How To Make An eCommerce Website With Wordpress 2020 | 💰Divi Theme eCommerce Tutorial💰

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what's up party people my name is Daryl and today in this video I'm gonna teach you all how to make an e-commerce website step by step now if you've always wanted to build your first e-commerce website for the very first time with no restrictions and you're kind of tired of the runaround and this tutorial is for you now you don't need any sort of knowledge of coding or any experience whatsoever because everything in this tutorial is on with a super easy drag-and-drop builder that's rated number one in the entire world so it's gonna be really quick and easy for you now after watching this video you'll be able to customize your own personal ecommerce websites and you'll be also be able to take credit cards right away right after watching this video now setting up this website is super easy you get your domain you install WordPress you simply activate your theme and start visually building the website the way you want it to look then we will create your products where users can add them to the cart and purchase them right away on your e-commerce website then feel free to change anything you want on your website like changing the text changing the size or the color you can move stuff around on your website with this super easy drag-and-drop builder you can customize your website where you can put your own images and I'll also show you where you can get some really nice free images for your websites so let me give you a quick tour of this website and show you what you can expect to learn in this video so first I'll show you how to make a home page where you can use any image you want any font any color etc and here's some examples of some other websites using the same theme that we are going to use in this video next I'll show you how to create a really nice menu for your website and you can also add your company logo now if you don't have a logo don't worry about it because I'll show you we can get a really nice custom logo for your websites then I'll show you where you can set up this really clean section right here where you can have different categories so for example this can be something like phones iPads or computers and it doesn't matter what industry you're in because you can make any sort of category you want for your website next we have our products where we can style and design your products any which way you want such as changing the text or the size you can even change the color you can also put any price you want and you can add as many products as you want with no restrictions whatsoever next we have this really nice split section can add different product categories to your websites then I'll show you how to add these really nice icons to help customers feel more confident about shopping on your websites then we'll go ahead and finish it off with this section right here and create this really clean and professional-looking footer area so I've shown you this really amazing homepage now let's talk about the shop page and product page and also how customers will check out on your website so next let's talk about our shop page now you can customize your shop page any style you want any which way you want now here we have some products and you can put any price you want you can change the color and the size of your products as well here we have product categories where you can go ahead and list your product categories here I have men and women right here we have filter by price where users can filter their products by price so if they're on a budget they can go ahead and change the price accordingly here we have the latest products where anytime you add a product it'll be displayed right here automatically so all your customers can see it and then right here we have recently viewed products or if a user clicks on a product it'll be displayed again for them right there so they can always navigate and go back to their product now you'll have full control over your shop page so you can be as customizable as you want and you can build any style shop page you want for your website now first I'll show you how to create what we call is a simple product so a simple product essentially has no options so right here we have the title the price some description and users can add it to the cart and purchase it right away on your website so this is example of a simple product next we have a variable product now a variable product has different variables such as size color material or anything else you want to have for your product so for example right here if you're selling t-shirts users can shop by size and they can also shop by color or even material and they can go ahead and put what they want and they can go ahead and add it to the cart and purchase it right away on your website so take this video I'll show you how to create variable products as well now here are some examples of some product pages that I've created for you that you will get for free in this video now you can customize your product page any which way you want with this builder so you can go ahead and drag and drop anything you want on your product page so you can have a fully customizable product for your websites and with my templates that I'm giving you for free it'll give you a big boost creating a really professional ecommerce website so your customers will come to your website and add something to the cart once they add it to the cart they'll go to the cart page where they can also enter a coupon code and they can also increase the amount of items they already have in the cart next we have our checkout page where users can go ahead and put in their billing information they can verify their order they can pay with either credit card or PayPal so here the customer will put in their credit card information they can go ahead and save this for future purchases and they can go ahead and place order and you'll get paid and right away for this product then you'll see it displayed right away in your free stripe account or PayPal and this will automatically be directed to your bank next you'll receive an email saying that you have a purchase order and it's ready to be shipped and also your customers will receive an email notifying them of their purchase and giving them a receipt for their product now what also inspires me to make these videos this website right here was made by a complete amateur so this person knew nothing about making websites they watch one of my videos after being charged thousands of dollars from web designers now they're able to create and manage their own e-commerce websites where they're selling thousands of dollars with their products and they're also selling worldwide simply by watching videos just like this so if they can do it you can do it okay so we're gonna build your e-commerce website in four simple steps so step one we're gonna get your domain and hosting so for example my e-commerce website com step two we are going to install wordpress and wordpress powers more than one third of the Internet it's a very popular platform for making websites step three we are going to download the Divi theme and the Divi theme is currently the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world and step forward we're going to go ahead and build your e-commerce website step-by-step now there is a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that looks just like this right here and this is icon com now I've been recommending sycron Kampf over four years now and people love this web hosting company now water recommend this company over anothers well first off I use this company and second off I compared this company against 15 others for 60 days saikhan came up as number one as the fastest with the best uptime the best support for the best price and you can see here by the like ratio people really did find this information helpful and people really do love sigh crown it's an amazing company you'll never have to worry about your site going down or being too slow you will love the results that you'll get with this web hosting company now there's three plans but I'm always gonna recommend one so we have the start up we have the grow big and we have the go geek now all my viewers go with the grow big plan because the grow big plan you can host unlimited websites on your hosting account rather than just a single website so that is a pretty big difference and personally if you're just getting started outs you don't really need the go geek just yet this is a little bit more for people who have been in the game for a while so if you're just getting started out the grow big option is perfect for you so right here where it says get plan you'll click on get plan alright cool so you'll be brought to this page right here and this is where you're going to enter in your new website so this same web address right here you're gonna go ahead and put whatever site that you want right here so give it some thoughts you know talk about with your wife call your sister or whatever whatever is that you got to do I'm gonna put in best Divi tutorial because this is the best if you team tutorial out there you will see you'll lemons and once you've given some thought you click on a pro seed right here alright a new brought to this page right here now before I go any further everything I recommend in this video has a 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason whatsoever because this company is legit they are amazing so if you don't like amazing web hosting companies you can always get your money back but I'm just kidding this is a great web hosting company and everyone that uses this company loves it so right here you'll enter in your account information you'll put in your email your password right here you put in your client information so you put in your country your name your you know street address your social security number etc I am just kidding you do not put in your social that is a very big joke right here you put in your country but by default it'll select it for you right now I'm visiting Thailand so that's why it's saying Thailand but I am from the United States I am from a sunny California right here you're putting your payment information so all your stuff right here and then right here we have the period now on all my videos I recommend all months because the 12 months will actually give you the largest discount available then other plans so make sure you select 12 months it's a great starting plan for you right here we have extra services now I require you check this one right here domain privacy and the domain privacy this is going to protect your personal information from spammers and people trying to sell you really rich stuff and guys trust me you want to spend the 12 dollars for the entire year because what's gonna happen if you don't have this checked people are gonna find out your personal info they're gonna send you spam they're gonna send you sex pills it's all this disaster stuff so please make sure you have two main privacy this will protect you and your website from people that are trying to sell you spam and also it's a really weird stuff so once you've done that's right here you'll click on I have confirmed and you'll click on Terms of Service and I'm sure you're gonna read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy right because everybody does that today right and then you'll click on this right here if you want to receive their newsletters and they don't send spam they just send really good offers trust me they really do send decent offers and once you're done filling all this information else you'll click on Pay Now and I'll meet you on the very next page alright cool so I purchased my hosting and right here which is proceed to customer area will click there alright awesome so right now it'll tell you that your site's ready to be set up so right here click on set up sites and now what we're going to do is we're going to install WordPress on to our domain so that'll give us the drag-and-drop functionality making it really easy to build our website so right here where it says start a new website you click on select you'll scroll down right here and you'll select WordPress now right here you'll go ahead and enter in your email and your password now this is the login information for WordPress so this is the information that you need to actually build your website so make sure you get a pen and pencil and write this down so you don't forget it alright so after you entered in your email address and your password you'll click on continue now right now it's recommending the site ground site scanner but personally I don't think you need it just yet maybe later once your site gets like very valuable and make a lot of money etc so right here just click on finish and right now it is creating our WordPress website let me in the comments what site you're making I'm always interested to hear what kind of site people are making some people make sites for you know their business or the roofing company or for their family etc so right now your wire waiting let me know what site you are building for yourself or for anyone else all right so after you've waited you'll be brought to this page right here it says you're all set so go ahead and scroll down and right here it says manage site click on manage sites all right and this is basically the psych round dashboard so this is where you can set up email accounts this is where you have your files etc your IP address everything and also you can see the amount of visitors and everything else right here from your website now on the left side right here where you see WordPress click on WordPress and right here click on install and manage so we've already installed WordPress so go ahead and scroll down right here and you'll see manage installations and you'll see your website right here now right here under the actions you'll click on login to admin panel so go ahead and click on this right here all right so it'll take you to this page right here and this is the wordpress starter now you don't need to have this and actually recommend to take this off but for right here scroll down and just click on exits all right cool now this is your new website now your website right now is live on the internet so right now people can actually go to your website and they will see it now if you want to see your website on how it looks on the top left right here you'll click on visit sites and this right here is your new website so this is exactly how it looks it doesn't look anything like I showed you all on the demo but don't worry we're gonna make it look amazing now whenever you want to log back into your website right here on the top just type in - WP dash admin like that and what it's going to do it's gonna prompt you to enter in your username and your password now remember how I told you to write it down so I'm entering my information right here so we have Divi Divi tutorial 1 2 3 and I'll enter my information and remember this is what you're going to or this is we're going to login every single time that you want to build your website and there are some there's a few things I want to show you and to talk about before we actually build your websites now right here click on plugins and click on installed plugins now right here we have a wordpress starter I want you to deactivate this plugin we don't need this plugin it's basically just like a welcome party from psych round but personally we don't need it and right here if you go to dashboard and you click on dashboard you'll now see that your interface has changed and this is the actual default interface with WordPress so this is what everyone's used to etc so there are some things I want to go over and show you before we jump into this so right here under users you'll go to your profile now whenever you want to change your information or your password for your website you can do it all from right here so right here I want to go ahead and change my my color to Midnight's you can go and change your colors you'll scroll down right here and this is basically your email and this is very important because let's say for example you forget your password it will go ahead and send it to this address and also right here whenever you want to enter a new password just click right here on generate password and this is the password and again you can go ahead and put any password you want and once you've done that you'll click on update profile and that's how you change your password for your websites now one more thing I want to talk about before we download the actual builder is to go ahead and change your permalinks so right here under these settings we have permalinks and right here we have different options but I want you to put this - post name and the reason why we do this is because you see these permalinks right here how this one's very clean so for example your website com - about us - contact us right you know you want that and you don't want this - 0 9 - 11 that looks really bad and this is the best for SEO it'll help your site get ranked much higher so once you've done with that you'll click on Save Changes alright and go click on dashboard right here alright so next I want to make sure that your website shows secure right here cuz right now it says that your site is not secure so I want to fix that and we're gonna do that with a free plugin so right here click on plug-in and click on add new and for those of you who have no idea what plugins are plugins are essentially like add-ons for your website so this one right here you can turn your site into like a forum this right here you can have like a out of community etc so right here click on popular I'll just give you a little crash course on what plugins are so right here for example this is a contact form this right here helps with SEO helps your site get ranked better this right here is the ability to sell on your website which I'll talk more about and another tutorial in fact I'll go ahead and link it in the description below once I have that toot already with this same theme but right here just go ahead and type in really simple ssl and this is the plugin that you'll saw right here it has three million active installs with very high ratings so right here just click on install now and then click on activate all right so right now the plug-in can actually find our SSL it's on our website but before we do this I want to make sure that you have your password and you're in your and your your email written down because after we do this it's going to kick us out of WordPress and I'll show you how you can always log back into your website to make changes so right here just click on go ahead activate SSL and then go ahead and go up here and click on visit sites now you'll see at the top left right here our connection secure and people won't get a warning from Google it'll say that our website is secure etc so to log back in to your websites and this is for a future reference whenever you want to build your website cuz people ask me the comments made rule I got kicked out my website how do I log back in right right here you'll enter in WP dash admin just like that and you'll press ENTER and you'll go ahead and put in the email and you'll go ahead and put in the password that you entered right here and once you've done with that you'll click on a rubber mean or whatever and click on login and this is how you can always log back in to make changes to your WordPress website alright next I'm gonna go ahead and close all these notices because they get really annoying really fast and the next thing we're going to do is we are going to download the Divi theme now there's also a link in the description of this video it'll take you to a page that will give you a discount off the Divi theme you can also get there by going to Darrell Wilson com - Divi - discounts and press ENTER and once you're here you'll get a discount for the Divi theme so go ahead and scroll down right here and there's two plans now they have the yearly plan and they have the access plan now we're out the back guys I want to let you know that this company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for any reason whatsoever and this right now is the most popular WordPress theme in the world in fact you can go to a website right here called Bill with calm and simply type in Divi theme right here just to get you know just to get an idea of how good this theme is right here right here will click on TV you should statistics and right here it's basically telling us that this is the most popular on the entire internet for WordPress themes top 1 million right here the most popular in the United States most popular Netherlands most popular France in Canada etc it is the number one most popular WordPress theme in the world so I want to make sure that you guys are getting the best value and I am do have a discount for you all as well so we have two plans right here now I personally recommend the lifetime access and the reason why is because once you get the lifetime access you can solve this theme on any number of web sites forever you can salt on two thousand websites and they will give you lifetime updates and also lifetime support so they will always help you out with your website now other companies do not offer lifetime because they feel that's too aggressive but this is a great plan and I highly recommend a lifetime access and personally I have the lifetime access for my account as well and I'll show you in just a bit but you can also do the yearly but remember the yearly you'll have to pay this every single year but for the lifetime you only pay it once and you're done forever so go ahead and sign up with the plan that you choose but again I highly recommend the lifetime because other companies do not offer a lifetime so once you've actually purchased it it'll take you to your members area so congratulations and you can see right here how it says I have already purchased a lifetime membership because I've already purchased it so I'm not just biessing you I really do have this product so right here we have the Divi theme Divi builder plug-in and then you have these plugins as well these are all very nice plugins in fact I do have separate tutorials for all of these but for most of us we just want the Divi theme damn it just give us the Divi theme - I'll just give it to us right here you'll click on download the Divi theme alright and once you're done with that I'm going to close this you'll go back over here and the next thing we'll do is we will upload the theme onto our website so over here hover over appearance and click on themes now how WordPress essentially works is basically there is a theme and that's kind of like how your website is structured however with today's page builders these are coming more and more outdated I guess you can say because now the page lore can basically do everything these themes can do but anyways up here you'll click on upload theme choose the file and go ahead and find the Divi theme a folder that you downloaded from elegant themes calm sheera click on open and click on install and now look at this theme right here wait what is this what is going on there I don't even know the poor theme anyways click on install now so it is installing our theme and then right here you'll click on activate alright so congratulations you have now installed and activated the number one best WordPress theme in the world your e-commerce website is going to look amazing now in case you want to see how your website looks right now over here you can click on a visit site on the top left right here and you'll see your website so it doesn't look that good no results found the sidebar is really ugly we don't have a really good menu and we have the default logo etc so now that we actually have the theme installed let's go ahead now and make some pages now when I say pages let's talk about like the home the about and in the contact and then I'll talk about the shop etc so right here under pages click on all pages