When Problems Become Opportunities

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hey what's up zion church exciting to be here on this valentine's weekend special valentine's wishes to all of you for this weekend i hope you've enjoyed our experience up until this point and i do pray that god would use this time around his word to speak to us in very personal ways and let me just take a moment to just thank everybody who are watching now who support us i just really appreciate your support so there are many of you who pray for our church and pray for his leaders and we're so grateful for that and and then there are a lot of you who actually financially contribute and give to our church and obviously we appreciate that and then there there are a lot of you who share our content and and share our links with other people and send messages to people to let them know what we're doing and about our events etc and it helps us to reach thousands of people all over the country in the world we're grateful for that so i just wanted to take a moment today to thank you for making our church what it is today i want to start today's message off with a question and the question i want to ask is something that i think we can all relate to and it's a question about problems and my question to you is simply this when it comes to problems in your life is is there is there an unresolved problem in your life right now now now i don't i don't want you to just be surmonic and just try to get past this and say i really want you to think about that question is there an unresolved problem right now in your life something that's pending something that something that's not getting better with time it could be time sensitive and it needs some action really soon or it could be something that's getting worse with time it could be something that's kind of lying dormant and and just as a matter of fact you just kind of learn to live with it but it's a problem and if you if you can if you can if you can think of what that problem is and it may be more than one if you could just write it down or get it in your mind this is a problem that i'm dealing with it could be it could be health wise it could be it could be a problem just something broke in your house that you know it's like i know how to get a work around it there's so many problems there problems everywhere but i'm talking about something that that that you know is a problem in your life if you want to put in a chat you can put in the chat if it's not too personal it's not going to be embarrassing to anybody but but the reason why i wanted to ask the question because i want us to build rapport around today's content because problems affect all of us in various ways it's like a problem is that area of your life that kind of it kind of stands out right it's like it's like that part of your life this it's like as you scan the the width and length of your life a problem is that thing that kind of stands out like it sticks out it's like that part of the puzzle where you try to force a piece to fit but it won't stay flat it's like that it sticks out like a sore throat thumb that's that's a problem it's like as you scan the circumference of your life everything's moved and you see this kind of this outlier this this thing this this this obstacle this this thing and it's a problem and and we all have them but the question is do you have any in your life that are unresolved and what i want to do today is i want to talk i'm going to use as a subject i'm going to give my subject right now the subject i'm going to use is when problems become opportunities when problems become opportunities and the way i'm going to deal with this subject when problems become opportunities is i want to use a case study of three people in the bible who had a problem and i want to look at how they address their problem how they approach their problem and use it as a case study for us because one of the things we can do is is take how they manage their problem and see if we can scale it into our lives and see if we can do similar things with our problems now the three people that i'm going to use are jesus and i'm going to use nehemiah and i'm going to use david those are three people i'm going to use and just so that there's no ambiguity about what their problem was let me tell you jesus's problem that i'm going to focus on in this conversation is he had a friend named lazarus in john chapter 11. and he got word that his friend was sick in fact his friend had gotten so sick that his friends sisters mary and martha sent a message to jesus and said can you please your friend is sick and they were hoping that jesus would come and heal him well because of the way jesus approached this particular problem he did not respond to their requests initially he delayed his response until lazarus was dead and now he had a bigger problem and jesus's problem now was lazarus is dead and he actually solved that problem because he can i want to make a distinction dead friends dead loved ones is not something that all of us can solve that's a god thing but but i want to i think we can take some lessons from it and god doesn't always bring people back from the dead i mean even in biblical history you can count on one or two hands how many times he's done that but the lessons we learned about how he managed that problem i think are going to be apropro the second person is nehemiah nehemiah's problem was his hometown had been demolished and destroyed and the gates that surrounded his hometown have been laid in shambles and ruins and his he he saw it as an opportunity to rebuild it jesus saw lazarus's death as an opportunity to resurrect him so they both saw their problems as opportunities and we're going to talk about how you transition into that and then the third person we're going to look at today is david and the problem i'm going to focus on in david's life may be familiar to a lot of you it was a problem that he discovered when he was going to follow he was following his father's directions to check on his brothers who were in a war and he found out that there was a giant