7 A.I. Made Products that Will Make You Passive Income in 2023 (+$20,000/Month)

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today I'm going to share with you guys seven digital products that you can create with AI tools now some of these products can do well over twenty five thousand dollars a month and there's a lot of variety here so there should be something for everyone I'm going to cover these products rather quickly and that's because I'm making tutorials on them in the coming weeks so make sure you're subscribed because you don't want to miss those videos now with these being digital products you're probably going to be generating a 91 profit margin and they're almost completely passed since the masses haven't really caught onto these products yet these niches are relatively untapped and so without further Ado let's get into product number one and it is definitely the weirdest one on my list which is generating patterns I just came across this shop called die brush and they're selling digital download patterns they're seamless patterns are normally used for printing papers but you could really use them for whatever you wanted to with over 28 000 sales and a product costs average around three dollars this shop is pulled in at least eighty six thousand dollars the shop Suite shops design has just over 37 000 sales which comes out to around seventy four thousand dollars in passive income now I understand that the profit potential here isn't quite as high as some of the following ideas but just look at how easy it is to generate these patterns we can get AI to do all of the work for us see mid-journey is an image generation AI which I'm sure you're all familiar with at this point you just give it a prompt and it'll generate an image based on that prompt right in front of your very eyes but there is a little trick that not a lot of people know about see I came across this awesome video by Stack and profit on YouTube and he lays out how to create seamless pattern designs using mid Journey AI so I gave it a prompt like this now the first half is the type of pattern we want and the things we want included in it and then the second half is just AI keywords to make a pretty image these are some examples images which I got from this prompt which in my opinion really don't look that bad cool thing is mid-journey almost always prints in a seamless pattern design so we can take our pattern into a website like photopia which is a free Photoshop alternative we can select the image and Define it as a new pattern this allows us to replicate the pattern make it larger make it smaller or really do anything we want with it we could just save this file and offer it as a digital download on Etsy using the prompt from earlier I was able to create these patterns in just a matter of minutes with hardly any work at all again I know I'm covering these really quickly but I should have tutorials out in the coming weeks I'm also using Etsy a lot as a reference throughout this entire video but that's because we can see the actual sales history for these types of products and that brings us to idea number two which targets the Etsy demographic almost perfectly and this idea is selling wedding resources for this example shop called marry me paper Boutique they've likely made over one million dollars in sales from selling these digital download wedding resources and that's if we assume an average sale bringing in about five dollars items like their wedding invitation templates get hundreds of reviews and they're extremely simple designs other shops like invitation templates have very similar designs and as you can see they are in very high demand this shop is made of over 7 000 sales and at an average of fourteen dollars per sale their total revenue comes to just under one hundred thousand dollars now all of that is great but how can we use AI to break into this market and automate as much of this as possible I would use a combination of mid-journey and canva to achieve this for example we could go into mid journey and ask it to generate us a minimalist wedding invitation template I generated the same prompt a few times to get more options and then upskilled the images that I really liked now this is where it gets a little bit more technical what I did was bring the images into the website from earlier photo P so I could use the content aware fill tool and remove these crazy looking scribbles from the template then I just took the image and put it into canva and then added back in the text boxes so that my customers could use this as a template now to be honest I wasn't sure how many text boxes needed to be there but I was able to use chat GPT to help me out for this idea AI does all of the design work and even gives you an idea of where to place the text boxes in canvas but there's still some manual work that you have to do here I'd say that AI only takes care of about 70 of the work because you still have to remove the crazy looking scribbles and the ad vac in the text boxes using canva you'll spend about thirty dollars a month on Mid journey and 13 a month on canva which comes out to around 43 dollars a month in total to get this business moving I'd say that this business model is a difficulty of about 7 out of 10 but that's only because of the learning curve you have to overcome to utilize tools like Photoshop and photo Peak once you get a good grasp on how to utilize these tools this task becomes super easy this next product is what I started selling on Etsy years ago and if I had AI to help me I would have been a successful way sooner idea number three is generating guides my first ever sale on Etsy was for some real estate buyer and seller guides it's like a walkthrough of the buying and selling process that real estate agents can give to their prospective clients I was making these several years ago and actually had some decent income before I ultimately ended up switching niches but had I kept posting in this Niche I could have seen success like this shop so are a collective where they've done almost 8 000 sales those sales have likely brought in around seventy