COMPLETE Amazon KDP Tutorial for Beginners (2023)

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if you want to make your first thousand dollars on Amazon KDP then this video will give you the exact road map on how to do that what is up guys welcome back to another video so in this video we're gonna do a complete Amazon KDP tutorial for beginners and my goal is to give you the exact road map to get you to your first thousand dollars a month in Amazon KDP so if you're just getting started with Amazon KDP and you don't know you know where to start what to do or perhaps you want to start Amazon KDP but you want to do a little more research well this tutorial will walk you through every single step step by step so that you have a clear understanding and an idea on how to start making money with Amazon KDP so make sure to take notes and without being said let's get started so first off who is Sean who am I I started publishing since 2016. so I've been publishing for over seven years now and I hit 10 000 a month in my 10 months into publishing and I've built it up to multiple six figures a year KDP business so it was doing doing 35 to 40 000 a month every single month not just in quarter four not just in December every single month uh and I ran that for multiple years and you know making multiple six figures a year from it and I've eventually sold that KDP account for eight hundred and twenty thousand dollars and I later on started another KDP account which is the one that I'm building right now and I already hit twenty thousand dollars a month for the second KDP account and it is continuously growing from there and if you guys don't believe me then you can always check out my playlist that I created called the KDP income reports playlist where I pretty much you know showcase my results from my first KDP account as well as documented the Journey of starting my second KDP account from zero and every single month I did an income report uh to show you that I'm not making this up which to my knowledge I don't know anybody else doing something like this so I was able to quit my nine-to-five job and travel the world thanks to Amazon KDP uh before this I was failing in multiple business models I mean I started entrepreneurship when I was 18 and I failed in so many different businesses to the point where I thought I was just a failure to the point where like I was so used to failing that when I failed again I was like oh you know I knew I knew that I was going to fail and it was crazy because when I started making money it was just not in my reality because I was so used to failing that I just couldn't believe it it took a lot of time to start getting used to the point where oh I can make money online right anyways I was able to succeed with Amazon KDP and I've traveled the world this is me and Bali you know going to cool places this is in Thailand and this is in China and this is in Hawaii as well and some other places like Europe This is Philippines on the right so essentially I've been traveling the world making money online and that is the craziest thing about publishing is that you literally can work this business anywhere in the world and it's one of the best business if you want absolute freedom because I've been doing this digital Nomad lifestyle for a couple years now I currently live in Thailand once again uh and just traveling around the world you can literally do this anywhere so I was able to quit my job travel the world and that's cool but most importantly I was able to help hundreds of students to also do the same you know we have students just getting started making a couple thousand dollars students here doing seven thousand dollars a month five thousand dollars a month six thousand dollars you know and a lot more we have students doing tens of thousands of dollars a month doing a lot better than me actually uh and you know just absolutely killing it and also quitting their job and traveling the world right so that is the most important thing uh but let's get started with the actual tutorial of how how to start this business so first what is Amazon KDP well KDP stands for Kindle Direct publishing it's Amazon's cell publishing platform it is absolutely free to sign up and you can publish a book by uploading your book files to it now why Amazon KDP in my opinion is the best business to start and this is after trying out so many different business models you know after seven years of publishing after 10 years of Entrepreneurship I've pretty much seen every single business models out there and even though I've seen other business models that can confidently say that publishing is one of if not the best business to start for beginners to start making money but also for you know experienced entrepreneurs who want freedom and who want passive income okay and the reason why is because you absolutely have no inventory you don't have to carry around inventory like with Amazon FBA which sucks right having to ship a bunch of products to your house and this and that you know you absolutely have nothing like that because everything online okay there is no customer service which is huge if you're in business you understand customer service is one of the biggest headaches and you don't have to do that because Amazon handles it for you there are very very few businesses like this where there's you don't have to do any customer service so the next one is high profit margins with digital products so we all know that digital products has a significantly higher profit margin Than Physical products because there's no manufacturing there's no shipping right and other fees that might eat into your profit so if you have to choose between physical digital you should always go for digital products because it's much better also it's open to almost everyone in the world so Amazon KDP is open to pretty much all the countries except a few uh there are very very few that's not open to but basically almost all countries uh you can sign up and you know start doing KDP now there's also very low learning curve and the reason why the learning curve is low is because there's so many less steps that you have to figure out if you do other businesses you have to figure out what to do with inventory how to store it how to ship the products right because you have to also do shipping and handling you also have to figure