ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: How to Write a Story

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so I have received tons of questions about how I would write a story using chat GPT so I went ahead I did some research I did some testing and I ended up with a template that I think works very well for story writing so today I will show you how you can use this too so let's just get going so let's start by looking at the first step we are gonna do in this whole story sequence so let's take a look at number one here so this is called author so we just want to go you are a genre author your task is to write genre stories in a vivid and intriguing language answer with dot dot dot if you acknowledge don't write anything yeah and we want to set our genre so here we set our show not to sci-fi and that is the first thing we're gonna do so let's just head over to chatgpt and paste this in as our prompt let's just paste in here click submit and hope for that dot dot dot right okay so now we are good so let's move on to step number two so step number two is gonna be our prompt template so let's just take a look here so we have title that is going to be insert the story Title Here we have settings so insert setting details here including time period location or any relevant background information next up we have the protagonist so insert the protagonist name age and occupation as well as sub brief description of their personality and motivations and they are the same for the antagonist next up we have a conflict so here insert the main conflict of the story including the problem the protagonist faces and the stakes involved we have something about the dialogue so instructions for using dialogue to advance the plot to reveal character and provide information to the reader then we move on to team so insert a central theme of the story and instructions for developing it throughout the plot character and setting we have also a tone so we want to set a desired tone for the story instructions for maintaining consistency and appropriateness to the settings and character we have a pacing so we have instructions to vary the pacing to the story to build and release tension to advance the plot and create dramatic effect and finally we have this optional so here you can insert any additional details or requirements for the story such as a specific word count or a genre constraint this specific word count nah that's a bit hit and miss it's very hard to get that right so yeah it's not that specific we're gonna finish this with fill out the template above for a genre story and then we're gonna set our genre so in this case it's gonna be sci-fi let's just take this now over to chat GPT and see what we get back then we just head over here paste in our prompt template you can see here we end with fill out the template double for a stronger stories so the genre is set to sci-fi let's just hit enter okay so here we have our template filled out so let's take a look here so let's just start the title is going to be the Lost Civilization of sontai Sante yeah the year is 21.53 and the setting is on a distant planet called Santa a team of astronauts and scientists have been sent to explore the planet to uncover the mysteries of a long-lost civilization okay so we have the protagonist of the story is Dr Arya Reid a 32 year old Astro archolistic Astro archaeologist Arya is smart driven and a fiercely independent she's motivated by a thirst for knowledge and desire to uncover the secrets of the Lost civilizations of Asante so beyond the antagonist that is Captain Throne the leader of the Expedition Throne is a rootless cunning and ambitious man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals okay so the conflict we have the conflict of the story is about the tension between Arya and Throne as the navigated dangers of Sante to an cover the secrets of the Lost Civilization okay so the dialogue in the story should be used to advance the plot reveal character yeah it sounds good the team the central team of the story is the danger of greed and the consequences of unchecked ambition the tone of the story should be tense as suspenseful wit moments of humor and levity to balance the intensity interesting and the pace of the story should be varied to build and release tension against the plot Yes sounds very good so I think we now can just move on to step number three and step number three is gonna be build story outlines from the factors above so the factors of bow is of course gonna be the template we just created so let's just take this O2 chat GPT and build those outlines foreign so that was the outline complete let's take a closer look here so we have the introduction so this is basically what we had right up on the so we have the protagonist we have the antagonist we have the conflict right so Atlanta number two is gonna be the journey to Shanta so the team of astronaut and scientists arrive on Shanta and begin their exploration Aryan turns conflict motivations become clear okay then team encounters the first challenges so we have a chapter or outline number three so oriented team makes a series of breakthrough discoveries okay that's interesting torn's greed and ambition led him to make dangerous decisions the team of the dangers of greed is developed okay interesting and the next one we have is the struggle of power so here we can see Arya and Thrones conflicts reaches a boiling point yeah this sounds interesting right pacing is used to build and release tension tense and trailing action sequences as Arya and thorn face off cool and we have the conclusion and it is going to be Arya and Thorne's final confrontation and the resolution of the conflict and the outcome of the mission the story ends on a note of suspense leaving the reader wondering about the future of Santa and it's Lost Civilization and we actually have an epilogue here it says optional so that's interesting and that is the aftermath of the events on Chante we have the fate of Arya and Thorn and the rest of the theme and the future of the Lost Civilization and its Secrets yeah I'm happy with this so I think we now can just move on to step number four so step number four is gonna be now create story chapters from the outlands above so let's just cope with that head over to chatgpt and get those chapters foreign chapters we have the epilogue we have the final confrontation we have the Divide we have the first discoveries and we have chapter one arrival on Shantae so now let's head over to our last step and that is gonna be right chapter one till ten in depth in great detail in an in an intriguing writing style so let's just copy that head over to chatgpt go down here and just write chapter of course we want to start with one in-depth and in great detail in an intriguing writing style foreign let's take a quick look before we move on uh let's just see here Captain throne's Voice crackled through the comms welcome to Shantae team we made it Dr Arya Reid looked out the window of the landing shuttle and gasped the planet was a Barren Wasteland with Jagged rocks and dust storms visible in the distance but despite his harsh appearance Arya felt thrill of excitement run through her she had spent her entire career studying and since the stations yeah yeah I think this looks good so we have some small dialogue we had some backstory yeah I like this so this looks quite good now I'm just gonna write out every chapter and then we're gonna take a look at the whole thing and how long it became and finally I'm just gonna show you something smart at the end when we have completed our story just before we look at the Finnish story let me just show you how I do this here you can see I write chapter two right so when I want to write chapter three then I just go click here I change to three and just hit save and submit and then I'm going to write number three right because if you write too long right if you don't summarize in between you're going to lose some context we're going to lose that chapter summarization here right so therefore I like to do it like this I write one and one chapter just by using this edit button here and it seems to work fine so that's just a tip if you're afraid of losing context so now let's just take a look at the final result so you can see here you have the Lost Civilization of Santa we have chapter one we have chapter two three four and five and I read a bit of it and it seemed quite good it was quite interesting kind of wanted to finish it but let's just count the words here it's not that long it's five pages so I guess it's around two thousand words right yeah it's 1 888 words so five pages for me that's a good size of stories if you need more content you can always expand the chapters right so if you add more chapters then you will get more content so that is totally up to you but I think it worked out pretty good and the story was quite interesting so there was just one thing left I wanted to show you and that is this so underneath our chapters here I want to write an iteration guidance to the story let's just hit submit this is something you can do to improve the story if you wanted to and expand on it so here we get different suggestions to things we can iterate so you can say we have character development we have dialogue we have setting description and this can dive deeper into what we want to achieve right we have conflict escalation so gradually escalate the conflict between Arya and Throne creating a sense of rising tension and drama we have some team iterations we can do some tone iteration using language and pacing to create suspenseful and dramatic considering using foreshadowing to build anticipation and we have some optional things here really consider adding an epilogue to the story yeah that's good so these are some iterations like you can consider during or after the story so I think that's very useful it's better what we looked like in the last video so iteration can be very powerful so hopefully this gave you some inspiration of how you can write stories in chat GPT also check out the link in the description to my newsletter if you sign up there you will get a PDF with chat GPT prompts including the one we used in this video and you can also find the link to my membership if you want to learn more about generative AI also check out this video here and as always thank you for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 83,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt examples, chatgpt explained, generative ai, openai, chatbot tutorial, productivity, how to write a story, how to use chatgpt
Id: 493h3MxcF6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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