The UNSC (Halo) vs. Rebel Alliance (Star Wars) | Galactic Versus

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we put the rebel alliance against the unsc in today's galactic verses [Music] hey guys this is eckhart's letter hello and welcome to another versus episode and a couple of days ago i told you guys we would see more versus videos in 2021 and i think i've came through we've almost reached last year's total in just a week but today's episode will be a little bit different because the unsc versus the rebel alliance i think is a really good representation of why these videos can be hard so instead of going by section by section i'm going to take this match up holistically and discuss how each faction is different on a fundamental level and what this means for the matchup comparing the unsc versus the alliance is also difficult because what kind of matchup do we put them in the unsc defending and the alliance attacking sort of standing in for the covenant do both factions have their own territory there's no right answer and there's also no right answer for at what point do we take the unsc do we take it in their post-war era when they're the most powerful but arguably not really truly the unsc of the human covenant war anymore or do we take them at their peak with that being said let's get started with the match up and i want to talk first about logistics and travel time because this is one area where the star wars universe has a really really big advantage star wars is on a different scale than some of the other science fiction we cover on this channel whereas the majority of halo at least the modern halo lore takes place in a relatively small portion of the galaxy the orion arm star wars operates on a different scale the entire galaxy sees some action all one hundred thousand plus light years of it there are trans-galactic civilizations people routinely fly from one side of the galaxy to another so that messes up issues with scale which we'll have to talk about later but also really makes things like logistics difficult star wars has extremely fast ftl travel with the fastest ships being able to travel basically the length of the entire galaxy in perhaps a day or even less this is a journey that would take even the fastest covenant ships months to undertake whereas wartime unsc vessels just wouldn't be able to make the journey conceivably and that's why they often have to put soldiers in cryosleep this is just because of the fundamentally different nature of the two universes as well star wars for example does not seem to be subject to the laws of special and general relativity pretty much anything can be sent faster than the speed of light faster than light communication is possible pretty much under any circumstances whereas although humanity has found one way around that specific issue generally halo is much much more well grounded in science although still not grounded in science especially compared to real hard science fiction but star wars is essentially a space opera now that's not a positive or a negative statement it's just a factual statement about the two universes let's talk generally about military size too because that's also a key contention first of all by the end of the war it honestly seems like the unsc was down to maybe 20 ships or less that seems like an exaggeration but i honestly think their numbers were that low at least when talking about anything frigate-sized or above so obviously we're not going to take the unsc at that size it's just way too tiny and it seems like at their peak during the war after they had started to re-militarize old vessels they probably had somewhere around five to seven hundred that is totally just a rough estimate but in halo reach for example sixty percent of the remaining fleet is moving to reach to try to reinforce the planet obviously they were too late and that was too far on the war to represent the fleet at its peak but we're not dealing with thousands of ships again halo only takes place in a single arm of the galaxy the scale is much smaller things must be easier in star wars right star wars has lots of information about fleet sizes and everything else well yes and no star wars main problem comes from consistency i mean at the battle of endor for example we see the alliance field maybe 30 to 60 large capital ships the problem is you've got to ask yourself whether you prefer the lore that we see exclusively on screen or whether you want to dive in to the expanded universe and for me this is always a difficult question and i do try to find a compromise whenever possible certainly at its peak the rebel lines in my opinion if you look at numbers from star wars legends and canon would have been at the very least comparable to the unsc and most likely larger when it comes to numbers i've done a whole video on whether the entire rubber fleet was at end or not it seems very unlikely even before the battle we get word from mon mothman that the alliance is basically launching diversions across the entire galaxy this was meant to be a covert operation so they were trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy so they could sneak attack the empire when supposedly they weren't prepared we've also heard stories of ships in canon staying behind to protect certain key systems and the essential guide to warfare outright states that the alliance fleet was seven percent the size of the imperial navy keeping in mind that the imperial navy had 25 000 star destroyers alone that gives the alliance over a thousand ships but you might not like those numbers and they totally get it so here comes the inevitable struggle of putting what we see on screen where this is an all or nothing battle versus what's been depicted later in the expanded universe basically that this still was an all or nothing battle but there was also an entire galaxy spanning conflict happening there were bases that needed protecting and fleets and the essential guide to warfare and some other sources cover this by saying yeah well the alliance also had sector forces to resist the empire locally and play defense which i do think makes some sense and is consistent with star wars canon so that's nice and clear right no of course it's not and things only continue to get more difficult we have two factions of indeterminate size fighting in indeterminate war and now we have to talk about completely divergent levels and types of technology especially if we're looking at wartime unsc so for most of the unsc's history they relied on magnetic accelerator cannons for their most powerful weapons max as the name would suggest