GENERAL GRIEVOUS vs MASTER CHIEF | Halo vs Star Wars: Who Would Win?

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two beings defined by training and technology go head-to-head as General Grievous tries to take down Master Chief can he do it find out on today's episode of vs. hey guys this is Eckart's letter hello and welcome to another versus episode once again the universes of Halo and Star Wars clash today two combatants which are arguably more technology than living being fight it out today we've gotten Master Chief Spartan 1-1 7 from the Halo series and General Grievous from Star Wars legends we're taking the Legends version of Grievous because canon information is sorely limited especially comparatively Legends expands on the character through The Revenge of the Sith novelization the book labyrinth of evil and of course the old Clone Wars TV show which unfortunately I cannot use because my video will be copyright strike in today's matchup will first describe the two combatants looking at their feats in their skills then we'll put them to a head-to-head battle at the end I'll determine which one I think would win and how many times they would win out of 10 let's start first with the good general if you guys follow me on twitter you know that i've been tweeting a lot about the revenge of the sith novelization that's because i've been listening to the unabridged audiobook as part of my Star Wars legends reread experiencing the story again is really what drove me to make this video a lot of detail is given to the character of Grievous and he's portrayed more completely and more frightening Lee than he's probably ever been before I'm going to read you guys an excerpt from the novelization where the character of grievous is introduced this is General Grievous Durasteel ceramic armor Plast plated duranium electro drivers and crystal circuitry within them the remnants of a living being he doesn't breathe he doesn't eat he cannot laugh and he does not cry a lifetime ago he was an organic sentient being a lifetime ago he had friends a family and occupation a lifetime ago he had things to love in things to fear now he is none of those instead he has a purpose it's built into him he is built to intimidate the resemblance to a human skeleton melded with limbs styled after the legendary craft war droids is entirely intentional it is a face and for born of childhood nightmares he is built to dominate the ceramic armor Plast plates protecting limbs and torso and face can stop a burst from a starfighters laser cannon those indestructible arms are ten times stronger than a human's he is built to eradicate those human sized hands have human sized fingers for exactly one reason to hold a lightsaber four of them hang inside his cloak he is never constructed a lightsaber he has never bought one nor has he recovered one that was lost each and all he has taken from the dead hands of Jedi he has killed I don't usually read from my sources like this certainly not when the quote is as long as the previous one was but I think the author Matthew Stover really does a good job of describing just how devastating of a warrior Grievous is let's take some time however to look more in depth at his skills and his feats I think people often doubt Grievous largely because of his betrayal in Revenge of the Sith however even in Kanan Grievous is powerful and skilled enough to kill dozens if not hundreds of Jedi but how well his greatest asset is speed and his reaction time when obi-wan and grievous duel in the invisible hand in the Revenge of the Sith novelization the book says that Grievous's arms move faster than the human eye can process wiped from existence by sheer mind-numbing speed an imitation quantum event no human being could move remotely as fast as Grievous that of course includes obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker later when obi-wan again duels Grievous on Utapau Grievous's arms are said to strike 20 times per second enough to almost overwhelm obi-wan who is one of the most powerful defensive based duelists of the Jedi on both occasions the cyborgs reaction time greatly outstrips that of obi-wan and the Jedi is only able to survive because of his use of precognition and his almost innate ability to open himself up to the force in fact Grievous's reaction time is said to be faster than any living being human or not Jedi or not and this is due to robot augmentations within his brain for example Jedi are able to stop and deflect blaster bolts through the use of the force and precognition they can see where the blaster bolt will be before they're actually there grievous is also able to stop blaster bolts using his hands instead of lightsabers however this isn't through the force or precognition but rather the sheer processing power that his brain possesses this speed is paired with incredible strength as mentioned earlier Greaves is an order of magnitude stronger than even the strongest human being each one of his arms is a deadly weapon capable of killing again in the revenge of the sith novelization we see him easily crushed skulls break Durasteel computers and really just show an immense level of strength this strength is tied mostly to his machine parts which also make him extremely durable although it may seem exaggerated above other sources have reinforced the idea that Grievous's body can survive laser blasts from star fighters he does however obviously have some weaknesses obi-wan exploits this by destroying his vulnerable organic material which rests with inside the armor I also think that an attack to his eyes could be successful however vulnerabilities notwithstanding this combination of durability strength speed and reaction time make Grievous one of the most devastating Clone Wars era warriors so much so that before he leaves for you too pal obi-wan is told by mace that he may be the only Jedi who could defeat Grievous in one-on-one battle and mesas including himself there he says that the only reason that obi-wan has a chance is because of his mastery of the form three lightsaber style which is extremely defensive I'm not sure I buy all of that I think mace probably could take Grievous however the general is responsible for trillions of deaths between him and the soldiers that he's led individually he's also defeated dirge