out customer service because that's another part of the business you also have to figure out manufacturing of the product because that's also involved but as I mentioned earlier digital products you don't have to do any of that then with KDP you don't have to do no customer service no shipping and handling so the learning curve the stuff you have to learn to make money in this business is a lot less compared to other businesses okay and it's low startup cost because a lot of these books you can create for free or you can out sourced easily for a very low cost and that is why compared to other businesses it's very very cheap to start and most importantly it is low competition so if you look at you know this image here the yellow circles uh pretty much you know shows how many products that are on Amazon so if you're doing physical products if you're doing Amazon FBA that you're competing against all these yellow circles right so if you're going to start a business would you rather compete with all these other people doing Amazon FBA right selling physical products or this little amount of people that's selling books on Kindle so before we get started with the actual strategies I want to go over the mindset real quick this is not a get rich quick scheme Amazon KDP although it's a lot easier than other businesses it is absolutely not a garage quick scheme it still takes time effort and you will have to build this up right it's slow in the beginning just like any other business but with Amazon KDP it's crazy because the Snowball Effect really kicks in first you're publishing books you're not really seeing any results you know sales aren't coming in because you don't have any reviews on your book so it's slow right but as you keep publishing more as you keep getting reviews sales will start increasing and the more sales you get the more reviews you get and the more reviews you get the more sales you get and it's just absolute snowball that once it starts you don't even have to do anything and it just keeps going okay and keep building and essentially the mindset you want to have is You're Building passive income that will last for years so you're putting energy and effort and you're building this up front but after that it's going to be like very very passive later on okay and also another thing is you're learning a valuable skill so you know as you build this business you're learning online marketing that's transferable skills to different businesses if you ever choose to start another one but understanding that you're learning a valuable skill is also key all right so the types of books you can publish is high content so when we say high content these are standard non-fiction and fiction books that you see in bookstores typically 150 pages to 200 pages long and it's pretty much all text medium content books generally means puzzle books coloring books there are you know less content than the high content books but a little more than low content and that's why we call it the medium content books now low content pretty much means that there's very little content inside like journals and planners which are just lines where you know customers fill it out instead of you have the content inside so that is typically how we categorize these books now the big understanding I want you guys to have is low content books obviously is a lot easier and cheaper to make because once again there is no content that you have to create right oftentimes there's templates online that you can use and so it's really easy to create these books and because of that most of the people are doing low content so you have the highest competition and whenever the barrier of Entry is this low and there's so many competition then typically you make less money because it's so competitive right but as you increase the bare of your entry so there's a little more work involved in creating medium content books because you have to now get designs and then a little more text inside right so there's less people who's willing to do that and so you will make more money because you have less competition now if you move up to high content it'll be a little more expensive a little more time consuming because you have to create more content for the book but because of that not a lot of people are willing to do it and so your competition is the least and you will make the most amount of money so the big takeaway here is just because something is easy to do doesn't mean it's the best option sometimes it's actually good to have a higher bearer of entry and being one of the very few that is willing to put in a little more work to make money because oftentimes that is where you make most of the money and the good news is even if you're doing high content books it's significantly cheaper than any other businesses it's significantly easier to start than any other business okay so the big question I get is what if I'm not an expert I'm not qualified to you know publish a book right this is a lot of people's limiting beliefs well you have to understand that the value comes from organizing the information and teaching it in an easy to understand way not from having new information if you read a lot of books if you take online courses in general you understand that it's very hard to find new information like all the informations are out you know all the information is pretty much online already right so you know the value is not coming up in new information but more so organizing it in a way that people can follow it step by step because yes all the info is out online but it's so much work because it's all over the place right so you're saving people's time and that is a you know huge value for them now you can also learn as you go so as you publish more books on a topic you naturally become an expert because you will have to learn more about the topic right so you can eventually you don't have to start off as an expert but you can eventually become an expert later on now quality over everything we are producing high quality books that people love we're not spamming low quality books and we're not tricking people into buying a crap book that is not how this business works that is not what I teach and you also have to understand if you want to make long-term income uh then you will have to produce high quality books because low quality books just