Could the UNSC HOME FLEET destroy the DEATH STAR? | Halo vs Star Wars

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we discuss whether the UNSC could destroy the Death Star on today's episode of Star Wars vs. [Music] hey guys this is Eckart's letter hello and welcome to another Star Wars vs. episode today's video is sponsored by audible if you'd like to support the channel while also getting a free audiobook visit audible trial comm at carts ladder the service has thousands of audio books including most of the Star Wars Canon and legends universes and the halo EU links as always in the description but today we are examining whether the UNSC could take on the death star or conversely whether the death star could survive a UNSC attack the rules today are as follows we're using the Death Star 1 including the exhaust port weakness however the UNSC has no knowledge of the station's design flaws they bring into battle against the Death Star the fleet that defended earth at the end of the human covenant war but before we get into the actual battle let's take a quick look at the forces we're dealing with here and we'll start with the Empire the Death Star 1 was a gargantuan Space Station capable of destroying planets its planet busting power came from the super laser which not only removed the pesky planet but absolutely annihilated it the laser could also easily hit smaller targets including capital ships when destroying a planet the ds1 super laser took a full day to recharge however full power was not needed to take down a capital ship and at lower power levels the station could be refire in mere minutes the Death Star 1 also possessed secondary offensive weaponry systems including over 10,000 lasers turbolasers ion cannons torpedo launchers and other miscellaneous armaments however the sheer power used by the super laser and those other weapons meant that the Death Star 1 did not have full shielding unlike the ds2 which was protected by the planetside generator that means that it was vulnerable to attacked by both energy and projectile weapons something relatively rare for star warships and certainly Space Station's ordinarily this wasn't an issue the station was so massive and armed with so many weapons that it could easily outlast any attacking fleet what's more the hull of the ds1 was over three kilometers thick although do see that strafing runs against the surface even by starfighters can cause physical damage finally over 7000 star fighters launched from likely hundreds if not thousands of hangar bays help protect the station against smaller targets will also directly engaging larger ships assaulting the imperial battle station is the UNSC home fleet during the Battle of Earth the UNSC greatest assets were their orbital defense platforms stations armed with incredibly powerful magnetic accelerator cannons max which could punch through multiple covenant capital ships with a single shot however because the fleet is attacking away from Earth the O DPS will not be included halo 2 anniversary clearly shows us that the UNSC fifth fleet was made up of eight heavy cruisers in 67 light frigates I don't think analyzing the specific subtypes are important for today's purposes however the fifth fleet was likely not the only force protecting earth we also know of battlegroup victory the seventh defense fleet the sole defense group as well as miscellaneous Corvettes and frigates in a previous video I've given the UNSC to command ships nine cruisers 90 frigates and Corvettes and several hundred longshore fighters I think I stand by that of course the fleet also had access to Master Chief and thousands of Marines the main weapon of a UNSC ship is its magnetic accelerator cannon which varies in power depending on the size of the vessel to which it is mounted the ships however also carried point defense cannons nuclear missiles and other weapons but did not possess shielding making them very vulnerable to energy weapons like turbo lasers but let's now look at the actual battle and there are two elements to this engage in which I consider to be the most important range and shielding first let's talk about shielding if the Death Star was just a mobile station with no super lasers and instead energy dedicated to a powerful particle and Ray shield or if it was protected by a ground-based shield like the ds2 it would be unbeatable however given that it's only protected by a very basic shield it will be vulnerable to the fire of the UNSC fleet on the other hand UNSC ships without shields will be absolutely melted when faced with the high-powered turbo lasers used the Star Wars universe that's why the second more important factor is range now I don't usually like to talk about range when doing ordinary starship or fleet vs episodes but in a case like this I think it's too important to disregard the Death Star's turbolasers work so well because if you want to attack the station directly with large ships and big guns you have to enter the kill zone of the station zone turbolasers with halo ships and a different weapon system that's not necessarily the case as a brief note well the turbolasers themselves are somewhat limited the range of the Death Star super laser itself is fairly impressive it destroys Alderaan from some distance and the death star too is shown engaging the rebel fleet with its super laser but not turbo lasers max on the other hand due to Newton's first law have a generally unlimited range with the only limiting factor being the fact that it becomes trivially easy to avoid a shot if the distance becomes too great however given that the death star moves very slowly and predictably the engagement range of the UNSC fleet should be very very long and this is how I think the battle would go down it's very unlikely that the UNSC would slipspace close into the Death Star as their FTL tech is too basic for precise jumps however in this case that's actually an advantage as it will position the fleet clearly outside turbo laser range that being said I think the Death Star will be able to destroy at least a couple of cruisers before the UNSC figures what's up however given again that the Death Star's not really moving and that there are clearly many high powered weapons on the station's surface they will likely maintain range and begin firing at the station with their Mac cannons I think the first obvious target is the super laser dish and I think 80 or 90 Mac blasts hitting it together will do some serious catastrophic damage probably disabling the weapon and maybe even the station itself if that's not the case and the laser continues firing the UNSC you will probably simply reposition their fleet outside the firing arc of the main weapon also continuing to pound away at the station the UNSC is very very used to fighting singular big targets with many small ships and I really do think that just because of the difference in range we're talking about here the death star has no way to fire back and we'll just continually take hits from the UNSC fleet now the first response of the commander's on the Death Star will most likely be to launch their fighters and the real question is can those fighters reach the UNSC fleet before the station is destroyed because let's face it there are thousands of tie fighters and only probably about a hundred long swords with Starfighter combat being much more prevalent in the Star Wars universe given the distances we're talking about here I don't think the ties will be able to reach the fleet in time especially where the UNSC can just continually recycling and firing their Mac's without having to worry about defensive posturing I think with enough shots towards the center of the station something critical will eventually be destroyed I mean four kilometer thick Armour is quite impressive but without shielding it couldn't stand up to the Mack barrage of even a single ship much less a few dozen so I think just because of that and how the different weapons work in the two universes the UNSC takes this one thing the UNSC should not try is a Spartan boarding team yes Master Chief and his marine allies are very very capable warriors but the Death Star one has over 25,000 stormtroopers I don't think there's any way that he could make it through the ship and reach something critical and that's assuming he even makes it there again those thousands of tie fighters may not be able to engage the fleet directly however they certainly will be able to screen against incoming vessels the only reason the Millennium Falcon and its crew was able to disable key components of the Death Star and escape was because Vader allowed them to do so a fully alert and mobilized battle station would be able to easily take care of even powerful invaders all in all though I still give it to the UNSC and I think they win ten times out of ten as long as my assumption about range holds however that's just my opinion what do you think would the UNSC be able to take on the Death Star or with the combination of the powerful super laser and the tens of thousands of turbo lasers just be too much to handle let me know all that and more in the comment section if you guys enjoyed this video also make sure to drop a like leave a nice comment and share the video with your friends if you want more I've included a relevant playlist in the upper right hand corner anyway guys thank you so much until next time this has been at hearts ladder as always may the force be with you [Music] [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 1,033,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars vs halo, halo, could the unsc destroy the death star, death star, unsc, star wars versus, unsc home fleet, star wars who would win, who would win, versus, star wars legends, united nations space command, battle of earth, star wars space battle, star wars legends lore, star wars lore, halo lore, star wars halo, halo 3, halo 2, battle breakdown, superweapon, unsc vs, death star vs, galactic empire, empire, unsc fleet, fleet, eckhartsladder, eckharts, ladder
Id: sJmz2wriYeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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