It's All Good

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hey do me a favor if you're here just tell somebody i'm glad you made it to church today tell somebody that for me yeah if you have a copy of the bible or your bible on some apparatus turn to james chapter one that's where this discussion will come from today james chapter one new testament this is a contemplative message how about that word introspective it's about a self-evaluation and um hopefully it'll be of help to us let's pray father please bless this time in your word people have come and gathered and we need to hear from you we need direction we need insight regarding our own circumstances and lives would you supernaturally bless this time speak beyond my human capabilities and speak the kind of word to somebody's life that will be clearly you they'll know exactly what it is that you're communicating to them and what it is you would have them to do so i thank you for this time thank you for this opportunity thank you for this church thank you for this building thank you for this service thank you for this day thank you for allowing us to make it some of us are really truly survivors in here and just we're just grateful that we made it to this point in time give you praise in jesus name amen can somebody just clap for jesus that you made it amen [Applause] yeah just made it just made it to this point i don't know about tomorrow but i'm here i made it i made it i made it i made it you could have been counted out but you made it yep james chapter one beginning at verse two this is the new international version niv it says consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything if any of you like lacks wisdom he should ask god who gives generously to to all within fine without finding fault and it will be given to him one more time verse two consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds i want to use the subject today it's all good it's all good tell two people it's all good you're gonna help me preach this yeah it's all good even if you don't believe it you got to say it by faith it's all good all of it's good the pain the disappointment the setback the shifts the heartaches is all good it's all good it's all good the financial trouble is all good the misunderstanding is all good the relationship trauma is all good the tragedy and loss is all good why is it all good because all things work together for good it's gonna come out good i'm just speaking those things that are not as though they are i'm speaking in advance it's gonna be good even if it ain't good right now it's all good it's all good and every trial in your life is good not because the trial is good but because of god's purpose in the trial in james chapter 2 chapter 1 verses 2 to 4 he james starts off by saying something is absolutely ridiculous he says consider it pure joy when you when all hell breaks loose in your life when you go through trials of various when you go through all kinds of trials he says consider that pure joy that only makes sense that sounds like the church people saying stuff that don't make sense why would i be happy about trials and and watch this he doesn't just say one trial he says all kinds of droughts see some of you know what it's like you ain't just going through one thing that would be nice but some of y'all got a combination fried rice going on right now you got a four-piece and dirty rice you're in here it's it's so much stuff popping off you can't even keep you remember that game it's a game is one of them games is the thing when you hit stuff and every time something pop up what's that called i only know huh one person whack-a-mole that's what your life is like every time you get one thing in control this pop up and while this pop-up two things pop up you don't know what to hit just in panic all things you see sometimes you just gotta step back and say god what are you up to and what are you trying to show me in the midst of it james says count it all joy consider it pure joy watch this knowing something the reason why you can you can look at trials differently when you're in the faith is because we know that the trials that we face that we face are producing something called perseverance some translations call it patience the hebrew the greek word i'm sorry is hupo h-u-p-o mino hupo mino it means to hupo means under minnow means to abide to stay it means to stay under something and what god says i'm using the trial to give you the tenacity to stay up under stuff and not keep squirming out of stuff when it gets uncomfortable and then after i finish giving you the perseverance you need then in verse 4 perseverance makes you mature and complete lacking nothing god can use trials to make us persevere and use that perseverance to make us mature and complete so that maturity is the end goal of a trial so even though it's not good it's all good because of how god intends for it to turn out because if i come out of it with more tenacity more perseverance and a and i'm come out of it more mature then it turn then it worked out for my good even though it may not have been pleasant that's how you have to look at trials i want you to leave this passage today in this service today not just tolerating difficulty in life but actually having some level of celebrating it to be able to say it's rough but you know what i'm gonna be better because of this i'm gonna be better if i look at it the right way now let me tell you where this message came from this message came out of my own personal flaws and failures of recent i have to be careful i'm telling you story my wife and i were out recently i can't say house recently it's more recent than i care to admit though but now with the you know the advent of technology you can't always say where you were and who was because then the people