named goliath that was intimidating the armies of israel and it caused a threat to the people of israel and david saw that obstacle or their problem as an opportunity to put it into the threat each one of them had a problem that was turned into an opportunity now in this case study i'm going to give you about seven things to keep in mind and the first one is is notice their emotional response to the problem each of them had an emotional response to the problem that they were addressing for example in the scriptures when when david in first samuel chapter 17 when he walked up on the scene and he was going to take food to his brothers and find out how the war was going on and when he showed up this giant who was intimidating the army of israel every day and saying one of y'all come out here and fight me one-on-one and whoever wins their nation wins and all of the army of israel would hide in the bushes they were afraid of him and david came out one day and saw it and david was ticked off he was like who is this who was that he didn't even call him a giant everybody was calling vagina he's like who is this uncircumcised philistine he didn't even call him based on his size he was like man you lost your mind you don't know who you're messing with this is the army of the living god so his his he was actually upset about this problem now nehemiah in nehemiah chapter one he got news from a friend named hanani when he asked hinani about what was going on back in his hometown hanani says things are not well man it's a mess there uh the the home our homeland is in shambles the gate has been torn down it's been destroyed and it's in ruins and when when nehemiah heard what hanani said about the condition of the world that he had come from the bible says he was deeply saddened he was he was depressed and he started crying he was hurt very interesting when jesus got to the scene where lazarus was and he was dead the bible says something very interesting about jesus's reaction that blew me away i i've been missing this all he is the bible says jesus was angry that jesus was actually angry and then he started crying he was so mad i don't know if you ever been so mad you cry people always talk about jesus well jesus wept and they always talk about jesus but before he wept the bible said he was mad i don't know if you have been so mad you cried and then when he got to the place he said he said show me where you laid him and then when he got to the place and he the bible says before he said roll away the stone before he resurrected lazarus the bible says he was still mad he was still angry so here's my question because this is a very important point what is it that had watched this watches what problem are you aware of that actually makes you mad it hurts you to the point of anger see that emotion is a it's a soul revelation your soul will tell you what problems you're supposed to do something about see see there are problems all around us all the time the problems going on over here there's problems under the neighborhood there's problems in politics there's problems in the world there's problems everywhere there's problems in the building this problem everywhere but but but because we're human we cannot respond to and solve all the problems so you have to pay attention to your soul your soul will react in certain ways to problems you're supposed to engage in in solving because it takes energy to solve a problem and if you don't have the emotional energy to to get you started in solving a problem that's a revelation that's a problem i'm supposed to stay away from it just not that i don't care it's just not enough for me to go around but when you are hurt over something and you are so upset that it makes you angry see anger is a catalytic emotion it makes you do something it makes you act hurt can make you act it can make you do something worry is not like that when you have a problem you're worried about that paralyzes you you're just going to be stuck for the most part but when you get angry that's your soul revealing to you this is our assignment by the way sometimes you have to you have to you have to you have to measure your position to the problem what is your relationship to the problem because there's some problems that don't matter how you feel because of your relationship problem you got to do something about it it don't matter it's your child it don't matter how you feel it's your marriage it don't matter how you feel it's your department you don't matter how you feel it's your project it don't matter if you you got to fix it because it's your problem because you're responsible for it so your feelings don't matter but if you're in a situation where you don't have a relationship with it necessarily what problems do you go after you pay attention to your soul how do i feel about this i heard this is going on how does it make me feel and then you follow your feelings because watch this one thing about nehemiah one thing about david and one thing about jesus all three of them move towards the problem and they moved emotionally towards it in anger and hurt and being ticked off about it like i'm gonna do something about this which which moves to the second thing the second thing the shift between it being a problem and an opportunity is how you feel about it because when i feel the right thing or when i feel the emotion that drives me to solve a problem it automatically becomes an opportunity oh now i need to i need to get on this this can be solved this can be fixed and let me say this to everybody listen to me when people talk about being called by god or having an assignment from god i can guarantee you this every assignment you have is attached to a problem there is no calling that's not connected to a problem you are always called to fix something in fact let me talk to my business leaders and my business owners in here the only way you're going to have a successful business is if you're solving a problem all successful businesses have discovered a problem that they have that they have a unique way or successful way of solving their problem jesus said the problem