooper Ked o that he has any his possession Darth Vader's Personal Diary Bob casually mentions that he was summoned to Vader's quarters for cleaning Duty where he stumbled upon the diary under some unexpected magazines ketul is shocked and fearful of the repercussions of course of their prying but curiosity wins out Bob even says that his place was such a mess that he eventually will think that he just lost his diary and there will be no repercussions and so both both of them now delve deep into the diary's contents as they begin to read the diary entries unfold to show a side of Darth Vader that is rarely acknowledged there are musings about practical concerns like the fit and comfort of his new helmet Vader writes about personal admissions of vulnerability he has troubled sleep and Nightmares which at one point is trivialized comically misunderstood by the Stormtroopers as a spelling error however after this The Narrative deepens as they come across entries about Bader's relationship with Luke Skywalker from the diary we learn that this is around the time of Empire SES back before Vader revealed to Luke that he is his father Vader's internal conflict is actually seen as he literally considers how is he about to reveal the Luke that he is his father the writing shows that Vader was strategizing to the reveal with a mixture of Hope and a dread for the future the Stormtrooper commentary adds a little layer of irony and humor in it Vader says it's going to happen soon I'm sure of it I'm going to meet Luke Skywalker and I'll have to tell him I'm his father I'm not sure how I'll say it maybe something like do I seem familiar at all or hey me and your mom used to date perhaps it would be best to be straightforward and say look I am your father which is funny because this is ultimately the route he actually took he was straight forward and direct and he continues the worst thing is I'm not sure how he'll react if he even believes me that is which seems doubtful I mean what are the odds that his arch nemesis would wind up being his dad he has so much anger towards me as is this would only compound matters he goes on to say that he wouldn't consider himself an available father and as he talks himself through this he actually understands more about his own character so all in all we come to a very interesting part here in the diary where Vader is actually talking about his birthday and it and it paints a picture of his isolation and desire for recognition Vader anticipates a surprise party that really never occurred only to later discover that a party was being held for someone else his disappointment is visible and the two Stormtroopers reading this feel a mix of amusement at the misunderstanding and a sympathy for Vader's wanting desires for for a just a connection a small connection again he has nobody Vader has literally lost everyone he loved there is a particularly interesting moment where Vader in a state of exhaustion and hunger attempts to contact his deceased mother an action that he later notes with profound embarrassment now the birthday thing is what the Stormtroopers reflect upon with surprising tenderness suggesting that Vader needs emotional support or an outlet perhaps therapy or arm to cope with his anger and stress it seems that these two guys have started to create real empathy for Vader and this is shown later on because this is where things get really interesting during the last part the Stormtroopers are interrupted by an alarm signaling an intruder on the ship just as they're talking amongst themselves and about what they read of Vader's diary at that point an alarm goes off and another Stormtrooper comes in and says hey hurry up you two Lord Vader's called an emergency meeting there's an intruder on board Intruder both of them are shocked and they assemble quickly where Vader rushes in Vader patrols through and Bob actually turns his head and looks at him however Vader is speaking in a commanding tone because there is an intruder that he says is of the utmost importance it may be hard to recognize him as he is most likely dressed as one of you when you find him do not kill him bring him to me immediately dismissed and once he dismissed is all of the Stormtroopers they quickly scuffle away except for Bob who is still looking at Vader with a poppy sad face risking his own life Bob approaches Vader puts his hand on Vader's shoulder and just silently wishes him a happy birthday and then literally walks away Vader is shocked how does the Stormtrooper know it's my birthday as he looks upon the now dismissed Bob Stormtrooper he is gone and Vader does not take any more action he simply sits there contemplating and we have the end so there you have it not a real serious story more of a as I said comedic story but interesting to imagine that even Darth Vader at some point during his miserable existence as a Sith wanted for Palpatine or somebody to just wish him a happy birthday once in a while anyways I had fun making this video and what did you guys think also talk to me down below in the comments
Channel: Star Wars Comics
Views: 874,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth vader, vader vs, star wars comics, star wars comics explained, star wars explained, jedi, sith, lightsaber, vader lightsaber, darth vader lightsaber, sidious, darth sidious, darth vader vs, palpatine vs vader, darth vader revenge, vader order 66
Id: r-06joY4V_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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