How to Make Windows Desktop look Awesome | Easy Steps

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hello guys in this video I'll be transforming these everyday Windows desktop to this cool yet minimalist Outlook without wasting much time we are going straight to the point first thing you want to do is to hide the icons on your desktopper in order to do that just go to view and go to show desktop icons as you can see we don't have any more icons on our desktop but not to worry you can repeat the procedure to get your icons back now next thing we're going to do is to keep our tax bar clean by removing unwanted icons for instance if I don't need this particular icon on my desktop just right click on it and unpin from tax bar all right now go ahead and right click on tax bar click on taskbar settings here we have options to toggle off whatever we don't need to appear on our tax bar for example I don't need the stocks for you to appear on my tax place I'm just going to toggle it off same goes to widgets just gonna toggle It Off and for chats I do need it to appear down there on my taxpayer so I'm just going to toggle that off too and lastly I'm going to toggle off that touch keyboard after doing that I just proceed to X on this next thing you want to do is to right click on your desktop go to personalize now we're going to change the color of the Stacks Bar by doing that you just want to go up there to Colors click on that under choose your mode expand the light select custom and here on the choose your default Windows mode go to the right side and select dark now we have this darker version of our tax bar right we just X on that next we're going to go into our Microsoft Store just click on your Microsoft store and you're gonna search for rounded TB click on that and install once installation is complete just go ahead and open it and here you get this welcome to rounded TV just click ok and now I'm going to drag this down to the center we're going to make some changes here select Dynamic mode select show system 3 on Hover select field tax bar when maximize and select few tax bar on alt plus tab I'm here on margin I'm just going to leave it the way it is now I'm going to slide the corner radius to 12. after doing that just click on apply now we have this centralized tax bar in the middle here and if you over onto the right side you're going to see the remaining part of your tax bar all right after doing that I may just proceed to X on this settings after doing that we proceed to The Next Step we'll go to our browser here I'm using Google and here we have the required links which are required to be downloaded I'll be leaving all the links for you in the description all right and um here we have this wallpaper which I've prepared for you guys and you can use it or feel free to use any wallpaper of your choice proceed to download it and after download we're going to go to our download folder as you can see here we have this Deputy file which we just downloaded among other files which are required for this procedure just highlight it right click on it and set as desktop background now as you can see we have this beautiful wallpaper on our desktop and obviously we're not done yet so we're going to add them back to our browser and here we're going to go on to and we're just going to download remita here just go ahead and click on the download icon there here in our downloads already after this remitter application setup just highlight on it right click on it then run as administrator standard installation next install then finish now the installation is complete you're just going to proceed to close all the skins in order to do that just right click on it and select on load skin I'm going to do that for everything okay on load scan right click on load skin right click on load skin alright now that we've already installed remitter we'll proceed to install all the remitter Skins now add them back to our browser the first remedy skin here is a monitoring meter here in all you have to do is just scroll down here on the left side here just click on the icon there and download it and the next one is um here in guys ensure to create an account here first create an account and log in so you'll be able to download files from here all right now you have the simple clock remitter skin by starlander shout out to starlander and all you have to do is just click on the download icon to get these skin now still in we have the Mii power tool by abu46 shout out to Apple 46 and still the same way just go on to this download icon and just click on it and we head on to our next skin which is in deviant art as well and we have this Fountain of Colors by Alat zumbat shout out to alab zumbat just click on it right there I'm going to add them back to our downloads here we have all the Skins which you just downloaded now proceed to install by double clicking on it starting with the Fountain of colors just select install we'll go on to the next one um simple clock double click on that and install I installed my sim like nothing is happening but just continue install and same goes to the months can install for installation it may seem like nothing is happening just click on this Arrow up here then you want to select this Ray meter icon just click on that and here in Array meter you're just going to select refresh all as you can see we have all our skins right here one after the other we're going to be adding these canes to the desktop so here I'm going to start with the Mii power just expand it and expand power here the B dot ini and w dot ioni b for black W for white so because I