is a dead friend the solution is resurrection nehemiah says the problem is destroyed wall the re the solution is rebuilding the wall hey david says the problem is a threat to my nation the solution is going to be me ending this threat so you're the way you feel about it is a revelation to whether or not you're supposed to deal with it or your relationship to it is a revelation that you have to deal with it no matter how you feel then the third thing i want to point out about these about this situation is and by the way and go back to the question what is it that hurts you deep enough to do something about it what is it that hurts you deep enough to do something about it but then the third thing when we move from your passion about it how you feel about it and we move into it becoming an opportunity based on how you feel about it the third thing that i see about about each one of them is that they volunteered to solve the problem volunteer write that down volunteering some people don't understand how important volunteering is when it comes to problem solving what do you mean pastor i mean this some of you have been seeing a problem for a long time but you ain't doing nothing about it cause you feel like well ain't nobody asked me to say anybody asked what i thought ain't but you do you are you that good do you you have to be invited in to solve a problem now hear the problem going on been going on for weeks and months and years and and decades and you ain't saying nothing about it because you didn't know nobody asked me i'm saying nobody asked jesus to raise lazarus from the dead they asked him to heal him watch this they did send for him to heal him because they knew that was his propensity they had seen him heal people but by the time jesus showed up for the funeral what am i asking them to raise lives from the dead jesus volunteered to do that when david walked up on that scene and saw goliath intimidating the armies of israel anybody asked david hey man can you go fight him for us no david said i'll fight them i can please let me do it i got some form when when when nehemiah heard about the walls of jerusalem being destroyed he nobody said hey can you do something about this he went to the king and says can i have permission to solve this problem what i'm trying to tell you is it is your responsibility when god moves on you and you have the passion and the emoting and you have the right emotions to be driven and sometimes god will give you the solution you're gonna have to raise your hand and say hey if it's okay with y'all i would like may i may i i have i have something and i know because you deal with so much uh uh uh impostor syndrome and you don't think you're good enough and and nobody respects you and all that stuff let me tell you something jesus was disrespected uh uh david was laughed at for doing it nehemiah was mocked all of them had to deal with all that but they still said i'll do it i'll do it now some nobody's gonna let you do it that's another thing but shame on you if you've been looking at a problem that you can solve and you won't volunteer to pitch in here's my question for you is there a problem you'd like to solve but you've been waiting to be asked to solve it really so we're just going to sit here in this problem when you may have a solution anybody thinking about asking you god nudges you your your your prompting comes from the spirit of god that he nudged you to move in that direction to move towards the problem and to make yourself available now by the way when they when they ask could they do by the way by the way nehemiah and david had to go to the king to get permission to solve the problem that's good right there nehemiah went to king artaxerxes and says can you mind if i take leave to go deal with my hometown uh david had to go to saul and say is it okay if i fight this this giant on your behalf whoever i'm talking to right now make sure you don't jump into a problem without permission from the king make sure you don't see because sometimes you can do a good thing and be misunderstood because you didn't have any authority to do it i'm not saying just go willy nilly and just go jumping into stuff trying to fix stuff and then you create another problem get permission now jesus didn't need to get permission to raise lazarus from the dead from the king because he is could god the king how about that he doesn't need permission but it's important that we go and check in and say hey may i may i serve may i support may i do something and here's my question with that problem that you're facing that problem that's on your mind is there an authority that you need to get their blessing from to solve that problem if so do it here's the fifth thing that i want to point out and this is where i want to spend most of the time today whenever it comes to solving a problem and when a problem shifts in your mind from a problem to a solution which means you're about to do something about it let me tell you what i can guarantee you're going to always experience more more well more often than not is doubters somebody's going to doubt your ability to fix this somebody's going to say about the problem it can't be fixed this is just how it is it's just how we do things this is just how it's always been and somebody might even belittle you how do you deal with that where do you get that pastor when jesus showed up to resurrect first of all before we even talk about lazarus in john 11 jesus came to raise a girl from the dead in luke chapter 8. it was a man named jerius he had a daughter who had died when jesus showed up at jerry's house to raise his daughter from the dead people started laughing at him go read the story they laughed at him and all jesus did was make sure nobody was laughing was in the room when he raised the girl from the dead get the laughers out of the way they had they laughing at jesus when he came to resurrect lazarus from the dead martha heard he was in town ran upon him and said if you'd have been here this wouldn't happen jesus says your brother gonna rise again she said i know you're gonna rise again on resurrection day