now when you install WordPress by default it gives us these like sample pages now whenever you want to delete a page just click on trash and that's it the page is gone now let's say you want to add a page so right here click on add new and then go ahead and type in home because you want to make your homepage right so right here click on publish and then click on publish again and let's keep going so right here under + new click on page let's keep going so right here I'll do the about click on publish and publish again and then one more time for our contact page sorry here + new page and then contact us and then right here again click on publish and publish now our stop page and our product pages and all that good stuff that's gonna be created for us automatically when we install a free plugin but I'll talk more about that when we talk about creating products so now that we've actually created our pages right here we need to make a menu so up here if you go to visit sites you're gonna notice that it's kind of disorientated and we have homepages etc so let's go ahead and create a menu so right here under dashboard I'll go to appearance and go to menus and this is how you can add menus and pages I'm sorry pages and other things to your menu so whenever you want to make something or add something to your menu this is where you would do it so right here I'll just put Darrell Wilson's menu go to create menu now over here under pages under view all just go ahead and add all these right here I know there's two home pages and I'll talk I'll talk about that so right here we have add to menu now right here we have custom link so the custom link we're going to go ahead and remove this so whenever you want to remove an item from your menu you'll click on it and just click on remove and that's it so right here I want to go ahead and maybe move this around so the home the about the contact so this is how you can rearrange your menu and I want to make this a primary menu and then click on save menu alright so let's go ahead and just check our website really quickly to see what has been done so right here visit sites and now we have the home the about and the contact so if I click on the home it'll bring us to home the about Us and then the contact etc now before we start designing our home page there's one more thing we need to do before I show you how to use the builder and then add products etc over here hover over this and go to the theme customizer now the theme customizer is pretty important every theme in WordPress has one and essentially what it does is that it allows you to style your website a little differently so for instance later we'll talk about your header your menu appear you can have the logo in the center and have the menu around it etc and all sorts of really cool stuff but we'll talk about that later in the tutorial right now what I want you to do is go on over here to homepage settings click on it a static page and then for the home page we need to select home for the home page now what this basically means is we're just telling Google and everyone else on our website where is the home page so this is the website I'm sorry the page that your visitors will be redirected to anytime someone types in your domain right so you want them to go to your homepage right so yeah right here click on and publish and then right here X and now you can see our home page is ready to be designed now this is the website that we're going to make today and again this tutorial is structured in a very specific way to help navigate you and teach you as easy as possible so I'm first going to show you how to just use the page builder you know how do you use this builder etc I'll show you how to make these sections which can be a little bit more tricky for beginners and then once we get to this section I'm gonna talk about how to create products such as a simple product variable product or shop page etc and then we'll go ahead and finish the rest of the website and all these sections as well and then after that we'll go ahead and talk about more complicated stuff like if you want to have your products design a specific way so for example right here this product right here it's designed a specific way so you can fully customize your products to make them look however you want to look so it's a really really cool feature because by default a lot of these themes and page builders you're basically given one way to present your products and this theme right here you can actually fully design and customize how every single product looks on your website so you can kind of you know have the look that you want and have the feel that you want for your website so here you can see it's a little bit different than the other ones and just going through I actually have five templates to give you guys so of all the products are going to look a little different so for example right here I'll go to denim jackets and you can see this page looks a little bit different we have this really cool countdown timer with this information right here etc now let me just give you a demonstration of just basic products so let's say for instance you just want like a simple product like something not too flashy etc I'll go over here and just click on something like well click on this girl right here now this is like the default product page so this right here is something that like would be ideal for just something very simple and basic but in this tutorial I'm gonna go very in-depth and talk about you can customize the shop page the product page as well but before we talk about all that let's just get to the basics of how we use this page boiler so you guys are ready to get started let's get started so first go ahead and go to your home page which you can click right here and go to home or if you don't know how to get there you can go to dashboard go to pages all pages and right here under home you can click on View so we're first gonna go ahead and create this section right here which is like your landing page this is a pretty important part so right here you'll click on enable the visual builder all right party people now we're gonna make our home page and we're also going to start creating a few products in this section now when you watch this video feel free to pause it or if I'm going too fast you could slow the video down there's a timer down there that can actually slow the video down for you to help you follow along because I know when you're getting tired with your websites you know it's it's it's a it's a learning curve so but this is a very easy drag-and-drop builder so feel free to explore the other modules feel free to kind of pause the video make your own sections and see what you can build after you kind of understand how this paid both works so with that said let's get started with your homepage alright so right here we have three options we have clone existing page choose a premade layout and then build from scratch so I'm gonna show you how to build this from scratch to kind of teach you the fundamentals of how to use this page builder so right here build from scratch now right here we have different columns so essentially what you can do is whenever you're building something you can have a certain amount of columns or a certain part of your website so for example right here I'll just put three columns and I'll just put a blurb and here I'll click on check now let's just say I want to duplicate this module so something like this you know put right there and then this again and then we go ahead and just drop it right there etc so that's what it means by like three columns now if you were to change this to two columns or four columns it would look different right so I'm just kind of showing you how this works right you understand what I'm saying so and then right here we can put it in an image etc but that's like the fundamentals of how this works and then you can always adjust the padding you can push this to the bottom can change this to the left or to the right Slyke this etc but let's just go ahead and just stick with the basics for now I'm gonna delete this row and right here under this blue plus right here click on new section and I want to fool a section so what I mean by that is I want something full with like I want my landing page to be full with right here so right here let's go back and we're gonna find the full width header module so full width header right here click on that and then click on check now this blue section I don't need this no more see this blue section up here we don't need it no more so I'm gonna click on the trash icon right here that's it that's how you delete a section for every part of your website now let's say you want to go ahead and customize this section right here whenever you want to customize any part of your website you're gonna click on this gear icon which is essentially the module settings and the good part is guys that once you learn how to use the settings for one module all of the settings are the same for essentially every other module so they're pretty self-explanatory and pretty easy to learn so right here I just put enjoy the summer trends discover now latest collection or fashions or I don't know whatever you want to put there so here I'll just go ahead and paste that in there so enjoy the summer trends and right here we have button 1 and we also have button 2 as well so you can have two buttons on this page as well now with this specific module it's kind of structured for us to just get to the point very simple easy other modules we can drag and drop these buttons anywhere on the website but I'll talk more about that when we you know when we keep going so I only want one button though and then right here I think we have too much text I just want to get really you know really simple really easy so right here I just put discovered now latest collection so here I'll just go ahead and paste that alright and right here we have images now there are demo images for all of you in the description below they are free images they come in a zip file and they're free they don't cost you anything and those images will actually help you follow along in this video so go ahead and download those images and you're actually gonna get a folder that says something like a divvy ecommerce images so once you open that folder you can go ahead and upload your images so for example right here we have a header image so I'm a click on add an image select files and right here I'm gonna go ahead and upload all the images that I have for you guys in the folder so just go ahead and click on all of them oops here we go click on all of them like this I'm holding shift and the button up button and then right here I'll click on open so what I'm essentially doing right now is I'm just uploading these images to our website so I can use them throughout the website ok so these all finish uploading now right here I'm gonna go ahead and click on this right here and click on upload an image so that's one style how you can kind of have this over the header image it's always going to display to the left or to the right of the text however I want to display above it so I'm just giving you an example of how you can kind of present like an image next to some contents but right here I'm gonna click on trash and right here under logo image I'm going to click on this icon right here and upload the image alright so now I have this set up like that the next thing I want to do is I want to actually go ahead and add in a background so right now I have this ugly background right here but I don't want this background so what I'll do right here is click on background and now we have different colors so I have like all these specific colors we also can add a gradient background as well or we can add a video background or we can add an image now I know most beginners love video backgrounds but I'm very against video backgrounds cuz there's a lot of problems with them you know like a lot of mobile devices can't play video backgrounds a lot of people are on really crappy computers and doesn't work well it loads slow so I just find using colors or images is your best solution so right here I'll close this and delete this right now and what I want to do right now is under the image right here I want to add the image of those two girls like this and then click on upload an image so now you can see that this actually looks a lot better just by simply adding in this image now one thing I also want to show you is like website like where you can get really nice beautiful images so for example if you want like a guy like a you know man corporates or something like that you can go to these websites and you can download something like that and you can add these as your backgrounds as well also free pic as well free pic you can go ahead and find some you know images like this right here is good something with like a a big background so you can put text right here these ones right here I don't find they're helpful because you want to put the text somewhere next to them like this right here would be perfect you know so free pick com pixabay and also unsplash or really good websites to get some really nice images for your websites but let's go back over here oops over here so right now we have this other option called parallax effect and the parallax effect is that effect that the image is standing still however the text is moving so the parallax effect is pretty popular today but I don't want it for this you know website in particular but again I've used it on various websites when I build up for clients and people love parallax so but right here is the design section now right here for layouts right here I want to Center align this I wanna make this fullscreen so with the fullscreen that's basically saying when people visit their our website it's just going to be a full screen so they can kind of see everything like that right here we have this scroll down icon now right now I'm gonna click on yes and change this to black so this is the scroll down icon so this is basically essentially you know people can you know click on it and it'll go to the next section etc so if you want to have that on your website you can have its I'll just go ahead and put that little arrow and then scroll down right here and we have text so right here we have text now this text right here we can kind of change it to look a different color so right here I'll just put dark so now it's a little bit more visible right so here you can see enjoy the summer trends discover the latest fashion etc now anytime you want to adjust a module you see these blue squares and this little pen you can just click on it and this little I guess you want to say this I don't know what you want to call this is like a builder helper it'll automatically redirect you to this section where you can edit that specific part so I like the Poppins font so Poppins is the font that I chose for a lot of these so right here again right here I'll just click on Poppins and that's the font I'm using for my website you can use any fonts you want I mean there are so many fonts to choose from and fonts are pretty important guys and my personal recommendation is when you're working with fonts just choose a minimum I'm sorry a maximum of maybe one or two fonts no more than that because if you use too many fonts your site's gonna look really ugly really fast so right here I'm gonna go ahead and change it to bold and I can make this a little bit bigger something looks like that right there you know enjoyed the summer trends and then right here we have letter spacing you can kind of space this out now a lot of these settings you can kind of understand just by messing around and tinkering with the settings you know a lot of this stuff is just like really you know flashy things like a text shadow you know etc so just by kind of messing around with these settings you'll get a better understanding of what they do right here I'll click on this one right here and I want to change this to something like ultra light and I want it black so now you can see that we have this discovered now the latest collection and then I want to edit this button so I'll click on this little blue up button right here and then right here it says use custom styles for button one so if I click on yes now I can actually design this button so button one text color maybe I want it set to black right and then right here you can even add a background to your button if you want to do that so right here you can put like something like red or yellow or some of them like that's blue black but I'll just think that's white right now or I'll just leave it as transparent so that's the one I chose but again you can go ahead and use gradients on my last video with Divi I use a red button and a black outline it was pretty interesting but it was actually a really really cool design now all right here we a button radius and whenever you want your buttons circular you would just take this and drag it and now the button is now circular see that so looking at this page I mean we're pretty much done here I mean the only difference here is that I made this box squared and that's pretty much it so that's basically a quick rundown guys of how we made a really simple home page I mean it's a beautiful lining page and guys sometimes being simple is the easiest thing to do so next we're going to go ahead and build this section right here now just looking at this section it's just a three column section so one two and three right so let's just go ahead and make it so right here plus the regular and then we'll find the three column row now we're using something called the call to action so the call to action essentially is something like this right here where it has a title some text and then we can add a button under it so for example like that so that's basically how this module is going to look so let's just go ahead and this is go ahead and do this from scratch so what I'll do here is go to text and then right here I have the title as just you know 2020 2020 shoot collection something like that so 2020 shoe collection now a lot of these modules that you guys use you can use these any way you want you can achieve any sort of style you want so for example right here I just have this title right here I got rid of this text and all I'm gonna do now is just put in the button so for example for button up at shop now and then for this content right here I'll just delete it now for link right here you need to put a link now we don't have the page yet so right here under the button link URL you can just go ahead and put it in this button sign and that will basically enable this section for you all right so right here I'll click on plus now I'm kind of lazy guys and you're gonna see them lazy a lot in these videos so I want to just duplicate this I don't want to have to do everything all over again right so right here I'll click on duplicate I'll take this and I'll drag it and then I'll go ahead and copy this again and then drag it again like that now I want to add a different background to this so here you can see we have these three different backgrounds so let's just go ahead and add in some backgrounds to this so right here I'll click on this gear icon and then for our background right here I want to go ahead and delete this and over here under the image I want to add an image background now you're welcome to use any sort of color or style you want for this tutorial but I'm just giving you an example of how you can have something like this image right here on your background so upload an image etc so now you can see we have the background right there and then for this section right here we have this girl so again I'll do the same thing gear icon and then go ahead and go to backgrounds and then delete this image add a background image you guys getting it this is easy yes yes so I hope this is easy I really do I mean this this is pretty simple right here and then again right here will do the same thing right here we'll go ahead and go to the background and then trash image and then we'll have a specific image now I'm gonna try this image here well this one work does that work guys I think that works oh that looks good actually let's add that now poor me I should have actually changed this text to black before I duplicated it right because right here in the design if I go to title text if I scroll down and I find the text color you can see now how the text color looks better like that because right here it's black and it's easier to see the white is too faded it's not easy to see et cetera so right here under this gear icon I'll do the same thing for the the button right here so under the design button the same thing we did before guys the same thing so use custom sauce for button and then we can just change the button color so I'm just giving you an example of how you can change stuff now I'm not gonna show you how to do this again because I just showed you guys how to do it right there now I should have done this and then duplicated it so for its of tour purposes I'm just gonna go ahead and delete these and I'm just going to duplicate this right here and I'm gonna go ahead and do it one more time because you know I'm a perfectionist and etc and then right here I'll just go ahead and swap those images out one more time sorry here trash background-image add the girl upload an image and then right here gear icon background delete this image add another one and then put these shoes right there upload an image etc so we have these three sections and guys this is a very common section for e-commerce a lot of websites you're gonna come across like Ambercrombie and Fitch Victoria Secrets a lot of them use this specific style because it kind of encloses people to make a choice it's like what are you gonna do you have summer collections midseason or shoot collection you got a pic one you know so when you're making this website you also have to realize you're also a Salesman because you want to convert people to buy your products no one's gonna buy a website or by próxima website that looks like crap but when they see website looks like this where the images are nice it has a great presentation it looks good people are more inclined to purchase products I mean look at the Apple website it's it's so elegant and I feel like a high class when I buy on it right it's so anyways let's talk about this next section where I'm gonna show you how to squeeze everything together now to be honest guys this is a little advanced and I shouldn't be showing you this because this is more for advanced users but I'm just going to just in case you want to achieve this section so right here for row settings under the design tab right here I want to design the entire row so right here under sizing we have use a custom gutter with now what the gutter with allows us to do is basically reduce all this space right here so you want to change this to one see that now right here we have with so we can go ahead and change this width to something like a hundred percent and we can also take the max width and we can actually extend it across like that does something like you know I don't know however whatever you want to do I want to make sure this is centered like this so now that we've had that section right there we have this blue so we have this this this padding this white space I want to go ahead and change this to something like zero I don't want people to see any of this white space and then we can do the same thing right here for this section like that so again make sure that there's no space and then again no space etc so right here see ya there okay now another way to do this right here is go to the gear icon go to design and go to spacing and make sure that this is set to zero just change this to zero and then there you go that's how you do it or you can drag it like this like that so or you can go to the gear icon go to design and go to spacing and make sure these are set to zero so what padding means is padding is space so when you say get zero pixels that means I want