gonna get bad reviews it's going to die off sales will die and you will have to keep pumping out low quality books and you're gonna be in this Rat Race so just keep churning out new content and we don't want that all right now let's talk about the actual steps that you have to take the first thing you have to do is keyword research so when it comes to keyword research I want you guys to download this chrome plugin called DS Amazon quick view it's free if you do want to invest a little bit there is a better tool called Katie spy but it's about 60 dollars I think I'll leave a link in the description below as well but you know if you're willing to invest Katie spy is better if not DS Amazon quick view is okay now what you want to do is write down any topics that comes into your mind so whether that's your passion interest hobbies anything right whatever book topic idea just write it down and you also want to search Amazon bestseller categories to get more ideas alright so just to show you how DS Amazon quick view works this is the plugin so you want to look for this in the Chrome Store I'll leave a link in the description as well and Katie spy will look like this so once you download this Amazon quick view when you search a book topic on Amazon you're gonna start seeing this information which makes it a lot easier to look at the the BSR so BSR is a bestseller rank for the book and it just makes the keyword research process a lot smoother okay now you can also do kitty spy so if you click on Kitty spy it'll pretty much pull the data from page one so you don't have to check it one by one and you can see everything right here from the sales rank so this is the BSR this is this number right here okay and then you can see the reviews how much is smle making and you can also check the Kindle and audiobook so you know you don't have to manually switch over so saves a lot of time now in terms of getting ideas from the best seller category what you want to do is go to Amazon click on best sellers right here and then from here scroll down click on books and then choose whatever category that appeals to you you should be checking pretty much every single one but you can start off with the one that you're interested in so let's just do crafts hobbies in home for now and then from here you can Niche down even more but basically what you're doing is looking at you know the book topics right these are the books that are selling really well and then you're asking yourself what is this book about and you're extracting topics okay so this first one right here it's a carpenter's note on life a little hard to extract topics uh it seems like a memoir kind of thing this one is encyclopedia of herbal medicine so what is this topic herbal medicine right so you can take note on that herbal medicine is a keyword okay so this one uh skinny taste meal prep so it's meal prepping so you can also take note on that and then you can go and check you know if that's a profitable topic we have stress relief adult coloring book right so that is another topic that you can go and you know take note so that is pretty much what you do going into best sellers category you can do you know different categories as well and then just keep taking note on that so this one how to keep house while drowning so this is like a decluttering you know cleaning up your house uh kind of books so and then you want to start seeing patterns right so if you start seeing a lot of the same topic uh in the the category then you know that it's profitable because you know obviously this is the best seller category so we have a lot of coloring books we have some useful notebook this is also a mindful mindfulness coloring book we have a simple living book and then we have a little more of the minimalism decluttering organizing your home kind of topics popping up but once you have a list of you know keywords that you can check you want to type that into the Amazon search bar and check one by one okay so how do you validate if the keyword is profitable or not and when I say keyword it's just the topic so you know when I say decluttering that is the topic slash keyword right when when I say you know medical herbs that is the keyword slash topics when I say adult coloring books that is the keyword slash the book topic okay so you want to look for other books with less than 80 000 BSR in the bookstore because if it's doing less than 80 000 in the BSR that book is making an average of five hundred dollars per month just from the paperback side and then you know if they have an ebook audiobook a hardcover that'll be even more that they're making right so that is a pretty good range to aim for now if you find at least three or more books that fits that criteria then that keyword is profitable and if books on page one has low reviews that is a good sign that you don't need a ton of reviews to rank so that is also another thing you want to keep in mind so let me show you some examples with this decluttering keywords I typed it in make sure you're in the bookstore right here you get all these results and then you start looking at the BSR here and see you know can I find at least three other books that is less than 80 000 because that that'll tell me that this decluttering keyword is profitable okay so this one is doing you know 5 800 so it's way below 80 000 and it's uh making a ton of money okay so that's one we have another book here and we have another book right this is on decluttering twenty seven thousand and then we have another book right here uh ten thousand this is in the Kindle Store uh so if you want to look at the book category we will have to open this up we can click on the paperback and we will have to scroll down here and look at the best sellers rank right here which says 136 000 in books a little over 80 000 I think for this one they sell more hard cover so let's check out the hardcover and then if we scroll down here it is at two thousand so it's like way below 80 000 so it's good and when you're checking the BSR hardcover counts as well some books especially like you know big authors they sell in hardcover as well so that is okay if you want to save some time you can use Katie spy so that you can see all all the bsrs very quickly you can see a lot of these books are under 80 000 right so you have more than three so that'll tell us that it's