jesus said i am the resurrection she had no idea what he was talking about she started talking about something totally different her theology was all off she was all her soteriology off her eschatology her pneumatology all her allergies were all spinning around she had no idea who jesus was she's like you should have been here this wouldn't happen had no idea what he was about to do right watch this watch this when he gets to the tomb and says roll the stone away guess who said it martin ho come on jesus you've been dead we didn't embalm him right we put all the little spices on him man did he this going just going to be putrid you're going to open that up you're going we didn't close that up we kind of moved on and closed up what i'm trying to tell you is sometimes you got to keep going even when there's doubt around you to the problem you're trying to solve they're going to be people in your circle who try to stop you because they don't believe in what you're about to do even jesus faced that how about nehemiah i got to give you all some scriptures i don't know i don't i don't i'm i have so much to share with you but in nehemiah chapter four maybe i should read some of this i'm just i'm just summarizing it but in nehemiah chapter four maybe you can read these stories in john 11 and nehemiah's story on your own but in john and nehemiah chapter four let me at least read that y'all don't mind let me read that nehemiah chapter four beginning in verse one it says sam balat was very angry when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall he flew into a rage and mock the jews verse 2 saying in front of his friends in the samara samaritan office sumerian officers army officers what does this bunch of poor feeble jews think they're doing do they think they can build a wall in a single day by just offering a few sacrifices do they actually think they can make something of stones from a rubbish heap and charred ones at that verse three tobiah the ammonite who was standing beside him remarked that stone wall would collapse if even a fox walked along the top of it see the hatred they built in the water they said if a little fox ran on it would fall apart verse 4. this is what this is what nehemiah says he says then i prayed hear us oh god our god for we are being mocked may their scoffing fall back on their own heads and may they themselves become captives in a foreign land do not ignore their guilt do not blot out their sins for they provoke you to anger here in front of in front of the builders what i'm saying is the point is while while he was doing while he was solving the problem people were belittling him people were making fun of him but but at the same time he stayed the course and david had his detractors too look in first samuel chapter 17 this is this is this is this is really deep in first samurai chapter 17. so david comes on the scene he's supposed to be just finding out how the war is going on and he sees this situation where uh this giant is intimidating the army of israel so uh they tell david in verse 27 these men gave david the same reply they said yes that is the reward for killing him and what they're responding to is what they're saying is is that saul the king said anybody that kills this giant will never have to pay taxes again and gets to marry my daughter and they said david that's what's up if that's what you know whatever whoever does this well watch this verse 28 first samuel 17. but when david's oldest brother eliap heard david talking to the men he was angry watch this what are you doing around here anyway he demanded talking to david what about those few sheep you supposed to be taking care of i know i know about your pride and deceit you just want to see the battle but watch this watch this here david is trying to help a situation out and then his brother throw shade on said what about them little sheep you got ain't nothing but some shade yeah trying to embarrass david in front of all his bat war yeah yeah what about them a little sheep you ain't got but a few sheep what kind of petty stuff here's a man willing to fight a fight you ain't willing to fight you talking about his sheep by the way by the way that's called belittling whenever somebody says talks about whatever you have and they call it little that means that shade they belittling i heard huggy lowdown say this a long time ago when somebody trying to throw shade on you they always call whatever you got little he'd be like yeah i seen your little fiance yeah i seen you little i seen your little car you got yeah i seen on facebook you got your little house and it happens in the church you know this is sibling rivalry right here sibling rival fighting between blood brothers well in the church we're brothers and sisters in christ don't think for a minute it ain't some sibling rivaling even in the church someone said you go on and get your license administration somebody said yeah i seen you got your little license yeah i seen you did your little old nation uh-huh yeah i see you got your little small group uh i seen your little pastor on instagram they call me little with this stuff they say you're singing i ain't little i seen your little past on instagram yeah i seen your little church oh you see see that's all shade and you have to understand when people throw shade at you throwing shade is more it's more of a revelation of the person that's throwing it than the person that's receiving it why is it that you why is it that you have to talk about people's lives when you don't even get paid to do that let me say that again why do you have what's what's driving you to talk about people and you don't get paid to you be all on social media on somebody else's stuff talk about people and you don't get paid if you're a reporter and you get compensated for being a beat reporter on people's lives more power to you but what are you out here beat reporting on people's lives and you ain't getting no money for it what is your payoff jealousy envy hatred so david brother says look at you i see your little your little sheep but how do we respond that's a detractor see whenever you're