High Charity Escort Fleet vs Coruscant Defense Fleet | The Covenant vs The Republic (Star Wars)

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hey guys that carts letter here hello and welcome to another episode of Star Wars galactic vs. this series where we do versus on a very large scale I'm actually trying to take care of my puppy while recording this episode so if you hear any barks footsteps chewing or just other shenanigans that's what it is I'm sorry but really at this point it's pretty much unpreventable so I think today maybe my last galactic versus match up just for a few days at least I've really been on a kick with these episodes but I really should try to continue doing some of my other content as well at my top 5 lists and my lore videos for example haven't got a whole lot of love lately so unless you guys really really want more immediately that's probably what the next few days will look like before we get too far another video I just like to give a brief update to the Gok box comm leaderboards random guy of course is still in the lead however right behind him is random err guy who I actually thought was random guys alter-ego but apparently it's not down on the list we also have not so random guy so really the random guys in some form or another are dominating however also rounding out the top three is caddy gaming so thank you to you 3 and thank you to everyone else who has donated and supported the channel so far for those interested you can tip me for free undock box.com slash at cart slaughter just by playing mobile games that helps you make videos every day while neglecting my other responsibilities so for a while I've wanted to take an in-depth look at the Republic but I wanted to make it big so if they were looking at what did at least in my mind the biggest Republic force ever assembled and that's their Navy at the Battle of Khorasan this Navy was comprised mainly of the open circle fleet and the Khorasan Defence Force and it's featured of course at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith go against the Republic will be the Covenant from the Halo franchise I was admittedly unsure of which covenant force to use however since we're going big with the Republic why not go big with the Covenant as well also just a bit of warning this is one of those episodes where I'll say the word fleet so many times that will actually start to lose meaning this by the way is called semantic satiation however unlike the Republic the Covenant is not protecting a city-wide planet rather they're protecting their mobile capital city of High Charity so how powerful were these two fleets the first question work in a dress on today's show we'll start with hi charity and for those who don't know hi charity was essentially the holy Covenant city and it was also their capital or most of the prophets lived given the immense religious significance of hi charity and of course we know how fanatical the Covenant are hi charity must have been very well protected there's also of course the fact that high Charities population was in the tens of millions and again mostly prophets so the leaders in the hierarchs of the organization I think they say the high charity had a serious defense force would be putting it lightly it clearly has hundreds if not thousands of ships protecting it and specifically high charity wasn't protected by a single fleet but rather in amalgamation of fleets we first see high charity in its escort fleet in Halo 2 and at that point Cortana says that it's the largest covenant fleet that she or anyone else has ever seen but again we need to know specifics how large exactly was the protection around High Charity unfortunately but unsurprisingly these exact numbers have never been given in Halo Canon we do know a few things for example the halo encyclopedia suggest that the second fleet of homogeneous clarity may have been a moniker for the high charity defense force given the use of the word homogeneous in the fleek title I would say that it doesn't make sense when the fleet is supposed to be composed of several smaller fleets unfortunately well that's quite interesting it's not especially useful when trying to determine numbers besides for visual representations which also aren't very helpful the best picture we actually get of the fleet comes from the fall of reach epilogue thankfully I always keep my copy of the fall of reach handy so I can read you guys what it says a hundred thousand probes darted in scanned with winking electronic eyes across the void of tangled non spaces enveloping the Covenant inner Empire they gathered data and emerged into the cold vacuum where they were recovered by the hundreds of super carriers and cruisers and station-keeping positions are on the massive bulbous planetoid that dominated the heavens that description is referring to the defense force around High Charity and it does tell us a few things we know that the fleet is comprised mostly of carriers and cruisers which matches what we see in Halo 2 and it also tells us very vaguely that there are hundreds of ships I'm going to now try to make some guesses about the actual size of the fleet but just for some warning this is going to be kind of nitpick kind of crazy and I don't really know how close I'm gonna actually be able to get the problem is this line was written and probably never intended to be as deeply analyzed as it is being now so take everything that I say here with a grain of salt we know first of all that there are at least 200 of each ship type given that it's at hundreds of carriers and cruisers although