profitable it's a profitable topic the next question is can you find others that has less reviews because that'll show us the competition and you know just like that we have one book a little over 80 000 but these you know making some sales here at the 19 reviews uh so if you can make some sales at 19 reviews very low reviews that is a good sign that you can also come in right so if you find books on page one that doesn't have a ton of reviews then that'll show you that you can also rank your book in page one as well and we see a few books on page one like that with low reviews typically 150 or less so that shows us that decluttering is a pretty good topic alright so now that we identified a profitable topic we move on to step two which is creating the book now first you need to create a book outline so you want to look at top competitors table of contents and reviews and write down chapters that stands out combine it with other books as well so you don't want to just copy one competitor and you know copy their outline entirely because that's just plagiarism but you can take a few chapters of you like from this book and then take another few chapters that you like from another book perhaps come up with your own chapter ideas yourself for a few of them and then you combine that all and you can have your own original book outline right write down what customers liked what they didn't like and apply to your outline so you want to read the customer reviews and then you know if there's something that shows up like oh I wish this book included this I wish this book you know didn't cover this part because they didn't like it those are the stuff that you want to note down and make sure you put it into your outline and you can use chat GPT to get more ideas so chat GPT is amazing for these kind of things uh so let me show you how that works all right so what you want to do is when you find your competitor you can see Read sample here so open up your competitor click on Read sample so you see their table contents here and then you want to start asking yourself which one would be good for your book uh which one do you think you can just leave out you know because you think it's fluff right and you don't really need it so if you look at here why can't I keep my house in order you can't tidy if you've never learned how right so if you feel like this is a good chapter just note it down you know we have a few here like tidying Marathon doesn't cause a rebounds so you know the tip will be instead of doing everything in one day you know spread it out and you know make sure that it's more of a habit more of a marathon than you know uh a Sprint right so you will note it down so that you can also cover that as well sort by category not by location that is a good you know tip so we will note it down so our writer can write that in once again we're not taking everything we're just you know seeing what we like what we don't like the next thing is you can go and look at the reviews and you can sort by you know all these negative reviews as well so let's say we look at the one star reviews here and then we can see what are people complaining about right and then if they're complaining about the same thing we want to note it down and make sure our book does not cover that right so we can make a better version of this book so it says I'm not talking to my socks or perhaps you know one of the tips in this book was that the author is telling people to talk to your clothes and maybe that's not a good tip so you can make sure that you do not leave that in so try and look for patterns by reading the reviews note it down and add it to your outline the next thing you can do is to ask chat GPT but you can say something like write me a book online for decluttering book for beginners and just like that you get a full outline created by chat jpt which is actually pretty amazing right we have introduction welcome to clutter free life benefits of decluttering Chapter One Foundation of decluttering chapter two creating a declaring plan chapter three The Art of Letting Go chapter before organizing for efficiency so these are actually really really good what I would suggest is do not copy paste this once again pick chapters that you like put it into your outline take a few from your competitors you know as an idea look at the reviews and then take bits and pieces and then combine it into your outline so that you have like an original one because if you just copy paste from Chad GPT then there is a risk of it being too similar to your competitors and we don't want that we want plagiarism free original content all right so next you want to figure out the word count and trim size for your book so if you're doing high content books like this decluttering book example this is a high content book so typically 30 000 words at five by eight to six by nine trim size is the best so that'll roughly come out 150 to 200 Pages after formatting if you're doing low or medium content books like such as coloring books or journals then it depends on the book type so you have to analyze your competitors look at your competitors see what trim size you're doing to figure out what trim size you should have for your book as well well and you can easily figure that out just by looking at the book product page so you can see here that it's 102 pages long it's 8.5 by 11 trim size okay so that is how you know the trim size how many pages you should have you can see that it has 50 individual designs in this case it's a coloring books so now you know you need 50 coloring pages to compete with this book alright so the next thing you want to do is to come up with your book titles so you want to add your main keyword in the title plus add a little flare to it so your main keyword is the book topic that you came up with so you know in our case it's decluttering so you want to put decluttering in the title but you don't want to just do decluttering because that is boring right so you want to add a little flare to it like decluttering you know Master guide or decluttering quick start guide right in this case I have an example of 10 minute decluttering cheat sheet right so that'll be my book title refer to your outline and add words that appeals to your target audience get inspiration from your competitors but do not copy so this is very important guys I always preach