trying to solve a problem whenever you're trying to and the bigger the problem is the more detractors you're going to get because jesus had a detractor and and and nehemiah had detractors and and david has detractors so how do you respond to belittling first of all you have to understand that belittling is going to happen whenever people doubt you that's part of the process joel osteen says it like this i like what he says when people want to be little you be big yeah when people want to be little be big michelle obama put it classically like this she says when they go low you go high it's par for the course expect doubt put that in the chat expect doubt expect doubt expect doubt doubt is your cue to action around here in our church we have certain things in the production world where there's certain cues and i say this get ready we're going to run that when i do this make sure this happens they're cues to let us know we're going into an action it could be a countdown that's a cue to go into action let me tell you what you're cue to action and solving a problem a big problem is doubt that's your cue that's on time somebody said you can't do this somebody say you ain't qualified somebody say you ain't good enough you ain't big enough that's your cue i remember my first sermon i ever wrote i read it to my mother i was about 19 years old and i wrote this sermon and i asked my mother sit down listen to it and i read the whole sermon out and i refused to look at her while i was reading it because i just knew she was crying tears of joy and just worshiping god so i didn't want to look at her look up at her and get distracted so i remember i got down to the end of the message and my last word of the message was amen and i just knew i had killed him and i looked up at her and she was looking like this she said the devil gave you that he said the devil gave you that it was it was it was a trip now some of y'all was like well how can a mom say that to her son that is so deflating boy trying to serve the lord first of all you just gotta know my mother my mother was a straight clown and my lifestyle was not even close to being christian like so actually her observation was not only funny but it was fair because i didn't have anything in my life that was matching anything i was reading here's the blessing though her saying that didn't phase me one bit because i actually knew as wild as i was that god was talking to me see what i'm saying is even when the most important people in your life doubt you don't stop you i remember zion church was going to have his very first service very first service we ever had was in the summer 2000 it was july 2nd 2000 it was in the middle of the summer and it's going to be on a sunday morning and i remember a few weeks earlier as out from the service i called pastor john jenkins and said what we were doing and i was so excited and he's deflated to think so but he says i'm horrified i said wow he says it's not going to work i'm feeling i feel sorry for you i don't want you to be discouraged he says people first of all he said people don't even come to church in the summer they ain't coming to that church it's like he was so worried that i was going to be deflated by the disappointment of starting the church and i'm not throwing him or my mother under the bus both of them cared deeply about my mother was my biggest fan in my ministry he's one of my biggest supporters but what i'm saying is whenever you're i was trying to solve a problem i wouldn't i didn't start this church to be cute i was trying to start a church in the year 2000 that people could come to without having to get dressed up and that they could come to and hear a message that they would understand that was rare back then where you didn't dress up for church and i wanted them to come to a church a black church or church of color that didn't last for three hours trust me when i tell you 20 years ago they got a lot of churches doing that now that was rare back then i was trying to solve a problem and whenever you're trying to solve a problem people will doubt you see some of y'all let your dollars talk you out of it and i'm trying to talk you back into it i'm talking you right back into it you've been letting people doubt you and see when the right voice taught if it if it wasn't for the fact that we had flight because pastor jenkins voice was so dominant in my life if we hadn't put flowers out flyers out back then we put flyers with little flies we put them on people if we didn't have flies out i would have canceled it but thank god it was too late i was too far in and what i'm trying to say is when david was belittled by his oldest brother that made sense from a sibling rivalry standpoint but it didn't stop there y'all when he finally asked so many questions that the king says bring whoever's asking these questions to me the king doubted him too when he gets in there with king saul king star starts telling him go let's pick it up in verse 30 around verse 32. david walks into saul's office and saul probably saw david and he's just a kid probably bust out laughing so david was dave is all exciting he says he says in verse 32 he says uh don't worry about the philistine i'll go fight him and saul says man don't be ridiculous verse 33. there's no way you can fight this philistine and possibly win you're only a boy he's a man of war since his youth you see that y'all you're just a kid this man is a giant this is what he's been doing for years you ain't got a chance against him this is the mindset he's dealing with see when his brother did it his brother was being spiteful saul is being sincere but it's all the same thing it's just doubt and i'm saying you got to take sincere dia and spiteful doubt and keep on moving toward the problem because of what god gave you so watch this y'all watch this watch this this is how david talked the king in to letting him fight the giant oh this is so good right here only this is so good and he he let he just how he talked to kangan he said i know y'all looking at see you you bro your problem is you and my brother y'all looking at my resume