gonna see it and no one they gonna know and i'm talking about them and i'm trying to keep it trying to keep it like trying to keep it covert but trying to testify at the same time that's tricky that's a look it's a little dangerous zone between your testimony and you're telling too much but really the the blame is all on me it really ain't about the people it's really about me and that's what i discovered but we were out at a restaurant and while we were there the way i was sitting i was not facing the door vicky was facing the door and she saw a family come in that we knew she told me so-and-so was here and i said really and i didn't you know i we hadn't seen him in a long time we're not really close but we hadn't seen them in a while they hadn't seen us in a while and so i immediately started thinking to myself you know because i'm a thinker so i'll say well should i go over there should we go inside as we should we go did y'all know i know it's up to you so i'm thinking i'm all should we go over there and just say hi or should we act like we didn't see him and then try you know you know you you know how you see people you know but you're like i ain't no don't mean we gotta go over there we can walk out and act like we see it and then we run into them be like hey look at piccadilly look at vicky look you know you can do the generation move on them so i just said should we do that should we you know should we secretly pay for their food and that's that's like speaking to them and just leave just leave our name on the thing and just go i don't feel like talking to then so we so we were in there first so we finished first so i said you know i'm still torn this i finally said well let's go over there let's go so we go over to the table now i'm thinking they haven't seen us in a long time i'm thinking it's going to be just a big moment like so it's going to be a lot of energy like hugs and hey how you been how to children you know i catching up and all that because it's a it's a it's a man his wife and his child and i'm thinking all that i'm thinking we're going to take selfies and everything you know so i go over there with all my energy and i'm like hey how y'all doing and they were like huh i don't think the child said anything man shook my hand and basically and i think the wife said hi and i think vicky spoke to him and that was it we just i'm standing there like that we ain't gonna take selfies y'all ain't gonna say how you been passed the battle i was like waiting on all this energy i felt this small i was like wow i feel so rejected so we're walking down the restaurant and i'm like dang that was it i'm mad now i'm like that's why i shouldn't even win i should have went with my gut i knew i shouldn't went over there and i'm complaining whole ride home i'm complaining to vicki saying i don't know he's what i do to him what's that what kind of stuff is that how you gonna treat me like that i went over there to his table here like like and uh and there wasn't lo like vicky's saying what is your problem what's wrong with you they said hi like why are you so bothered by this and she was right and i started it's like god started talking to me about this and this is how god taught me like this ain't even about them this is about you what is your problem that you so insecure that whenever you go speak to people you think they won't take a selfie with you who do you think you are didn't the god didn't it's almost like god said this to me like who do you think like like maybe now you know what other people feel like when they come up to you out in public and you act like it ain't a big deal so right now i apologize to everybody looking everybody i ever seen at the walmart anywhere i ever seen y'all if i didn't act like i was happy to see y'all i'm a changed man now when i see y'all now be like hey what's up hey i don't even know hey i don't want you to feel like i felt so now that i shifted the focus from what was done to me to my reaction now something positive was coming out of it what can i learn from this what can god show me about me see the key to handling trials is not just trying to fix the people that cause you to trial see all my focus before that was where we think he is how are you going to just disrespect me like that and walk over his table i ain't have to go there and i came over here going to talk to me going to this guy like whatever wet fish for me like that and i'm like and but as soon as i took my attention off the people who were causing me hurt or causing me pain and put it on myself watch this watch this here's an important point here's an important point the revelation is always in the reaction when you are facing a trial of any time of any type watch how you react to it your reaction is a revelation of your level of maturity i don't care what it is your reaction watch this whenever you know how petty that was that i was upset because somebody didn't want to take a selfie with me or whatever whenever you respond big to something little it's a revelation of something wrong with you whenever i respond big to small stuff like that i'm either burnt out i'm overwhelmed or i'm immature so if i'm burnt out i need a break if i'm overwhelmed i need some rest i need to take some stuff off the plate if i'm immature i need to grow it ain't even about the people god is using this situation to show me something about myself and here's what we miss with trial this is the good and try that's why i say all trials are good because they are potential teachers and revealers of the brokenness and dysfunction within us that's the blessing of a trial our problem is we always focus on the other people she made me sick he get on my nerves and what happens is we cannot be happy until they change well if your happiness is requiring somebody else's life adjustment