zero space so now we have this section right here where it kind of like you know resembles this right here now you notice right here how this section is a little taller so we can do that right here with these modules right here just by simply dragging it like that so maybe you want to do something like we'll do something like we'll do well do 90 and 90 so 90 pixels and then also we have 90 pixels as well like this so you see that and then we can also do it from the side as well so you can adjust the side like this but I don't want to I don't want to do that so again right here 90 pixels and then we'll do it something like 90 pixels now guys this right here is the reason why Divi is number one if you use other page bowlers you can't do this it would take you a long time to do this with like there's a page above an element or as well it would take you a long time to do this with another page builder right here I'll change this to 90 and then again 90 right here and we are all done now this section was a little hard guys so I don't want to scare you off I mean that was a little bit too much but I think you guys now are a little bit more comfortable and you guys kind of get an understanding of how this works next let's go ahead and add in this section right here so right here I'm gonna click on this blue plus click on regular and just eight one row and right here I'm gonna put in text and right here I'll just put in something like bestsellers bestsellers bestsellers and I want to change this to something like heading one text now why did I do that well let's let's talk about that let's let's let's have a meeting here so under the design tab heading text h1 so whatever you change the - like for example I changed it to heading 3 over here for example pertains to heading 3 this is now going to apply for the heading 3 tag you understand so if I have h1 right here and change the text over here to h1 now when I edit the h1 right here it's going to now control this section so for example right here pop-ins and I want bold and I want to go ahead and center this like that all right so that's just a way on how you can achieve this section now guys if I'm going too fast I've gotten criticism if I go too fast in my videos feel free to just pause the video you know mess around with these settings see what they do and a lot of this stuff you're gonna understand is just kind of by messing around with stuff I mean that's kind of how I got into YouTube I was messing around and then sure enough I became a huge influence surfer web design so that's just basically a way on how you guys can achieve certain sections so right here we have bestsellers and this is going to introduce our products so now you can see we have these products right here now you've noticed we have these bars right here and I'm gonna talk more about that a little bit later in the video I'm gonna keep you guys in suspense I'm not gonna tell you how to do it just yet so I'm gonna keep you guys waiting but don't worry I'll show you how to do the lines now you see right here how there's this + gray and there's this + row you want to make sure you click on the plus gray right there and what we're gonna do now is type in shop and we're gonna add in the shop module so right now what we're gonna do is we are going to start creating products yeah finally Darrow finally you're making products you know this is horrible is getting really bad really fast so right here I'll click on check now you can see there's no results found and that's because we have no products so let's go ahead now and create some products so right here I'll click on save all right and then I'll exit the visual builder and if you want to look at your websites this is it so just like we designed it from you know before that's exactly how it looks so that's you know that's what's that's what's going on here looks pretty good it's coming along pretty well so go ahead now and install the WooCommerce plugin so right here go to WordPress and go to dashboard now over here under plugins you'll click on add new now guys essentially what plugins are again they're applications for your website so you know how like you know the girls have like 50 applications for their Instagram stuff or whatever that's exactly what plugins are they're just applications for your website and every single one of them offers a different feature now this is the one that we're going to use right here it's called WooCommerce and I wonder why the e is right there I mean this is there supposed to be all mobile optimized and this does not look optimized but anyways it has more than 5 million active installs and it is extremely popular and it craps on Shopify let me say that again it craps on Shopify so let me click on the Install Now and if you want to know why it craps on Shopify because this actually has geolocate which will actually find out where your customers are and charge them a shipping price and taxes automatically Shopify offers that but you got to pay $300 a month this is free so that is a big reason to use WooCommerce it's way better right here click on activate and plus WordPress is way bigger than Shopify many WordPress powers more than one third of the Internet Shopify powers like like only like a million website or something like that not that big anyways so where is your store based so go ahead and fill this information out so I'm gonna say I'm from United States and I'll put in my pool address right here cool address 2100 and then Valencia California 9 1 3 5 5 now how do you want to be paid so do you want to get paid in dollars you want to get paid in the Thai Baht do you want to get paid in the Singapore dollar you're gonna find your currency right here so right here I'll put USD and do you plan on selling physical and digital products you can put yes or one or the other and there you go and then right here I'll click on let's go now right here they're talking about WooCommerce tracking you can opt in to have WooCommerce wash your store to see how they can improve their product or not but I'm not going to but if you want to do that you are more than welcome to now right here we have payment methods so we have stripe and PayPal now for those of you who are watching my video in the Middle East which there's a lot of countries that watch my videos in Nepal Bangladesh India etc I'll be introducing another payment processor for you guys a little bit later in the video but for people in Europe and in the United States and I believe in South America most people use stripe and PayPal PayPal or stripe is number one PayPal's number two but for right now I want you to click on this and then click on this and then I'll just put in a paypal email right now now guys don't worry about this right here because we can always come back to this later but I'm just gonna go ahead and just just click yes and then that's it but I'll show you how you can set up stripe and PayPal and all your payments and it's really easy to collect money guys it's so easy I'll show you how to do it so yeah click on continue for now we'll come back to this section at the end of the video I promise you it's the most important part of the video actually so I wouldn't skip it and if I do skip it you can give me the thumbs down you know give me the thumbs down so right here we have shipping now we can set this up right now but don't worry we'll change us later so for example what do you want to charge for shipping right maybe $5 you know now let's say for instance someone buys your product in Lithuania or let me give another shout out Bulgaria or Romania or India or Kazakhstan or something I want to charge them $10 because I just think the shipping will cost more to send these products to let the way Nia or something right now don't worry again you can always change this later and then right here I'll click on continue but wait I should actually notify Hugh so I'm from United States so your products today weigh grams kilograms pounds ounces how do you want to label your products so if you're doing something like clothes you might want to do something like once's or kilograms if you're doing something like shipping out laptops you might want to set it to pounds and also Gramps I'm from United States but I know people give us criticism for using this system but people everything the United sees is bigger so I think that's why we use the pounds and miles and Europe in other countries use the other metric system so anyway so for product like the size of everything you can do meters centimeters millimeters or inches or even yards so I'm gonna have this set to inches and go to continue so yeah I think we're on the the metric system I forgot it was the metric and then there's the other system but yeah I'm right now I'm in Thailand and they use the meters and they use the centimeters and they have no idea what a mile is oh it's pretty funny now right here we have automated taxes we have will commerce admin nail champ which is really cool and this plug-in right here for Facebook now these are all essentially really good plugins and I would recommend to use all of them in fact I do have a MailChimp tutorial and if you're really running an online store you're gonna need email marketing and I show you how to make a free email marketing campaign in that video so I'll go ahead and link it in the resources or in the description of this video but right here just click on continue so make sure these are all checked right here I do really like the automated taxes and again you will need to make a free account with however it is worth it because it's going to do all of your shipping for you which saves you a lot of time so right here click on continue with jetpack now this is gonna prompt you to make a free account with and it's gonna bring you back to your website so don't panic don't worry this is just how we can get automated taxes and automated shipping etc it's super helpful guys so right here click on continue with jetpack I don't use jetpack on normal websites but only for e-commerce yeah yeah I use jetpack you know I'm I'm guilty of that so so right now it's gonna prompt you to make an account so just go and put your email your user name and your password and click on create your account all right so it returned me to my websites and once you're back to your websites right here it's saying you know do you want tips etc so if you want to go ahead and get tips from commerce you can go ahead and opt-in etc but I don't want to do that so right here I'll just click on visit dashboard all right so now I want to show you all how to make products without having to go through their prompting system so now we have this - right here we have products and we have commerce now right here under blue commerce dashboard these are all of the essentials like you know how much money you made the gross revenue and net revenue this is a really really amazing system they recently introduced this year so I'm really excited to show you guys this it's really cool also right here we have WooCommerce settings now I'm gonna go through each of these settings in this video and I'm also going to show you how you can create custom emails as well for your website so let's go ahead and talk about now how to make products so right here we have products click on all products and right here we have no products so whenever you want to add a product right here under add new you'll click on add new or you'll click on create product it's the same thing it brings you to the same page so right here we'll add a new product right here I'm gonna click on dismiss and I'm just gonna explain to you how all this is so let's say for instance you're selling girls clothes I'm gonna put cute girls jackets right cute girls jackets and then right here you can put some description of the product right there now I want to go ahead and tell you something really quickly so let me go ahead and click on a product here I'll go ahead and exit the visual Builder and I'll just discard in exits I want to show you where the product is actually going to display that information so let me go ahead and show you really quickly so whenever you type in something on the bottom on this section right here it's going to display on the bottom right here whenever you put something in right here on the short description it's going to display right here I know it's kind of backwards so I'm just giving you an example but so I'm going to go ahead and copy this text right here and let's go ahead and start so right here we have girls cute kids go ahead and give some description now this is probably what you want to put like your cotton you know made with cotton where it's from technical details about your product so I like made in made in Japan I made with cotton made with 100% cotton etc something that you know people should know but it's not the presentation of your product right now right here we have a product data so we have simple product group products external affiliate and a variable product let's just first do a simple product so right here we have the price so what does your product cost what are you selling so how much do you want to sell your product for well right here I'm selling a girl's cute jacket and I wants $99.99 for it you know I feel I'm feeling good today but we can actually set a sale for this jacket so right here under sale price I'll tell you guys you know it's it's on sale for $49.99 and we can actually set a schedule for this sale as well so right here under sale price dates I can say you know what I want to run this sale from the 20th to the 31st like a crisp but winter something like that you know I don't know it's something win-win or something and then here we have tax status this is taxable and then tax class we'll talk more about this a little bit later we'll talked about tax and everything later in the video we're not gonna talk about it now because I don't want to confuse anybody so next we'll go ahead and click on inventory so if you have a SKU number you'll enter it right here now we're here we have managed stock now if you have this unchecked it will not display how many you have in the stock or on your websites and if you want to manage stock this is going to tell people I have 30 of these shirts left and that's it now do you want to allow back orders so basically saying if you run out of the product do you still want to have people buy it and that will create a backorder or you can allow it and also notify the customer as well now when you want to be notified when you're running low on this product maybe after 10 that's good right so this is an example of how you can manage the stock if you choose to have people see how many you have in stock a lot of websites don't have managed stock but then again it creates a scarcity if people might actually buy it because they're thinking oh my god there's only 30 left I got to buy it before it's sold out etc you know and that's kind of where marketing comes in here so we're here we have shipping and this is where you can talk about the weight so I'll just say this shirt raised around one pound which is just a lot you know and then here you can put in the dimensions like this is 12 inches the width of it is 10 the height of it is 24 inches and then shipping class don't worry about that we'll talk about that later here we have link products now we don't have any other products so I'll talk about this in the next section when we create a variable product attributes or attributes we're not going to do attributes until the next section so we'll talk about that when we talk about variable products advanced purchase notes now if someone buys us products do you want to give them a purchase note saying you made a good choice and then you can also enable reviews and then menu order this can actually assign the product in a specific order so for example right here let me go to my shop page and give you an example so right here for instance we can have this right here displayed like is number one and I believe the higher the number the higher it will display on your shop so you can kind of control where you want each specific item however you can always do this with the page bowler as well so I'll talk more about that and we talked about categories and then right here we have a product short description so I want to go ahead and add in some product short description here so I'll just go ahead and go to one of my demo products right here and I will take this copy this and then over here I'll click on this bullet points right here see here that and then this and then there we go there we go like that you know something like this so this is where you can kind of talk about your product this is like the highlights this is the important stuff is where you want to actually you know talk about your product etc what you want people to know about your product right away so something like a super amazing shirt you know super amazing shirt that toys something like that right and for product image this is where you want the image of the product so this is important so this is basically where this is the actual product of your image right there so and also if you want to give someone like an image gallery like you want to show them I guess another style of it's right here under product gallery images you'll click on another image and add this to the gallery now you're gonna see what that is in just a bit when we view the product so don't worry if you don't understand what that means for product tags we can just put like a you know shirts this will display in your store you'll see what I'm talking about in just a bit now for product categories guys I really really recommend product categories they're very very important so right here I'll do women's shirts and add this as a new category this is how you can distinct and separate your products so it's very important you have this so now that I've actually created everything let's go ahead now and publish this and see how this looks so right here I'll click on publish alright let's go ahead now and view the product so right here view the product and here we go so we have view girls jackets we have the price and then right here we have those bullets thirty in stock can be back ordered and then below that we have the description made in Japan made with 100% content etc so that's an example of how you can have this product and it looks great and we have a sidebar right here now in the later part of this video I'm going to show you how you can categorize and completely design your product pages from scratch very similar to this right here so you notice on this page how I have no sidebar just the add two cards by its etc now right here people can add this to the cart so right here add to the cards and cute girls jacket has been added to your cart so this is exactly the process of your customers and how they're going to navigate your website and then here they can view the cart etc so there we go and then people can go ahead and check out and purchase right away so purty to checkout and then go ahead and buy the product right away and then pay you and then you make money etc so it's a very fast and convenient checkout process and you can see it looks great so I'm gonna go back right here oops let me go ahead and go back so now that we have actually created this really quickly what I want to do is I want to add this to the menu I mean how can users see their accounts how can users see the checkout so we need to actually add this to our menu right here so before we create the variable product let's go ahead and add those pages to our menu so over here under dashboard again I hope you know how to do this right now so this will be like a quiz what do you guys do you know ok appearance and menus right appearance and then menus now when we installed the WooCommerce plug-in it automatically creates the pages for us which is really cool so right here we have the home Watari the shop the cart the checkout in my account and I'll add that to the menu alright so I'm gonna go ahead and change this stuff around so I'll put this right here I'll put the check out like that is a drop-down I'll put the cart like that as well and then I'll put this shop right here like that and then Save menu because I don't want people to really see the check out in the cards I just don't think it's really relevant so let me give you an example that I'm talking about so right here visit sites now over here if I hover over my account we can see the checkout in the cart and I do that because I just don't want people to see the check out as a menu option but if they choose to see it you know they can just click on checkout and they can check out their cart right there also we click on shop right now and this right here is your new shop page so this is where people can go through products and purchase stuff however we can design a custom shop page that looks a lot more attractive and a lot better than what we have by default and we'll talk more about this later in the video all right so I've shown you how to make a simple product right so now you know how to make a simple product let's talk about now how you can make a variable product so what I'll do over here is I'll go to plus new and go to product it's like a shortcut way of getting there now let's create a variable product so right here I'll do something like women's or girls girls spicy shirt I'm really bad at titles guys oh sorry that's that's what you're gonna get spicy shirt and then right here again I'll just go over here and grab some dummy text because I'm very lazy and I don't want to do this all over again I'll just go ahead and put in some short description right here and then right here made in China assembled in India something like that right and then right here we have product data so I want to do a variable product now essentially what a variable product is it is a product with variable options so size color size color style etc so variable product right now I want to go ahead and put this under women's shirt because it's under woman's shirt or we can create a new category of something like you know variable products but you wouldn't want to put variable it's a bad idea I'll just put hi-hi in shirts or you know whatever category you would want to put it under you know like woman's high so or expensive shirts or you wouldn't do high-end it would just be like a woman's woman shirts man shirts silk style shirts something like that product tags I'll just put in girls shirts I'll add that set a product image I'll go ahead and select a product image and I will select this shirt right here actually yeah this one right here set it so now we have this is our image now right here we have inventory again same thing guys you can go ahead and mess around with that shipping go ahead and put the weights the dimensions etc link products now right here we have upsells and cross-sells so what is an upsell and what is a cross sell an upsell is something that you're gonna suggest when people are viewing a specific product so for example right here we have related products these right here are upsells so this is recommending another product when they're already viewing a specific product so that is what an upsell is a cross sell is when they go to their cart right here and then right here you're gonna recommend another product so that right now is a cross sell it's recommending another prod when they're checking out so that's basically you know that's basically what upsells and cross-sells are so right here I'll put in I'll just upsell both all upsell and cross-sell both of these so the cute girls jacket the product that we previously created I want to recommend that product as an upsell all right hope you guys got that good all right cool anyways attributes so this is where we're going to use attributes and right now I'm gonna click on add and we're going to add in attributes so what you want to offer so size style color etc so right here I'll do we'll do something like size and then we have large now this next button it's the button above the enter sign on the keyboard so you're gonna hold