in one-on-one battle and personally killed dozens if not hundreds of Jedi many of which were masters however going against Grievous today is one of the toughest opponents that he would have ever encountered Master Chief Jon one one seven is not only from the best era of Spartans but is likely the best Spartan ever here's what's up with the Spartan two program they took the best children they could find upgraded them to beyond superhuman levels and then gave them top-of-the-line armor which not only protects them but also increases their speed strength and just general abilities some like Master Chief are also lucky enough to receive AI companions these AI further increase their reaction times and make them more effective and efficient as competant Master Chief's speed durability reaction time and strength are at superhuman level in his full armor Master Chief can probably run damn near a hundred kilometers per hour he has a sub 20 millisecond reaction time probably significantly less actually when paired with Cortana and his armor and he is easily capable of lifting thousands of pounds however even Chiefs incredibly impressive physical attributes I think failed to capture just how deadly of a warrior he really is chief can kill a fully armed elite in seconds in hand-to-hand combat he slapped away a missile that was aimed right for him he runs 500 meters in under 20 seconds breaking even the speed that I previously gave although he does break his tendon he's stealthy he's lucky he has an almost unmatched tactical effectiveness on the battlefield and he's basically a genius he's also very durable especially in this full meal or armor he's fallen from space taken Wraith shots up close and is just generally well shielded and then further protected by armor against most manner of weapons in this battle he also is aided by Cortana who seems to help his reaction time although admittedly he doesn't get the full reaction time of the AI she will however also be able to help him analyze his enemies and identify weak points in this battle he will have a 60 round M a 5 B assault rifle a sidearm and two grenades is all of that however enough to take down the cyborg general in short I don't really think so I think the main advantage that chief has in this battle is a far superior sense of tactics and the fact that he's just a better warrior generally however I really think that Chief will struggle against the pure physical attributes of Star Wars legends General Grievous although Chiefs reaction time is likely in the single-digit millisecond range Grievous is just faster faster even then force enhanced beings in the Star Wars universe I think grievous is also faster on just a general speed level as well on multiple occasions he moves faster than the eye can see which is especially devastating when coupled with his forearms again during his battle against Kenobi on Utapau he strikes at the Jedi Master 20 times per second The Revenge of the Sith novelization says that no human could move motely as fast as Grievous saying on his arm movements like an imitation quantum event I think the chief will find that even super humans aren't able to keep up I think chief comes a little closer in the areas of strength and durability perhaps even surpassing the general his weapons also allow them to fight at range and target specific points on Grievous's body which is another advantage however we do know the cyborg general has a very distinctly aggressive fighting style here's how I see the battle going down grievous and Master Chief both identify each other extremely quickly chief with the help of Cortana grievous through his droid brain I think grievous however at this point already has a slight advantage chief will realize that in order to defeat the cyborg he needs to gain distance he'll attempt to back up maybe even sprint away while firing at grievous with his ma 5b the general I think will be able to close the distance however and with the use of lightsabers will cut chief down may not be instant because the energy shield might protect the Spartan however I really don't think he'll be able to survive a dedicated assault the only reason Jedi had a chance against General Grievous and obi-wan was able to beat him was through the use of precognition this is something that despite his incredible reaction time Master Chief lacks for that reason I declare general grievous the winner of this battle and I think he takes it nine times out of ten I don't make it ten out of ten only because Master Chief is lucky he's an incredible warrior and if anyone can beat him without the use of precognition I think its chief if we take the cannon version of Grievous then I think chief takes it we don't see the same speed feats he's not as deadly of a warrior he seems more to be a pawn of the Confederacy maybe this is a battle that I will return to if we ever get a good cannon book that details the general this however is just my opinion let me know what you think down in the comments and also by voting in the upper right hand corner our Grievous's abilities exaggerated by the Revenge of the Sith novelization and other books is the Jedi killer not as impressive as I've suggested I'm interested to hear what you guys think anyway guys thank you so much for watching I think I'll be doing some streaming on my second channel x2 later today or tonight so interested in checking that out will either be Republic Commando or Empire war make sure you subscribe I put a link in the upper right-hand corner and also the description thanks again guys as always this has been a kart slaughter may the force be with you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 417,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, halo, star wars legends lore, master chief vs general grievous, general grievous, master chief, vs, versus, halo vs star wars, star wars vs halo, who would win, revenge of the sith, halo video game, spartan, spartan ii, chief vs grievous, general grievous vs, master chief vs, eckhartsladder, eckharts ladder, star wars lore, legends lore, grievous, general, star wars legends, star wars versus, general grievous (fictional character), death battle, lore, legends, starwars
Id: WlnEtvwegSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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