you cannot grow by other people changing god wants us to grow to a point where we don't react so much we don't have a big reaction to a small situation or even a big situation for that matter and here are four reactions that are typical when it comes to a trial the first reaction is one of anger i call it reacting in anger here's how you know when you have a maturity issue here's what here's what the trial came to reveal it's like a vaccination when you get a vaccination for any any type i don't care if it's if it's um the um a flu vaccination or when we were young you had to get the chickenpox vaccination and then you had to get the measles vaccination and you had to get the um some other thing they had to give you the measles right what i found out about vaccinations is is that in the vaccine is a strand of the very thing it came to fix oh that's good i'm very good so so so they put some of the some of the illness in the end of in the vaccine so that your body can develop a reaction to it that fights it off so watch this watch this watch this whatever was in the trial your reaction is a revelation god put whatever is in the trial that you need to learn how to fight off of you and to mature up to handle okay let me do it like this if the thing made you angry then at the end of the day you got an anger issue i don't mean when the bible says you know some anger is righteous anger but i'm talking about when the bible says be angry but do not sin that means there needs to be a boundary on your anger so if somebody does something to you i don't care if it's your child because if you got children i know you've been angry let me tell you when you get angry when they two they're demons when they 16 they satanic that's just it right there it's the same when they 16 and two the demon that's pretty much consistent with kids if you got more than one kid one of them that made you want to hurt them i'm sick of y'all coming up with these perfect kids 4.0 who cares [Applause] he's 11 years old you know he just got accepted into harvard who cares see i got issues man it ain't your child you're just reminding me of what i don't have your reaction is always a revelation so now your child does something here you 44 years old the child is 14. the child did some immature now you want to bust a child in the mouth yeah pastor busting right in the mouth then you follow him to the room i'll go up to you come here i'm just my house you should have seen everybody back there that got scared i'm running this out now you out of control you 46 years old and out of control now who really got the issue the 14 year old supposed to act like that he you still acting like that said he made me do that you didn't hit him with a slat from under the bed a whip a belt or switch and bust him in the mouth come on i'ma shut him down now when you sin does your father hit you in the face with a punch does he bust you in the head with a slap does he hit you with a switch most of the time he gives you grace and mercy how about raising your children like the father raised you i mean every now and then we need to give our children some grace and say i'm giving you grace because my father has given me more grace than i've ever deserved in my life and i'm not saying what you did wasn't wrong i'm saying that when i get grace from the father doesn't want me to make me want to act out it makes me want to serve him better because i know i don't deserve the grace i'm saying can you add a little bit of that in there see our reaction is a revelation that there's something wrong with us how is it that we can be mad at somebody for weeks and they're over it so if i'm still mad who really has the issue are y'all following me so sometimes we react in anger i had a situation just just yesterday i wish i i wish i could tell y'all i wish i was one of them pastors could tell y'all dude man i used to struggle with that 40 years ago i'm telling y'all what happened last night i'm telling you i'm telling what happened last night with me last last night i'm sitting out in front of a store and i'm eating food it was a long day got to set it up and make it sound like i'm justifying it i'm sitting out front of this store and a car pulls up towards the store going past the store and it is a person of another race who makes eye contact with me while i'm eating and i made eye contact with this person and look on their face was one like they were disrespectful like i was like i was less than them and then they kind of intensified and they looking at me and i'm looking to do look at me and i'm like what pull over i'm all out there i'm saying let me tell y'all about me i know i'm saved i am saved i am saved and i'm going to heaven when i die to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord i've been washed in the blood of jesus i know it but there's some stuff the blood didn't even clean up in me and you know i can confess it to y'all because i know the same is true with y'all i know i'm in good company i know i'm in good company how many of y'all know that there's some stuff not even calvary chains about your cantankerous nasty self-centered vine so yeah i'm about to fight [Applause] like what what and what i look like i got to preach tomorrow i'm out there fighting at the store y'all come up pastor shirt was all torn up he out there fighting pastor why are you fighting he gritted on me what good is your problem you trying to judge me i know somebody gave you the finger in a car while you was driving i bet somebody didn't cut you off before i bet when they got in front of you they slowed down put on their brake lights and you trying to hurry up and they played that game with you i bet you didn't say praise the lord i bet you did i bet you then i bet you was like oh i will pull over [Applause] and what i'm saying is we they ought