y'all looking at who i serve y'all looking at the service that i do i serve my father and i serve his sheep that's all y'all looking at but what y'all don't know is what i've survived let me let me go to the verse let me go to the verse in verse 34 he says i've been taking care of my father's sheep and goats and when a lion and a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock i go after it with a club and rescue the lamb from his mouth if the animal turns on me i catch it by the jaw and i club it to death verse 36 i've done this to both lions and bears and i'll do it to this pagan philistine too for he has defiled the armies of the living god the lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from the philistine so watch this saul finally consented all right go ahead and may the lord be with you now ooh this is good right here david said listen y'all looking at what i did y'all looking at my service but y'all don't know what i fought you don't know what i've been fighting you don't know what i've been up against you don't know what i've had to overcome see y'all looking at y'all looking at my job but you're not look see one of the problems with in the whole hr world to me about the world of resumes and how we look at people to see whether or not they're qualified to do a job i mean it's it's too it's too narrow it's too narrow because all we do is look at where people worked and what school they went to and all that's fine i think it's important where you work and what school you went to but it's a problem for me the problem for me is i don't know what you had to fight i don't know what kind of fights you've been in i don't know what you've had to overcome all i can see is your work history but i don't know see you see it's not appropriate to say on a resume that for 12 years i've struggled with depression and i've had mental health battles but now i'm free and i'm walking in victory and i've learned how to live that might not come up on a resume but that's something i want to know about that's a fighter right there that's a fighter right there i don't i'm getting ready to preach to him that's a fighter right there see you can't put on a resume because it wouldn't be protocol that for the first 22 years of my life i lived in a family of dysfunction all around me there was dysfunction that i can't even talk about but in the midst of all that i maintain my sanity and i maintain my integrity and i maintain my walk with christ and that might not show up on my work history but it's one of my lines and my bears that i fought see that matters to me once you've been able to fight are there any fighters that i'm talking to in here right now are there any fighters i want you to put some fists in the chat room and some hands in the chat room and say he put fight in me he put some fight in me see i don't just want to know what your alma mater was i don't just want to know what your project history was i want to know what you had to fight against which is discrimination and racism and sexism and people trying to back you up into the corner and people put you through stuff they thought would finish you but you came out of a survivor because you're a fighter somebody say i'm a fighter that's what i am i'm a fighter i will fight if i have to i will fight if i have to see you can't put on a resume that day you rang that bell on the oncology ward and it was it was decided at that point that you were cancer-free and i know you got a long work history but i like to work around people who could if anybody that survived cancer and walked through chemo and all kinds of treatment and came out with their life and came out of it cancer-free that's somebody i want on my team cause i'm a fighter somebody say i'm a fighter i'm a fighter i'm a fighter see i want some fighters around me i want some fighters around me i want some people that can fight david says y'all judging me because of my age y'all judging me because of how many sheep i've been taking care of but you don't know my ability to fight and because this problem involves fighting i'm ready for it whoever i'm talking to i just came by to tell you that every fight you bit in every war you've been in every battle you've been in has prepared you for the problem that god put you up against to solve your fight has made you ready for this fight your fight has made you ready oh i gotta go deeper i gotta go deeper i gotta go deeper let me go deeper watch this watch this watch this i'm all for the fighters in here i ain't got no problem with the fighters i appreciate all the fighters but what made saul give david an opportunity what made saul shift from seeing goliath as a problem for israel but an opportunity for david was not just david's ability to fight he didn't just give it to david because he was a fighter he gave it to david because david was a killer good god he was a killer he said i ain't just been fighting stuff i've been killing stuff i don't know who i'm talking to it here but god is looking for some killers i don't want to know what projects you did i want to know what you killed i don't know why i want to know where you used to work were you killing it where you used to work were you killing the projects when you killing the assignments when you if i call some of your old co-workers when they say oh she killed it when i called some of your old co-workers in college they said he it around here he was a killer i'm looking for some killers i want to talk to every business owner every department head every manager every hiring manager you better find yourself some killers when you look at somebody's resume you better find out have they killed anything have they killed anything if i sing the song i'mma kill it if i preach the sermon i'ma kill it if i shoot the video i'ma kill it if i edit the video i'ma kill it if i run the program i'ma kill it if i cook the food i'ma kill it somebody say i'm a killer that's what i am i'm a killer i'm a killer i'm a killer i'm a killer i'm a killer i'm a killer that's what god listen god sent me to be a what you call it what you call it imma i wish you called a person on