shift and press that button like that so hope you understand where that - came from I wished in the future they would offer something a little bit more convenience but that's where you need to enter in that symbol and then we have medium and then we also have small all right and then right here use for variations save attributes all right so now it's saving our attributes and I also want color or we can do something like I don't know we can do something like yeah we'll do color so right here add and then I want color as well and I just want to be like white or black used for variations save attributes so this is basically saying I want to offer a specific size and also a specific color so maybe you're selling t-shirts and you have a black shirts rights and you have a white shirt and they have three sizes something like that right now now right here under variations right here click on create variations from all attributes and click on go and click on OK I always click on OK don't look at the warning signs you know so now it's actually propagating all of these sizes and the colors all right so six durations added here I'll click on continue so now we have the large whites the large black medium whites medium black and then small whites and small black right so now we right here click on this little triangle icon and now you need to set a specific image for the large white so right here upload an image now guys I'll be very honest with you all I'm not gonna lie see close that it's being weird alright so variable images your variable products guys can upload an image now you have these images right here so verbal products guys can take quite a bit of time so I'm gonna select this one right here because this is a white shirt right set variation image now you need to set the price guys if you don't set the price this product will not display so it's required so I'm gonna say there's the large white costs $100 right and that's basically it and they'll just go ahead and close this and then large black now variable products you need to set this for every single variation which can take a little bit of time guys it's not like really fast so for example right here upload an image now we're putting the large black right so here I'll put the large black shirt and then use your variation so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go through each of these and fill each and every one out so right here large whites and then set the price and I think I forgot the price on the other one right here so the large black open this hundred dollars you need to make sure you set the price guys because again remember the product will not display if the price is not there for every single one and then right here we have medium black etc so you now you know if you know you know what you have to do right you have to just go through each one and you can price these differently so right here small whites I'll just grab this right here and then put the small 50 bucks so they get a discount for being for big small you know for for maintaining good weight you know we're giving them the small so here also set this to black right here like that it's a variation and then $50 for the small black and that's it so we are done at this point so right now click on Save Changes and that's a new feature they added Save Changes right there because I think what happened was before and an update when you would click on update sometimes it wouldn't update and you lost all of the work that you did which can be very frustrating so let's go ahead and check this out so we have the variations all added now right here we have default form values so this is the default of what it's going to be so I'm just gonna put the we'll just put the the white one is a medium white is default alright and then right here I'm gonna click on publish and you're going to see what we've done now one thing I want to also note is that if you don't want a sidebar right here on a page layout you can just put no sidebar and then click on publish and we'll see what that's done now up here we'll click on View product and here we go okay so the white shirt is set the default rights now let's just say I want the large and the black so now we have the large black shirt rights and then again medium black medium small and you can see the price is $50 and then right here medium white etc so now it's $50 and then again we can add this to the cart now guys we can take money right away on this website don't think that this is like some like you know it's a tour where we can't take money all you have to do is put in the email address in our settings and it's connected and connected and done and I mean this is a live ecommerce website and I could take money right away so I want you to fully understand everything though before we jump into the payment gateways because I don't want you know I want you guys to do this the right way you know that's why my tours are longer but they're extremely detailed to make sure that you know everything that you need to know so again this is good so now we have a variable product guys so congratulations you now know how to do simple products and also variable products now right here under the shop page we have all the products that are automatically displayed right here now also we can do is we can sort this out by popularity by average rating sort by latest or also what cost less so low to high or we can do something like a high to low we don't have a lot of products on here so it's really you know not easy to see now let's just click on one of these right here and right here you can see we have these categories so we have women's shirt girls spicy shirt now right here if I click on women's shirts it's going to bring us to a category page now this category page is women's shirts now over here I'll click on this jacket right here and again women's shirts girls cute jacket etc so I can click on this right here or even down here at woman's shirt and it's going to bring us to a section where all of the categories are ok so I just want you to understand why we have the categories now right here high end shirts we only have one product there right so if I click on it all of the high-end shirt product categories will be displayed right here so for example if you want to sell something like watches iPhones you would have to make a category for watches / iPhones / tablets etc that's how you can kind of categorize your store etc so categories are extremely important so I just want to make you understand categories before we move on to the next section but again that is an example of products I've just shown you how to make a simple product and also a variable product as well so let's go back to our homepage now also before we go ahead and talk about the rest of the homepage if you want to add your product categories to your menu you can also do that so really quickly just in case you want to know how that works over here I'm gonna go to my dashboard and then I'll go to appearance and go to menus now over here on the left side you're gonna see product categories show up right here sorry product categories product categories so right here we have woman shirts and high in shirts and this can be something like for example tablets computers iPhones speakers etc so if you want to add a category to your menu just click on the category and click on Add to menu and it's going to go ahead and add the to your menu and you can always put this you know below your shop age like like as a hover option or you can just add it right there and click on save menu you'll see now that woman's shirts now displays and any category in that section people can actually access right away and purchase the product right away on your website later in this video I'm gonna show you how you can edit this whole page and make it look how you want it to look but for now let's just go ahead and finish the rest of the homepage so right here we have the bestsellers and you can see right here on our test website they go ahead and show you all how this works we have four categories I'm sorry four columns so let's go ahead and enable the visual builder now there's a lot of different ways on how you can design and decorate your products when you display it on a certain page so for example right here I'll click on the gear icon and then here we have product view type so we have recent products top-rated products best-selling products etc or you can do product category so let's say for instance you want to create a category for tablets or for phones or something like that you can go ahead and say you know what I only want the high-end shirts to be displayed on the front page so I'm just giving you an example of how you can category products and list them anywhere on your website you can have both categories displayed etc so that's just a win how you can put the specific products on a you know any part of the website that you want et cetera now right here we have column layout so we have one column which will make the product image very big or you can have something like two columns or three columns etc so just giving you an example of how you can design your your products etc so I think most people have something like 4 right 4 images something like that or 3 you know you can kind of decide how you want it to look right here we have elements pagination it's basically just like a little filter on the bottom but I'm not going to have that in fact it kind of ruins the products right here link I'm not going to use the link because these are already linked to their products background again you can go ahead design the background for this but if you use a background you might want to have transparent backgrounds for your products because if not you're gonna get this block effect so I'm just basically saying you know how you can design stuff now right here we have content as well you've already seen all of this now right here we have actually before we go on product counts that is how many products you want to be displayed so let's say for instance you have high end shirts but you have a hundred products in high end shirts and this will basically limit the amount of products that can be shown on the page so maybe you only want a total of nine products to be displayed on the homepage or whatever page you put it on etc here let's go to design here overlay this is just an overlay color you can choose to have it's a specific overlay color so right here you can see it has the plus and then over here we have red etc so I don't I'm not a big fan of that so maybe just you know you can leave it this is something like that or you can put black you know whatever you want to do also the hover icon so you can have an icon when they hover over its image right here you can go ahead and change the image you can have rounded images etc so here I'll go ahead and do something like you know 50 and you can see now how the images are becoming circular see that so that's basically how you can achieve that effect with rounded corners now guys there's a lot of different ways on how you can display products you know you can get really artsy and decorated by using these image borders so for example I'll put this image border right here and then put in something like this right here so you know maybe this is like the style and design of your website and you can change this to any color you want so you know it can work you know I'm just telling you that's you can design this you know you can add in another one on the top right here like this etc to represent your images so you know be creative be mindful have fun you know you can design it the way you want it to look I'll leave it like that you know actually no no I'll take that what am I thinking I I'm not a big fan of all that stuff so I'll just change this back to 0 and then again over here I'll change this to 0 as well now right here we have the we have the image right border style so you can have set to - that's if you have a border style and I don't have one so I'm just not gonna even mess with that image box-shadow this is actually pretty popular you can have a box shadow like that to represent your products etc so you can kind of choose which box how you want and then you can go is go ahead and change the actual style of the box now with all these settings right here and also with the shadow color etc image hue so this is essentially Photoshop built into your website and also every image that you upload onto your website has this feature as well so not only your products do your shop module does as well so you can kind of go to these settings and mess around with them and you know if you this is what you want to get really creative etc I'm not gonna go through each of these step-by-step guys because I'll take way too long star rating if someone rates your products where do you want to start to be aligned usually I want them in the middle but if your titles are on the left side you want them on the left side the the the star rating guys that's when someone rates your products there'll be little stars right here and let me see if I have an example right here so you can see right here how their stars I want the stars in the middle and I want them kind of like black and then I can change those rating size as well so that's just an example of when the stars will appear so I just wanted you to understand where they where they go and then right here we have text and then we can go ahead put the text in the center and you can add all these different animations and stuff like that now I've already shown you guys these texts are I mean this stuff right here is already the same thing so I'm not really gonna go too much into this but again this is like the same settings as before title text the fonts the color the size I think by now you guys know you know title size etc you'll just go to these options right here and just choose what you want because I've already showed you about this right here price text so this is the font for the actual number so if you want to go ahead and add in a specific font for the number you can do that so I'm just showing you how you can kind of create different styles of you know how you want it to look et cetera so here I'll just change it something like medium and then you can always design and decorate your price right there and then the sales badge so if the product is on sale it'll show like a little on sale button right there and then you can go is go ahead and design it so you can add a background color to it etc let's see if I have something here on sale go ahead and just put something on sale in your sights and then you'll see it's it's a little banner that it's a little badge that displays right there so that's where the sales badge would appear it'll I think it appeared a little top right side and then right here sizing etc you can change the width of everything etc so this is just options again for you know the same things we did before box shadows filters transform this is actually a pretty cool feature but I would use this on images where you can kind of change stuff and how you want to look like right here you can rotate everything or SKU it's you know if you want to get crazy oh it's just a creative way how you can you know present your products etc this stuff right here to me is too much but people out there like this stuff and want this stuff so if you want to go ahead and do something really creative and tricky this is where you can go ahead and do it so yeah so that's just about how you can transform stuff and mess around with stuff etc so I'm gonna go ahead just close that because I I settle messed up and stuff like that but that's just an example of how you can design your shop page with all this stuff etc animation this is actually for every single module so you can slide it in you can bounce it you can zoom its flip it's fold its roll its etc and then you can change the speed of it as well to be slower remember the more MS the slower and also for these options if you want it to be something a little bit longer just type it in this is three seconds and then this is five seconds so that's just an example of how you can change the animation etc and then go ahead and measure all these options and you know see what's good for you et cetera so I've shown you basically how you can design your products on a specific page so let's keep going here so let's go back to my home page right here and gonna do this last section which is this bliss section and then we're gonna set up this section along with this section right here just more training and teaching how do you did how to do all this so just by looking at this guy's I hope you understand what this is this is a two column row two column row we added a background right here and this is a call-to-action and going right here this right here is a three column row and we're going to use blurbs this right here is a two column row this is a text module a divider module a text module and a button module this right here is a text module a divider module and an email opt-in module so I'll show you how to set all that up so let's first go ahead and do this section right here so right here I'll click on this plus icon go to regular and this is a two column row right two column row and I'm gonna set call to action right here in fact you know what guys I'm a little lazy actually no I was gonna say duplicate this section right here but yeah I guess we could do that here oh this carnal changes I'll go ahead and duplicate this twice right and then I'll click on this and I'll drag it with my middle mouse and drop it right there and then this one I'll delete it see that and then I'll go back up here I'll take this I'll just write it right here and drop it so we have this section now I hope you guys know how we how we have this two column row again so right here I'll go to this row setting design sizing gutter with changes to one right and then for the width 100 percent and then change the max width something like that's alright and then also again we can add in petting right here to make this a little bit bigger so I'll just put this is something like I'll just do 150 again and then also right here we'll do 150 150 and then we'll do the same thing on this side as well so 150 and then we'll do something like 150 pretty quick section right you guys thought it was gonna take a long time so we have this section now under this gear icon all I need to do now is go to the background and change this change it to something like we had before here I'll put in this guy right here I'll save it and then copy this and then we'll go ahead and do the background delete that add a background image and add in to girl this time so essentially all's I did here guys was I just copied modules now when you're working on your website you want to go ahead and make sure that you basically if there's something that you can use just copy it and bring it up on a different part of your website you don't have to redo everything from scratch I mean that can take a really long time so in a matter of a few seconds we just made another section which is pretty easy so I've shown you how to make this section right now let's talk about something that we haven't talked about which is blurbs which is this section right here so right here I'll click on this plus icon regular now you're more than welcome to kind of mess around with your models at this point but let me just show you how to do this so right here three and right here we have all these modules so you know you can go through each of these modules and just understand what they are so for example a testimonial module and then here you can put an image put in some text and then you know the name goes here etc I'll click on trash and then plus but I want to use a blurb I'm sorry a C blurb yeah blur right here so a blurb is actually a little different because you can display icons right here so for example right here I'll put something like free shipping free shipping and then right here we'll put in some contents now all right here we have image and I con so right here I don't want an image so i'ma trash the image and I want to use an icon right here and over here I can go ahead and put in an icon so I believe right here I have something like a cart so I'm gonna go ahead and find the cart icon if I can find it because there are a lot of icons right here do you guys see it somewhere let's see if we can find the card so we have trash can here it is cart and then again we can always style this right here by going to design image an icon change this to black and you can also have a circle icon as well and then you can always change the circle icon color but I don't want to do that so I'll just leave it like that you can also put it to the left like that I mean that's also kind of a cool style but I just want this at the top and then you can also change the font of this as well I'm sorry the font size now for the text right here I can put this too centered and then again same settings guys so same exact thing so options we can change the font the font style the body text the sizing so you can see now how all of these are the same exact options so I'm not gonna go into every single one again because I've already showed you guys how to do that's but let me show you how I achieved these lines right here which is pretty unique so what I'm gonna do now is duplicate this section put it right there see right all right all right there we go copy it and then drag it right there now in this section right here I want to add a border on the outside of both so right here I'll click on this icon under the module settings go to design and I want to add a border so you know guys borders are I mean WordPress in general it's all about being creative you know whatever you can think of to achieve it you can use it you know so right here under this border style I want to add one pixel give you an example one pixel and I want to you know use like a faded gray color you know I think that color is a little bit too bright so something something like that right there like that so you can see to hear how the border is displayed now there's a few other options on how you can achieve like how you can adjust the padding so I can make this text go inward like that to get it away from that little line or I can go to this module and add it in on this side you understand ur stand what I'm trying to get out so it's all about what you can do to accomplish what you're trying to make so right here gear icon I'll do it for the left side design find the border and then for the left side I'll add a pixel of one so right here left border of one now you see the border to displace and I'll just make it gray you know make it a little bit lighter something like that something like that you know just something a different way on how we can achieve some sort of design I mean you can add a border to the top to wherever you want to do you can extend this column whatever you want to do so I'm just giving you an example of how you can achieve that specific section etc now for this section right here I decided to take it out of the tutorial because I find that it's just a little confusing for beginners now if you want to go ahead and down this section you go to my website and download it for free it's actually included for free on my home page layout so you can go ahead and access it and upload it to your website but I will be making probably a second video on how to make this section in a later video so basically guys I've shown you how to make a home page from scratch so now you can kind of go ahead and just say you know I want to add in something right here I'll add in a regular section two columns I'll add in something like a contact form over here and then I'll add in something like a blurb over here etc and then again you can always adjust this you can push it around so again it's just all about being customizable and you know achieving how you want it to look et cetera now I won't actually move on to the part where we're talking about the products more the shop page so what I've done for you