to be cece i don't care if if i don't give you how saved you are it's in you but watch this if it's in you somebody might make it come up how many people know what i'm talking about we're the real people if it's in you somebody may make it come up but just because they come up don't mean need to come out see that's when god comes in god he came up i need you to shut it back down before i heard somebody out here see see when you save it doesn't mean it ain't going to come up what being saved means is when they come up you be like hey hey oh [Applause] i ain't gonna i gotta preach tomorrow i i never some people think they ain't saying because it came up no what the holy spirit will do is is watch this he brings you back down oh ho ho now oh now you're bigger than that we save now we save now so first reaction is reacting in anger the second thing we do when somebody challenges somebody triggers us is we recoil and hurt in our feelings in rejection somebody doesn't say thank you or somebody doesn't appreciate us so somebody doesn't give us a compliment that we were expecting or that we were anticipating our expectation was up here and we got disappointed so we recoiled and hurt and we pull up like a turtle in a shell for weeks we go in that place and nobody can get in because i don't want anybody hurting me anymore does that hurt me and we don't we don't have to mature and what god is saying is you should be mature enough to tell somebody what you don't want them to do please don't do that again and we're good i need you to not do that instead of going into a space where you feel like i don't even had a temperament to even say it right and the words that come out right all of that's all that's it's not just about what the person did or didn't do god is using that to show us ourselves then there's somebody then there's another reaction and that's the runner sometimes we run away in pain we don't just react in anger we don't just recoil recoil and hurt but some of us run in pain some of us are not fighters some of us are flighters you don't fight you flight you flee you leave the scene nobody can nobody even knows where you are nobody knows your whereabouts you leave you are out and some of you know how to leave and still be in the same house you've been gone you've been gone gone you hurt me i left i left here six years ago i just show up cause we got these bills and these kids that's a that that running that running in in in in his running away is the exact opposite of persevering the lord says i'm not saying stay up in the sun no abusive i'm saying when when really when really your reaction doesn't even match what happened somebody said why you do that just got tired see all every trial is an opportunity for me to see myself better our problem is we keep asking god to change him to change her to change it to change them and here's the problem and if they if ray if ray would just act right as soon as raymond get his life together i'm gonna be happy raymond get this right raymond get this right raymond get this right and that's all i need rhema well you said jesus is the center of your joy sound like raymond is you'd be surprised how many of us christians are on fire one minute on fire oh yeah i'm down with the lord i'm down with the lord we be so on posting stuff god disabled posting scriptures on our social media page and the next day we'd be like this current move about to kill somebody well he was just awesome the lord is awesome you're watching probably timeline that timeline to tell it all cause cause you know how we are nowadays nowadays everybody keep everything out and open or anything from the praise to the pain everything's out there here's a fourth reaction and it is when somebody resorts to acting out so you can react in anger you can recoil in pain you can run away and run away hurt or you can record resort to acting out in sinful addictive behavior that's the person who gets in a trial and they got to get turned up so they'd be like that's what i'm gonna pass that's why i drink i don't like drinking pasta but a drink of vivian every time she treat me like that pasta i just go down to the bakery i got a drink on my slapper i don't mean to be drunk i don't mean to do it better but like that guy i keep something in the basement the whole time so she makes you drink you going in the basement to look at porn and masturbate you go in the basement roll up a blunt that's your out that's your that's your your excuse for for your pain is to do something to comfort yourself so you go to the casino and gamble up all your money and say i do this man they drove me to this let me tell you something nobody can make you do anything nobody can make you do anything let me prove it to you if this is five dollars i've done this illustration before just act like you've never seen it say this five dollars and i'm and it's all the f it's all i got all you got five dollars i don't have any money in the bank the credit union is overdrawn in fact i have debt this is my last five dollars i don't get paid for another two days i gotta figure out how to make this five dollars carry me for the rest of the week i'm driving down roads trying to coast down hills put it in neutral to save that gas see y'all too boujee y'all don't know nothing about y'all knowing about when you got a coast who know what i'm talking about when you got the coast that gas said ah people wonder why you put on bricks so late i got to keep this moving i ain't trying to stop if i had to hit the gas that's gas we're coasting around people running lights i got to keep rolling five dollars off five dollars all i got i got a plan i'm going to the store i got some coupons i'm gonna work this five dollars and it's gonna carry me for 48 hours i'm gonna get enough food i go downstairs i put the five dollars down