admittedly these hundreds could refer to the combined amount of ships we also know that there's probably less than a thousand of each ship type the whole chapter is basically trying to explain the grandness and the scale of high Charities so if the ship's were over a thousand it probably would have said so the Covenant fleets that we've seen in other mediums also kind of give us an idea of the ratio of cruisers to carriers in any given fleet typically most covenant fleets will have a ratio of about one CAS class carrier to about four to ten smaller CCS class cruisers so taking all that in consideration specifically the use of hundreds and the kind of general idea we have of Covenant fleet composition I think giving the fleet about 700 cruisers and 200 carriers would put it within our parameters while also being pretty reasonable that would also make the fleet the largest ever amassed by the Covenant which again is what it's supposed to be while not making it ludicrously large when compared with other scenarios so aside from this 200 carriers and 700 cruisers we also have to take fighters into account just to keep things simple I'm going to say that all of these ships carried Sarah fighters instead of a combination of serifs and something else because those were the main covenants space spider though I will say I don't think star fighters are as widely used in the Halo universe as they are in the Star Wars universe the CAS carriers have very large hangars as the name would suggest when each ship would have been able to carry hundreds of serifs into battle I'll give each carrier a carrying capacity of 300 and will give each Cruiser a capacity of 50 this gives us a total covenant force of 200 carriers 700 cruisers and almost 100,000 fighters and by the way yes we're not taking high charity into battle all right so let's now look at the Republic forces during the Battle of Corsa and the Battle of Cora Sun of course was a very famous battle within the Star Wars mythos so there has been a lot said about it makes for kind of a messy timeline and inconsistent force numbers I mean I've seen some numbers that say that the republic had dozens of capital ships at the battle well I've seen others that say they had tens of thousands I think it's probably somewhere in between there let's now try to see if we can kind of narrow down a realistic number in addition of the starship and vehicles collection said that the attack on Coruscant was actually surprised to the Republican that they lost a large portion of their fleet but still had one thousand pennant or Star Destroyers ready for the battle I actually dug into this a little bit more and in the novel by Karen Travis order 66 a Republic Commando novel it talks about the battle a little bit more I had to look so long to find my copy of the book but I'm glad I did so here's one key book they bypass the separatists blocking but the system must have overloaded by now knowing those useless barbs in procurement they probably didn't add enough extra nodes to the network another thing they forgot to tell us about then a few pages later well when a few thousand warships have finished pounding 10 shades of Post SiC out of each other and the planetary shields are lifted etcetera etc then there's another part where they talked about how another thousand Venna tourists have just been added to the fleet these are strange numbers and this is quite a large sense of scale even for the Star Wars universe and I mean also given the fact that this is Karen Travis we're talking about we have to take these with a little grain of salt of course these are also from Star Wars legends so strictly speaking I could ignore them if I wanted to but I think it's better in this case to at least look to legends wherever possible since Canon really doesn't help us out interestingly the carand travis book as well as several other sources have talked about the fact that the separatist Navy actually brought in tens of thousands of ships my point is that this was unquestionably a very very large battle although I will say I do kind of question the multiple thousands of Star Destroyers in orbit and I'm gonna ignore those lines from a public command oh and I'll just take the fleet as it existed after the sneak attack so that would have been thousands of ships but not multiple thousands with reinforcements I think in an effort to trying to be fair to Star Wars and to try to downplay the kind of exaggeration present in Star Wars legends I'll say that the Republic had a thousand ships so specifically that would mean that the Republic had 1,000 venator class star destroyers and I say that because at the point in the war I think that that was their general multipurpose ship and because during Revenge of the Sith we don't actually see any other ship types on the Republic side during the battle meta tours were carrier battleship hybrids so each ship carried with it a large complement of fighters the actual fighter makeup for the ship would have obviously changed depending on the needs of the ship and of course the specific mission that it was doing the Revenge of the Sith cross-section book gives a standardized load out from the Venator which also happens to match pretty closely the fighters that we see during the battle of course on so I'm gonna go with that that gives each Venator about 192 viewings 36 AARC 170 s 192 ETA to act as class interceptors that gives us 420 fighters per ship in a grand total of 1000 Venna tours with 420 thousand fighters so that gives us the actual battle and the covenant side we have 700 cruisers and 200 carriers