the resume or you use a person i'm a reference that's what i am i'm a reference on your resume today and i'm going to put something on your resume in invisible ink and invisible ink i'm gonna put one word on your resume you ready for this i'm gonna put this word on your resume it is killer killer killer that's what you better be now that's what i'm on now i'm on killer time i ain't got time to be shucking and jiving god called me to kill it if i do it i'mma kill it if i organize it i'ma kill it if you put me in charge of it i'ma kill it see some of y'all need to stop playing games and start killing it you ain't killing it cause you're so worried about people being jealous of you who cares what people think i'm a killer you're so worried about people not liking you they don't like you anyway kill it anyway somebody needs to help me preach this right i wish i was that one of them churches i wish i i wish i was someone in the church when they run around somebody understands what i'm talking about right now i'm a killer killer i'll kill it i'll kill it i'ma kill it i ain't playing no more i'm killing it stop shucking and jiving and kill it stop playing games and kill it stop being average and kill it i'm tired of mediocrity i need some killers around me if you're going to do it kill it if you're going to be it kill it because because watch this watch this whatever god's gonna let you do on the next level oh it's so good right here this so good right here this so good right here excuse me i'm getting happy watch this watch this watch this david said i know you don't believe i'm i'm ready for this but let me tell you something when i was working for my father and we was out there in no man's land working with sheep and goats look at the text we're looking at sheep and goats and i'm out there killing stuff for them they can't even thank me they they not able to give me words of affirmation everything i killed out there is not on file i don't have a picture of it in my phone i don't have a lion's head in the wall of my father's basement it didn't go viral when i was killing out there nobody was talking about it nobody filmed it but what i oh god and i wasn't even killing for my own stuff i was working for my father some of y'all got to learn how to kill for somebody else's business you're running see you waiting on to get your own thing you want to be you want to have a killer roll and you ain't killed nothing yet what is your problem you want to kill a roll and you won't even kill on your level you won't even kill for your father's sheep you won't even kill for somebody else's stuff and here's what god told me to tell somebody i'm talking to killers today i don't even know who you are i'm talking to killers it's some killers until i feel you i feel you i feel killers all over this place i'm talking to killers today and when you're a killer god will allow everything you killed in obscurity to one day let you see an opportunity and in that moment he gonna let you kill something and thousands of people are gonna be saying saul has killed his thousands good god but david his tens of thousands he's gonna let you kill it on a level where everybody's gonna get to see it because you were faithful over a few things i'ma make you ruler over a minute somebody said kill it kill it kill it kill it that's my hashtag kill it start telling your friends when they about to do something kill it you're gonna do it kill it i'm gonna start to kill it you're gonna open that up kill it you're gonna start a business kill it you're gonna open up ice cream shop kill it you're gonna start a daycare kill it you're gonna do a summer camp kill it you go whatever you're gonna do kill it we ain't playing no more we killing it kill it if you ain't gonna kill it don't play with it i see something else he said i was killing in obscurity nobody the shade room never caught it then one kill what i killed over there made somebody trust me to kill something at another level well watch this y'all this is what it got me that's what got me y'all i'm sorry if i'm taking too long he said he says i killed it with a club excuse me excuse me y'all missed that he said i chased the dagger on lying down and killed him with a club what kind of foolishness is that no sword you ain't got a bow and arrow you ain't got no kind of weapons you're going to use he got a little shabby stick and guess what that's the same thing he took to kill goliath he said get my stick and my rocks and my slingshot oh that's so good right here well see see what david killed he oh i don't know how to preach this so saul tried to give david stuff that regular people use to fight he said put this on man put this you can go out there put this on here's my stuff here's my you know stuff that i wear here's my sword david trout he said i can't use that man i ain't used to that see what you're gonna do give me my lure he had his bag he had a shepherd's bag he picked up five rocks and had a stick that's probably the same stick he killed that's his thing that's what he works and he goes out and kills alive he kills goliath with the stuff he's used to using here's the word god gave me some of y'all ain't killing it because you keep trying to do it the way other people do it that's why you ain't killing it because you your style is your kill the way you do it is your kill let me tell you a quick story in 1987 i had a chance to preach at zion hill baptist church on georgia avenue near high university the past of the times his name was lester james it's 1987. i hadn't been preaching that long and i decided that i was going to do something i never did before i was going to hoop i said i'm a hoop today and for those of you my constituents that don't know what hooping is it's in the church where you in the black church tradition where they get on the organ at the end of the message and the preacher is singing the end of the message like well uh as i come to my clothes and and they said it sound real rhythmic and i wanted to do that so bad i had never done it before i said i'm a hoop and so i got down to the end of the message i guess it was going good and