while i put my coat on i put my coat on i turn around to five dollars a dawn i'm about to now somebody's going to lose their life did the person that took my five dollars make me angry before you answer that let me give it to you another way i'm upstairs in my house i'm hungry i gotta get five dollars on me i decided to go get something to eat for my five dollars but this time i'm not broke i got 20 million dollars in the bank i just got five on me i just said i want to go get something to eat so i go downstairs i put the five dollars on the counter go put my coat on and turn around the five dollars gone like y'all play too much around here i'm not angry because i'm wealthy so the question is when they took the five dollars in the first scenario did they make me angry i lost five dollars both times why were not angry both times if they can make me angry they can't make me angry their actions revealed my condition their action revealed whether i was empty or full their action revealed whether i was wealthy or poor they didn't make me angry they gave me an opportunity to see where i was because it didn't matter see see when people say somebody took my money how much was it two dollars it's two dollars it's the principal it's impressive but ain't my money people rich don't be talking about it's the principle it's a principle your reaction is a revelation of your maturity pay attention to how you react to people who trigger you it's going to happen this week it's going to happen today you get upset you start repelling people you start judging people making judgments about people even if you don't open your mouth can't stand her all of that shows me myself and here's what james says here's what james says count it all joy when you face these trials because because watch this people who run by the way they're people who are runners you've been in five churches this year five different churches pretty regularly because every time somebody does something wrong that's confirmation you supposed to leave somebody spoke wrong and you sit down you don't walked out and tried to walk back in and said i just went to the bathroom and i come back and then try to reach ready to tell me i can't get back in there and i walked in that's confirmation i knew something wrong with the spirit in this church you've been on nine jobs this year every time you go on the job somebody look at you wrong way something around and see that's that's that i knew that i knew that i knew that thank you lord that's confirmation have you ever noticed that you deal with the same stuff everywhere you go let me tell you why i got you i got you i got you let me tell you why because everywhere you go there you are and it's not going to change because you are the problem and it's there to teach you about you so you might as well stay up under it till you learn how to face it so that it doesn't bother you let me give it to you like this if it's almost like a workout faith trials produce the kind of faith and and perseverance that works like a muscle in a fitness or in a workout it's like a spiritual workout trials are like spiritual dumbbells if you ever do an exercise with weights and you work a certain muscle group in the body about within 48 hours if you really if you really fatigue that muscle it'll be sore within 48 hours if you if you ever if you ever forget what you did in the gym if people go to the gym regularly if you ever forget what you did in the gym two days ago just check your body and see what's sore that's how you know as you work you know what you work based on what's hurting you want to know what god's working on in your life what's hurting he is the quintessential personal trainer he has a training regimen that's designed to improve us and the reason why watch this is not just whatever hurt us he wants to use it to help us with a whatever made us mad he wants to use it to mature us and the things he's working on he uses trials to grow us that's the best way of growing if you look at your spiritual journey your greatest growth spurts happened when you were closest to god and you were closest to god not when all was well but when all was tough in your life we grow best through trials let me wrap this up [Applause] he says if you do this if you if you if you accept trials with the right attitude to say something good is coming out of this let me persevere let me hang in here teach me everything i need to learn through this god let me learn me he says you'll come out of it mature lacking nothing so what is maturity what is maturity i know what a trial is i know perseverance means to hang in there what is a truck what is maturity how does a what does maturity look like maturity looks like this when i'm facing something difficult i don't escape it and try to get from under it and i don't go to escapades trying to comfort myself i stand even when it's uncomfortable to learn what i'm supposed to learn so that i grow through it that's maturity he goes on to say he goes on to say in verse six to eight a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways and he's talking about a person who's praying but not really trusting god let me demonstrate this is not really really what he means in the passage but what i see is is whenever i'm immature i'm also unstable immaturity makes you unstable so that your life is controlled by whatever's going on around you so when all is well and there's sunny skies and there's there's no storms in your life all as well but when the winds start blowing and you stand out stand for the lord i'll stand i wanna be where you are cause peace is where you are but then when the wind blows you'll be like lord i don't even know if i'm trying to do this your way when think it's going we'll be talking about when all is well we're like god is good the winds blow we say satan