with about a hundred thousand capital ships well on the Republic side we have about a thousand carrier crews and our hybrids with four hundred thousand fighters so how do the ships match up on an individual level I think the first thing that you need to take note of is the fact that even the Covenant Cruiser is larger than the Bennett or I think the venator is also questionably effective in its role as a straight-up assault ship the ship of course did have turbo lasers but focused more heavily on carrying and point defense the Covenant ships on the other hand are basically built for frontline assault the CAS ships are particularly deadly with very powerful energy projectors which I think we'll be able to snipe out individual mentors without a whole lot of difficulty however unless we get into some ultimately pointless argument about the different strengths between halo ships and Star Wars ships and start pulling out crazy legends numbers regarding power yields I think even the CCS class cruisers pretty far outweighs uh Venator in a straight-up gun fight however although in my mind quite heavily outgunned both in weapons strengths most likely weapon number and in range the Republic does have something on its side that of course is fighters as I mentioned earlier I think it's pretty likely that the Republic takes four times as many fighters to battle as the compounding the situation for the aliens is the fact that at least in my mind star fighters are more effective in the Star Wars universe and that's largely because of the importance placed on them in individual battles however most of the fighters carried by the mentors are unshielded and that's a significant disadvantage when going against covenant technology so here's how I think the battle turns out the two fleets appear in the middle of space across from each other the first thing that each one of them do is what they're most effective at for the Venator that's launching its fighters that will also be firing back of course with its turbo lasers but the main thing I want to do here is get as many fighters into space as possible the Covenant on the other hand will probably focus immediately on getting as much fire on the Republic fleet as possible I think that this will be problematic for the Republic as the Venna tours are launching their fighters they'll most likely open their main hangar base this is a notable weakness on these ships thing is I think many capital ships are gonna go down before they can launch not only some of their fighters but many before they can launch any of them so suddenly 400,000 fighters and clear air superiority goes down to 200,000 in a closer match up then you've got ships like the actus class and the viewing which aren't super effective unless in the hands of a Jedi the seraphs should be able to keep pace with most of the Republic ships and their light shield will give them an advantage against the later ships but they will probably have some trouble against the AARC 170s ultimately though as I said I just think the Covenant Navy is too powerful and with their focus on actually capital ship combat especially larger cruisers the Republic is just not going able to fight back does not be able to launch their fighters quick enough actually stand much of a chance if we were talking about a similarly constituative Imperial fleet with instead of Bennett oars Imperial to class star destroyers then I think the Star Wars universe has a really good chance although I do still think that those 200 large carriers are gonna cause a whole lot of destruction but when we're talking about Venator ships which although probably pretty sturdy aren't really meant for front-line combat in the same sort of way that an imperial star destroyer is I think it's clear that a large covenant fleet is going to take the day so I'm going to give this battle to the covenants and I say they win eight times at I'm giving some wiggle room because I think there is an argument to be made that Star Wars is on a higher power level than halo is and if the Republic can get their star fighters out then I think the Covenant is in trouble but I don't know 500 star fighters for a relatively small ship it doesn't seem like it would be an instant thing to me to thank the damage by that point will already be done that is however just my opinion I would love it hear from you guys down in the comments did you like this match up how do you think I did that I do a good job did I make some mistakes let me know of course also take a second right now to vote in the upper right hand corner and I'll reveal the poll results at the end of next video finally if you haven't already make sure to give me suggestions down in the comments for future matchups and if you see suggestion that you like make sure to give it a thumbs up and supporting comment anyways thank you for watching guys as always may the force be with [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 696,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, halo, star wars vs halo, covenant vs galactic republic, covenant vs republic, republic, galactic republic, covenant, versus, vs, covenant halo, republic star wars, star wars galactic versus, high charity, halo high charity, battle of coruscant, halo 2, halo 3, covenant fleet, Second Fleet of Homogeneous Clarity, seperatist, halo vs star wars, space battle, star wars who would win, halo space battle, covenant ships, halo vs star wars space battle, fleet size, defence
Id: OcsVHO4tiLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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