guys is I've actually gone ahead and created the about Us page for you and also the contact us page as well so I want to now show you how you can import templates onto your website because you know now that you guys understand how to use this I don't want to go ahead and you know do the about us and the contact us from scratch again because that's just redundant and it's wasting too much time so let's go ahead and move on to the next section or we're talking about the about Us page and the contact us page now I want you to go to my websites I want you to go to Darrell Wilson com and I actually have a free template to give you guys that you guys can download for free and import it to your website and I want to show you how to do that as well so right here under view layouts we'll go ahead and check out some layouts up there is my notice now I have tons of layouts and these are all for free don't cost you anything at all but over here under two we have the Divi ecommerce layouts now this is exactly what I created in the demo so everything that you guys see here you guys can actually download it for free on my website it includes the home page Devadas page etc so go ahead and add it to the cart and go ahead and purchase it and it's free so this is essentially what commerce this is exactly what I'm showing you guys how to use so view the cart and then you guys can always go ahead and download it now when you download it I'm gonna go ahead and reduce the size of this window really quickly OOP and close that and right here you'll get a Divi ecommerce pack dot zip go ahead and double click on this and you'll get this folder like this you'll go ahead and open this and you're going to see Jason files so we have about us contact us and then the home page etc so basically these are templates and I'll show you how you can upload these to your websites so there's a few ways on how to do this but right here I'm clicking on exit the visual builder and click on save and exits all right now right here just click on the about us so first enable the visual builder alright both from scratch close that so now I want to go ahead and take this about us and just drag it right here and then just import the Divi Builder layout just like that and just like that guys all of the stuff that I worked on everything is now automatically imported on to your website so this will drastically speed up the process of the website because I know you know you might have to kind of mess around with this and change stuff and you can tweak it how you want to look etcetera so I've basically made preemie templates for you guys as well so you know it's just a way of just helping you guys out and being courteous so I've shown you guys how to basically import a layout right so I made the home page for you or made the about us the home page the contact us so right here contact us and then I'll enable the visual builder and right here under the contact us section right here I'll go ahead and drag that right here here I'll build this from scratch and then I'll go ahead and just drag this right here drop it and import its sorry import it and then import Divi builder layouts all rights and then there you go guys you guys now have a fully functional ecommerce website up and running now there is a contact form right here and I have a full tutorial on this contact form and I'll go ahead and put that in the resources slash description so right here into the gear icon you guys can kind of go through the the contact the contact I'm sorry the signup form or the contact form but the most important thing right here is you put in your email address right here and then that will go to your email address now I'll go ahead and put a whole another video on the contact module because it's very very dynamic and I don't want to waste another hour talking about the contact form because I thought I could you know I really good but I just want to go ahead and speed up the process of this video so basically now we have a fully functional website we have the home page we have the about Us page we have the shop page we have the category page we have the contact us page as well so now let's talk about the essentials before we talk about the commerce product page and the payment gateways is how you getting paid let's talk now about the theme customizer so I'm proud of you guys you know that was pretty easy now you've basically learned a big overview of how to make a website so now you know how to create pages add a menu create any sort of page that you want and I've basically made an entire template for you now let's go ahead and talk about the theme customizer now the theme customizer is included in every WordPress theme it decorates things like the header and the footer and also sidebars for your shop page as well and it's important to learn this before we jump into the shop because you would need to know a little bit more about the bean customizer before we talk about the shop page so with that said let's go and talk about the theme customizer so now let's talk about the theme customizer of Divi so over here under your WordPress you'll click on theme custom now essentially what the theme customizer is is it can apply global settings to your website you can also change the footer and also the header of your website so right here we have general settings and you guys have noticed that when I create module sometimes by default it's set to Poppins so if you want to set something like a global header font you can just set it right here or you can change it and it'll go ahead and apply to your entire website so something like that that's why whenever I created new modules it actually had a specific font by default because I was already messing around this before the video to be honest to you know get stuff ready and check stuff out so anyways we have site identity now the site identity will basically displace up here but we already have an icon I'm sorry a logo so if you don't want the logo you can actually go ahead and disable it in the Divi options which we'll talk about in a little bit but most people want a logo on their website also here for site icon a site icon is essentially the icon on the browser so for example I'll just select this icon right here click on select now right here I'll just put the D the Big D and you can see right here the D is right there so if you want to display a specific icon that's how you would achieve that section so you know when you go to web sites you see like that little icon of their company or something like that that's how you can achieve that specific section so I'll go ahead and crop it and then now you can see up here on the top left how it displays on the browser so pretty cool coming back here we have some settings now you know topography and background a lot of these settings are virtually useless because the page builder is already doing it now if we did not have a module right here the background color would display where this is but you know I don't even think they should have this option here anymore to be honest had our navigation so right here under header and format we had different header styles so we have centered we have Center aligned with the logo we have slide in which when they click it'll slide in like that and we also have fullscreen which when they click on it it'll embed the entire screen so right here I'll go back to default now it also have vertical navigation which is pretty cool so you can have your menu right here on the left side like that you can also have it on the right side as well it's kind of like a new trend style you know some websites have that style some websites don't but again that's up to you so I'm gonna leave this is something like a centered align with logo actually I'll just do well just do default and then also right here we have the hide navigation until scroll so that means the bar is gone but if I scroll down it will now display right here so that's what that means but I'll just leave it as default and leave that like that go back over here primary menu bar we can make this full width like that we can change the menu Heights like that's we can also go ahead and change the logo max height as well so you want the logo bigger or smaller you can do that the text size you can make the text bigger or smaller etc now you can go to these options because these are just customization options and you know you can kind of understand what these are but there is one thing I do want to talk about is the background color now if you wants a transparent background you'll go ahead and click on the color and this little section right here you'll go ahead and reduce that and now you see the image how it's coming into play so right there the image is hidden and then the image is there now so that's an example of how you can have a transparent menu so I'm gonna publish that and leave the transparent menu on alright and then go back here a secondary menu bar so above this menu up here we can have a secondary menu bar and it's just basically a secondary menu bar it's really small to get it to work you have to go to see it is under the header elements and then just go ahead and put in some information right here and then once you actually put this info you'll have to go ahead and click on publish and then it'll display above it sorry here I'll click on publish just to give you an example I'll close it and there you go so this is the secondary menu bar and it's also pretty cool because it displays your number of as well so I think that's pretty cool so if you want to create a custom header I think activating the secondary menu is a really good idea because then people here can click on see all of their stuff etc so yeah let's go ahead and go back to our home page and keep crushing the theme customizer now essentially every theme has a theme customizer and they all provide different features and options but it's right here under the elements I want to go ahead and just get rid of this I don't want the secondary I don't want the secondary one right now to be honest so I'm just not a fan take that off so let's keep going here so again these options are for the header etc you guys know how to do that footer options as well so the footer options right here we have layout and we have different columns so let's say for example we want a four column row click on back right here we have widgets and then this is where you can style the widgets so what I should probably do here is I should probably add a widget to the footer to give you guys an example really quickly so over here under widgets I'll go ahead and go to footer area one and we'll add a widgets what do you want to put under footer area one there's a bunch of different widgets and you can go ahead and just grab something like text and you can put something like about us and then you can talk about your company like we got started in our basements something like that you know and then you can go ahead and talk about your company I'll publish that and then go back right here for footer area too we can add in another widgets and this can be something like I don't know whatever you want to add products you can add your products here so I'll just put something like two products because that's all we have and all of your products will display on your footer and it looks really really clean so that looks really cool go back over here footer area 3 out of widgets and then right here we'll probably add pages and then you can add in your you know pages something like that's if you want to add in that and then go back over here footer area for etc so at this point just go ahead and mix and match whatever you want to add you know you can add in products you can add in pages you can add in a calendar and image filtered by price your carts so if you want to display your cart to people you can display it right there and then they can checkout directly on their footer so that's pretty cool so here I'll click on publish and that's a quick rundown of like the footer etc so let's go ahead and go back and back again and a lot of these options guys you know I don't recommend them to be honest because for example buttons you know I don't want to navigable II because some buttons are different than the others so you know at this point I don't want to use this button you know module mobile styles right this is basically showing you what looks like on a tablet phone and etc I'll talk more about this a little bit later in the video as far as mobile optimization goes color schemes you can have different color schemes to your sites but then again we already set the color scheme and I don't really want to change this because it affects a lot of our modules and it just gets in the way of my design and you know the theme customizer it's important but the only thing you're gonna use a theme customizer for is the header and the footer and then to check the home page settings and then when you create a blog you can assign a blog page so that's the only reason why I think is use a theme customizer also right here for WooCommerce we have store notice and this right here will actually enable a store notice and this is actually pretty good for coupons which I'll talk about more in a little bit but so right now you can see at the bottom where it says this is for demo purposes only you can put something like use Darryl 99 for 10% off like that I think that's a good reason to use the WooCommerce notice in my opinion product catalogs this is where you can show your you know your products etc now personally I don't recommend using this too much because with this theme we can design everything by ourselves and we don't really need to use the theme customizer too much product images this is just doing like the main image with but by default everything you know everything looks good so I wouldn't really mess with these settings too much and then check out as well now check out it's actually pretty important so this can actually go ahead and do the company name is optional or required etc so if you want to go ahead and have some sections that are you know that you really really want to have like for example your phone field you can have that required or optional etc and then you can always go ahead and mess around with these settings like terms and conditions you can a set a specific page for a terms and conditions you can also set a specific page for a privacy policy page and I hope you know how to do that so if you don't know how to do that you would just go ahead and add a page and then just go ahead and paste the content and I'll show you after I'm done with this but let's just keep going really quickly so here again additional CSS this would apply for developers so this literally wouldn't apply for most people but that's just a quick rundown of the the section right here now let's say for instance you want to have a privacy policy page like I talked about so right here under plus new click on page and then this is like privacy policy policy and right now I want to use the default editor so this is just like the default WordPress stuff and what I can do over here is I'll just go ahead and grab in some dummy text like this really quick right here and then I'll just paste it like that you know I'll just paste some demo content and essentially this is like the terms of agreements or the privacy policy etc so a privacy policy I'll click on publish and publish there we go and I'll actually go ahead and assign a privacy policy page so let's go ahead and go to actually we'll go to our dashboard right here and this is another way on how you can access the theme customizer is right here customize your sites so both ways brings you to the theme customizer it's the same thing guys it's the same the same way same style right here under blue commerce we have the checkout and then right here a privacy policy page we can set that to privacy policy etc so that's just about how you can assign your privacy policy page and also your terms and conditions as well so and the terms and conditions they will actually have to check this in order to purchase the item and that's good because that'll prevent you from chargebacks I know a lot of these dirtbags on the internet so you like to buy stuff and charge it back and if you don't know what charge backs are you might be in for a rude awakening as I get I've got to charge backs on client sites all the time it's basically where people call your bank and their bank and say they don't know who purchased it and they try to like claim fraud and they try to get your item at the same time I know right welcome to e-commerce so that's just an example of how you can set your terms and conditions pages etc so I'm gonna close this now now in a nutshell guys that is the theme customizer it's essentially changing the header and the footer and various options as well now when you install certain plugins like for example a facebook like box or something else you're gonna notice that you get little more little you know notices right here so by default will commerce isn't here but when you install the WooCommerce plug-in it then becomes available so when you install plugins you might get options for those plugins and there's over 55,000 plugins guys so I don't really know what plugins are gonna be on your theme customizer so that again is a nutshell of the theme customizer now did he also has theme options as well so over here under Divi we have theme options and this is where you can upload your logo and this also provides additional options for the theme and personally I think they should probably put this in the theme customizer because a lot of these should be in the theme customizer you know like do you want to show the Facebook icon at the bottom of the page etc Google+ it looks like they'll have to retire that because there is no more Google+ so I think they should actually get rid of that they probably will in a future update now right here is where you can upload your logo now if you don't have a logo you guys can go to I'll put a link in the resources slash of the description and this is a great website where you can get a logo in fact I got my logo here and you can get a logo for just like $5 and personally guys there's like websites where you can get like free logos but they're really really crappy and you don't want to use those you can hire someone over here for as little as like a zero to ten dollars and these guys will make you a really nice beautiful some logo and you can just see examples you know for example let's see for example we'll find someone like this those are some decent logos over here as well and over here as well so these guys can provide you a custom logo starting at just $5 and I do have a coupon code for this website I think you get rid of the code darrel 10 at checkout you will save 10% off your first order so if you're doing this and you spend $5 you will save a whopping 50 cents so that's just an example or that's just if you want to use this website but I've used this site before and that's where I've met my developer so and you also have like WordPress problems you guys can also just do something like WordPress and you'll find a lot of people out there willing to help you et cetera so that's a quick little rundown of the Divi theme options so just go ahead and read through these options and you'll kind of understand what they do date formats smooth scrolling really cool back to top button which is really cool at the bottom of the page it'll display a back to top button here you can go ahead and you know enable responsive images it's already enabled by default and then so on and so forth navigation as well so these options you guys might not use too much but just go through some of these options right here read about them see if they're for you or not a lot of these options personally I don't even use to be honest like I don't even use the SEO or the ads or the layouts the Builder I've used that maybe once or twice on a client's website when they had a custom post type for a plug-in called buddypress but most of you won't use this stuff navigation again if you guys don't know what this is just don't touch it most of you guys won't even use this stuff except for the general you know like smooth scrolling the back to top button I mean that's something ideal that you would probably use so once you're done making the changes you'll click on Save Changes and then again you'll always see those being applied to your site so you can see here how it's being smooth scrolled like that and then also right here if I click on this and I'll bring me to the top so those are what those options are so again guys I've talked to you about the theme customizer the Divi theme options where you can upload your logo let me give you an example really quickly of uploading the logo so let me just give you an example of that so I'll just go ahead and upload my logo so theme options just gave you an idea of how this looks so right here under logo I'll click on upload and then I'll go ahead and select my logo upload the files my is on the desktop right here and then upload this and then once you're done you'll go over here and click on set as logo and click on Save Changes and then over here go to visit sites and voila there is my logo so that's just to win how you can upload your logo so again guys you know hopefully by now you guys know how to design your homepage the about Us page and feel free to practice guys pause the video practice see how I did this I mean this right here is a two column row a text module divider text module a bar module and then just so on and so forth so a lot of this stuff you'll just see is just trial and error you kind of learn it as you go this right here is a four column row and I added a payton cover a color over those images so i just go ahead and if you think i'm going too fast pause the video you know mess around with stuff you know go ahead and make your own page and then go ahead and you know get comfortable with it before you move on to the next section but in this next section guys we're going to go ahead and decorate the shop the shop category and then we'll do the products so you see over here how the shop page is really ugly and over here we have a very nice custom shop page that looks pretty creative so i'll show you how you can turn this or this into something like this right here so let's go ahead and go on to the next section or we're gonna talk about the shop page so your site's coming along pretty well now in this next section I'm going to show you how to create a custom shop page and a custom product category shop page as well now it's very important to have a very nicely designed shop page because that's really how you money no one's gonna buy stuff on an ugly website I mean that's the reality of web design so it's very important you have a nicely designed shop page and a nicely designed product shop product category page as well now also there are certain products I didn't mention like group products affiliate products I always showed you how to create a simple and available product if you want to go ahead and create other products and you want to learn more about WooCommerce I have a separate tutorial as well and I'll put this in description below it talks about how to create digital products affiliate products group product etc but I just don't really want to waste a lot of time on it so if you interested in creating those products I'll leave that in the description below let's go ahead and go on to the next section where we are going to talk about the shop page ok party people so in this section we're going to turn our shop page into something a little bit more customizable now right here this is our default shop page and I want to turn our shop page into something like this right here where we have full customizable control over our shop page and if you've noticed you went to your shop page the visual builder has disappeared that's because this is a custom post type meaning we cannot use the Builder on this page however with the new latest theme updates we are going to build our shop