that you should get inspiration and model your successful competitors because they're successful for a reason they're doing something right but you never want to rip them off okay never ever ever do that because that is a very quick way to getting your books reported and potentially losing your account so get inspiration but never copy and you can use chat TPT for book titles as well because you're pretty good at coming up with book titles but make sure that it is unique enough from your competitors so you can ask Chad GPT what are some you know decluttering book titles to come up with and I'll give you some ideas but I would suggest rewriting a few of those as well and make sure to check in that title on Amazon to confirm that there aren't other books uh with a very very similar title already now should you have a pen name or real name so it really doesn't matter if you're not afraid to use your real name even if you're not an expert then you should use your real name it's a great way to build your brand as well but if you want to use your pen name that is completely fine too now the name could be a person so you know a pen name or a brand name like something publishing and that is completely fine now when it comes to writing the book and creating the book there's two ways of doing it I want you guys to keep in mind that you're either paying with time or money but you're always paying you're paying either way okay so you can save money but pay with time or you can save time but pay with money so let's talk about the first option so if you want to save some money it'll cost a little more time which is if you have a high content book that are more text Heavy you can write the book yourself that is how you can save money right but obviously you're writing the book yourself so it's gonna you know cost more time if you have a design heavy books like coloring books you can design the coloring pages yourself if you have skills to do that but obviously it'll take more time if you want to save time and have somebody else do it it'll cost more money because you have to pay for outsourcing that but you can you know Outsource to a Ghostwriter if you have a text Heavy book like this decluttering book I can just have somebody write it for me for design heavy books like coloring books you can Outsource the designer there's a lot of people that'll Design Coloring Pages for you so if you have a text Heavy book and you want to Outsource the writing then you can hire ghost writers you can go to ghost riding companies so the number one ghostwriting company that I recommend is the urban Riders I'll leave a link below as well as a discount coupon so you can get a little discount but basically you want to go to the urban writers click on Services click on the non-fiction or fiction if you're doing fiction you will click on fiction obviously but in our case it'll be non-fiction books so click on non-fiction packages and then choose whichever package that appeals to you typically I get the premium or the top package but there are other options as well now if you're doing low content books or medium content books like journals or coloring books then you can go to upwork or Fiverr to hire people to create those books for you I'll leave a link to this gig in the description as well because this is the number one low and medium content book producing gig that I recommend on Fiverr and it's very cost efficient and it also create a cover for you as well as the interior so you can easily create these books uh just by you know working with this gig now you can also utilize AI because AI is you know growing and it's absolutely amazing that the production costs of a lot of these books are getting lower and lower and lower by you know being able to use AI for it so chat GPT and mid-journey can help a lot with producing books faster and cheaper so it's absolutely amazing if you're trying to build this business but for some books it's not good enough to produce a high quality book yet so you know if you want as an example chat GPT to write a whole book on decluttering it's probably not good enough to do it because a lot of times AI cannot remember what they wrote so it becomes very very repetitive after about 5000 words and our books are a lot longer than that mid Journey too you know it's amazing for creating images but for some books it's not good enough to produce high quality images right but for some books like this example here this dad jokes books where you know it's shorter list type books where you're just listing different jokes it's absolutely amazing to use chat apt because it's very easy you just ask your HPD for some jokes or you know some trivia and uh they can you know list it out for you you definitely want to fact check it you definitely want to make sure that it's not stolen from somebody else uh but still you know as long as you do that due diligence then you can definitely create a book a lot faster and cheaper for it so for this Dad joke book it is 741 in the bookstore making 115 dollars a day in royalties right so that is like three thousand dollars plus a month and inside is very very simple it's just you know one joke after another right and you can literally ask Chad write me 10 dad jokes on this topic and it will come up with the content so it's super easy to make these books now I did film a video on the do's and don'ts of chat GPT once again don't just copy paste always edit the content generated so it's you unique check for plagiarism you can do this on you know tools like you want to fact check it as well and if you want to learn more check out this video because if I explain everything this video will be super long so I will leave a link to all these other YouTube videos that I filmed in the past I'll leave a link to this video as well now if you're creating low and medium content books you can also utilize tools like book bolt bookboat is the easiest way to create low medium content books yourself it's very cost efficient as well so once again I'll leave a link to this video on bookbull tutorial in the description but when you use bookboard you want to always edit the interior don't use a template as is okay very important you want to keep your content unique so always edit it but if you're making puzzle books and you generate the puzzles from book bolt then you can use it as is which