want the white I'm just going to highlight on this and click on load now as we can see we have this power buttons up here I do need it to be up there I'm just going to drag it down here okay okay so that's it about our power buttons so I'm just gonna close it and now proceed to the next one which is simple clock just expand that and expand classic version select clock.ini and select load as you can see we have our clock right there so I'm going to bring it down here this won't lead to problem here we have this error in weather config now to solve this issue all you have to do is to right click on your screen and select edit skin and here you're gonna delete everything that has to do with weather except the weather icon so I liked it and delete and let me expand this so you get to see and we're going to scroll up a bit then you're gonna take it from where it says measure weather all the way down here and delete just highlight and eat backspace twice after doing that just go into file and select save then X on this and you go back to your widget right click on it and refresh skin now as you can see this problem has been solved now if you're having issues with this chopped off later right here just right click on it and refresh skin after doing all that just proceed to close the simple clock and we're going to proceed to the next screen which is um month I'm gonna expand the mount I'm going to select this clock then I light clock.ini and click load now as you can see we have the day we have date and we have time well I don't need the time and date as we already have it down here so I'll proceed to make some changes here proceed to right click on this remedy screen and select edit skin here you want to scroll down all the way and delete everything except the meter day delete the meter date delete that and go up I light all the way then delete backspace all right after doing this you just go up to file and click on Save then X on that and right click right here on the screen and select refresh skin now we're left with just the day it says Tuesday and it changes every day but I think this is too small so I'm just going to make it bigger and to do that you're just gonna scroll on your mouse just scroll up to make it bigger and down to make it smaller I'm just gonna adjust it right here in the middle and just nice now we're going to add them back to rain meter we're gonna close the month and now we're gonna expand the Fountain of colors go down here to Fountain of colors that I and I then click load now as you can see as I speak you can see some movement right here think this is to boogers and guys you can do this according to your taste if you think it's good enough for you you can leave it the way it is but I'll proceed to make some changes right there so I head back to rain meter select options then you want to select styling dot ini then click load so here we're going to make some adjustment right here and first you want to start with the generous settings I'm gonna visualizer height I'm going to drag this back to 151 all right then rotation angle is going to go to uh 270 degrees now as you can see it has been moved to the left but we're not done yet we're going to head on to visualizer and do the following settings [Music] thank you after doing that we can now see that this visualizer is smaller and it's not everywhere right next we're going to go on to styling here we're going to change the color and you have various colors to choose from to change the color all you have to do is just click on any of these boxes here and it's just going to change right away as we can see here whenever I click it it changes color alright but I'm going to change this to Black so I'm going to click on more and I'm going to drag this all the way down okay and here we have it and but if you have a specific number which I'm going to do here for a specific tone you can change it click ok now as we can see this black visualizer on the left side right there we can now proceed to close this settings also we can X on this Ray meter settings too well this is looking good already let me show you one more way to do this just in case you want to do something Dynamic click on this remedy skin and um under General you're gonna slide this rotation angle back to zero this is another way to do this and just in case you want to do the same setting with your icons on your desktop you can place your icons on desktop all around the right places and it's going to look fine all the way and now I'm gonna close this and just let you know that these buttons work we have sleep we have shut down and here we have restart button and they're all functional but that's it about this video guys I hope you learned something new today feel free to share your thoughts at the comment section remember to subscribe to this channel also turn on your notifications so you get notified when I post content like this have a nice day and peace [Music] thank you
Channel: TechDoings
Views: 939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make windows 11 look cool, make windows 11 look awesome, windows11 desktop customisation, roundedtb, how to customise windows 11 taskbar, make windows 11 desktop look better, make windows desktop look aesthetic, windows 11, windows 10, hide windows desktop icons, best desktop customisation for windows 11, best rainmeter skin, rainmeter, mond, how to add visualizer on windows desktop, simple clock, windows power botton, how to make windows desktop look professional, Rainmeter skins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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