page through the theme builder so right here go to dashboard and also right here go to Divi and go to theme builder now essentially what the theme builder is is basically it allows you to build any sort of part of your websites even through custom post types and if you don't know what that means basically we can build any page anywhere that's basically all you need to know so right here click on add new templates now you'll see this right here you'll see all pages home page posts archive pages and also WooCommerce pages and then we have products as well so right here I'll click on the shop page and go to creative templates so now what I'm doing essentially is I am now creating my personal shop page through the theme builder now again you don't know what I'm talking about don't worry because what I'm gonna we're gonna add we're gonna build our shop page right here so right here click on add a custom body and build a custom body so now what we're going to do is we're essentially going to build our shop page through the theme builder so right here build from scratch now I want to build this right here so this is the page I want to build and right here this is a text module with the backgrounds this right here is a two column row a sidebar and then this right here is the shop module and that as its so that's basically how I achieved this section so let me demonstrate now you don't have to follow me step-by-step I actually do have templates for you all but again you need to understand how to use this because if you don't then you're gonna have a lot of problems so right here I actually want to select a three column row and you'll understand why in just a bit so I know that seems weird but I want to add a new module and I want to select a text module right here and over here I'll type in I'll just type in a fashion yeah a fashion so you would put something that you want and I'll put this as heading one and I'll design this to be something like poppins is already set to the theme customizer remember and then over here Alwine this is the center like that right and I'll make this a little bigger maybe 40 and if you've noticed over here I have this box right here now there's a few ways on how you can do this you can do this with custom CSS or you can do this with a three-column module so I'm gonna go ahead and go to border right here and I'm gonna click on this icon and then I will add in a custom border like that something that looks like that right there see that so now I'm adding a custom border and then again we can always go ahead and design something from scratch like you know there we go or you know you can mess around with this etc now if you notice right here it's too close everything's too close so what I want to do now is I probably want to go ahead and add on some padding right padding remember how to do that padding so over here in our spacing I want to add in some padding right here so I'll probably put in something like 25 25 and then over here I'll do something like I don't know ten and ten and then we can make this bigger etc so I'm just showing you how you can adjust this so maybe we can make this a little even a little bit bigger something like that I don't know you can be the judge I'm just showing you how I achieved that section now over here I want to add in a background so backgrounds image background image I'll select this right here upload an image now what I can do now is I can actually go ahead and put this on or something like cover and then I can go ahead and you know we can position this differently so top rights center rights bottom Center etc and then you know you can position the image how you want it to look but I think let's do something like I don't know top left something like that that's ideal right so I'm gonna leave it like that now over here you've noticed now mine's actually much mine's is actually much smaller than this one but you get the idea right so I'm just showing you how I did it but this I made it a little bit more smaller so now over here you've noticed that I have a sidebar so what I did right here was I'll click on plus go to specialty oh no I don't need to use specialty actually I'll click on check plus regular and I'll go by a one by four section so this section right here it's a one by one it's so it's a two section row but it's like one and and like one-third or something like that so just take your time to find it and that's the one I use right there now over here I'm gonna type in sidebar and use the sidebar right here all right now right here we have widget area and I just want to leave it as sidebar and then over here under this new module I'm gonna type in shop and there you go so now I basically have my shop products being displayed right there and you can customize this in any way now I want to reiterate here you can design this any which way you want I mean I can even add in for example right here I'll put in something else like I'll add in something like three blurbs and you can add in something you know like right here this can say something like sale you can put in something over here like an image whatever however you want to create your websites you know here you can put a product of an image or person of an image and just say this is a great product buy it etc or you can just go ahead and do something very standard mmm which is basically adding in like a text module and then you could put something like a cyber monday deals or a black black friday deals and then over here just you know center line it's and then you can design this section however you want it and then maybe lift this up so i'm just explaining to you all how you would build your shop page right here now again over here you can see how I just basically centered a line the title and I just changed the text that's all I really did here so for example I'll just go ahead and show you the gear icon design we have the text title this one right here and I change this to bold and then poppins and I centered it and then you'll probably want to do the same thing for the text right there so something like that and this is how you can kind of design and decorate your shop page now let's just go ahead and quickly go ahead and save this really quickly so I just gave you a quick example of how to design your shop page don't worry about the sidebar and all this ugly stuff I'm going to talk about how you can add really cool widgets to it so I saved this right now now over here on the top right I'll close this and I have a custom body and right here I'll click on Save Changes so now let's go ahead and visit the sites and go back to our shop page and now you've noticed that this is now our new shop page so when I click on the shop page link our shop page has now changed and transform into something that you can customize and you can have full control over now when we have a sidebar right here you've noticed that we don't have any options over here to change anything in fact even with the builder we can't do that so we have to do that right here through the widget section so let me show you how to get there so right here on our dashboard you'll go to appearance and go to widgets and widgets are very important because it basically will display all this stuff right here so for example right here I have product categories filter by price and latest products so you can do the same thing so right here in our sidebar I want to go ahead and delete all this stuff this is all the default stuff that comes with WordPress and we don't need it so go ahead and just delete all this stuff I mean archives post categories we're not even using a blog so like we don't need any of this stuff right here so I'm gonna go ahead and delete all this stuff and let's go ahead and search through some widgets right here so right here we have product search product ratings products product tagcloud etc I wish they would actually have this to go down instead of us having to scroll like you know like sticky but yeah so that's what we got to deal with so right here I'll just do product search I'll just throw it in there and then product search save this and then we'll do something like product categories right just so just drag-and-drop product categories and then here you can have more options and filter by a certain way so if you want to do that you can and then for people who are on welfare we can do filter by price so filter products by price and then drop it right there and then all right here I have recently reviewed products so when someone actually looks at a product we can actually remark it to them right on the website so let's go ahead and scroll down right here and go to the see it's recently viewed product here it is recent product reviews or recently reviewed products that's what we want to grab so whenever someone looks at a product we will recommend it again to them on the left side now also one thing I want to show you the image module now this is a tactic that I have this that's really cool that a lot of people don't even think about which is really ironic so if you go to the image module right here I'll go ahead and drag this right here and I bet you're wondering Darrell why do you want to put an image right here well what you can do here is you can actually put marketing banners right here like add two widgets and you can put a coupon code you can put an offer right here on the actual shop page and I don't see many people doing this and I don't understand why it's kind of crazy so here I'll click on save now coupon deal so you know you could put a coupon deal or whatever you can also put a link to somewhere but I don't want to do that now this is a very bad banner but you can just go to like Shutterstock or something and just type in like a you know 25% off banner etc now I just added the sidebar in there so I've saved everything let's go ahead now and take a look at our shop page so shop right here and now you can see our sidebar has changed so now we have product search product categories filter by price and I'm gonna click on this really quickly and then go back to woman shirts I'm gonna click around for a bit so I'm just gonna click around just to navigate the websites etc also right here you can see our sidebar is being displayed now we could take that off at any time so don't worry and then I'll click on this and then I'll go back to shop all right and now you can see recently viewed products you can see now how these are now being displayed now if you want to change these fonts and everything you'll have to do that to the theme customizer so theme customizer and then you'll go ahead and go to the typography and you can go ahead and change the the font the size the color etc so right here you can just click on this I'm sorry not that go back over here and then we have our leave is under general settings or typography general settings typography and we can go ahead and change the actual style of this if you choose to do that I feel a bold is probably better so you can kind of see how you can kind of get a design and change stuff like that so what you'd probably want to do here is you would want to go ahead and design this first and then you can actually build your product page so these settings don't override so I'm just giving an example of if you want to make changes to the sidebar this is how you would do it so yeah so that's basically a quick rundown of how you can design your own custom shop page and that think that's pretty self-explanatory right now right here let's say you know I want to get rid of this if you want to change something go to your dashboard and then all you have to do is go back to your theme builder and change it directly from here you understand how that works so let's say for instance I don't want that block you know it's no the Black Friday sales gone it's done it's over with so I'm actually gonna get rid of that and close it and there you go so that is now what we're doing here so there you go and then close this and all changes are saved so now again I go to my sites and I go to shop page there you go that is our new shop page guys congratulations really really cool now one thing I also want to do is I have this girl spicy shirts and I'm gonna go to my high end shirt category page and look at that so now in my category pages they don't match my actual shop so I need to fix that right so when you create categories unless you tell the theme it's going to revert back to the default commerce original settings and that is not good because you want your category pages to look like this right so let's go ahead and do that so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to design our category pages so let's go ahead and go over here to Divi and theme builder now I want to add a new templates and I want to go ahead and find product categories so right here we have all all product is here all product category pages let me click on that now I want to do something else here I want to educate you guys on something else we go ahead and do specific product categories so if you want to have a different style page or every single category we can do that as well and don't worry because I'm going to show you how to do that just in case because everyone out there might have a different need guys so I'm just gonna go ahead and run you through everything just to make sure that you know everything about what to do but right here all product category pages create a templates now I'm kind of lazy here so um what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna duplicate this all right I'm gonna close that and I'm gonna drag this custom body over here okay that one more time there we go and then we're gonna go and delete this because I'm lazy guys remember I'm very very lazy right so essentially what I've done is I've duplicated the custom shop to be on our product categories and then you can go ahead and change this as well so over here just click on the the chain the the pencil icon now let's say for instance this is like something like t-shirts so here I'll put t-shirts and then we'll click on save or you know what I think putting something like other products or products something like that something that's broad because remember this is going to apply for all of the product categories right so now I have products being displayed for any category it doesn't matter what category it's going to be all of them so let's go ahead and just see how that turned out so here click on Save Changes and then we'll go to our shop page now right here I'll click on this product right or actually I'll just go to product categories so high-end shirts I'll click on this and voila so now you see how it just says products so that's an example of how you can customize your product category pages now over here if I click on women's shirt it's the same for everything so it doesn't matter what category now let's say for instance you're saying Darryl look I have a shop but I don't want this page on all of my category pages I want a second category page I want something that's different right don't worry I got your back so over here let's go to dashboard and we'll scroll back down to divvy and go to the theme builder now we're gonna add in another template right so add a new templates now let's scroll down right here and find specific product category pages and I want to select the high-end one right here and I want to create a template for this so now what I'm doing is I'm essentially saying look look this will apply for all my category pages however I have one category that I want to look different from the rest which is very common so here I'll go ahead and duplicate this as well just click on save doesn't matter cuz I just want this and I want to go ahead and take this and put this on high-end shirts and now I will delete this and I'll go ahead now and duplicate this or I'm sorry oh go ahead and edit this right now alright and this is a high-end so I'm just gonna put high-end so this is a high-end section so this is basically where all the high-end products are going to be displayed now if you do this it's a good idea to actually go into the shop module right here and under the we have the product view type product category I want to select only the high-end products so right here high-end shirts only so you understand what we're doing here we're creating a separate templates for only the high-end products so let's say for instance you have cellphones and this would be your tablet section you would need to go ahead and put in the tablet category and then changes accordingly so let's go ahead and see if this worked I'll click on Save Changes alright and then click on X and then click on Save Changes ok so let's just go ahead and run through this one more time we have a custom shop page and we also have a custom shop page specifically for all of our product categories on top of that so we now have a specific product category page for a specific product called the high-end shirts let's go ahead now and check this out so right here visit sites click on our shop page right here we now have our basic default shop page looks good and then we have our product category pages so now let's click on high-end shirts and now you can see that this is now our high-end shirt category so you can see high-end and also only the high end product categories will be displayed right here and if I go to women's shirts you'll see this is all of the category category so the product categories essentially I don't care what category they're in I'm just putting all other product categories here so you can go ahead and make a specific page for virtually every single category your product category that you want you can be very customizable with the theme builder now that I've shown you guys how to do all of the product category pages and the shop pages now let's go ahead and talk about how to design specifically the product page so over here under my products you'll see that I have specifically designed pages for specific products so let's just say for instance you know taro I don't want to use the default one it's really really ugly I want to build something from scratch so let's go ahead and do that so first I want to demonstrate how your product looks right now so right here click on this this is the default product page and you can't make any changes to it now you can enable the visual builder here but you're very limited on what you can change with the visual builder here it's not a good idea so right here let's go ahead now and create a custom product page so right here Divi and go to theme builder and right here add a new templates so let's go ahead and find our products now I'm just gonna do all products right now guys because I can make 5 or 6 templates but that would be a very large tutorial and very tedious so I'm just gonna say I want this to be my new product template so right here create a templates and right here I'll click on add a custom body and then build a custom body all right so you got the shop page down now let's talk about how to create custom product pages so this right here is an example of a custom product so I want to show you all how to create your own custom product page now I do have templates for you as well for these products but I still think you should follow this tutorial and learn how I built this because you might want to create your own product style etc so let's go ahead and go onto the next section we're going to talk about the product page here I'll click on build from scratch and now we're going to build our own product page from scratch now this is the product page that we're gonna build so this right here is going to be our default product page now I actually have this template created for you already but before I talk about importing theme builder layouts I want you to understand how to build your own product page in case you want to build your own so this right here is an example so whenever I create a product it's gonna look just like this the product name is gonna display right there we're gonna see this product category we're gonna see the product name the price the reviews send description about the products we'll see the variable right there and then they have the amount and then we have the meta and they can also share it to their favorite social networks and then below that we have related products so let's go ahead and talk about how we made this so first off let's make this section right up here so what I'm gonna do right here is add an a one column row now I want to find the WooCommerce the WooCommerce your WooCommerce title WooCommerce or is it blue title right there and I wanted to go ahead and leave this right now now there's a few ways on how you can do this so this right here is going to dynamically update to whatever your product name is called you can or you can additionally just put in a text module and just have this like you know welcome to the shop and that will display for all of your products so it's just a way on how you can decide how you want your products to be displayed but I want this to dynamically appear as the product name so over here I'm gonna go to my settings and go ahead and adjust this to the middle and I want to change this to it's already on pop in so it'll change this to something like bold and then I'll go ahead and leave it like that next I want to go ahead and add in a divider module now right here you can see how it's kind of hard to add an advisor module because this is kind of blocking it that ever happens you can go over here and you can add it in like this and that actually works pretty well when you're dealing with modules really close to each other so I'll click on check and we'll go back over here now over here I'll click on this and I'll just design it how I want it to look so I'll just change the line to black and for the sizing right here a lot of just a little bit more and then we can do something like reduce the width center align it and reduce the width like that something like that now over here you can see it's white or what I can do over here is just add in a white background so I can actually use the same background as before so right here under section settings backgrounds background image I will go ahead and just put in something like this right here or you can put in those uh putting those girls you know I'm like that you know whatever you know you guys get the idea right so I here I'll click on check now I have this right here so the next thing I want to do is add in all this stuff right here so let's go ahead and make a two column row so right here plus regular two columns now right here I want to put my image so whenever I have an image for my products I want to I want to have them dynamically update right here so let's go ahead and find my whoo um not with title well well well what am i doing let's go back over here whoo image the whoo image whoo images and I won't leave it as this product for now all right well just leave it as this product okay I know that looks really really ugly but yeah that's that's what we're working with right now so sorry guys remember this is a template so this is not going to show up like that so right here we'll add a new module now here I first have this module right here it's they will Commerce notice settings and you always need to have this on your page because whenever you creates a product and they add it to the carts it's going that little notice is going to display so WooCommerce cart notice and I want to have this that's like the same color scheme so I just want to make sure that this is all the same font all the same color so what I'll do here is I'll go on over to my background really quick and I'll make sure that this is black and then forward the design right here under the text we can change this to something like Poppins and then again I can always change the button as well and then we can use something like black etc so something like that now remember this is only going to display when someone actually adds it to the cart alright so the next thing we're gonna do is add in the WooCommerce breadcrumb settings so right here