is a great part about book board is because every single puzzle that you generate is unique as is so when you're choosing the bookboat plan you want to make sure you're getting the Pro Plan which is just 20 a month but the reason why is because you have the puzzle creation software so if you're creating puzzle books which I highly recommend puzzle books because puzzle books can be very profitable and you will not get that with the 10 a month plan so that's the only thing I do have a little discount code you can use I'll leave a link in the description below alright so I want to answer this comment that I get often on isn't it unethical to sell ghost written or AI books so this is something that people say all the time they think that just because you had a book ghost written or you use AI for it it's automatically unethical and the answer is no it's not because what's considered bad or unethical is if you sell a bad book that absolutely serves zero value and the customers hates it because it's not helpful at all that is unethical right it doesn't really matter how the book is created you know just because you wrote the book yourself let's be honest right just because you wrote the book yourself does not make it good automatically like you can write the book yourself and it can absolutely suck and it'll still have zero value to the customer you can still get negative reviews and that is way more unethical than if I would be using ghost writers or using AI to create an actually good book that customers enjoy okay so the bottom line is as long as the customer is happy that is all it matters regardless of how you create the book so once your Ghostwriter turns in the book you know you want to do proofreading and editing as the next step so once you get the book back from The Ghost Writer carefully read through to make sure you're happy with the content check for errors typos uh use tools like grammarly or for plagiarism check request for revisions if necessary never accept the book that you're not happy with and once you're happy with the book that's when you can accept the project so next you want to format the books you want a format for ebook and paperback if you have an activity book or if you have like a you know low content medium content books that typically does not have an ebook version then you don't have to create an ebook formatting you just do formatting for paperback okay so you can format it yourself DIY save some money or you can Outsource I do have a video on how to format a book for free yourself so I'll leave a link to this as well but if you're looking for a good formatter to Outsource to I'll leave a link to this Fiverr gig I've been working with them for a very long time and it's very very good now formatting is one of those things where you can definitely do it yourself but it's so cheap to Outsource to the point where you should just probably Outsource it but that is just my personal opinion alright so next after the formatting is done you want to create your book covers so you can create book covers yourself with canva technically you can do this but I highly highly recommend you pay a professional because 99 of the time you're not going to be able to create a book cover that is good enough to really sell on canva so you just want to pay somebody to Outsource it and your book cover is one of the most crucial step your book sales is heavily determined by the cover so you do not want a cheap out here although the great thing about book cover is you can Outsource to a professional and get a high quality cover and it's actually a lot cheaper than you think so I'll leave a link to all the gigs on Fiverr that I found that can create book covers for you for less than twenty dollars and that is also in the description below so once that is done you have all the book files and you're ready to upload this book which brings us to step 3 which is uploading the book so all you have to do sign up to KDP create an account it's free enter your bank account information tax details so you can actually get paid and once you log in it looks like this so to upload a new title you want to go to create here and then click on eBook if you got an ebook version if not you can click on paperback but the process is exactly the same so I'll just show you the ebook version so go here put in your title put your subtitle you can skip the series and Edition that is up to you and then put your author name for the description or the description you can actually use chat GPT to start the process which is absolutely amazing because all you have to do is type in write me a product description for this book using the Aida format and then you get a really well written description that has the Aida which is attention interest desire and actions so it is one of the most effective sales copy that you can have which is perfect for your description but once again you don't want to just copy paste this or rewrite it so that it's you know original and then then paste it in here now click on I own the copyright and then answer these questions choose the category so put in the other keywords that you've found to be profitable so in my case I will put something like minimalism you know something related to decluttering that I also found when I was doing my keyword research process so you put that in and then save and continue and then the rest of the process is very easy so you will just upload your ebook in the cover file and then you will also put the pricing for the book for the pricing I recommend you to look at your competitors and see what is like the average price for the book topic and then start off with a dollar or two cheaper but as you gather reviews you want to go and you know price your book higher and higher as you get more reviews now it might take a few days for your book to be accepted which is completely normal so don't panic another thing is you might get rejected if there's something wrong with the book files but they'll let you know why so you can just fix that and re-upload and try again alright so once that is done your book is uploaded it'll be live on Amazon in a couple days the next step is step four book marketing so when it comes to of marketing you want to get sales and reviews in the first 30 days of publishing to tell Amazon that your book is in demand in return Amazon will rank your