thousand dollars based on an average price of around five dollars but it could be a lot higher than that considering some of their hottest products are going for over forty dollars this idea isn't just real estate packets the stores shop our shop has posted all kinds of products from Airbnb cleaning checklists photography welcome guides to cookbooks and recipe templates almost all of their products are some kind of text in a creative font so how could we use AI to automate this kind of product I used chat GPT to automate this one since there's a few components of one of these real estate packets I just asked chat GPT what I should put in my real estate buyer include and then I asked it to start writing me portions of the text to go in each section now I I know from being in real estate that this kind of information is exactly what a buyer or seller would need before they go listing or buying a new home but we could also get chat gbt to generate useful information for Airbnb welcome guides or even what to include in a cleaning checklist if you really are at an advantage if you're able to generate resources for an industry that you're familiar with for example it's going to be a lot easier for you to generate Airbnb resources if you run an Airbnb but you don't necessarily have to now I know what you're thinking and you're right AI is only completing about 70 of the work here since you still have to take all of that text and put it into canva Pages or word and make it look nice you may have to spend up to about 13 a month to get started depending on whether or not you need canva but otherwise this is a relatively cheap model to get going I would say that this model is about a 5 out of 10 on the difficulty scale and that's mostly due to the research you need to do to make sure that whatever information you're giving out is relevant to the industry that you select and also the learning curve required to utilize products like canva or word but with this product chat GPT is generating almost all of the content and therefore all you gotta to do is go and make it look nice idea number four is one of my favorites and it's also one of the more profitable ideas on this list and it is opening a logo design shop shops like this one here are on Etsy are charging around 25 per logo pack and with around 15 000 sales that's over three hundred thousand dollars see a lot of their logo packs are really good however they are very simple and you can find a lot of these assets in places like canva the shop logo Lane targets the more premium audience with their logo packages with prices that range from 39 all the way up to a hundred and thirty dollars with thirteen thousand sales they've made anywhere from five hundred thousand dollars all the way up to 1.6 million dollars in Revenue so there's a lot of money that can be made on selling logos here on Etsy with that doesn't even include sites like Fiverr or creative market and nowadays you don't even have to be a graphic designer to make this work you just use mid journey to generate these images and create the logos for you I went ahead and used chat GPT to come up with a list of businesses that I could make cool logos for and here's what I came up with then I went back to Mid journey and input my own prompt which was an eagle standing upon a bag of coffee beans and honestly I was shocked with what it came up with I've been using mid Journey for a while now and it just continues to impress me with all of the amazing things that it's able to generate now to make this business work you obviously have to get good at prompt crafting and learning how to use mid-journey properly now it's taken me a long time to learn how to speak AI but it's obviously a lot faster than trying to recreate this image on your own now for all those people who are going to comment on why would anybody pay for this when they could just go into mid-journey themselves and generate a logo to be honest a lot of people just don't even know that they can do this and so for you it's a good opportunity to capitalize on the moment and it does take time to learn how to properly generate an image based on a prompt and learn all the different commands you can utilize with mid-journey and so there is value in the speed that they get from just purchasing it from you so sadly there are issues with this and it's not perfect see mid-journey makes logos with these weird alien looking texts all over them because the AI is not able to properly generate text as it's an image generation tool and not a text generation tool so to remove it you will have to learn how to use Photoshop or photopia to remove the old alien writing and replace it with the name of the business us that the person's requested in their order but with a little bit of time you'll be able to take this with the alien text and turn it into something more like this again a little bit of time and skill can go a long way when trying to utilize these tools and use them to make amazing logos so overall the AI is basically handling about 90 of the work and you're only going to need to spend about thirty dollars a month depending on whether or not you get canva or mid-journey or what you need to get started the difficulty for this model is also about a 7 out of 10 requiring you to learn proper prompts for mid-journey and then also using canva or photoshop or photo P to then remove the weird text and get your own text in there so that way you can properly create logos for these businesses and if you wanted to you could add this next product into the exact same store as these two ideas go hand in hand and that is creating business cards so if this one sounds more boring it's probably because it is but sometimes boring can still make you a lot of money so back to the shop we looked at earlier called logo Lane they charge an additional 20 for a simple business card design there's also shops like trendy Fox Studio that sell a lot of different business card templates for around five dollars it's hard to tell what percentage of their sales are coming just from business cards but when you look to see what their hottest