plus breadcrumbs and of course we can go ahead and design this as well so design text text fonts Poppins and then bold and then we can change this color etc and then I can Center a line that's maybe make it a little bit bigger it's something like that and then we'll also center align this as well so this is now my this is like the navigation for them so they can always go back home or they can always you know check it out etc now here also is the product name so again right here I'll go ahead and click on plus and a move title so whoo title and I will go ahead and put this in the center is that right the center yeah center like that that looks good that looks like we need to add a divider right here so I'll just copy this you know I'm lazy guys I'm lazy I'm just there we go all right there we go that's how that's what we're doing now you know that's what we're doing so see if I can reduce the padding and space here can I do that right there here we go a little bit my cam there we go and then let's go ahead and add in some description text so right here plus will Commerce description and I'll go ahead and leave this in the center as well so again these are all the same settings guys I'm not gonna you know I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not okay I'm lazy here I'll go ahead and put it in the center like that's what I miss right here was the reviews now the reviews are going to display if there are reviews available all right and we'll do the reviews and sorry it's not the reviews it is the ratings so we'll do the whoo rating right here and I'll just put this something like you know we can change this to black change the text color let's see so we'll do the layouts stock in line you know I don't know that's a tough one here are the text change out to black and then we can go ahead and send our line this and I'll go ahead and leave this right up here or something like that maybe again we can even take away some space whoops let me go ahead and undo that whoops my bad no no no no there there we go roof there we go something like that right and you guys get the idea you can actually go through this and design it etc I'll go ahead and go to the next one so here we have we have the price the ratings it's gonna have the blue price price and I believe I put the price the product name we have the product name right there so this is a little bit too hard to do so what I'll do here is go on over here and I'll do the the WooCommerce see we have the we have the name the price and the reviews so we have the name the price the reviews in the description and now let's go back over here that's a really good way guys because when you're dealing with modules this close it's really hard to like control them so you know it's just a it's a good way to do it it's a smart way to do it I hear price techs I will go ahead and change this to black and we will centerline this as well and then again you might want to add in some spacing like that's right here as well and then over here we'll ahead and select the WooCommerce Add to Cart section over here add to carts design text and then you know black kit keeper or keep keep everything consistent here text color there we go and then we will go ahead and put this in the center align and also there is a button module somewhere and I will just change this to block really quickly just to give you an idea so this is how it's gonna play guys so the product names gonna display right here when someone adds it to the cart this is gonna display the product name will display dynamically right here and that's pretty much it now also right here I have a divider and I have some social icons as well so over here I'll click on this plus actually we can go ahead and duplicate this so I'll duplicate this module this one right here right click on this and drag it down below here cuz I'm lazy I'm lazy wait where to go where'd it go where to go it went right here alright yeah how's weird alright divider right there and then over here I added in the Wu meta settings so I'll just go ahead and add in I'll do I work from here you know we can work over here for a little bit so you know let's let's change it up the blue meta settings and then over here I just put in some social media follow icons so that's just a basic module it doesn't really have anything to do with you know doesn't have anything to do with the WooCommerce so here I'll just put that then we'll put Facebook you know and then we'll put in something like Pinterest and then we'll put in something like LinkedIn and then I'll add in another one Instagram everyone loves Instagram and I probably need to Center align this you know I'm just I'm just working from the backend guys I'm just guessing but I'm assuming I need to align all this in the middle because that's where I put everything all right click on save really quick let's see our progress here make sure that's done and then desktop view so yeah you guys get it I just need to change the colors and you guys understand now over here we have the WooCommerce related products so what I can do now is I'll just add in another one right here add in one and then a dent related products and I'll do something like you know four columns four columns that's good and then click on save so essentially what I've done here is I have basically created a template for all of our product pages now the only way to find out this is working or not is to test it so let's go ahead and test this so I'm gonna click on save X and then we're going to go to save changes so let's go ahead and just make a basic product visit sites now what we can also do is going over to our shop page over here and we can click on a product and there you go so this is kind of our new shop page now there is some weird discrepancy here so it looks like up here looks like up here our let's see here well we buddy buddy we miss our home product this is displayed right yeah home product it looks like our category did not display I know I did it is my correctly yeah it is now I probably need to adjust that so I need I just need to switch the divider it looks like I messed up right there so you guys get the point though so I need to put the divider right here instead so that's basically how I achieve this product page and then again related products down here everything looks really good let me go ahead and adjust that really quickly you know I'm gonna perfecting this guy's I want this to look perfect so let me go ahead and just change that really quickly so over here under my theme builder I'm gonna go back to my products and this is a way on how you can always design you know how you can fix everything in fact yeah I did mess up right here and what do you what are you doing over there but there you go and there you go now right here save now let's go back to our product and let's just see if we can just go ahead and refresh the page here so refresh the page here we go and voila so now all of your products are going to just be displayed like this pretty cool now there is one more thing we need to test we need to test this Add to Cart function Add to Cart and voila so now this displays right there you just can now view the cart etc now guys I actually created several product pages for all of you in this video so what you can do is go to my website Darrell Wilson comm and I'll actually show you where you can download all of the product pages I've basically created I want to say it's for for everybody so view the layouts on my websites and you guys can actually download this entire layout kits so it's on the second page right here and this is right here give you ecommerce layouts and you can go ahead and add this to the cart and then you can actually get the home the about and all of the product layouts now I haven't shown you all the product layouts yet so let me just close this really quickly this Cardone exit this so I've actually created separate product categories for everyone so this is product one right here just to give you an example it's something very basic you know so the image goes here we have this looking like that so you're gonna get all this for free in the package this is number two right here essentially it's almost the same as the first one now in case you get this white screen guys what you need to do I know this sounds really really weird is you need to actually just delete this and then at this place I don't know why it does hats so this is the second product page alright so that's number two and this cartoon exits and then right here we have number three and again if you get a white screen like I said all you need to do is go ahead and delete this little spinning thing right here so go ahead and just delete that and it'll display so this is number three right here and you can see we have this timer we've added some icons product name the reviews and everything looks pretty good we have this header up here so this right here is again number three and then we have number four as well and then we also have the default one so I want to know or just want to let you guys know that you guys get all these included in this video and remember you have to delete that little area I don't know why guys it does it this theme builder is brand new so it's just a glitch so I hate to say that but it's just something weird that I don't know so basically let me show you all now how to import this so I basically showed you guys how to create your own product category your own product pages from scratch now you can also go a step further guys and go to add a new templates and then go to a specific product so specific products and you can actually create a specific page for a specific product but I've already shown you how to do that with the category pages so at this point guys I'm not gonna do it because I think you guys can kind of understand how this works and the theme butter applies for everything it applies for a footer it applies for any part of your website now what I want you guys to do next is I want you to actually download this layout and I'm gonna show you how you can upload it to your websites so right here we have theme builder now I gave you guys the all those pages earlier and inside that folder there is a JSON file for the theme builder so right here under this portability I want you to click on import and I want you to click on no file selected and then I want you to find that folder I gave you guys so the floor I gave you guys was the Divi ecommerce pack was it this one right here yeah so this is the theme builder shop shop category products Jason it's basically everything now I'm gonna open this but really quickly this right here is going to override everything on your website so if you've created something through this video don't check those but if you've if you haven't created anything this is just going to override everything so this is now going to be all of your you know all of your templates etc so I'm gonna go ahead and override this really quickly because I've already made all these from scratch for you now I'm gonna import this onto our theme builder so now you can see that we have all these are unassigned so these are essentially the product layouts for you so I'm gonna go ahead and delete this one really quickly so I've created the shop for you I have created the product categories for you and I also created a custom global photo for you as well so let's go ahead and check that out so right here I'm gonna go ahead and save changes so I basically just over it everything I've done just because I'm a nice guy and I wants to give you guys all these layouts are free but these unassigned are the product layouts so you can actually go ahead and click on them and just see what they are you know just say you know what is this you know and then this is the products etc so I'm just basically showing you what you can get with all of these so these are everything I've created for you everything is done etc so yeah have fun with those but let's just go ahead and take a look at your website right now so here I'll go to visit sites and one thing that I've given you guys also is the footer so I've created a special custom footer and it's going to apply on every part of your website so it's going to apply everywhere so now you know how to basically design your products and everything I also want to remind you that you can also design your checkout your cart and also your your cart your account and your checkout so right here we have the checkout and what you can do right here is I would probably get rid of the sidebar on the checkout so let's go for example well we'll just do the will do the cart first we'll just do the carts now right here we can enable the visual builder and we can even build on top of a cart page now you can't specifically change you can't specifically change the actual stuff inside of this right here but you can manipulate it so what you can do right here is go to the gear icon and you can go to the design and you can design and style this however you want it to look you know so we can go ahead and change this now you again you can't change the position of this because we're using a we're using something from another plugin so unfortunately we can't change it but you can manipulate it you know you can add spatty a space padding you can kind of mess around with it etc so you can actually fully design the cart page and the checkout page so you know I don't really need to go over this because I think you guys know how to you know you can just add a module right here and then you know like a text you know text and then up here you can just drag this drag that like your oldest try get like this maybe that's too much so here I'll put it right here and then I'll delete this section and then you can just put something like a check out you know like a or quick or you know the car cool car page and then change this to heading one and then you can go ahead and Center align this something looks like this and then maybe we can add a divider module right here now also right here this is really ugly so if you want to change something let me go back there we go now if you want to change something right here just click on the gear icon and you can just click on the specific module and then you can change it so have it something like black right yellow is really ugly so you can design this any which way you want so right here click on that and click on save and this is global so whatever you do here is always going to apply for everything so here cool car page and then everything looks how we want it to look etcetera so this is an example of how you can design your cart page now also you can do the checkout page as well and for the checkout page I would probably get rid of this sidebar so let's go ahead and enable the visual builder and when you enable the visual builder it's kind of funny it actually gets rid of the actual sidebar by default it's it's very interesting I I think it's because when you use the actual uh the Builder it actually displays a full width style so it'll actually get rid of the sidebar and then up here again you can do something like quick checkout and you can add in a module by going down let's going down here and again remember you can go ahead and manipulate this you can't really edit everything but you can change the color you can change the the font etc to match the decor of your websites so right here I'll click on check now you guys you know I'm not gonna go over this because I'm hoping you guys know how to use in add modules I don't want to waste a lot of time talking I'm just saying you guys can change this so I've exit the visual builder and now you see its full width and the sidebar is now gone now also whenever your customer purchases something they will get their own dashboard and again you can also design their dashboard and be as customizable as you want with their dashboard so again right here enable the visual builder and again you can do the same thing as always now personally what I would recommend to do in their dashboard is to add in an image with a custom code like a coupon or something like that so on my last video I added a let's see what I added as I added a WooCommerce slider module and I was basically sliding all the modules you know I don't know if they have the actual we can do something like the related products so you can add a something like the related products into their dashboard you can also add in image with a coupon code so maybe the one that we had before I lose something like this we'll just add in like an image and then here I'll delete this I'll add this and I'll just find that really ugly one I had I mean I really should have chose a better one for this video but I was just I just found it on the internet and I just used it so here I'll just take this I'll drag it up and then over here under the text I'll just do something like you know coupon code or we'll do something like winter sale just for users just for you just for you something like that and then over here I'll change this to something like one and then I'll Center align this and see right I did this for a client actually yeah this is the same way so something like this right here so whenever your customer logs in to their dashboard to see their orders or something like that they're going to always be bombarded with advertisements and this is great because they just bought something they liked your store and now they're gonna see oh crap I get 25% off more oh I gotta buy it you know and and then there you go they now have their own you you now have your own marketing funnel built inside of your website for your customers so this is kind of our marketing strategy comes into play and I have built websites for people where I just basically created like a custom portal for them and you know it was always marketing to them so let's add a visual builder and now whenever your users log in they can see their orders and they can see their you know their their downloads their dashboards their account details etc and they will always be marketed right here so this is good and then they can go ahead and take this coupon code and they can go to the shop and then they can go ahead and use that in the carts so now that I've shown you guys how you can fully design basically everything on your websites and that's what makes the seem amazing I mean you can design and customize everything that you want it's really really cool easy now let's go ahead and move on to the next section we're gonna talk about the WooCommerce settings and how you can get paid with this websites alright so let's go ahead and move on to the next section all right party people in this section we're gonna talk about the WooCommerce general settings now in this section I'm gonna talk to you about the shipping the coupon codes the general settings and also how to connect your payment merchants with your website so you can get paid with your website now I use PayPal right to Ching I use PayPal and I also use stripe but stripe is the number one most recommended because with stripe people don't have to leave your website and with PayPal people have to leave your website so that's a very big disadvantage and it's really inconvenient so I'll show you how to set up both of those methods for your websites so let's go ahead and go on to this last section where we are going to talk about the WooCommerce general settings all right so now let's talk about the WooCommerce general settings so I'm introduced you off to the settings coupons etc so right here go to your dashboard and over here under WooCommerce to go to settings now these are the general settings and remember earlier in the video how we tested all this this is how you can change stuff so remember which countries you want to sell to you can sell to specific countries or you can sell to all the countries except for so for example let's just say you hate I love this part of the video let's pick on someone here we're gonna pick on we're gonna pick on Japan so we're gonna sell to all the countries except for Japan etc and right here we have geo located on right here you want to go ahead and enable your taxes because that will basically allow you to charge taxes if you want to charge taxes and here I'll click on Save Changes now a lot of these these options right here you can kind of just go and skim through and just kind of understand what they are like you know weight unit dimension unit so I don't want to waste a lot of time on this you can kind of do this on your own taxes we'll talk about taxes a little bit later as well as shipping but we already have automated taxes on our on our website so at that point we really need to worry about it no more payment gateways now it's very important you have PayPal and stripe enabled now if you don't have these options go to plugins and go to add new and the plug-in that you'll need to install is called the stripe plugin so in case you don't have stripe which we're I'm going to show you how to use a little bit later you need this plug-in right here so the blue commerce stripe payment gateway also I think PayPal I think people come standard now with WooCommerce so PayPal yeah it comes standard so over here under installed plugins you should see something like uh Commerce and the WooCommerce stripe gateway and blue commerce services as well so make sure that you have those on your website because that is very important because without that plug-in you cannot use stripe so that's pretty important to have so now let's go back to settings right here so we're here we have the payments so make sure you have those enabled now if you're from the Middle East or via from India you can also use to check out to check out is also a really good payment gateway and you can go ahead and add the plug-in it's a free plugin doesn't cost you anything at all over here accounts and privacy this right here just allows things like guest checkout if you want to allow that account creation and stuff like that so that's really up to you and your store emails emails are actually pretty important now emails are actually pretty hard to customize so I'm gonna introduce you to a plugin that will actually allow you to have some really cool email so over here go to plugins and to add new and the one you're going to install is called the it's the condense there you go is it the condense WooCommerce email designer so it has around 30,000 active installs and it allows you to design your emails really nice and really simple so let's go ahead and install this and then click on activate alright now let's go back over here to visit sites I actually know we need to go to our WooCommerce settings my bad my bad your Google commerce and then go to the email customizer there it is email customizer now whenever you purchase a pro so one buys a product and you get an email you can now customize this to how you want it to look so they have pre-built templates so if you want to go ahead and apply to one of these templates you can go ahead and just use one of these templates on your website so let's say for instance I want to use this one right here although the templates new fluid template that's a new one to me I've never seen that one before and then right here under the container you can start you know customizing stuff etc so I just want to introduce you and get you acquainted with this plugin you know like hooking you up because it's an amazing plugin I mean it looks really sharp really nice and the default ones with WooCommerce are really ugly so on your own time be sure to check out this plugin it's really really cool now also let's talk about coupon codes so right here under WooCommerce you have coupons and coupons are pretty easy to understand so right here just click on add a coupon and coupons are great to advertise on Facebook etc so right here I'll just put in the coupon code is Daryl 35 and what does this do well this gives 35% off products so right here we have a discount type so you can do a percentage you can do a fixed cart discounts which is the entire cart or you can have a specific product discount as well but I think