book higher in the algorithm and your book will be seen to more people so you have to get sales and reviews the first thing you want to do is get reviews before you go and get sales because reviews are what gets more sales right so how do you get reviews so I recommend to get minimum 15 reviews per book before marketing just as a general guideline reviews act as a social proof which makes it much easier to get sales now there are many free and cheap ways to get reviews so you can utilize Facebook groups and sites like pubby to gather reviews it'll be way too long to show you how to do that so I covered this in another video once again the link is in the description now when it comes to sales Amazon wants to promote high quality books that sells and nothing tells Amazon that more than getting reviews and sales first right the more reviews and sales you get for the book Amazon sees that and they're like oh this book is popular this book is getting sales let's promote it more so that is exactly what we're trying kind of do here now you want to do a little work in the beginning to get Amazon to start promoting it then after that Amazon will just take over the rest right and then the Snowball Effect kicks in so that is why this business can be very very passive later on you just have to put in the work in the beginning now there are many free and low-cost ways to promote the book once again I do have all the strategies mentioned in this video so the link is in the description and just like that congratulations you're now a published author if you follow all these steps so you can stop here or if you want to take it further it'll be step five which is turning your book into an audiobook so you cannot do this if you have a low content book or activity books because it's impossible to turn a puzzle book or coloring book into an audiobook but if you have a high content book like you know decluttering book as an example then you can do audiobooks now this as an additional income stream and that is why I like high content books in general that's why I say you know it's like easier to make money long term but it really depends you can still make great money with low and low content medium content books as well so turning your book into an audiobook is very very easy all you have to do is sign up to ACX put your book out for audition pick your narrator and then your book will be narrated it's actually very cheap you can do this for only a few hundred dollars to turn your book into an audiobook once again the step-by-step tutorial uh I'll leave a link in the description below so this is how I made hundreds of thousands of dollars outside of I've made over like 150 000 units sold every single unit you're making three dollars or so you know 3.5 dollars to be accurate so you can kind of estimate how much I made uh from audiobooks so once that is done there's so many more things that you can do to make even more money from the books that you created right so in terms of what's next you know if you follow these strategies and create a high quality book in an in-demand Niche you will start making sales and by repeating these steps and Publishing more books you can make a thousand dollars a month or a lot more now there are a lot more advanced strategies that you can do like turning this book into seven plus more income streams and scale to ten thousand dollars a month or much much more like me and a lot of our students are doing right so you know what you can do such as audiobooks we talked about that you can promote your book in other bookstores so there's a lot of other bookstores that you can upload your book to uh outside of Amazon you can also translate your book you can translate to Spanish German you know just like that you have so many more income streams you can turn your book into seven plus income streams from the work that you've already done right now the video will be way too long if I try to explain all these strategies but I Do cover this in my free training uh that you guys can check it out okay so these are the strategies that you know a lot of our students took to make a lot more money Nikola over here made fifty eight thousand dollars in July 50k came from KDP and ACX made eight thousand dollars okay so just from audiobooks he made an additional eight thousand dollars Christine over here made ten thousand dollars from audiobooks alone and Brock over here made twenty four thousand eight hundred dollars in one month uh anchor over here made twenty three thousand dollars uh so you know it's not just me right A lot of people are winning and Publishing and that is why I think publishing is absolutely amazing but you know basically this video explained everything you have to know uh to make a thousand dollars a month or more in publishing you just have to go and follow it and then repeat this process right but if you want to take it further if you want to scale this business right if you want to take it seriously there is a link to the additional training that you can watch in the description which should be the very first link but it is a link to a free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business so it kind of walks you through everything we talked about but you know a lot more stuff so if you want to watch that once again the link is in the description as well as all the other you know videos tools resources mentioned in this video as well everything will be in the description below and with that being said if you're still watching at the very end of the video I appreciate you let me know in the comments that you made it to the end so comment I made it the end and if you have any questions I will answer it for you alright guys so now it's time to actually take action you have everything you need to know so you can go and take action based on the information in this video okay once you publish a book let me know in the comments as well so we can congratulate you on becoming a published author and if you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet it actually helps me out a lot more than you think so if you do do that I appreciate it thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 153,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: HJmEyF45Bdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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