accelerated projectiles to extreme speeds and basically pounded down their enemies of course the covenant were able to put up a bit of a defense against this and that made things a lot more difficult the unsc for example did not have shielding technology every single plasma burst sent towards the unsc ship which hit would cause damage at least some damage cubbies had shields and so would every ship in the star wars galaxy star wars capital ships pretty much also use made up weapons turbo lasers giant energy weapons which spelled out well certainly not lasers and which can do everything from destroying a capital ship to melting the surface of a planet star wars does seem to have higher energy yields base delta zeros were not common but they were possible with a few star destroyers whereas the covenant's complete glassing of an entire planet i'm talking the entire surface boiling the oceans was not routine and would have taken months usually it was just the glassing of major population centers the destroying of the atmosphere etc i think starfighters and star wars are also better than their halo counterparts and are also featured much more heavily in space combat starfighters carry these exceptionally high yield weapons which can disable or destroy capital ships whereas halo fighters are much larger they're slower and they carry weapons more kind of expected for a ship of its size still nukes often but they weren't as frequently the main players in space battles as we see in star wars and i doubt they would have had the same maneuverability or speed as an x-wing something like a nuke 2 would be a fairly basic weapon in the star wars universe nukes do exist but they haven't been used for a very long time at least according to most star wars legends books we get mention of nukes for example and plagueis as an antiquated weapon star wars shields can stop projectiles but i don't know if a mack gun could pound through them if we look at the essential guide to warfare there's a suggestion that no because technology developed lasers basically in response to increasing shield strength but macs are also really powerful so it's kind of hard to say the largest of the unsc cruisers also were fairly damn powerful but they were rare the punic class supercarrier for example was a massive 4 kilometers long and was of course loaded to the brim with weapons and a very powerful mac but vessels of that magnitude were very rare within the unsc you can say the exact same about the rebels who had a few powerful flagships mc80a and cannon are home one and legends class but then lots of smaller cruisers and eventually moving down to frigate and light cruiser size i don't know i think you guys can tell that i'm sort of heading towards an answer for this video that's not very satisfying for anybody just to be honest whenever somebody asks me is a halo faction going to win or a star wars faction call it bias but i usually say the star wars faction because to me star wars has a higher base level of power mostly because it's heavily rooted in fantasy we see larger conflicts galaxies spanning wars we have better technology in some areas but worse in others halo for example has ai which would make a tremendous difference when it comes to wartime strategy but there's also arguments you could make for the unsc one argument would be that ai another would be the range that unsc fight at and that's partially because of ai they will fight at thousands of kilometers sometimes but also because of how their weapons work projectile weapons can fly indefinitely in space whereas star wars weapons fizzle out that notwithstanding every fight we've seen in halo has also taken place at close range so the debate is difficult we also have to talk about the post-war unsc after the human covenant war the unsc although down to like i said maybe a dozen or less ships heavily integrated 4runner technology into designs moving forward it's hard to say how many ships they've produced by the time of halo 4 or 5. my guess would be maybe not more than 150 or 200 but they certainly increase their slip space capabilities and their shields so maybe at that point they're capable of taking on the rebel lines i don't know for example if there's anything in the rebel alliance's fleet on its own that could take down the unsc infinity that thing is an absolute monster and we haven't even talked yet about the different scenarios that we're fighting in i think the unsc would have a better time defending their own planets because that's what they were doing during the war they have installations set up around many of their planets they have mac cannons and something i haven't even touched on yet arguably a huge advantage on the ground i focus mostly on space this battle but the unsc has spartans for christ's sake they should be effective at holding territory performing special ops missions and whatever else the alliance however especially given their massive ftl advantage should be able to do exactly what they did to the empire against the unsc perform very quick raids pick apart at unsc forces bit by bit especially if they don't have shields and run a gorilla-style war would they be able to hold planets as well as the unsc probably not so there's another fly in the ointment at the end who would win is ultimately up to you i tend to lean towards war time unsc being less powerful than wartime rebels both at their peak but that's because i like the star wars expanded universe material and i think it does a good job contextualizing what we see in the movies if you're a purist and you think the lines only has 30 ships which they fielded at endor then you're maybe going to choose the unsc unless you think there's a huge power disparity i hope this was illustrative of the difficulties of these matchups and although i didn't give a good one line ending sentence hope you nonetheless enjoyed my analysis and my pointing out of the differences between factions and universes until next time though guys have a good one be safe and may the force be with you [Music] you
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 243,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars versus halo, star wars vs halo, star wars who would win, who would win, star wars, halo vs star wars, star wars legends, space battle, unsc vs rebels, unsc vs rebel alliance, eckharts ladder, halo vs star wars who would win, star wars space battle, halo versus, star wars starship versus, halo game, unsc infinity, united nations space command
Id: ylvb4RWoM18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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