most people do percentage discount right so this is two percentage discounts here I will give 35% off now does this give free shipping if you want to get free shipping you can click right there if not you can uncheck that now right here you can set a coupon expiration so when does this expire I'll just put the 24th usage restrictions what's the minimum they have to spend well they have to spend at least $100 in order to use this and I don't want to put a maximum you know you never want to penalize someone for for buying a lot of product on your website right here individual use check this box if this coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons that's pretty good to check that means they cannot stack it with other coupons now right here we have product so if you want to actually apply this sale to specific products only you can do that so right here I'll just put shirt I'll just say I want to have it for the crop shirts and you can actually exclude products you can include product categories and you can also exclude product categories as well so that's pretty cool usage limits here you can go ahead and limit the number of times people can use the coupon so I'll just save 50 times right here limit usage per item so what item do you want to limits if you want to so let's say for instance you're like I don't want the the new iPhone to have more than 10 coupons so that's it you know but the other coupons will apply for the other products whatever and then right here you have usage limit per user so how many times can one user use the code well I'll just put unlimited because you know I don't want to penalize them for buying on my website right so that makes some sense here I'll collide click on publish now when your users actually get this they can go ahead and just go to the store and apply it so for example let's just go ahead and buy something right here this shirt I'll go ahead and add five of these to the carts I'll add to the carts view the carts and to see if this is working or not so right here I can go ahead and paste the code apply the coupon code and now you can see that the discount was now applied so I'm just kind of giving you an example of how this works so I did actually exclude something so that's why it's not a lot but that's just an overview of how you can add coupons to your website so you know kind of mess around with these settings get comfortable with them now I do have another who Commerce tutorial that goes in deaf on everything like a hundred percent buts in this video I'm not gonna do that's because I don't want to spend two hours because the other video is two hours so I'm not gonna cover everything in detail but I do have another video for all of you that you can watch on your own time now we're gonna talk about a shipping taxes and payment gateways but one thing I want to note about the payment gateways is that if you are using stripe which allows you to check out on on your website which is the one I'm gonna recommend because it's super easy to set up I mean literally you copy and paste something onto your site and your accounts connected remember you need to have an SSL so if you don't have the SSL like I showed you how to install earlier you need to have that setup because without the SSL you cannot use stripe so stripe basically encrypts the information people gave you so it makes your site more secure so basically saying you cannot see their credit card information so in a nutshell that's what an SSL does so before we talk about the next section in the beginning of the video I mentioned that we have this section right here and I promise you on how to do it but I didn't show you so let's go ahead and go to our dashboard now the plug-in is called Divi supreme and it's a free plugin but it also has a pro version so over here under plugins under add new we can install a free plugin just type in Divi and this right here is the Divi modules the Divi Mont the Divi supreme models for DD you can also get there by going to Darryll and calm - Divi supreme like that Divi supreme and I actually have a discount code for their pro version if you decide to buy it it's essentially an add-on for diddy and it just allows a lot of really cool stuff hope they had a black friday sale but by the time you're watching this it's gonna be gone this corner features really quick so they have a lot of different modules like flip boxes gradient text supreme button i have a whole another video on these guys in another video but these are just a little bit more things you can add to your sites and give a little bit more functionality and decor so if this is something you're interested in go ahead and check it out but they're free version right here it works just fine so it's called the Divi modules for supreme models for Divi and once you actually install it you can go ahead and activate your builder and those modules will now display in your visual builder so going over here I'll just click on plus and right here you see all these purple ones right here so this is pretty cool and the one I used was the was it the let's see here here tell you what tell you what I'll just I'll just I'll just click on here here it's called the Divi text abiders heading so essentially it's just a module and you can you know style this different ways you know I can have it like this like this or like this and the reason why I showed you guys at the end of the video because I don't really want to you know bombard you guys with plugins and stuff like this because now you know that these all have the same settings so you can go ahead and design this any which way you want so I'm just kind of giving you an example of you know a plugins that you can have for your website so be sure to check out that plug-in and if you want to buy their pro version I do have a discount code I believe it is Darryl 10 it'll save you 10% off their plugins so it's a really cool add-on and feature that you can add to your website that's about it for this section for the bukhara settings and the coupons let's go ahead now and go to the next section we're going to talk about shipping I'll see you all there [Music] alright guys in this section we're gonna talk all about shipping yes we all love shipping so here let's go ahead and go to our shipping section in our video or website whatever II want to call it here we'll go to WooCommerce settings and I'll click on the shipping tab now I'm explaining all of the shipping options to make sure that you understand everything you need to know about shipping so first let's just talk about the basic shipping zone so what is a shipping zone well how much do you want to charge someone for a specific area so for instance right here I'll put us a i'll put say USA United States you know I don't know why that always comes up that is so annoying so annoying alright you know the United States now you can also go by certain states as well so you could put like California or you do like something like you know if you just want to sell in California or a specific state you can always do that as well so that's really up to you but I'm just going to go ahead and select all the US so here I'll add a shipping method now we have flat rates free shipping and local pickup so a flat rate is obviously a flat rate - free shipping free shipping and local pickup is where they just pick it up at your store so here I'll do a flat rate all right now right here you'll click on edit so right now we have a flat rates now is tack is this taxable I'll just put yeah it's AK civil now you might want to go to tax our comm to find out if shipping is taxable in your current states here I'll put $7.99 all right there you go $7.99 and that's it we're done so are your clipping zones and we are all set now there is another option right here so locations not covered by your other zones so what this means is saying let's say for instance you somebody buy something from I don't know Jamaica and it's not in your shipping zone you want to create kind of like a cushion like a default charge for anyone out there that buys on your store that isn't from where you put so I'll just say look if someone buy something out of the country or something like that I want to charge them $9.99 for tax just because I'm not sure where they're coming from I want to charge a little bit more for shipping just in case so right now we have USA covered and also the rest of the world covered all right so now that we have the shipping zone let's talk about free shipping so add a shipping zone again but something where people and Singapore or a Singapore well just people in Singapore get they get free shipping all right so out of free shipping free shipping there you go and there you go now right here click on edits so what does free shipping require does it require a valid free shipping coupon a minimum order amount or a minimum order amount or a coupon or both so that's basically what it means right there so I'll just say they have to spend at least $50 to get free shipping now you can always just change this to just you know two United States as well you can have you know you can have multiple you know multiple rules on your countries but I'm just gonna say people in Singapore you know see if it's Singapore good people you know Singapore oh my god why does it do that that's so annoying Singapore so that's an example of how you can basically charge you know free shipping for certain products you can also do it for you know your entire store just by simply just clicking on that and then just just you know just we'll just happen here we'll do free shipping free shipping and then you can just go ahead and put you know all of the states or all the countries etc alright so that's it your I'll just put USA here we go you notice things I have to have to put something there and a Singapore Singapore is good to seeing you're just seeing oh there we go alright there we go okay cool so I figure how to do free shipping so now we have so basically right now we set free shipping we have a flat rate but if someone in the United States and/or Singapore buy something under $50 or over $50 they get free shipping all right pretty simple let's go ahead and go on to the next section in the last section where we're going to talk about payment gateways I'll see you there [Music] alright guys welcome to the payment gateway section now in this section I'm gonna show you step-by-step on how you can integrate payment gateways onto your e-commerce website to make a very simple and fast checkout process for you and your customers so first go ahead and integrate paypal onto your WordPress website after that we're going to show you how to integrate stripe which is one of the best payment gateways for WordPress it's very fast and convenient and also for people that are located out of the u.s. such as the India and also the Middle East I'm going to show you another payment gateway that will work really well on your WordPress websites without having them leave or being redirected they will stay on your websites so first let's go ahead and talk about PayPal so I'm go over here to my dashboard right here just show you quickly how you can set up PayPal it's actually the fastest one to do but the only issue is that without the added pro versions they will have to leave your site and check out a PayPal but still a lot of people today already have PayPal so right here we go to WooCommerce and go to settings settings I'm losing my American accent I'm traveling too much alright here I'll click on click on payments so over here we have PayPal right here so simply just click on PayPal and click on manage now all I need to do to get PayPal started is simply sign up for a PayPal account go ahead and just take your email address and that is it you are done so for example right here I'll go to PayPal calm there right paypal calm now on the top right of the screen when you get there you're going to get a here I'll go ahead and log out actually I got a log out I just want to show you so right here you'll click on sign up and just simply go ahead and just make a personal account click on next and just go ahead and fill out this information go to the verification process and right here where it says your email the same email that used to sign up with just let me go ahead and go back to your settings right here and paste the email address right there so it's very simple you make an account you take the email you put it over here on the payment section right here and you're gonna start seeing money come up in your PayPal account so you can see I get paid quite a bit if I get I get paid quite a bit so all my money comes to PayPal and then from there I transfer to my bank account so that's just one of the easiest ways and I'm actually gonna give you a demonstration of everything so don't worry about it I'm going to show you what how each payment gateway works and let you decide what's the best for your websites so that is PayPal all right very simple very standard everyone uses it let's go ahead and go on to the next one which is stripe now stripe is one of the most popular payment gateways for WordPress because the first off the company has great ethics they'll even protect you against charge backs they pay you automatically whenever you want every day every two days every week whatever option that you want they'll actually pay you so let's go ahead and go to the students really quick so to get this plug-in right here it's a free plugin just go to plugins and click on add new and simply just type in stripe and once we install this plug-in we are going to make a free stripe account free free free every one that's free right so right here a WooCommerce stripe Amy can't wait you're going to install and activate this plug-in so go ahead go and do it all right you're done all right cool now go over here go to WooCommerce and go to settings and over here under payments you're going to see that now there is a lot of options for stripe now the only one that you need right here is the stripe credit card right here and again you do need an SSL for this to work so I do recommend getting psych round the hosting because I ran a web hosting competition sycron came up number one against sixteen other companies so if you're using another hosting company guys I'm telling you right now you're not using the best you know in psych round doesn't cost much in fact I have a 70% discount in the description below so right here we're gonna go ahead and an animal stripe now right here we have some information right here so we have like the this all this stuff don't worry about it the stuff is very very easy to get so in the description of this video or you could just go to stripe comm you would just go to sign up right here and you're gonna make a free stripe account now you're going to go ahead and just go to the verification process in fact I do actually have screenshots of what you're gonna see so right here you're gonna see pre-built solutions you're gonna go ahead and click on that snot for solution for developers and guys this stuff changes all the time so I'm very sorry if they update their website and this tutorial outdated it's not it's just these sites tend to update quite a bit so you want to go ahead and just find out the fastest way to get to your dashboard after that they're gonna ask you which people's solutions just go with WordPress or if you see like WordPress and WooCommerce that's when you're gonna go for and lastly they're gonna ask you just select WordPress there you go and then it'll take you to your stripe dashboard where you should see some that looks just like this right here so just like your basic dashboard now you will have to click on activate your account now you will need a bank account for this because they need to send you money I mean how would you have a payment gateway without a baby cow and why don't just click on activate your account you'll go ahead and just go through some of these questions right here if you don't have all the questions you can just go ahead and just tell it just put in something you know put in something temporary for now once you're all done with this after you're done with your verification stuff over here under developers you have API keys guys this is all you need so right here we have we're in test mode so I'm gonna go ahead and take my test mode right now so right here I have the publishable key copy this under developers API now I know I might be going a little bit fast but guys just stay with me trust me this is really really simple you just copy and paste these keys your sites connected and pull off you can start taking payments right away so don't be overwhelmed right now you'll understand it in time I promise so right here test publishable key right that's it test secret key copy paste that is it so that's all you need right there so you basically just need the test publishable key and a test secret key as well there also is the test webhook key we can go ahead and add that in as well but I don't think we need that no you don't need that so that's all you need right there you just need the test publishable key and the test secret key and that is it and then once you're done with that you click on Save Changes and that's it you're done so now you can go ahead and actually test this right now so right now we're in test mode now if you want to get out of test mode you'll simply go over here to API keys and then click on this little this thing right here where it says activate your account once you activate your account it's just going to give you the same key right here so it's going it's just going to say publishable key and secret key and just gonna simply go ahead and copy and paste it right there and right there so right here this is now in live mode so right here once your cat's activated you would just simply take the publishable key right here paste it and then the secret key right here and paste it right there for your live secret key okay so I'm gonna go ahead and do the test mode right now just to show you how this works so right here at naval test mode oh it's still there cool I want to go ahead and get rid of this title you'll see why the title is just I just want credit card pay with your credit card that's it because we don't need to tell people we're using stripe nobody really cares you know so yeah no one needs to know needs to know that so now that we have our payment gateway installed let's go ahead now and buy something on our website and show you the checkout process all right so my go-to visits sign right here and we're actually gonna buy something right now on my website so right now I have 250 dollars in the carts and we're going to purchase it right now all right so I'm gonna go to the Darrell little sin all right all right cool so everything's ready now right here we have PayPal and we're gehen right here it says proceed to PayPal people will leave our accounts if PayPal is installed or if we decide to go to PayPal but we're not going to do that this right here is from to call it's from another payment processor which I'll talk about in just a bit and this is stripe so this right here is actually from 2 checkouts this right here is from stripe so this is exactly what your customers are going to go through and I'm just reaching this before other websites so I'm gonna turn my credit card right here alright people can even save this for future purchases right here I have read the terms of agreements of course you can always disable this or enable this it's up to you and right now I'm a click on place order so right now your customers buying something this is the exact same checkout process so right now the payment is processing right now oh well done so now you have actually gotten money from your website everything is done everything is ready to go now if you go over here and you actually click on home right now you can actually see the the the money is now in our accounts so it's connected it's working and that is it guys so that's how simple it is to connect your website with a payment gateway merchant service now over here under your profile once you've actually activated your accounts over here you have what is it the where is it the is it the billing okay so it's under your settings options right here you'll see bank account and scheduling right here and you can choose how you want to get paid I mean they'll pay you every single day they'll pay you every week you can make it manual so you can just get paid whenever you want so right here you can just put automatic payments every single day so it'll go directly it'll be transferred directly from your stripe account to your bank account and this company is very good at it so I've been using them for quite a bit of time I've use them on tons of clients websites everyone uses stripe so again I highly recommend to get it and that's it you're done so that is it guys I mean your your site's working it's fully optimal it's ready to take payments if someone comes to our website right now buy something you can go ahead and integrate stripe and it'll work now there is another alternative right here to check out comm so I know I have a lot of people are watching for the Middle East pack might be 25% people watching for the Middle East and there are there is a plugin called to check out that will actually allow you to integrate on your website so let me see right here it's called to check out right here it's the WooCommerce to check out payment gateway free so you saw earlier how there was a credit card and that basically it will allow you to it's the same thing guys so someone comes on your website they buy something on your website it goes in your your to checkout accounts it's a free service does not cost you anything you just need to get the plugin and go to the process so right here WooCommerce and settings and it's gonna ask you for specific account information so you're just gonna go ahead and give them whatever they ask so right here under two checkouts you'll click on manage right here and then just give them your your account number etc this will basically link everything and then that's it guys so I mean that is that is it everything is fully done they do have a pro version as well so if you want to go ahead and check out the pro version I'll leave a link in the description below in this video so again if you're in the Middle East or you're in a lot of other countries that's I don't know that I just that don't take striper PayPal you can go ahead and use to check on they take tons of countries out there so I'm sure you'll be able to find your payment gateway alright guys so I've showed you basically how you can integrate PayPal in a great stripe you just saw right now that our site is working right now it's taking money so just go through the verification process activate your account and once you're done with that you'll be able to take live payments on your WordPress websites so everyone I hope this tutorial is helpful by now you should have a fully functional ecommerce website that looks great and can accept payments now if you have any questions for me feel free to put them in the comments below I do my best to get to all of the comments in my videos but if you have a question again leave me a comment below again I wish you all the best and good luck with your e-commerce website and until then I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 174,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ecommerce wordpress tutorial, divi theme, WordPress tutorial, divi theme tutorial, how to create a website, divi ecommerce tutorial, ecommerce website, online store, make website, wordpress, wordpress ecommerce tutorial 2018, ecommerce website wordpress, how to make an ecommerce website, wordpress tutorial 2020, woocommerce tutorial, divi 4.0, how to make ecommerce website with wordpress, how to make an ecommerce website with divi, how to make a wordpress website
Id: mg4j90DI-cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 42sec (11622 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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