i started trying to hoop and man i started coughing i started choking the stuff was coming down my eyes if you talk about landing the plane i crashed that plane 15 times needless to say that church never had me come back but the lesson i learned be yourself because let me tell you something can nobody outdo me at being me i'm killing like this i don't need to be how somebody else does oh you understand what i'm saying and some of y'all not killing because you keep trying to wear other people's stuff and do it the way other people do it your killer is your style i gotta go i gotta go i got some more but i gotta go i gotta go here's the last thing i wanna tell you oh here's the question what do you need to start killing and stop playing with you've been a terrible steward over the thing you're supposed to be killing if you're gonna write the book kill it you're gonna do the job kill it i when i do something i want people i want people to when i'm finished i want to say guilt he killed he killed did you are you killing are you just playing kill it what do you need to start killing if you killing something you ain't got to worry about people coming around and saying oh you need to you killed it it's dead on arrival last thing last thing focus i got oh man focus all three of them had to be focused jesus had to stay focused nehemiah had stay focused david had to stay focused i'm gonna do this real quick say how do you mean jesus stay focused when jesus got to that tomb he was after one person lazarus it was a graveyard full of people jesus is the resurrection if jesus had just said come forth it would have been mummies everywhere it would have been a mess out there people have been going to the funeral home people saying we need our money back the carlos is back jesus said lazarus come out i'm focused i'm here for one person i don't care everything but i'm focused when nehemiah got down to chapter six you should read it in nehemiah chapter six these people try to keep keep getting them to come to a place called oh no say come have lunch with us come have meeting with us we need to meet with you need to talk to you and he knew they were just trying to distract him he says four times they tried to get me to come have a meet when he says i can't do it i'm doing a great work i can't come there i can't go there he stay focused because you're not only gonna have detractors when you're trying to solve a problem you're gonna have distractors he said i can't do it watch this about david a lot of people never saw this about david if you look at his first samuel chapter 17 i'm gonna give you the verse in first samuel chapter 17 when we're introduced to goliath the first time we see him is in verse 7. and the bible says the shaft of his spear was heavy and thick as a weaver's beam tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed they weighed 15 pounds watch this his armor bearer walked ahead of him carrying a shield most people never see that goliath had an armor bearer that stayed in front of him with a shield look down at verse uh 41. when the goliath and david are about to fight david is walking towards goliath goliath is coming towards david look at verse 41 goliath walked out toward david with his shield bearer ahead of them what are you saying pastor i'm saying nobody talks about that because david wasn't distracted by that david could have looked at the armor and said you want some too you want something that ain't who we fighting david looked right past that joke and hit he could lie right in his head and kill them with his sword some of you got to be careful because you keep getting distracted the reason why you haven't written a book is because you keep getting distracted the reason why you haven't finished the project finish the movie finish the play finish the the album whatever it is you're supposed to be doing it's because you keep getting distracted you're gonna have to learn how to say no to a lot of stuff if you're gonna solve problems if you're gonna turn problems in the opportunities i'm gonna stop right there i've said enough one of the biggest problems that we have as human beings is a problem called sin we all sin we have all messed up we all say things do things think things wrong things all of us are guilty the problem with the problem of sin is is that the bible says our sins and iniquities have separated us from god and if you live separated from god and don't get that fixed before you die you'll die separated from god with no more time to reconcile but here's the good news jesus saw that problem as an opportunity and he moved towards it he says i'll solve the sin problem by giving my life for every sinner i'll die in their place and my payment for their sins will now bridge the gap between god and man and so now we don't have to be separated from god but we do have to move towards the problem solver by faith we accept jesus christ and his death and his sacrifice as a payment for our sin problem so that we don't have to be separated from god so in this moment if you're ready saying i wanna i wanna i want my sin problem fixed just just lift your heart lift your hands if you can and say to god god i i want my sin problem fixed just say that say that to god i want my sin problem fixed i i accept jesus as the savior of my soul i accept him as the one who paid for my sins [Music] and i invite you into my life god save me forgive me for everything i've done and come into my life and with you in my life help me to live it better than i've ever lived it i thank you for this moment in this opportunity amen if if you responded to that and you were praying in that way to god i want you to let us know let us know or let another believer know what you've decided today so that we can help you along your spiritual journey all right y'all i'm out have a great week and i pray that this word stays with you all week god bless you
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 3,784
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 94hbnkt6BkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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