is busy just double-minded i'm not and by the way i'm not saying satan isn't busy i'm talking about looking at trials on a different level some of us look at it on a human level that's what they're doing then some of us looking on the spiritual level that's what the devil is doing what i'm saying is to look on it on god's level it's something good gonna come out of it ain't no way in the world i'm gonna put god satan on god's level you're saying oh well you talking about it's all good but that's satan right there pass the battle ain't number the devil that ain't good what i'm saying is that's cause that's the level you stopped at you went past the people now you're saying that satan what i'm saying is the savior is greater than satan so i'm saying i'm looking at it from god's seat and it's all good cause he's in control of satan do you think satan is going to make them i at this store i go to sometimes this grocery store i go to they had these chess tournaments these guys sitting around playing shots i haven't figured out how to play chess well enough you have to sit down and play with them because i don't like losing i'm going to sit there and watch somebody whoop me if you're with me you ain't gonna know they with me so i'm watching it and what i learned about people who really know how to play chess and they playing people that don't know how to play they're already three or four moves ahead of you they already setting you up they doing stuff and you say hi look at that i got i got you pawned and they giving you a little piece of weight and said you're about to wipe you out he already moves away do you think if a man can do that on a chessboard how many moves ahead of satan do you think god is god satan's trying to set you up and making a move on you and you think god ain't hip to it my god can make everything awful when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will raise up by standing in them no weapon formed against me so impossible my god is greater than everything he created satan you think he's you think he ain't hypothetically doing anyway in the world i'm gonna put satan up on god's level no i do say it's all good because when i look at it from god's level even he can make even where satan does work together who is good so now people are all over the place because they're not stable now what i want you to know is i got two styrofoam cups up here and i got one blow dry but only one cups keeps moving i come the other one and i'm blowing the same speed on both of them one of them is moving and one of them stable it's because this one's got something in it it's got some ice in it because christians need to be cool see the reason why we flying all over the place and we happy one minute it's sad one minute and we up and we down and we in and we out because we ain't got nothing in us a word in us that holds us when everything's going crazy around us we don't have the wisdom and the faith to know that it's all good even when it's bad around me god is going to cause all things to work together for good that's what allows you to stay under control because he's in control when things are out of control but when you don't know that listen i'm tired of being blown all over the place by everything that happens in my life i need something in me that's heavy enough that'll hold me when things are out of control do you agree with that [Applause] that's what this word is about it's really about a self-examination so that i don't just focus outwardly what is it about me see everybody that bothers me this is what i know i've known this but i got to keep reminding myself if okay let me i'm closing like this how many of you have people that you know that between the two of y'all y'all don't like each other y'all know anybody like that y'all know it's just something in there y'all like jeff often times people rub us the wrong way because they hit a broken spot in us what they rubbed is a dysfunction in us and they it's something about them that highlights that dysfunction that's why and if we would look at the dysfunction they wouldn't bother is there anybody to just get on your nerves like oh ooh these people we don't even know they're like like i can't stand you has people people on on social media saying i hate that so-and-so how you gonna you hate i hate him just hope somebody beat him up next time he fight i hope somebody just knock him out help somebody just take him and choke him and break his neck and people just that mad you you don't even know the person that's that's that's really when i feel that way why do i hate them why do i hate them and i don't know them isn't that isn't that isn't that me isn't that something wrong with me so god wow this just came up anger came up rejection came up fear came up and this is a this is a baseball game i ain't even on the team i'm just in the stairs hate them hate you what is your problem i'm done i'm done let's stay in let me tell you something let me tell you something let me tell you what i know i know that it takes god to do this i don't know how to tell you to have the right reaction to trials if you ain't saved i don't know how to do this with the power of positive thinking i don't know how you do that i think if you don't know the lord and you handling trials well i don't know how you're doing it you must have a god somewhere you're doing something to get through it but i do know that the lord wants to come into your life and give you weight and ground you and show you and mature you show you things he wants to mature in your life so that we can walk through this life and not be all over the place
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 5,095
Rating: 4.9408865 out of 5
Id: ccySgTtumjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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