products are you can tell that a lot of their traffic is being driven by their business card sales so whether it's an upscale to a logo design or simply selling business cards there is a lot of money to be made here the cool thing is just how easy it is to create these designs using AI so we can just ask mid-journey for whatever kind of business cards we're trying to design and get some great inspiration for it it'll create images just like normal and this is what we can use to put on our business card templates now this isn't completely hands-free once I generated an image in mid-journey I then had to take it into canva and add in the text boxes to the canva template what this did was allow for me to enter all of the information of the business or the customer can purchase the blank template with the text boxes in there and the logo or design that was created in mid-journey and allowed them to add in their information creating their business card the nice part about these canva templates too is that a customer purchasing these templates can then take it and enter the information later on if something changes for instance if their business is expanding and blowing up and they get a bigger building somewhere else they can change the address or the phone number or whatever they need to without having to purchase another pack now that's not great for you but it is a good selling point if you're looking to try to sell someone on why would they buy this template versus just going to their local print shop and printing off business cards so to sum it all up basically what we did was cut out the need to be a graphic designer and make it to where all you have to do is come up with ideas for designs put those into mid Journey move those into canva and then create business card templates with amazing designs overall the AI is handling about 60 of the workload and with a monthly cost of around 43 dollars It's relatively cheap to get moving for difficulty I'd rate this around a 4 out of 10 the hardest part is getting the mid Journey prompts correctly to get the designs you're looking for but once you have those all you got to do is go on canvas select the business card template for the shape of your design and then you just import that graphic and add the text boxes and boom you're done super easy likely the most boring idea we're going to talk about today even more so than the last one is going to be idea number six and that's going to be creating resume templates and while this idea gets covered all the time all over the place I have to mention it here just because of just how passive and profitable this product can be the shop called get landed offers very basic resume templates and with almost 90 000 sales at around nine dollars a product they have made at least eight hundred thousand dollars now the thing to keep in mind here and something that could become your biggest asset is that most shops don't have a lot of listings and Etsy is a volume game so the more listings that you post the more chances you have to make sales and with what I'm about to show you you'll have almost unlimited creativity so here's the process I used check GPT to generate useful sections for the resume that will guide the customer to build an awesome resume that they can use to get them ironed and I use chat GPT to generate sections of text from my resumes that make them ATS friendly things like Graphics can throw off the applicant tracking system or ATS so I have to keep that in mind whenever we're generating our templates I would Target customers who are looking for simple ATS friendly designs with templates like these and customers who just want the absolute best looking resume with designs like these I used mid journey to generate a ton of resume template designs like the ones you see and honestly it came up with a lot of really awesome designs that had the potential to be amazing resume templates and by doing it this way I have to worry about copying somebody else's work and causing issues later on with someone's resume looking just like somebody else and by using this method with mid-journey and chat gbt you have almost infinite creativity to sum up this product idea I'd say the AI handles around 70 of the workload needed to generate these templates cost wise you're looking at around 30 a month if you're trying to get started with mid-journey and difficulty wise I'd rate this around a 5 out of 10. now I definitely think I saved the most interesting product idea for last and that is idea number seven which is selling product mock-ups we've looked at a lot of digital products already and they all have something in common to get their items to sell the shop owners are using something called a mock-up to display their items there are shops like this with 32 000 sales selling these simple frame mock-ups and I've estimated they've done at least 98 000 in Revenue there are tons of shops like this like for instance ratty tank with 88 000 sales which likely brought in around 333 thousand dollars they sell all kinds of mock-ups but some of their hottest items are these mug mock-ups and so here's how we can create almost the exact same thing using AI if we come back into mid Journey we can simply ask it to imagine a mug on a specific type of background then what I did was to just save it to my computer and then bring it into either Photoshop or photo P from earlier and fill in any areas that look weird from the AI using the exact same kind of process on these poster mock-ups I was able to turn these mock-ups into this in about just five minutes of work these are just a few of the many ideas that you could get started with and let me know which tutorial you'd like to see first from the many products as we talked about today as always it helps join you guys like comment and subscribe down below and as always I'll see you guys again soon
Channel: Currency Cowboy
Views: 74,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B6tDX19VzEM
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Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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